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Author: butterflybetty

Rating: MA/NC-17
Title: A Night Unexpected
Summery: When Bella goes with Edward to meet his long time friend, Jasper Whitlock, she
finds what she least expected.
“Baby, are you ready?” Pushing the front door to our apartment open, Edward rushed in.
“Traffic's going to be a bitch.”
“I'm ready,” I sighed, dragging my suitcase out of our bedroom. “I just need to turn on the
machine, then we can go.”
“Hurry,” pressed Edward.
Rolling my eyes, I walked into the kitchen, letting him carry my bag out to his car. Flicking on
the answering machine, I locked the door and rushed out to him. Edward smiled as he pulled the
passenger side door open for me. Blushing, I leaned up on my toes, kissing his cheek. A small moan
reverberated out of him.
“You little minx,” he teased, swatting my ass before I could sit down. Pretending to be
offended, I scowled, but, secretly, I loved when he smacked my ass.
Edward closed the door, rushing around and climbing in behind the wheel. A smile played on
his lips as he started the car, heading out of Forks, toward Seattle. Looking out the window, I tried to
stifle my nerves. Edward was taking me to meet his long time friend, the only person he respected in
this world, Jasper Whitlock.
I met Edward a year ago at a small, rundown coffee shop. It really had been one of those cliché
meetings. Turning with my freshly made cafe mocha in my hands, I ran into him, spilling the boiling
liquid down the front of his white oxford shirt and black pants. Like my humiliation hadn't been bad
enough, I took it one step further by grabbing a stack of napkins and proceeded to pat his crotch.
Edward grabbed my hands, insisting that he'd handle it. Blushing like a fool, I rushed out of the
coffee shop, tears pricking at my eyes. It took me a week to get the courage to go back there, but I did.
Imagine my surprise when I saw Edward sitting at a small table in the back. Trying to hide behind my
dark hair, I stepped up to the counter and tried to order my drink, but the barista told me the man in the
back had already bought me one. Looking back, I saw that she gestured to Edward.
When I approached his table, Edward stood up, tossing me a crooked smile before inviting me
to sit down with him. My face heated up as I slid into the chair, stammering out an apology. However,
he stopped me by reaching over and placing his finger over my lips. After insisting that all was
forgiven, he handed me my coffee and we began talking. I forced him to let me cook dinner for him,
which didn't really take much forcing, and we'd been together ever since.
However, this would be the first time I'd meet anyone in his life. Both of Edward's parents
passed away when he was in high school, and he didn't have anyone else, expect for Jasper. With the
way Edward talked about him, one would think that he's God. I admit to being a little jealous about the
way Edward gushed about him, but I couldn't show it. I loved Edward, and I knew he loves me.
“Baby, we're here,” murmured Edward, reaching over, taking my hand in his. I turned back to
him, smiling. “You ready?”
“Yes,” I smiled.
Edward pushed open his door with a growing smile. My hands shook as I reached out and
opened my door, unsure of why I felt nervous. Of course, I knew why. Edward regarded Jasper's
opinion, if he didn't like me, Edward would leave me. That's a fact.
Once he had our bags out of the trunk, Edward grabbed my hand, pulling me through the front
gates of the large tutor style house. Stepping onto the small porch, he set our bags down and rang the
door bell, giving me a reassuring smile.
From the other side of the door, I heard someone yell, “I'm coming, hold on!”
A moment later, the door opened and I stood face to face with Jasper Whitlock. A lazy smile
ghosted his face as he shifted his gaze from Edward, to me. His bright blue eyes sparkled, one corner of
his lips lifted into a smirk, as he brought his hand up, pushing his shaggy golden hair out of his face. He
gave me the once over, before turning back to Edward.
“Hey, man, been a while,” he laughed, opening his arms for a hug. Edward dropped my hand,
wrapping his arms around his longtime friend. Pulling on my bottom lip, I stood there, watching their
reunion. Edward pulled back, but still didn't say anything. Jasper turned back to me. “You must be
Bella. Edward's told me all about you.”
“He's told me about you, as well,” I giggled. Jasper's eyes traveled to Edward.
“Really?” he smirked. “Is that true, Edward?”
“Yes, but not everything,” muttered Edward, ears burning.
Jasper nodded, looking back over at me. “Hmm, we'll just have to compare notes and see what
dirty details he shared, won't we, Bella?”
“I guess so.”
Jasper laughed, reaching out and taking my hand, pulling me into his house. Edward picked up
our bags, following us inside. Jasper told him which room to take leave our bags in, before leading me
into the living room. Edward hesitated for a moment before heading up the stairs. Jasper smiled,
pulling me down on the couch next to him. Jasper, not more than a year older than us, carried himself
off as being much older.
“So, Bella, what do you do for a living?”
“I'm a writer,” I nodded, unsure why I nodded my head.
“What do you write?” he pressed. Leaning forward, he smiled, “Do you write porn?”
“No,” I exclaimed. Jasper leaned back, laughing.
“What's so funny?” wondered Edward, walking into the room. He sat next to me, slipping his
arm around my waist, an act that Jasper seemed to enjoy.
“I just asked your girl here what kind of writing she does,” he shrugged, leaning back, placing
his arm on the back of the couch.
“He asked me if I write porn,” I added, “which I don't.”
“She writes supernatural books.” Edward sounded proud as he explained in detail about my
The entire time he spoke, Jasper looked between us, a knowing smile playing over his lips.
When his eyes flickered to Edward, another look cross them, amusement. Almost like there was a
secret that only he knew about. Edward shifted on the couch behind me, causing me to look back at
him. He blushed, leaning in and kissing my cheek.
“I bet dinner's about ready,” announced Jasper, standing up and offering me a hand. “I'm
starving. How about you, Bella?”
“Famished,” I murmured, placing my hand in his. Jasper pulled me up flush with his body.
“Let's eat,” he winked.
Tugging on my hand, Jasper lead me out of the living room, with Edward following, and into
the dining room. The oak table had already been set for three. Jasper pulled out a chair, gesturing for
me to sit. Sliding into the chair, I thanked him with a nod. Edward sank into a chair across the table
from me, keeping his hands in his lap as Jasper walked into the kitchen.
I shifted my gaze to Edward. “Are you okay?”
He smiled, “I'm fine. He likes you.”
Before I could question him further, Jasper came back in with a large bowl of vegetable soup.
He filled our bowls, poured us each a glass of wine, and took his seat at the head of the table. “Why'd
you pick supernatural books?”
“Um, I don't know really,” I paused. “I suppose that's not really true. My father used to tell me
stories as a child about vampires and werewolves. As I grew up, I guess I just took what he told me and
gave it my own spin.”
“Do you believe in vampires?” Jasper teased.
“No,” I laughed, “it's just fun to let my mind ask the what ifs.”
“Hmm,” he hummed, picking up his glass, taking a swig of his wine. “I'll have to try one of
your books.”
“I hope you enjoy it.” My cheeks burned from my blush.
“I'm sure I will,” he smirked. “Now, eat before your soup gets cold.”
While we finished our dinner, they talked about work. I sat in my seat, sipping on my soup and
listened as Edward opened up to his long time friend. There was still so much about Edward that I
didn't know. He'd never been an open book, but neither had I. He barely talked about his family, only
offering up a few details about the car accident that killed them. I learned with him, it was better not to
ask too many questions, knowing I wouldn't get many answers.
Once we finished dinner, Jasper insisted that we settle in the living room again for some coffee.
Edward declared that he would clear the table, so I followed Jasper into the living room, walking over
and looking at all the photographs sitting on his shelves. All of them were of him and Edward, some
from high school, others from college. I picked up one where they sat on the beach, feet buried in the
“We were sixteen when that was taken.” I startled when Jasper, placed his hand on my back.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.”
“You didn't,” I lied. “Where was this taken?”
“Myrtle Beach,” smiled Jasper, taking the picture from me. “Just before our parents died.”
“Your parents?”
“In the same accident with his,” frowned Jasper, placing the picture back in it's spot.
“Oh,” I mumbled, “I'm sorry, I didn't know.”
“Don't be sorry.” Jasper lead me back over to the couch, sitting down next to me. “I don't know
how much he's told you.”
“Not much,” I admitted. “But I don't ask either.”
“Why not?” He wondered.
“Because he wouldn't tell me if I did.” I stated. “Edward's private.”
“He is,” agreed Jasper, but didn't offer anything more.
Edward came back in a few minutes later, sitting behind me again. He and Jasper started talking
about old times, while I just listened. I'd never heard Edward laugh as much as he was with Jasper.
After a few hours, though, Edward and I headed upstairs to bed, bidding Jasper goodnight. He followed
us to the stairs, watching as we walked up to the guest room.
Edward closed the door behind us, looking back at me. “Well?”
“Well, what?” I smirked, kicking off my shoes.
“What do you think of him?” Shaking his head as he kicked off his own shoes. “He likes you, I
can tell.”
“What makes you think so?”
“I don't know,” he mumbled, unbuttoning his shirt. “He said he would read one of your books.”
“He might have just said that to be nice,” I pointed out.
“No, if he says it, he means it,” disagreed Edward, tossing his pants on floor and climbing in
bed. I finished undressing, pulling on my nightgown. Sliding under the covers, I rested my head on
Edward's chest. “Do you like him?”
“He seems nice,” I admitted.
“He is,” murmured Edward, leaning down and kissing me. “He's important to me, baby. You're
important to me. I need you to get along.”
“We are,” I smiled, bringing my hand to his check.
Edward closed his eyes, kissing me again, before laying back down. Rolling onto my other side,
I nestled myself into his arms and drifted off to sleep.
I woke up sometime later, searching the bed for Edward, coming up empty. Sitting up, I looked
at the clock, two in the morning. Scrambling out of bed, I crept across the room, pulling the door open.
The hallway was dark, quiet, almost eerie. At the other end, though, a door sat ajar, light pouring out,
along with the sounds of heavy breathing. Slowly, I walked down the hall, staying close to the wall.
Once I reached the room, I reached out, pushing the door open completely. What I saw caused my
breath to catch in my lungs, and my eyes to bug out.
Edward, my beautiful Edward, naked on his knees, with his hands bound behind him by rope,
knees shoulder width apart, and mouth wrapped around Jasper's hard cock. With one hand on the back
of his head, Jasper thrusted into Edward's mouth. Jasper's head was thrown backwards, delicious moans
dripping out.
Feeling me standing there, Jasper snapped his head back up, sexy smirk spreading over his face
as he tightened his grip on Edward's hair, pushing his cock deeper into his mouth. Edward's muffled
moan echoed through the room. I clenched my thighs together, feeling my arousal.
“Don't be shy, darlin,” he drawled, holding his free hand out to me. While my mind screamed at
me to turn and run, my feet stepped toward him. I raised my hand, placing it in his. Jasper spun me,
pressing my back to his side, resting his hand just under my breast. My white, cotton nightgown did
little to hide my pebbled nipples.
“Looks like your girl likes what she sees, boy.” Edward's eyes shot up to mine, a look of lust
and need swimming in them. “Eyes down, boy,” snarled Jasper. Edward quickly looked down. Jasper
smiled, shifting his gaze to me. “He's normally so well behaved. I'll excuse this one, seeing as you're
Words left me as I watched Edward sucking on Jasper's hard cock. I'd never seen a man giving
another man a blow job, but it was beautiful. Long and thick, Edward managed to get all of him in
without gagging. I still had problems taking Edward in completely. Jasper snaked his hand up, cupping
my breast, rolling my nipples between his long, nimble fingers.
Bringing his lips down to the side of my neck, he moaned, “Tell me, beautiful Bella, does
seeing my cock in his mouth turn you on?”
I nodded.
“Answer me,” he grunted, licking my neck. “I want to hear the words.”
“Yes,” I gasped. Jasper smiled against my skin.
“His mouth,” he inhaled, “feels fucking amazing.”
I bit my lip, trying to stop from moaning. Jasper moved his hand from Edward's head, up to my
arm. Pulling, he placed my hand on the back of his head, pushing down. “Lead him,” he ordered.
Tugging on his head, I pulled Edward's head back, meeting his eyes for a moment before
pulling him back onto Jasper's dick. Edward took him all in again, nestling the thick cock in his throat.
I set a slow, steady pace, enjoying watching each and every time Edward took him in. Jasper slid his
hand down my abdomen, resting just under the hem of my short nightgown. Sucking on my earlobe, he
lifted his hand, slipping them inside the simple white cotton panties I wore, cupping my pussy.
“So wet.” My breath caught as Jasper brushed his fingers across my lower lips. “You're
I whimpered.
“Tell me, beautiful Bella, do you want me to cum in his mouth?” groaned Jasper, tightening his
hand over mine, increasing the pace, “Or do you want me to cum on his face?”
“Mouth,” I panted. “I want to see him swallow your cum.”
“Mouth it is,” he agreed. Looking back down at Edward, he thrust himself all the way in, letting
his head fall back as he came. Edward gulped down Jasper's cum, I found myself aching for my own
release. “Oh, fuck, Edward, I love filling your fucking mouth. Such a good cock sucker.”
Edward moaned as he pulled back, releasing Jasper and shifting his eyes back to the ground.
Jasper pulled his hand out of my panties, I once again whimpered. “Don't worry, beautiful, we'll take
care of you, won't we, boy?”
“Yes, Master,” whispered Edward.
“Look at her,” commanded Jasper. Edward's head shot up, eyes immediately catching mine.
“Tell me, beautiful Bella, has my boy filled your mouth with his cock?”
“Yes,” I shivered.
“Has he taken your pussy?” he pressed, nipping at my neck. I nodded. “Tell me.”
“Yes,” I gasped. “He's had my pussy.”
“Did he fuck you hard? Or soft?”
“Both,” I moaned.
“Which do you prefer?” He moved behind me, both hands slipping up under my night gown.
Raising my arms, he tugged my nightgown off of me, leaving in just my panties. “Hmm, do you like it
when he pounds into you, taking you hard and fast? Or when he slowly makes love to you?”
“Hard,” I admitted, keeping my eyes locked on Edward's. “I like it hard.”
Edward moaned but didn't speak.
Jasper dropped my nightgown on the floor, moving so that he stood in front of me, right next to
Edward. He brought his hand down, running his fingers through Edward's hair as he looked me over. I
should've been embarrassed about standing nearly naked in front of him, but I didn't. Quite the opposite
in fact. I was turned the fuck on. Jasper stepped up in front of me, grabbing the sides of my panties.
Slithering down the front of my body, he slid them off, tossing them aside.
Starting at my feet, he brought his hands up, caressing my calves, grazing over my knees, to my
thighs, before stopping his hands between legs. He looked over at Edward, whose eyes were trained on
his hands. “Do you like it when I touch her, boy?”
Edward's reply tumbled out, “Yes, Master, I love it.”
“Do you want me to taste her?” Jasper queried.
Inhaling, Edward nodded, “Very much so, Master.”
Shifting his gaze back to me, Jasper pushed my legs apart, holding me so that I didn't fall.
Without looking away, he leaned in, licked my pussy. I moaned, wanting to beg him for more. He
pulled his lips back, licking at my juice that coated his lips. Standing up, he took my hand, leading me
across the room to a dark red chair.
“Sit,” he ordered and I sat. He moved back over to Edward, gripping his arm and pulling him to
his feet. Jasper gestured for him to follow, which he did without question. Edward's cock was harder
than I had ever seen it. Jasper tossed him a pillow on the floor in front of my feet. “Kneel,” and Edward
knelt in front of me.
Jasper moved behind Edward, gripping his hair and pulling his head back. Edward winced.
“You have five minutes to make her cum, boy. If you don't, I'll show her how I punish you. You don't
want that, do you?”
Edward shook his head, but didn't speak. Jasper let go of his head, reaching around him, he
pulled my legs apart, opening me up for him. Edward didn't hesitate as he leaned forward, burying his
tongue in me. I gripped the arms of the chair, digging my nails into the cloth. Edward held nothing
back, sucking and lapping at every bit of me. Jasper stayed behind him, running his fingers up and
down his back and side. Edward shuddered, arching into him. My hand twitched, wanting to be buried
in Edward's luscious bronzed hair.
Reading my mind, Jasper reached up, grabbing my hand, placing it on his head. “Pull hard,
beautiful, he likes it.”
Gripping the locks between my fingers, I pulled him further into me. Edward moaned, doubling
his efforts. My orgasm, already building, grew more intense with each passing second. Jasper's eyes,
wide and anxious, focused on Edward's mouth. My body began shaking as Edward leaned up, sucking
my clit between his teeth, biting down. Arching my back, my scream echoed through the room. I fell
back against the seat while Edward lapped up everything I gave him.
Jasper pulled his hair from my fingers, yanking his head back. Crushing his lips down onto
Edward's, I watched as their tongues swiped at each others. Tearing his lips away, Jasper grabbed his
arm, dragging him to his feet. Edward's cock was right in front of me, beads of cum bubbling at the tip.
Without realizing, I leaned forward, licking the liquid off, savoring the taste. My head was yanked back
as Jasper grabbed my hair roughly.
Bringing his lips down, just a millimeter away from mine, he gritted, “Don't touch him without
my permission.” I whimpered, nodding immediately. Releasing my hair, he straightened back up,
turning back to Edward. “Go to the table,” he instructed.
Edward moved, not looking back at me. He stopped at the side of the table, but didn't get on.
Jasper, turning back to me, held out his hand, a friendly smile on his lips. I placed my hand in his,
letting him pull me up to my feet. Jasper lead me over to the table. Swiping my feet out from under me,
he lifted me up, laying me on top.
Bringing his hand up to my face, he smiled, “If you want us to stop, all you have to do is say so,
“Okay,” I breathed.
Jasper winked at me before he moved over, untying Edward's hands. Bringing his hands up in
front of him, Edward rubbed his wrists but didn't say anything. At least, not with his voice. His eyes
were locked on mine, green orbs sparking with excitement. Jasper moved to the other side of the table,
pulling my left arm up, securing it to the table with black leather cuffs. Edward followed his lead,
securing my right arm, and then my leg. Once all my limbs had been secured, he placed his arms down
to his side.
Turning, Jasper moved over to a large metal cabinet, pulling open the door, shuffling through
whatever was inside. He came back over a moment later, laying a large vibrator, nipple clamps, and a
butt plug. From the corner of my eye, I saw Edward's cock twitch. Jasper handed him the nipple
clamps, but didn't speak. The room, though silent, screamed with anticipation.
Reaching up, Edward pinched my nipple, adding the nipple clamp. It stung, but didn't hurt.
While Edward added the other clamp, Jasper had crawled up onto the table, running his finger over my
ass, pressing just the tip of his finger inside. Looking up at me, he smirked, “Tell me, beautiful, has he
fucked you here yet?”
“No,” I hissed, needing more.
Cocking an eyebrow, Jasper looked up at Edward. “Hmm, we'll have to change that, won't we?”
Edward's jaw clenched but he didn't say anything. Jasper laughed, slipping his finger out of me.
I whimpered at the loss. He picked up a bottle of lube, spreading it over his fingers. Turning back to
me, he slowly pressed one finger into me. Inhaling, I clenched my hands. Jasper stopped, but didn't pull
his finger out.
“Do we need to stop?”
“NO!” I shouted.
He laughed, “Okay, just checking.”
Slipping his finger out a little, he pushed back in. Taking his time, he worked until he had three
fingers inside of me. I panted, needing more. Adding some lube to the plug, he pulled his fingers out of
me, and gently pushed the toy in. “Oh, my god,” I gasped.
“This will get you ready,” he purred, winking at me.
Sliding off the table, he reached up and flicked the nipple clamps. I whimpered again, feeling
them tugging at my skin, enjoying them more than I thought I would. Walking around the table, he
wrapped his arms around Edward, who'd been silently watching. Taking his cock in his hands, Jasper
began to stroke him, slow and steady. Placing his lips on the side of Edward's neck, Jasper smiled.
“I think you deserve a treat, boy,” he murmured. “What do you want?”
“Whatever you want, Master,” came his reply immediately. Jasper, still stroking him, stepped
around and looked him in the eye.
“What do you want?” Jasper's words were clear, he wanted to know what Edward wanted.
Shifting his eyes over to mine, he barely requested, “I want her mouth...for now.”
Nodding, Jasper turned and looked down at me, spread out before him. “Then take her mouth.”
Edward climbed into the table, straddling my chest. Taking hold of his cock, he rubbed the tip
along my lips, coating them with the beads that had formed once again. Parting my lips, I let him slid in
until he hit the back of my throat. Edward's head fell back, he sighed.
“Let me hear you, boy,” ordered Jasper, placing his hands on my thighs. I knew he'd crawled
back onto the table, resting between my spread legs again.
“Oh, fuck, Bella, your good,” moaned Edward, shifting himself deeper.
I was powerless to stop him, not that I wanted to, anyway. I loved his cock, and having him in
my mouth was only beat by when he buried himself in my pussy. I lifted my head, trying to take more
of him in. Sensing my need, Edward brought his hand down, keeping my head lifted as he fucked my
mouth. Edward had just pushed his cock into my mouth when I felt Jasper press the vibrator into my
pussy. I cried out around Edward's cock, giving him the chance to delve further into my throat.
Gripping my hair tighter, he groaned. “So fucking tight.”
“Fuck her mouth, boy,” quipped Jasper, switching the vibrator onto it's lowest setting, working
it inside of me.
The feeling of him playing with my pussy, while Edward filled my mouth and that plug
occupied my ass, sent me withering, desperate for another release. However, Jasper went too slow,
taking his time to tease me. I knew I wasn't going to be granted my release anytime soon. I'd figured
out his game, finding myself a willing participant. For one night at least.
Edward panted above me, taking my mouth hard as he slid his cock in and out of me, pushing
deeper until my nose came flush to his skin. His fingers, coiled in my hair, guided my head, leaving me
open for his pleasure. This had been the first time he'd ever let go like this with me. Jasper slid his hand
up, tugging on the clamps attached to my nipples. Pleasurable pain radiated through me, my body
shook. Jasper pulled the vibrator out of me, I whined around Edward.
“That's enough, boy,” commanded Jasper. Edward whimpered as he pulled his cock out of my
mouth, climbing off the table, but he didn't dare disobey his master. Jasper moved over, offering him
the toy that had just been inside of me. “Suck.”
Doing as told, Edward opened his mouth, sucking on the toy. I moaned, pulling at the restraints
holding my arms and legs down. Jasper turned and looked at me, devilish smile tugging over his lips.
“Now, darlin, don't you worry. You'll get your reward, too.”
Pulling the toy from Edward's mouth, Jasper tossed it onto the table. Reaching over, he started
unfastening my restraints. Pushing my legs back, he slowly pulled the plug from inside of me, tossing it
onto the table as well. Lifting me into his arms, he carried me over to the bed, laying me out. He laid on
the bed next to me, gesturing for Edward to do the same, which he did.
“Beautiful Bella,” he inhaled, grazing my neck with his nose, “I'm going to take you now. If you
want me to stop, you'd better say so now, because once I've had you, you're going to be mine.
“Yes,” I breathed, and I did. I would be his, just as Edward was his.
Jasper leaned up, pulling a drawer open on the table next to the bed. Pulling out a package of
condoms, he tore one off and tossed it to Edward, along with the bottle of lube from before. As Jasper
tore his own condom off, it hit me. They were both going to fuck me.
Both men were hard as steel as they rolled their condoms on. Jasper laid back on the bed,
reaching out for me. My body shook as I moved over and straddled him, letting him lead me. He placed
his hands on my hips, lifting me up and lining me up with his cock. He raised his hips as he pulled me
down, filling me completely.
“Ah,” I cried out, bracing myself on his chest.
“How can you be so fucking tight?” he gritted, thrusting a few times. “Boy, fuck her ass now!”
Edward crawled up behind me, placing his hand on my back and pushing me forward. Leaning
toward Jasper, I felt him push two lubed fingers into me. Once he made sure I was ready, he pulled his
fingers out, placing the tip of his cock at my hole. I held my breath as he started pushing in. The plug
had done nothing to prepare me for the feeling of having him inside of me. Not only was Edward
bigger, but longer, too. He paused, his hips becoming flush with my ass. I inhaled deeply, trying to get
used to the feeling of both men inside of me. I never would.
Jasper covered Edward's hand. “Move slowly.”
Edward pulled back before slowly pushing back into me. My fingers curved into Jasper's chest,
nails digging into his skin. He moan, closing his eyes and thrusting up into me. The sensation was
almost too much to handle. Alternating strokes, they began thrusting, increasing their pace until they
were pounding into me. Words failed me. My body, being used for the pleasure of my boyfriend and his
master, begged for more. Edward slid one of his hands out from under Jasper's, grabbing my hair,
pulling my head back. I cried out.
“Oh, she likes that,” snarled Jasper, reaching up and flicking the nipple clamps.
“Fuck!” I growled. Edward pulled my hair even harder. “More, fucking give me more!”
Slamming his cock into me, Edward used his other hand to slap my ass, the smack echoing
through the room. My eyes rolled back, feeling the stinging pleasure at his hands. Jasper pulled on the
clamps once again, and I was done for. My toes curled, my back arched, and I screamed, feeling my
climax race over me. Losing the ability to hold myself up, I crumbled onto Jasper's chest, letting them
do as they wanted to me.
“Master, may I please cum?” Edward grunted, digging his fingers into my hips.
“Cum, boy,” ordered Jasper.
Edward slammed his hips into me once again, shuddered as he finally found his release. Jasper
followed him, and the three of us slumped onto the bed, worn out. As exhaustion rolled over me, I felt
them both lean down, peppering my face and neck with kisses.
When I woke again the next morning, I was surprised to find myself back in the guest room,
panties and nightgown back on. Again, Edward wasn't in bed with me, and if my body didn't ache from
last nights experience, I would have wondered if I'd dreamed it all. Sliding out of bed, I stretched,
enjoying the ache that filled my body. I'd never been so turned on as I'd been last night.
Walking out of the room, I looked down at the end of the hallway, finding the door to that room
shut. From downstairs, I heard Edward and Jasper laughing, so I headed down, finding them sitting in
the kitchen, both only wearing a pair of loose fit pajama pants. Smiling, Edward stood up and came
over to me, slipping his arm around my waist.
Leaning in, he kissed me chastely. “Morning, did you sleep okay?”
“Um, yeah,” I uttered, nervously.
Jasper cleared his throat as he stood up. “Can I get you some breakfast?” he inquired, walking
toward the stove. “An omelet, maybe some scrambled eggs?”
“No,” I murmured. “I'm not really much of a breakfast eater.”
“Are you sure? Breakfast's the most important meal of the day, Bella,” he explained, sending
chills through me. “Helps keep your energy up during the day.”
“Okay,” I agreed. “What ever you say.”
“Good girl,” he chuckled, winking at me. Turning back to the stove, he started cooking. “So
what should we do today?”
“Today?” I questioned. Jasper looked over his shoulder at me.
“Yes, I took the day off to get to know you better, Bella. So what do you want to do?”
Blushing, I looked up at Edward, who shrugged his shoulders, offering me the choice. Knowing
that what happened in that room would stay in that room, I turned back to Jasper, smiling. “Why don't
you surprise us?”
A sexy smirk curved up on his face, “Are you sure you want me to do that? You may not like
“I trust you.”
And I did, regardless of what happened during the night. I knew sooner or later we would end
up back in that room. A shiver ran through me at the endless possibilities.

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