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Life in the countryside

……………………………………………………………………. As you know,
nowadays, many people have a tendency to move from the countryside to
cities because they think big cities can provide a great deal of advantages and
opportunities for a better life. However, personally, I prefer life in the
countryside to that in the city because of several reasons as below.
First, living in the countryside helps you to be closer to the nature that is
obviously good for your health. Houses in the countryside are surrounded by
trees, flowers… We can be free to admire breathtaking landscapes such as
huge green meadows, peaceful hills or forests. There, you are woken up by
the singing of the birds instead of by the noise from vehicles.
Second, rural areas bring me the peace and comfort, which is beneficial to my
health. Living here helps me avoid noise and pollution coming from vehicles
and bothersome traffic jams at rush hours, which can make me feel
uncomfortable. Moreover, time seems to run more slowly in the countryside so
people have more time to enjoy life as the day goes on.
Moreover, neighbours in the countryside are very friendly and warm-hearted.
They are willing to help whenever someone gets into trouble without asking
anything in return. If you live in cities, you cannot even know your neighbours.
This makes you feel bored and lonely.
Furthermore, the cost of living in the countryside is lower than that in cities.
People here can produce their own food such as vegetables, fruits, fishes,
meat and so on. Working in the countryside does not earn as much money as
working in large cities. However, they do not have to waste money on
unnecessary things.
In conclusion, there always two sides of a coin. Living in the countryside has
its own pros and cons. For me, I prefer the peaceful life in the countryside
because of these reasons. I wish I can afford to build another happy house
surrounded by a nice garden in the countryside when my husband and I get

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