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Mineralogist Nickel in 1995 say “A mineral is an element or chemical compound that is

normally crystalline and that has been formed as a result of geological processes.”

Minerals are materials that meet five requirements. They are:

1) naturally occurring, it’s mean any object that is formed anywhere in nature, such as on
other planets or deep inside the earth, as long as it is formed naturally and has a natural
existence, it can be called a mineral

2) inorganic, its mean the process of its formation inorganically, so that solid objects are
formed by organisms that do not include minerals

3) solids, having a certain and homogeneous chemical composition, with physical properties
such as density, compressibility, refractive index, etc are fixed

4) with a definite chemical composition, which means it is composed of atoms or groups of

atoms (cations and anions) with a certain and fixed ratio

5) an ordered internal structure.which means that each mineral is composed of similar

crystals, with a certain atomic arrangement/geometry


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