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The Roman name for Demeter, goddess of the Harvest, Ceres

represents a titanic, possibly overpowering mother figure.
When Ceres’ daughter Persephone was abducted by Pluto, god
of the underworld, the mother of the world unleashed an
eternal famine, starving all life until her daughter would be
returned. Only by striking a deal could the gods restore
balance. Persephone would spend six months of the year above
ground, at her mother’s side, the spring and summer, and six
months down below, with her new husband as the queen of hell,
for the fall and winter. In your chart, Ceres speaks to balance,
seasons, and cycles, and about the attachments and feelings
which can throw everything into disarray. Ceres can clue you in
to the times where you felt smothered by your parents, and,
conversely, to the parts who still need nourishment. Does your
love leave something to be desired? Or does it lay waste to
everything in its path?
Ceres: Asteroid of Nurturance
Long before summer was about vacations and time off from
school, the season was associated with the goddess Ceres,
whose joy was said to cause the earth to bloom and grow.
Mythologically, Ceres was the Roman goddess of agriculture,
grain, fertility, and motherly relationships. In Greek traditions,
she was known as Demeter, and most infamous for the
relationship to her daughter Persephone. As the well-known
story goes, Persephone was abducted—though some myths say
she went willing—into the underworld by Hades, and Demeter
spent her days mourning.
After she threatened to destroy all crops and food, Zeus heard
Demeter’s pleas and allowed Persephone to return to her
mother. However, Hades tricked Persephone into eating
pomegranate seeds, and therefore, having eaten the food of
the underworld, Persephone could never entirely leave, rather
spending half of the year in the underworld and the other half
with her mother above ground. This was said to create the
seasons: fall and winter occur when Persephone is in the
underworld and Demeter is unhappy, and spring and summer
when Persephone returns.
Archetypally, this myth—and, thus, Ceres—represents cycles of
loss and return, attachment in relationships, and ultimately
self-nurturing or self-care. This powerful symbolism of self-
care also carries over into astrology with the first discovered
and largest asteroid: Ceres.
In our natal chart, Ceres energy recognizes the paradox roles
we inhabit as both our own parent and child. Its placement
teaches us where we easily provide nurturance and care to
ourselves and what we need to feel our best physically,
emotionally, and spiritually—a.k.a. self-care.
While self-care has often been oversimplified, when we look
more deeply, it encompasses a holistic approach to becoming our
own best caregiver. Without an understanding of our natal
Ceres, we may struggle a lot with unmet needs or confusion over
how to be the best parents to our own internal children.
However, with deeper exploration, this asteroid reveals our
deepest needs and greatest self-care priorities.
While the moon in our charts showcases needs and emotional
balancing and the sun representing what energizes us, Ceres
focuses on the ways we can nurture ourselves on an even deeper
level. House placement plays a large role in the other influences
to our Ceres; however, the sign and planetary aspects offer
clues to different combinations and the baseline needs for our
self-care toolbox.

The Meaning of Asteroid Ceres in the Natal Chart by Sign and

Ceres in Aries or aspect to Mars: Playing sports and being
active ups your self-care game, especially when it involves a
healthy dose of competition and independence.
Ceres in Taurus or aspect to Venus: Nurture and feed the
senses through earthly connection such as being out in nature,
enjoying good food, or cultivating pleasure.
Ceres in Gemini or aspect to Mercury: Enhance curiosity
through reading books, watching documentaries, or signing up
for classes.
Ceres in Cancer or aspect to the moon: Creature comforts come
first such as being at home and cooking while practicing naming
needs for stability and connection.
Ceres in Leo or aspect to the sun: Find more joy through self-
expression in creativity or even as simple as soaking in some
sunbathing (within reason of course).
Ceres in Virgo or aspect to Mercury: Keeping order in day-to-
day life and staying organized can offer a sense of inner care,
as well as sometimes over communicating what you need.
Ceres in Libra or aspect to Venus: Feeding ways to connect with
beauty or exploring art and design can awaken more of self-
Ceres in Scorpio or aspect to Pluto: Psychological interests and
practicing vulnerability connect you to the soul work exploration
needed for emotional depth.
Ceres in Sagittarius or aspect to Jupiter: Vision and philosophy
bring you down to your center or gravity, as well as vacation or
any way of expanding horizons.
Ceres in Capricorn or aspect to Saturn: A sense of inner
authority, commitment, and stability bring out your own
caretaking nature.
Ceres in Aquarius or aspect to Uranus: Individuality and
chances to express your unique gifts foster self-care as well as
any chance to start something new—though doesn’t always mean
finishing it.
Ceres in Pisces or aspect to Neptune: Meditating, music, and
finding ways to be in the flow of things help keep needs met.
First up, we have asteroid Ceres, the loving asteroid of
nurturance. Ceres is like our motherly figure, showing us what
we need to truly feel nourished on a deep soul level, to feel
safe, taken care of, and fulfilled. It sometimes points to areas
that may be a little bit tender too and where our strengths lie
in helping to heal others, in a similar way to Chiron but still
quite different themes. The difference between Chiron and
Ceres is that Chiron shows us the wound, that often takes a
lifetime to heal and will be our biggest hurdle and reward, while
Ceres shows us where we feel complete, how we like to be
mothered, and how we mother in return (regardless of gender).
So whereas Chiron is like trying to fill our cups up, Ceres is
already full. What makes a Ceres in Pisces feel full will be very
different to what a Ceres in Aries will feel like when most alive!
In mythology, Ceres is associated with the summer months,
whose joy was said to make the season bloom. As such, she is
associated with warm, endless day, the nostalgic scent of fresh
grass and the gentle embrace of breeze. She was known as the
Greek Goddess of the harvest, Demeter. When her daughter
Persephone was abducted by the God of the Underworld,
Hades, and only allowed back up for half the year, she went into
mourning- and thus we have the cycles of the seasons.
And so, Ceres also represents the natural cycles of life- we are
born and dependant on our caretakers, until we age and become
independent, then perhaps the roles reverse, until the cycle
comes to an end and is repeated again. The bittersweet waves
of life. In her, we have the layers of dependance and co-
dependance, independence and inter-dependence. This is also
strongly reflected in our self-care.
Ceres was the first asteroid to be discovered and is the largest
(it makes up 1/3 of the whole mass of the asteroid belt!), and so
in Astrology is given the weighty task of how we can ultimately
find overall wellbeing in our life, mind-body-and-spirit, the way
in which we take care of ourselves is one of the most important
relationships we will ever develop throughout our lives. After
all, it is truly only ourselves that can make us thrive, or not, in
our life. Ceres can teach us how to be our own best parent and
help to look after our inner-child. Astronomically, it has now
been re-classified as a dwarf Planet.

Mars isn’t the only god of warfare in your chart. Pallas, known
more commonly as Athena or Minerva, rules over the domains of
the intellect and strategy, playing as active a role in the epics
as any of her male relatives. Pallas’ brother Mars acts with
force, and in your chart, signifies your sexual fire, drive, and
desire to conquer. But Pallas, ever more clever, represents a
more natural entitlement to rule, a place of natural individuality,
and leadership. A virgin goddess, with the long-range vision of
a Bene Gesserit sister, Athena pursues victory without
compromise. In your chart, Pallas may indicate the arenas of
life where you were born to take charge — and sheds light on
the ways you were instructed to dull your authenticity or
intensity. What’s yours to claim?
Pallas: Asteroid of Wisdom
As the goddess of war, victory, craft, and wisdom, Athena was
one of the most important figures in Greece. Sometimes
referred to with the surname “Pallas Athene,” she was said to
have been born from her father Zeus’ head in full armor. Her
birth represents a strong identification as a “Daddy’s Girl” and
a warrior. Athena was also considered the patroness for heroes
of ancient times, such as Hercules, and wore Medusa’s head on
her breastplate after helping Perseus kill her—though that’s a
myth for another time.
As an unmarried virgin goddess, Athena channeled her life
force into her mental capacity and what astrologer Demetra
George calls “creative intelligence.” Athena’s symbols of wisdom
and war, such as the owl and spear, speak to her complex
meaning to the Greeks. Athena demonstrates the ability to
think for oneself, as well as the internal balance of active and
receptive energies when head and heart combine. In her role as
significator of craft, she taught practical arts such as pottery,
weaving, and embroidery, and guided artisans with their artistic
Astrologically, Pallas Athene, or Pallas, was the second asteroid
discovered in 1802 and the third largest in size. While Mercury
and other planets get a lot of attention around their
retrograde, Pallas Athene, like the other asteroids, often gets
left out. From May 17 until September 25, the asteroid begins
its annual four-month movement backwards: from zero degrees
Aquarius—next to Saturn—to 12 degrees Capricorn.
Collectively, this cosmic movement provokes us to examine our
beliefs and balance polarities of thought to include information
and logic aligned with intuition, or wisdom itself. Pallas’ gifts
allow us to notice patterns and larger pictures helpful for
creativity and problem-solving. In natal charts, this larger vision
zooms in on our curiosity and highlights our unique version of
genius. For this reason, it also can be associated with learning,
teaching, and writing. Though when out of balance, it may
become prone to black-and-white thinking or a bit of a know-it-
all attitude—similar to Mercury.
Pallas Athene differs from Mercury in that there is less focus
on linear thinking and planning, and more focus on pattern
recognition and other ways of knowing. In this way, Pallas is able
to bridge intellect with intuition, along with the many other
paradoxes inherent in philosophical thinking. It’s sign placement
and aspects offer clues to our way of understanding and
perceiving, as well as how we express or observe creative
intelligence outwardly.

The Meaning of Asteroid Pallas Athena in the Natal Chart by

Sign and Aspect
Pallas Athene in Aries or in aspect to Mars: Cognizance occurs
through action, momentum, and the desire to initiate inspiration
through thinking.
Pallas Athene in Taurus or in aspect to Venus: Taurus or in
aspect to Venus: Perception with this placement becomes about
sensuality and seeking beauty in thought.
Pallas Athene in Gemini or in aspect to Mercury: Perception with
this placement integrates opposites and sits with paradox
intellectually and intuitively.
Pallas Athene in Cancer or in aspect to the moon: Feelings and
emotions attune to how one can observe through basic needs
and empathy.
Pallas Athene in Leo or in aspect to the sun: Creative
intelligence takes on a heightened meaning of self-expression
and new ways of thinking.
Pallas Athene in Virgo or in aspect to Mercury: The intellect
revs up, creating awareness through traditional modalities of
language, both spoken and written.
Pallas Athene in Libra or in aspect to Venus: This placement
bridges and mediates the complementarity of the mind’s two
hemispheres, as a pathway to balance.
Pallas Athene in Scorpio or in aspect to Pluto: This way of
seeing aims between the lines and under the layers into what
may be hidden and ready for the light of truth.
Pallas Athene in Sagittarius or in aspect to Jupiter: Perception
points outward into large-scale vision and through the lens of
morality and ideals.
Pallas Athene in Capricorn or in aspect to Saturn: The ability to
make things real through awareness of their manifestation is
where sight meets stability.
Pallas Athene in Aquarius or in aspect to Uranus: Awareness
comes with sight into the future, or perhaps even prophetic and
energetic frequency.
Pallas Athene in Pisces or in aspect to Neptune: Permeability of
perception allows for observing beyond the physical realm and
into a channel of the ethereal.
Asteroid Pallas Athena, also known as Pallas Athene the
Goddess of War, is our asteroid of wisdom. She points to where
we are naturally gifted and talented, the areas in which we have
an innate curiosity, and our intuition. While Mercury points
more to logical, linear thinking, Pallas reflects our creative
imagination, our non-linear thinking and ability to tap into an
instinctive inner-knowing. When you have an area that you pick
up with ease, Pallas is assisting. Where you seem to have divine
insight, when you take to things like a fish to water, Pallas is
there. She can also point to how you view the bigger picture and
problem solve. Its sign placement in your chart offers clues to
your way of understanding and perceiving the world, how you
assimilate, integrate, and embody information, as well as how
you then express that creative intelligence outwardly.
For this reason, Pallas is also often associated with
philosophical thinking, creative writing, poetry, interpretive
dance, and other forms of expression, as well as how we learn
and teach in return. Athena was also an expert craftsman,
weaver, potter, archery, and embroidery. Her symbols, the owl
and spear, point to her contrasting nature of war and wisdom.
Victory and knowledge. As a virgin Goddess, she channelled her
intellect into her artistic visions and was known as the Patron of
other heroes such as Hercules. She perfectly balanced the
internal yin and yang, the active and receptive energies,
bridging the gap between head and heart.
When Pallas is out of balance, it can be an area that we become
a bit of a know-it-all, feeling superior or judging others relative
to our knowledge in a field. Or, it might tend towards stark
black-and-white thinking rather than the nuanced grey that is
life. Pallas was the second of the big four to be discovered, in
1804, and is the third largest. It is said to have a stronger
influence over Virgo.

Someone is lying. Juno, or Hera, is the sister-wife of Jupiter,
or Zeus, the lascivious and lustful king of the gods. Jupiter’s
extra-marital exploits were innumerable, making his wife a
stand-in for cultural views on marriage: Hunting after her
husband’s lovers, was Juno a righteous vindicator of a holy
union, or a satirical shrew? One way or another, Juno has
something to say about relationships, and how reality differs
from what was promised under the altar. Juno can indicate a
place in your life where you’ve been gaslit, or trapped in a family
power dynamic. What are the terms of your relationships? Who
has blocked you off from your power? When have you demanded
answers, only to be labelled crazy? Juno demands respect, even
if she has to scream for it.
Juno: Asteroid of Commitment
What do June, weddings, and money have in common, besides
summertime and possible travel? Since ancient times, all of
these have been closely linked with Juno, the Roman goddess of
love and marriage. In fact, the entire month of June—the
traditional month for weddings and marriage—is named after
her. And while we often associate marriage with merging of
finances, we can thank Juno for our word “money.” In early
Rome, Juno’s temple where money was made, and in this role,
she was referred to as “Juno Moneta” and protector of funds.
Mythologically, Juno—Hera to the Greeks—was the queen of
the gods and was one of the only two legally married women in
all of Olympus, along with Venus. In this way, Juno’s importance
was tied to her husband Jupiter, the king of gods, and
embodied traditional ideas of monogamy and marriage. A more
modern version of Juno would include anyone who feels very
identified with their partner or with being in a relationship.
While often Juno was represented in stories as a jealous wife,
her astrological influence goes far beyond that stereotype.
Juno in astrology refers to the third asteroid discovered in our
solar system in 1804. Currently, Juno sits on her throne in
Cancer and is in close conjunction with the north node, trine
Neptune and opposite Saturn. This current placement speaks to
our collective movement towards emotional connections and
intelligence in both business and romantic partnerships.
The Juno placement in our natal astrology chart reveals our key
motivators for being in a relationship as well as our core wounds
related to attachment. Through a comparison of its placement
at our birth and current transit, we can come into a deeper
understanding of how to navigate our cosmic connections.
Because Juno presides over lasting marriage and business
partnerships, the asteroid can offer clues about the type of
person we marry or find it easy to commit to. These energies
help us differentiate between being attracted to someone and
short-term satisfaction versus what is a good long-term fit for
In the more positive expression in our chart, Juno shows us
what balanced partnership can be and how we can create both
togetherness and individuality in close relationships. This
archetype assists us in finding ways to honor both personal
purpose and connection through commitment, equality, and
loyalty. However, the shadow side of Juno can be similar to the
mythology, and include power struggles, jealousy, or
Through considering Juno’s impact in our chart we can come into
a deeper awareness of our wounds around partnership and the
larger lessons surrounding relationship dynamics.
Knowing Juno’s placement in sign and house offers clues to our
main needs in partnership as well as possible places you might
meet your future person. I tend to think of the sign placement
as the main motivating factor for relationship and the house as
a possible location of where you may meet them. As Juno often
deals with building a life and home, the house placement holds
more importance in exploring this part of the chart than with
other asteroids.
Below is a basic guide by sign and house to uncovering Juno in
your natal chart and coming more into contact with your future
or current cosmic connections:

The Meaning of Asteroid Juno in the Natal Chart by Sign and

Aries or in 1st House: Partners who keep you inspired and active.
Keep an eye out for passion that leads too far into drama (Juno
and Jupiter were both known to take things too far…even after
100 years of marriage). Keep your eyes peeled at the gym or
while you are out and about.
Taurus or 2nd House: Craves partnership centered on stability
and physical security such as financial resources. Beware a
possible materialistic desire instead of one focused on
grounded connection. Ideal long-term partners may pop-up
through friends of friends or a matchmaker.
Juno in Gemini or 3rd House: This placement seeks mental
stimulation as well as someone else to bounce ideas off or
communicate often with (possibly even too much). The shadow
side of Gemini Juno could be social without one-on-one relating.
Learning environments could be prime places to meet a partner.
Juno in Cancer or 4th House: A key desire is finding a nurturing
partner to build a deep emotional connection and home life.
Sometimes too much Cancerian energy moves into being a
parent instead of partner—so watch out for that tendency.
This could be a relationship that happens over time or meet
through family friends or religious institutions.
Juno in Leo or 5th House: A want ad for this Juno may mention
wanting to start an empire with someone and who helps you feel
seen or inspired to build an empire. Think twice about someone
who is just charming but not able to see you as well. Possible
meeting spots could be anywhere with the best and brightest,
the hot new restaurant that is hard to get in to.
Juno in Virgo or 6th House: Someone who works and functions
well in day-to-day life whether it be washing dishes or simply
eating a meal together makes this partnership world go ‘round.
Keep an eye on patterns of getting too obsessed with
intelligence that it loses an emotional bond. This person could
very well be right under your nose, as a neighbor, or someone
you see at the grocery store.
Juno in Libra or 7th House: An equal and complement would be
the qualities that motivate Juno in Libra most. Beware that
equal doesn’t always mean just in terms of financial success or
superficial version…but instead, someone who gives you a sense
of equilibrium. This sign is closely connected to Libra so
aesthetically oriented places such as an art museum or shopping
June in Scorpio or 8th House: Deep soul and intimate bonding
create the drive for this asteroid placement. However, lack of
intimacy can be mistaken for intensity or power struggles, so
keep an eye on the difference between the two. These partners
could be found at an empowering workshop or another place of
Juno in Sagittarius or 9th House: This combo craves a vision
keeper and idealist, or someone to wax poetic about philosophy
or travel the world together. The mundane day-to-day relating
could feel less interesting with your partner, though a
necessary part of bringing it into reality. Perhaps you meet
them while traveling or at a mind-expanding conference.
Juno in Capricorn or 10th House: Capricorn Juno is motivated by
stability and security in a partner, both financially and
emotionally. Things to watch out for would be wanting someone
who acts as an authority over instead of a balance of power.
These ideal long-term connections could show up in work
situations or related events.
Juno in Aquarius or 11th House: A quirky or inventive person who
keeps you on your toes or helps you lean you more into your
creative side. The downside of this placement might mean
someone who could be a bit off in the clouds in their own
endeavors. Community connections are ideal for Aquarius energy
to expand so attending Meetups or other similar events could
be key to meeting this special someone.
Juno in Pisces or 12th House: A dreamer or someone with whom
you can cultivate more of your spiritual connection. This
placement may be prone to a fantasy lover versus something
more real, so stay on top of projections and illusions. Attending
meditation retreats or nature immersions offer opportunities
for coming into contact with the divine…and a potential partner.
Asteroid Juno is known as the asteroid of commitment and
pairing of soul mates. She is named after the Roman Goddess,
where the month June also gets its name as this was
traditionally (and still is!) associated with weddings. Where she
is located in your chart can point to where/how you might find
love and look for in a relationship (for example, my Juno is in my
11th House of Friendship in Libra conjunct my MC line of
purpose and career, and I was friends with my husband first,
his Rising Sign is Libra and we currently run this business
She was also known as the Greek Goddess Hera, Queen of Gods,
renowned for her devout loyalty. She was only one of two legally
married woman in all of Olympia, along with Venus, married to
the King of Gods, Jupiter. And so, in Astrology, she has became
strongly tied with partnerships, love, romance, marriage,
loyalty, monogamy and commitment, as well as with money
because with the merging of two people inevitably comes the
merging of finances.
Juno was the third asteroid discovered in our solar system, in
1804, and can show us what we need in a relationship, our
motivations for being in a relationship, and any attachment
wounds we may have. With its placement, we can also see what
we would require for a longterm commitment, as opposed to a
short-lived fling, and the ways in which we can honour ourselves
in partnership without losing our sense of self to the other.
How to create fair, equitable, loyal, lasting relationships,
including business partnerships, is the name of Juno’s game. It
is said to have a stronger influence on Taurus.
When out of balance, Juno can point to areas of power
struggles, jealousy, anxiety, over-attachment or manipulation.

Long before the virgin was associated with provincial sexual
moralism and church-based guilt, she was a holy priestess and
keeper of sacred spaces, whose ownership over her selfhood
and surroundings was immaculate. Never marrying, these proto-
witches engaged in ecstatic rites and rituals of sexual liberation
and fertility, operating as emissaries of higher gods and
goddesses. In your chart, the placement of Virgo deals with
themes of the virgin’s perfect self-definition, which Vesta
further sharpens. Whichever house and sign Vesta occupies is a
temple, a place which is meant to be only yours —
uncompromised and incorruptible. If Vesta is in Libra, in your
fourth house of home, you will find great power in making your
living surroundings a temple. If she’s in Aries, in your sixth
house of work and the body, then you’re someone who loses
themselves in the process of their vocation. Vesta wants you to
treat a part of your life as entirely holy, and entirely your own.
Vesta: Asteroid of Spirituality
While our modern Gregorian calendar begins on January 1,
ancient Rome celebrated the new year near the Spring Equinox
in March. In this timeline, February was dedicated to new year
preparation and rituals that included purification, prayer, and
cleansing—especially those related to fire.
Eventually, the month became associated with the goddess
Vesta, the goddess of hearth and home, and an ancient symbol
of the sacred flame.
As one of the three virgin goddesses, Vesta reminds us of our
holiness, wholeness, and the power inherent in our own life
force energies separate from others—particularly romantic
partners.  In Greek translations, the word virgin meant “one
unto herself,” as it referred to an unmarried maiden rather
than the purely sexual connotation of our language today.
However, this also explains Vesta’s claim to fame as a goddess
who refused to marry powerful gods Apollo or Poseidon—though
may have taken them as lovers, we can’t be sure.
Vesta became even more of a “household” name in ancient
Roman times with the cult of the Vestal Virgins. These women
kept the sacred fires burning that protected the city from
strife and honored Vesta through their chastity. However, if
any of them were caught having sex during their 30-year term,
they were buried alive outside the gates of Rome, as the blood
of Vestal Virgins was considered sacred and couldn’t be spilled.
After their service to Rome, Vestal Virgins received a rare
social status including the choice to marry—or not, though
according to Britannica, many chose not to wed.
 Astrologically, Vesta was discovered in 1807, and is officially
classified as a dwarf planet even though it orbits in the
asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. In our birth charts,
Vesta represents what is most sacred to us. In Asteroid
Goddesses, Demetra George describes the four major asteroids
(Ceres, Juno, Vesta, and Pallas Athena) as expressing different
expressions of sexual energy: Vesta represents the sacred
dimension of our sexuality and how our inner flame of desire
translates into spiritual yearning.
Vesta reminds us of our devotion to a spiritual path and where
the profane meets the sacred in our lives. Through connecting
with Vesta, we discover our dedication to personal ceremonies
or rituals and the magic inherent in the human experience. It
also expresses itself through the ways we channel sexual
energy and potential.
A blocked Vesta energy may reveal itself in unrealized sexual
potential or denial of sexuality and passion—perhaps expressed
in very traditional religious views. An unintegrated Vesta may
also show up as the Freudian virgin-whore complex and the
compartmentalizing of sexuality and spirituality as if they are
incompatible. Utilizing sacred sexuality practices—alone or with
others—grounds the two together instead of keeping them

The Meaning of Asteroid Vesta in the Natal Chart by Sign and

Understanding the placement of asteroid Vesta in our natal
chart presences us to the power of our own sacred flame and
reveals what we tend to ritualize and hold as holy. Below are
different ideas on how life force energy may become channeled
or utilized:
Vesta in Aries or in aspect to Mars: Energy and motivation may
move through ambition. Notice how self-fulfillment can become
fueled by alienation and instead move it towards purpose or
Vesta in Taurus or in aspect to Venus: Let pleasure and comfort
be your guiding light. Explore sensuality through practices such
as Tantra that unites the sacred aspects of Vesta with the
down-to-earth qualities of connecting.
Vesta in Gemini or in aspect to Mercury: Intellectual pursuits
can be a devotion of sorts and treating knowledge as sacred.
Continuous learning or writing may be the key to uncovering
your spiritual path.
Vesta in Cancer or in aspect to the moon: Feeling and honoring
your feeling is a divine act—perhaps even creating daily or
monthly rituals to bridge your inner and outer worlds of
Vesta in Leo or in aspect to the sun: Sacred space for creating
and even revering yourself in some way can allow energy to move
through in more a self-expressed rather than dominating
Vesta in Virgo or in aspect to Mercury: True to the idea of
virginity, this placement craves service to others and a higher
source. Volunteering or daily acts of kindness support the
higher calling of Virgo.
Vesta in Libra or in aspect to Venus: Fairness and justice are a
noble pursuit for the balance Libra energy craves. When
channeled through Vesta, it operates in the realm of beauty,
design, and aesthetics.
Vesta in Scorpio or in aspect to Pluto: The fiery nature of Vesta
and the water sign placement soften the focus and call for
sexual healing and depth.  Diving deeply into taboo themes or
shadow work may unveil the numinous.
Vesta in Sagittarius or in aspect to Jupiter: Morality and
religion may be a way this placement channel sexual energy or
life force. Traveling and humanitarian work can offer new
outlets for exploration.
Vesta in Capricorn or in aspect to Saturn: Like the dedication of
the Vestal Virgins, this placement may experience the divine
through hard work. Instead of repressing the erotic aspect of
energy, find passion and beauty through commitment.
Vesta in Aquarius or in aspect to Uranus: Vesta craves ideas and
shifting perspectives in this placement. Change and creativity
ignite the fires of desire and dedicating one’s flame towards a
social cause can be a beautiful way to honor the divine spark.
Vesta in Pisces or in aspect to Neptune: Pisces and Neptune
embody the spiritual urge and path. However, understand your
energetic boundaries with sexuality and steer clear of spaces
or situations where they may not be honored.
Vesta is known as the asteroid of spirituality. Discovered in
1807, it is technically classified as a dwarf planet, even though
it orbits the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It was
the fourth to be discovered and is the second largest. When
the Ancient Romans used to celebrate the start of the year
around the Spring Equinox with ritual fires, the month
eventually came to be associated with Vesta, the Goddess of
Hearth and Home, tender of the sacred flame.
As one of the three Virgin Goddesses, Vesta reminds us of our
inherent wholeness and purity, separate from others and
sexuality. We cannot fully love another until we love ourselves,
and “virgin” as translated from Ancient Greek, means “a woman
unto herself”, referring to an unmarried woman, rather than in
relation to sex as we take it to mean today- I am mine before I
am anyone else’s. In Ancient Roman times, there were appointed
Vestal Virgins who protected the sacred fire outside the city
walls, if they remained virgins until their 30-year sentence had
completed, they were allowed to choose whether to marry or
not afterwards. Many of them chose not to. The Goddess Vesta
was also infamous for turning down such suitors as Apollo and
Poseidon. She knew what she wanted and those powerful gods
weren’t it.
Vesta is our burning flame of divine spirituality, she asks us to
proudly follow what lights us up, treasure our beacon of light
and never dim ourselves for another. She represents sacred
sexuality, whether with yourself or a partner, and when
blocked, can point to areas of difficulty relating to these
themes. How does your inner flame spark your spirituality, is
what Vesta asks us to question. Where can we find meaning in
life, what is divine to us, how can we combine the profane and
mundane in this world we live in with our sacred spirit? It can
help you discover what will light you up, for example a Vesta in
Sagittarius will feel a spark when having expansive
conversations about philosophy, spirituality and travelling the
world. She points to where you have an undying devotion or a
belief that is sacred to you, a Vesta in Cancer will cherish
family above all else and believe that nothing is more important
or divine, with a strong sense of service to them.

The first of a new astronomical class known as centaurs —
heavenly bodies with features of comets and asteroids —
Chiron was discovered in 1977 and named after the half-human,
half-stallion of myth. Chiron, like many immortals, really knew
how to suffer, living forever with wounds from a hydra-
poisoned arrow, and eventually electing a place in the
underworld to free a fellow god from eternal torment. Chiron
represents a wound forever unhealed, a source of past pain and
suffering which must be embraced for a higher purpose. Your
pain is the gate to your awakening. In Astrology and the
Authentic Self, Dmetra George writes that “the credentials of
the chronic healer are those of direct real-life experience, as
opposed to the theoretic knowledge gained in books and
classrooms,” and notes that the discovery of the centaur
coincided with the rise of 12 Step programs. Wherever Chiron
is found in your chart, he has lessons to offer — for you, and
perhaps for the world. You just have to face him.
Chiron is known as the wounded healer in Astrology due to the
mythical centaur, a powerful healer shot by a poison arrow who,
unable to heal himself, being immortal was destined to suffer
for eternity. He was eventually spared and placed among the
stars but his symbol has come to represent what is our biggest,
most tender wound in life. The one that will take a lifetime to
heal, that we keep coming back to and repeating cycles over and
over again with, but that in the end will pay the biggest
recompense and where we can find the most profound healing.
Through this triumph of struggle and wholeness, we can then go
on to be apt teachers to show others the way with how to heal
their own similar wounds. For example, a Chiron in Gemini may
forever be tormented by the feeling of oscillating between
talking too much and too little, constantly feel not smart
enough, or have an inability to properly express themselves.

Though her lifestyle and identity may be up for debate by
historians, the Greek poetess Sappho’s works are undeniably
homoerotic, surging with love and affection for her companions.
As Sappho was based on the isle of Lesbos, her work is forever
associated with same-sex love. In your chart, she speaks to the
equanimity, closeness, and care involved in queer relationships,
or any form of solidarity outside of the dominant social order.
Sappho will show you a place in your life where you feel
affirmed, seen and understood. If she’s in Taurus, in your 11th
house of community and network, she may point to an audience
or social group that gives you a new sense of validation. In
Scorpio, in your seventh house of intimate partnerships, she
speaks to a life partner or long-term collaborator who has your
Eros, otherwise known as Cupid, was the son of Venus and
princeling god of desire. He seduced and married the mortal
princess Psyche (which translates to “soul”), but would never
reveal himself to her, making her agree to meet him only in the
pitch-black embrace of night. In the inevitable trials which
would ensue in their relationship, Psyche’s faith would be
tested, as would the limits of Eros’ machinations. As asteroids
in your chart, these two speak to the ways we operate in
courtships and romances. Eros can indicate an overexertion of
control, especially over how you’re seen in the relationship. How
old is your dom top act getting? Psyche, meanwhile, makes you
consider who or what you’re willing to take a great leap for, and
when you’ve been beguiled. Force a switch between your
masculine and feminine archetypes, and your relationship life
could come alive.
Next up, as the name suggests, we have the erotic asteroid of
sexuality, Eros. Eros can show teach us about our passions,
desires and creativity lies, as well as potentially more
explicitly what turns us on and what we need to feel satisfied,
and any type of erotic fetishes. In Greek mythology, Eros was
the God of Desire, son of Aphrodite, also known as Cupid in
Roman mythology. But this may not necessarily always be sexual,
for example with a 6th House Eros in Capricorn conjunct
Mercury, you may absolutely crave an organised work
environment and having a structured space or routine may
almost turn you on, so to speak. It can point to your burning
passions in general or be more literal, such as an Eros in Scorpio
may be attracted to deep, mysterious types and intense
Eros has a counterpart, Eris (a minor Planet) that points
towards the sacred Divine Feminine energy of righteous anger,
she can point to where you rebel and how The other minor
Planets astrologers often consider are Makemake, Quaoar,
Varuna, Sedna, and Haumea, which may you like to look into

Hygeia: Asteroid of Wellness

At a time when health concerns are at the forefront of the
global discussion, it’s only natural to look to the stars for
guidance. But because finding evidence of a crisis in the
heavens only confirms what we see on the ground in real time,
it’s valuable to remember that how we address each day’s
events gives us agency. Perhaps you’ve found yourself resorting
to weird self-care routines in isolation, or you’ve developed a
deeper relationship to rest. We’ve all discovered ways to keep
stress and anxiety from taking its toll on the immune system,
and chances are, there are some interesting parallels between
your wellness practices and the placement of asteroid Hygeia in
your natal chart.
In Greek and Roman mythology, Hygeia was a daughter of
Asclepius, the god of medicine, whose symbol of a single snake
entwined around a staff adorns ambulances and is embedded
within the logo for the World Health Organization. One of five
sisters representing aspects of health and healing, Hygeia’s
domain was preventative medicine: how to care for physical and
mental bodies to avoid illness, as opposed to curing illness once
Unsurprisingly, most documented evidence of her cult dates to
the years following the Plague of Athens in 430 BC which killed
upwards of 80,000 people. Despite a consistent worship for
centuries, there are few depictions of what she looks like and
statues to her name. Perhaps her most famous representation is
within Gustav Klimpt’s painting, Medicine. Commissioned for the
University of Vienna, Hygeia stands, dressed prominently in
orange and gold, with a snake coiled around her arm.
The word “hygiene” derives from her name, but extends beyond
basic sanitation, like washing hands. Goddess Hygeia
administered sound judgement, preserving the balance of the
delicate flora and fauna within the body and mind. She governs
the small things we do each day—drinking enough water, getting
a good night’s sleep, breathing deeply—which are often
Discovered in 1849, asteroid Hygeia is the fourth largest
asteroid in our solar system, taking just over five and a half
years to orbit the sun. Because of the gravitational pull of
nearby planets Jupiter and Saturn, astronomers calculate that
Hygeia’s orbit is subject to random changes over time.
Astrologically interpreted, health consciousness (Hygeia) is
often caught in the crosshairs between idealism (Jupiter) and
conservatism (Saturn). What it means to “be healthy” by
employing preventive measures such as diet, exercise,
medication and vaccines, meditation, or philosophy fluctuates in
accordance with the dominant cultural paradigm.
No matter the doctrine of the day, Hygeia’s archetype marries
science and sensitivity. Understanding its placement in the natal
chart assists us in making discerning wellness choices. It
illustrates prescient self-awareness if positively aspected, as
well as how disease (literally, dis-ease) or even hypochondria
can manifest if negatively aspected. Hygeia has been noted as
having a strong presence in the charts of those who work in
dentistry or other hygienic sciences, nutrition, physical fitness,
ecology, preservation, and holistic healing modalities.
The Meaning of Asteroid Hygeia in the Natal Chart by Sign and
Aries or in the first house: For these individuals, experiencing
illness or witnessing another’s health crisis during their
formative years becomes personality-defining. Having suffered
the consequences of neglecting preventive care, which they
equate with losing their autonomy, they take direct ownership
of their personal fitness, exploring different modalities, and
continually updating their health goals. Their identity may also
be tied to the occupations listed in the above section.
Taurus or in the second house: This Hygeia curates their
wellness experience for their refined and often expensive
tastes. Drawn to sensual mood-boosters like aromatherapy and
massage, these individuals are in tune with their bodies and
know instinctively when something is “off.” While this generally
predisposes them to healthy eating, overindulging when they’re
stressed can leave them feeling lethargic. They should also keep
an eye on their wallet, unless they plan to settle for bargain
brand vitamins.
Gemini or in the third house: These individuals put a premium on
the mind, staying sharp through puzzles, brain-teasers, and
keeping up on current events. Self-care territory often feels
too emotional, and they can spread themselves thin trying to
tackle all their doctors’ appointments at once so that they
“don’t have to think about them” anymore. They must remember
to give the same love to their body as they do to their intellect.
Cancer or in the fourth house: This Hygeia placement is
comfortable at home and calms the mind through hibernation.
Spending time with family and close friends is vital, but because
this is such an empathic placement, balance is required in order
to avoid absorbing others’ psychic energy. This can lead to undo
anxiousness. These individuals must be cautious not to throw
off their equilibrium by taking on burdens which aren’t theirs.
Leo or in the fifth house: These individuals redirect stressful
energy into artistic pursuits. Health can feel like a game one is
winning or losing based on access to leisure activities. These
may include art, music, comedy, spending time with children or
animals, or playing sports that have a greater emphasis on
strategy, rather than fighting spirit. Their downfalls are vices
like gambling or binging mindless entertainment. While they feel
good in the moment, these “quick fixes” often create more
problems than they solve.
Virgo or in the sixth house: On its face, this is an optimal
placement, but Hygeia in the sign of purification doesn’t
necessarily imply a premium on health. These individuals view
daily routines as acts of wellness, but some routines can be
draining or gratuitous. This Hygeia may get too hung up on
habit, so the thought of missing their ritual creates more
stress than the relief of undertaking it. They must be mindful
of their priorities, as one can have a holistic wellness regimen
but still forget to eat.
Libra or in the seventh house: The balance of this Hygeia
placement depends on an inner sense of harmony. If that sounds
vague—it is! These individuals seldom know what will keep them
healthy and anxiety-free until they’ve found it, possibly
stumbling upon it by accident or being referred to some
technique, class, or health professional by a friend. Because
they often feel blown about on the wings of chance, they must
learn how to make committed and responsible choices without
relying on others’ opinions. Only then will they feel in control of
their wellbeing.
Scorpio or in the eighth house: While sex seems like the
obvious activity here, it’s not pure release that this individual
needs—facing fears helps their immune system thrive. When
they take risks, they feel powerful, and when they feel
powerful, they feel healthy. Sensitive souls, these individuals
are subject to paranoia, like shadowboxing imaginary health
scares. Trusting their intuition syncs the mind-body connection,
and their wellbeing falls into place. What to be aware of: safety
Sagittarius or in the ninth house: These individuals acclimate
easily to new places, as homesickness and culture shock affects
them less. Their barometer for inner stability relies on
continuous exposure to new ideas and philosophies, and they are
more apt to adopt the wellness practices of foreign cultures.
Because mobility is their friend, they become stressed when
confined by convention or when forced to put down roots in
environments that are ill-suited to their growth.
Capricorn or in the tenth house: This Hygeia placement falls in
charts of those who associate wellness with public interactions.
These individuals feel anxious if they are not “making progress”.
You can often find them exercising in gyms or yoga studios
where they meet teachers and trainers who will hold them to
their fitness objectives. Although a healthy appearance has its
benefits, they shouldn’t strain themselves for the sake of
optics or the desire for respect.
Aquarius or in the eleventh house: These individuals evolve their
approach to wellness over time by observing what motivates
others. It’s best that they surround themselves with a network
of health-conscious people, even if their methods or modalities
are seemingly counterintuitive. These natives must be aware of
how absorbent they are when exposed to new information. If
around those who neglect their minds and bodies, they may fall
into similar traps out of unconscious solidarity.
Pisces or the twelfth house: These individuals are drawn to
behind-the-scenes or private wellness activities. This could
mean anything from faith-based practices like prayer, to
reflecting on the days’ events by keeping a diary, to esoteric
divination like tarot and, yep, astrology.  These people need a
good night’s sleep because they recuperate from stress through
the REM cycle, and are generally excellent at decoding their
dreams to indicate fortuitous future omens.
Hygeia is known as the asteroid of wellness, and is where the
word- you guessed it- hygiene comes from. In Greek and Roman
mythology, Hygeia was the daughter of Asclepius, the God of
Medicine, whose symbol of a single snake entwined around a
staff adorns ambulances and is embedded within the logo for
the World Health Organization (often confused with the
Caduceus, they share a similar meaning). One of five sisters
representing aspects of health and healing, Hygeia’s domain was
preventative medicine: how to care for physical and mental
health to avoid sickness in the first place, as opposed to curing
illness once it has already arrived. In this respect, Hygeia can
play an even bigger role in our society today as we look more
towards forms of holistic medicine, care that takes in the whole
aspect of mind-body-spirit for better success. An ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure as they say. But she also
marries the science with the natural, sometimes we simply need
a hospital or a vaccine. Those with strong Hygeia placements
can similarly be found in both traditional medicine, such as
doctors, and alternative health, such as holistic healers.
Where Hygeia is located in your chart shows what you need to
feel well- how do you need to eat, move, sleep, be in the world,
live, express yourself, and all the intricate parts that
collectively make up our whole wellbeing. In fact, she may be
more present now than ever, as we come out of difficult times
globally that placed emphasis on health- where she is in your
chart may point to how you take care of yourself in times of
need. What habits, routines, rituals, do you adopt to help
yourself feel well, safe, good, healthy, vibrant, and whole? As
well as small but impactful ways- are you breathing deeply
enough, are you drinking enough (clean) water? When out of
balance, Hygeia can show us what heightens our stress, anxiety,
and depression. A Hygeia in Aquarius may be more modern and
technologically inclined when it comes to matters of health and
wellbeing, like to be a part of a group effort and care about the
health of the planet.

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