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Survey of Computer Art Applications

Undergraduate | CMPA 110 in fall 2010 | Instructor: Winnie Soon (

Class 1 Agenda: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Get to know each other Course overview & syllabus walkthrough Plagiarism and rips o 2D basics Design opportunity: Assignment 1 walkthrough Magic coupon & rules

Course overview & syllabus walkthrough

Announcements Course syllabus Course Work Discussions Assessments Submissions

Plagiarism and rips o

What is the process of creaUon? In what ways we engaged with other peoples


Plagiarism and rips o

Important: We give credit ! Plagiarism is using others ideas and words without

clearly acknowledging the source of that informaUon. plagiarism?

What is the line between inspiraUon and

Plagiarism and rips o

The secret to creaUvity is knowing how to hide

your sources Albert Einstein

Plagiarism and rips o/Print

L: Japanese artst: Kumashita, work in 1994 R: Copy by W/McCann, Brazil hcp://

Plagiarism and rips o/Video

L: hcp:// R: hcp:// Ref: hcp://

Plagiarism and rips o/Interactive

T: hcp:// B: hcp:// Ref: hcp://

What is 2D graphics?
Any example? What are the basic elements of a 2D graphic?

Point + Line: Geometry

Point + Line: Geometry

Plane & Shape

Plane & Shape


Img source: hcp://

Color? Primary color? AddiUve? SubtracUve? RGB? CMYK? Warm / Cold?


Img source: hcp://


Img source: hcp://

Design Opportunity
Assignment 1 walkthrough:
Show Your Type Postcard design Due: class 3

Public ExhibiUon opportunity hcp://

Magic Coupon & rules in class

Acendance: 20% of the course Late / Early leave: 15 mins No mobile device No food/drinks in Computer Lab Assignment submission *Show up on criUque session with your works!

Magic Coupon & rules in class

Magic coupon*:
Rework on one of the assignments or Delay assignment submission for 1 week

*condiUons applied, please download the latest le from blackboard.

-Color ArithmeUcs: the dierence between addiUve and subtracUve colors hcp://

Reference book/source for this course:

-Fuller, Machew (eds). Sodware Studies: A Lexicon. The MIT Press, 2008. hcp:// - Smith Jennifer., et al. Photoshop CS4 Digital Classroom. Indiana: Wiley Publishing, 2008. -Karlins, David. Adobe Illustrator CS4 How-Tos: 100 EssenUal Techniques. Berkeley: Peachpit, 2009. hcp:// - Osborn, Jeremy, et al. Dreamweaver CS4 Digital Classroom. Indiana: Wiley Publishing, 2008. -Meyer, Chris and Meyer, Trish. CreaUng MoUon Graphics with Ader Eects: EssenUal and Advanced Techniques. Oxford: Elseiver, 2008. hcp:// s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1284010265&sr=1-3 -Grover, Chris. Google SketchUp: The Missing Manual. Sehastopol: OReilly Media, 2009. hcp:// -Google., Google SketchUp Video Tutorials. [Video] Available at hcp:// [Accessed 5 August 2010].

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