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my name is erika elizabeth pisfil gonzales my age is 20 years old i am from chiclayo my

phone 991572187
my nationality peru


My strengths are: self-confidence, empathy, assertiveness, sociability, persuasiveness,

leadership, perseverance, versatility, experience, honesty, commitment, responsibility.
objectives:During my university education, I learned the importance of an adequate
investigation to complete the legal process. My professional goal is to get my clients to provide
information in the cases in which they are involved
"My goal as a lawyer is to protect the rights of people, communities and legally recognized
societies through oral and written argumentation.”
"Laws are created to be respected without exception, my goal as a lawyer is to protect
the interests of the state and protect society against illegal acts"
"During my academic legal training I realized the importance of investigation in the
legal process, my professional goal is to make my clients cooperate with the
information in the cases in which they are involved ."


bachelor's, master's and doctorate Reading comprehension
anentered in 2015 .Technical knowledge
Graduated from the prestigious Señor de .communication
Sipán University, "Luis Negreiros Vega" .technologies
secondary studies, postgraduate degree .negotiation
from the "Illustrious Lima Bar Association"


English C2 year of my certification 2016 http/

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