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JOURNAL C F RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards- D.

Radio Propagation
Vol. 670, No.5, September-October 1963

Reflection of VLF Radio Waves From an Inhomogeneous

Ionosphere. Part II. Perturbed Exponential Model

James R. Wait and Lillie C. Walters

C ontribution From Central Radio P ropagation Laboratory, National Bureau of Stan dard s, Boulder, C olo.
(R eceived April 10, 1963)

Th e obli qu e refl ection of radio waves from a continuously stratified ionized medium
is cons id ered . In th is p ap er t he m ed iu m is assumed to be isot rop ic. T he h eight profile of
the effect ive cond uctivity is a Gaussian curve superimposed on th e (u nd istu rbed ) expone ntia l
form. The refl ection coefficient is shown to be influenced by the verti cal location of the
Ga uss ian perturbat ion . In some cases the magnitude of the reflection coefficient is increased
whi le, in other situat ions, it is d ecrea cd. In nearly all cases, insofa r as p hase is concerned,
t he pre ence of t he p ert ur bation correspon ds to a lowering of the refl ection h eig ht .

1. Introduction in Lerms of Lbe a ngular freq uency w, collis ion fre-

quency v, and plas ma frequen cy woo At VLF,
In a previous communication from the present v>>w, and th er efore
auth ors [W ait and W alters , 1963], obliqu e reflection
of (VLF) radio waves from a continuously stratified w w~
ionized medium was considered. The profile of the L~- wh ere W,=-' (3)
Wr v
effective conductivity was taken to be exponen tial
in form. Actu ally, this is a fairly good representation to within a very good approxim ation .
of the actu al D layer of the ionosphere under day-
time conditions. Henceforth, t,hat paper will be In general , it is seen t h at L~z) is proportional to
referr ed to simply as (J) .
It is the pm'pose of the present paper to consider
profiles whi ch are no longer exponential in form.
~~~) where N (z) and v( z) ar e the elect ron den sity
Since t he objPctive is to gain insight into the mecha- a nd collis ion frequency r egard ed as a fun ction of
nism of r efl ection from per turb ed layers, a number hei gh t. The constant {3, in t he exponent, is a mea,s-
of idealizations are ffittde . First, it is assumed, ure of th e sh arpness of the gmdient. For example,
under quiescent condi tions, that the ionosph eric (3 = 1 km- 1 means th at th e ratio of w,(z) or N (z)/v(z)
conductiv ity varies exponen tially with height. Then increases by 2.71 for each km of ve rtical height.
t h e idealized perturbation is assumed to have a F rom th e re cent work of Darrin gto n et al. [1962],
Gaussian form . Again , f oj' sake of simplicity, the Kane [1962], and B elrose [1963], it appears that {3
earth's magnetic field is neglected as in (1 ) . This is for an undistul'bed ionosph ere m ay b e in th e range
well justified wh en considerin g effects which result from 0.2 to 0.8. If t he level from ab out 60 km to
from ionization in the lowest ionosph ere. 70 km is considered, it appeal' t hat {3 = 0.3 typifies
many of t hese daytime D-Iaye r profiles. A detailed
2. Description of the Profile s tudy of th e influence of cha ngin g {3 is to be fo und
in (1). For this p aper, (3 is chosen Lo be 0.3.
The notation follows that used in (1) as closely as H aving specified our undisturb ed profil e, we now
possible. Thus the undisturbed profil e, as a func- wish to introduce th e perturbation. It is assumed
tion of h eight z, is defined by the conductivity that the collision frequency profile is unchan ged
parameter 1/1-(z) where whereas the ionization is Lo b e increased by an
amoun t Il N (z) wh ere
L( z) =z1 exp ({3 z) , (1 )
IlN(z) = IlNo exp [ _(2DF)] (4)
and L is a constant, (3 is a gradient paramete r and z
is th e h eight above th e r eference level z= O. Und er and t1No, F and Dare co nstanLs. Clearly, the
th e iso tr opic assumptio n, it is known Lhat [WaiL, maximum value of t1N(z) is t1No which is located
1962] at z= F. Furthermore, th e thi clmess of t his layer
w(v +i w) is 2D which is the vertical dis tance between the
L (2)
' levels where t1 N( z) d rops to IlNO /L
In order to estimate co rrectly the influence of this
'rho work in this paper was suppor ted by the Advanced Research Projects
Agency, W ashington 25, D.C ., u nde r AHP A Order No . 183-62. Ga,u ssian sh aped layer , it is necessary to assume
something about the collision frequency profile. A The complete profile, under these idealized con-
careful study of the recent li terature indicates that ditions, is given by
an exponential variation of v( z) with height z is not
unreasonable. The form chosen here is

v( z) = Vo exp ( -~ z ). (5)

where 13= 0.3 lml- 1 • Therefore, the resulting con-

ductivity perturbation has the form
f>N(z)=tlNo exp
v( z) Vo
(f!.2 z) exp [_(Z-F)2J.
(6) where the right-hand side is propor tional to the
effective conductivity of the m.edium as a function
of height above (or below) the reference level at
z= O. The coefficient A defines the strength of the
_I§ 7 perturbation. In fact,
a:: 6
::;: 5 No
ct 4 ). , 15km where No is the electron density of the undisturbed
>- (OR f' 20 kciS)
l- 0= 2km profile at the reference level z= O. In this paper,
S> ·3
as in (I ), L (0 )=7.5/'A where A is the wavelength in
6z 2 kilometers.
8 It is admitted that other ways to define a pertur-
bation in the profile may be preferable. Here the
electron density anomaly, for a given value of A,
2 6 does not change with its vertical location F. Con-
sequently, we may anticipate that the influence of
FIGURE 1. The undisturbed and disturbed conductivity profiles this type of perturbation will be diminished at
used in this paper. sufficiently low heights because of the increasing

\ = 15 km
(b) \
0.8 A =2
C = 0..0.5
,, \
o = 2 km
, \s
f3 = 0.,3 km- I
0.7 120
0.1 \ = 15 km
I \
A =2
0= 2 km
f3 = 0.3 km- I \
LL 0.5
0.15 0..15
"0 40
\ \
0 \
0.2 0.2 LL
\ \
z 0.4
l- I
I --,,, 0
0 \
..J I
w 0.3 I \ -40 \
\ '-...-.
a:: ____ <2:3
_-_ ' t "-~'
I 0.3
. '--~--
.... ...... /

I , \ ____ .9~__ ,
0,2 / / .
c= 0..4
- - ~-----~ 'f-'
// \c- =.0..4 0.,20. 0.20.

0, I
" '/

0..15 0.15

0..1 0.,1
(, = o..o.'j

10 10
F 1 km
FIGURES 2a and b . The reflection coefficient as a function of the vertical location, F, of the Gaussian perturbation, fOl' various
angles of incidence.

collision frequency. However, we shall see the able bounds and to reduce the expense of the compu-
problem is not quite this simple as other factors tation, only a limited number of cases was considered.
come into play. These results are shown in graphical form in figures
A sketch of the profiles used is given in figure 1. 2 to 6. In all cases 13= 0.3 km- l .
The undisturbed profile is the ex.'Ponential form, In figure 20, the amplitude of the reflection co-
while the disturbed profiles have the superimposed efficient is plotted as a function of F for A= 15 km
Gaussian "bump." The location of the "bump" (j= 20 kc/s), A = 2, D = 2 km, and C values varying
for five typical profiles is specified by the appropriate from 0.05 to 0.4. Small values of Chel'e correspond
value of F. to angles near grazing. For lon o' distance propaga-
tion of VLF radio waves, value of C near 0.1 are
3. Results of the Calculations most important. For this case, it is interesting to
note, when F is near or above zero, tha t IRI takes
The method used to calculate the reflection co- the same value as for the undisturbed profile. As
efficient R has been described in detail in (I). The the "bump" or perturbed layer is lowered, the reflec-
quantities considered are the amplitude IRI and the tion coefficient first increases then decreases. Even-
phase of R for a vertically polarized plane wave tually, as the "bump" is brought down to very low
incident at an angle whose cosine is C. The reflec- heights, IHI returns to its undisturbed value. The
tion coefficient is evaluated in the free space region other curves for highly oblique incidence have a
corresponding to Z----7 - co . However, it is important similar behavior. Thus, the "bump" may either im-
to remember that the phase is 1'ejel'l'ed to the level prove or degrade the reflection. Presumably, at the
z=O. lower heights the Gaussian layer is acting as an
The plan of the calculations is to vary the value absorber whereas, at greater heights, it enhances the
of one parameter while keeping the others constant. reflection. At the steeper angles of incidence, the
To obtain a complete understanding of the various situation becomes more complicated. It is probable
phenomena, an enormous number of calculations is that this results from interference between mul tiple
needed . In order to keep the problem within reason- reflected rays between the upper side of the "bump"



0.6 r -- . - - , - - , - - - , - - - r - , - - - - r --,.----,- - . - - r - ----, A ; l5 km
c ; 0.2
A ; 2
B ; 0.3 km- I
~ 60
a:: 0::
~ 0.4 o 20
U w
LL «
8 03
- 20 '
f= A; 15 km
~ 0.2 -60
-.l C ; 0 .2
LL A ; 2
0:: (3 ; 0 .3 km-I
0. 1 -100

~ 50 -10 0 10
-1 40_50
-40 -30 -20 -10 10
F, km

FI GU RI,S 3a a nd b . Th e refl ecti on coeffi cient, as a f 1tnction of F, f or va"ious w idths of the Gaussian pertu bation when C = 0. 2 (i .e.,
angle of inciden ce is 78°).


~ -80
LL a:
8 0.5 ~ -100
A = 15 km w
z if)
o C = 0.1

E 04 f3 = 03 km- I iE cl20
w (b)
--.J A = 2
a:: 10
(0) F. km

FIGURES 4a and b. The Tefleetion eoeifieient, as a f 1!nction of F, fOT variou s widths of the Gaussian perttlrbation when C = 0.1 (i.e.,
angle of incidence is 84°) .

- 20

0.6 -40
f- C = 0.1
~ 0.5 -60 A =2 (b)
~ D = 2 km
LL f3 = 0.3 km- I
W en
8 04 OJ
'0 -80
z a::
03 C = 0..1 LL
0- 100
A = 2
-.J w
LL (0) D = 2 km (f)
w <{
et:: {3 = 0..3 km- I I
0.2 lL -120

0.1 -140

Q60 -50 10 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 10
F, km

FIGURE S Sa and b. Th e Teflection coefficient, as a function of F , for vaTious wavelengths (from 10 to SO km).

and the eXPQnentially varying layer. Such an inter- as the "bump" comes down to lQwer heights. Suffi-
ference phenomenQn becomes more pronounced at ciently far below the reference level, the phase o.f R
steeper incidence because the vertical compQnent Qf returns to. its undisturbed value. It is well to. note
the wavelength is becoming comparable with typical that as 0 becomes small (i.e., appro.aching grazing
values of F. incidence), the phase of R is approaching - 180°.
The phase o.f R is shown in figure 2b for the same FQr highly o.blique incidence the influence of the
conditions as in figure 2a. Again, it is apparent that, "bump" is to lower the effective height of reflection
when the Gaussian "bump" is such that F is near 0 fQr the who.le range o.f F. Ho.wever, a very interest-
or above, the phase of R attains its undisturbed value. ing phenQmenQn o.ccurs at steeper incidence. As can
When the angle of incidence is highly oblique the be seen in figure 2b, when 0 = 0.2 the phase undergoes
phase undergoes an increase (i.e., decrease of lag) a rather rapid change as F varies fro.m about - 22



A ~ 0.5
f- (b)
~ A ~ 15 km
~ C ~ 0.1
W D ~ 2 km
U 0- f3 ~ 0.3 km- I
0 A~ 15 km '"

i= C ~ 0. 1
u 0: -100
w D ~ 2 km
--' 0.4 LL
W j3 ~ 0.3 km- I 0
n: UJ
0.3 it -110

01 50 10 -14~50 10
F, km

FJGUHJeS Ga and b. Th e reflection coe.fJicient, as [L jllnction oj 11, ./'01' VCLI' ioIL8 amplitudes A oj the pel'tlll'bat ion .
km to - 27 km. As 0 is increased fur t her t here is Finftlly, in figures 6a and b , t.he influence of A ,
an /l,pparent ciisco nti nui ty when the phase cba.nges by the relative magnitude of the anomalous rlectron
360°. S uch a cha nge of 271' i'<tdi,Ul s is quite perm is- density, is showll. As expected , the indi vidual
sible sin ce the ord illitte is arbitmry to within [my CLll'ves are similar in sllape wit.h t llC lftrger values of
integral number of 271' radians. T lms, the pbase A cOl'l'esponding to an increased change over the
CUlYes for 0 = 0.3 a nd 0.4 co ulcllttwe been dmwn llndisLurb ed values. J t is importftnt to note that
I in t he ntnge below - 160°. tbe phase anom aly is alm ost directly proporLional
The CUI.TeS in figure 2b, eve n if t hey s how nothi ng to A.
) else, demonstmte that phase s hifts in reflection 4 . Final Remarks
p henome na may h,tve sO lll e unu sual cycle am-
biguities. The results gi ven here constitute a small portion
The influen ce of the widLit of Lhe Gnu ss i,LI1 pertUl'- or extensive cOll1put,ttio ns dealing with reflection
bation 01' "hump" is s how n in figUl'e 3tL ror t be or waves from inhomogeneous media. In subse-
amplitude IHI and in figure :3b for the p hase of R. quent parts to t.hi s series other types or profiles will
Here A = 2, A= 15 km, and 0 = 0.2. The ampliLud e be considered. Al 0, the app lications to the mode
curves show t hat, whell D is increased, th e overall theory o[ VLF propftgation are to be desc]'ibed in
influence of the layer becomes somewhat greftter. some detail.
, There is some tendency for th e thinner byers (i .e.,
smaller D ) to be more efl'ect ive at greater heights. The authors wish to thank A. G. Jean and D. D.
The correspon ding phase curves s how that the Crombi e for t heir helpful suggestions during t ho
thicker layers always produce a larger pbase change. course of this work.
Furthermore, as D exceeds 2 km, il, point is reached
whcre th e "360° jump" takes place.
The curves in figures 4a and. b are for the Salne 5. References
conditions as figures 3a and b except that now 0 = Barrington, R ., B. Landmark, O. Hol t, a nd E . Thrane
0.1, corresponding to nearer grazing incidence. (Jun e 1962), Experimental studies of the ionospheric
The amplitude curves have a very similar shape. D-regiolJ, Repor t No. 44, Norwegian Defence R esea rch
Establishment, Kj eller, Norway.
The phase curves are also similar except that the Belrose, J .S. (1 9G3, Low-frequency propagation (to be
"360° jump" is no longer present. . submittrc\ to Proe. lEE, Londo n).
The wavelen gth dependence or the reflectIOn Kan e J . A. (1962), Re-evaluation of ionosphrric electron
coefficient is shown in figures 5a and b. For these den sit ies and collision frrqurnc irs drrived from rock et
measurements, Chap. 29 in Radio Wave Absorption in
0 = 0.1, A = 2, and D = '2 . The wavelen gths chosen the I onosphere (P ergamon Press , Oxford) .
(10, 15, 20, 25. 30lem) correspond to frequencies of 'Vait, J. R . (1962) , Elect ro magnet ic ",aves in strat ifi ed
30, 20, 15, 12 , and 10 kc/s. Qualitatively, the media (Pergamon Prrss, Oxford).
curves have a very similar shape. There is some W a it, J . R., and L. C. Walters (May- Jun e 1963), Reflection
of VLF radio wa ves from an inhomogeneous ionosphere.
tendency for the shorter wavelengths to be accom- Part 1. Exponentiall y varyi ng iso tropic mod el, J . R esearch
pfwied by more pronounced changes. In all eases NBS 67D (Radio Prop.) No.3, :361- 367.
the "bump" acts as an absorber at low heights
while it enhances thc reflection at greater heights. (Paper 67D5- 283)
687-416- 63- -5

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