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Final Output in Contemporary World

Currently, I am living in Barangay San Pedro at Delos Reyes Road 1 and in a Muslim
community to be particular. As you can see in my simple drawing, I draw the church where
the Muslim people worship Allah and they call it Mosque or Masjid. The Mosque/Masjid
was made up of iron, hollow blocks, concrete, and it was painted of white with a mixture
of pastel green color. The house where I am living is just beside the Mosque/Masjid and
my companion in the house are Muslim but just to be clear, I am a Christian. I live with
them as their house helper. Most of the people that lives in this street are Muslim, you will
only see a few Christians. And of course, when I go outside the house, I’ll see Muslim
people too, children playing and speaking using their language, Mranao. And then there
is a small carinderia wherein they sell Mranao dishes on the other side of the street right
in front of Mosque/Masjid. Just by walking to the corner of the street, you will be directed
to the national highway. And then when you turn right, you will see one of the branches
of the famous fast food restaurant worldwide, the McDonald’s Palawan-San Pedro
Branch. I often eat in there because I barely cook my own food due to my hectic schedule.
Because when the time of 8pm hits, I have to go and attend my shift as a call center agent
in Sitel. Just by crossing the street from McDonald’s you will see the company of Sitel
that is why I included it in my drawing. Being a call center agent in Sitel is my main reason
why I chose this place to live in and aside from that, there are a lots of opportunities here
and this place is really convenient for me.

Now comparing Barangay San Pedro to a global city, let’s say Dubai in United Arab
Emirates, their differences are truly huge. Just by looking at the pictures of Dubai, you will
be amazed by their building structures and it surely made out of expensive materials and
as I have read from some article on the internet, their newest landmark is all covered in
gold plating. Dubai is known as “City of Gold” and they are also known for luxury shopping,
ultramodern architecture and a lively nightlife scene. A lot of Overseas Filipino Workers
work in Dubai due to its high economy and quality of life. The infrastructures there are
like gigantic in height and so fine to look at. Compared here in our place, I have never
seen such tall buildings in Palawan. In terms of economic, Dubai is dependent on foreign
investment as well as tourism to sustain their already stellar economy. If I said that there
are lots of opportunities here in where I currently live, Well in Dubai, there are more
opportunities that you cannot count using your ten fingers. I think the only similarity of
Dubai in the place where I currently live is that most of the people in Dubai are Islam in
religion just like here in Delos Reyes Road 1, Barangay San Pedro.

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