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A mineral is a naturally occurring inorganic element or
compound having an orderly internal structure and
characteristic chemical composition, crystal form, and
physical properties.
 Characteristic of Minerals
 1. Naturally occurring - a product of Earth’s natural
process (These substances that form without any
human help.)
 2. Inorganic – it must be of Earth physical processes
(They aren't carbon compounds like those found in
living things.)
3. Homogenous solid – minerals should have
definite volume and rigid shape (They don't droop
or melt or evaporate.)
4. Definite chemical composition – represented by
a chemical formula (Each mineral has its own
specific combination of atoms that cannot be found
in any other mineral.)
5. Orderly crystalline structure – atoms of minerals
are arrange in an orderly and repeating pattern
(They have a distinct recipe and arrangement of
Minerals form as magma or lava cools. Minerals form
when they precipitate from hot fluids that have
cooled down. Minerals form from dissolved substances
when water evaporates.
Minerals form when atoms bond together in a
crystalline arrangement. Three main ways this occurs
in nature are: 1) precipitation directly from an
aqueous (water) solution with a temperature change,
2) crystallization from a magma with a temperature
change, and 3) biological precipitation by the action
of organisms.
Properties of Minerals
1. Hardness – mineral resistance to scratching
2. Cleavage – mineral’s resistance to being broken
and fracture
3. Color – include name, crystal system, color as it
appears to the naked eye. The color may change
depending on the surface.
4. Crystallography/Habit – the general appearance
a mineral tends to have or crystalline structure
5. Streak – the color of a crushed minerals powder
6. Diaphaneity/amount of transparency – ability to
allow light to pass through it
7. Luster – how light is reflected off a surface
8. Tenacity – describes the minerals reaction to
Brittleness – a mineral turn into powder
Malleability- a mineral can be flattened by
pounding with a hammer.
Ductility – a mineral can be stretched into wire
Flexible and inelastic – Minerals are bent, and they
remain in the new position.
Flexible and elastic – Minerals are bent, and they
bring back to their original position.
Sectility – ability of minerals to be sliced by a knife

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