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Final Project: The Secrets of My Success

Successful Dual Diploma students have several characteristics or qualities that contribute to
their success. Some of these characteristics are:
1. Organization
2. Time management
3. The ability to avoid distractions
4. Independence
5. Enthusiasm for English
6. Eagerness to learn
7. Openness to feedback and making changes to improve
8. Confidence to participate in live sessions
9. Proactive about their grades
10. Sense of self-advocacy and asking questions when they don’t understand
11. Willingness to connect with their instructor
12. Pride and self-respect in the quality of work they produce
13. Desire to excel
14. Understanding and appreciation of how English will benefit their future
15. Interest in participating in a global program with students around the world.

YOU have some of these qualities too!

Identify the 5 characteristics that you feel are most like you as a Dual Diploma student.

1. Organization
2. Time management
3. Independence
4. Enthusiasm for English
5. Pride and self-respect in the quality of work they produce

These 5 are your personal Secrets to Success and will be the focus of your video.

Go on to Page 2.
Next, provide 1 reason why this characteristic is important to success in the Dual Diploma
Program and one example of how you demonstrate this quality through your participation in the
Dual Diploma Program.

Characteristic #1: Organization

Reason why this is important: Being organized is essential to success in the Dual Diploma
Program, as students need to manage their time effectively and complete assignments and
coursework on time. It also helps students stay on top of their workload and avoid missing
important deadlines.

Example: I demonstrate my organizational skills by using a planner to keep track of my

assignments and deadlines. I also use a color-coding system to prioritize my tasks and ensure
that I am completing my work in a timely manner.

Characteristic #2: Time management

Reason why this is important: Time management is critical in the Dual Diploma Program, as
students need to balance their coursework with other commitments and activities. Effective
time management helps students prioritize their tasks and avoid procrastination.

Example: I demonstrate my time management skills by setting aside specific times each day to
complete my coursework. I also use a timer to ensure that I am spending the appropriate
amount of time on each task.

Characteristic #3: Independence

Reason why this is important: Independence is essential to success in the Dual Diploma
Program, as students are responsible for their own learning and must be able to work
independently. Independence also allows students to take ownership of their learning and
pursue their interests and goals.

Example: I demonstrate my independence by taking initiative in my coursework and seeking

out additional resources and materials to deepen my understanding of the subject matter.

Characteristic #4: Enthusiasm for English

Reason why this is important: Enthusiasm for English is essential to success in the Dual
Diploma Program, as it is a language-based program that requires a strong command of
English. Enthusiasm for English helps students engage with the material and develop a love of
language and literature.

Example: I demonstrate my enthusiasm for English by participating in class discussions and

actively seeking out opportunities to improve my writing and language skills.
Characteristic #5: Pride and self-respect in the quality of work they produce
Reason why this is important: Pride and self-respect in the quality of work produced is
essential to success in the Dual Diploma Program, as it helps students develop a strong work
ethic and commitment to excellence. Pride in their work also helps students take ownership of
their learning and fosters a sense of personal responsibility.

Example: I demonstrate pride and self-respect in the quality of work I produce by taking the
time to revise and edit my assignments to ensure that they meet the highest standards of

When you finish, submit this as a PDF then move on to the next activity where you will create
your video!

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