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Exploring the Perception and Experiences of Junior and Senior High

School Students in Implementing Comprehensive Sex Education in

Public and Private Schools: A Qualitative Study

A Research Study Presented to the

Faculty of
Marcelino Fule Memorial College
Alaminos Laguna

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for Practical Research


Althea Marie Atienza

Liezel Lin Putungan
Chaira De Mesa
Jackielyn Kaye Rodriguez
Wyne Aron Padua
Angello Mandocdoc
Michael Angel Manliclic
Merk Jerien De Mesa

April 2023

This study is all about high quality teaching and learning about a broad variety of topics
related to sex and sexuality. It explores values and beliefs about those topics and helps people
gain the skills that are needed to navigate relationships with self, partners, and community, and
manage one’s own sexual health. Sex education may take place in schools, at home, in
community setting, or online. This study will enable young people to protect and advocate for their
health, well-being and dignity by providing them with a necessary toolkit of knowledge, attitudes
and skills. It is a precondition for exercising full bodily autonomy, which requires not only the right
to make choices about one’s body but also the information to make these choices in a meaningful
way. And because these programmers are based on human rights principles, they advance gender
equality and the rights and empowerment of young people.


sexual abuse against children, sexual violence and sexual exploitation are highly relevant now in
our community. Many teenagers face enormous amounts of insecurity and anxiety surrounding
sexuality, often leading to long term problems. This is largely caused by misinformation or lack of
information about sex. Our research study aimed to inform students how is it really important to
learn sex education. The purpose of this study is to prevent teenage pregnancy and make our
sexual health to be stable. The purpose of the study was to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents? 

1.1. Age
1.2. Gender

1.3. Strand

2. Is there clear evidence that sexual health education can effectively help youth

reduce their risk of unintended pregnancy and STI/HIV infection? 

3. Why Teens Need Comprehensive Sex Education? 

4. What values are taught in school-based sexual health education? 

5. How should school-based sexual health education address the issue of emergency


6. Should school-based sexual health education address the issue of sexual


7. Co-education and Single-sex Education: Which Will Benefit Children More? 

8. Do young people want sexual health education taught in the schools? 

9. What are the key ingredients of behaviourally effective sexual health education


10. Why Teens Need Comprehensive Sex Education?


This study of Sex education is designed to help young people gain the information

and skills they need to make the best decisions for themselves about sex and

relationships throughout their lives. The sectors that will befit from this study are the


 The teenagers

Sex education helps teenagers understand themselves biologically and prepare to face

the world so that they do not fall victim to sexual predators. It also empowers girls and boys

to speak up if their sexual boundaries are violated. Comprehensive sexual health education

teaches not only the basics of puberty and development, but also instills in young people

that they have the right to decide what behaviors they engage in and to say no to unwanted

sexual activity.

 The parents

This will help parents gauge their child’s physical, emotional and psychological
development and can tailor conversations to their needs and developmental level. And
when parents express clear values about sex, children are more likely to adhere to those
values.This is an opportunity for parents to have an important impact on their child’s health
and well-being. Our study can have significant implications for policies and programs that
aim to support young mothers and reduce the rates of teenage pregnancy. It can also help
to raise awareness about the challenges faced by teenage mothers and contribute to
advancing knowledge in the field. Additionally, our study can empower teenage mothers by
giving them a voice and a platform to share their experiences and perspectives.

 The government

The rapid population growth causes major implications for today’s society and one

of the problem of our government because More people means an increased demand for

food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more. And all that

consumption contributes to ecological degradation, increased conflicts, and a higher risk of

large-scale disasters like pandemics. Comprehensive sex education will help the

Government to reduce rates of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual

violence, especially when coupled with affordable and accessible contraception, affordable

and accessible reproductive healthcare, and well-resourced community services.


The primary focus of this study is to raise awareness of sex education of the

students in MFMC. The respondents that will be involved are the Junior and Senior high of

Marcelino Fule Memorial College. The year levels that this study covers are from Grade 7

to Grade 12 students.This is due to the fact that some students were unaware of what sex

education was or what they would learn from it. such as sex transmission illness, puberty,

reproduction, contraceptives, gender identity, and aids in helping youngsters understand


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