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NAME __________________________________________ Term _2nd___

EXAM _Christmas in Prague____ SUBJECT _ English ___

GRADE ___3rd ESO___ GROUP __A____ DATE _______ MARK

Exercises 1 to 7 = 7 points
1) Who
1 ... wanted to go to Prague to play in some concerts? ______________________________
2 ... was writing a new book? __________________________________________________________
3 ... talked about Prague but never wanted to go there? ____________________________
4 ... went shopping in Prague?_________________________________________________________
5 ... looked at Carol in the street, but didn’t smile? _________________________________
6 ... couldn’t stop because there was no time? ______________________________________
7 ... was angry because Carol was not at the rehearsal?____________________________

2) Choose the best question-word for these questions, and then answer
Why / What / How
1 ............ did Carol feel when she woke up in hospital?
2 ............ did Mr Rinaldi think that Carol was very
3 ……….. was it a difficult time for Mr Rinaldi?
4 ............. did Carol shout ‘Jan’ when she saw Pavel through the window in her
door? __________________________________________________________________________________
5 …………. did Jan bring for Carol?____________________________________________________
6 ............. did the doctor say about Jan and

3) Put the following events in the right order. Number them 1–10.
1. Carol sees Pavel in the street.
2. Jan and Carol marry.
3. Pavel and Josef meet.
4. Josef leaves Czechoslovakia.
5. The bus hits Carol and she goes to hospital.
6. Jan and Pavel are born.
7. Carol plays in the concert in Prague.
8. Lenka is killed.
9. Josef and Lenka marry.
10. Carol arrives in Prague.

4) Who said this? Who did they say it to? Pavel, Jan, Carol, Alan (the
violinist), Mr Rinaldi, the doctor, Josef.
a ‘We can’t go away and leave him at Christmas.’
.................. to ..................
b ‘Good luck with the shopping!’ ..................
c ‘What are you doing in my bedroom?’
.................. to ..................
d ‘It’s a difficult time for you, too, because of your concerts.’ .................. to
e ‘You didn’t write, you didn’t telephone.’
.................. to ..................

5) Match a number from A with a letter from B to make complete sentences.

1 Josef and Lenka wanted to leave Czechoslovakia in 1957 ...
2 It was not very dangerous when Josef and Jan crossed the border ...
3 It was very dangerous when Lenka and Pavel tried to cross ...
4 Josef did not write to Pavel ...
5 Stanislava wrote a letter to say that Pavel was dead ...

a ... because of the moon.
b ... because it was dangerous for them.
c ... because she didn’t like Josef.
d ... because he thought he was dead.
e ... because there was no moon

6) Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? You MUST correct the false ones
( si no están corregidas se elimina la respuesta)
a Carol was a student of Jan’s.
b Carol could speak Czech.
c Jan was born in Oxford.
d After Lenka died, Pavel lived with his aunt.
e ___ Jan was two years older than Pavel.
f Pavel lived in Prague.
g Josef didn’t visit Prague between 1957 and 1995.
h When Josef crossed the border he was in Germany.
i Carol couldn’t play in the concert.
j ___ Josef, Jan and Pavel all came to the concert

7) After the concert, Carol wrote a letter to a friend. This is part of the letter. Fill
in the gaps, using these words: ran, book, dark, hospital, shopping, shouted,
snow, street, man, turned.
I the old town, and I bought a………………. for Jan and a picture
for Josef. It
was very cold and there was a lot of ....... It was……………when I left the old town.
Across the.................., I could see a…………….I thought it was Jan.
I…………….across the street to him. He.................. and looked at me, but then he
started to walk away. I………………across the street. When I opened my eyes
again I was in …………………!
TEST= 3 points
8) Choose the best answer.(Tres respuestas incorrectas restan una correcta)
1 The story starts in .
a 1957 b 1975 c 1959 d 1995
2 The people of Czechoslovakia could not go to .
a Russia b Hungary c Poland d Austria
3 made the escape more difficult for the woman that night.
a The sun b The moon c The snow d The trees
4 The man told the woman to very fast.
a walk b talk c ski d run
5 The woman and the baby wore clothes.
a black b brown c yellow d white
6 The baby started to .
a talk b shout c cry d sing
7 The woman .
a ran away b saw the men c died d went to sleep
8 Carol wanted to go to Prague to .
a go Christmas shopping b play two concerts c visit friends d find Jan’s
9 Jan had to before Christmas.
a finish his book b learn Czech c study for an exam d do the housework
10 Jan’s father__________ Prague.
a agreed to go to b didn’t agree to go to c didn’t like d didn’t know

11 Josef lives .
a in Prague b on his own c with his sons d with Jan and Carol
12 Jan’s second name is .
a Brychta b Vlach c Florence d Havel
13 Jan teaches at Oxford University.
14 a English b music c Czech d history
15 Lenka was mother.
a Josef’s b Jan’s c Stanislava’s d Carol’s
16 Giorgio Rinaldi is .
a a conductor b a doctor c a violinist d a teacher
17 The doctor said that Carol in the accident.
a didn’t break anything b broke a leg c broke her right arm d didn’t
hurt herself
18 Jan and Pavel were born in June .
a 1956 b 1957 c 1958 d 1959
19 Pavel took his mother’s name because .
a Vlach was a popular name b he didn’t know his father c his mother asked
him to use it d he was angry with his father
20 Pavel lived with his .
a aunt b sister c grandmother d mother
21 Stanislava was .
a Josef’s mother b Lenka’s mother c Josef’s wife d Lenka’s sister
21 She crossed the street and .
a spoke to the man b had an accident c found a music shop d saw an
22 The conductor said that Carol was late for rehearsals.
a always b usually c sometimes d never
23 Carol saw Pavel Brychta again .
a at the concert b in a shop c at the hospital d on a bus
24 Josef knew all about Pavel’s mother because she was his .
a sister b wife c friend d cousin
25 Josef thought that .
a Lenka married someone else b Pavel didn’t want to see him c Pavel
was dead d Pavel had a new family
26 Stanislava told Pavel that his mother died .
27 a in hospital b on the road at the border c on the road to Moscow
d in England

28 Pavel .
a didn’t like his brother b was happy with his new family c still
didn’t like his father d never saw them again

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