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2 Project CHUV, Lausanne

Child Neuropsychological Protocol: 7 to 16;11 years old

The most important tasks are in red

Wechlser Intelligence Scale for Chidren Fourth Edition (WISC-IV)

Executive functions

Verbal fluency (1minute : animals/ food and beverage/ letter M) / Tower of London
Children / Color Trail Making test Children/ Color stroop task


Computerized Test of Attentional Performance 2.2 (GoNogo, 2 stimuli, 1 target / working

memory, difficulty 3 (from 13y.) / divided attention, synchrome double task)


Child memory scale (word list) /Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure/ Satial span (from Wechsler
Nonverbal scale)

Praxis and manual dexterity

Oral-motor skills ; Purdue Pegboard Test

Oral Language

Peabody expressive vocabulary test / Boston naming

language tests from the NEPSY (phonological processing part, repetition of nonsense words,
oromotor sequences, (Speeding Naming up to 12.y )

Oldfield lateralisation Index


Children without intellectual disability :

- Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach), Depression scale M-CDI-II / anxiety scale R-CMAS/
Conners / Eating Disorder Inventory-3 (EDI-3 from 13y.)

Children with mild to severe Intellectual Disability :

- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABS,2nd Ed.) To be done with the parents
- Nissonger Child Behavior rating Form (CBRF) To be filled in by the parents

All children :

- Child Eating Behavior Questionnaire (CEBQ) To be filled in by the parents

- Hyperphagia Questionnaire

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