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Problem 1: Momentum

A car with a mass of 1000 kg is traveling at a velocity of 20 m/s. Calculate the momentum of the


Momentum (p) is calculated using the formula:


p = momentum
m = mass
v = velocity

mass (m) = 1000 kg
velocity (v) = 20 m/s

Substituting the values into the formula:

p = 1000 kg * 20 m/s
p = 20,000 kg·m/s

Therefore, the momentum of the car is 20,000 kg·m/s.

Problem 2: Impulse

A baseball with a mass of 0.15 kg is pitched towards a batter at a velocity of 30 m/s. The batter
hits the ball and the ball rebounds in the opposite direction with a velocity of -20 m/s. Calculate
the impulse experienced by the ball.


Impulse (J) is calculated using the formula:

J = Δp

J = impulse
Δp = change in momentum

The change in momentum is given by:

Δp = p_final - p_initial

mass (m) = 0.15 kg
initial velocity (v_initial) = 30 m/s
final velocity (v_final) = -20 m/s

First, let's calculate the initial momentum (p_initial) of the ball:

p_initial = m * v_initial
p_initial = 0.15 kg * 30 m/s
p_initial = 4.5 kg·m/s
Next, calculate the final momentum (p_final) of the ball:

p_final = m * v_final
p_final = 0.15 kg * (-20 m/s)
p_final = -3 kg·m/s

Now, substitute the values into the formula for impulse:

J = p_final - p_initial
J = (-3 kg·m/s) - (4.5 kg·m/s)
J = -7.5 kg·m/s

Therefore, the impulse experienced by the ball is -7.5 kg·m/s. Note that the negative sign
indicates a change in direction.

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