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Muhammad Rafiq Tanjung


The way scientists work is closely related to knowledge and science. They are, in fact,
inseparable. To begin with, it is important to identify the difference between knowledge and
science. Knowledge is basically what most people know about something. Meanwhile, if the
knowledge has been rationally and scientifically proved in the empirical world, it can be
called science. The ability of human being to critically think and draw conclusion makes
numerous advancements of knowledge. How people think is led universally by so called
scientific method covering problem formulation, pattern of thinking arrangement, hypotheses
formulation, hypotheses test, and drawing conclusion. This systematic way of thinking leads
into many discoveries which benefit society as a whole. The proof of it is collected in form of
scientific works as the result of scientific method implementation. Some of which are written
theoretically and others are made in form of objects that are advantageous in life. I personally
think that it is pivotal for people to get used to thinking scientifically to have better quality of
knowledge. However, I am still wondering about knowledge that does not need further
investigation, to what extent do people need to test hypotheses that arise? Is there any border
among it?

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