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Industrial Security Concepts

A condition of a situation from any DANGER – Any act with result to any ijury or losses

Basic principle of security :

1. Command Responsibility - It cannot be delecated
2. Balance between Secdurity & Efficiency -Security prevails over efficiency
3. Comformentation – Need to know basis ( Dapat Authorized lang ang me alam)
4. General Principle that security must remain constant
5. Security is Responsibility to all – What ever the position or rank.
 Pelverage - Stealling
 Larceny - Theft
 Bullary – Robbery

*Aspects of Security as Protection to Crime

1. Active Measure - The use of installation of Various Physical Security

When you use
 Batteries
 Lights
 Alarms
 Barriers
2. Passive Meassure -Reffers to the implementation of LA10 “Fear of being CAUGHT”
Takot sa penalty o mahuli dahil naka commit ng CRIME
Example : Pag nasa mall ka at Nakita ka na nag lagay ng gamit sa loob ng iyung bulsa
nakalabas ka man ng mall o hnde it will considerd as Caught in the act via cctv
surveillance automatic my kaso kana nun as (theft) or (qualified theft)

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