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Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering – Benz & Nordal (eds)

© 2010 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 978-0-415-59239-0

Size effects on a virtual calibration chamber

J. Butlanska, M. Arroyo & A. Gens

Department of Geotechnical Engineering, UPC, Barcelona, Spain

ABSTRACT: Virtual Calibration Chambers (VCC) are 3D-DEM models where cone penetration is simulated.
They offer the possibility of substituting for the rather more expensive physical calibration chambers. One
important issue in calibration chamber interpretation is the possibility of chamber size effect under different
boundary conditions. The aim of this study was to explore chamber size effects under BC1 and BC3 conditions
on the VCC. The chamber and cone diameters and boundary conditions were varied to investigate their effects
on cone tip resistance. The scaling laws that are obtained from the VCC results are then compared with those
previously obtained with physical calibration chambers.

1 INTRODUCTION Table 1. Types of boundary conditions.

Calibration Chamber tests (CC) provide an effective Top & Bottom Boundary Lateral Boundary
way to study Cone Penetration Test (CPT) in sands BC Stress strain stress strain
under strictly controlled conditions (material, density,
BC1 constant – constant –
stress state and boundary). Results from CC tests are
BC2 – 0 – 0
used to establish relationships between the observed BC3 constant – – 0
outcomes like cone resistance (qc ), and the material BC4 – 0 constant –
descriptors like relative density (DR ) and effective
stress state (σ’). Typical boundary conditions applied
in CC differ on whether stresses are kept constant or remarked that also CC CPT’s on loose sands were
displacements are zero on the lateral and top/bottom affected by size effects, but up to a lower limit of
sample boundaries (Table 1). only Rd > 30 − 35. They noted that for the same Rd , qc
depends on the applied boundary conditions, but did
not quantify that effect.
1.1 Chamber size effect Schnaid & Houlsby (1991), using only BC1 tests,
confirmed that for all sand densities the chamber
The use of calibration chamber results to predict field size can affect the results and that the effect is more
performance needs to take into account the size effect significant for dense sand. They also showed that
due to limited chamber dimensions. Size effects are cone resistance and pressuremeter limit pressure were
observed when the test outcomes vary for constant similarly affected. Mayne & Kulhawy (1991) after
sand properties and conditions as a function of equip- examining six data sets from CC CPT’s for differ-
ment dimensions. Size effect is usually explored using ent ranges of Rd proposed a correction factor for size
the parameter Rd , a chamber to cone diameter ratio. effects:
A related aspect is the influence of variable testing
boundary conditions and how these may result in
different size effects.
Since the early 80’s, these issues have been exam-
ined by various researchers. Parkin & Lunne (1982) where qc,corrected = corrected cone tip resistance;
summarized work performed in two different calibra- qc,measured = measured cone tip resistance; Rd = chamber
tion chambers with two differently sized penetrom- – to - cone diameter ratio and DR = relative density.
eters. They did not observe a significant size effect Equation 1 assumes that a ‘free field’ condition is
for loose sand, whereas for dense sand there was a achieved for Rd > 70 and was meant to apply equally
clear influence of chamber size up to Rd > 50. Cone for both BC1 and BC3 conditions.
tip resistance (qc ) increased with Rd for both BC1 A different empirical correction for size effect was
and BC3 conditions, although somewhat faster in the proposed by Tanizawa (1992) while analyzing CC CPT
former case. In later work, Parkin (1988) suggested results on Toyoura sand:
that the Rd value required to eliminate chamber size
effects might be greater then 70. Ghionna et al. (1991)

where a & b = f (Rd ) and DR = relative density. The
proposed correction factor does only apply for BC1
conditions (Garizio, 1997).
Salgado et al. (1998) applied a mixture of cavity
expansion and slip line theory to quantify chamber
size effect. The theory predicts that the difference
between ‘free field’ and chamber qc values increases
for decreasing Rd and that qc measured under BC1 or
BC4 conditions is always smaller than the correspond-
ing ‘free field’ values. The difference (or correction
factor) is not only dependent on density, but also on
ambient stress and material parameters. The opposite
held for qc measured under BC3 or BC2 conditions; the
qc value predicted decreased with increasing Rd , and
thus CC results should lie above “free field” values. Figure 1. Grain size distribution of Ticino sand and DEM
That result was contrary to some available experimen- models.
tal evidence, but the discrepancy was attributed to
experimental imperfections in the enforcement of the
no lateral strain condition.

1.2 Particle size effect

Several researchers (Parkin, 1988; Ghionna et al. 1991;
Schnaid & Houlsby, 1991) have pointed out that, in
principle, the cone to particle size ratio might also
affect the results of CPT tests. However, observations
of this particle size effect are scarce. Peterson (1988) is
one of the clearest examples, reporting that when the
ratio of probe diameter to particle diameter reduced Figure 2. Calibration of DEM material parameters with a
triaxial test on Ticino sand (DR = 75%, p0 = 100 kPa).
below 40, scrapping noises and erratic load cell read-
ings appeared, something he attributed to the cone
“feeling” individual particles. parameters. The model contained 4700 particles with
a grain size distribution closely following that of
Ticino sand (Figure 1DEM curve-fitted gsd).The spec-
2 NUMERICAL MODEL imen was built to specified porosity using the radius
expansion method (REM, Itasca 2005).
2.1 Numerical method The material parameters that require calibration are
The PFC3D code developed by ITASCA was used only interparticle friction (µ ), those related to stiff-
to perform all simulations mentioned in this paper. ness (Keff , α) and damping (δ). These parameters were
The code follows closely the discrete element method determined by trial and error in order to provide a best
introduced by Cundall & Strack (1979). The model fit to a single isotropically compressed drained triax-
is composed of distinct particles that displace inde- ial test (TEST M09) confined at 100 kPa and formed
pendently of one another, and interact only at the with DR = 75%. The best fit (Figure 2) was found
contact or interfaces between particles. The particles for: Keff = 300 MN, α = 0.25, δ = 0.05 and µ = 0.35
are assumed rigid with no ability to rotate. The con- (µ = 19.3◦ ). Adequacy of the calibration parameters
tact law employed is lineal elasto – plastic. The normal was verified by simulating a variety of triaxial tests at
and tangential stiffness at any contact, kn and ks , are differing confinements and initial densities.
described by the following scaling rule:
The VCC CPT model can be seen in Figure 3. The
cone is modelled by perfectly rigid walls. Some are
where Keff , α = parameters to be calibrated. The plas- cylindrical with a diameter dc and the tip is conical
tic part of the contact law is given by the interparticle with apex angle of 60◦ . The tip and the sleeve walls
friction angle, µ . No cohesion was included in the close to it retain the friction coefficient of the granular
contact model. Our simulations also employed non– material, the rest are frictionless. The geometry of the
viscous damping, δ, to achieve rapid convergence. numerical calibration chamber (VCC) is cylindrical,
given by its height H and diameter Dcc (Table 2).
Dimensional analysis of the problem (Arroyo et al.,
2.2 Model calibration
2009) quickly reveals that an unmanageably large
A numerical model representing small cubical sam- number of particles are needed if the original dimen-
ple of 8 mm side was used to calibrate the material sions of the problem are maintained. The most

Figure 3. View of the DEM model components with indi-
cation of the main relevant dimensions (left) calibration
chamber (right) cone device.

Table 2. Summary of geometrical characteristics of DEM


Dcc H dc
Test Series m m mm

Series I 1.2 0.7 71.2; 106.8;

142.4; 213.6 Figure 4. Tip resistance profiles for different confining
Series II 0.4; 0.6; 0.8 0.7 71.2 pressures and DR = 75%.
1.2; 1.58; 2.4
Series III 1.2 0.7 71.2 cone resistance is extracted from the raw penetration
curves by fitting them to the following expression:

effective way to reduce the computational size is by

scaling up the grain size of the discrete material filling
the VCC. The material filling the virtual chamber was where qc,lim = cone tip resistance; h = penetration
therefore a scaled Ticino Sand where the original grain depth and a & b = fitting parameters.
size was multiplied by 50 (Figure 1 (DEM scaled gsd
(after REM))). A somewhat shorter chamber height 3.2 Particle size effect – Series I
was also helpful. This resulted in 65,000 elements in The main suspect for the noise appearing in the pene-
the densest specimens, almost an order of magnitude tration curves is particle size effect. Because of scaling
more than those employed in previous 2D studies (Ma the VCC material has a very low value (2.7) of the
1994, Calvetti & Nova 2005, Jiang et al. 2006). ratio (np ) between cone diameter and average particles
(D50 ).
2.4 Testing program A numerical simulation exercise (Series I) was spe-
cially performed to confirm that the main reason of
Results from three tests series are described in the
noise was the reduced np ratio. Four different cone
following. The first test series (Series I) explored the
tip sizes were used (diameters of 72.1; 106.8, 142.4
effect of cone diameter to mean grain size ratio (np )
and 213.6 mm) while the VCC diameter was kept
on the results. Series II used quarter – chamber mod-
constant. The results are shown in Figure 5. As the
els with different diameters to investigate calibration
ratio np increases (dc increase) the penetration curves
chamber size effects (Rd ) under BC1 conditions. The
smoothes visibly and the oscillatory noise all but
third series did the same, but after anisotropic consol-
idation (K0 -conditions) and under BC3 conditions.
In this series a reduction in the cone tip resistance
with cone diameter was also observed (Figure 5). This
result can be explained by chamber size effect, because
the increased cone tip diameter results in a decrease
in chamber to cone diameter ratio (Rd ). These results
3.1 Steady state cone tip resistance
can be viewed on Figure 6. The trend of increasing
Typical DEM VCC results showing CPT tip resistance, limit cone resistance with Rd is clear and in accor-
qc , vs. penetration depth, h, for different confining dance with previous results from physical tests (Parkin
isotropic stresses are shown in Figure 4. As seen in 1998). This chamber size effect is further explored in
the figure, the response of the DEM model is correct: the next section.
qc increases with confining pressure (and relative den-
sity). However, the graphs are quite noisy, with large
3.3 Chamber size effect under BC1 – Series II
oscillations. Such noise masks the steady state usually
observed in physical CC CPT tests. This noise, how- To explore chamber size effect a test series was per-
ever, can be filtered out easily. To do that, a steady state formed keeping constant particle size, D50 , and cone

Figure 5. Tip resistance profiles for different cone tip sizes Figure 7. Tip resistance profiles for different chamber sizes
for p0 = 100 kPa and DR = 75%. for p0 = 100 kPa and DR = 90%.

Figure 6. Evolution of qc,lim with diameter ratio Rd for

different cone sizes and two relative densities (75 & 90%). Figure 8. Evolution of qc,lim with diameter ratio Rd for
different chamber sizes (quarter of VCC) and two relative
densities (75 & 90%).
diameter, dc , (and hence having a constant np ratio) and
increasing the VCC diameter, (Dc = 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2,
1.58 and 2.4 m) to achieve a variable Rd . In this series particle size effect, the reduction of qc with decreas-
the initial confining pressure was always isotropic and ing Rd is difficult to observe. After filtering them out
equal to 100 kPa and the initial relative density was using the exponential function defined by Eq. 4, a
either 75% or 90%. Boundary conditions were stress steady state value of cone tip resistance is obtained.
controlled, that is of the type BC1. The steady state values (Figure 8) show a much clearer
The simulations were made less costly by using size effect.
only models with a quarter of VCC taking profit of
axial symmetry. For the same initial conditions of
3.4 Chamber size effect under BC3 – Series III
stress and density, the difference in the qc,lim from full
and quarter chambers lies within ±0.2 MPa. Butlanska The third simulation exercise was performed under
et al. (2009) explore in more detail, by means of local BC3 conditions (no lateral deformation is allowed).All
representative element volume statistics, the effect of tests were performed in quarter chambers with fixed
sample inhomogeneity and enforced axial symmetry cone size and variable chamber diameter so that Rd was
on VCC CPT results. variable between 5.6 and 22.1. All the tests were per-
The results of Series II (for Dcc = 0.4 & 1.58 m) are formed after anisotropic (oedometric) consolidation.
shown in Figure 7. Because of the noise caused by The conditions before starting the CPT were relative

density of 94%, vertical stress of 122 kPa and hori-
zontal stress slightly variable between 42 and 46 kPa.
Results from this simulation series are presented in the
next section.


4.1 BC1 conditions

For Ticino sand, Garizio (1997) and Jamiolkowski et al
(2003) tabulate the coefficients a & b that enter the
Tanizawa expression for the chamber correction fac-
tor (CF, Eq. 2). In general, the coefficients a & b are
functions of relative density, DR , and relative chamber Figure 9. Approximation of the parameters a & b.
size, Rd . However, for relative densities above 60%,
the influence of relative chamber size explains almost
exclusively the observed size effect, and the coeffi-
cients a & b can be expressed with good approximation
as functions only of Rd (Figure 9). These functions can
be expressed as

It follows then that, for this restricted set of conditions,

the correction factor based on the physical CC tests
can be represented as a unique function of DR and Rd ,
Figure 10.
Using the relative density and mean stress of the
DEM simulations a free field limit value might be
deduced from the relation proposed by Jamiolkowski
et al. 2003 to summarise physical CC results on
Figure 10. The graphical interpretation of correction fac-
Ticino sand. tor CF.

Once this limit value is obtained it is divided by

the numerical steady state value to obtain the neces-
sary correction factor (CF*) for each VCC test. Figure
11 shows how these values compare with the empirical
correction factors applied to the physical test database.
It should be noted that the empirical relation (2) was
established only with tests where Rd > 20. Despite
the important extrapolation implied, the comparison
is generally good and even better for low Rd ratios
than for the higher ones (22.1 & 33.3). This surprising
result might be related to stress inhomogeneity (see
Figure 11. Comparison of Series II with CF trends.
4.2 BC3 conditions
The fact that Series II was isotropically stressed pre- density range (92 to 95%) and horizontal stress range
cluded a direct comparison with particular physical CC (42 to 50 kPa) that the results reported by Bellotti
tests on Ticino sand on the ISMES – ENEL database. (1985). Therefore a direct comparison is possible (Fig-
This is not the case with results of Series III, where the ure 12). A remarkable quantitative coincidence in the
CPT is performed under anisotropic stress conditions, limit value of tip resistance is evident in the figure.
directly analogous to some physical tests reported by It is interesting that, in this case, both physical and
Bellotti (1985). Indeed, after normal consolidation to numerical experiments seem to indicate no size effect
the same vertical stress as the physical tests, the numer- for BC3 conditions, contrary to what Salgado et al.
ical tests in series III share the same initial relative (1998) predicted.

despite the major simplifications in particle size dis-
tribution, particle behavior and model construction
required to obtain practical results using only desktop

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Figure 13. Horizontal section of normalized mean stress Geomechanics, 30, 335–336.
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of a VCC model with Rd = 33. in granular assemblies. PhD Thesis, Clarkson University.
Mayne, P.W. & Kulhawy, H. 1991. Calibration chamber
The numerical tests are all in Rd range below that database and boundary effects correction for CPT data.
of the physical tests. Increasing Rd in the numerical Calibration chamber testing, A. – B. Huang Editor.
tests to overlap the physical range it is both numer- Parkin, A.K. & Lunne, T. 1982. Boundary effects in labora-
ically costly and prone to mistakes. For instance we tory calibration of a cone penetrometer for sand, Proceed-
ings of the Second European Symposium on Penetration
have noticed that the usual procedure of numerical cal-
Testing, Amsterdam.
ibration chamber preparation results in strong stress Parkin, A.K. 1998, Calibration of cone penetrometers, Pro-
inhomogeneity during 1D compression in large cham- ceedings of the First International Symposium on Pene-
bers. Figure 13 illustrates this issue for a chamber tration Testing, Orlando.
with Rd = 33. Circumferential arching between the Peterson, R.W. 1988. Laboratory investigation of the pene-
two radial walls leaves understressed the near – axis tration resistance of fine cohesionless materials. Proceed-
zone, where the CPT penetration takes place. ings of the First International Symposium on Penetration
Testing, Orlando: 895–901.
Salgado, R., Mitchell, J.K. & Jamiolkowski, M. 1998.
Calibration chamber size effecs on penetration resistance
5 CONCLUSIONS in sand. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental-
Engineering, ASCE, 124(9): 878–888.
The use of 3D-DEM models offers an interesting Schnaid, F. & Houlsby, G.T. 1991. An assessment of cham-
avenue to explore large-deformation problems in gran- ber size effects in the calibration od in situ tests in sand.
ular materials, such as CPT in virtual calibration Geotechnique 41(3): 437–445.
chambers. Due to necessary scaling of mean particle Tanizawa, F. 1992. Correlations between cone resistance and
size another size effect, due to high particle size to mechanical properties of uniform clean sand. Internal
cone diameter ratio, appears in the virtual calibration Report. ENEL-CRIS, Milano.
chamber. This effect is shown to be easily dealt with by
filtering the penetration resistance curve. Remarkable
quantitative agreement with physical tests is obtained


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