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Q1: Do you use computers?

A: Yes, I am not a Technophobe, I have a very high-spec desktop that I place on
my desk in my bed room for doing heavy tasks. Besides, I have a 13-inch Mac
Book Pro with retina display that I often bring with me to work or on a business
trip. Both of my computers are very powerful and versatile, and I really love them.

Of course, I have a personal laptop that I use on a daily basis. It plays

an essential part in my life because you know, as a teacher, I need to access the
computer to prepare materials and mark students’ homework every day.

 Essential (adj): Cần thiết, quan trọng đến mức không thể thiếu được
 On a daily basis (adv): Hằng ngày
 Access st (v): Truy cập vào cái gì

Q2: How often do you use your computer?

A: Well, I use my computers almost every day to do my work, to shop online, to
play music, to and to watch movies.

As I mentioned before, I frequently utilize it for my teaching work such as

designing the lesson plans, activities and materials for students…… Furthermore,
in my spare time, I also use the computer to wind down and recover my
energy after nerve-racking days at work.
 Wind down (ph.v): Thư giãn
 Recover my energy (ph.v): Hồi phục lại năng lượng
 Nerve-racking (adj): Căng thẳng thần kinh
 Utilize (v): Tận dụng, sử dụng

Q3: What kind of activities involves using computers?

A: Well, as I've just said, there are many kinds of activities involving using
computers such as sending email, surfing the Web, watching movies, listening to
music, you name them. Besides, some people use computers for specialized
purposes such as programming software, editing video/audio and designing houses.

B:There are a wide range of activities associated with the computers like sending

emails, surfing the Facebook, watching films…. Some people use computers for
specialized purposes such as designing the buildings, programming softwares, or
editing pictures.

 Be associated with st (ph.v): Liên quan tới cái gì

 Design (v): Thiết kế

Q4: How important is your computer to you?

A: My computer is an indispensable part of my life, I sit in front of the
computer every day, and I cannot imagine one day without my computer. It would
seem like I have no arms and legs if I didn't have my computer.

My computer is indispensable in my life and I can’t imagine a day without it. I

could start off by saying that using the computer allows me to increase the
effectiveness of working and making a living. Another important thing that I want
to add is that it helps me to become open-minded and have interesting
experiences. For example, when I watch plenty of videos about travelling on
Youtube channel, I seem to be lost in the stunning landscapesof many countries all
over the world.
 Indispensable (adj): Quan trọng đến mức không thể thiếu được
 Make a living (ph.v): Kiếm sống
 Open-minded (adj): Mở rộng tâm trí
 Be lost in some where (ph.v): Bị lạc ở một nơi nào đó
 Stunning landscape ( Phong cảnh đẹp tuyệt vời

Q5: What kind of computer skills do you have?

A: Well, I know how to install different kinds of operating systems such as Mac
OS, Windows and Linux. Besides, I know how to use different software including
Of  have acquired a variety of skills related to the computers. For example, I know
to install different kinds of softwares such as Google Drive or Coc Coc. In
addition, I have a good typing skill, which is so useful in my teaching job. fice,
Adobe Illustrator and Pro Tools/Audacity. I also can replace some hardware or
choose different compatible parts to build a desktop.
 Install (v): Cài đặt
 Acquire (v): Đạt được, có được

Useful Nouns
worldwide web: mạng Internet

online shopping: mua sắm trên mạng

forum: diễn đàn

software: phần mềm

online applications: ứng dụng online

Useful Verbs
surf/browse the web: lướt web

sit in front of the computer: ngồi trước máy tính

Useful Adjectives
digital: số hoá (the digital age)

electronic: điện tử

virtual: ảo, không có thật

computer-literate: biết dùng máy tính

Useful Idiomatic Expressions

Technophobe: người không biết dùng máy tính

Call up: tìm kiếm và đọc (call up news updates)

Conk out on: (máy tính) hỏng

Do ... by hand: tự làm bằng tay

1- Do you often use Internet?

 Yes, the Internet is great. I use the Internet to keep up with current events. The Internet
has a lot of quality news articles from many different sources. There is a world of
knowledge right at our finger tips.
 Yes, almost every day. I use the Internet for school research, emails and sometimes for
map quest and news.

2- What do you use the Internet for?

 Checking my emails, chatting with my friends, going on Youtube and watching videos,
playing games online, searching for photos and other stuff like that.
 I guess everything, but for me the Internet is mainly about people on it, meaning here is
where my social life is
 I use the Internet to keep in touch with my family members and friends. I use it for my
job and I also use it to read local and national news headlines, to read my horoscope daily
and to see what TV shows are worth watching tonight or tomorrow.

3- How did you learn how to use the Internet?

Everybody was always asking me about my email address, but I didn't have one. I went to a
website a friend informed me of and created one. My friends kept telling me about different
websites to check out. I tried them one by one and discovered that the web has unlimited uses.
Finally, I found I was using the Internet almost every day on my own.

4- How do you go onto the Internet?

I like to go out and use the Internet so I don't feel like I am being lazy. I usually take my laptop
to a coffee shop, ask the waitress for the password and type it in. If I can't go to a cafe, I just
connect to the web at home.

5- What are the good and bad points about the Internet?
A good point is that there is a lot of free information. I can easily stay-up-to-date with all that is
happening in the world today. A bad point is that it is sometimes hard to distinguish between
what is fact and what is opinion. One must make sure that the information he or she is receiving
is from a reliable source.

6- Do you think the use of the Internet needs to be controlled?

Yes, I do. There are a lot of mischief makers in the world that can be use the Internet to do evil
things. There are hackers that break into people's computers by using the Internet with the intent
of stealing. Hackers also like to break into government or business sites to disrupt their

Do you use any gadgets on a daily basis?

Yes, surely I do... Although I don't consider myself a geek, I quite enjoy using all the new items
like laptops and smartphones... All in all, we're living in the computer age and it's impossible to
ignore cutting-edge technology.

How often do you use Internet?

I use Internet every day... It helps me with my studies and it entertains me when I’m down...
Surfing the Internet is my hobby... I also frequently use World Wide Web for communication
purposes... Though I don't like social media like Facebook, I often use video conferencing for

Do you own a computer? If so, how often do you use it and for what purposes?

Yes, I have a personal computer and a laptop... I use my laptop mainly for education... It is very
light and fits in my bag easily, so I take it with me to school... Meanwhile, my PC has a large
screen and convenient keyboard, so I use it for word processing and browsing websites. It is an
old, but still well-oiled machine...
Part 2

Now, have a look at the card and prepare a monologue.

Describe your favourite gadget. You should say:

What is it

When did you get it

How often do you use it

and say why is it so important to you

I don’t own many gadgets... I have a PC, laptop and a smartphone and I can’t imagine my life
without either of those... However, my laptop is the most important piece of technology for me...
I got it as a birthday present from my parents a few years ago and I use it nearly every day now.
Although at first using it was like rocket science for me, after a few weeks I was able to do
everything I needed... From browsing websites to reinstalling the operating system... What's
more, without my laptop I wouldn’t be able to do my homework for the university... Also, I use
it for surfing the Internet and finding whatever I want, whether it is a piece of code for my
project or a useful tip on how to cook a steak... Generally, my laptop became an essential device
for me...

Part 3

Do you think we need to know much about computers?

Well... Not too much, but there is definitely a couple of essential things everyone should know.
First of all, you need to know how to enter a web address... how to navigate websites... It is very
important nowadays to be able to surf the net for the information you need...

What is the most impactful piece of technology in our lives?

In my point of view, the Internet is the most important technological advance of our time... It
gives us so many new opportunities to discover anything we want about our world! You just
need to boot up your computer an go online... And with wireless networks at home and public
Wi-Fi hotspots we can do it easily and almost everywhere.

How computers affect our everyday life?

In a positive way, certainly. They help with so many things, starting from writing and printing
your own essay and ending with developing advanced programs and digital editing... Without
computers studying would have been time-consuming and inefficient...

How effective is the use of computers in the classroom?

Hmm… in my opinion, using computers in the classroom is very effective. I think it is important
for students to become competent in the use of computers to prepare them for the workplace …
you know, computers are used everywhere in the workplace now. But… I also think that having
computers so easily available gives teachers the opportunity to introduce students to the variety
of information on the Internet.


1- Keep up with = Keep pace with (v) - đuổi kịp, bắt kịp

2- Current events - những sự kiện thời sự

3- At one's finger tips - ở đầu những ngón tay

4- Map quest - sự tra cứu bản đồ

5- Social life- sinh hoạt giao tiếp

6- Keep in touch with sb = Keep in contact with sb >< Lose touch = Lose contact with sb : giữ
liên lạc với ai >< mất liên lạc với ai

7- News headlines - tin chính

8- Horoscope - tử vi

9- Inform sb of sth - cho ai biết điều gì

10- Check out - xem qua

11- On one's own - 1 mình

12- A laptop - máy tính xách tay

13- A coffee shop - quán cà phê

14- A password - mật khẩu

15- Type in - gõ vào

16- Stay-up-to-date with sth - cập nhật

17- Distinguish (v) phân biệt

18- A reliable source - nguồn đáng tin cậy

19- A mischief maker - kẻ gian

20- Do evil things - làm điều xấu

21- A hacker - kẻ xâm nhập/ tin tặc

22- Break into - đột nhập

23- A intent - ý định

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