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Name: Tazqianisa Rohadi

Distinguishing Compound Sentences from Sentences with Compound Subjects or

Compound Verbs

Identify the subjects and verbs in each of the sentences on the following page. Then,
identify each sentence as either simple or compound.

1. The [Amazon River]=S is [located]=V in South America and [is]=V one of the longest rivers in
the world. (Simple sentence)

2. The [Amazon]=S [begins]=V in Peru, and it [flows]=V across Brazil to the Atlantic Ocean.
(Simple sentence)

3. This [river]=S [carries]=V more water than any other river and [drains]=V about one fifth of the
earth's entire freshwater supply. (Simple sentence)

4. The [Amazon]=S [is]=V actually a network of several rivers, but most [people]=S think of
these [combined rivers]=V as only one river. (Compound sentence)

5. These [rivers]=S [drain]=V the largest rainy area in the world, and during the flood season,
the [main river]=S often [overflows]=V its banks. (Compound sentence)

6. In the [photo]=S [at the left]=V, the [Amazon]=S does [twist]=V and curve.

7. Generally, [it]=S [follows]=V a fairly straight course and [flows]=V at an average rate of about
one and one-half miles an hour during the dry season. (Simple sentence)

8. The [Amazon rain forest]=S [is]=V only two hundred miles [wide]=V along the Atlantic, but
[it]=S [stretches]=V to twelve hundred miles wide at the foot of the Andes Mountains in Peru.
(Compound sentence)

9. The variety of [plant life in the Amazon rain forest]=S is [remark- able]=V; in fact, of all rain
forests in the world, this [area]=S may [contain]=V the greatest number of plant species.
(Compound sentence)

10. [Raw materials]=S are [shipped]=V directly from ports deep in the rain forest, for
[oceangoing ships]=S can [sail]=V more than two thousand miles up the Amazon. (Compound

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