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antiaol - Library Rendezvous

11/15/10 23:30:12 antiaol - Library Rendezvous

Table of Contents
1. Meetings and Connections...............................................................1

2. Go vote!............................................................................................36

3. Tease Me, Leave Me, Wreck Me.....................................................37

4. Over Before We've Begun?............................................................50

5. Compromises and Compromising Polariods...............................67

6. Not So Blind Dates..........................................................................84

7. Where's Dwight?...........................................................................108

8. Casanova.......................................................................................130

9. Only Mine.......................................................................................150

10. Reconnecting..............................................................................168

11. Insatiable......................................................................................185

12. Two Worlds Collide.....................................................................209

13. Life Father, Like Son...................................................................235

14. Never Underestimate the Girls...................................................258

15. Truth and Mantras.......................................................................288

16. Awkward Encounters..................................................................309

11/15/10 23:30:12 antiaol - Library Rendezvous

Table of Contents
17. Acceptance..................................................................................335

18. Boiling Point................................................................................357

19. No More Secrets..........................................................................374

20. Love Awakened...........................................................................393

21. A True Library Rendezvous........................................................409

22. A Day of Firsts.............................................................................427

23. Fear and Punishment..................................................................461

24. Climbing the Ladder....................................................................486

25. The Calm Before the Storm........................................................503

26. The Storm Clouds Descend.......................................................522

27. Weathering the Storm.................................................................539

28. Taking Shelter.............................................................................562

29. Hurricane.....................................................................................586

30. Aftermath.....................................................................................614

31. Daybreak......................................................................................634

32. Velvet Embrace...........................................................................657

11/15/10 23:30:12 antiaol - Library Rendezvous

Table of Contents
33. Epilogue: Only You Always........................................................679

1. Meetings and Connections
**Originally for Manyafandom & Isabel0329's Valentines' contest
(second place, baby!), but now extended for your reading

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I just like to play with the

characters in my little land of smut.


I recently came to the conclusion that my life, for all intents and
purposes, was only slightly more interesting than that of a nun. I mean,
sure, I'd gone out on dates, I'd been to parties, I had two of the best
girlfriends anyone could ask for who drag me out against my will from
time to time. But, for the most part, I was incredibly boring.

Which was why I was sitting in the campus library at....8:27 on a

Saturday night, might as well stamp my forehead with a sign that reads
"can't get laid to save my life!" Yeah, it'd been a while. Well, been a
while since I had a good lay, anyhow. I shuddered at the thought of my
last horizontal tango.

The library was deserted, as it was on most Saturday evenings.

Apparently, I was the only loser lame enough to actually fill their
Saturday nights with thoughts of papers and homework.

I took a seat at my usual spot in the library - a cozy little corner table
way in the back. I tossed my bag on the table and plopped down in the
chair, ready to get busy completing the paper that I had due next week.

I grabbed my iPod and ear buds and got comfy in the place that would
be my home for the next several hours. Just because I was a loser,
didn't mean I had to study without the comfort of some mood music.

1. Meetings and Connections 1

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I selected the playlist I wanted and grabbed my laptop from my bag,

ready to get started on my thoroughly exciting Saturday evening plans.

I was half way through my playlist and had made a nice dent in my
paper when I stopped for a quick potty break. On my way to the
bathroom, I noticed - once again - that I was the only one in the library,
save for the nerdy guy behind the desk manning the place for the
evening. He was nice enough - a little on the shy side - but we had
chatted quite a few times over the past several months since the start of
school. It was pretty much my Saturday night routine to come here to
get my work done, except for the times when Alice and Rose put their
foot down and demanded my presence at a bar or club for the evening.

I arrived back at my table and set forth on finishing my paper, maybe I

could get out of here before midnight tonight. I had just plugged my ear
buds back in and was clacking away at my laptop when one of my
favorite songs came on. The music left me no choice but to start tapping
my fingers on my keyboard and nodding my head to the beat. Without
doing so consciously, I started lowly singing the lyrics to the music,
getting more lost in them by the second.

I was well into my own little world, jamming away to my tunes when
something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I looked up
and noticed someone standing directly in front of me, leaning on the
back of the chair opposite me.

I made this strange yelp like squeak and jumped a couple inches up off
the chair. Standing there in front of me was Adonis incarnate. His long,
slender fingers hung over the back of the chair across from me. I
noticed his toned and slightly tanned forearms, revealed by his sleeves
that were rolled up to just below his elbows. I continued my visual quest
up the rest of his Godlike body to his clearly toned chest. I could see his
sexy collar bones poking out from behind the open buttons he'd left at
the top. His jaw was well defined - squared, angular and all man. His
lips...oh God his lips...were full and red, and very inviting. I darted my
eyes up to the mop that was on top of his head - perfectly disarrayed

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and striking in color. Dark brown with these beautiful, rich copper
highlights running through it. I dropped my gaze down to his eyes and
felt my breath hitch. He was staring at me - evaluating me just as I had
done to him. His brilliant green eyes gazed back at me with an
unreadable expression. Realizing that I had not only just blatantly ogled
him, but that I had also just been jamming out in the middle of the quiet
library - all the while singing I was sure slightly loud given there were no
other noises in the vicinity - I couldn't stop the blush from creeping up
my neck to my hot cheeks.

"Wow. Those are some hot moves ya got there," Mr. Adonis spoke in
front of me.

"Um...yeah, sorry, I thought I was the only one here," I said, ducking my
chin to my chest, overwhelmingly embarrassed that I had just made a
fool out of myself in front of the Calvin Klein model standing before me.

"Well, by all means, don't stop on my account. I was quite enjoying the
show." His beautiful lips curled into this sexy smirk and I felt my body

Shit. This happens from a damn smirk. What could he do to me if he

actually touched me?

He grabbed the chair he was leaning on and sat down in front of me,
sexy smirk still in place.

"Hi, I'm Edward Cullen." He held his hand out, waiting for me to
introduce myself.

"Bella," I said, trying to regain some of my composure. I grabbed his

hand and shook it gently. His skin was soft, yet manly - rough at his
fingertips like maybe he had calluses from playing the guitar. He
grasped my hand for longer than necessary, while gazing intently in my

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I cleared my throat and he dropped his hold on me, my hand flopping

down loudly on the table.

Way to turn to Jell-o, Bella.

"So, what brings a beautiful girl like you to the library on a Saturday
night? I thought I was the only one dorky enough to spend my
weekends hiding away studying."

"Oh. Umm. I have a paper due next week that I wanted to get
completed." I wondered if he really did spend most of his weekends
studying like he suggested. I was sure I had never seen him before on
my past excursions to the library - I most certainly would have
remembered him. Perhaps he studied at home and not in the library - I
was generally the only one here this time of the week. Of course, I was
also certain I was the only one here tonight and we know how well that
turned out for me. I figured I might as well ask.

Come on, Bella, cling to that tiny bit of confidence you have hidden way
down deep.

"How about you? You said you were...let's see...ummm, dorky enough
to spend your weekends studying, do you come here often?" I asked,
smirk of my own firmly in place. If I was going to erase the horrid first
impression Edward had gained of me, I needed to be on top of my

"Actually...yes, almost every Saturday. I have a cozy little nook I like to

stay at on the opposite end of the library. I was just...ah...over here
looking for a book." Edward darted his eyes away quickly and then back
at me.

Hold the phone... was that a blush I saw on his cheeks? Why on earth
would he be blushing about looking for a book? Unless he wasn't really
looking for a book - but why would he lie about that?

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Oh. Ohhh. Was this Greek God purposefully on this side of the
library....checking me out? He said himself he was here almost every
Saturday, and I was here almost every Saturday. Granted, I did spend
most of my time holed up in my little corner of cozy over here, but that
didn't mean that he did. What if he had seen me before? Oh God. What
if he had seen me jam out like this every other flippin' time I was here,
thinking no one else was around?

Panic started to build in my chest and I felt the familiar blush inching its
way up my face.

Crap, and I was doing so well at the confidence thing.

Edward was studying me carefully, no doubt interested in as to why I

was blushing all of the sudden.

Please don't think it's because I thought of you naked. Hmm...Edward

naked. Yummy.

"So, why the sudden blush?"

Oh great. I couldn't have met a hot guy, interested in talking to me that

would be willing to let embarrassing things like that slide without notice.
Noooo.... I had to meet this hot guy that wasn't afraid to call me on my
shit. Ugh.

"Oh, that. Umm, I just blush a lot. Involuntary reaction, you know."

"Really? Cause I could have sworn I saw those beautiful brown eyes of
yours going a mile a minute thinking about something; anything you
care to share?"

Dammit. That sexy smirk was back. And, so was the damp feeling in my
panties. Fuck.

Pull it together Bella! If he wants to play, let's play.

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"Well, actually, I was just wondering why it was I had never seen you
before. After all, I'm here most Saturdays as well, yet I always assumed
I was alone. Hence the impromptu concert you just witnessed. Any idea
why I would have never run into you before?" I leaned back in my chair,
arms crossed on my chest, one eyebrow cocked awaiting his answer.

And....cue the blush.

Yes! I knew there was something fishy about me never seeing him.

"Oh. well.... ummm..." That's right... Time for you to be tongue-tied,

buddy. "Well, to keep to myself. You know, to study."

Damn, even when he was flustered he was sexy.

"So, what are you listening to?" Edward asked, quickly changing the
subject. He leaned over the table and grabbed my iPod from beside me.
Sorting through my playlist, his eyes lit up when he came across the
artists or bands that he knew.

"Oh! You have their new cd?" he asked, clearly excited while pointing at
one of the bands.

I leaned forward to see who he was pointing out and answered, my

smile mirroring his own. "Yeah, just got it actually. They're one of my

"Do you mind if I have a listen? I haven't gotten around to buying it yet
and I've been dying to hear it," he asked, while getting up and moving
around the table to sit next to me.

I could only gape at him, mouth hanging open like a fish, as he took a
seat next to me and proceeded to reach across me and pluck one of the
ear buds out of my ear and place it in his own. He selected one of the
songs and started tapping the beat on his knee with his fingers and had
his sexy frickin' smile firmly in place.

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So, we sat for the next couple of hours talking about anything and
everything, all the while listening to the eclectic selection of music that I
had stored. We found we had almost the same taste in not only music,
but books as well. Edward was extremely easy to talk to and after I got
over my initial embarrassment, I found that I was actually enjoying
myself and was able to let the real me shine through.

Dorky library clerk dude came over to us a 5 till midnight and informed
us he needed to close up, so it was time for us to leave. I looked over at
Edward, barely concealing my pout, and noticed him sporting the same

" had a really great time tonight, Bella." Guh. Just him saying my
name got me all hot and bothered.

"Yeah, me too. Normally I spend my Saturdays with fictional characters,

so it was nice to talk to a real person for once," I said, smile in my voice.

"So...maybe I'll see you next weekend?" Edward asked, hopeful

anticipation written clearly in his eyes.

"Yeah, sure. I usually come around eight, so maybe I'll see you then."

Although it appeared that he wanted to see me again, I couldn't help but

be slightly disappointed that he didn't even attempt to get my number or
any way of contacting me. I remembered I hadn't even given him my
last name when I introduced myself so he couldn't even look me up.

Well, shit, isn't that just my idiotic luck.

I grabbed all my things that were scattered about on the table and
quickly tossed them into my bag. I stood up, tossing it over my shoulder
and looked over to Edward. He had a slightly contemplative look about
him, like he wanted to ask me something. Before I could find out what it
was, he looked up at me and gave me that sexy crooked smile.

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"Come on, I'll walk you out."

He led the way, stopping by his table that was, indeed, at the opposite
side of the library from mine. Maybe he really was here as often as he
suggested - I didn't even know there were tables on this end of the

Edward grabbed his stuff that was strewn across his work space and
tossed his bag over his shoulder, using his other arm to make a
sweeping motion in front of him, guiding me to move ahead. He kept his
hands firmly in place, one clutching the strap of his bag, the other
shoved in his pocket, while he walked me outside towards the parking

"Well, this is me," I said, stopping next to my old red truck.

"Wow...that's some beast ya got there."

"Hey! Don't knock Bertha! She's been with me for years and I love her
like family!" I said, mock hurt in my voice.

Edward chuckled his musical laugh and ducked his head down. It
looked like he was struggling with something - debating internally with
himself. He looked up at me, a slightly sad look in his eyes.

"Well, I guess I'll maybe see you next week."

"Oh. Yeah, next week. Maybe I'll see you then," I said, barely able to
hide the disappointment in my voice.

"Yeah, see ya..." Edward said, awkwardly waving at me while walking


I stood with my back to my truck, watching him walk backwards towards

a silver Volvo across the lot from me. He waived again and finally
turned around, continuing on his way.

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I sighed and opened my door, jumping up into my baby. I tossed my

bag over on the passenger's seat and stuck my key in the ignition, set
to go home to my apartment, alone, once again.

- - - l? - - -

For the next several weeks, my routine became set in stone. I would go
through the motions during the week, anxiously anticipating my
unwritten Saturday night date with the library, and him. Alice and Rose
didn't know what had gotten into me. I hadn't told them of my
encounters with Edward. I wanted to keep them to myself for now. Like,
if I actually voiced it, they would somehow disappear.

I began to put a little more time and effort into getting ready to go there.
I thought back to my first encounter with Edward and cringed at the
memory. Hair undoubtedly pulled up into a messy bun, wisps falling all
over the place. Jeans. T-shirt. Old, ratty Chucks. The Bella Swan
signature wardrobe.

If I wanted to give Edward incentive to ask me out, I needed to step up

my game a bit. So, I began wearing my long, mahogany hair down and
slightly wavy. I started putting on a bit of make-up and taking more
notice to my outfit choices. Still jeans and t-shirts - I couldn't vary that
much from my style. But, now at least, they fit me snuggly, hanging low
on my hips, and shirts fitted to show off the little curves that I had.

We continued to sit and talk, all the while listening to music. I learned
about his family back home. About his childhood. Why he decided to
become a doctor. I learned about his love for music - both the piano and
guitar. I hoped to be able to hear him play some day.

In turn, he discovered things about me. Why I decided to become a

journalist. About crazy best friends that harassed me every weekend to
go out with them. How my father was extremely overprotective. He
learned about my crazy mother and what my life pre-college was like.

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I found out that he was single, as he did of me. I found out he also had
two best friends that attempted to get him laid more times than he cared
to elaborate on. I was thoroughly glad they didn't succeed in that. Well,
at least for the last several weeks, anyhow.

And so, a pattern was formed. We'd meet. We'd talk. We'd explore.
We'd learn. We'd joke and poke fun at each other. Sometimes one of us
brought coffee or grabbed dinner for the both of us. Sometimes we'd
never dig out our laptops and work, content to spend our time chatting
and listening to music. Sometimes we did and I would sit and stare
intently at him, the chic black glasses he used only when working firmly
in place on his face, while he would pound away relentlessly at his
laptop or pour over a textbook. Sometimes he'd catch me staring and
sometimes I'd catch him doing the same. It always ended in the same
fashion. One of us would blush and look down slightly, while the other
would smirk.

We were comfortable.

Comfortable together, just talking.

Comfortable together, just being.

But, never, during all this time, did Edward ask me out, or for my phone
number. Thankfully, my last name had come up at some point during
our conversations, so he did have the means to contact me outside our
little secret library rendezvous. But, he never did. Each week I'd hope
that things would be different. And, each week I'd be disappointed when
they weren't.

- - - l? - - -

It was a Saturday afternoon and I was in my apartment, counting down

the hours and minutes until I would get to see Edward again, when Alice
and Rose came in the door, fresh from a shopping mission.

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"Hello, Bella!" Alice called in a sing-song voice.

"Hey. What were you girls up to?" I asked, getting up off the couch and
following them to Alice's room.

They dumped their umpteen bags on the bed and plopped down next to
them, a glimmer clear in their eyes.

Oh shit. I know that look.

"We just did a little shopping in preparation for our night on the town
tonight," Rose said, nonchalantly.

No. No, no, no, no, no! I couldn't go out tonight! I wouldn't get to see
Edward! And, being the idiot that I was, I never bothered to get his
number either, so I had no way to get in contact with him. Great. Just
great. He was gonna be sitting there, all Godlike and hot, wondering
where I was. He'd probably get the idea that I didn't want to continue on
with our little dates! Oh God. What if he decided to stop coming back?
What if I never got to see him again?

I started to panic, fear clearly written on my face.

"Oh Christ. Relax Bella. You look like we just asked you to boil live
puppies for God sakes," Rose spat at me, obviously irritated at my lack
of enthusiasm.

"Yeah, Bella. We're just going to go to that club you like. You know the
one where you get your freak on with enough alcohol courage," Alice
smirked at me then, obviously remembering the last time we had been

I may have gotten slightly inebriated. And, while slightly inebriated, I

may have jumped up on the table and started doing a sexy, impromptu
dance to the obviously sexual song booming from the speakers. And,
while doing said dance, I may have attracted the attention of several

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males, all of which were set on getting me in their beds that night. One
of which may have actually succeeded.

I put my head in my hands, remembering the horrid mistake that was

Jacob, and couldn't help the groan from escaping my lips.

Fuck. Not only was I going to miss out on my favorite time with Edward,
but I was also going to have to go back to the scene of the crime.

Please don't let Jacob be there. Please don't let Jacob be there. Please
don't let...

"Remembering your last hook up, I see."

Damn that cocky Rose.

"You bitches were the ones that let me get drunk off my ass in the first
place and then proceeded to let me strut my stuff on top of a fucking
table. You're to blame just as much as I am," I spat back, irritated at the
turn my Saturday had taken.

"Alright, look... We'll promise not to let you get shitfaced again if you
promise to attempt to have a little fun," Alice said, making a deal with
me. "Besides, I want you to meet this guy I've been seeing! We met
earlier this week at the coffee shop around the corner. I swear I'm in
love already."

Like that goblin needed any more caffeine in her system. Just retelling
the story, she was bouncing on the bed, hands clapping like a four year

"Fine. I'll go. But, I'm not going to promise I'm going to have fun," I said
arms crossed over my chest, huffing like a spoiled brat.

"Oh, you'll have fun alright. Jasper is bringing two of his best friends.
Apparently one of them is just as hermit-like as you. No doubt he'll be

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putting up a fight, too. Maybe you two can mope in the corner together."

And so, just like that, I was coerced into spending my Saturday night
doing my least favorite activity.

Several hours later, I'd been washed and plucked and made up and
sexified (Rose's term) and was finally ready to go. I sat on the couch,
my tight, low rise jeans barely containing my butt crack and my backless
black shirt doing nothing to conceal more of me, ready to go and waiting
for my best friends to walk me to my death.

Well, hopefully hermit guy is at least good company.

- - - l? - - -


Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I was standing in front of my

bathroom mirror, towel hung low on my hips, water dripping from my
hair, still moping about like a baby and getting ready for my night.

And, not my normal Saturday night plans - the ones I'd grown to look
forward to every day of the week for the last couple of months.


Even her name sounded beautiful.

I had noticed her for almost two months before I finally got up the
courage to go over and talk to her. Usually, I would just sit back, out of
sight, and watch as she buried herself in her work, stopping every so
often to really get into one of the songs on her iPod. She did it more
often than she was aware, I was sure. That's what brought me over to
her in the first place. I heard this faint, angel like voice floating over to
me when I was searching for a book. Curiosity got the best of me and I
set forth to find out the source. I assumed I had been the only one in the

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I remember the first time I saw her. Dark brown hair, swept up in a
messy ponytail. Pen stuck in between her plump, pink lips. Her deep,
brown eyes fixated on something on her laptop. She was reading
something, working intently, all the while singing softly along with one of
the songs she was listening to.

She was captivating.

So, I continued to watch. I know, perverted, right? I felt like a voyeur,

hiding out watching her from the background.

But, I couldn't help myself. And, I certainly couldn't go up to her. Even

the thought made my palms sweat and my knees shake. I didn't know
what my problem was. It wasn't like I was shy or nervous around
women. I'd had my fair share of the opposite sex. But, generally they
threw themselves at me. Little to no work was needed on my end.

However, this beautiful, exquisite woman didn't even know I existed.

She clearly thought she was alone in the library. It was, after all, a
Saturday night. Not many people would waste away their weekend

So, I continued to watch her. After my first encounter with her, I'd come
by every Saturday night since, drop my stuff off at my table on the
opposite end of the library from her, and venture off in search of what
she was doing that evening. I had seen her every Saturday, save for
one, doing the same thing she always did. Working, in depth, all the
while singing along with her iPod, engrossed in her activities.

That one Saturday I didn't see her was the most awful day of my week. I
realized then that I could no longer just stay in the background and
watch her. I needed to get to know her. I wanted to know if her name
was as beautiful as she was. I wanted to know if the sound of her
speaking voice was even half as mesmerizing as that of her singing

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voice. I wanted to know everything there was to know about this


She had invaded my thoughts completely.

So, thus began the "Quit Being a Creepy Voyeur and Do Something
Already" plan. I gave myself three weeks to talk to her. And, it took all
three weeks to work up the courage to do so.

But, after I had, I was giddy like a schoolgirl that I finally worked up the
nerve. We spent our Saturday nights learning about each other.
Sometimes I would just sit and stare at her, hoping she wouldn't catch
me. Of course, she always did - sexy smirk firmly on her face when
doing so. Saturdays became my favorite day of the week and our
impromptu Saturday evening dates had become my favorite thing

And, that brought me back to the present time, getting ready for some
fucking night out with my two douche bag friends.

Even though I had become increasingly comfortable around Bella, I had

still been too much of a chicken shit to ask for her number. I did,
however, take it upon myself to look it up after I heard her mention her
last name one evening.

How stalkerish is that?

I was worried about what she might think of me if she knew that I had
just randomly looked up her number without actually having asked her
for it. I know girls get creeped out by guys like that...I didn't want her to
think that way about me. Which was exactly why I couldn't call her this
evening. Because of that, she would probably show up at the library and
wait for me. And, then when I didn't show, think that I didn't like her and
leave. She'd probably never come back.

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Fuck. You're such a pansy. Why didn't you just ask for her number
instead of sneaking around and getting it?

"Yo man - you about ready? Jasper is antsy to leave to get to the new
hottie he's been seeing this week."

"Yeah, Emmett, I'll be out in five," I yelled out towards my door.

I sighed, resigned to the fact that I had no way of getting out of this and
no chance to see Bella tonight.

I pulled on a pair of dark wash jeans, and slipped on a vintage t-shirt

under one of my black, button up shirts and rolled my sleeves up.

Might as well get this over with.

- - - l? - - -

We got to the club - music pumping out of the building loudly - and
made our way inside. Jasper was intently looking for this new girl he'd
begun seeing and Emmett was next to me, no doubt eyeing up the
place for any signs of a good piece of ass for the evening.

"Jasper!" This tiny little thing yelled and jumped into Jasper's arms.

Wow, she's a bundle of energy.

Jasper scooped her up in his arms, clearly excited to see her.

She must have really done a number on him.

"Alice, I'd like you to meet my best friends and roommates. This is
Emmett..." he said, gesturing to Em standing next to me, "and this is
Edward. He's the one I was telling you about."

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Emmett just laughed with his booming voice and swooped down, giving
her a bear hug. I scowled at Jasper, but smoothed my features out to
greet Alice properly.

"Hi Alice, it's nice to meet you."

She shook my hand and got a little smirk on her face, like she knew
something no one else did.

"Well guys, Rose is holding a table for us over in the corner and I'm
afraid my other friend has been dragged off unwillingly onto the dance
floor." She gestured over to the middle of the club, pointing
absentmindedly towards the crowd.

That was when I felt my breathing hitch. There, standing in all her
beautiful glory, was Bella. My Bella.

She was dressed in the hottest pair of jeans I'd ever seen, barely
covering her ass. The shirt she had on seemed to be a plain black shirt
from the angle I was viewing it at - that was until she turned slightly to
the side and I saw her entire back, glistening slightly from a sheen of
sweat. Her backless shirt didn't quite meet the top of her jeans,
revealing a sliver of skin above her waistband.

Fuck. Me.

She was swaying to the beat of the music, looking like she was just
going through the motions until the song ended.

I noticed her looking bored at the guy hovering over her. Her expression
changed, however, when he put his heavy mitts on her slender hips,
apprehension and a look of unease spreading over her face in an

Oh hell no. Mine!

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I felt the jealousy course through my veins as I stormed off in the

direction of Bella. Jasper was shouting something after me - no doubt
letting me know where to find them - but I couldn't be bothered with
inconsequential details such as that. I was intent on saving Bella from
the beast that was taking up space in front of her.

I stood directly behind her, pausing for a moment to take in the scent
that was all Bella. Floral and summery and warmth. She smelled like sin
all wrapped up with a pretty little bow.

Beast Man stared irritated at me and spoke over the thump of the
music. "Get lost buddy, we're busy."

I attempted to rein in the overwhelming urge I felt to beat this guy to a

bloody pulp, and spoke in as even a voice as I could manage.

"Actually, I believe you're attempting to get busy with my girlfriend."

Well, fuck. I hadn't meant to say that.

I saw Bella stiffen momentarily in front of me and then relax almost

immediately. She turned slightly to the side to look behind her, look of
shock mixed with relief crossing her face.

"Edward," she breathed.

She beamed at me then, full smile in place on her beautiful face, and
turned back to Beast Man to tell him to fuck off, hopefully.

"Um, Jacob, this is the guy I told you I was waiting for...ah, Edward,"
she said, gesturing minutely with her hand at me.

I just stood there, stiffly in place, waiting for this asshat to get a clue and
just leave already. Obviously he needed a little persuasion.

Well, fine then. Man up, Cullen. Time for you to grow a pair.

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I grabbed Bella by the hips and pulled her back to me. She felt so
perfect in my hands. All small and soft and warm. I placed a small kiss
on the side of her neck and turned to speak in her ear.

"Hey baby. Sorry I'm late."

She melted back into my chest, and I noticed a content smile play on
her lips.

Beast Man finally got the hint and stalked off into the crowd.

That's right. Fuck off dipshit! She's mine!

I kept my hands on Bella's hips, her back to my chest and started to

sway with her to the music.

"Um, sorry about that. It looked like you could use some rescuing."

Bella was quiet for a moment, contemplative almost, before she spoke.
"No, thanks, really. We...ah... went out one time and he's been
persistent ever since."

She turned around to face me, her arms going up to my shoulders, as I

kept my hands on her hips, maintaining our close contact. She stared
up into my eyes for what seemed like forever before I attempted to
break the silence.

"So, I'm sorr - "

"I'm really sor -"

We laughed at our attempt to start a conversation and Bella spoke first

this time.

"You go first."

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"Oh. Um, I'm sorry that I couldn't call you and let you know I wasn't
going to be at the library tonight. My friends kind of dragged me here
against my own free will."

"Funny, mine did the same. One of my friends met her soul mate this
week and felt the need to inflict her happiness on me as well. "

I smiled down at her, still enjoying our close contact. I could feel the
body heat radiating off her petite frame and felt myself growing more
excited at her proximity.

The music changed beat and a slow, sensual song pumped out of the
speakers. I started moving Bella's hips to the beat, swaying with her to
the music. Our bodies automatically moved closer to each other. Her
hands were on my upper arms, her abdomen pressed firmly against my
own. I had one of my legs in between hers, attempting to get us as
close as physically possible while still clothed.

The feel of her in my hands was amazing. I felt whole. Complete. I

never wanted her to leave.

I looked down and locked eyes with her, surprised by what I saw
reflected back to me. Her eyes were heavy with lust and something else
I couldn't decipher. Her lips were parted slightly and she started
breathing heavily, pressing her body closer to mine.

By this time, she had to have felt my arousal for her. It was clear and
prominent in my fitted jeans. I should have been embarrassed by this
fact, but I wasn't. Far from it, actually. I liked having her know how she
affected me. I wanted her to finally know how I felt about her. I had
waited far too long.

I held her gaze for a while before lowering my head to her neck. I kissed
small, open-mouthed kisses along the column of her neck, up to her ear
and down the length of her jaw before retreating back up the way I

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I stopped at her ear and whispered to her, "Do you want to get out of

The husky tone of my voice surprised even me. I hadn't wanted to come
off as a horny pervert.

Even though I was.

"Yes," she breathed back at me, sighing contently.

I pulled back and looked at her eyes for a moment, wanting to be

certain of her intent.

Fuck. That's the sexiest damn pair of bedroom eyes I've ever seen.

I grabbed her hand and yanked her towards the exit, not caring enough
to let my friends know that I was leaving and that I wouldn't be back -
blind date hookup be damned.

- - - l? - - -


Edward rushed me to his car and practically shoved me in the

passenger's seat, anxious to make his way to his side.

Oh yes. I'll be getting laid tonight.

By Adonis himself.

I watched as Edward hurried around the front of his car, almost slipping
and falling in his haste, and jump in the seat next to me. He turned his
head and gave me a smoldering glance before shoving his key in the
ignition and peeling out of the parking lot.

Fuck. All this sexual tension and we haven't even kissed yet.

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Edward reached over and placed his hand on my thigh, higher than
what would have been normally acceptable behavior.

Oh, so you want to be naughty? Bella can be naughty. Bring it on, bitch.

I was tired of this little game we had been playing for the past several
weeks. I thought I had made it clear in our many encounters how much I
liked attracted I was to much I enjoyed his
company. So, it really baffled my mind that he never took the invitation
to make a move. Tonight - the night I was dreading since Alice and
Rose told me of their intents - turned out to be the best fucking night of
my life.

No more playing coy.

No more games.

No more fucking around.

Well...that's not entirely true.

So, with my game face on, I reached my hand over and placed it
directly on the bulge in his pants.


I'd wanted to do that since I'd felt it press up against my lower back
when he first grabbed my hips.

Oh yes, you're gonna come out to play tonight, big boy.

Edward yelped and jumped, eyes bulging out of his head from my
blatant move. I just smiled timidly back at him and took my bottom lip in
between my teeth.

I knew guys loved that shit.

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I heard Edward groan beside me and felt as he pressed his foot a little
harder on the gas pedal.

I giggled in my seat and smirked at him. "In a hurry, are we?" I ran my
hand up and down his cloth covered length, adding a little more
pressure than necessary.

"Oh God, Bella. Fuck!" he hissed. "You're driving me crazy."

"Just a little punishment for taking so long." I hope he caught the double
meaning intended in what I'd said.

Shortly after our little verbal exchange, Edward halted swiftly to a stop in
front of an apartment building not far from the campus. He quickly
opened his door and rushed around to my side, holding the door open
for me and offering me his hand.

After pulling me hastily from the car, he rushed me up to the front door
and straight back towards the elevator. Thank God it was waiting on
ground level, because I didn't know how much longer I could wait before
molesting this hot hunk of man in front of me.

The elevator doors dinged open in front of us, and Edward quickly led
the way in, dragging me behind him.

No sooner had the doors closed behind us did I feel my back being
pushed up against the elevator wall and Edward pressed into my front.

" have no idea how long I've wanted this."

Say what now?

How long, exactly, I wondered? How long had we played this stupid,
inconsequential game when we both wanted the same outcome? How
much time had we wasted being too shy to say anything?

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Before I could ponder any more on those horrid thoughts, I felt Edward's
fingers brush against my face, his hand going to the back of my head
and thumb rubbing on my cheek. His eyes met mine in a gaze of lust
and want and need. They darted down to my lips and back up to my
eyes, silently asking a question.

Yes. Please God, yes.

I closed my eyes in anticipation and waited - for what seemed like

forever - until I felt his soft, warm lips come in contact with my own.

It was like Saturday morning cartoons as a kid, like getting to the toy at
the bottom of the cereal box, or getting your drivers license or finding a
$20 bill in the pocket of your winter coat. It was like sunshine and
bunnies and rainbows and all the other cliché shit I could think of. But, it
just was.

His lips felt soft like rose petals. Warm and smooth on my own. He
tasted like strawberries and mint and summer rain. Edward. All my
fantasies had certainly not done this man justice.

His lips moved with mine, hesitant at first, but gradually picking up in
their urgent nature. He took my bottom lip between his, and kissed it
gently while running his smooth, cool tongue across the surface.

I groaned and my closed eyes actually rolled back in my head. God,

how long I'd wanted to taste him. I tentatively slipped my tongue
through my mouth to intertwine with his, pulsing to the rhythm he set.

All too soon, the elevator stopped and the doors opened, revealing a
long hallway in front of us. Edward reluctantly released my lips, giving
me one chaste kiss before grabbing my hand and heading out of the

He hurried us to his door, attempting to smoothly unlock it, though

failing miserably.

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"Edward, I'm not going anywhere." I giggled at him. Like I would just
walk away after that kiss. Pssh.

"Oh, I know that. Now that I've got you, I don't plan on letting you go."

Oh. Alright then.

Once Edward finally got the door unlocked, he led me through the
doorway, only to push me up against the closed door immediately.

His hands were on my hips, rubbing in soothing circles, while my arms

crawled up from the waist of his jeans, over his chiseled abs and chest
and around his neck, wrapping my fingers in the hair there.

So soft.

His lips were insistent on mine - frenzied with hunger. This was a
passion filled kiss - no hesitancy here like I felt in the elevator. This was
a kiss that promised things to come.

Edward's hands roamed from my hips upwardly caressing the bare skin
of my back, sending an involuntary shiver through my body. They
followed their path down again, settling on the curve of my butt. He
pressed me closer to his obvious erection and ground me into him.

I groaned into his mouth and tightened my grip on him. I knew, after our
weeks of conversations at the library, that Edward was nothing if not a
gentleman. If I wanted this to move forward, I was going to have to take
the reins and make the first move.

Here goes nothin'.

I hitched one leg up on his hip, tightening my grip around his neck even
more. Fortunately, he knew what I was getting at and held on to the leg
I'd lifted while ducking slightly to grab my other one still firmly planted on
the ground, and pulled me up to his waist, all the while never breaking

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our kiss.

Oh, how I loved his skills.

"Bedroom," I gasped, breathless from our lip lock.

Edward groaned and started blindly leading us to his bedroom, while

focusing most of his efforts on kissing up and down my jaw, down my
neck and across my collarbones.

This is going to be the best night of my life.

- - - l? - - -


What had I done to deserve this? To deserve her? This beautiful,

intriguing woman currently wrapped around my waist, who I was
currently carrying to my bedroom.

And, not to read.

It took all my effort not to blow my fucking load right in my jeans like a
goddamn fourteen year old when she was feeling me up in the car - her
hot little hand working magically through my jeans, making my
unbearably hard cock even harder.

God, what she does to me.

I had fantasized about this moment since I first caught sight of her all
those months before. Before I had ever even heard her speak. Before I
had gotten a glimpse into her complex mind. Before she shared herself
with me.

And, none of those fantasizes compared to the truth.

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She was exquisite. She was brilliant. She was mine.

I knew now, after feeling her body against mine, after feeling her lips on
my own, what I'd know since that first time I sat with her at her table. I
was in love with Bella Swan. I loved everything she was and everything
she wasn't. She was as if someone had taken a log of everything I had
ever wanted in a woman, in a partner, and embodied her with it. She
enveloped everything I had ever wanted and nothing I didn't.

After finding my way to my bedroom, I opened the door while still

holding on to her and walked us through, kicking the door shut behind
me with my foot. I rubbed my hands up and down the smooth, silky skin
of her bare back, relishing in the feel of her skin on mine.

I trailed my hands down her back, settling on her ass, giving it a little
squeeze. She got my intention and dropped her legs from around my
waist, settling herself on the floor.

Her arms traveled down the front of my chest, while I removed my lips
from hers, and kissed along her neck to the juncture at her shoulders. I
darted my tongue out to taste her, and then sucked lightly in the same
spot. Her breathing hitched, and I noticed her fingers shaking slightly
while she tried to quickly undo the buttons of my shirt.

After what seemed like forever, she completed her task and slid her
hands up my chest, over my shoulders and down my arms, taking my
button up shirt with them. I let it drop on the floor behind me and lifted
my arms over my head while she pulled my vintage t-shirt off.

I shuddered as I felt her hands travel down the length of my torso, lightly
scratching her nails along my skin as she went while tracing the
contours of the muscles there.

I pulled back and looked at her face - lips swollen from our kisses,
cheeks flushed and hair in disarray. Her eyes were hungry, her chest
heaved with her desperate breaths. I looked into her eyes as my hands

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traveled down her body, settling on the hem of her shirt.

Without breaking my gaze, she slowly lifted her arms above her head,
allowing me to pull it off. I tried with all my strength to hold her intense
stare as she stood before me in nothing but her jeans - her shirt having
made it impossible to wear a bra.

She smirked at me then, daring me to look.

Well, then. If you insist.

I dropped my gaze to her bare breasts, heaving gently with her still
labored breaths.

"Beautiful," I murmured to her, before I brought my hand up to cup one

gently, my thumb brushing over her nipple. My lips descended on the
other, kissing all around her full breast.

Bella sucked in a deep breath and sighed heavily, contentedly.

Well, that was nice, but I want to rock her world.

Without notice, I dove for her nipple, flicking my tongue out and lapping
at the pink peak, before engulfing my mouth over it and sucking hard.

"Fuck!" Bella gasped, tossing her head back and shoving her hands in
my hair.

Now, that's what I'm talkin' about.

I smiled into her breast, satisfied with the reaction I got, and made my
way to the other one, bathing it with the same attention.

"Pants. Off. Now." Bella growled, attempting and failing at getting my

button undone.

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I quickly toed off my shoes and socks and pushed my jeans down my

"Oh God," she breathed. "You go commando?"

"Uh that a problem?" I asked, laughter in my voice, while I

worked my way down her body, settling on my knees in front of her. I
kissed down her abdomen and swirled my tongue around her navel,
then continued to place open mouthed kisses along the edge of her


I smirked against her skin, happy with the way she reacted to my

I slowly traced my fingertips against the skin at her waist, dragging them
from hipbone to hipbone, ever so slightly dipping my fingers below the
waistband of her jeans.

Her hands went to my hair, grabbing it roughly and yanking my head

back, forcing me to look up at her.

"Quit. Teasing. Me." she spat through clenched teeth.

I just chuckled against her stomach and brought my hands to the button
on her jeans, gently undoing it and tugging her zipper down. I tucked my
hands underneath the waist of her jeans and pushed them slowly down
her legs, feeling the silky smooth skin revealed along the way.

Bella carefully stepped out of her jeans, while holding on to my

shoulders for support. I looked up at her through my eyelashes to find
her gazing down at me, bottom lip firmly in between her teeth.

Fuck I love it when she does that.

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I stood up, picking Bella up bridal style and carried her over to the bed
where I laid her directly in the middle. I sat up on my knees and gazed
back at her, clad only in her tiny black boyshorts, so in awe of this
goddess before me.

She reached her hand out to stroke my cheek and I leaned into her
touch. Closing my eyes, I inhaled the scent at her wrist and turned my
head to kiss her palm.

"Please, Edward..."

How could I deny her any longer?

I dropped my hands to her panties and slowly dragged them down her
legs, tossing them off to the side with the rest of our clothes.

I kissed my way back up her legs, stopping briefly at the backs of her
knees to dart my tongue out and taste her, making her writhe beneath
me. I continued my travel up towards her center, stopping to kiss along
her inner thighs, sucking a little on each one.

I stopped just below the apex of her thighs, looking up and taking in her
bare pussy. I could smell her arousal from here, and it made my cock
twitch against her legs.

I couldn't wait any longer as I moved my hands up and spread her legs
further apart for me. I took one finger and gently traced the entire length
of her slit, from top to bottom and back up again, circling around her clit.

"Fuck Bella, you're so wet for me."

Bella continued to squirm beneath me, unable to form any coherent

thoughts, just simply able to moan and pant, tossing her head from side
to side.

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Her smell was driving me wild and I couldn't wait any longer to taste
her. I quickly swooped in, taking one long lick from her entrance up to
her clit, circling it then taking it in between my lips and sucking gently.

"Oh God, Edward!" Bella's hands flew to my hair and pushed me further
into her pussy, begging me to suck harder, faster, deeper, anything to
get her off.

I complied and brought my hand up, gently sliding one finger into her,
then another and another, pumping her slowly and watching her squirm.
I could feel her tightening around my fingers, but she was always just
short of her release.

After having her ride the rollercoaster I was taking her on until she was
gasping for air and begging for release, I finally shoved my fingers deep
in her, gently curling them and rocking against her g-spot. As I gently bit
down on her clit, I felt her contract strongly against my fingers and
explode around them.


I licked up every drop she had to give me, not wanting to waste a single
ounce of the essence that was Bella.

I crawled my way up her body, kissing along the way, tasting the salty
sweetness that was her. I circled my tongue around her nipples - first
the right, then the left - and continued my way up, licking at her
collarbones, placing open mouth kisses up her neck, across her jaw and
stopping at her luscious pink lips. I took her bottom lip in between my
teeth and nibbled gently, sucking on it lightly.

Bella's eyes were hooded with lust and she was still breathing heavily
from her release. Her hair was sprawled out across the pillow
underneath her, looking oddly like a haystack. Her skin was glistening
from the sweat she worked up from our activities.

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She had never looked more beautiful.

I wanted to hold her and rock inside her and become one with her. I
wanted to be with her in every sense of the word. I wanted her to be

I rested my head on her forehead and placed myself between her legs
at her entrance. I rubbed my cock up and down along her slit, eliciting a
moan from her.

I locked my eyes with hers, silently asking her if it was okay. She simply
grabbed my lips with her own and wrapped her legs around my waist,
all the while keeping her eyes open and fixed on mine. With her legs,
she slowly pulled me to her, forcing me inside.

I felt myself being sheathed by her warmth and groaned loudly, still
gazing into her eyes. Bella moaned out softly, her eyes briefly rolling
back into her head before she snapped them back to look at me.

It was the single most intimate moment of my life.

I dropped my head to her shoulder and panted, attempting to get myself

under control. One quick move and I would shoot my load right then and

Fuck that would be embarrassing.

Bella shifted her hips up to meet me before I quickly shot my hands to

her hips, stilling her movements.

"Wait. Please. God, you feel so fucking good, Bella." I twitched inside
her and she moaned in response.

Slowly, oh so slowly, I began to move, testing the warmth that she

offered me. I rocked inside her, content with the slow pace - just feeling
all that she was.

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Bella's hands were grasping at my shoulders, clawing down my back.

She stopped at my ass and squeezed, pulling me deeper into her.

"Oh God. Edward, yessss!"

"Fuck Bella. So tight....ung...."

I was beyond coherent thoughts at this point. My release was imminent,

but I needed to feel her cum around me. I quickly flipped us over,
settling her on top of me.

"Come on baby, I want you to cum again for me."

I settled my hands on her hips, guiding her movements as she bounced

up and down on my cock. I could feel her starting to tighten around
me...she was close. Bella's breathing picked up and she tossed her
head back with a throaty moan.

"Please Edward...God...I need to cum. Please..."

I dropped one hand from her hips, as she continued to rock above me,
and dragged it to the juncture between her legs, stopping at her swollen

" close...more..."

I leaned up slightly and took her nipple into my mouth, biting it gently
while I lightly pinched at her clit. That was her undoing as she screamed
my name while she tossed her head back and throbbed around me,
rocking out her orgasm.

After she had calmed slightly, I quickly flipped her back over, hitching
her leg up over my hip before taking her lips in mine. Our tongues
caressed and massaged each other while I picked up my pace,
pounding relentlessly into her pussy.

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"Oh God, Bella.... I'm....cum....ung..." I thrust into her once, twice, three
more times before my movements became erratic and I exploded inside
her, breathing her name.

I continued to rock inside her slowly, until I could do nothing but

collapse on top of her, my head falling to her shoulder.


I picked up my head and looked into her eyes, flashing the smiling I
knew she loved. I slowly pulled out of her, groaning at the loss of
contact, and settled next to her on the bed.


"That was..."


"Unlike anything I've ever felt," she said, softly, while bringing her hand
up and lightly running it through my hair.

I kissed her again, softly, passionately, before I rested my cheek in

between her breasts, my arm slung across her waist. She rested her
hand on mine there, the other going to massage my scalp lightly.

I could feel her breathing evening out and it wasn't long before she was
in a deep sleep.

"Edward..." she breathed.

I looked up, thinking she had awoken, only to be met by her closed eyes
and a peaceful smile on her lips.

She talks in her sleep. How cute is she?

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Even though I knew she was asleep and she couldn't hear me, my heart
couldn't wait any longer to say the words that it has been aching to say
since Bella first walked into my life.

"I love you."

A/N: Whew...OK that was not only my first fic, but my very first lemon.
Major spanks to all the bitches that inspire me with their smutastic
writing and to the sluts on the PP/JCoS - I love you hard, bb's.

Review for spanks.

1. Meetings and Connections 35

2. Go vote!
Alright all you party people! First thing's's time to vote! The
voting poll is up and ready, so head on over and show some love.
To vote, go visit www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/u/457649/ or if you're
too lazy, hop over to my profile page for the link.

And, so this a/n isn't a complete waste of time, I wanted to let you in on
some news. First, I was shocked at the response for this story.
Seriously. The amount of favorites and alerts that I've received shocked
the hell right out of me. Reaching almost 100 reviews for a one-shot
tickled my lady parts just fine, too. So, thank you, thank you, thank you.

Now, let's move onto the really good news. After being harassed within
an inch of my life, I've decided to extend Library Rendezvous. Chapter
two is already written and ready for all you pervs and chapter three is in
the works. So, just as soon as this contest is over, I will stick that bad
boy up. Get ready for a bumpy ride...

Let's see...I think that's it. Now, what the hell are you still doing here?
Get your cute little ass over to the voting page and show me some love.

2. Go vote! 36
3. Tease Me, Leave Me, Wreck Me
A/N - Just a quick one pre-story and then all the guts of my
thoughts will be at the bottom. First - wow..., I came in
second place in the Valentine Contest held by Hope & Izzy and that
shocked the hell right out of me. Srsly - there were some fucking
awesome authors there and that totally humbled me that I could
even rank next to them. And, the great thing about coming in
second? I get to be under Fiz (McV) and oh how I love that.
:exaggerated wink:

This chapter is dedicated to byhelenahandbasket, NanMcCullen

and Marijee for being THE only people to comment on the spanks.
And, boy did they get them. Rawrr

Things I own: 43 bras, a tic tac bottle with 3 orange tic tacs left,
and a whip.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


I awoke sometime in the middle of the night, snuggled right into

Edwards's chest. I took a moment to take in the sensation of being here
- warm and safe in his arms. He was sleeping contently under me and I
glanced up to study his face.

He looked beautiful lying there, his features bathed in the soft

moonlight. His face held an air of peace and serenity that I hadn't been
given the pleasure of seeing before. I had always known how absolutely
breathtaking he was, but I had never truly had the opportunity to study
his features without intrusion.

I lightly traced my fingers along his jaw, from one ear to the other,
carefully and gently studying him. Like a blind man reading braille, I

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engulfed myself in the softness that was Edward, his skin against my
fingertips, as I continued my quest. I memorized the curve of his lips,
the slight pink of his cheeks, the shadows cast by his long eyelashes. I
took all of him in and locked it away, able to be recalled at any moment.

Last night changing.

The way we moved together - breathless, sweaty and completely
wrapped up in one another - was like nothing I had ever felt before.
When he was inside me, it was like the world was righted.

I had known for quite some time that my feelings for Edward had grown
into something I couldn't yet explain. That they had run deeper than that
of mere friendship.

Was it love?

I didn't know. I had never been in love. Lust, sure. But, never that
all-consuming love that completely envelops you. The kind that makes
you want to be a better person. The kind you read about in books and
watch in the movies. I had never known that kind of love.

I thought back to the sweet nothings Edward had whispered last night,
sending butterflies fluttering about in my stomach.

You have no idea how long I've wanted this.

Had he wanted this? Wanted me as I had wanted him? Had all our
Saturday night rendezvous been for nothing? Could we have skipped all
that and gone straight to being together?


Of course we couldn't have. I loved our Saturday night meetings. They

were the highlight of my week. Without them, I would have missed so
much - so much of him. I wouldn't know that Edward's favorite thing for
breakfast was his mom's French toast or that he loved getting lost in his

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music. I wouldn't know that he craved solitude to relax or that his idea of
a good time was pizza and a movie. I wouldn't have had time to
memorize all the little intricacies that made Edward who he was.

I rolled over slightly, away from Edward and onto my back, and stared
up at the ceiling.

What were these feelings that I was having? Could the physical pull I
felt towards him be love? Could the ache I had in my heart when he
wasn't around be love? What about the craving for his intellect or his
humor or his wit? The constant longing I had to be around him.
Surrounded by him - engulfed in him. Was that love?

I sighed and rolled again to my other side, my back now to Edward. I

needed a little space to contemplate my sudden overwhelming thoughts
on all that was this.

Edward, of course, had other plans. As soon as he felt my body retreat

from his, he snuggled up into my back, cocooning me with himself, and
held me tight. His warm breath washed over my shoulder and goose
bumps erupted on my skin.

Whether it was love or not, one thing was for certain - this was heaven.

- - - l? - - -

I felt my eyelids flutter lightly, slowly easing myself out of my dream

state. Since I had woken in the middle of the night, I found my sleep to
be restless at best. I always did have a problem shutting my mind down
when my thoughts consumed me.

Slowly, I became aware of the sensations surrounding my body. I could

smell Edward around me - on the pillow, the sheets, even my hair
smelled of him. I nuzzled my face into the pillow, breathing deeply, and

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I felt Edward, still molded against my back, lightly trace his fingertips
over the skin at my shoulders, down my arm and hands, and then he
made his way back up again. He shifted slightly forward and propped
himself up on his elbow, I assume to get a better look at my still
sleeping face.

His fingers raked through my hair, bringing it back from my face, then
made their way down to my upper arm where they rested comfortably.
As soon as I felt his lips on my skin, my heartbeat exploded in a fast
sprint and my mouth parted in a sigh. He was placing butterfly kisses
along my shoulder and up the column of my neck, stopping just below
my ear to suckle lightly.

I was enjoying his slow torture when Edwards's laughter propelled me

out of my thoughts.

"I can tell you're awake, you know..." he chuckled softly behind me.

I sighed, giving up the pretense of sleep, and rolled back slightly,

turning my head to face him. His hair was even more rambunctious than
usual, his green eyes were bright and vibrant in the morning light and
he had a brilliant smile on his face, causing one of my own to spread
over mine.

"Mmm...morning," I said, sleep clouding my voice.

He kissed my lips gently, adoringly, and pulled back to look at me.

"How did you sleep? You passed out pretty quick after..." His gaze
shifted from mine and I noticed that pink hue deepen on his cheeks.

Fuck me he's gorgeous.

"I slept alright," I said, averting my own gaze.

I mean, what could I say really?

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Well, actually I slept like shit because I was wondering if I might

possibly be in love with you.

There was nothing to send a guy running for the hills like confessing
your undying love and devotion after a round of hot monkey sex.

Edward's eyes burned deep into my own. He could tell I wasn't being
completely honest with him. I hated that I couldn't explain everything to
him here and now, but I just wasn't ready. I really did need time alone to
think and process the way our relationship had moved forward.

"Bella..." Edward said, hesitantly, while still locked in my gaze. He was

struggling with his words, trying to decide the best way to voice his

"I want you to know I don't this. I mean, I know we're
not strangers or anything, but still. I can't help but think you might feel
we moved too fast..."

He was looking down now and it broke my heart to see him so dejected.
I leaned my head down slightly so as to catch his gaze before I spoke.

"Me neither. And, no, I don't think we moved too fast," I said, with a
traitor blush creeping its way up my face.

Edward flashed his crooked smile at me then and swooped in for

another kiss. It was slow at first - gentle and sweet - but soon developed
into something more entirely.

Our tongues darted out simultaneously and danced with one another in
the space between our mouths. Even with our timing, we seemed to be
in sync. Before long, Edward had rolled us so I was flat on my back
while he hovered over me, pressing himself against me without allowing
me to feel all of his weight.

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My hands roamed up the sculpted muscles of his back, caressing the

soft skin there.

I wonder if he uses lotion...

Edward's hungry mouth moved from my lips to the base of my neck,

kissing along all the valleys and planes he discovered there. I could feel
his hot breath across my shoulders and shivered a little. His tongue
darted out and tasted my salty skin - still unwashed from our past
evening's activities.

With my hands fisted in his hair, I pulled him up towards my lips again,
anxious to meet his mouth. Before we connected, my tongue was out,
tracing along the perfect lines of his full lips.

"Bella," Edward breathed. "Want you..."

Yes and please.

Edward settled himself in between my legs, pressing his cock to my

warmth. At that moment, two things happened simultaneously. I felt the
tip of his dick entering me slightly while three loud pounds rang at his
bedroom door.

"EDWARD! Yo man - time to get up! I gotta tell you about the hot chick I
met last night - where'd you go anyway? Fuck me was she fine. And let
me tell you, she can deliver...she does this thing with her -"

"FUCK EMMETT! Shut the fuck up - I'll be out in a minute!" Edward

yelled at his door.

The surprise of his roommate's booming voice jolted Edward away from
me, his face buried in the pillow to my left and I noticed that his
prominent member was no longer quite so prominent.

Guess I'll be having a little fun in the shower myself...

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"Goddamn fucking roommates...piece of shit...don't go barging in on

him...the one time..."

I could hear Edward mumbling to himself, his voice muffled by his

pillow. He lifted his head slightly and peeked at me out of the corner of
his eye.

"Um...sorry about that. He's harmless, but really just a complete

jackass. I'm sorry if he made you feel uncomfortable."

"It's fine Edward. I, uh, should probably be going anyway," I said,

looking down at my hands.

"Oh. Yeah. Probably..."

The shift in our demeanors was palpable. How we could go from

completely throwing caution to the wind and giving in to our basic
desires to being bashful and awkward around each other was as
perplexing to me as the next person.

Maybe we did move too fast.

Edward sat up next to me and reached to brush a piece of hair back

from my face. His eyes locked on mine and I could see all the questions
there. He was afraid I was having second thoughts.

Well, he's pretty spot on there.

It wasn't that I was second guessing Edward. No - definitely not. It was

more that I was second guessing the progression of our relationship.
While our library rendezvous were definitely excellent "get to know you"
meetings, they weren't really dates per se. I mean, the guy didn't even
have my number for fuck's sake!

Apparently I needed to be swooned a bit.

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I turned my head to kiss his palm and gave him a reassuring smile. I
didn't want him to think I didn't want to be with him - that was farthest
from the truth. I just needed a little time to gather my thoughts and
figure out what the fuck I was doing.

I slipped out of bed and walked around attempting to collect my clothes

that had been thrown haphazardly around the bedroom the night before.

I managed to find all my clothing, save for my panties.

They were probably ruined anyway.

As I was sliding my jeans up my legs, I heard Edward groan behind me

and flop back on his pillows. I turned slightly to look back at him and
noticed his hands in his hair and his eyes clenched shut tightly.

"Edward? Are you alright?" I asked while peeked at him over my

shoulder, my bare back still to him.

Edward trailed his hands down his face and peeked at me through his

"You're not wearing panties."

I smirked at him and turned my head back around, pulling my shirt on.

"I figured I'd leave you a little souvenir."

Apparently Vixen Bella wanted to play a little this morning.

I heard him scramble out of bed and felt his entire body pressed against
my back.

"You are an evil little minx, do you know that?" Edward growled directly
in my ear.

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I giggled and wiggled my ass a little, which was now pressed against his
once again hard length.

Edward's hands gripped my hips and I heard him grind his teeth next to
my ear.

"Perhaps this time you'll be a little more inclined to find my number."

Yes, Vixen Bella is definitely out to play.

With that, I turned to kiss him chastely on the lips, only to find his jaw

And, we have incoherency again, folks. Bella - 1, Edward - 0

I pecked his lips and reached up to lightly smack his cheek with my
hand. With that, I turned to exit his bedroom, leaving Edward standing
there - naked in all his God given glory - completely flustered, hard as a
rock and staring at me like a lost little puppy dog.

With one more smirk at him, I turned the knob and proceeded with my
walk of shame.

- - - l? - - -


What the fuck just happened?

I stood naked in the middle of my bedroom, boner fully erect and on

display for the entire world to see, staring open-mouthed at the closed
door that Bella just left through.

She was fucking with me. And, not how I would have preferred her to

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All of our fun this morning, coupled with watching Bella get dressed - all
the while going commando - really did a number on me. I was fucking
horny and in need of release. If Bella wasn't up for helping me with my,
uh, rather large problem, I was going to have to take matters into my
own hands later today.


Despite my raging hard-on, I still wanted to catch Bella before she left -
cock tease or not. I scrambled around my room to find some jeans,
hoping to talk to her before she left out the front door. I needed to see
her one last time - get a little better closure on our evening together.
She was a bit hot and cold this morning and I wanted to find out what
was going on in that pretty little head of hers. One thing was for certain
though - the little vixen that I saw glimpses of last night came out for a
little more play time this morning as well.

Unfortunately, almost as soon as Vixen Bella emerged, Shy, Unsure

Bella shoved her to the side. I had gotten a pretty good handle on
Bella's different personality facets from our months together at the
library. I had seen the feisty side of her, but not to the extent that I was
shown last night - and a little this morning. Vixen Bella wasn't just feisty.
She oozed pure sex appeal. It was fucking hot.

I hope she comes out to play more often.

When she left this morning, Vixen Bella on full display, I knew she was
hoping that teasing me about not having her number would force me to
finally ask her for it. She probably thought I was a complete pussy for
not getting it from her already.

Uh, that's because you are.

Little did she know, I had already had that baby for weeks. The night
she told me her last name, I hunted it down the minute I got home. Not
that it did me any good. I was still too much of a chicken shit to actually

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use the information I found.

Getting her number didn't even blip on my radar this morning. That was
not the reason I wanted to see her again before she left. What I wanted
- no, needed - was to catch her and make certain that she was alright
with how things progressed last night.

And, almost again this morning.

My cock twitched at that thought.

Fucking cockblocking Emmett.

Waking up next to her this morning was surreal. I had dreamt about it
for so long, it was hard to grasp that it was actually happening. I sat
watching her for a long while before she finally woke. She was restless
when she slept, worry lines creasing her forehead. Now I wondered if it
had anything to do with the questions I saw in her eyes this morning.
Although she assured me that she didn't think we moved too fast, I
couldn't help but see the doubt written on her face.

I hope she doesn't doubt me.

Even though Bella was sleeping when I made my declaration last night,
I knew that I would stop at nothing to see this - this...whatever we had -
move forward into something real. After our time together at the library, I
knew Bella felt a connection with me - a deeper connection than that of
merely friends. Not only did she make it clear during our Saturday night
meetings, but she also made it quite clear last night.

Thinking back to her behavior from the previous evening, I couldn't help
but wonder if she had fantasized about being with me as often as I had
of her. She was aggressive...urgent. She wanted it just as badly as I

Or so I thought.

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I needed to get to her and talk this out - tell her how I was feeling. I was
tired of being a complete pussy and letting all these opportunities pass
me by. It was time to man the fuck up and grow a pair. I couldn't wait
any longer to voice my thoughts to Bella.

With my mind made up and my resolve set, I grabbed my jeans from the
crumpled mess on the floor and stood to put them on. As I was pulling
them over my ass, I heard Emmett's loud, muffled voice saying
something, followed quickly by a high pitched squeal. I hurriedly
buttoned my jeans and made it to my door in two quick strides. Pulling it
open, my heart plummeted to my stomach at the sight before me.

There, face to face, bodies flush against each other, were the two
people I was not prepared to see. Her body was wrapped tightly around
his, legs crossed behind his back. His arms were encircling her waist in
a tight hug. She was holding him to her, both hands on either side of his
face, almost as if she was afraid he was going to leave if she let go.
And, then there were their lips.

God, their lips.

They stood there, in their intimate embrace, lips pressed firmly together
in a kiss. My roommate and best friend with the woman I loved.

What. The. Fuck.

A/N - :ducks and hides behind sturdy building: Now, didn't
think I could let these two crazy kids get together in the first chapter did
you? Not to fear - all will be explained in Chapter 3 (which is already
written, beta'd and ready to go so if you're good I might post it soon).
And, if you need a little reminder to ease your mind, go to my profile
page and see my little disclaimer at the bottom. It'll be alright, bb's.

A big fat THANK YOU to my Gator, my smutmate - Tallulah Remiter -

for being absolutely fucking fabulous. For being the best online friend a
girl could ask for - for having a policy of "never TMI", for chatting

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randomly about too many things to mention, but specifically for chatting
about my wild ideas for these characters and for helping me work this
out in my head. And, for being a fabulous Masta Beta who just kinda fell
into the roll. I lurve you hard, bb.

For Katie - KatieBelleCullen - who is funny as shit, always makes me

laugh my ass off and provides excellent fondles and ass smacks daily.
Thanks for falling into the role of second beta for this bad boy. And, for
all the readers - Katie gasped and ripped me a new one for the end of
this chapter, too, so she deserves your love.

Finally - all my bitches in the rock my socks and wet my

panties. Check out the tasty ditty we have going on over at The Shack
(link on profile) and be sure to stop by on Mondays when I check my
inventory in The Locker and show you all a new piece of Man Meat.

Review for spanks.

3. Tease Me, Leave Me, Wreck Me 49

4. Over Before We've Begun?
See - two days...I'm not that evil, right? I hate cliffies as much as
the next person, but it was just a natural stopping point for the last
chapter. So, I apologize for ripping your heart out and stomping on

You all can thank NanMcCullen for getting this chapter out to you
today. She offered herself up for the cause.

Things I own: 21 pairs of black shoes, a dozen roses from hubs,

and a brand new leather corset.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.

They stood there, in their intimate embrace, lips pressed firmly together
in a kiss. My roommate and best friend with the woman I loved.

What. The. Fuck.


I stood there gaping at them for what felt like an eternity. Just watching
them - looking on from the outside into their fucking bubble of

My heart ached and my stomach clenched and I felt my throat constrict

with the pain of it all, yet I still couldn't get my feet to move. So, there I
stood, shocked into place, and watched as another man held the
woman I loved.

I wanted to scream at Emmett. Ask him what the fuck he thought he

was doing. I wanted to yell at Bella for fucking with my emotions. For
apparently just using me for a good fuck and that was all. I wanted to
tell them both to go fuck themselves.

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But my voice wouldn't work. It was stuck somewhere between my heart

in my throat and my stomach that had dropped to my feet.

Just because I couldn't speak, that didn't mean I needed to subject

myself to this show any longer. I forced myself to turn on my heel and
stormed back into my room, slamming the door behind me. I heard a
few things rattle about on my dresser from the force of it, but I couldn't
bring myself to care.

I paced my room, hands gripping and tugging at my hair, while I tried to

digest what just happened.

How could she?

I was ready to run out there and bare my fucking heart to her. I was
ready to tell her everything - from all the weeks I spent watching her
from afar to the way she made me feel last night. Like I was home.

How could I have been so fucking stupid?

I could hear hushed voices out in the living room and shuffling feet
coming towards my door. God, I didn't want to hear from either of them
right now.

I threw myself backwards on my bed and grabbed a pillow, clutching it

to my face.

I wonder if it's possible to suffocate myself?

I heard two timid knocks at the door and then the doorknob turn,
signaling someone's entrance.

"Edward?" Bella's gentle voice resounded through the air and found my
ears even through the pillow. Much to my dismay, my body reacted to it,
relaxing slightly from its tense posture. Even so, I couldn't talk about this
now. I couldn't discuss actually having my heart ripped out just minutes

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after it happened.

"Not now, Bella."

My voice was tight and strained. I knew I was being short with her but,
fuck, did she really expect me to hash this out right now?

"Edward, it's not what it looked like."

- - - l? - - -


I sighed heavily and leaned my body against the door to his bedroom -
the door that Vixen Bella just walked through.

Vixen Bella is a crazy bitch.

I mean, leaving him - Edward, God of all men - standing there, erect
and ready for me? Tell me that wasn't nuts.

No, not nuts. Absolutely fucking insane.

Truth of the matter was that I actually quite enjoyed playing the role of
Vixen Bella - with her sultry looks and her confidence and her sexual
energy. And, based on the reaction of Edward, I was positive he
enjoyed when she made an appearance as well.

I was actually glad that side of me came out to play. If my plan went
accordingly, Edward would be in his room right now scrambling about to
get dressed and get out here to either a) get my number or b) drag me
back to his bedroom for Round Two. Either of which were perfectly
acceptable to me.

I sighed and pushed my way off the door, heading towards the front of
the apartment. No need to let him know he was just playing into my

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hand. I figured I could start heading towards my truck - hopefully I

wouldn't get that far before he stop-

My truck.

Oh, shit. Oh shit, shit, shit.

I had no truck. No car or automobile of any sort. No mode of

transportation at all. Not even a fucking bike.

Well, this is just fan-fucking-tastic.

Leave it up to me to get all cocky on him only to be stranded in his

apartment and have to go back and grovel for a ride.

That really puts a kink in my plan.

I stopped, dead in my tracks and dropped my head, forcing myself to

accept this new - slightly humiliating - fate.

I had just finished giving myself a pep talk and turned around to head
back to Edward's room when I ran directly into a very hard, very large
object in front of me.

"Ooof -"

I fell backwards, landing hard on my ass, and prepared myself to come

face to face with what - or whom - could possibly make this
embarrassing situation even worse.


My head snapped up, mouth hanging open, as I stared up at this wall of

a person in front of me.


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I'd heard Edward refer to his roommate as Emmett, but it never

occurred to me that his Emmett and my Emmett were one and the
same. It had been years - years - since I had last seen him and months
since we'd spoken. As much as I hated to admit it, life just sort of got in
the way of staying in touch. Even after the connection we'd had, it was
difficult to not let things slip by. Lives get busy, people move far away,
staying in touch suddenly creeps to the back of your mind.

I was sitting there, still on my butt on the floor of Edward's apartment,

staring up at Emmett while he looked down at me with a goofy grin on
his face. Of all the places to run into my best friend from high school -
and my subsequent saving grace at that high school - it had to be in the
apartment of my non-boyfriend while doing the walk of shame.

I still couldn't quite get my brain to wrap around what I was seeing, but I
somehow managed to pull myself up from the ground and with a loud -
and embarrassingly enough rather girly squeal - I jumped up into his

Emmett boomed a loud laugh - a laugh I knew so well - and clutched

me to his chest while I wrapped my arms and legs tightly around him.

He felt the same as I remembered - hard and soft at the same time,
warm and comforting, strong yet still gentle. He was a complete

I sighed, remembering how comforting his arms had once been. He was
my complete life line in high school. The one and only reason I didn't
attempt to drown myself in the horror that I was subjected to for four

When I had moved to Forks, WA, to live with my dad, I was only a
freshman. Not only was I a freshman, but I was a transfer student - mid
year - and I was unfortunate enough to transfer to a school with a
student population of a whopping 314 people.

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That's code for stare at the new girl.

Imagine my great relief when Emmett, this huge hunk of a man, came
up and went all mother bird on me, swooping me up under his wing and
protecting me from the hell that was sure to be my first
day...week...year... He was the only good point of my entire four years
there. Unfortunately, I had to spend my last year there alone when he
went off to college on the East coast. I was crushed.

Though I had never developed romantic feelings for Emmett - he was

much more than that to me and I didn't want to chance ruining possibly
the best friendship I would ever have over teenage hormones - I was
still as close to him as I had ever been to anyone. His acceptance to U
of M, Boston was both thrilling and completely terrifying. I was happy
beyond belief that he got into his number one choice of school, but I
was terrified that I would lose this friendship that we had. In actuality,
friendship wasn't even really the right term for what we had. No, he was
much more like a brother to me except for the fact we got along

I pulled back from his bear hug and clutched his face between my
hands, still trying to grasp the fact that he was actually standing in front
of me. I studied his face, with a smile on mine, and looked to see if he
had changed much. I rubbed my thumbs over his slight stubble, still
looking him over.

Then I pulled back and slapped him. Hard.

"What the hell, Bella?"

Emmett's shocked face was priceless and I had a hard time keeping my
face composed enough to respond.

"You didn't tell me you moved back."

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Even to my own ears, I sounded dejected. I wasn't going to lie, it hurt

that Emmett hadn't called me the moment he moved back west. It made
me think that perhaps our friendship hadn't meant to him what it did to

The fact that we hadn't talked in a few months grew heavy on my heart
and I slouched down slightly in his embrace. If I was being honest with
myself though, I supposed I was partly to blame as well. Since school
had started back up in the fall, my focus had been elsewhere. The
phone lines run both ways, and all that.

Emmett saw my face fall and immediately dropped his stunned

expression, swapping it for one of regret and guilt.

"I'm sorry Bells. I meant to, but the move back was so last minute, then
once we got back, I got swept up in my new job and the guys wanted to
show me all around town and see what had changed and -"

He would have gone on forever if I hadn't stopped him. I reached up

and grasped his face in between my hands again and smiled at him.

"It's alright, Em. I get it. I wasn't much better at keeping up with you,

Emmett's grin spread across his face, causing his dimples to show. I
could tell how relieved he was that I wasn't mad at him for losing touch.
I also realized how silly it was for me to think that Emmett didn't care as
much about this friendship as I did.

"I missed you Bells."

"Me too, Em."

I leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss on his lips, our eyes still opened
and looking at each other. I could see the smile creases at the corners
of his eyes and I smiled back in response.

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Just as I was pulling away from our friendly kiss, I heard a noise to my
right and turned just in time to see Edward's door slam shut. I turned
with wide eyes to look back at Emmett and let what had just happened
sink in.

Here I was, in the apartment of the guy I could very possibly love,
wrapped up in the arms of his apparent roommate and I just kissed said front of him.

I felt my jaw go slack as I continued to stare at Emmett. I loosened my

grip on him and he got the idea and allowed me to slide down the front
of him.

"Oh God...Edward saw that."

"Wait - what? You were here with Edward? What were you doing here
with Edward?"

Tread carefully. It seems I've angered the beast.

"Oh, get over yourself. Don't you go all big brother on me now. I've got
bigger things to deal with. Edward just saw that!"

Emmett stared at me and cocked his head to one side, as if to say


I rolled my eyes and gestured wildly between the two of us with my arm.

"This. Us. You and me. Hugging. Kissing."

I hissed the last word at him, throwing my hands up in the air and
watched as realization dawned on Emmett's face. I spun around
abruptly and headed towards Edward's bedroom.

I took a few deep breaths before I knocked softly on the door. Preparing
myself for what I could say to him, I hesitantly reached for the door knob

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and turned, slowly opening the door to his room.


"Not now Bella."

His voice caught me off guard and I had to suppress the feelings it
brought forth in me. He had never once spoken to me like that. Like I
was a bother. Like he didn't have time for me.

I stepped inside and turned to close the door behind me, catching one
last glimpse of Emmett's face in the living room. His eyes were sad, lips
turned down at the corners. He was full of remorse and guilt - which
was just silly. We hadn't done anything wrong.

I just had to explain that to Edward.

I have to make him understand.

He was lying on his back on the bed, pillow clutched to his face. I could
see the muscles in his arms and abdomen straining. He was tense - as
if preparing for a fight.

We hadn't even gotten together yet. We couldn't have a fight yet...could


"Edward, it's not what it looked like."

I heard him scoff under his pillow, but he didn't move at all. I hesitantly
walked over to his bed and sat down next to him, one leg curled
underneath me. I leaned over him and touched his hands, attempting to
loosen his grip on the pillow.

That was obviously a really fucking futile attempt. As if I had the

strength to physically make Edward do something he didn't want to do.

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"Edward, please..."

I could hear the sorrow and panic in my voice and wondered if Edward
would hear the same. He had to know that I wasn't some random
hussy, didn't he? I mean, we'd talked about that just this morning. It's
not like I went around having sex with guys for sport.

I was still gripping his fingers, willing him to remove the pillow, but with
all my internal ramblings, I was starting to get really pissed at him.

How could he think I'd do that?

Besides that, I didn't belong to Edward. Not yet, anyhow. He didn't even
have the guts to ask me out in the first place - to even ask for my

Who did he think he was?

He certainly wasn't my boyfriend - that much was clear. It wasn't like he

owned me. Did he think that last night bought him an automatic "get out
of being a pussy" card and just threw us together as a couple?

I better set that shit straight right now. That boy needs to work for this.
For me.

I removed my hands from his and moved to stand next to the bed, arms
crossed tightly across my chest. I had somehow managed to work
myself up into a rather irritated frenzy in the short time I was pleading
with Edward.


No. Absolutely not. Bella does not do pleading.

"Edward." My voice was raised, irritation shining through front and


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He jumped at my sudden and loud command and reluctantly removed

the pillow from his face. He peered at me over the top, the emotions he
held in his eyes changed quickly from hurt, anger and irritation to shock
and confusion.

I smiled inwardly that I was able get such an immediate change in his
demeanor towards me just by a simple look. Perhaps I wouldn't have to
club him over the head like I'd considered doing. Regardless, I was still
pissed at his conclusions on what he saw and how he'd reacted to it.

"Edward, I'm not sure what you think is going on. I tried to tell you, to
talk to you about it, but you shut me out - just completely ignored me. If
you had acted like an adult just now instead of a child, I would have told
you what you just witnessed. Instead, you threw a hissy fit and hid
under a pillow. What the hell is that?"

Edward's eyes bugged out at my rant and the anger that had vanished
only moments ago was back in an instant.

"'What the hell is that?' You ask me what the hell is that? Don't you think
I should be the one asking that question? What the hell was that out
there? With my roommate and best friend no less! Correct me if I'm
wrong, but I believe I saw your fucking lips attached to another man's
after you walked out of my bedroom - out of my fucking bed!"

At some point in his rant, Edward had flown up from the bed to stand
directly in front of me, towering over my slight frame. His arms were
gesturing wildly about, the muscles in his chest, abdomen and arms
were straining with his effort to stay somewhat calm.

He was failing miserably.

I rolled my shoulders back, tightened the features on my face and

brought one of my fingers up to poke him directly in his chest.

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"You don't know what the hell you saw. You jumped to a conclusion - a
wildly incorrect one at that - and didn't bother to listen to the truth.
Besides that, you act as if I am yours and yours alone. Forgive me if my
memory escapes me, but I don't recall ever having had that
conversation with you. Just because you stuck your dick in me, that
does not make me yours.

"If you want this - this whatever it is between us - to work and grow, you
need to learn how to communicate a bit more and stop being an ass."

With that, I turned on my heel and stormed out of the room, slamming
Edward's bedroom door behind me.

With a heavy sigh, I stopped a few steps from his door and brought my
hands up to cover my face. I was so furious with him and his
assumptions and conclusions. And, generally, an angry Bella meant a
blubbering Bella.

I will not cry. I will not cry. I will not cry.


My shoulders slumped at the sound of Emmett's voice and I heaved a

long sigh. I dropped my hands from my face and looked up in his eyes.

"Em, can you please just take me home?"

He nodded minutely and wrapped one of his large arms around my

shoulders and led me outside to his car.

Well, this is the worst walk of shame I've ever participated in.

- - - l? - - -


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For the second time that morning, I stood staring, slack-jawed at my

closed bedroom door, more mindfucked than I had ever been.

I just didn't know what to make of this situation. I replayed the horrid
events in my mind to try and see what I could possibly be missing in the
big picture. Bella had said that it wasn't what it looked like.

Looked to me like she was macking all up on some other dude.

I heard the front door of the apartment close and I sighed, restraining
myself from whipping my door open and going after her. She was very
clear that she was not up for continuing our discussion any time soon.

I ran my hands through my hair, for what seemed like the thousandth
time, and paced around my room grasping at anything that might clear
up this - hopefully - misunderstanding between Bella and I.

I wanted to believe it was a misunderstanding. I hoped that she wasn't

just pacifying me when she said what she did when she was in my
room. But, how could I be sure?

Just this morning we'd touched on this topic. About how she never did
this - didn't bed random guys - yet, I still jumped to the conclusion that
something bigger was going on between Bella and Emmett. But, really,
how could I not? I mean, what was I supposed to think? Seeing them in
that kind of embrace, lips locked together, bodies wrapped around one

Fuck. It still hurts to even think about it.

I needed to figure this out - to figure out what Bella had meant by 'it's
not what it looked like'. I scoffed at that for the second time today. I felt
like I was in some crazy made-for-tv movie or on some ridiculous talk
show. Wasn't that what all the cheaters said - when it was exactly what
it looked like?

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I needed to stop thinking along those lines and attempt to be somewhat

productive in my quest for understanding.

I mentally sifted through my conversations with Emmett, from the time

we all met when Jasper and I started at U of M, Boston, until now and I
was coming up blank. He didn't have a sister - wasn't close to any
cousins or other relatives of that nature. He didn't bring women around
to the apartment - at least not unless it was for a hookup. Even if he did,
I'd like to think I'd remember someone like Bella if he had brought her
around before.

The more I thought about it, the more it just didn't make sense. Bella
wasn't Emmett's type at all. He always went for the tall, leggy blondes -
Bella was petite and brunette. He liked his women loud, bossy and
demanding, and while Bella undoubtedly did have that side to her - as
she so eloquently showed me this morning - that certainly wasn't the
dominant part of her personality.

As I continued wracking my brain for a connection - any connection -

that put Bella and Emmett together, I was feeling more disheartened by
the minute. Not only had I completely abandoned my faith in Bella, but I
did so in Emmett as well.

I had known Emmett for over four years, and in that entire time he had
never given me reason to doubt his loyalty to me or Jasper. From the
time we first met in our dorms, he was loud, boisterous and funny as
hell - but above all else, he was protective and loyal almost to a fault.
He was the reason Jasper and I moved back home to Seattle even
though we weren't sure where we wanted to go once we finished our
four years at Boston. Our bond was that strong - strong enough to drag
us across country again. Emmett asked if we were up for an adventure
and we never once thought to question it, we just went.

No, I couldn't imagine Emmett doing something like this on purpose. Of

course, I also hadn't bothered to mention Bella at all in previous
conversations with either of my roommates. I was selfish and wanted to

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keep her to myself for the time being. It was almost as if talking about
her might make her disappear.

Once I had resigned myself to the fact that neither Bella nor Emmett
were the kind of people that would purposefully hurt someone they
cared about, I was beginning to feel slightly more at ease. Plus, the
more I thought back to Emmett and Bella's embrace, the more I realized
that that kiss wasn't a romantic kiss. They were both smiling, both had
their eyes open, and from what I could see it was a simple peck on the

Fuck. I am an ass.

I stood with my back against the wall and slouched to the floor, hands in
my hair, and pulled my knees to my chest. I felt completely ridiculous.

Not only had I grossly misinterpreted the interaction between Bella and
Emmett, but I completely shut her out when she tried to explain the
situation to me.

I got off easy when she called me an ass. She should have told me to
go fuck myself.

While I was feeling slightly better in my realization, I still had to atone for
my behavior earlier to Bella. And, I had to talk to Emmett and see what
this was all about.

Bella first...she deserves that.

I knew she still needed time to cool off. She was right - I was an ass. I
jumped to conclusions and didn't listen to her when she tried to explain.
I only hoped she would still give me a chance to make this right.

I got up from the floor and grabbed my cell phone off my night stand,
flipping it open to find her number. I knew I would be pushing my luck to
call her now, so I settled on sending a text.

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What to say...what to say...

I decided simple and to the point was the way to go - no point in beating
around the bush.

Ur right. I was an ass. 4give me?


I knew she didn't know I had her number and I wasn't sure what she
would think of that. But, I couldn't dwell on that inconsequential detail
now. I needed her to know I was sorry and if this was how I had to go
about it, so be it.

Before I could change mind, I hit send and closed my phone. The ball
was in her court now - I could only hope she would toss it back to me.

A/N: I told you there was nothing to worry about. As if I could make
Emmett be a bad guy. Pfft. Now we just have to wait for these kids to
get their shit together and start talking again.

Chapter four has not even been started yet - I have ideas floating about
in my head, but nothing down on paper (figuratively, of course) - so
don't expect an update in two days like with this one.

Big thanks, spanks and boobie grabs to Lu for talking me through this
chapter and reassuring me on some doubts I had with it. I lurve you, bb.

Thanks to Katie for reading this and feeling alright after the shock of the
last chapter - hopefully my readers will feel the same.

Finally, Lu started a thread for this story over on twilighted -

www(dot)twilighted(dot)net - so head over and see what's shakin'
(besides our boobies). I'll post teasers and all that good stuff over there.

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Whoops - I said finally, but one more thing, my girl Nina (ninapolitan) is
running a Cocktease contest RIGHT NOW! Link to her profile can be
found in my favorite authors tab. Run - hurry - and enter that bitch.

Review for spanks (or snuggles, if spanks aren't your thing).

4. Over Before We've Begun? 66

5. Compromises and Compromising
Goddamn cockblocking FFn :grumble:

Things I own: 19 Tori Amos cds, 4 concert t-shirts, and a slight

fangirl crush.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


The ride home was quiet. Contemplative. I was leaning my head against
the window, forehead pressed to the cool glass, watching the world
stream past me.

Emmett knew me well enough to know that I needed time to process my

thoughts. He knew that unless I was ready to talk about it, it would be a
futile attempt on his end to get me to open up. So instead, he sat there,
stealing glances my way every so often, while he reached over to
squeeze my hand or pat my knee in a gesture as if to say "everything
will work out."

I had forgotten how calming Emmett's presence was. Sure, he was loud
and larger than life, but Emmett always had a way of being just what I
needed when I was feeling down. He didn't push - not like my mother or
even Alice - but just sat back and allowed me to reflect and put the
pieces together myself.

I gave Emmett a few brief directions on how to get to my apartment in

between my bouts of silence. It seemed we were only about ten minutes
away from each other, with us both living so close to the campus.

The ten minute drive turned out to be too short, as when we pulled up

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against the curb to my building, my thoughts were still a jumbled mess.

"It'll turn out alright, Bells."

I turned and attempted to compose a smile on my face to show Emmett

that he didn't need to worry about me.

It was a pitiful attempt on my part.

I reached to give Emmett a hug and a kiss on the cheek before I made
my way out of the car.

"I'll call you later, Em. Thanks again for the ride."

Emmett looked at me with sad eyes and forced a small smile for my
sake. Once I was out of the car and on my way to the front of the
building, I turned around and saw him give a half-hearted wave in my
direction before he took off down the street.

I made my way up to my apartment and let myself in through the front

door. I really didn't want to see Alice or Rose right now. I didn't want to
have to explain the events of last night and this morning when I still
didn't understand them all myself.

I chanced a glance around and noticed Alice's door was closed and I
could hear voices coming from her room. Her meeting last night with her
'soul mate' must have turned out well. Hopefully her good mood would
save me from the Spanish Inquisition she would no doubt dish out.

Rose's door was open and I didn't hear her shuffling about in the
apartment, so I assumed she was out already - or still - this morning.

I quickly made my way to my room and shut the door as quietly as I

could behind me. I sighed, briefly relieved that I was able to make it into
my room without being accosted by my roommates.

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I needed a hot shower and some time alone to figure out what I was
going to do about Edward.


- - - l? - - -

After my failed attempt at relaxing in the shower, I resigned myself to

lying on my bed, sprawled out on my back, while I replayed the events
of this morning over and over again.

I was frustrated - with everything.

Frustrated that I wasn't thinking when I greeted Emmett so exuberantly.

Frustrated that Edward hadn't allowed me the opportunity to explain

away what he had seen.

Frustrated with the conclusion he jumped to.

Frustrated that we obviously lacked communication skills.

Frustrated that I stormed out before we were able to work it out.

I was frustrated at Edward. I was frustrated at myself. I was frustrated at

the turn of events our morning had taken. More than anything, though, I
was frustrated that we never seemed to be able to get it right.

Before I could reconcile anything with myself, I heard a knock at the

door, followed almost immediately by the door opening.

"So nice of you to wait for a response, Ali."

"Wow -did someone get an awful piece of ass again last night?"

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Alice looked at me then, with her hands on her hips in a defiant posture,
and her features immediately softened when she noticed my face.

"Oh honey - what's wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

I shook my head at her, telling her silently not to worry about it. But, this
was, of course, Alice we were talking about and she never knew when
to leave well enough alone.

She made her way next to me on the bed and curled up at my side. I
could feel her eyes on me, even with mine closed.

"Ali, I really, really don't want to talk about it right now, alright? Please?"

My voice sounded exhausted in the air between us. I heard Alice suck
in a breath as she seemed to deliberate for a minute.

"Fine, I'll let it drop...for now. But, I swear to God Bella, if you left with
Jake again last night, you deserve whatever you got. Just cause you're
horny doesn't mean you need to scrape the bottom of the barrel."

My lip twitched slightly at her rant. Her and Rose had both made it clear
that they thought I was sinking to a new level of desperation when I
went home with him that one night.

Not that I disagreed with them.

I was too mentally exhausted to argue with her to correct her mistake,
so I allowed Alice her false assumptions and gave her a small smile of
thanks in return.

She smiled back at me, and then quickly changed her expression into a

"Well, not all of us had shitty nights, Bella. Some best friend you are -
ask me about my night with Jasper already!"

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I smiled at that, thankful that she was doing her best to take the focus
off me. She then launched into a detailed account of her evening with
her soul mate, Jasper, and how well they hit it off. Rose had even given
her approval of him and that was huge in our world. Turned out Rose hit
it off with Jasper's roommate as well, but Alice told me I'd have to ask
her for all the dirty details myself.

I knew how badly she wanted to interrogate me and reprimand me for

ditching them last night, especially since I was supposed to meet
another of Jasper's friends. But, she was being the dutiful best friend
and thankfully let it drop for now.

After she was certain she'd told me every last detail of her time with
Jasper, including her excitement for her upcoming date on Friday night,
she looked me over one last time, skepticism and worry shown in her

"Ali, I'm fine. I promise. We'll talk when I can get it all sorted out in my
mind, alright?"

She nodded briefly and leaned to press a quick peck on my cheek

before she pranced out of my bedroom, closing the door behind her,
leaving me - once again - to my thoughts.

I groaned and brought my hands to my face, rubbing harshly up and

down, and rolled off the bed. I walked over to my desk and sat down.
After my conversation with Alice, I knew I'd need some time to mentally
shift from Excitement City to Frustration Ville. Since I wasn't going to get
anywhere with my thoughts, I figured I might as well try to do some

Before I could settle in and turn my focus to the laptop in front of me, my
cell phone caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. I noticed on
the screen display that I had a mixed text message. I studied the
number intently, almost certain I didn't recognize it, before clicking on
the display button to view it.

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I sucked in a sharp breath and read the message - again - making

certain I'd read it right the first time.

It seemed that Edward's thought processes worked a lot faster than

mine. I was still attempting to sort everything out, much less come to a
conclusion about it.

I was certain from his message, though, that he wanted this to work
between us as much as I did. The thought of going back to just our
Saturday night dates at the library - or worse...nothing at all - grew
heavy on my heart and made my stomach clench.

I didn't know how long it would take to clear up this jumbled mess in my
head, but I figured if I had a timeline, I'd be forced to reconcile
everything with myself.

I typed out my text message and hit send before I could over think what
I was doing. I then added Edward's number to my address book so I
had it for - hopefully - future use. I'd ask him later how he finally came
about getting my number.

- - - l? - - -

Three days.

Three long, miserable days.

Three long, miserable, horrendous days had passed since that fateful

Since I had stormed out of Edward's apartment.

Since I had exchanged texts with him.

Since I had last truly smiled.

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This time apart - alone with my thoughts - had been good for me. I was
able to put myself in Edward's shoes and look at the situation from his
perspective. If I had seen him kissing some random girl in my apartment
after he'd just had sex with me - relationship talk or no, I would've been

And a complete fucking emotional wreck.

Seeing the situation through his eyes gave me more than just
perspective on the situation, though. It gave me hope. Hope that maybe
Edward felt at least a little of what I did. I mean, if he didn't care he
certainly wouldn't have flipped out like he did. Would he?

I'd thought briefly on my deeper feelings for him, wondering still if they
could be love. I was more certain than I had been before that if it wasn't
love, then I was in serious shit for the time when I did fall. Because
Edward had me completely fixated. I longed to be with him...even when
I was mad.

During all my thinking, I'd come to the realization that I wanted to do

whatever I needed to in order to start and maintain a relationship with
Edward. I needed to see him. I needed to explain. I needed to apologize
for storming out before we had a chance to reconcile.

I would get my time soon enough.

- - - l? - - -

I had just finished classes for the day and was making my way through
the front door when I was accosted with the smell of Italian food.

Mmmm... My favorite.

I made my way into the kitchen and saw Alice dishing up different
entrees on several different platters, getting ready to bring them to the
dining room.

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"Having a dinner party you didn't tell me about?" I asked, smirking at

her. She loved to entertain, but sucked at cooking, which was why she
was scooping out that Italian food from take-out containers.

"No, silly! It's for us! I thought we could do a girls night in and watch
some movies...just hang out!"

I squinted one eye at her and pursed my lips. I knew what she was up
to. Being nice and chipper? Ordering take-out from my favorite
restaurant? She was trying to get me to spill the details from Saturday
night. I had managed to avoid her curious glances for three whole days,
but I was beginning to think I had no chance at all in avoiding her
questioning mind.

"Alice Brandon, what is it you're fishing for?"

She looked up at me with innocent eyes and pouted her bottom lip.

"Can't I just want a girl's night with my besties?"

I gave her a look of disbelief and silently encouraged her to continue.

"Fine! Look - but hear me out, okay? If I promise to not ask about the
infamous Saturday night, you have to do me a favor."

My ears perked up at this, though I should have retreated carefully -

slowly - back into my bedroom before she was able to get any further in
her ramblings.

"I know that you are still bummed out from whatever it was that
happened on Saturday night, but I was wondering if you

She bit her bottom lip and shifted her eyes away from me.

Oh, she was good.

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That little evil devil spawn was up to something. I could tell with the way
she averted her gaze from me and played up the innocent card a little
too much. I was just too exhausted to try to figure out what exactly it

"Allliii," I whined.

"Oh come on, Bella. It will be fun!"

I gave her a skeptical look and crossed my arms in indignation.

"Alright, alright! It might not be fun, but please, please, please just do it!
Jas called me and I guess one of his roommates is really bummed out
and he wants to try and cheer him up with a night on the town, but we
already had plans for Friday. The only way we can work it is to double."

"What about Rose? Why can't she do it?"

"Yeah right - she's too busy with her new boy toy. She's never even
home anymore!"

That was true. I had seen Rose once in passing since last Saturday
night and had yet to get any details from her on this mystery man she
was seeing.

I looked back at Alice and was hit with her stupid puppy dog face.

That evil, manipulating little goblin.

I threw my hands up in the air and groaned.

"Fine. I'll do it. But, you owe me - no harping on me about last Saturday
night, got it?"

Alice squealed and clapped her hands, jumping up to give me a tight


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"Oh, thank you Bella! I promise, I won't bother you with questions on it

Well, at least some good came out of this horrific deal.

- - - l? - - -


I flipped open my phone for the fifty-sixth time to read the message that
Bella had sent me earlier in the week. It was short - only one little line of
dialogue - but, I held on to it like as if it were my last breath.

Can we talk at Lib Sat?

At least she wanted to talk about this. About us. And, hopefully wanted
to work through whatever mess we had gotten into.

Fuck. Why can't it just be simple?

I rested my head on the back of the couch and slouched further down in
the cushions. I had grown accustomed to my weekdays taking forever
to pass, what with my Saturdays that I had been looking forward to for
months. What I didn't realize is how slow those days could actually drag

Everything was at stake and it all hinged around the conversation we

would inevitably have in just a few days.

I had spoken with Emmett when he arrived back at the apartment, not
long after I had sent Bella the text. He was wary at first, and a bit
protective of Bella, but I was able to get a few key pieces of information
from him.

They were old friends. Only friends.

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Emmett said that details of their relationship could be revealed by Bella

at a later time - if she wanted me to know at all. As much as Emmett
was trying to assert his protectiveness over Bella, he told me that he
understood where I was coming from - that he would have jumped to
the same conclusion as I had.

He probably would have ripped the guy's fucking throat out.

He wasn't going to tell me that, though. As much as he was loyal to me,

he was even more so to Bella. I wondered briefly about their
relationship - what context it was in, how long they had known each
other - and hoped that I would get to hear the story from Bella's mouth

Bella's mouth.

Fuck. Not only was I moping around waiting for Saturday to come, but I
was doing so with a huge fucking hard on.

That never seemed to end.

I loved and hated that we'd shared that one night. It gave me memories
to think back on and...occupy myself with. But, it also meant that if this
should turn out poorly, I would forever have those memories burned in
my brain.

I groaned and willed myself to calm down, though I knew it would be a

vain attempt. I couldn't stop my body from reacting to her in my
thoughts any more so than if she was standing in front of me.

I quickly adjusted myself and got up, making a beeline for my bathroom.
It'd be my seventh shower in three days. And, really, how many
showers did you need to get clean?

I made my way into my bathroom, making certain to lock the door, and
started the water. I stripped off my jeans, boxers and t-shirt and stepped

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into the hot spray.

I let the water wash over my face and down my chest, bringing my
attention to my still rather large problem. I reached for the soap and
grabbed my cock, beginning to lather myself up, images of Bella
flashing in my mind.

She was so warm and soft in my hands.

Her tits...her hips...her ass.

I gripped my shaft tightly and started slowly stroking upwards, rubbing

my palm over my head and bringing my hand back down again.

Thinking of the sounds Bella made when she was with me was enough
to elicit a groan from the back of my throat. She moaned and panted
when I ran my tongue over her clit - arched her back when my fingers
probed in and out of her warm pussy.

I stroked myself harder and faster, in time with the fingers in my mind,
imagining it was me buried deep inside her.

I was close already - it never took long when I thought of her.

Remembering her smell. Her taste. The way she milked my cock when
she came while riding me.

I closed my eyes and moved one hand to brace myself on the wall of
the shower. I was stroking faster now, imagining my hands gripping her
hips, me thrusting into her from behind.

Hard. Fast. Rough.

I could feel her spasm around me, my hand mirroring those feelings on
my shaft, as she arched her back and tossed her head towards me. I
ran one of my hands up from her ass, over the smooth curve of her

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back, resting my hand on her shoulder to help drive her back on me


My breathing was coming in gasps now, my legs shaking slightly. I

stroked myself harder, allowing my closed fist to move over the top of
my head and all the way back down my length, building up my release.

My hand clenched on the shower wall and my movements sped up

minutely. I was on the edge, teetering, needing something to push me

"Fuck me, Edward."

"Fuck." I breathed, squeezing my eyes shut as my body tensed, then

spasmed, shooting my hot release against the shower wall.

I slowed my movements, stroking up and down a few more times,

extending my orgasm. I rested my forehead against the tile of the
shower and exhaled deeply, watching as all evidence of my thoughts of
Bella swirled down the drain.

- - - l? - - -

I finished getting dressed - for the second time today - and made my
way out to the living room to see what the guys were up to.

Emmett was sitting playing Halo while chilling on the couch and it
sounded like Jasper was on the phone in the kitchen.

I sat down next to Em and asked if I could play, earning only a grunt in
return from him.

We were well into the game, and I was kicking Emmett's ass, when
Jasper came in looking slightly nervous and a little apprehensive.

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"Hey man, everything alright?" I asked him, only turning my head in his
direction while my eyes stayed glued to the game on the screen.

"Uh, yeah. Well, no. Um - kind of?"

I chuckled at him and shook my head. It was unusual to see Jasper

worked up over anything - he was generally the calming presence in the

"That sounded like a question. Is everything okay or not?" I asked

again, this time making eye contact with him.

"Yes! SUCK IT, BITCH!" Emmett yelled at me, while slamming his
controller to the ground.

I rolled my eyes and tossed my controller on the coffee table.

He wins one game out of five and he thinks he's the fucking God of

I turned sideways on the couch, arm slung over the back, so I could get
a better look at Jasper.

"What's up, Jas?

"Well, Alice kind of asked me to do something for her..."

He trailed off, darting his eyes all around the room. I had only had the
chance to see Alice one other time after meeting her at the club. But, I'd
seen enough to know that Jasper would do just about anything for her.
He was wrapped around her little midget finger.

"Yeah, so what's the problem?"

"Well, of involves you." He barely whispered the last part,

while he looked down at the ground with one hand going up to scratch

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the back of his neck.

"Jas - come on man. Am I gonna have to pull this out of you? Just
fucking tell me already." I said, exasperated.

"She has this roommate and I guess she's going through a rough patch
or some shit and Alice wants to cheer her up and asked if you were
seeing anyone and I sort of told her no...and that you'd be available for
a double?" He said in one long breath, ending as a question with a
grimace on his face.

"God dammit, Jas! I don't feel like going out with some random girl...I'm
trying to work over my issues with my current fuck-up."

I didn't need to fill Jasper in on anything regarding my situation with

Bella. He came home last Sunday to find me moping on the couch with
a beer while Emmett sat next to me, trying to get me involved in a game
he was playing. Jasper had asked then what the problem was and Em,
completely sick of hearing me bitch about it, cut me off quickly with a
short "chick problems" to Jasper. Jas was never one to pry and he knew
I'd come talk to him when I was ready.

"I know, dude, and I'm sorry. But - fuck - I can't say no to this girl!"

"That's your problem then, man."

I made my way to get up and head to my room when Jasper blocked my

way, forcing me to continue our previous conversation.

"Are you seriously going to make me do this?"

I cocked one eyebrow at him, clearly not following his train of thought.

"It may have happened six years ago, but the pictures are forever
burned into my brain. You. Owe. Me."

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I had forgotten about that little...unfortunate event from my High School

years. Turns out that when I get really trashed, you can do just about
anything to me. I shuddered a little at the thought of what could have
happened if those pictures had ever gotten out.

Thank God for Jasper and the sense he had to burn those in an
impromptu bonfire.

I groaned and closed my eyes in defeat. He knew he had me on that

one - at least it would be only a couple hours of my time to repay him.

"I'm sorry man, I didn't want to have to bring it up, but Alice..."

He trailed off while willing me to understand. Only he didn't need to. I

understood him - completely. If Bella had asked me for anything, I'd
have done whatever means necessary to get it.

Even if that means reminding your best friend of the most humiliating
night of his life.

I gave Jas a smile and a pat on the back as I headed towards my


"It's fine, Jas. I'll do it....but you're paying." I said over my shoulder as I
walked to my room.

I shut my door and plopped down on my bed, laying spread out on my

back. I brought my hands up and ran them through my hair.

I wasn't happy about having to go on a blind double date with Jasper

and Alice - especially since I'd be spending the entire time wishing it
were Bella there with me instead. But at least it was one less night that I
would have to be home with nothing but my thoughts to keep me
company before I had to face her again on Saturday.

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A/N: When the fuck are these two gonna get together you cockblocking

Whoa, whoa... Simmah Dah Naw. I wanna get these two back together
as much as you do (probably more cuz I can see the reunion sexin'...).
But, these things take time my pretties.

Thanks to my two fabulous betas - my Gator (Tallulah Remiter) and

Katie (KatieBelleCullen) for their help on the chapter. And, special
thanks to Lu for having a really fucked up conversation with me
consisting of what it feels like to jack off and reassuring me that I did,
indeed, channel my inner-peen in this chapter.

Now, come over and visit us at the twi forums - you'll get to see a
picture of Edward in the shower. For serious.

Review for spanks (or snuggles, if spanks aren't your thing).

5. Compromises and Compromising Polariods 83

6. Not So Blind Dates
Things I own: A giraffe print diaper bag, a three stooges bottle
opener and a Twix candy bar.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


"Bella! I swear to Christ if you don't go back in your room and change
right now I will spend the entire evening retelling stories of the infamous
'night of too many shots of tequila' from freshman year."

I rolled my eyes at Alice, who was red faced and stiff as a board.
Honestly - if she were a cartoon character, she'd have steam coming
out of her ears right now.

"Look, Alice. I agreed to go on the date. I never agreed to anything

regarding how I would be dressed or what tortures you could or could
not perform on me. Besides, I don't see anything wrong with what I
have on."

I gestured with my arms at my ensemble, looking down to take in my

appearance again. I can maybe see what she's so pissed about.

She stomped her foot and clenched her fists next to her sides before
speaking to me, "If you think that a holey t-shirt three sizes too large
and nylon track pants are acceptable date wear, then you are more
dense than I thought. Go. Change. Now."

I threw my hands up in the air and headed back to my bedroom. Truth

of the matter was I planned it just this way. I'd learned in my many years
with Alice to play these types of situations to my advantage. If I started

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with the worst possible outfit, when I finally came out in something I was
totally comfortable in, it'd look to her like I was in a fucking cocktail

Yes, my evil mastermind is on overdrive with Alice.

I grabbed the jeans and long sleeved fitted shirt I'd set out earlier and
quickly changed into them. I made my way into my bathroom and put on
a few swipes of mascara and a bit of lip gloss - just to save myself from
the agony of hearing Alice bitch about my lack thereof - and whipped
my hair up into a messy bun, held together with a pencil.

I most definitely was not looking forward to this "date." But, Alice had
held up her end of the bargain - never once mentioning last Saturday
night - so I had no choice but to go through on my end.

What I really wanted was just to fast forward to tomorrow night. I had
spent almost every waking minute - and even most of my non-waking
moments - thinking about Edward.

Sometimes I contemplated what we would talk about - where we would

begin our conversation when we met back up. Sometimes I thought
back to Sunday morning and our heated exchange. Sometimes I
thought about our Saturdays at the library before all this mess
happened. But, if I was being honest with myself, the majority of the
time I just thought about him.

His smile. His scent. His warmth.

I sighed heavily and resigned myself to the fact that I could speed up
time about as easily as I could stop Alice from shopping, and headed
out to meet her at the front door.

She was standing there with her arms crossed, coat on and ready to
leave, tapping her impatient little foot while she glared at me.

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"For someone who had such a horrible time last weekend, you would
think you'd be a little more excited about this. Jasper's roommate is a
sweet, hot guy Bella! It won't kill you to stare at some eye candy for half
the night."

She snatched my coat for me out of the hall closet and tossed it at my
head while practically shoving me out the door.

Here we go.

- - - l? - - -

As we drove to the restaurant, Alice and I chattered on as we usually do

- talking about Jasper and how well their relationship was going and
about Rose and her new man - or Mr. Muscles as Alice had taken to
calling him - and when I'd finally get to meet him. She never asked
about my mood this week, assuming it was a direct result of the
happenings of last Saturday. Alice might be a demon spawn half the
time, but she was a damn good friend when it came right down to it.

The drive was way too quick and before I knew it, we were making our
way to the front door of the restaurant. I was about to endure several
hours of mindless conversation with someone I didn't know - and didn't
want to know - all for the sake of avoiding some questions on a night I
would probably spill to Alice eventually anyway.

Only I could get myself into a situation like this.

Alice looked around for Jasper when we entered and, not seeing him
there, went up to the hostess to find out where he and his roommate
were seated. The hostess briefly glanced at the listing of names she
had and then motioned for us to follow her to the main dining room.

The restaurant Alice picked was one of her favorites - a quaint little
place that wasn't well known - and fortunately wasn't stuffy or formal in
any sense of the word. I didn't want to suffer on a blind date while also

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getting glares for my wardrobe choices.

Alice and I followed behind the hostess, dodging people as we made

our way to the table where I assumed the guys were. It was surprisingly
busy tonight for being a virtually unknown restaurant.

I heard Alice squeal slightly beside me and I looked at her out of the
corner of my eye and followed her gaze to a table set in the corner. On
first glance, I noticed a good looking guy at the table - Jasper, I
assumed. He was blond, with slightly disheveled hair, and appeared to
be quite tall from what I could see. I studied his face briefly and noticed
that he had a huge smile spread across it and his gaze was fixed
directly on Alice. I turned my head to look at her and noticed her face
reflected the same. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

Figures I'm going to be left to fend for myself with these two love birds
as company.

I let my head turn back to the table - deciding I might as well get this
meeting over with - and allowed my eyes to fall on the person just to the
right of Jasper. His gaze was cast downward, blocking my view of his
eyes. I couldn't tell much about him, except that he looked about as
enthused to be here as I was.

At least I'm not the only one who didn't dress up for the occasion.

He was the epitome of casual in a baseball hat and a hoodie, and I was
sure Alice was mentally throwing a shit fit at his lack of effort. He sat
there, attention fixed on the straw wrapper in front of him, completely
oblivious to the fact that Alice and I were now standing in front of the

"Edward? I'd like you to meet Bella. Bella, Edward."

As the words left Alice's mouth, I felt like the wind got knocked out of
me. I saw Edward whip his head up towards Alice's voice and his eyes

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found mine almost immediately.

Yep, this was definitely my Edward.

He looked as surprised as I felt and slowly ran his gaze over my face,
up to my hair and then down my body.

Ah, hell.

It would be my luck to get stuck on a blind date with the guy of my

dreams wearing my fucking grubbiest outfit.

I locked eyes with Edward and a faint smile came over his lips. I
couldn't stop the one from erupting on mine.

Edward stood up then and extended his hand, grabbing mine before he
spoke, "It's nice to meet you, Bella."

Edward winked at me then and darted his eyes over to Alice and Jasper
before returning them to me. I chanced a glance in the love birds'
direction and saw they were immersed in each other and didn't see the
silent exchange between Edward and I. I blew out a breath I didn't
realize I'd been holding and relaxed slightly. I silently thanked Edward
with my eyes that he was keeping our knowledge of each other on the
down low.

That's all I need - for Alice to harass me in front of Edward.

I realized that I had yet to utter anything at all at this point and quickly
composed myself so I could return Edward's sentiment.

"You too, Edward."

Jasper cleared his throat then and introduced himself, while Alice
looked on proudly - a smile taking up half of her face. I shook hands
with him and murmured all the necessary pleasantries, all the while

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sneaking glances in Edward's direction. As I made my way over to my

side of the table, I looked at Edward full on and noticed he had his
gazed fixed on me.

Edward smiled at me then - a full, genuine smile - and moved to pull my

chair out for me. I returned his smile and took my seat next to him. Alice
and Jasper were once again immersed in each other, leaving Edward
and I to talk quietly to ourselves.

"Well, this is awkward. . ."

Edward chuckled next to me and smiled.

"Actually, I'm grateful that it was you here and not some crazy woman
that couldn't get a date."

"Oh, but I am a crazy woman - haven't you figured that out yet?"

I smiled at him then, and noticed that we were leaning in very close to
each other on the table. I peeked over to Alice and Jasper again and
noticed they were still wrapped up in their whole "new love" thing they
had going on, and turned my attention back to Edward.

"I really didn't want to come tonight. I was sort of. . .coerced into
coming. If I'd known I was coming here to meet a hot med student, I
would have spent a little more time in front of the mirror." One corner of
my mouth turned down slightly while I gestured vaguely to my

"Bella, you look beautiful. . .as always. You could have come dressed in
a potato sack and you'd still be the most beautiful one in the room."

Oh great. . .well, it's a good thing I didn't put any blush on.

I tucked my chin to my chest and fiddled with my hands in my lap. I

never did learn how to take compliments very well.

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Sensing my discomfort, Edward spoke up, moving the focus away from
me, "Uh, yeah, I wasn't exactly jumping up and down for this night,

Edward waved his hand in front of him, much like I had, and I was finally
able to take him in completely. He had on a worn out baseball cap, the
rim frayed and curved perfectly. Though it was covering up his
gorgeous sex hair, I couldn't argue with the fact that Edward looked
good in a hat. While I was taking in his face, I noticed that he hadn't
bothered to shave today, either.

Well, that makes two of us. . .

My lip twitched up as I thought of what it would feel like to run my nails

over his scruff - to feel the roughness on my hands. . .on my face. . .on
my thighs. . .

Good Lord - snap out of it woman!

I mentally shook myself and took in the rest of him. He had on an old U
of W hoodie - fitted, but not too tight, and faded jeans with holes
interspersed all over - they were obviously his oldest and favorite pair.

Before I could comment on our similar clothing choices, Alice chose that
moment to start paying attention to us. She talked a mile a minute -
barely allowing anyone else a chance to get a word in edgewise.

Edward and I weren't able to have a private conversation again for the
rest of the night, thanks to Alice's non-stop jabber. It was interesting to
watch her with Jasper at her side. She always had a certain spark to her
- always the happy, go-lucky one - but now she had this shimmer to her
almost. This aura that surrounded her and bathed everyone around her
in happiness.

Oh my God. . .she's in love!

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I felt my jaw drop at that and stared at Alice while she was wrapped up
in a conversation with Jasper and Edward. She never once mentioned
to me that she had fallen for Jasper. Sure, she'd told me that she had
found her soul mate when she first met him, but that wasn't anything
new. Alice was always a believer in love and was sure that each and
every guy she met or dated was "the one." I had just assumed that
Jasper was like the others - a wonderful distraction, but not a
permanent fixture.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by the little shit herself.

"Did you hear me, Bella? I was just wondering if it would be alright if
Edward brought you home. Jas and I have a few more. . .things. . .that
we'd like to do this evening."

Oh, gross.

I looked over to Edward and noticed he was grinning from ear to ear,
clearly happy about this turn of events. I wasn't sure if I was ready to be
alone with him in the car, but I didn't have much of a choice. I figured
now was as good a time as any to discuss our predicament.

Don't get too excited, buddy. It's not promising to be a fun ride.

"That's fine, Alice. As long as Edward doesn't mind."

I didn't need to look at him to know his answer. I made my way to get up
and grab my coat, only to find Edward pulling my chair out for me, coat
in his hands. He helped me slip it on and put his hand by the small of
my back, guiding me out of the restaurant.

I looked back at Alice and Jasper only to find Alice watching me with a
blinding smile on her face. I rolled my eyes and turned back to face

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If only this was our beginning and not our crossroads, she may have
something to smile about.

- - - l? - - -


I led Bella out of the restaurant with my hand hovering over the small of
her back. I wanted so badly to touch her, but I restrained myself from
doing so.

You have to let her work up to that again.

I took it as a good sign that Bella allowed me to drive her home tonight -
even though Alice hadn't really given her an alternative.

Which was perfectly fucking fine with me.

I almost laughed to myself when I thought of how much I had been

dreading this evening. I didn't have a choice in the matter of making an
appearance or not, but fuck if I was going to make any sort of effort in
getting ready for a date I didn't want in the first place. I'd already found
the woman I wanted - I wasn't interested in impressing anyone else.

Seems Bella thought the same way.

I smiled at that thought, hopeful once again that we could manage to

work our way through these little earthquakes we had encountered.

She looked beautiful tonight, of course, but I held a soft spot for her
appearance this evening especially. It reminded me of the times I'd
seen her in the library before I grew a pair and finally approached her.
Her hair was always up in that messy bun or a sloppy ponytail and her
jeans were always worn - faded, comfortable and lived in.

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Seeing Bella tonight had been a jolt to my system. I knew I had missed
her - craved her - the entire time she was away from me, but nothing
prepared me for how much she affected me. Our connection had
increased ten-fold as a result of the events of last weekend.

Saturday night to be exact.

When I greeted her and acted as though we had just met, I was hoping
to make things easier on her - hoping to make the dinner a little less
awkward. If her week had gone anything like mine, I could only assume
her roommates were hounding her for details on her mood. I wasn't
sure if she'd divulged anything and didn't want to force her to until she
was ready. The answering look of relief on her face just cemented my

I glanced over at her then and noticed she was fidgeting with the bottom
of her coat and her eyes were downcast. She had something on her
mind and I was willing to bet she wanted to talk now rather than wait till

I led Bella over to my car and went around to the passenger's side to
open the door for her, stepping aside to let her climb in. She looked up
at me and smiled timidly before settling herself in the seat.

I made my way over to my side of the car and got in, noticing Bella
shivering slightly next to me. I quickly reached over to get the heater
started and hit shuffle on my iPod to get some background music
flowing in the silence between us.

"So, where to?"

Bella jumped slightly next to me and I cracked a smile at her reaction.

"My apartment, I guess?"

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She posed it as more of a question than a statement and I wondered if

that meant she wanted to go somewhere else with me or if it was simply
her nerves talking.

We attempted to fill the tense silence with small talk, while she
intermittently gave directions to her place. The air around us was
charged with the anxiety and tension we both felt.

It's like there's a huge fucking pink elephant in the car with us.

After a short drive, we pulled up against the curb in front of her

apartment building. I put the car in park and turned my torso to look at
her and watched as she did the same for me.

"Edward, can we talk?"

I blew out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding and nodded my
head slightly at her.

This was it. She was either going to rip my heart apart or put it back

Just don't puss out. Tell her what she needs to know.

"I know I said we'd talk at the library tomorrow, but I just really want to
get this out."

"Now's perfect, Bella. There's a lot that I need to tell you, too."

She nodded at me then and bit her bottom lip gently while she twisted
her fingers in her lap.

"Do you mind if I go first?"

I shook my head quickly at her, encouraging her to continue.

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She turned fully in her seat then, so she was facing me, and tucked her
left leg under her right before leaning in slightly towards me. I mirrored
her actions and waited with baited breath for her to continue.

Bella sighed deeply before she began, "I'm sorry. I know that it's a
seemingly insignificant thing to say - just two little words - but I really,
truly am. I said some things last weekend that weren't the most pleasant
and for that I'm sorry."

I was too shocked to say anything, instead choosing to sit there with my
mouth just hanging open while I continued to stare at her.

She chanced a glance up at me quickly and moved her eyes back to

her hands that were placed in her lap before she continued.

"Regardless of that, it really hurt me that you assumed what you did
with me and Em. You have to know I'm not like that Edward. Not only
did I come out and say it that morning, but in all the time you've spent
with me, I thought I would have made that clear. I know that we've
never really been out but all those Saturdays at the library we spent
together - I bared my soul to you...I showed you who I am. And, it hurt
the most that you doubted that."

She looked up at me then with sad eyes and continued to twist and
wring her fingers in her lap. The corners of my mouth turned down and I
couldn't help the heavy feeling from sweeping over my heart.

I made her so sad.

I reached my hands over to grab both of hers - I needed her to look at

me when I told her all that had been going through my head for the last
however many days.

"Bella. . ." I sighed. I didn't know how to get this out, so I figured I'd take
a page from her book, "I'm sorry. I know that it's a seemingly
insignificant thing to say - just two little words - but I really, truly am."

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I watched as the corners of her mouth turned up as I repeated the same

words she had just used. I took that as a good sign and continued, all
the while holding her hands within my own over the center console.

"I shouldn't have reacted the way I did on Sunday. But, honestly, I didn't
know what else to do. I finally had you in my home - in my bed - and
then when you were on your way to leave that morning, I came out to
tell you all the things I've been too chicken to say in the past only to find
you all wrapped around my roommate."

I noticed her face grimace at that, but continued on with what I needed
to say, "I should have listened to you when you tried to explain, but all I
could see was red. Before you, I didn't think of myself as a naturally
jealous person, Bella, but it seems you bring that instinct out in me. I
didn't like seeing you with another guy. I'm selfish and I want you all to

Her eyes snapped up to mine and I saw all the questions lingering

Yes, I want you. Only you.

I took a deep breath and continued to play with her hands, while I
prepared myself for what I was about to do.

Here's hoping she doesn't think you're a crazy stalker...

"Do you remember the first day I came up to you in the library? The day
of your little concert?" I smiled at her then, noticing the slight pink of her
blush covering her cheeks.

"Of course. . . But, what-"

I cut her off then and dove right in - I knew if I didn't get this out now, I'd
just procrastinate again and I didn't want anything lingering between us
any longer.

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"That wasn't the first time I'd seen you, Bella."

I looked up at her then and saw the confusion written on her face, her
eyes flicking back and forth between my own.

"It was many weeks earlier - I was there studying and was out roaming
the aisles looking for a book. I'd heard someone singing and I went in
search of the source. I had no idea what I'd find, and I certainly didn't
plan for what I got. . . You took my breath away, Bella. You had your
hair up messy like it is now and a huge sweatshirt on and you were so
beautiful. I was frozen there - completely mesmerized by you."

I felt her hands squeeze mine, encouraging me to continue. I looked at

her face and saw she was tugging relentlessly on her bottom lip with her
teeth, questions still present in her eyes.

I took a deep breath and continued, pleased that she hadn't run out of
the car screaming yet.

Thank God for small fucking favors.

"The next weekend, I came back hoping to see you again - which I did -
and so began my ridiculous ritual. I would drag my way through the
week only to get to Saturday night to catch a brief glimpse of you in the

"Why didn't you just come and talk to me?"

I scoffed at that question - it's the same one that I'd asked myself a
hundred times before and I still had no better answer than my original.

"Because I'm a pussy. You were different, Bella. Different than any
other girl I'd ever approached - or had approached me. I was so
nervous around you - which is completely fucking out of character for
me. I mean, I just don't get nervous around women. But, with you, even
the thought of talking to you made me break out in a cold sweat."

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"So, what changed?"

I smiled at her then, so utterly fucking grateful that she was still here in
the car with me, "You missed a Saturday."

She looked perplexed for a minute, then thoughtful while she

considered what I said, before a brief look of displeasure passed over
her face.

Maybe her absence that Saturday was a result of another of Alice's

meddling ways. . .

"When you didn't show up that Saturday, it felt like I got kicked in the
gut. Which, I know is completely fucking ridiculous - I mean, I didn't
even know you, yet here I was missing you." I shook my head at that
thought and continued, "I made a promise to myself that I'd talk to you
within three weeks if I managed to get lucky enough to see you again."

"And, how long did it take you to talk to me?"

I looked down to our hands which were mindlessly caressing one

another's, while I answered quietly, "Three weeks."

She giggled then and I felt my cheeks get hot with my revelation. She
ducked her head down and peeked up at me from under the rim of my
hat, trying to get me to look at her. I tilted my head up slightly and
glanced at her through my eyelashes.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, Edward."

She squeezed my hands in reassurance and I felt my shoulders relax

slightly. I looked up at her completely now, and saw a glint in her eye
and a smile tugging at her lips.

Oh, fuck. . . What is she thinking now?

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"Besides, I don't think I've ever had a stalker before. My friends will be
so jealous."

She laughed then - a full belly laugh - and I snatched my hands from
her and crossed them petulantly over my chest. I leaned back against
my car door and tried my fucking hardest to glare at her from under my

She continued laughing till she had tears rolling down her cheeks,
flailing her hands about in front of her face to try and quell the giggles.
When that didn't help, she slapped both hands over her mouth,
attempting to physically refrain herself from laughing. She looked so
beautiful then, her eyes dancing with happiness and her cheeks puffing
out above her hands from her smile. I felt the corner of my mouth twitch
slightly as I fought against a smile myself.

After a few more moments of her laughter filling the car, she composed
herself enough to speak, "Oh, Edward. I'm sorry to laugh at you. I didn't
mean it."

She leaned forward in her seat and sat up slightly on her left knee,
coming over the middle console to get closer to me, and attempted to
tug at my arms to get them out from their defensive position.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby. You know it's funny that Edward Cullen
was afraid to talk to a girl."

I smiled at her then and moved forward quickly, effectively pushing her
back to her side of the car so her back was pressed against the other
door, mirroring my stance from earlier. I leaned in close to her and
moved my lips so they were right by her ear and whispered, "I'm not
afraid to talk - or do anything else for that matter - anymore."

I heard her breath catch as I pulled back and smiled at the look of shock
on her face. She caught my eye and smiled at me then and I allowed
myself to sink back into my seat, taking the relaxed position I had been

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in before.

And, just like that, we were back to normal. We'd aired our thoughts and
feelings and were able to acknowledge them, accept them, and move
on. We were able to talk freely then - just like we always had at the
library. Our conversations always varied in their topics - moving from
discussing our philosophies on certain subjects to simply talking about
stupid shit that had happened during the week.

She told me how Alice had managed to get her to come on the date in
the first place. We laughed at the irony of the situation - that we were
meant to meet each other last Saturday night anyhow - and Bella
thought it was incredibly amusing that Alice wasn't yet aware of our
previous connection.

Along those lines, I also told her about how Jasper got me to agree to
come as well - though I didn't divulge the specifics on the pictures,
much to her disappointment.

One embarrassing confession per night is fucking plenty, thank you very

We flirted and had our playful banter; we had our deep conversations,
talking seriously about certain topics. At some point, Bella's feet ended
up in my lap, shoes off, with me rubbing them. She had her coat off,
placed backwards over the front of her as a makeshift blanket. We'd
both gotten quite comfortable in the car and I knew we'd spent a lot of
time just talking.

I glanced at the clock and noticed it was after midnight - we had been
out here for over three hours.

Bella noticed where my gaze landed and shifted in her seat.

"I should get inside. Alice has probably come home already and is
either freaking out or completely frickin' giddy at the fact that I'm not in

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there yet."

I nodded and squeezed her feet gently before bending down to pick up
her shoes and slip them back on for her. She moved her feet back over
to her side of the car and slipped her coat back on.

"Edward, I'm really glad you worked up the nerve to talk to me."

She smirked at me then and I knew she was being playful, but that she
was also being completely honest in her sentiment.

"Me too, Bella."

I made my way out of the car and over to her side to open the door for
her and help her out. I kept hold of her hand while I walked her to the
front door of the building and waited while she unlocked the security
door and pulled it open. I grabbed it above her head and held it open for
her, following behind her as she went in.

I didn't want her to think I was being presumptuous - I knew that I

wouldn't go into her apartment tonight - but I wanted to make sure she
got to her door safely. She held on to my hand behind her while leading
me up the steps one level and then down the hall to her apartment. She
stopped outside her door and looked down at our hands, then up to my
face with a smile on hers.

"This is me."

I wasn't ready to say goodbye to her yet, but I knew I didn't have a
choice. That didn't mean I couldn't ask her what I'd been thinking about
all evening.

Time for a real fucking date, buddy.

"Bella, I know we had plans for the library tomorrow, but would you
mind if we did something different?"

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I saw her eyes light up and a smile overtake half of her face. She shook
her head at the same time she breathed "no" while still holding on to my

"Pick you up at 7?"

"That sounds great, Edward."

I stood there, staring into her eyes for probably way too fucking long.
This wasn't our first kiss, though the flips my stomach was doing were
telling another story. I watched as her eyes darted down to my lips and
that was all the invitation I needed.

I tightened my hold on her hand and pulled her quickly towards me,
catching her as she crashed into my chest. I wrapped my other arm
around her waist and pressed my lips to hers. Her free hand grasped
tightly at the front of my sweatshirt, pulling me closer to her than I
already was.

Just as with our past kisses, we moved together perfectly. Soft, hesitant
kisses at first, gradually working our way up to something more. I felt
her take my bottom lip in between hers, while she nibbled on it lightly
before swiping her tongue across the surface.

I groaned and dropped her hand, which immediately went up to my

neck, and brought my arm to wrap around her waist. It met my other
hand behind her back and I lifted her slightly off the ground, bringing her
lips closer to mine.

We continued our deep kiss, tongues dancing and pulsing against each
other, until it was necessary to breathe. I pulled back and gave her
several quick pecks on her lips before I set her back on her feet.

She leaned back against the door with one of her hands on her chest by
her neck and tried to catch her breath.

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I was thrilled that I still managed to have this affect on her and smiled
smugly before I spoke, "I'll see you tomorrow night."

I leaned in and gave her one more quick kiss on the lips before turning
and heading back towards my car.

So this is what it feels like to be on cloud nine. . .

- - - l? - - -

I made my way to my apartment with a huge fucking smile still taking up

residence on my face.

Our confrontation had gone better than I ever hoped it would. I was
worried this entire week - over thinking what I would say. . .what she
would say. Wondering what she would think when I came clean about
working up the nerve to approach her for so long.

What she did was laugh like a fucking school girl.

I had to admit, she did have a point. It was utterly fucking absurd to
think that I would have a problem talking to a girl, but this wasn't just
any girl. This was Bella.

Soon to be my Bella.

I knew exactly what I wanted to do for our date tomorrow night. It would
take a great deal of effort to pull it off by then, but I had some strings I
could pull and hopefully a few favors I could call in.

I was still smiling to myself, thinking of Bella's reaction to our date

tomorrow night, as I made my way up to our door. I heard voices
coming from inside - sounded like Rosalie must be over again.

Oh shit - Rosalie.

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I got so wrapped up in the relief I felt after explaining everything to Bella

that it completely slipped my mind to tell her about her apparent
roommate, Rosalie, and her relationship with Emmett. It's amazing how
intertwined all our lives were and we never realized it.

I got the door unlocked and opened it, peeking inside to see Rose and
Emmett sitting on the couch.

I was within earshot just in time to hear the tail end of her conversation
with whoever she was on the phone with, "Edward took her home?"

Must be Alice.

I noticed Emmett whip his head towards me and pure anger and
irritation crossed over his face.

I wonder what the fuck that's all about?

Before I could even think about what was causing Emmett's irritation, he
jumped over the back of the couch, heading straight for me looking like
a fucking raging bull. He shoved me hard on the shoulders, effectively
slamming me back into the front door.

"The fuck, Emmett?"

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He was right in front of me now, beet
red and shouting at me, his face mere inches from mine.

I noticed Rose ended her call and started to make her way over to us,
clearly just as confused as I was at Emmett's outburst.

"You promised me that you would never hurt Bella and here you are
taking another chick home, coming back here with a smug fucking smile
on your face? Did you fuck her? Did you?"

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"What the fuck are you talking about?" I yelled at him now, pushing
back against his shoulders to get some much needed breathing room.

Rose had made her way over to us by now and before I could
comprehend anything that had just happened, Rose slapped Emmett on
the back of his head.

"What the fuck, Rosie?"

"Don't you 'what the fuck' me! What the hell is your problem, Em? And,
what are you talking about - hurting Bella? All he did was drive her
home for fuck's sake!"

Emmett opened his mouth, I'm sure ready to spout something back,
before he snapped it shut and confusion wiped over his face. He looked
in between us both before speaking, "What do you mean he took her
home? I thought he took your roommate home."

"Yes, Bella. He took my roommate, Bella, home tonight. They doubled

with Alice and Jasper - remember, I told you that! God, what the hell is
up your ass Em?"

"Wait - so your roommate," he said, pointing at Rosalie, "and your Bella

are one and the same?" He finished, now pointing at me.

"Yes," I said, exasperated, while rubbing the back of my head where it

had slammed into the door.

"What do you mean your Bella?" Rosalie asked me, looking suddenly
like an angry mother bear.

"Uh, well, Bella and I sort of know each other. . ."

Rosalie looked expectantly at me to continue, and so I did. I quickly

retold our history - the months of studying at the library culminating in
our night last Saturday. She stood there with her arms crossed, face

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expressionless, while I told her how I knew of Bella. I could tell she was
in protective mode now, as a direct result, I assumed, of Bella's
depressed mood this last week over the fight we had.

When I was done giving her the Cliff Notes version of our history, she
stood there staring at me for a short while before she said a curt, "I
see." She then went to grab her purse and jacket and stood up on her
tiptoes to give Emmett a kiss before she turned and walked out the

Danger! Danger Will Robinson! Must warn Bella.

Before I could retreat to my room and call Bella, Emmett stopped me

with an apology, complete with a man hug. I just laughed at him and
accepted his apology while patting him on the back. I was thankful that
Bella had someone in her life that looked out for her.

Well, someone besides me.

I made my way to my bedroom to call Bella and quickly glanced at the

clock once in there. It was almost 1am and I wasn't sure if she would
already be asleep. I decided to send her a quick text - that way if she
was sleeping it wouldn't wake her up, but hopefully she would find it
right away if she was still awake.

Once I finished that, I stripped off my clothes, save for my boxers, and
collapsed in my bed. This day went so fucking much better than what I
thought it was going to when I woke up. I smiled to myself at the
reminder of the kiss I'd shared with Bella in front of her door.

If my plans came to fruition tomorrow night, I hoped kissing wouldn't be

all we'd be doing.

A/N: FINALLY. I know....finally, finally, finally. Yes, they are together

again. Next chapter we'll see all of Edward's delicious plans for
Saturday night. Will there or won't there be sexing?

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Big huge thanks to Lu for her help with the chapter. As always, couldn't
have done it without ya, bb. Lurve you hard. And Katie for catching a
few things that Lu and I missed along the way. You are my fine tooth
comb girl. :mwah:

Review to be teased and then spanked.

6. Not So Blind Dates 107

7. Where's Dwight?
A special shout out to Tracie (siouxchef) for being the only person
to comment on my Tori reference from last chapter:

Oh these little earthquakes

Here we go again
Oh these little earthquakes
Doesn't take much to rip us into pieces

Things I own: A Meat Locker filled with hundreds of half naked

hotties (suck on that SM)

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly


I felt the sunlight peering in through my window, inevitably disturbing my

peaceful sleep as it forced me to wake up. I stretched and yawned,
while rolling over on my side slightly to look at the alarm on my


I groaned and rolled back, pulling the covers over my head, frustrated at
how early I managed to start my day. While I laid there, covers
enclosing me completely and eyes shut tight, I couldn't help but think
back over the events of last night.

The blind date.

The car ride.

The talking.

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The kiss.

I sighed deeply as I felt a smile overtake my face, and allowed myself to

bask for a moment in the pure happiness I felt at the resolution I had
made with Edward last night. We were both able to say our peace and
get all the things that had been eating away at us off our chests.

What I hadn't anticipated, however, was his confession.

I had my very own personal stalker.

While I realized I probably should have been slightly disturbed by this

revelation, I just couldn't bring myself to be. It felt. . .oddly comforting to
know that Edward had been aware of my presence for so long. And, not
only aware of it, but completely affected by it. I'd be lying if I said that
the thought of him being so enthralled with me wasn't flattering.

Being able to sit and talk for hours - getting lost in one another again -
was reassuring. That somehow, through all the little roadblocks we'd
faced along the way in the short time that we had been. . .something
more, we were able to come out on the other side stronger, yet still very
much the same.

I wonder when I can make him mine. . .

Cripes, we were just going on our first date this evening and already my
possessive claws were coming out to mark my territory.

After Edward had asked me last night to go out on an official date, I was
practically floating. Once we'd said our goodbyes and confirmed that he
would pick me up tonight, I was just barely able to fumble my key into
the lock and let myself into the apartment. I somehow managed to make
my way to my bedroom, despite the haze I was consumed in, and
collapsed on my bed in a fit of girlish giggles, complete with a few
squeals thrown in. I was finally able to drag myself up off the bed after
allowing myself a few minutes to behave like a fifteen year old girl.

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Alright. . .so it was more like 25 minutes - so sue me.

I smiled as I thought back to my behavior from last night. It was

completely out of character for me to be so giddy about a boy. . .guy. .
.man. It just wasn't in my DNA. I was never the type to go gaga over the
opposite sex. Though I always considered myself to be a hopeless
romantic, I guess I just had never found the right person to bring out
that side of me before.

Until now.

I poked my arm out from under the covers and blindly slapped my way
around on the night stand before my hand landed on my iPhone. I
noticed when I got in my room last night that the battery must have died
sometime in the span that I was with Edward in his car. I yanked the
phone from the charger cord and pulled it under the covers with me,
turning it on to check for any messages.

Is it too much to hope that I'd have one from Edward?

6 voicemails

2 text messages

I selected the icon to view my voicemails first, curious to see why I'd
have so many after the short time that my phone had been off.


My God that woman was persistent.

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I figured I'd listen to those later and instead went to read my text

Did u rip that bball hat off him yt? Call me so I know ur safe.

I smiled at that - Alice would be one to be concerned about sex first,

safety second.

I clicked the button to scroll to my next message and felt my stomach

flip at who it was from. I quickly clicked on the button to view it.

Problems at hm. Em freaked. Rose here. She knows. Im sorry.

I miss u already.

Despite the huge grin that broke out on my face from his sentiment, I
couldn't help but roll my eyes at his text. This would have been great to
get last night as a slight warning rather than this morning when the
threat had already passed.

Rose always was our mother bear.

I thought back to the encounter with her from last night. I had just
finished up my quick nightly routine and made my way back to my room
only to let out a blood curdling scream at what I found there. Rose was
amused, to say the least, that she had managed that kind of reaction
from me. She just sat there on my bed, looking expectantly at me with
one eyebrow cocked, arms crossed against her chest, while she waited
for me to divulge some sort of information to her.

Unfortunately, I hadn't gotten Edward's text at that time, so I had no

idea what could cause her to take up residence in my room at one
o'clock in the morning.

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Rose, never the one to beat around the bush, simply said, "I hear you
have a secret boyfriend."

At first, I was completely confused. There was no way for her to know,
unless she saw Edward and me out in the car, but even then she
couldn't have known about our months of knowing each other. She
could sense my confusion and just simply shrugged her shoulders while
saying matter-of-factly, "I know Em and Edward." To say I was shocked
would be an understatement.

"What do you mean you know Em & Edward?" I asked, incredulously.

"Emmett is the guy that Alice set me up with last weekend. Jasper's
other roommate. . .besides Edward."

Understanding dawned on my face as everything finally clicked into

place. I had been so wrapped up in Edward earlier this evening that I
hadn't put two and two together in regards to how all our wires crossed
so impeccably between the six of us. When realization hit me, however,
I pushed my worries over my relationship with Edward into the back of
my mind and instead made room front and center for the worry and
protectiveness I immediately felt over both Rose and Emmett. I knew
how they both were with the opposite sex - take 'em, use 'em, and toss
'em kind of thinking - and was worried that this would inevitably end
poorly and I would be pulled into a tug-of-war between two of my best

Rose could see the worry cross my face and she immediately pushed
her irritation with me aside and inquired what was wrong.

"I just know how the both of you are. . . Or, I know how you are and I
knew how Em was. I can't imagine he's changed all that much, though. I
just don't want either of you to get hurt. I don't want to have to pick

Rose's face got angry then and I briefly feared for my safety.

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"I'm going to only say this once Bella, so listen up. I like Emmett. A lot.
More than I've ever liked another dude. And, I don't plan on fucking it
up. I know that you and him go way back - he gave me the abridged
version tonight when I was at their apartment, but you don't have to
worry about me hurting him, alright? I really, really like him Bella. You
know I don't like to get all touchy-feely and shit so please don't make
me repeat that to you."

I just stood there, staring dumbfounded at her little rant. I'd never seen
Rose so worked up about a guy before. It seemed that it wasn't Rose's
attitude towards Emmett that I needed to worry about - now I just
needed to make sure that Emmett wasn't in it only for the sex.

"Good, now that that's out of the way, would you care to tell me why you
never shared your secret little Edward with Alice or me before?"

I blushed then, looking down at the floor and shifted awkwardly from
foot to foot. I knew it shouldn't have been a big deal for her to know, but
I couldn't help but feel a little sad that our secret wasn't just ours
anymore. That he wasn't just mine anymore. I loved my best friends
more than anything, but there's no doubt that they could be incredibly
overbearing and I was slightly apprehensive as to what this would mean
for our budding relationship.

Rose sensed my forlorn expression and patted the seat next to her. She
was obviously hurt that I didn't confide in her about all the secret
Saturday nights I had with Edward in the past few months, but I tried to
get her to understand my reasoning.

"I just wanted to keep him to myself for a while, you know? I was afraid
that if I talked about it, it would all go away. . ."

"Well, shit Bella - what did you think we were gonna do? Stage a
fucking stake-out in front of the library to catch a glimpse of you two and

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I gave her a look that clearly said "don't act like that's beneath either of
you" and she chuckled next to me.

"OK, you're right. That is totally something Alice would do. But, I could
have contained the little shit. She's no match to my brute strength."

I laughed at her then, imagining Rose physically restraining Alice from

attempting to interfere with Edward's and my relationship. My laughter
died off completely, however, with her next statement.

"By the way, little shit or not, she is going to be pissed that she is the
last to know. Let me know if you want 24/7 protection."

With that, my face paled and I stifled a grimace. Alice liked to think she
was good with sensing things - especially in love - so for this to go
completely unnoticed by her will undoubtedly throw her off and
inevitably make her pissed as hell at me. Alice was always very good at
deflecting blame for situations such as this and I knew I'd be the one
blamed for her lack of knowing.

Rose patted my knee then, and gave a quick, "good luck with that"
before she jumped off the bed and found her way out of my bedroom.

I groaned then, not at all looking forward to my confrontation with Alice

that was sure to commence sometime today. I knew it was unavoidable,
but that didn't mean that I wasn't dreading it. I'd had all night to lay and
toss and turn while my mind cooked up a variety of different scenarios
that could await me at any moment during the day. I'd learned over the
last few years that Alice liked to pounce when you least expected it.


The sound of a throat clearing propelled me out of my thoughts and I

flew into a sitting position in bed, covers flying off my head when I did
so. I scanned my room frantically looking for the source till my eyes
landed on her.

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Speak of the devil - who, by the way does wear Prada - and she shall
appear. . .

I composed my face as best I could and mustered up all the confidence

I had in preparation for the wrath she was sure to inflict.

"Morning, Alice."

- - - l? - - -


It was only a little before noon and I was already out and about getting
things set up for my date with Bella tonight. I knew what I wanted to do
and I knew that it would take a great deal of effort on my part to get
everything lined up, but I was being optimistic. I managed to guilt
Emmett into helping me with the heavy lifting, so to speak, all thanks to
the major headache he gave me last night from shoving me into the
front door. He was embarrassed and felt completely guilty so he agreed
without hesitation. The plan was to meet up with him later in the day to
help me get everything I needed all set up.

I was now on my way to Bella's favorite restaurant to see what my

options were for tonight. I remembered her talking animatedly about this
little hole in the wall Italian place that served the best Tortellini and
Tiramisu - according to her, of course - and couldn't wait to surprise her
with it this evening. I only hoped they'd be able to accommodate my
requests. I called ahead and spoke to the manager and it turned out he
was a sucker for romance, so it sounded like he was going to do
whatever he could to make this evening go smoothly.

I only hoped Bella would be able to enjoy herself. I hadn't heard from
her yet after sending my text last night, and that worried me a little. It
didn't seem like Rosalie was upset when she left. . .maybe more
confused than anything. I could imagine how she felt, especially if Bella
normally told both of her roommates the ins and outs of her life. I could

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understand how it may have come as a bit of a shock to both Alice and
Rose that she kept our Saturdays a secret from them.

The paranoid, love-struck side of me was worried about why she didn't
tell either of them. Was she embarrassed? Ashamed? Uncertain?

But, before I could go any further down that line of thinking, the rational
side of me piped in and reminded me that I had kept her from my
roommates as well. I only hoped that our reasoning's were similar.

I had just pulled up to the curb of the little restaurant and made my way
to get out of the car when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I was in so
much of a hurry that checking the caller id didn't even register to me as I
flipped my phone open and answered.


"Is that anyway to greet your date for the evening?"

I stopped dead in my tracks on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant

and my heart jumped into my throat while a huge smile swept over my


I heard her laugh before she responded, "Well, I sure hope you don't
have more than one date planned for tonight."

"Sorry, I was just surprised to hear from you. Is everything alright?"

"Um, well, I hope it will be. . .soon. Thanks for your text, by the way. My
phone died so I didn't get it till this morning, but I appreciate the effort."

I hesitated at that, unsure if I should ask for details on what happened

between the three of them as I didn't want to pry.

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"I'm sorry, Bella. It all happened kind of fast right when I got home.
Emmett just sort of flipped out - thought I was going out with another girl
- and before I knew what was happening he shoved me up against the


I cringed as I heard Bella yell into the phone. I didn't know much of what
their relationship entailed, but I assumed that Emmett had developed
some sort of over-protective brother act with her and that inevitably
trickled down to the guys she dated. I guessed from her reaction that
this wasn't necessarily a role that Bella appreciated him taking on at

"Oh, uh, shit. . . I didn't mean to get Em in trouble. Don't be mad at him,
Bella, he was just looking out for you."

"Un-fucking-believable. I mean, I've been fine for the last four years and
now he decides to interfere?" She scoffed then and I could hear her
grumbling something in the background about how Em was going to
hear about this later. I made a mental note to warn him before she could
get her claws in him.

She might be small, but she's feisty.

I decided a quick change of subject was in order, as I attempted to get

her mind off her irritation with Emmett.

"So, are you ready for tonight?"

"Yeah, I am." I could hear the smile in her voice, which caused a
ridiculously large one to make its way across my face.

"Good, me too. I'm actually out getting some things ready for it now."

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"Oh, is that right? What kind of things? You never did tell me what we
were doing. . . how am I supposed to plan my wardrobe?"

I laughed at that, well aware that she was teasing me. If there was one
thing I learned about Bella it was that she didn't fuss with stuff like that.
She was very down to earth and low maintenance - it was one of the
things that I loved the most about her. It was such a refreshing change
from the shallow women I'd dated in the past.

"Well, we're not going ballroom dancing if that's what you were

"Very funny, Edward. You've been around me enough to know I'm not
exactly oozing grace. Aren't you even going to give me a little hint?"

I could just imagine her pouting her full bottom lip, eyes open wide, as
she asked that question.

Christ, she affects me even over the phone.

"Dress warmly."

The line was silent for a minute before she spoke up again.

"Uh, what? Are we doing something outside? You do know that it's
March in Seattle, right?"

I chuckled at her before responding, "Don't worry, I checked the

weather and it's supposed to be clear and nice enough this evening. .
.I've got everything under control, I just want to make sure you don't
freeze that cute ass of yours. I may have plans for it later."

Well, hell. Where the fuck did that come from?

I cringed and squeezed my eyes shut tight, awaiting her response to


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"Hmmm. . . Well, it sounds like you have a lot of plans to work on. I
wouldn't want to keep you. After all, some may prove to be more difficult
than others."

God, I love it when she gives as good as she gets.

"Alright, Bella. I'll pick you up at seven."

"See you then."

I hung up at that, realizing that I'd been standing in front of the

restaurant for that entire conversation with a huge cheesy smile on my
face. I glanced around to see if anyone had witnessed my
less-than-manly behavior before heading in to see what the manager
could do for me and my plans for the night. I hoped I'd be able persuade
Bella with the effort I was making.

- - - l? - - -

I looked down at my watch, noticing it was just before two, as I made

my way to my next stop. My conversation with the restaurant manager
went very well and I was not only pleased, but surprised at what he
could do for me. I was excited, to say the least. Of course, all of this
work would be for nothing if things didn't go well at the destination I was
heading to now.

I pulled into the parking lot and made my way into the building. It was
quiet and not very busy, which was good news for me. I hoped the guy I
wanted to talk to was free from any other obligations at the moment.

Once I got up to the counter, I glanced around briefly before my eyes

landed on him. He noticed me then and nodded his head, before
making his way in my direction.

"Hey Edward, what's up man?"

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"Hey Dwight. Listen. . .I was hoping you could help me with something
for tonight."

"Well, I can try. What did you have in mind?"

After explaining the situation to Dwight and what I needed, he was

surprisingly eager to help. I was willing to do just about whatever it took
to get him to agree, but it turned out he was cheaper to "buy" than I
thought. All I needed to do was pick up a pizza with everything on it and
a six pack of beer and I was good to go for this evening. I thanked
Dwight for his willingness to help and told him I'd see him in a few hours
to get everything ready.

While navigating my way through mid-afternoon Seattle traffic, I

grabbed my phone so I could call Emmett to make sure he didn't have a
problem getting what I needed for tonight. I had called my mom earlier
in the day to make sure that it wouldn't be a problem for me to borrow a
few things from the pool house for my little set up. Mom had been
curious to say the least, but all I would tell her was that it was in the
name of romance and if she had any hope at all of ever meeting this
girl, she'd allow me at least 48 hours without harassment. Fortunately
for me, she agreed to the deal, but I knew as soon as those 48 hours
were up, I was in for a line of questioning that could rival even the FBI

I found Emmett's number in my contacts and pressed send, before I

brought the phone to my ear and waited for him to answer.

"Where the fuck are you man?"

"Fuck off - I'm on my way. I got held up a few places. Is everything


"Yeah, I picked everything up from your parent's house and brought it

back to our place. I figured it'd save some time that way. Fuck man,
your mom is persistent. She tried to bribe me with cookies!"

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I laughed at that - my mom certainly knew what she was doing. Emmett
could turn down cookies about as easily as he could turn down sex.
Fortunately, I had Bella on my side - I just had to use that to my favor
this morning when telling him to keep his mouth shut. It seemed Em
could be a little intimidated by my tiny girlfrie-

Whoa. How the fuck did I come up with that?

It was no secret that I wanted Bella to be my girlfriend, and I hoped she

felt the same, but that was something we'd need to talk about before I
start spouting off shit like that. Obviously lack of communication in the
past only served to bite us in the ass.

Before I could think anymore on that, I quickly confirmed with Em that

he had, in fact, kept his mouth shut with my mother before telling him I'd
just meet him at home.

I glanced at my watch for what seemed like the twenty-seventh time

today and sighed in relief. Only a few more hours before I had to pick up
Bella and everything was shaping up to be perfect.

- - - l? - - -


"God dammit!" I screamed while staring at my closet, half in disarray

from my flustered attempts at finding a suitable clothing choice for my
date with Edward. I was feeling slightly flustered and maybe a wee bit
aggravated at my lack of wardrobe options available for me. Normally if
I was in a pinch like this, I'd grab Alice and see if she could help me
select something. However, after our all-out bitchfest this morning, I
didn't think she'd willingly offer up her services to me tonight.

I was too lost in my pity party to hear anyone enter my room and as a
result, I jumped three feet in the air at Rose's voice.

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"Fuck, Bella. You're not meeting the damn Queen of England. Just pick
something and be done with it."

I turned around to gape at her, wondering what the fuck she did with my
best friend before I saw her smirking at me.

"You'd better be in here to help me, or I swear on all that is holy I will
break the heels off your favorite Jimmy Choos with my bare hands."

She had the nerve to laugh at me then before she tossed a bag in my
direction, hitting me square in the head.

"Ow! Son of a bitch. What the fuck, Rose?"

"Stop your bitching and look in the fucking bag, woman!"

I grumbled something to myself while rubbing my head where the bag

hit me, before I reached down to pick the offending object up off the
floor. I made my way over to the bed and sat next to her before
dumping the contents out on my duvet.

"Where'd this come from?"

"Alice and I picked it up last Saturday - when we went shopping for our
night with the guys. This was option two for you, but Alice liked the
backless number on you better for clubbing."

I reached down and picked up the sweater in front of me. It was a deep
red color and unbelievably soft - it had to be cashmere.

"You know what I always say - wear something soft so you give the
boys a reason to touch the girls."

With that she winked at me and got up off the bed while leaving me to
continue my irrational breakdown.

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I made my way into my bathroom and held the sweater up to me in front

of the mirror. It was gorgeous - the color was stunning against my skin -
and the cut of the sweater left my neck, collar bones and shoulders
completely exposed. I shivered then, remembering Edward's penchant
for kissing along that area.

I wonder if he'll show me the same attention tonight. . .

I smiled at that and shuffled my way back to my room to throw on my

ensemble for this evening. Edward had said to dress warmly, so I knew
I'd be safe in the sweater and figured jeans would be my best bet for
bottoms. I dug through my drawer and found my darkest wash pair
before tossing them on my bed with the sweater.

Now comes the hard part. . .

What does one wear when they are hoping desperately to get a piece of
ass, all the while praying that they don't?

It wasn't that I didn't want to have sex with Edward again. God, that was
the farthest from the truth. It was just that things were finally moving in
the right direction with us. When we'd made that step only a week ago,
at the time it seemed like a wonderful idea, but the morning after left me
confused. I just didn't want us to jump into anything we weren't ready

However. . .

Apparently Vixen Bella was in charge of lingerie tonight as she picked

out my sheer, black lace strapless bra and a pair of black lace cheekies
to go with it. I sighed and rolled my eyes while I popped my hip out to
shut my lingerie drawer.

Well, even if I wasn't gettin' any, these would at least make me feel

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I untucked my towel from around my chest and got my panties and bra
on. I grabbed my jeans off the bed and pulled them on - they were very
low rise so I knew I may have a bit of skin showing between them and
the bottom of my sweater.

Oh well. . . never hurts to show a little skin.

I reached for the sweater and yanked the tags off before slipping it on. I
made my way into the bathroom and took in my outfit - it was sexy,
while still being innocent. It wasn't obvious in it's seduction - meaning, I
didn't have tits or ass hanging out all over the place. I only hoped
Edward would be happy with the skin that was showing.

I checked my watch - I still had about an hour before Edward would be

picking me up. I had texted him my apartment number earlier in the day,
as I wasn't sure he'd remember that from our night last night.

What with him being preoccupied with my tongue and all. . .

With an hour to spare, I was able to take my time getting ready. At one
point, that would have flustered me more than necessary, but now I
found I could actually enjoy that time.

When I had met Alice and Rose freshman year, they told me I was in
desperate need of some girly intervention. It took them a couple years
of prepping, explaining and teaching me before I finally cared enough to
just listen and allow them to adjust my thinking a bit. I was now fully
capable of working myself over - when I wanted to. It wasn't that I didn't
care about my appearance before - or even now - it was just that I was
always comfortable in my own skin. I didn't need make-up on or my hair
done to run to the grocery store or to grab a bite to eat. It took Rose and
Alice a long time to accept that, but they finally did - and finally let me

Tonight, however, I wanted to knock Edward off his feet. I decided to

leave my hair down in lose waves, my bangs swept to the side to keep

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them out of my face, and put on a bit more make-up than usual with a
smoky eye and some tinted lip gloss.

Once I was done, I stepped back from the mirror and took in my whole

Damn girl. You look. . .fuckable.

I smiled at that - even if I wasn't sure where this night was going to lead
us, that didn't mean I couldn't have a little fun along the way.

I made my way back into my bedroom just as I heard the buzzer sound
meaning someone was at our security door. I knew Alice was gone with
Jasper - she had made herself scarce after our. . .encounter this
morning. We generally needed about a three day buffer after one of our
fights and we would be right as rain again. Rose, however, was here
waiting for Emmett to finish up helping out one of his friends with
something before they could go out this evening so I knew she'd get the
door for me.

"Bella! Edward's on his way up!"

"Alright, I'll be right out!"

I quickly made my way around my room, grabbing my purse from my

desk and slipping on a pair of kitten heels before I headed out to the
living room.

Rose was sitting on one of the stools at the breakfast bar and she
looked over to me with an appraising eye. I did a little half turn, showing
off my hard work.

"You look fucking hot, Bella. I'd do ya."

I laughed at her then, completely unphased by her reaction. After

almost four years, I was used to it by now.

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I walked over to get my wool coat out of the hall closet, but before I
made my way to it, a soft knock came at the door. I glanced over at
Rose who nodded her head at me before I took a deep breath and
moved to open the front door.

There, standing in all of his six-foot-whatever glory, was Edward with his
crooked grin slapped on his face.

Shit. . . and I thought I looked fuckable.

I realized that I was just standing there staring when Rose finally
cleared her throat in the background. I shook my head to clear my
thoughts before I spoke.

"Oh! Sorry. . . come on in. I just have to grab my coat and then I'll be
ready to go."

I moved out of the way and gestured with my arm for him to enter the
apartment. I heard Rose chuckle softly at my reaction and I quickly shot
her a pointed glare. When I turned back to Edward, his eyes were
slowly traveling up the length of my body. When his eyes reached mine,
he looked a little surprised at being caught before a pink blush overtook
his cheeks. He smiled then while averting his gaze to the floor by his

Oh yeah, buddy. I totally caught you.

I smirked to myself at his reaction - project Reduce Edward to a Puddle

of Goo had officially commenced.

I reached for my coat from the closet before addressing Edward, "So,
will this be warm enough, you think?" I asked, while gesturing at my

"Don't worry Bella. I'll make sure you stay warm."

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I locked eyes with him then, noticing the cockiness emanating from his
and the smirk on his lips. It seemed Edward wanted to have a little fun

Thank God Vixen Bella was up for the task.

- - - l? - - -

We made our way out to his car, his hand on the small of my back
guiding my movements. I smiled at the warmth that spread over my
body from his simple gesture.

Edward led me outside to his car that was parked right against the curb
and opened the passenger door for me. I smiled up at him and then
turned to climb in.

He shut my door after I was settled and made his way around the front
of the car to his side. Once he was in and adjusted, he turned to me
before speaking.

"You look gorgeous tonight, Bella."

I smiled a huge, toothy grin and looked down to my lap while I felt my
cheeks warm.

God damn fucking blush!

"Thank you. You look. . ." Hot? Smokin'? Completely fucking doable?
"Nice, too."

I looked back up at him only to find him smirking at me, no doubt

amused at my reaction to him. It seemed he enjoyed seeing me

I cleared my throat before speaking again, "So, can you tell me where
we're going now?"

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"Pfft. Like I'd go to all this work to ruin the surprise with five minutes left.
I don't think so, Bella."

I sighed heavily and pouted out my bottom lip, hoping that a little puppy
dog face might entice him to give up the goods.

"Don't even think about it. My lips are sealed."


He chuckled then, before starting his car and pulled out on the street
only moments later. As we made our way to our destination, my nerves
and excitement were making themselves known as I fidgeted with my
hands in my lap. Truth of the matter was that I hated surprises. I didn't
like not being prepared for whatever awaited me.

Just another reason I wasn't like your typical girl.

I glanced out the window and took in the familiar surroundings. Cocking
my head to the side, I squinted my eyes and looked around again,
wondering why Edward was taking this route. There was only one thing
down here and I couldn't imagine he'd want to go there for our date.

Maybe he needs to pick something up first. . .

Before I could say anything, Edward pulled to a stop at the curb and
turned to me. Once again, I looked out the window and took in our
location before I turned back to look at him, confusion and uncertainty
showing on my face.

"Edward? Why are we here?"

"Bella," Edward said as he locked eyes with me before leaning in close

with a smirk on his face. He stopped with only a mere couple of inches
separating our lips, before he continued, "will you please shut the fuck
up and let me surprise you?"

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A/N: Before you start throwing things at me for not including the date,
hear me out. This chapter is already over 6k words. I didn't want to rush
anything on the date - and I'm pretty sure none of you want that, either.
So, just bear with me for a bit. I've already started it, so don't fret.

A big huge thanks to Lu for her help and her FUCKAWESOME line she
gave me for the end of the chapter. If I had my way, I would have
stopped before they even left the apartment, so you all should show her
your love.

Katie - girl, every damn chapter comes and goes and Lu and I pour our
sweat and tears into it and you STILL manage to find stupid little
mistakes that I would feel like an absolute fucking idiot for if they made
their way to the post. So, thank you for being so fucking mean

And, cause I'm so fucking awesome, I'm going to remind you of the
tasty little nuggets I sprinkled through this chapter. We know that
Edward got something set up with Bella's favorite restaurant. We know
that he had to borrow items from his parents pool house. If you've been
on the thread, you've seen another piece of the puzzle on a clue for the
date. And, finally, we know that Dwight is pivotal in making everything
come together. So, answer the question in the chapter title and you may
be on to something... I want to hear your theories, so lay 'em on me.

Now, if you're good little darlings and you review me, I'll send you a
tasty little tease filled with UST from their date. It's ready to go right the
fuck now, so just dew it.

Review for spanks.

7. Where's Dwight? 129

8. Casanova
A/N: Yes, many of you guessed the location right. But, I am
pleased to say that no one guessed the entire date.

Things I own: A brand new Bumbo seat and a copy of So I Married

an Axe Murderer on DVD

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly

"Edward? Why are we here?"

"Bella," Edward said as he locked eyes with me, before leaning in close
with a smirk on his face. He stopped with only a mere couple of inches
separating our lips, before he continued, "will you please shut the fuck
up and let me surprise you?"


I felt all the air leave my lungs after Edward spoke.

Well, hell. He'd left me speechless.

I watched as his eyes darted down to my lips quickly before snapping

back up to mine. It wasn't like this was our first kiss. Or, even our
second first kiss. But, that still didn't quell the butterflies from slamming
into the walls of my stomach.

I sucked in a shallow breath as I watched Edward close those last

couple of inches between us. I felt my eyes flutter shut just moments
before his lips touched mine.

Soft like rose petals.

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I let a contented sigh leave my lips as we were connected. Kissing

Edward was like being home. I had never felt so relaxed, yet so alive
while kissing someone before.

Edward's hands made their way to the sides of my face, holding me

carefully there, as if he was afraid I would pull away. His fingers slipped
under my ears to the back of my head, tangling in the hair there, while
his thumbs rubbed soothingly along my jaw.

This kiss wasn't rushed or frenzied like our one from last night. It was
calm. . . tender. . . loving.

I brought my arms up, wrapping my hands around his wrists while he

still held my face. His lips parted gently, taking my bottom lip in between
his. I felt his tongue barely graze my lip and before I could deepen the
kiss, he chastely kissed me once more before pulling away, still holding
me between his hands.

I still had my eyes closed, but felt when he rested his forehead against

I would never tire of kissing him.

"Are you ready to see your surprise?"

I smiled then and opened my eyes, noticing how close he was.

"Yes," I breathed.

He brought his lips to mine once again quickly before he pulled back
and made his way out of the car and around to my side. He opened my
door for me and reached in to take my hand to help me out.

We made our way down the sidewalk and it didn't go without my notice
that Edward kept our hands tightly clasped together. I smiled at this
seemingly tiny detail before I remembered my confusion from in the car

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- before he was able to work his love magic on me.

Why are we here?

"Edward," I started, while looking up at the large building to our right,

"why are we at the library?"

Edward tsked me then, before speaking, "What did I tell you in the car?
Don't make me tie you up and blindfold you already."

I felt my eyes pop out of my head and my cheeks blush before I looked
down to the sidewalk.

Holy hell. . . was he reading my diary?

Edward squeezed my hand and chuckled next to me before he leaned

in close, his mouth hovering over my ear.

"All in due time, my Bella."

Fuuuuck me.

I'm sure Edward could hear my audible gulp at his promise. It seemed
the shy, uncertain Edward I'd seen glimpses of in the past left on a
permanent vacation. Not that I minded at all. This confident, slightly
cocky Edward was. . . fucking hot.

I felt Edward leave a small kiss on my hair, right above my ear before
he pulled back. I was almost so wrapped up in the reaction Edward had
elicited from me that I barely registered us walking straight past the front
doors of the library.

"Edward? Where are we- "

Quicker than I thought was possible, Edward snatched his hand out of
mine and brought me slightly in front of him, wrapping the hand that was

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previously holding mine up and around my shoulders to cup over my

mouth. I could feel every inch of him as he walked awkwardly behind
me, his legs on either side of mine. I felt his right hand go down to my
waist while his left kept its place over my mouth as he pulled me even
tighter to him. He brought his face next to mine - so close that I could
feel his skin on me - before he spoke.

"You are making it awfully hard to give you a nice surprise, you know

I moved my lips and tried to respond, but it only came out as a jumbled
mess. He laughed at my lack of speaking ability before turning slightly
and placing a soft kiss on the apple of my cheek.

"Just relax and let me do this for you, please," he spoke quietly next to

I sighed and relaxed my shoulders while nodding my head, silently

telling him that I would be good.

He continued to walk behind me as we made our way down the length

of the building. I wasn't sure where we could be going. The only thing I
knew of that was on this side of the library was the old side parking lot
that no one used anymore. I couldn't imagine he'd set up a game of
hopscotch for us outside.

He did say to dress warmly, though.

Before I could start panicking fully about being forced to participate in

some sort of outdoor physical activity, we made it to the end of the
building and I felt Edward move his hand from my mouth up to cover my
eyes. I gasped as I felt him pull me tighter to him before he stopped.

"Are you ready?"

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I let out a nervous chuckle, not quite sure what he wanted me to say.
After a few moments passed, I realized he was waiting for me to utter
something, so I let a quick "yes" escape my lips, as my entire body
tensed. Edward squeezed me lightly in response before removing his
hand from over my eyes.

It took a minute for my eyes to adjust and register what was in front of
me. This was the old parking lot - and, as usual - it was free of cars.
However, now, it was full of pure Edward Cullen Romance.

Directly in the middle of the parking lot was a large, white, canopy-style
tent, trimmed with strings of white lights. The front flaps of the tent were
pulled back and tied at the poles there to reveal what looked like one of
the fluffy loveseats from the reading area of the library. It was nestled
there, under the tent, while in front of it sat a little table with some sort of
electronic equipment on top. I continued looking around and noticed two
tall patio heaters that were on either side of the tent along with some
blankets stacked next to the loveseat.

Looks like he is going to uphold his promise to keep me warm.

I shivered then and Edward wrapped his arms tighter around me. I felt
him turn his head to look at my expression. I knew he was waiting for
some sort of acknowledgment on my end, but I couldn't get my mouth to
work. I mean, I literally couldn't get it to work. It opened and closed
several times, with only mere squeaks coming out once in a while.

I felt Edward's chest shake against my back, and I assumed he was

chuckling at my reaction. He nuzzled his face in the hair by my ear and
asked lowly, "So, do you like it?"

I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth and could only manage an

excited nod of my head. I felt Edward squeeze me tightly and then let
go, before grabbing my hand and leading me over to the beautifully
decorated tent. As we got closer, I was able to notice more of the
details. Like the fact that there was a bottle of wine and two wine

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glasses there. And, that he had even gotten an outdoor rug to lie on the
ground in front of the loveseat.

Was there anything this boy didn't think of?

As soon as we got to the opening of the tent, I felt the warmth from the
outdoor heaters wash over me and relaxed slightly. I was worried about
how cold we would get out here, but it felt like the heaters were giving
off quite a bit of heat from where they were positioned in regards to the

"Do you want to take off your coat, Bella, or keep it on for a while? It
shouldn't take long for the heaters to warm up the whole tent."

"Oh, um, I think I'll keep it on for a little while, if that's alright?" I posed it
as more of a question than a statement and mentally slapped myself for
my lack of assertiveness. I was still just so shocked at all the trouble he
must have gone to for tonight, that I was finding it difficult to come up
with an intelligent response.

He walked us over to the loveseat and motioned for me to sit down, him
following right after. As soon as I eased down into the cushions and got
comfortable, I was startled by a man coming around the corner of the
tent. I jumped a little closer to Edward and yelped in surprise. Edward
chuckled at me before tucking me under his arm and speaking to the
man that had just come around the corner.

"Hi Henry. I think we'll be ready in about five minutes, so you can start
to get everything ready."

"Certainly, Mr. Cullen." Henry nodded and went back around the side of
the tent while I just looked up at Edward, questions written all over my

"Are you hungry?" My stomach answered for me then, taking its cue to
make itself known with a loud rumble. I blushed and looked down,

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burying my face in his chest before nodding.

Where the hell did Vixen Bella go? She picks out my panties and then
bails on me!

"Good, because I got your favorite."

I pushed back off his chest so I could look up into his eyes.

My favorite? How could he possibly know that?

My mind rattled through all my memories with Edward and I could only
recall one time that I had talked about my favorite Italian restaurant. I
had only mentioned it briefly during one of our Saturday night library
dates. I couldn't believe that he had remembered that tiny bit of
information from so long ago.

You remember every little detail about him.

I smiled at that. That was certainly true and for once I didn't question
whether or not he cared for me as much as I cared for him. After all the
work he put into tonight, it was clear he cared a great deal for me. And,
I, for one, was tired of skirting around the issue.

I watched as Henry wheeled around a small cart with two covered

plates on it. He stopped it right next to Edward before nodding his head
briefly and making his escape back the way he came.

Edward unwrapped his arm from around my shoulders and reached to

get the bottle of wine and glasses, setting them up on the table in front
of us. He held up the wine for my inspection, before quickly asking, "Is
red alright?"

I smiled and nodded my head quickly. I could use a glass or two of wine
to settle my nerves. This wasn't like it was the first time we had been
alone together, but this just somehow seemed so. . . official.

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Edward poured half a glass before handing it to me, then poured one of
his own. He moved things around a bit on the table in front of us - I
assumed to make more room for our dinner - and that's when I was able
to more closely inspect the device that was sitting there. The electronic
equipment that I noticed earlier appeared to be a projector of some sort
and that had my curiosity piqued even more.

I looked from it to Edward, with one eyebrow cocked and he just smiled
at me.

"Let's eat first, alright?"

"I was hoping you would say that - I'm starving." I cringed as the words
poured from my mouth, blurting out whatever was at the forefront of my

"Believe me, I heard."

Edward chuckled at what he thought was a clever joke while I just rolled
my eyes and nudged his leg with the toe of my shoe.

He reached over then and grabbed one of the covered plates before
placing it in front of me on the table, then turning and doing the same
with his plate. I looked at him in question then, wondering if he could
possibly remember this one tiny detail I told him in passing more than a
month prior.

"Yes, I remembered."

I knew I must look like a complete fucking tool from the huge grin on my
face, but I couldn't contain it. It's like he was reading my mind -
anticipating what he thought I'd ask him. He lifted the covers off the
plates and placed them back on the tray before turning to face me.

I realized at this point that I had somehow managed to utter only a

handful of words since we'd gotten inside the tent and at that I felt

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embarrassment wash over me.

Calm the fuck down, Bella! And, snap out of it.

I needed to relax and enjoy myself. I wanted to have a little fun with
Edward tonight and that was not going to happen if my stomach was
tied in knots and my tongue was stilled in my mouth.

That's definitely a body part I plan to use later.

I mentally shook myself before kicking off my shoes and getting more
comfortable on the couch, tucking one leg under the other and turning
slightly in Edward's direction. I chanced a glance in the direction of the
plates before I spoke.

"Hmm. . . Tortellini. Either you took really good notes, or you are a
natural at the whole stalking thing."

I watched as Edward ducked his chin to his chest, while a blush crept
up his cheeks and felt bad for half a second before I remembered all the
little comments he made to me with his only intention being to see my
cheeks redden.

I leaned in close to him and bent slightly to catch his eye before I spoke.

"Oh, Edward. . . you know I don't mind you watching me." With that I
winked at him and pulled back before grabbing my plate and fork off the
table in front of the loveseat. I turned back to look at Edward who was
completely frozen in place, slack-jawed and all.

Thank you, Vixen Bella.

I gently nudged him with my foot to get his attention and, once I had it,
gestured with my head towards his dinner.

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Edward seemed to physically snap out of the trance he was in and

reached for his plate from the table. He relaxed back in the cushions
and turned to mirror my position facing him.

"This is really great, Edward. How did you pull all this off?" I asked, in
between bites of my Tortellini.

I watched as Edward finished chewing his bite and took a sip of wine
before answering me, "It wasn't too difficult. I mean, I was lucky that my
parents had this stuff," he said as he gestured to the tent and patio
heaters in front of us, "at their pool house, so of course I didn't have to
do much to talk them into letting me borrow them. And, the manager at
the restaurant was surprisingly accommodating. When I told him what I
wanted to do and what I was ordering he went above and beyond -
even sending Henry out for the night."

"Oh, you talked to Sal?" I asked, fondly regarding the owner of my

favorite restaurant. Alice, Rose and I had been frequent patrons there
since we started school at UW. We knew Sal and his wife personally -
he was always so sweet to us. We all looked to him as something of a
grandfather figure.

"Mhmm - do you know him?"

"Oh yeah - the girls and I have a date there once a week, generally. We
always order dessert, stay too late, and drink too much wine, but Sal
always looks out for us. He's a great guy," I finished while nodding my

"Well, that would explain his willingness to help." I watched as Edward

smiled his crooked grin at me and I just about melted into a puddle of
goo right then and there.

Stay strong Bella!

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"That explains the food and the atmosphere, but how in the world did
you manage. . . this?" I asked while gesturing to the loveseat we were
sitting on and to the blank wall of the library directly in front of us. "Did
Dwight help you get this all set up?" I knew that Dwight was in charge of
the library on the weekends, so I assumed it was him that made this all

I watched as he nodded his head briefly, while still chewing on a bite

before I continued.

"Huh - that's surprising. It always seemed like he took his job pretty
seriously. I mean, I know he's a nice guy, but I am curious how you got
him to agree to all this. Care to share?"

"Oh, well, it really wasn't such a big deal," he said, shrugging one of his
shoulders, before he sipped a bit of his wine and continued. "I just
promised you'd give him a lap dance."

I felt my jaw drop immediately at that before I was able to quickly

compose myself again.

You are messing with the master, little one - Vixen Bella is back and
she's not leaving.

"Is that so? Well, I better get on that then. And, by 'that' I mean Dwight."

I set my plate down on the table and made my way off the couch, my
destination set on the front door of the library. Before I could get too far,
I heard the clatter of Edward's dish on the table and then felt his finger
go through my back belt loop as he yanked me back and into his lap.
His arms quickly encased me, forcing my back flush against his chest. I
felt him lean up slightly, his lips grazing my ear, as he spoke quietly.

"If you're in the mood to give a lap dance, I can think of a better
audience for it than Dwight."

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My body betrayed me at his words, and I shivered slightly before

snapping myself out of it. I pulled slightly away from his hold and he
loosened his arms around me. I turned in his lap then, my legs on either
side of his on the loveseat, effectively straddling him. I could tell this
move took Edward by surprise as he looked at me in shock. It didn't
take long, however, for his hands to find purchase on my hips as he
brought me closer to his chest. The apex of my thighs came in direct
contact with his hardening length and I instinctively rolled my hips
slightly, placing more pressure on him.

"Bella. . . "

Edward's whispered plea brought me out of my trance and I

remembered what my focus had been before I completely lost it the
moment my vajayjay came in contact with his holy grail.

I placed my hands on either side of his head, my palms resting on the

back of the loveseat as I leaned in closer to him. I could feel my breasts
press tightly against his chest and even through our layers of clothes
and our coats, I could still feel my nipples harden at the contact.

I brought my lips to his then, and hovered there while I spoke, "If you're
a good boy, I might make good on that later. . ." Then I briefly pressed
my lips to his before climbing off his lap and grabbing my dinner again
from the table. I sat back and enjoyed the completely dazed state my
little stunt had left Edward in.

"You okay over there Loverboy?" I chuckled as I watched him compose

himself, while shaking his head slightly, before he grabbed his plate
once again to finish eating.

After that, we were able to fall into an easy conversation, like we always
did, talking about seemingly random subjects or just enjoying the
silence around us. I was always so comfortable around Edward that I
never felt the need to fill the quiet with tedious subjects or inane chatter.

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We had both finished our Tortellini and were sipping on our wine when
Henry came back around the corner to gather up our plates and take
them away. Before he left, he spoke quietly to Edward, who only
nodded in response.

I wonder what that's all about. . .

Edward turned to me then and smiled before answering my unspoken

question, "You didn't think I'd forget dessert, did you?"

My cheeks were beginning to throb slightly from all the smiling I'd been
doing tonight, but that didn't stop the grin from plastering itself on my
face again.

He really is almost too perfect.

I had dated around enough to know that guys like Edward didn't come
along very often. It seemed I normally attracted the scum ball losers of
the dating scene, so it was completely refreshing to be involved with
someone as romantic, thoughtful and caring as Edward was.

Henry came back around again, this time with one small plate covered
with a lid. He handed it to Edward, who removed the lid and gave it
back to Henry, thanking him quickly before excusing him once again.

Tiramisu. With one fork.

My stomach flipped a little at that. Was he going to feed me? The

butterflies kicked up to full throttle again at that thought. There was
something so intimate about feeding one another.

If he uses the fork, maybe I'll use my finger.

Vixen Bella was full of sexy ideas tonight, however, I pushed that aside
for the time being and just enjoyed letting Edward take the lead. I
watched as he gathered a small bite on the fork before making its way

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to my mouth.

"First bite?" Edward asked, his attention focused directly on my lips.

I licked them in response to his request and just hummed with

anticipation. I opened my mouth and took the bite he offered me,
closing my eyes briefly at the taste. There was only one thing that
tasted better than this Tiramisu, and that was Edward.

Mmm. . . Edward with Tiramisu.

I opened my eyes to find Edward staring intently at my lips and I

watched as his Adam's apple bobbed while he swallowed. It seemed
that he was perhaps having the same thoughts I was. I heard Edward
clear his throat before he pulled the fork back and took a bite for
himself. I watched his reaction - much like mine - and smirked at him

"Told you it was good."

"You weren't lying. . . "

I smiled at him, just really utterly content with how our date had gone so
far. I mean, I would have been happy with dinner and a movie - the
traditional way - and here he goes all Casanova on me. There really
was absolutely no doubt in my mind any longer that Edward's feelings
for me ran very deep. And, after the week away from him - questioning
whether or not even being together was an option - coupled with this
perfect evening, I was beginning to believe that the little epiphany I had
after our first night together at his place may have had some truth
behind it.

Maybe this is love.

Before I could get lost in my thoughts any more so than I already was,
Edward spoke up next to me.

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"So, I was wondering if you might want to tell me a bit about you and
Emmett. . . I know you were friends in High School, but that's about all
he divulged to me."

Edward scooped up another bite and offered it to me, while looking at

me expectantly. Once I'd finished chewing and took a sip of wine, I dove
into the details of how Emmett and I first met, how we'd gotten along so
well in school, how he acted like a big brother to me, but still treated me
as more of a best friend than a little sister. I told story after story of
some of the ridiculous and funny things Emmett had done during High
School, ending with the time he sat with my dad at the kitchen table and
helped him clean his guns while my date for Junior Prom showed up.

"You should have seen his face. I mean, I knew James was always
scared of Emmett - for some reason, Emmett never liked him - but to
watch him with my dad cleaning all these guns out on the table - it was
priceless. I know I shouldn't have laughed, but it was hysterical."

I watched as Edward chuckled, shaking his head slightly before he

brought his eyes up to meet mine.

"Well, I'm glad I have an in with him, then. I'd hate to think of what he'd
do if I was just some random guy wanting to date you."

I smiled and nodded, thankful for that small detail as well. I knew I could
contain Emmett if I needed to, but the fact that he obviously liked
Edward was good news for me - and it meant that he may be able to
sweet talk Charlie into liking him if we got as far as having Edward meet

I looked down at the plate and noticed we'd finished off most of the
dessert. There was only a bit of custard left smeared on the plate. I
brought my finger to it and ran it around, collecting all the custard I
could before I brought it up to Edward's lips. His eyes locked with mine
and I could see them darken ever so slightly.

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"Open up," I whispered, while touching my finger briefly to his lips.

He did so, and engulfed my finger in his mouth, his lips closing around it
while maintaining eye contact with me. I could feel his tongue sweeping
over my finger, getting every last drop of Tiramisu - and then some -
before I felt him suck lightly. My mouth was agape now, my breaths
coming out in short pants as I held eye contact with him, all the while
feeling his tongue on my finger.

I pulled it out slowly, still feeling his tongue lapping at my finger before it
came out of his mouth with an audible pop. We were both stunned - and
obviously aroused - as we sat there staring at each other. Each of us
waiting for the other to make a move. My eyes darted down to his lips
and I noticed a tiny smudge of custard there.

You said yourself that Vixen Bella was here to stay. . . now show him.

With my resolve set, I leaned in close to him, the both of us still

connected at the eyes, until I was close enough to feel his breath in my
mouth. I darted my tongue out to sweep across his lips, my eyes still
locked with his. Before I could make another move, I felt Edward quickly
set the plate on the table and his hands flew to my body - one going to
the base of my neck, the other to my waist - as he pulled me close to
him, bringing our bodies flush with each other.

He wasted no time in connecting our mouths firmly. I watched as his

eyes drooped closed and followed his lead, engulfing myself in
blackness. His mouth opened then and I felt his tongue touch mine,
slowly massaging me with his. I could still taste the Tiramisu on him and
I moaned at the flavor the two of them created.

Oh God. . . no, nothing in the world tastes better than this.

My hands found their way to Edward's chest under his coat. I could feel
the hard lines there and that only served to ignite my libido even further.
I moaned into his mouth as I felt him gently nibble at my tongue. He

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tightened his grip on me and leaned back against the armrest, pulling
me on top of him when he went. We were well lost in our own little world
when I heard a throat clear off to the side.

I jumped and pulled away slightly before noticing Henry standing there,
looking incredibly sheepish. I buried my face in Edward's chest and
allowed him to deal with that awkward situation.

After he had given Henry our plate and thanked him for a job well done,
Edward squeezed me gently and I felt his nose come to my hair, as he
kissed my head.

"He's gone now," he said, while chuckling. "You can un-bury yourself
from my coat."

"Uh-uh. . . it's too warm," I mumbled into his chest. I was sure he heard
me because I could feel his chest shake with his laughter.

"Tell you what - how about we take off our coats and get snuggled
under the blanket and we can watch the movie, alright?"

I whipped my head up at him, eyes wide, before I asked, "What movie?"

Edward smiled and pointed at the table to the electronic equipment


Oh, right. That. I was a little preoccupied.

"Okay," I breathed, while smiling up at him. He really did think of


I wondered what movie Edward had picked out for us - no doubt some
beautiful romantic comedy that would leave me feeling completely
blissful by the end of it.

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I moved myself slightly off of Edward so we could remove our coats and
so that he could get the projector going. I quickly shed myself of mine
and felt a chill go over me at the bare skin on my neck and shoulders.
Edward noticed and grabbed the blanket quickly before pushing some
buttons on the projector and plopping back down on the loveseat. He
sat with his back in the corner, one foot up on the cushions, one planted
firmly on the ground, as he held his arms out for me.

Moving faster than I thought possible, I took my place between his legs,
laying slightly with my side on him as I wrapped one of my arms around
his back between him and the loveseat. Edward grabbed the blanket
then and draped it over us before wrapping his arms around me and
squeezing lightly.

"I'm really having a great time tonight, Bella."

Edward's breath washed over my exposed shoulders and I felt goose

bumps erupt on my skin. I turned my head slightly to look up at him
before giving him a blinding smile.

"Me too, Edward. It's been perfect. Thank you."

I placed my cheek back on his chest and snuggled back into him. I
noticed the projector had started and I could see the movie starting to
play directly in front of us on the huge blank wall on the side of the
library. How he came up with this idea, I'll never know. If I didn't know
better, I'd think he had a handbook on all things Bella Swan Swoon

"So, what are we watching?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of


"What do you think? I couldn't very well have a night of your favorites
and leave out your favorite movie, could I?"

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I pushed myself up from his chest enough so he could see the shock
shown on my face. If he remembered this little detail and ended a
perfectly romantic night with my favorite movie - admittedly not a
romance - I think I might ask him to marry me right on the spot.

He nodded his head in the direction of the library and I watched the
familiar opening come on screen. I felt him lift up slightly and lean in to
speak in my ear.

"Now I want to hear you try to do that cute Scottish accent again."

A smile overtook my face and I melted myself back against his chest.
For him to remember that So I Married an Axe Murderer was my
favorite movie of all time - not only that, but to remember my lame
attempt at recreating one of the characters - he was definitely scoring
points with me.

Suddenly I realized this whole date wasn't about just the romance or
about wooing me or trying to get in my pants. It was about me. All my
favorite things. He wasn't trying to pull the wool over my eyes and make
me believe in false sentiments based on someone else's ideas of what
romance was. No - he was trying to show me that he got me. That he'd
listened to every word I had ever uttered and took each of them to

I was certain that if I hadn't fallen in love with him already, I did so right
then and there.

A/N: Yep, that's right. I'm a cockblocking bastard again. I just really own
the title, don't I?

Alright - you have two choices. This was the first chapter ever done
completely in BPOV. I can either do the chapter from EPOV for the next
one, or I can move on to later in the evening. Tell me in your reviews, or
send me a PM on what you'd rather see.

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All the usual suspects get thanks for this chapter - Lu & Katie - couldn't
have done it without you bb's. Luv ya both.

Review for spanks. . .and maybe a lap dance.

8. Casanova 149
9. Only Mine
A/N - real quick and then I'll let you get to the story. I just wanted
to say a big huge fucking THANK YOU to all the reviewers.
Honestly, I know I respond and tell you there, but, you need to hear
it twice. It literally makes my whole fucking day to hear things like
this is your perfect Edward or that was the best first date you've
ever read. Makes my heart go pitter-pat.

Things I own: A brand new treadmill, more jackets than should be

humanly allowed and some rockin' Urban Decay eyeliner.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly


The night had gone better than I could have hoped. When I had
planned all this out, I was hoping to convey to Bella what she meant to
me without actually saying the words. I wanted her to understand that I
always listened to every word she ever uttered and took all of it away
with me. I wanted her to realize that I knew her - that I understood her. I
knew that I had to do this through my actions and not my words,
however. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable by voicing my love for
her - after all I still didn't know what she was feeling. I just knew that
after our week apart, I couldn't have her out of my life again. Ever.

I looked down at Bella, her face snuggled into my chest as she watched
and laughed along with the movie. The feel of her body against mine
was heavenly. She was heavenly.

I brought my nose down to her head, inhaling her sweet scent, before
kissing her forehead. She lifted her head from my chest to look up at me
before speaking.

"What was that for?" She asked, while smiling.

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I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "I just felt like kissing you."

"Hmm. . . Well, if that's the case, I think you missed."

She had a gleam in her eye and a smirk on her lips as she brought one
hand up to tangle in the hair at the back of my neck and pulled my face
to hers, our lips connecting immediately.

Kissing Bella was amazing. More than amazing. She was unlike anyone
else. I had kissed a whole fucking lot of girls in my time, but none
compared to Bella. To her lips, her tongue, her taste. She was

I hummed in contentment into her mouth and felt the corners of her lips
turn up in response. Before I could even appreciate the smile she was
giving me, I watched as her full bottom lip puffed out in a pout.

"What's the matter, baby?"

I saw shock register in her eyes before a huge smile broke out on her

What the fuck is that reaction for?

I thought back over what I said and it clicked that I had called her 'baby.'
It wasn't the first time I'd ever called her that, but it was the first time
since our new. . . whatever the fuck you'd call this.

As I was figuring this out in my head, Bella had managed to rearrange

her face to once again show her pout.

"I don't want this night to be over. I don't want you to take me home."

Those words went straight to my cock. As if it wasn't already hard


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It would make my whole fucking week to take Bella home and be inside
her, but since I saw the questions in her eyes after our night last
weekend, I didn't want her to be unsure of anything between us. And, if
I'd learned anything over the last week, it was that I needed to tell her
that. We weren't exactly batting a thousand in the whole communication

I looked down at her and shifted to a sitting position, before I moved my

hands to hook under her arms and pulled her up to me, making her
straddle my lap. I moved my hands up her body and cupped her face
between them.

"Bella," I sighed, before continuing, "I would love nothing more than to
take you home with me and see how many times I can get you to
scream my name. . ."

I smirked at her then, noticing the blush radiating over her face before I
continued with my thought.

"But. . . I don't want to see those questions in your eyes again like I saw
last weekend. I want you to be certain about this - about us - before we
do anything more."

I watched as she gnawed at her bottom lip, worrying all the beautiful
pink right out of it. Her eyes were darting between mine, searching for

I reached over and eased her lip from her teeth, smoothing my thumb
over it gently, before I leaned in for a quick kiss.

She sighed and rested her forehead on mine, eyes closed in thought.

"Edward. I am certain about this - about us. More certain than I have
ever been about anything. I love. . . being with you. Only you."

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I felt all the breath leave my lungs at that. For a second I thought she
was going to utter the three words I've been dying to say to her.

It's too soon for her, dumbass.

Even without those three words, she had basically just declared herself
to me. Only me. She was so brave, taking that step first. It was my turn
to reassure her.

"Bella," I whispered, "open your eyes, baby."

Her eyes fluttered open then before connecting with mine.

"Only you," I said before I pressed my lips to hers gently. "Always. . .

only you," I spoke against her lips.

I tightened my hold on her face, bringing her as close to me as she

could get. Our kiss intensified then, our mouths opening in sync. What
started as sweet and sensuous quickly turned into something raw and
passionate. Our breaths were coming out in pants, our hands roamed
each other's bodies and I could hear Bella's mewls of satisfaction as
they escaped her lips.

I trailed my mouth down her jaw, to her neck and finally to her exposed
shoulders, placing open mouthed kisses along the way. I'd wanted to
taste this part of her all night. When I picked her up at her apartment, I
thought I'd die from how gorgeous she looked. The color of her sweater
was stunning against her pale skin - and the skin that she showed was.
. . lickable. Her neck and collarbones were one of my favorite parts of
her body. . .

Along with her lips. . . her ass. . . her legs. . . her tits. . .

I made my way back up to the juncture of where her neck meets her
shoulders and licked there before sucking gently, causing Bella to grind
into my dick above me.

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"Oh God, Bella. . ."

"Edward," she said, breathlessly, "I want you to-"

Before Bella could finish what she was saying, we both heard a throat
clear directly outside our tent, causing Bella to jump on my lap, coming
down forcefully on my painfully hard erection.


I cringed and rested my forehead on her shoulder briefly before I lifted

my head and locked eyes with a very angry looking Emmett.

I have offended the brother bear.

I tapped Bella on her ass, trying to get her to move and she just
burrowed her way further into my chest, no doubt trying to escape the
embarrassment of the situation. She had no way of knowing it was
Emmett that came to help me get all this cleaned up and probably
thought some random person came across our make out session.

Although, I'm certain that would have been better than our current

"Hey, Em."

I felt Bella tense up when I said Emmett's name and wondered if he had
ever caught her in this type of situation before.

No time like the present to find out.

Bella slowly lifted herself from my lap and sat down next to me before
she looked up to Emmett and spoke.

"What are you doing here Emmett?"

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Her arms were crossed and she had a not-so-amused on her face.

Hmm. . . Yes, I'm definitely sensing this is not the first time.

"I'm here to help Edward like he asked. What the fuck were you doing?"

I looked between the two of them and watched as Bella rolled her eyes,
arms still crossed like a petulant child. It was interesting to see their
reactions to each other - it was obvious there was absolutely nothing
romantic at all between them and that not only set my mind at ease, but
also made me feel like a bit of a schmuck for reacting as I did
automatically last weekend. But, we were over and done with that, so I
wasn't going to dwell on it any longer.

I cleared my throat and got up off the couch before I felt Bella grab my
arm, stopping me.

"Where are you going?" She asked, with a slight pout on her face. I put
my hands on her knees, pulling them apart slightly, and squatted down
in between them.

"Em came to help me load all this stuff up in his jeep and get the
loveseat back in the library. Do you want to wait in the car?" I asked
while rubbing circles on her thighs with my thumbs.

"Oh. . . Is it alright if I just wait out here with you guys?"

I smiled at her, happy to know she didn't want to part from me any more
so than I wanted to part from her.

"Sure, baby. We shouldn't be too long. You better put your coat on,
though, it's going to get cold without the heaters."

I got up and grabbed her coat for her and reached for her hand to help
her up. I helped her get her coat on before turning her around and
pulling her in close for a hug.

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"You alright with Em here?" I whispered in her ear. I felt her nod her
head against my chest and pressed a quick kiss to her temple before
pulling away to begin the clean up.

Bella attempted to help Emmett and me several times, each time getting
shooed away by one of us, before she finally decided to just keep us
company by entertaining us with stories from their high school days. It
didn't take us long to get everything put away - certainly not as long as it
took to set up - and within about twenty minutes, we had said our
goodbyes and thanks to Emmett, and Bella and I were walking hand in
hand to my car to end our evening.

I don't want it to end.

My thoughts echoed Bella's from earlier and I couldn't help but feel a
sense of loss at having to drop her off at home tonight. I thought back to
our conversation before we were interrupted and wondered what she
was about to ask me to do.

Edward, I want you to. . . fuck me?

I felt a smile pull at my lips at that thought. I'm fairly certain that was not
what she was going to say, but a guy could dream.

I opened her door for her and helped her in the car and went around on
my side to get in. I had no idea what she was thinking and I really
wanted to follow her lead with this. I didn't want to pressure her into
anything - even though we'd both basically aired our exclusivity to each
other, that didn't mean this still wasn't fresh and new. Yes, our weekend
dates in the library helped us to get to know each other as people, but
we hadn't had any time to be together as a couple yet. I wasn't sure
about Bella, but this whole relationship thing was new for me.

I started the car and adjusted the heat, before turning in my seat to face
her. I was just going to come out and ask her what she was going to say
before. No beating around the bush - just straightforward.

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So help me God, if she does finish that thought with 'fuck me' I will do it
right here in this fucking car. . .

"Bella?" I asked, waiting until her eyes connected with mine before I
continued. "What were you going to say earlier? You wanted me to. . .

Bella grabbed her bottom lip immediately with her teeth and a blush
washed over her face.

Oh my God. . . .

"Oh, well, I sort of, um, was wondering. . . if we could, maybe, ah. . .
stay the night together?" She was peeking up at me from under her
eyelashes, her lip getting chewed raw from her nerves. I apparently
hadn't answered quickly enough, as she started speaking again, this
time in rapid form.

"I heard what you said, Edward, and we don't have to. . . do that. . . but I
would really love to stay the night with you again. I mean, if you think it's
too soon or you don't want to or whatever, I'll completely understand
and you can just take me home. I promise I won't be upset with you or
anything - no big dea-"

I silenced her with my lips, the only thing I could think of that would stop
her unnecessary word vomit. As soon as I felt her relax slightly, I spoke
against her lips, "Your place or mine?"

- - - l? - - -

We decided that my place would be better since Emmett and Rosalie

were staying at the girls' apartment tonight. Bella said that Emmett
hadn't really had a chance to accept the grown up version of her yet -
really only having to protect her from horny teenage boys in high school
- and she didn't want to rub anything in his face.

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Fine by me 'cause I didn't want to get the shit beat out of me, either.

However, Bella needed to grab a few things before hand, so we were

going to swing by her apartment on our way to my place. I pulled up in
front of her building and went around to help her out, following behind
her up to the security door. We made our way up the single flight of
stairs and down the hall to her apartment number. After Bella quickly
unlocked and opened the door, we slipped inside, both of us anxious to
get back to my place.

What. . . the fuck is that noise?

Bella had noticed, as well, and turned and locked eyes with me. I
noticed a blush creeping up her cheeks and that damn lip was pulled
between her teeth again. She was embarrassed about something. I
cocked my head slightly to the side and listened harder for the noises
I'd heard, barely being able to make them out, when it suddenly clicked.

Well, it seems as though it's not too early in Alice and Jasper's
relationship to play bury the bone.

I smirked at Bella, completely entertained by her reaction to hearing two

other people fucking.I grabbed a hold of her hand and pulled her to me,
my arms encircling her waist, as I buried my face in her neck. I could
feel her accelerating breaths on me and felt her hot skin against my
cheek and could only assume she was getting turned on by listening to

My cock agrees with you, baby.

I quickly swatted her ass as I spoke in her ear, "Let's hurry and get your

I felt her nod against me before she pulled away, grabbing my hand and
leading me to her bedroom.

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The smell from her room intoxicated me as soon as we entered. I took a

deep breath, closing my eyes slightly, as I took in all that was Bella.
When I opened my eyes back up, I noticed Bella looking straight at me.

Shit. I've been caught ogling her scent. How the fuck can you ogle a

She smirked at me while cocking an eyebrow, clearly waiting for me to

explain myself.

I just shrugged one shoulder before mumbling, "It smells like you."

She smiled at that and pushed me towards her bed, indicating I was to
sit there until she had her bag ready.

I watched as she flitted about in her room, grabbing random things that
she'd need before she ran into her bathroom to get. . . whatever it is
that girls use in the bathroom. She came back in her room then and
paused, looking from her bed to her dresser and back again. It
appeared as though she was having some sort of inner struggle -
though I couldn't imagine over what. Whatever it was ended quickly, as
she hurried over to the head of the bed and grabbed something from
behind the pillow and stuffed it in her bag. She did one last quick glance
around before she turned to me and smiled.

"Okay, I think I'm ready." She reached for my hand to help me up and
led me out of her room to the front of the apartment.

As we made our way through, I could still hear the sounds coming from
the other side of the kitchen - where, I assume, Rose and Alice's
bedrooms were. I smirked down at Bella and saw her darting her eyes
up to me then straight down to the floor. Not two hours ago, she was
straddling me promising me a lap dance and having me lick Tiramisu
from her fingers and now she's all shy again.

God, I fucking love this girl.

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I smiled down at her and tucked my head towards her for a brief kiss
before I grabbed her hand and led her out to the car. I may not be
getting any tonight, but that didn't mean I didn't want to get her home
and in my bed as soon as possible.

- - - l? - - -

We made our way to my apartment quickly and were inside in no time. It

seemed we had the place to ourselves, since Rose & Em weren't
staying here and it was obvious that Alice & Jasper were. . . occupied at
the girls' place.

I glanced down at my watch, noticing it was just approaching midnight. I

wondered if Bella would want to stay up for a while or if she was tired. I
looked over at her - her eyes bright and shining as she looked straight
at me.

"Are you hungry? Or thirsty? I'm not sure what we have, but I'm sure I
can find you something."

She squeezed my hand, which was still clasped with hers, and smiled
while replying, "I'm fine, Edward. Is it alright if we get ready for bed and
just lay and talk?"

If 'talk' is code for feel you up, then hell yes.

I said a quick, "sure" and led her to my room, only to find a mess there. I
tried to tell myself earlier in the day that if I left my room messy, I
wouldn't be encouraged to bring her home with me, and inevitably move
things along too quickly.

That thought clearly worked out well for me.

What I didn't anticipate was Bella's reaction to the evening. And,

although I was hoping we would come to some sort of resolution on our
relationship tonight, I wasn't counting on it. She constantly surprised me

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with her actions.

I looked over at her with an apologetic smile before I darted about my

room, picking up random articles of clothing and tossing them in my
hamper. My bed wasn't made, but I figured it was a lost cause now
since we were just going to get in it anyway.

"Uh, sorry about the mess. I didn't think you'd, um, want to stay the
night," I said sheepishly while looking down at the floor, one of my
hands rubbing awkwardly at the back of my neck. I looked up at her and
just got a sly smile in return.

"Why don't you go ahead and use the bathroom and get ready and I
can, uh, finish cleaning up?"

"Sure, I won't be too long," she said while grabbing her bag and looking
around briefly for the bathroom, trying to remember where it was. Our
rooms were set up similarly, and it seemed we were both fortunate
enough to have a bathroom attached to our bedrooms. I reminded her
of the location and watched as she disappeared through the door.

I immediately fell back on my bed, my hands going straight to my hair,

and let out a deep sigh - cleaning up being the last thing on my mind.

So much had happened tonight - more than I ever chanced to hope.

While we had somewhat verbalized what we meant to each other, we
still hadn't talked specifically about a relationship.

Was she my girlfriend now?

I didn't know how the fuck all this worked. I'd never really had a
girlfriend before. Never one that I'd refer to as that or who meant
something more to me than an automatic booty call, anyhow. I cringed
slightly at that. . . My past was certainly not something I was looking
forward to discussing with Bella. I wasn't exactly known for my
discriminatory ways in high school and early college. It wasn't until last

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year that I really stopped and took a look at what I was doing and
decided to calm the fuck down and stop bouncing from pussy to pussy. I
wouldn't say I was a womanizer or man whore or whatever the fuck you
want to call it - my number wasn't that high - but I did my fair share of
getting around.

Before I could dwell anymore at the inevitable talk we'd likely need to
face sometime in the near future, I heard the door to the bathroom open
and out walked Bella, looking slightly shy once again. I propped myself
up on my elbows, still leaning back on my bed and took in the sight
before me.

She had her hair up in that messy ponytail again and her face was
wiped clean of makeup. Her bare legs were about the only piece of her
body I could see, as the rest of her was swallowed whole in an old, ratty
t-shirt with the words "Forks Football" faded on the front.

Forks Football? Who the fuck's shirt is that?

I pursed my lips and furrowed my brow at her while I jerked my head

back slightly, motioning for her to come over by me. I watched as she
dropped her bag on the floor and walked slowly over to me, coming to a
stop in between my legs that were hanging over the edge of the bed.

I lifted myself to a sitting position then and reached out to grab the hem
of her shirt before tugging on it lightly.

"Whose shirt is this?"

I saw the look of puzzlement on her face before she responded, "Uh,

I shook my head at her while saying, "No, I mean whose was it? You
didn't play football, did you?"

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I knew I was being ridiculous, but the thought of her wearing some other
guy's shirt for sleeping had me seeing red.

"Oh, it was Em's. I stole it from him my sophomore year. Why?"

I relaxed a little at that - at least it wasn't from an old boyfriend. My

expression must have still shown my discontent with it, however,
because I felt Bella's hands come up and smooth over my face, tilting it
up to look into her eyes.

She was smirking down at me and I knew she was about to have fun
with this.

"Edward, does it bother you that I'm wearing another guy's shirt?"

I scoffed at her, and threw my hands up in the air while responding, "Of
course it does!"

She giggled then, her eyes bright and playful, and said, "Oh, come on -
it's only Em's! It's not like it's from an ex-boyfriend or something. . ."

"Yeah, but still. . . " I mumbled, my mouth going into a pout. I knew I
was being a child about it, but I didn't care.

She is mine now!

"Well," she said, "I could always sleep without it on. I just didn't want to
be a tease." She winked at me and smirked lightly, challenging me to

I gulped audibly - I wanted nothing more than to feel her naked body
against mine, but if we weren't having sex tonight, I knew I wouldn't be
able to resist her like that.

But. . .

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I moved her out of the way and jumped off my bed, heading straight for
my dresser. I dug through several drawers until I found what I wanted
buried all the way at the bottom. I pulled it out and walked over to her
with my arm outstretched.

"Here, you can wear this one."

She smiled at me and reached out to take it. She held it up in front of
her and then turned it around to read the back before looking up at me
with a huge, cheesy grin on her face.

I had grabbed her my old track t-shirt from high school. There wasn't
much writing on it, just the words "Track Team" on the front. But, that
wasn't what I was most excited about. It was the "Cullen" printed on the
back that had me giddy like a fucking schoolgirl.

Only mine.

"Is it alright? I mean, you don't have to, I guess."

I heard her choke out a laugh before she said, "Are you kidding? You're
never getting this back, I hope you know."

My grin matched hers then and I grabbed her hand and pulled her to
me, my arms going around her waist as I encased her in a tight hug. I
felt her arms go up around my neck as she squeezed tight, allowing me
to lift her slightly from the ground. I turned my head to the crook of her
neck and breathed her in, before placing a soft kiss there.

I set her back down and watched as she looked down at her shirt and
back to the bathroom while biting her lip. I rolled my eyes slightly at her
before speaking.

"Bella, you realize I have seen you naked, right?" I chuckled at her as I
watched her cheeks get pink.

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"I know, I just didn't want to make you uncomfortable. . . " She said,
quietly while looking down at the ground.

"It won't make me uncomfortable. I'll get changed and I won't even look,

I watched her nod her head and turn her back to me. I walked closer to
my bed and started undressing all the while peeking at Bella out of the
corner of my eye. I knew I said I wouldn't look, but - fuck - I'm a man,
how could I not?

She brought the shirt she was wearing up and over her head, exposing
her bare back to me. My eyes traveled down the expanse of skin until
they landed on her ass, only partially covered by a pair of lace panties.

Oh, fuuuuck me.

She lifted her arms above her head to put my shirt on, and I could just
make out the curve of the side of her breasts before she pulled the shirt
down to cover herself completely. She turned around to face me then,
noticing my staring.

"Hey! You said you wouldn't look," she scolded me while giggling

"From now on, don't ever believe me if I say I'm not going to watch
when you get naked."

I smiled as she laughed harder then and I worked to shed the rest of my
clothes, leaving myself in only my boxer briefs. I glanced up at her and
noticed her hands clutching the collar of the shirt which was now
covering her nose and watched as she inhaled deeply while closing her

It seems that I'm not the only one that ogles scents.

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I just stared at her with a smirk on my face, waiting till she opened her
eyes and locked them with mine. It was payback time.

It didn't take long before her eyelids fluttered opened and she noticed
me staring. She immediately pulled the collar down and dropped her
arms to her sides.

I just simply cocked my eyebrow at her, much the same way as she had
done to me earlier, and waited for her response.

She shrugged and mumbled my words back to me, "It smells like you. .

My smile grew at that and I darted straight for her, scooping her up in
my arms and tossing her body on the bed, while she giggled the entire
time. I stood there, staring down at her for a moment - just taking all this
in. She looked so unbelievably sexy lying there - in my bed - with her
hair piled high on her head, her bare legs showing and her sexy form
clad in my shirt.

I could definitely get used to this.

"You just gonna stare all night or are you going to join me?"

I gave her my crooked smile and turned to flip the light off before
making my way over to the bed and climbing in. We both shifted on our
sides, facing one another, with our noses barely touching as we got
comfortable. We just stared into each other's eyes. No worries, no
confusion, just pure and utter bliss.

We talked in soft whispers, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere

around us. Every once in a while, we'd share a slow kiss. Sometimes it
would be chaste - simply wanting to reaffirm our connection to each
other. Other times our tongues would float languidly together, pulsing to
our own slow rhythm. And, although it was taking a great deal of self
restraint on my part to keep from ravishing her - while we were lying in

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bed, bare limbs entangled in each other - I loved every moment of

holding her here in my arms.

Soon her words became jumbled and her breaths became steady and I
watched as her eyes fluttered shut. I lay there, staring at her for a short
while - so utterly fucking grateful that this amazing woman was in my life
and was mine.

Only mine.

A/N: Yep, I cockblocked you again. Is it getting old? Cuz, honestly I'm
not tired of performing my duties yet, as CBB that is.

No, but honestly, if you want the lowdown on why they didn't get jiggy
with it (or play bury the bone as Edward says...), head over to the
thread and I'll explain there.

In case you missed it in the last chapter, Bella has now realized she's in
love with Edward. So....they're both in love, but neither has told the
other. When will that tasty treat take place?

Now, what in the world could these two have to face next....someone
that could rival an FBI interrogator, perhaps?

Boobie shakes and ass grabs to Lu for her help as my main

masturbator....errr...I mean mastah betah. And, if you see any stupid
errors in this chapter - blame Katie. Seems she had to go off and have a
real life or something. :scoffs:

Review for spanks (btw...I think I'm converting some of you...)

9. Only Mine 167

10. Reconnecting
A/N: Just a quickie - I can't believe how many of you missed the
FBI interrogator talk. I honestly wasn't trying to be sneaky - the
answer was right there in the "Where's Dwight" chapter. You all
must have been too busy hunting for lemons to concern yourself
with it, though.

This chapter is dedicated to the horny bitches in The Boob

Brigade. You ladies (and I use that term loosely) are total WIN.
Want to join? Visit us on the thread (link on my profile page).

Things I own: A pair of leopard FMPs, some old lady sunglasses

and enough Excedrine to kill a mule.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly

And, I don't normally do songs with my chatpers, but this one is


My Heart by Paramore

This heart, it beats, beats for only you

My heart is your's
(My heart, it beats for you)


I nuzzled my head further into the pillow as I felt the stirrings of the
morning trying to wake me from my peaceful sleep. I breathed in deeply
and was immediately greeted with the smells of Edward. I hesitantly
opened one eye to peek at my surroundings and found I was snuggled
into his embrace, having not moved an inch from where we began last

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Our bare legs were tangled in one another and our bodies were pressed
close. Our hands were intertwined together in between our bodies and
we were sharing one pillow, our noses still almost touching.

I watched as Edward's eyes fluttered under his lids, indicating his dream
state. My eyes traveled down, memorizing his face - much as I had
done when I woke in the middle of the night during my last stay here.

My how things change.

Last weekend, my sleep was spotty at best. I woke multiple times with
more questions than answers and so much doubt that it was apparently
written all over my face. It broke my heart that Edward had seen that - it
was the last thing I wanted. This was just completely new for me - these
feelings - and I didn't have a label to put on them.

I do now. . .

Yep, I was in love. Completely absorbing, completely enveloping,

completely submersing love.And, I was. . . giddy.

I was still a bit nervous to voice this to Edward when the time came, but
I no longer feared what my heart and mind had been telling me all
along. I realized that I had loved Edward for a while. Getting to know
him in the library - understanding who he was as a person without all
the complications of dating - was ultimately what did me in. I got to
know the real him without the nerves and anxiety that normally
accompany the first several dates with someone.

I had heard everything he said last night about wanting to make sure
that this was right for us. . . Him wanting to be certain that I wasn't
nervous or doubtful again as I was last weekend. Truth of the matter
was, last night I wasn't sure I wouldn't be. I never doubted my feelings
for him - no, that was the farthest from my thoughts - but I did question
how it might change us. How I would feel after the fact. And I needed
this night's sleep to better judge where my mind and heart were.

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Turns out, they are perfectly fucking content.

I smiled as I tried to get myself closer to Edward, slowly taking the hand
that was entwined with mine and bringing it around my back. I wrapped
my arm around him and nuzzled my face in his chest, kissing the
smooth, bare skin that was in front of me.

I felt him shift his hips imperceptibly and could feel the stirrings of his
morning wood.

Mmmm. . . I wonder if he's having a naughty dream.

I trailed my kisses slowly up his chest to his shoulders, before moving

my way towards his neck. I paused there and sucked lightly, earning a
barely audible whimper from Edward. I smiled against his skin and
continued my way up his neck, brushing my nose against the slight
stubble there.

I felt his arms tighten around me and heard him mumble my name. I
pulled my head back slightly and placed it on the pillow where it was
when I woke and stared at his face, waiting for him to finish waking.

I brought my arm from behind his back and reached up to cup his face,
trailing my thumb over his smooth lips. He smiled against it and then
kissed it gently as he slowly fluttered open his eyes.

"Bella," he breathed with a contented smile on his lips.

"Mmm," I muttered before closing the distance between us for a soft


I pulled back and stared in his eyes. They were heavy with sleep and
his face looked so completely peaceful. I only hoped that mine was
reflecting much of the same.

"How did you sleep?" He asked, his eyes searching my face.

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"Perfectly," I sighed, completely content. "You realize we didn't move an


He smiled at me then - a full, genuine smile - and responded, "Seems I

slept perfectly, too, then."

I returned his smile and leaned in for another kiss, this time taking his
bottom lip in between mine and sucking gently. He responded
immediately, running his hand up and down the length of my shirt
covered back.

I brought my hand around to tug at the hair at the back of his head and
traced my tongue along his lower lip. I heard him groan slightly as he
opened his mouth to me. Our tongues swirled effortlessly together in a
slow caress.

The things this man does to me with a single kiss.

It was clearly evident the things I was doing to him from this single kiss
as I pushed my hips closer to his, feeling his arousal and causing him to
moan in my mouth.

His hand traveled down to the small of my back, pausing briefly before
he continued his way down to cup my ass, squeezing gently.

I knew I should be concerned about morning breath or the serious case

of bed-head I was sure to be sporting or about the fact that I hadn't
showered in almost 24 hours, but all I could think about was being with
Edward - about feeling him and being wrapped up in him and being
loved by him.

I was no longer worried or scared about what my reaction afterwards

would be. I knew the moment I woke up face to face with Edward that
everything would be alright. My mind wasn't racing with thoughts of
what this all meant - what we meant to each other - like it had last week.
I now knew where we stood.

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No more doubt.

No more insecurity.

No more questions.

I was ready.

Our kisses grew more heated and our hands roamed more freely. I
trailed my nails down his chest, stopping briefly at the waistband of his
boxer briefs and slid a finger barely under it, running it from hipbone to
hipbone - brushing along just the tip of him as I passed. I felt Edward
squeeze my ass closer to him and then his hand trailed up under my
shirt, feeling the bare skin of my back. Slowly, he made his way to my
side, rubbing upwards and caressing the skin there. As he went higher,
he allowed his thumb to brush the side of my breast, causing me to arch
my back and tug slightly on his boxers.

"God, Bella," He rasped, his voice heavy with lust.

This just spurred me on more and I dipped my hand fully into his boxers
and found him hard and ready for me. I gripped his shaft tightly and felt
his body stiffen next to mine as his head dropped to my shoulder.

"Bella, you can't. . . I can't. . . I won't be able to stop. . ." His voice was
strained and gritty with need.

"Mmm, I know. That's kinda the point," I said quietly in his ear before
flicking my tongue out to lick the outer shell.

I could feel him shaking his head 'no' against my shoulder as his hand
was frozen on my side, thumb still touching the underside of my breast.
I knew he was fighting to remain in control, but he needed to say
goodbye to that right now. I knew that I needed to reassure him that I
wasn't scared or confused - that I was certain this was right for us.

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"Edward," I whispered, "look at me." I waited for him to lift his head to
look me in the eye before I continued. "I'm ready."

I saw the questions in his eyes as they darted back and forth between
mine. His breathing was ragged and he was still hard as a rock in my
hand. I tentatively moved my thumb over his head and felt the wetness
there. He closed his eyes in response and let out a breathy moan.

"Bella. . . " It was a strangled plea and I knew he was scared that I
would regret this, but I was certain of my thoughts - of my heart - this
time around.

"No more doubts, baby," I said before I kissed his lips gently. "Only

As soon as the words left my lips, Edward intensified the kiss and
brought his hand around to cup my breast, running his thumb over my
already hardened nipple. I moaned in his mouth as our tongues pulsed
against each other. My grip on him tightened and I started stroking him

Edward grew impatient quickly and reached down to the hem of my

shirt, attempting to pull it off. I lifted my body slightly, arms over my
head, and allowed him to remove it for me. My hands went back to his
boxers, pushing them hurriedly over his hips and down his legs until he
was able to kick them off with his feet. I felt his fingers slip into my
panties as he tugged them down my legs before I was able to shimmy
out of them.

Then we were there - skin on skin, our bodies pressed close - with
absolutely no barriers in between us. Our kisses grew urgent and our
hands were gripping and caressing and exploring each other's bodies.
Our moans and sighs of pleasure were filling the room and I was silently
thankful that we had the apartment to ourselves.

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We were still both on our sides, not wanting to give up the intimate
position it put us in. I felt as Edward trailed his hand down over my hip,
to my thigh and under my knee, bringing it up to his side by his waist.
His hand retreated back the way it came, and made contact with my wet
center. Edward groaned in my mouth when he felt how ready I was for
him and his finger traced my entrance before I felt him slowly slip inside
me. My hips bucked in response, causing him to go deeper and I
moaned loudly, getting lost in the sensation.

My hands found their way to his hair and I grabbed fist fulls and tugged,
trying to say wordlessly that I needed to feel him. He, however, was not
taking the hint and continued his slow finger torture as his lips touched
every part of my upper body they could reach.

"Edward, please," I breathed, "I need to feel you."

"Me too, baby."

He removed his finger from me and reached for his cock, lining it up
with my entrance. I felt him push in slightly and my head fell back,
anxiously awaiting the moment that I would be filled completely by him.

He moved his hand to my hip and gripped tightly there as his lips and
tongue found their way to my body, sucking and licking insistently on my
neck and shoulders. He was slowly inching his way into me as he
continued to nip along my body.

I brought my head back up and tugged on his hair, pulling him to look
me in the eyes. They locked together just as I felt him fully sheathed
inside me.

"Fuck," Edward hissed right before he brought his lips to mine in a

hungry kiss.

Our mouths were urgent on each other, fighting and dueling for
dominance, but our bodies were rocking slowly together, reveling in the

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closeness we were feeling.

Edward's hand was moving in soothing circles on my hip, every once in

a while gripping there to bring me closer to him. My leg was tucked
tightly around his side, my heel digging into his ass, helping to push him
into me.

Our lips and tongues only separated for necessary breaths and even
then, Edward would trail his lips down my body, sucking and nipping
gently along the way. His mouth eventually made its way to my nipple,
his tongue darting out to tease me before he would bring it between his
lips and suck gently. My hands continued to massage his scalp, every
so often moving towards his face and rubbing gently over the stubble

There were no words, only the sounds of our skin connecting and our
breaths coming in pants and our moans as they reverberated around
us. Edward's pace quickened slightly and I could tell he was getting
close. I dropped my hand from his head and dragged it down his chest
until I landed where we were connected and started to rub circles
around my clit.

I heard Edward groan when he felt me touching myself and his pace
picked up even further.

"I'm so close, baby," he whispered into my neck. "Can you come with

I could only manage to nod my head as I bit my lip in concentration. The

feel of him inside me, his hands coaxing my body to his, his lips and
tongue caressing my skin was all I let my mind focus on. My
movements grew with his, moving faster and faster as we both climbed
to our peak together.

"Almost. . . " My strained whisper left my lips and I felt Edward begin to
tremble next to me.

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"Bella. . . I have to. . . I can't wait. . . "

As the words left his lips, I felt my body tighten and explode as wave
after wave rushed over me. Edward dropped his head to my shoulder
and I felt his movements get sporadic before he pushed all the way
inside me. His thrusts stilled as he spilled into me, my name just a
breathless cry on his lips.

It could have been minutes or hours as we lay there intertwined with

each other. Our bodies were slick with sweat, but our breaths eventually
calmed and our muscles relaxed as we melted into one another. Our
hands were leaving soft whispers on each other's bodies and our
mouths were dancing slowly together.

After a while, Edward pulled away to stare into my eyes, no doubt

looking for the questions he saw before.

You're not going to find them.

He smiled when he noticed the peaceful expression on my face. His

eyes were so full of contentment and adoration and I felt my heart swell.

"Only you," he said, before our lips connected once again.

- - - l? - - -


Waking up next to Bella was surreal. I'd managed to get the best night's
sleep I'd had in. . . well, forever. Then to top that off and be greeted by
her beautiful face, just inches from mine - her eyes bright and happy,
and her lips soft and inviting - I was in heaven. Pure fucking heaven.
The only thing that would have made it any better would have been to
wake up and feel her naked body pressed against mine.

We did get there, though.

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We'd only slept together twice, but being with Bella this time around
was infinitely better than the last time. It could have been our further
developed relationship or our reassuring words or how lovingly we were
connected. Whatever it was, it was fucking intense.

Bella was careful to let me know where her mind was this time around
and I was completely and utterly grateful. I was already afraid I'd gone
past the point of no return when she whispered her words of
encouragement, and I allowed myself to finally relax and enjoy the feel
of her body against mine.

Gah. . . her fucking body.

Though I didn't get to worship it as I'd have liked to, that will come in

Hopefully sometime later today. . .

We lay in bed for a while until Bella's stomach made itself known and I
laughed softly as her cheeks reddened. After grabbing my - her - shirt
for her to slip back on and quickly throwing on a pair of pajama pants for
myself, I led her out to the kitchen to look for something to eat.

As I was digging around in the refrigerator, Bella hopped up on the

counter next to me, casually swinging her legs while watching me.

"Eggs? Or cereal? Or we could go out somewhere if you want. . . I'm

sorry we don't have much."

Bella smiled at me before speaking, "It's fine, Edward. I'm not picky. I'll
eat whatever you're going to have."

I cocked one eyebrow up at her and quicker than she could register I
was standing in between her legs, my hands on her hips and my lips
right against her ear.

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"You sure about that? I could feast on you all day and be perfectly

I felt her shiver against me and she laughed slightly before playfully
pushing against my chest. I pulled back and looked at her as she spoke.

"Honestly? Good Lord, you are insatiable! You just had me not an hour

I laughed along with her and shrugged my shoulders while replying,

"What can I say? I've had a taste and now I can't get enough."

I leaned in for a quick kiss and heard her stomach rumble once again,
causing me to smile against her lips.

"Alright, alright - I get it. You need nourishment."

I got our eggs ready quickly and toasted some bread for us to have with
them. After asking Bella what she wanted to drink, I grabbed the orange
juice out of the fridge and got some glasses down, placing them on the
table before heading back to the kitchen to get our eggs and toast.

We sat next to each other, her feet in my lap, as we ate our breakfast.
Our conversation flowed freely - as it always does when we're together -
and before long we were cleaning up our dishes and heading back into
my bedroom. I knew my roommates were gone for now, but I didn't
want to take the chance that they would come home and see Bella in
nothing more than my t-shirt.

As soon as I had my door shut and locked, I turned around to face Bella
with a predatory gleam in my eye.

She quickly looked around the room before returning her eyes to mine
and started backing up towards the bed. I smirked at her then, causing
her to try and retreat faster.

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"Edward, what are you-"

Before she could finish, I lunged at her, grabbing her around the waist
and pulled us to the bed, both of us falling on our backs next to one
another. I still had my arms around her and she was giggling
uncontrollably. I turned and looked into her eyes, completely filled with
happiness, and a huge grin spread across my face.

I am so in love with this girl.

I leaned in for a kiss just as my phone rang, the ringtone alerting me it

was my mom that was calling. I groaned at that, but continued my path
to Bella's lips, planting a chaste kiss there, before I tossed my arm back
to grab my phone from the nightstand.

I smiled apologetically at Bella as I picked up. I figured I might as well

fast-forward through all pleasantries and get to the guts of why I knew
she was calling, so I just dove right in.

"It hasn't been 48 hours yet, Mom."

I watched as Bella's eyes bugged out slightly and a pink blush covered
her cheeks, no doubt embarrassed at being in my room - almost naked
in my bed - while I talked to my mom on the phone. I just gave her my
crooked smile and grabbed her hand, squeezing it to reassure her it
was alright.

I brought my attention back to my phone call just as my mom spoke,

"Edward Anthony, is that any way to greet your mother?"

"Don't you go breaking out the middle name on me! I'm not the one that
went back on a promise. . . "

I heard her sigh on the other end of the line and I knew I had her.

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"You have to know how hard it is for me to wait! You've never even
mentioned a girl before, Edward, let alone asked for my help in doing
something romantic for one."

"Well, this girl is special," I said and watched as Bella's head snapped
up to mine, her mouth open in surprise.

"I figured out that much, dear. I'm wondering, though, when I'll be able
to meet her." I could hear the excitement in my mom's voice, although
she tried hard to cover it up.

I'd never brought a girl home to meet my parents before - not officially,
anyhow. I was actually looking forward to bringing Bella home with me. I
loved and respected my parents a great deal - since I was an only child,
we were naturally close - and I had absolutely no doubts that they'd love
her just as much as I did.

"Um, well, hang on and I'll ask her."

If I thought Bella's eyes bugged out before, they were about 1.2
seconds away from actually popping out of her head now. Her mouth
was hanging open in shock and she had a death grip on my hand.

I quickly put the phone on mute and turned back to look at Bella, who
still had the shocked expression on her face.

"Bella? Baby?" I asked, amused at her reaction.

I watched as she snapped her mouth shut and narrowed her eyes at

Oh, fuck. I think I'm going to meet Angry Bella again. . .

"Edward! I cannot believe you just did that!" She hissed at me. "Did you
honestly just basically tell your mom that I was here with you at. . ." she
turned to look at the clock on my nightstand before continuing, "10:48

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on a Sunday morning?"

Her voice was raised and her eyes were angry and I was slightly fearful
for my junk, as her knee was placed rather close to it at the moment.

Must protect the junk! Defuse, defuse, defuse!

I reached my arm around her and brought her to me for a hug, her face
still set in an angry pout.

"Bella, I'm fairly certain my mom realizes I'm not a virgin anymore." I felt
her scoff against my chest and continued, "She's just excited. I've never
cared about a girl enough before to ask for my mom's help with a date."

She brought her head up to look into my eyes before she spoke, "She
helped with last night?"

"Well, not really, but I had to tell her something to get her to let me
borrow the stuff from the pool house. She just knows it was for a girl.
And, now she wants to meet that girl."

I watched as her eyes softened and her anger washed away slowly.
She brought her face to my chest and mumbled into it, "I can't believe I
have to meet her when she knows I'm having sex with her son."

I laughed loudly at that and rubbed my hand up and down her back.

"It'll be fine, baby. So, is that a yes? You'll meet her?"

I felt Bella nod against my chest and squeezed her tight in response
before taking the phone off mute and finishing my conversation with my

"Bella said she's excited to meet you, too, Mom."

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I heard her let out a girly squeal on the other end before she responded,
"Oh good! When can I meet her? The sooner, the better in my book. . ."

I laughed at her exuberance and answered, "I'm not sure - how about
some time this week?" I remembered we were technically on Spring
Break from classes for the next five days, so I hoped Bella's schedule
would be fairly open.

"That would be fine, honey, just check with Bella and let me know a day
or two in advance. Should we just have dinner over here? Oh! I know, I
can make that one recipe with the-"

I cut her off before she could continue with her rant on the perfect
dinner for Bella. "Whatever you want to make will be perfect, Mom.
Bella enjoys most anything."

"Oh good!" I could practically hear her clap her hands in the background
while saying that. "Alright, honey, I'll let you get back to. . . whatever it is
the two of you were doing."

I chuckled at that, sure that if Bella had heard, she'd be fifteen different
shades of red by now.

"Alright, Mom. I'll call you later with the details."

"Sounds good. Love you, sweetie."

"Love you, too, Mom."

I hung up and tossed my phone back on the nightstand before I

enveloped Bella in a hug, her face still buried in my chest. I kissed the
top of her head and ran my hand up and down her back soothingly.

"Hey - you okay now?"

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Bella's hands were clutching my shirt on either side of her face and I felt
her shake her head before responding, "I can't believe your mother
knows we're having sex."

I laughed at her reaction to this and squeezed her tighter, shaking my

head slightly before speaking, "It was only implied, you know."

Even though I knew my mom was clearly up to speed on what we had

been doing, I didn't need to enlighten Bella to that.

Might as well work this predicament to my advantage, though.

I brought my head down so my lips were right next to her ear as I spoke
lowly, "Since you're embarrassed anyway, we might as well get a little
out of it."

Bella chuckled against me and pulled back to smirk at me as she

responded while slowly shaking her head, "Completely insatiable. . . "

I smiled at her and swatted her ass before dipping my head for a kiss.

We had absolutely no place to be and I, for one, didn't have a problem

at all with spending the entire day in bed. . . or the shower. . . or the
couch. . .

A/N: First and foremost, I am not running an afterschool special here. I

didn't talk about birth control, cuz I didn't wanna. You can imagine
whatever the fuck you want - she's on the pill, he's wrappin' the
sausage, whatev - just know she's not gonna get preggers in this fic.
And, just trust they are being responsible adults and talking about it as
they should.

Now, I know some of you were enjoying the cockblocking (finally), but
the time was right. This was my plan from about 5 chapters ago, so
nothing you could have said would have stopped me. Of course, that
didn't mean I didn't need some reassurance from my Gator (thnx bb).

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Also, I put up a link for the thread over on twi on my profile page, so
come over and play with us. I post teasers and the Boob Brigade will
entertain you. For serious.

Tallulah...Lu baby....Mah Gator... You are the cheeto to my peanut

butter and the ho to my hey...cuz, you said it yourself, you're a ho.
Thank you - from the bottom of my heart - for always being *RT* with
me. I think we make a pretty fuckawesome team - combining of the
fuckriot and fuckhoot that is. :mwah:

Katie - dahling - sorry I made you feel all unimportant after the last
chappy. The God's honest truth was I had hordes of people outside my
front door with pitchforks and I was scared for my safety. I had to get
that bitch posted. But, this time was SOOOOO much better around with
you here to add your little Katie dust. Now bend over so I can smack
that ass.

Uhh....I think that's it. I would apologize for my fucklong author's notes,
but I get more comments and reviews on just them, so whatever. You
know you love it.

Review for spanks (think we can get to 1k?)

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11. Insatiable
A big huge thanks to Shimmy McMounds (aka dreaminofforks) for question she provided for their little game in the
beginning. And to Honeydew Honkers just cause.

Things I own: Too many pairs of "skinny" jeans, Deceptively

Delicious cookbook and a dirty mind.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


It was early evening on Sunday and I was tired. . . exhausted. . . spent. .

. and grinning like a fucking idiot.

After I got off the phone with my mother, I had somehow managed to
convince Bella to spend most of our day in bed.

With the exception of taking a shower. . . twice.

I was honestly surprised my dick hadn't fallen off from all the play it was
getting. I don't think I've fucked this much in my entire life. And, alright,
I'll admit it. . . I was keeping track.

What man wouldn't?

Gah - just the memory of Bella screaming my name - all seventeen

times - stirred my cock again.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts - that's all I needed was to sport

another hard-on while I was trying to feed the poor girl.

We'd just finished a round in the shower and decided we better grab a
bite to eat - you know, to replenish our energy. As such, Bella and I

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were camped out on my couch in the living room, relaxing with some
Chinese take-out.

I was sitting in the corner of the couch in just a pair of pajama pants -
my hair still wet from the shower. Bella was cuddled up next to me, her
ass right against my thigh and her legs bent over the top of mine. I
thought the sight of Bella naked would be my favorite ever - who am I
kidding, it definitely was - but the sight of her now was a close second.
Her hair was wet and hung loosely against her shirt, the ends curling
slightly as it dried. She was in my track shirt once again and this time
donned a pair of my boxers to cover that cute ass of hers.

The thought did cross my mind that I was going a little far with the whole
'branding her as mine' thing.

Who the fuck cares?

After many futile attempts of trying to teach Bella to use chopsticks, I

grabbed a fork for her instead, all the while teasing her relentlessly
about her lack of skills.

We were taking turns feeding each other - me with my 'fancy Chinese

cutlery' as Bella called it, and her with her plain old fork - while we
continually asked each other questions. It was a fun little game that
Bella and I had been playing since one of our first Saturday dates.

"Alright, alright - I've got one. Would you rather hate the person you
marry and be filthy rich or love the person you marry and be dirt poor?"
She asked while bring a forkful of noodles up to my lips.

I answered before accepting my bite, "That's easy - love and dirt poor.
Don't tell me you'd actually have to contemplate that one?" I looked at
her with one eyebrow raised while I chewed the Lo Mein.

"Yes, I would. Have I never seemed like the shallow type to you? Cause
I totally am."

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"Mhmm, I bet. I knew there was something off about you. . . " I teased
while holding out the chopsticks full of noodles to Bella.

"Your turn," she said before accepting the bite I offered.

"Hmm. . . alright - would you rather be gossiped about or never talked

about at all?"

She snorted and responded, "Do you know me at all? Of course never
talked about. . . "

I chuckled softly at that. It always amazed me that Bella preferred to be

in the shadows. She was so beautiful and intelligent and charming and
funny and. . . just amazing. It was hard to believe she didn't want to
show others all those wonderful qualities.

I waited patiently for her to come up with a question for me. We'd been
playing all afternoon - well, in between our sexual romps anyhow -
sometimes getting completely serious and other times laughing our
asses off at the absurdity of the questions.

I watched as she pursed her lips and tapped the empty fork on her
mouth while she attempted to think up a good question. I couldn't help
but focus immediately on her lips - plump and pink - while she bounced
the utensil off of them. I could feel my dick twitch slightly in my pants
and just when I was about to look away, her tongue darted out and
swept along her full bottom lip.

Oh, Jesus Christ.

I tossed my head back, causing it to land on the back of the couch and
let a slight groan escape my lips.

I heard Bella giggle softly before she asked, "Something wrong,


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I snorted at her then and chuckled before I brought my head back up to

stare into her eyes.

"You are horrible. You totally did that on purpose!" I said in mock

She gasped at me and brought her hand up to her chest, keeping her
eyes wide and locked with mine. "Who, me?"

She is the devil.

I smirked at her and shook my head in her direction at her antics. She
wasn't able to hold her charade for long and soon broke out in the

"I swear - you are going to rub me raw! Honestly, how many times do
you need it?" She asked, while smirking at me.

"How many times do I need what?" I asked, playing dumb. Even while
playing dumb, I couldn't keep the tinge of pink from creeping up on my

Fucking blush.

I swallowed hard when I felt Bella lean closer, her lips brushing against
my ear when she spoke.

"Do you want me to say it? I can say it for you, baby, but it might make
that problem in your pants a little more. . . difficult to manage."

I gulped hard and nodded my head slightly. I might have been a glutton
for punishment but I didn't fucking care. Bella had surprised me a few
times by talking dirty while we were fucking.

That shit was hot.

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And, I for one, wasn't going to let another opportunity pass me by.

I felt her lips curve into a smile against my ear.

"Mmm, you're a naughty boy - you like it when I talk like this, don't you?"

I could only manage a small squeak out of my throat at her question,

just waiting for her to continue.

"What I was wondering, baby, was how many times you needed to be
inside me before you were satisfied? How many times do we need to
fuck before you can control. . . " she paused while moving to rub her
calf against my now fully hard dick and then continued, "that?"

I couldn't say anything - I was completely fucking speechless. I couldn't

even grab her and ravish her because of the fucking Chinese food in my

Bella snapped me out of my haze by letting a giggle escape her lips as

she moved back from her close proximity to me.

"Would you rather eat 30 pounds of cheese in one sitting or a bucket of

peanut butter? And no water. . . that's cheating," she said, completely
unphased by the little stunt she just pulled and the not so little reminder
sitting in my pants.

My gaze was still locked on her face, my jaw hanging open slightly,
when she cleared her throat loudly while holding up a bite to my mouth.

"You gonna answer or did I shock the intelligence right out of you?" She
asked, while nudging the fork closer to my lips.

I shook my head slightly to attempt to clear the lust-induced haze I was

in and opened my mouth for her. I chewed quickly and answered, "First
of all, that wasn't very nice. And, second of all, the peanut butter."

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I watched as she nodded her head in agreement, her eyes

contemplative as if I'd just answered something about my stance on
sending troops abroad and not a silly question about food consumption.

This girl baffled the shit out of me. Somehow, in the span of 3.2
seconds, she managed to go from shy, blushing Bella to Vixen Bella -
completely hell bent on giving me a stiffy. And, then she talks about
cheese versus peanut butter?

I think it's time to shake things up a bit for my darling Bella.

I smirked as I thought of my next question. We'd been playing this

sexual tug-of-war all day. Well, all weekend if I was being honest. It
seemed we got off on pushing each other's buttons.

I wrapped some noodles around my chopsticks and brought them up to

Bella's lips. She smiled and took them after briefly asking, "Do you have
a question for me?"

I watched her lips close over the chopsticks as she took her bite.

When the fuck did eating become so erotic?

"Why yes, baby, I do. . . " I said slowly, while removing the chopsticks
from her mouth and looking into her eyes. I saw a glint of something
there and it was clear she was aware I was going to be using this
opportunity to gain some ground with her.

"Would you rather. . . " I started, inching my way closer to her face,
"have slow. . . romantic. . . tender. . .lovemaking," I paused briefly. I was
almost to her ear now, and I could sense her breathing getting shallow.

I ran my nose up and down the length of her jaw, slowly breathing in her
clean scent. My lips made their way to her ear and I continued my
question, while brushing my mouth softly along her earlobe, "Or a hot. .
. exhausting. . . sweaty. . . fuck?" I moved my tongue out to lick up and

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down the outer shell of her ear before bringing the lobe in my mouth
and sucking gently.

Bella was gone - way fucking far gone - at this point and it was a
wonder she managed to continue breathing.

Reduce Bella to a puddle of panty wetness? Check.

I pulled back from her and grabbed a bite of Chinese and continued to
eat, while keeping my eyes locked on her face. Her eyes were closed
and her cheeks were flushed and her chest was heaving with her heavy

I smirked at her and spoke, "You alright to answer the question, Bella?"

She shook her head slightly and opened her eyes, which were now
heavily clouded with lust. Her lips were parted slightly and she narrowed
her eyes at me, but still hadn't managed to utter a word.

"That's alright. . . you don't really need to answer," I said casually while
shrugging one shoulder. "I'm well aware of how you like it, baby," I
continued while I popped another bite in my mouth and winked at her.

I saw the blush radiate over her cheeks at my response.

Mhmm. . . I know you like to get freaky with it.

She playfully shoved my chest with one of her hands and giggled
slightly before saying, "Alright Mr.
I'll come up with one for you," she teased before grabbing a bite from
her container.

Just as Bella was opening her mouth to ask her question, Emmett burst
through the front door - loudly, as usual - and quickly tossed his keys on
the kitchen counter before exclaiming, "Whaddup bitches?"

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I turned my head and scowled a little in his direction. I heard Bella

chuckle slightly and rub her hand on my chest.

"Oh please, Eddie boy, don't go getting all sensitive on me! Bella knows
she's my girl!"

He did not just call her his girl. . .

I could tell that Bella was sensing my irritation over Emmett and she
tried to defuse the situation by continuing to rub soothing circles on my

It wasn't helping.

She's mine, asshat.

I suddenly felt the need to mark my territory and I didn't think Bella
would appreciate me pissing a circle around her.

I rubbed her legs briefly before lifting them off of me and setting my
take-out container on the coffee table before I made my way quickly to
my bedroom.

I could hear their hushed talk in the living room - it sounded like Bella
was giving Emmett a little piece of her mind.

That's my girl.

I quickly found what I was looking for and wadded it up in a ball before
walking back out to the living room. Emmett turned to look at me when I
walked back in and I seized the moment as it presented itself. I took my
aim and chucked the piece of clothing directly at him, hitting him square
in the face.

"What the fuck, Edward?"

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Bella was giggling and I had to stifle a chuckle myself. I made my way
back to my spot on the couch, settling Bella's legs over top of mine
again and grabbed my food off the table before I spoke.

"First of all, Bella is my girl, not yours. Second of all, keep your clothes
to yourself - if she wants something to wear, she can use my stuff. . . or
not," I said while winking a little at Bella. Her cheeks turned pink at my
sexual innuendo and I had to chuckle a little at that.

"Oh God - please don't talk about that stuff around me! And, what the
fuck is this?" He asked while holding up the shirt I threw at his head.
"Oh shit, dude! My old football t-shirt - where'd you find this?"

"I was using it - have been since high school. But, Edward didn't take
too well to that," Bella said while shooting a sly glance in my direction.

You're damn fucking right I didn't like it.

"God - I haven't worn one of these in years!" Emmett said excitedly

before he stood while whipping his current shirt off and then replaced it
with Bella's old sleepwear.

He stood in front of us, tugging on the hem of the shirt slightly with his
eyebrows furrowed. Emmett's old football shirt appeared to be about
three sizes too small. It managed to cover only part of his torso and the
sleeves were wrapped tightly around his biceps.

I heard Bella start laughing hysterically next to me, no doubt at the way
the shirt fit Emmett and the equally hilarious expression he was sporting
on his face - a mixture of confusion and aggravation.

"I'm thinking you've put on a little weight since high school, Em," I said,
while trying to stifle my laughter.

"Pfft - yeah, weight in the form of pure muscle," he said while flexing his
arms for us and attempting to arrange his facial expression into one of

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Bella threw her head back in laughter and fell down with her back
against the seat of the couch, completely wrapped up in a fit of giggles.
I watched as she brought one of her hands up to her chest as she was
lost in her laughter. The placement of her hand on her chest only
managed to bring my attention to her tits.

Which were bouncing with every fucking giggle.

Bella had asked how many times I needed to fuck her before I could
control my problem. Well, apparently we hadn't reached that number
yet. I needed to get her away from Em and in my bedroom now.

I grabbed her food container and fork from her hand and peeked inside,
verifying she was almost finished with it as I was with mine. I moved
them both to the coffee table and stood up, moving Bella's legs off of
mine before I did so. I grabbed her hands and pulled her to a sitting
position before I crouched down slightly and picked her up, tossing her
over my shoulder. Bella's giggles only increased when I did this and I
had to talk over them so Emmett could hear.

"Oh, and Em? About not wanting to hear any of this stuff? I suggest you
invest in some ear plugs - Bella can be a bit loud," I said over my
shoulder to him and smacked Bella on the ass. I heard her choke a bit
on her giggles and cough out a gasped "Edward!" while she tried to
pound my back with her small fists. This little bit of physical reaction
from Bella was well worth the look of pure horror on Emmett's face
when I said that.

I hurriedly made my way into my bedroom and kicked my door shut

before turning the lock.

Just because I gave Em shit about it doesn't mean I want him actually
walking in on our booty action.

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I got to my bed in two quick strides and tossed Bella down from my
shoulder, causing her to land on her back. She immediately crossed her
arms over her chest and glared at me.

Wrath of Bella - take one.

"Aw, come on baby - you know that was funny," I said as I made my
way to lie next to her on the bed.

"I don't know anything about that and don't you 'baby' me," she replied,
irritation ringing in her voice.

I turned on my side slightly, draping my arm over Bella's stomach and

pulled her closer to me. I stuck my face in her neck and nuzzled there
while I spoke, my voice muffled by her skin.

"Don't be mad."

I heard her scoff and felt her turn her head away from me. I pulled
myself back from her neck and leaned over her body slightly so I could
get my face in her line of sight.

Time to pull out the big guns.

I pouted my bottom lip and widened my eyes while looking at her and
said, "Come on, baby, please don't be mad. . . " I dropped my head and
nudged her chin with my nose. I could feel her body shake slightly with
a repressed laugh and my lips curved up into a smile.

I felt her shove me off of her and rolled over on my back to lie next to
her. She turned to me and propped herself up on one of her elbows
while hovering just above me.

"Edward, I'm sure Emmett's having a hard enough time with this - you
don't need to say stuff like that and rub it in his face!"

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I took a deep, exaggerated breath and blew it out while rolling my eyes
and replied, "Alright - I know - it wasn't very nice. I'm sorry."

Bella smacked my chest lightly and said, "Don't think I didn't see that
eye-roll! And, you should apologize to Emmett, too. You probably
scarred him for life."

"I doubt I 'scarred him for life'," I started and felt Bella's glare on me
before I continued, "but, I'll apologize to him tomorrow anyway."

But only after I make you scream my name again.

"I did think I should warn him, though. I mean, if he was scarred by that,
imagine what would have happened if he would have had to hear you
scream my name all seventeen times. . . " I said nonchalantly while
trailing off.

"I knew it! You were keeping track!" Bella said while fighting off a laugh.

I shrugged one shoulder and replied, "What can I say? I take pride in
my work."

I gave Bella my crooked grin and grabbed her around the waist, pulling
her over to straddle me. I moved my hands down to her hips and
pushed her down onto my cock, which was starting to stir in my pants.

Bella's eyelids drooped slightly in her arousal and she leaned over me,
bringing her hands next to my face and rested them gently on the bed.
She inched her face closer to me, hovering her lips just over the top of
mine and spoke in a throaty whisper.

"You still trying to figure out how many times we have to fuck before you
can control yourself?"

I gripped her hips tighter as I spoke, "I'll never be able to control myself
with you."

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And, as if to prove my point, I flipped us over quickly, pinning Bella

under me and attacked her mouth with mine. Bella's lips immediately
opened to me and I could hear her moan slightly when our tongues

I pulled back from her while raising one eyebrow. I saw the blush start
up her cheeks and watched her get a bashful look on her face while she
brought her bottom lip in between her teeth.

Don't be shy, baby, I love your moans.

I gave her a quick kiss before I jumped off her and went to the docking
station for my iPod. I found the playlist I wanted and turned the sound
up loud enough to help at least muffle Bella's. . . verbal excitement.

I turned back to her and let my eyes travel over the length of her body.
She was still covered in my shirt and boxers, but I'd seen enough of her
to be able to let my imagination run wild with thoughts.

Bella's breathing was heavy and her eyes were on me as she sat up on
the bed. My eyes were locked with hers as she brought her arms to the
hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head before she tossed it off to
the side. She got up on her knees and slowly made her way to the foot
of the bed where I was standing. I watched with complete focus as her
bare tits bounced slightly with every shuffle of her knees.

When she was in front of me, she grabbed on to the waistband of my

pajama pants and tugged me closer to her before she yanked them
down my legs, springing my now completely hard cock out, right next to
her face. I watched as Bella eyed me and licked her lips.

Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck. . .

I waited with anticipation, hoping to God she was about to take me in

her mouth. We'd fucked half a dozen times already, but I'd never felt her
mouth around me - I was always too wrapped up in her to give her any

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space to work on me a bit.

Besides, I liked being in her pussy too much to worry about not getting a
blow job in the last twelve hours.

She reached her hand out to grip my shaft and leaned her head closer
to me, pushing her ass up in the air. I watched, utterly dazed, as she
brought her tongue out and licked from the underside of my head all the
way over the top, collecting the pre-cum there. She brought her tongue
back into her mouth and tasted me as her eyes darted to mine.

I was completely locked in her gaze as she leaned forward again,

flicking my head slightly with her tongue before engulfing the entire
thing in her mouth as she swirled her tongue around it. I couldn't hold
her gaze any longer and dropped my head back, letting out a long, low
moan at the feel of her mouth around me. So hot. So wet. I brought my
hands up to her head and wound my fingers through her hair while I
helped to guide her movements.

Bella continued to work on my cock, teasing me with her tongue around

the head before she'd bring her mouth down to cover as much of my
length as she could, then started the whole process over again.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, one of Bella's hands
moved from my ass down to cup my balls as she lightly squeezed and
massaged them while using one of her fingers to stroke my perineum.


I felt Bella's moan vibrate over my dick and I knew I was teetering on
the edge. I pulled on Bella's hair lightly, telling her silently to back away.
I learned my lesson early on - never assume a girl will let you jizz in her

"Bella. . . unggg. . . baby, I'm gonna. . ." I managed to utter while

continuing to pull at her hair, trying to move her out of the way even as

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my hips were thrusting into her mouth.

Bella took her hand away from my shaft and brought it up to mine,
swatting at my wrists to get me to stop tugging on her hair. Her mouth
made its way back down my length again, taking in as much of me as
possible, until I could feel the back of her throat against the tip of my

Oh, fuck yessssss.

That right there did me in. I gripped the sides of her head, and thrust
slightly in her mouth while moaning as my orgasm ripped through my
body. I felt as Bella swallowed all of my cum and continued to suck
lightly as my orgasm subsided. She moved her tongue up the length of
me before swiping it several times along the tip, making sure she got

When she finished, my head was still tossed back and I was trying hard
to control my breathing. I brought my head forward to look at Bella as
she moved back to rest her ass on her feet while she was still kneeling
in front of me. She was smirking at me and I watched as she brought
one of her fingers up to her mouth, lightly wiping off the corner of her
lips before she brought the finger into her mouth and sucked.

This girl was going to fucking kill me dead.

I growled before I lunged at her, wrapping my arms around her and

bringing us both to fall back on the bed. She laughed at me while she
ran her hands up and down my back before she brought them to my ass
and squeezed.

"Was it good, baby?"

"Mmm. . . so good," I replied as I kissed at her neck. I let my lips trail up

and down the length of it, every once in a while making my way to her
collarbones and kissing along there. I could feel Bella's breaths get

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shallow and I felt the heat radiating from her chest from being flushed.

I ghosted my hands along her back and sides, moving them to travel
down to the waistband of my boxers she was wearing. I slipped my
hand inside and moved to the front, my fingertips barely brushing
against her smooth pussy.

Against her smooth and very wet pussy.

Oh Lord.

My fingers made their way down, lightly tracing over her clit and to her
entrance. She was writhing next to me, urging me to touch her more
fully, and I could already feel myself getting hard again when she threw
her leg over my hip and ground her pussy into my hand.

Without warning, I plunged two fingers deep inside her and started
pumping. I moved my mouth up her neck to her ear and brought her
earlobe into my mouth, gently sucking and nibbling while my fingers
continued to move rapidly inside her.

"Do you like that baby? Do you like it when I fuck you with my fingers?"

"Oh God, Edward," Bella moaned, her lips next to my ear.

I moved my thumb to her clit and began rubbing in fast circles there, my
pace matching the speed of my thrusting fingers. Bella's hips began to
meet my thrusts and her breaths grew short.

Her hands went up to my hair and she gripped tightly while nudging my
head down towards her chest.

I felt a smile creep over my face at the lack of shyness she showed
towards her sexual pleasure. I moved my face down toward her tits and
took in the sight before me.

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Well, hello my lovelies.

I brought my lips straight to one of her nipples and took it into my

mouth, sucking hard while dragging my teeth lightly over the hardened

Straight in for the kill - not fucking around.

Bella's nails dug into my scalp and a loud moan reverberated from her
chest. I felt her walls start to tighten around my fingers and knew she
was getting close. I sped up my movements on her clit and pressed
harder there while I curled my fingers slightly inside her.

Her orgasm hit her hard and fast and I felt her body go rigid next to
mine as my name fell from her lips. I continued to place open mouthed
kisses on her breasts while my fingers slowed to a crawl inside her, my
thumb resting gently on her sensitive clit.

I could feel as well as hear Bella's contented sigh as she started to rub
soothing circles on my scalp. I pulled my fingers out from her and
brought my head up, looking her straight in the eye as I took them in my
mouth and sucked lightly.

Her eyelids drooped once again and her mouth parted slightly.

I pulled my fingers from my mouth and leaned into her lips, brushing
mine against hers before I spoke.

"You are delicious."

Bella didn't say anything, just pulled me closer to her and brushed her
tongue against my lips, tasting her sweet juices in the process.

"Mmm. . . Yes, I am," she mumbled against my lips.

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I was already hard from watching her cum on my hand, and her tasting
herself on my lips didn't deter the problem at all. I gripped her hips
roughly and brought her closer to me before I grabbed her bottom lip
with my teeth and pulled. Bella's hands pulled my head closer and she
immediately swept her tongue across my lips.

I released her bottom lip and opened my mouth wide to her, swirling my
tongue against hers as she explored my mouth. I reached down to slide
the boxers over Bella's hips and down her legs so she could kick them

Bella's hands grew frenzied in my hair and her hips started gyrating
against mine. I groaned as I felt her smooth pussy come in contact with
my very hard, very needful cock and rolled myself over the top of her
and settled myself in between her legs.

"Now Edward, I need you now," Bella breathed against my lips.

You don't have to tell me twice.

In one quick movement, I was sheathed inside her, her warmth

constricting tightly around me.

We both groaned at the sudden feeling and Bella locked her legs
around my hips while digging her feet into my ass. I felt her hips arch up
to meet mine, encouraging me to move. Before I did, I reached down
and tucked my arm under her leg, pulling up swiftly and causing her
knee to bend more and her leg to move up higher on her body.

I pulled out and slammed back in, the new position allowing me greater
access for depth.

"Fuck, yes, Edward," Bella screamed, forgetting for a moment where we

were and who was on the other side of these walls.

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Her eyes got big and she brought her lip in between her teeth, obviously
embarrassed at her outburst. I brought my face to hers, our lips
connecting as I spoke.

"Don't be embarrassed. I want to hear you, Bella. I want to hear what I

do to you."

I punctuated that statement with another deep thrust and covered

Bella's mouth with my own just as another loud groan erupted from her
body. I kept my mouth tight over hers, playing with her tongue against
mine, while I kept up my steady, hard rhythm.

We finally separated when breathing became necessary and I trailed

my mouth down her neck to her chest, sucking and licking her sweaty

"God, Bella, you taste so fucking good."

Bella only managed to let out a breathy moan at that while she
continued to grip my hair in her fingers as she pushed her hips up to
meet mine. I could feel her pussy starting to clench around me and I
sped up my movements minutely, hoping to push her over the edge.

"Ung. . . God! Harder, Edward. . . please, fuck me harder," Bella

breathed out, her voice low and throaty.

Holy fucking hell.

I couldn't think straight - and certainly couldn't come up with any sort of
response to her, so I simply answered her plea by driving my hips to
hers more forcefully, jerking her leg even higher in the process. I wasn't
three strokes in and I felt her body tense and release around me,
pulsing continuously as Bella's orgasm claimed her while she screamed
my name once again.

That's nineteen, baby.

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I worked my hips harder and faster against hers, chasing after my own
release. I could hear Bella's mewls of pleasure and that only spurred
me on more.

I felt my stomach begin to tighten and just then, Bella gripped my hair
harder and brought my head closer to hers. She traced one long line up
the length of my neck with her tongue before she brought her teeth to
my shoulder and bit - hard. I cried out in pleasure and pain and felt Bella
squeeze her inner muscles around me as I did so.

That tipped me over the edge and I shoved myself into her fully, letting
my own release pulse into her body, while I groaned out her name

I stilled my movements and dropped my head to her shoulder, letting

most of my body weight relax on her.

"So fucking good. . . " I said into her neck and felt her giggle slightly
while her hands traced light patterns up and down my back. I didn't
want to crush the poor girl, so I shifted my weight to move off her before
she tightened her grip on me.

"Please don't. I love to feel you." She continued to run her fingernails
along my back and I could only relax further into her body while
mumbling my agreement into her neck.

We stayed like that for a long while, our naked bodies pressed tightly
together and our limbs intertwined with each other. I could hear Bella
release contented sighs every once in a while as she continued to
lightly caress my back with her fingers.

I brought my head down and kissed right in between her breasts before
I moved myself off her and lifted my eyes to look at her. She was
beaming back at me, a full smile spread across her face.

She really does look gorgeous after being freshly fucked.

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That thought caused one side of my mouth to lift in a small grin and
Bella noticed immediately.

"What's the sudden smile for?"

"Hmm? Oh, nothing - just thinking about how. . . refreshed you look

Bella snorted at me and rolled her eyes before she responded.

"Refreshed. Right. Is that your way of saying you think I look nice after
we've had sex?"

My grin only increased in size and I swooped down to capture her lips
with my own. After a few minutes of kissing, I pulled back and
responded to her question.

"I do have to say I think that sex with me agrees with you."

Bella smirked a little and raised one eyebrow at me. "You know - you
can sweet talk me all you want, but we are not fucking again tonight. My
lady parts need some down time."

Can't blame a horny bastard for trying.

I held up my hands in surrender before rolling over and moving out of

bed to turn the music off. While I was taking care of that, Bella got up
quickly and went to use the bathroom and I made my way back to bed,
shoving my face into her pillow and breathing in deeply.

I don't think Bella planned to spend the entire weekend here with me,
but I wasn't complaining. Since neither of us had any place to be
tomorrow morning with Spring Break taking place, I asked her to stay
with me again. I never slept as soundly as I did when Bella was next to

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I had just finished inhaling another nose full of Bella's scent on my

pillow when I turned my head to the side and noticed her standing next
to the bed with a smirk on her face.

"Do I smell nice, Edward?"

I knew she was trying to be playful, but all I could think about was how
she was standing there, buck ass naked, with her hip jutted out and her
arms crossed against her chest - which, by the way, did nothing to help
hide her tits, only accentuated them.

I must have stared a beat too long because she threw her head back in
laughter and then made her way into bed next to me.

"I guess I should feel flattered that I can reduce you to a puddle of
nonsensical goo at the sight and smell of me."

I held my arms open to her and felt her snuggle up to me wrapping half
of her body around mine.

"Well, I'm certainly not going to argue with you. . . You do all of that and
more to me."

I leaned down and kissed her forehead before I squeezed her tightly
against me. I didn't know how I was going to possibly get through the
nights when Bella wouldn't be warming my bed. But, I didn't want to
dwell on that. For now, I'd just be content in feeling her body against
mine - her hair tickling the side of my neck, her warm breath floating
across my chest, her legs wrapped around mine - as she lay wrapped
up in my arms.

A/N: Yep, so that was a whole fucking lot of smut. I had planned to do
the whole "meet the parents" thing in this chapter, but these two kids
would NOT keep their hands to themselves. I've already got part of the
parents sitch started, but I felt it was best to break the chapters apart so
we didn't have a 12k word chapter. So - meet the parents - up next!

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Now, I feel like a complete ass for doing this, but I've realized that
something has to give - and my kids still want to eat and - you know -
play and stuff, so I've gotta steal time away from something else. Since
the beginning, I've replied to every one of the *runs to check story
totals* 1040 reviews this story has received. I love each and every one
of them - I read them and get all warm and fuzzy...some make me laugh
my ass off...some make me contemplate my characters more...and
some make me grow as a writer. So, I really, truly do cherish them all.
But, as I was sitting last week responding to the some 150 reviews I got
just on FFn from the last chapter (WOOT BABY!) and I was two hours
into it with my kids cranky from lack of attention and dinner not made,
not to mention no start on the next chapter I decided that I can't
continue to do it. And, I can't just do a generic thank you to each review
because my reviewers are never generic. Honestly - you guys are the
best. I'd say only 5% of the reviews come in as "nice chapter" or "good
job" or "update soon" - most of the time you guys leave me little nuggets
of sunshine and puppies and that shit makes my day. But - I figured you
all would rather get a chapter out sooner than get a two or three line
reply from me. Am I right?

So, uh, yeah. . . that's it. Come visit us on the thread - if you have
questions you want answered or want insight on the characters, that's
where you can find me. We had some new recruits join The Boob
Brigade after last chapter. Let's shake and shimmy while we welcome
Bitty Bazoombas, Baps Chichotas, Lollies McTitbits and Cha-cha Titskis
to The Boob Brigade. Now, what the fuck is The Boob Brigade you ask?
Hop over to the forum and see (link on my profile page). Busty St.
Claire, HHICOPR (head hooter in charge of public relations) will do a
nice job in welcoming you and showing you the ropes. And, by
welcoming you I mean shaking her tits at you and copping a feel.

Luscious McNipples and Yayas Von Tatas? You ladies rock me hard.
Luscious - Lucy, Lu, Lulu - thank you for suffering through this incredibly
long piece of smut for the greater good. I know it was a sacrifice and I
will never take you for granted. Yayas? Your dedication and your
tits...err...attention to detail astound me. I love both you bitches.

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ETA: *clears throat loudly*


As I'm reading through my reviews, it's come to my attention that

the whole counting thing has been taken incorrectly. The whole
seventeen/nineteen thing? NOT the number of times they've
fucked. That's the number of times Bella has SCREAMED out
Edward's name. I guesstimated their romps at around five or so...

So - yes, their baby makin' bits are sore, but not THAT sore.

Hope that clears up the confusion, now back to your regularly

scheduled program.

After the longest NON-FUNNY author's note in the history of the world, I
shall leave you be.

Review for. . . metaphorical spanks.

11. Insatiable 208

12. Two Worlds Collide
Big time boobie shakes to Nina (ninapolitan), Lu (mah Gator) and
Busty St Claire (Melissa228) for their help in the *ahem* awkward
line of questioning Esme inflicts upon Bella.

Things I own: An iPhone, an eraser that says F*CK on it, and a 100
disc spool of blank DVDs.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


The first half of this week did not go as slowly as I'd hoped. Isn't that
always the way, though? When you are begging for time to speed up, it
moves at the pace of a turtle, but when you want to take things slowly -
or in my case were completely dreading a particular event - things
moved at the speed of light.

It was late Wednesday afternoon and I was flitting about the apartment -
a complete bundle of nervous energy. I had found over the years that
the best way to channel my inner anxiousness was to clean. And, to
clean lots.

After I'd already done all the laundry in the apartment - Alice and
Rose's, as well as mine - vacuumed, dusted, scrubbed the kitchen and
both bathrooms floor to ceiling, baked cookies and made a casserole for
the girls to cook tonight while I was gone, I moved on to alphabetizing
our rather large collection of DVDs to attempt to occupy a bit more of
my time.

I was parked on the floor, Indian style, in front of the shelves that
housed our collection, completely surrounded by the dozens of titles I
was currently going through when I heard the front door open and close.

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"Helllllooooo!" Alice chirped from the entryway.

I smiled at her cheerfulness and breathed a sigh of relief that we were

back to our normal ways again. Just like clockwork, yesterday morning -
exactly three days after our confrontation in my room on Saturday -
Alice and I just happened to both be getting breakfast at the same time.
We'd managed to avoid each other during our 72 hour war, but we both
knew the makeup was inevitable. We had been friends for so long and
knew each other so well that we found that, even in times of fighting,
words were rarely necessary.

Don't get me wrong - we had our verbal sparring, but when it was time
to make up, words just weren't needed. We could simply look at each
other, nod our heads and hug it out. Our relationship greatly resembled
siblings in that light. We just knew that no matter what, the other would
be there - always. We'd have our trials and tribulations, but nothing
could shake the foundation of our relationship - nothing could break
apart the bond we shared.

"Hey Ali," I said in a dejected sigh.

"Shit, Bella, what's wrong?" Alice asked, as she hurriedly made her way
over to me. She squatted next to me and I could see the worry etched
all over her face.

I blew out a long breath and replied while waving my hand

absentmindedly in the air, "It's nothing. . . just meeting Edward's parents

"You're what?" Alice screeched.

I cringed back slightly at the volume she managed to expel and was
worried briefly that we would get into another fight because I failed to
mention this as well.

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"Alice, you know how I am. I don't want to talk about things I'm anxious

I saw Alice's face switch from irritation to sympathy at my statement.

"Oh, honey, I know. But, there's no reason to be nervous. They're

gonna love you!"

I scoffed at her and rolled my eyes, "It's not the whole 'them loving me'
thing I'm worried about. It's the whole 'them knowing I'm fucking their
son' thing that has my stomach in knots."

Thank God they don't know how many times I've fucked him.

I watched as she threw her head back in laughter, effectively landing

hard on her ass in the process. She fell onto her back and was not even
attempting to quell the fit of giggles she was wrapped up in as she rolled
on her side and held her stomach.

I behaved as any mature, twenty-two year old would and huffed while
crossing my arms against my chest and scowling in her direction as I
replied, "I don't see what's so fucking funny, Alice."

"I'm sorry," she managed to choke out while she made her way to a
sitting position and waved her hand in front of her face, "I just think it's
hilarious. . . that you. . . are worried. . . about his parents. . . knowing
you have sex!"

That set off a whole other round of laughter and I kept my posture firm
as I continued to scowl at her. After several more minutes of her
continuous chuckles, I was fed up and extremely irritated.

"WHY IS THAT SO FUCKING FUNNY?" I yelled while throwing my

hands up in the air.

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Alice stopped laughing immediately and looked at me, her eyes so large
it was almost comical. It was rare that I raised my voice - and even
more rare that I actually screamed at her. Apparently she was finally
getting that I was really concerned about this.

"Bella, you are actually worried about this," Alice stated, disbelief
evident in her tone.

"Of course I'm worried about this! How could I not be?"

Alice made her way closer to me and wrapped her arm around my
shoulder while she pulled me to her.

"Well, you could take into consideration the fact that Edward is a grown
man - an extremely hot grown man at that - and that might play some
part in his parents being well aware that he's sexually active." Alice
punctuated her spiel with a tight squeeze on my shoulders.

I could only roll my eyes at her and mumble, "You sound just like
Edward. He doesn't think it's a big deal, either."

"See - nothing to worry about! So they know you're riding the baloney
pony - big deal," she continued while shrugging her shoulders in a show
of nonchalance. "For all you know his parents might be totally cool
about that stuff. It's honestly not as big of a deal as you are making it
out to be."

It was the same thing that Edward had been repeating to me over and
over for the last couple of days. He had assured me that his parents
wouldn't even think anything of it and certainly weren't going to make
me feel uncomfortable in any way about it.

In some part of my mind, I realized I was being completely irrational

about this. That it really wasn't the end of the world that his mom figured
out we were having sex. I knew we were both grown adults and our
sexual relationship shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. . . but I

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couldn't help the paranoid side of my brain from coming out to play and
causing me to feel this way.

I just grew up in a different world than Edward did, apparently. My

parents - well, my dad, anyhow - were not open about the whole sex
thing. I could only pray that Charlie never found out about mine and
Edward's sexual history until much, much later. Like, me popping out a
kid later. Even then, he'd rationalize with himself that it only happened
the one time.

Did I just think about having kids with Edward?

"Alright, let's get this wrapped up and get you showered - you smell
pretty bad - and then I can help you pick out something perfect to wear
for tonight," Alice said, while grabbing several movies off the ground
and shoving them back on the shelves.

- - - l? - - -

I had just finished putting my shoes on when the buzzer sounded at the
front door. After a few moments, I heard Alice let Edward in and could
barely make out their murmured conversation.

No doubt making fun of the paranoid crazy girl.

I made my way out of my bedroom and walked toward where Edward

and Alice were standing by the front door. My eyes immediately focused
on Edward - who was stunning, as usual. How he could make jeans and
a button up look so damn good, I'll never know. He assured me that his
parents were both really very casual people and I would feel completely
comfortable in jeans.

I wish he'd have told Alice that.

She had an absolute bitch-fit when I told her there was no way in hell I
was wearing a dress. If I was going to be out of my comfort zone

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anyway, I'd take all the normalcy I could get. And, jeans certainly fit that

Fortunately, Alice finally relented - dressing me in a pair of dark wash

trouser-styled jeans and a sheer, fitted, white button up blouse with
black trim over a simple black camisole. Even I had to admit it was a
beautiful outfit - not too dressy, but certainly not casual.

I made my way over to Edward and went immediately into his arms. He
squeezed me tight and said, "You look beautiful tonight, Bella."

I smiled against his chest and pulled back slightly to look up at him
before responding, "Thank you. Did you notice that we match?"

Edward was dressed simply in dark wash jeans and a black button up,
with the sleeves rolled slightly up his forearms.

Guys always have it so fucking easy.

Edward's mouth lifted up on one side at my mention of our coordinating

outfits. I grabbed my wool coat from the closet and slipped it on, saying
goodbye to Alice as Edward and I made our way out of the apartment.

And, to my impending doom.

- - - l? - - -

"You're going to do fine. I don't understand why you're so nervous; I

know they're going to love you."

Edward was rubbing his hand on my knee, attempting to relax me with

the soothing circles, as we turned down the driveway to his parent's

And, by driveway I mean two mile long private road.

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I could only stare out the window and gape at the scenery as we
passed. The Cullen's private drive was lined on both sides with an
abundance of trees and shrubbery. It looked as though this was all one
large forest type area before they paved the road leading to the house. I
wondered briefly if Edward's parents had prepared the area and built on
it themselves or if it was an already existing house that they purchased.

As we rounded the last curve and Edward's parents' home came into
view, I realized that the term "house" was not entirely accurate.

It's a fucking mansion.

Once I had this house - this mansion - in my view, it did not help to
alleviate my nerves as I continued to gape out the window at the
monstrosity in front of me. Of course, the size of the home shouldn't
have surprised me. I should have been tipped off by the fact that
Edward had mentioned a separate pool house in some of our previous
conversations. Silly me - I thought it was maybe just a fancy name for a
small shed that housed outdoor equipment. That clearly was not the
case. I was fairly certain that the "pool house" could rival my dad's
home in size - if not swallow it whole.

Edward pulled up in the circular drive to the front of the house and I felt
him squeeze my knee after he shut off the car and removed his keys
from the ignition. I couldn't bring myself to tear my gaze away from the
window as I stared slack-jawed at the beautiful building in front of me. I
felt Edward's eyes on me, but couldn't turn my head to look at him - my
gaze was locked on what lay outside.

"Did you grow up here?" I asked, in awe, once I could find my voice.

"Mostly, yes. My parents built it when I was young - five, maybe? So,
the majority of my childhood was spent here."

I could only manage to nod my head in understanding while my gaze

was still locked on the front door.

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Edward's mother had clearly taken a great deal of time and effort in
making the outside of her home appear inviting. The house was
reminiscent of a Tuscan Villa with warm taupe stucco that covered most
of the outside with touches of stone and copper dispersed about. The
landscaping out front housed a plenitude of bushes and small trees that
I assumed would bloom beautifully once the time came. Everything was
so beautiful now, as we just entered spring, I could only imagine what it
would all look like when everything was in full blossom.

While I was certain that Mrs. Cullen intended for her home to feel warm
and welcoming, I couldn't help but feel anything but. No amount of color
planning or greenery or even a welcome mat could quell the feeling of
unworthiness I had when peering up at this beautiful home. Edward's
childhood home.

This isn't my world.

"Hey," Edward whispered as he leaned over the middle console towards

me. I felt one of his hands come up to my chin, slowly turning my head
to face him.

I could feel the wetness in my eyes as my emotions overwhelmed me

and tried to blink the tears away rapidly.

"Why are you upset?" Edward asked while searching my eyes.

Words completely eluded me now and all I could manage was a slight
shake of my head as I looked down while fidgeting my fingers in my lap.

I couldn't answer him. Truth was I didn't know why I was upset. I was
never ashamed by my humble upbringing and I was certainly never
intimidated by friends or acquaintances that had money. But, with this
situation staring me right in the face, it was all hitting a little too close to

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Edward moved his hands to grip either side of my face and lifted my
head up so we were at eye level with each other. He moved his face
close to mine so our noses were only a few inches apart.

"Baby, please don't be upset," Edward spoke quietly before he leaned

in and brushed his lips against mine.

I kept my eyes closed and rested my forehead against his for a moment
until I could compose myself enough to reply.

"It's all just a bit much and I wasn't really expecting it," I whispered.

"It doesn't mean anything, Bella. . . It's just a house. It shouldn't change
anything for us. I'm still me. I just grew up in a home. . . slightly larger
than most."

I snorted at Edward's comment and pulled back slightly while replying,

"You grew up in a fucking mansion, Edward! I don't think my high school
was this big!"

Edward's hands tightened on my face and he pulled me to him quickly.

"It doesn't matter, Bella. None of this matters to me. You matter to me -
that's it," Edward said earnestly while looking into my eyes. "Do you
remember your question from Sunday night? About marriage and
wealth? I wasn't lying, Bella, I'd give all this up for true love."

My eyes filled once again and I brought my bottom lip in between my

teeth while I nodded my head at him. I knew Edward wasn't like that -
he wasn't materialistic at all - and that wasn't really what I was
concerned about. I just didn't know how I'd fit in. I was used to free
poetry readings at the library, the comfort of a warm bubble bath and
simply chillin' with some beer and pizza. I was never immersed in a
world where operas and spa trips and five course meals were the
happenings of everyday life.

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Fuck - how many forks am I going to have to muddle through to find the
correct one for my salad?

"Bella, if it's too soon, we can leave. I can call my mom and tell her you
weren't feeling well. I know she'll understa-"

I brought my fingers up to Edward's lips, stopping him in mid-sentence

while I shook my head at him.

"No, it's fine. I was just overwhelmed. This is a lot to take in, you know -
you could have warned me a little," I tentatively smiled at him when I
spoke and dropped my fingers from his lips.

"I know and I'm sorry. This is all new for me, too. I've never brought
home someone I've dated so it didn't even cross my mind that I'd need
to prep you for it."

"You've never brought someone home? Why do I find that hard to


"No, honestly, I haven't. I mean, sure, in high school girls would come
over every now and then, but never anything like this," he said. He
brought his lips to mine and gave me a gentle, loving kiss before he
pulled back and rested his forehead against mine once again. "Only

I closed my eyes and smiled at his words. I knew he was talking

specifically about me being the only one he'd brought home to meet his
parents, but I still got a warm and fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach
at the mere mention of them. Those two little words had become so
much more for me - it was a way that I could express my love for
Edward without saying the big "I love you." I didn't imagine they held the
same importance for him, but that was a line of thinking for another

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I leaned into him and placed my lips against his once more. I'd take all
the physical comfort I could get right now and Edward's kisses always
seemed to sooth me.

"You ready?" He asked against my lips. I nodded my head and Edward

gave me a quick kiss before dropping his hands and stepping out of the
car. Before I even had time to collect myself, he was at my side,
opening the door for me and offering me his hand.

I reached for him and allowed him to lead me down the stone path to
the side door. He stopped just in front of it and squeezed my hand while
raising his eyebrows up to question if I was still alright.

"I'll be fine," I whispered. I only wished repeating that mantra over and
over again in my head would help quell my nervous stomach.

Edward reached for the doorknob and opened it revealing a small

entryway - or what I assumed the rich would refer to as a mudroom.

"Mom? Dad?" Edward called out while pulling me behind him.

"In here, honey," Edward's mom called from around the corner.

Edward made a big show of inhaling deeply and then released a huge,
toothy grin on me. I had to agree with him - it smelled amazing in here.
Since the outside of the house was reminiscent of Tuscany, it only
made sense that the aroma wafting out from the kitchen would give off
the same feeling.

Edward pulled us down a short hallway and around a corner where I

saw part of the gourmet kitchen his mother was occupying. If I had ever
had a dream kitchen - this would be it. Professional stainless steel
appliances, dark cherry cabinets, granite counter tops and a huge island
filled the large cooking space.

Fuck me, I've died and gone to heaven.

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I was still in awe, gaping about the kitchen when I noticed a beautiful
woman approach us. She was absolutely stunning. Her face held the
features of a model, but her smile held the warmth of a mother. I noticed
immediately that Edward wasn't exaggerating when he told me his
parents were casual. His mom was barefoot in just a pair of jeans and
cardigan sweater. Even in that, though, she looked like she just stepped
out of a catalog.

"Hi Sweetie," she said to Edward while wrapping her arms around him
in a hug. Edward squeezed my hand before dropping it to envelop his
mother's small frame. He squeezed her tight and lifted her slightly off
the ground, before righting her on her feet again. Once she was settled,
he leaned down towards her so she could give him a kiss on the cheek.

Insert Bella Swan Swoon Worthiness here.

"Hey Mom," Edward said as he stood upright again. He reached for my

hand and pulled me towards him. "I'd like you to meet my. . . girlfriend,
Bella," he said, while raising an eyebrow at me.

He'd fucked me seven ways to Sunday and now he questions the use of
the term girlfriend? I just smiled at him in response and waited while he
continued the introductions.

"Bella, this is my mom, Esme."

I looked to her once again and started to extend my hand for a

handshake when she wrapped me up in a warm hug. I was stunned
speechless for a moment before I regained my manners and returned
the gesture.

"Oh, Bella, I'm so happy you decided to join us for dinner tonight," she
said as she pulled away and held me at arm's length. "I know this is all
a bit sudden, but I am just so excited that Edward has someone he
cares about in his life now. I couldn't wait a second longer to meet you!"

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I smiled at her enthusiasm and friendliness. She had a way of making

me relax without even really trying.

"I was happy to come; thank you for inviting me," I said, and found with
equal parts amazement and shock that I actually meant it.

In the span of five minutes, Edward's mother had somehow managed to

extinguish all my fears, calming the butterflies that were flitting
incessantly around in my body. I didn't know if it was her warmth or her
obvious happiness in meeting me or just the casual essence she
embodied that made me feel at ease, but I was grateful for whatever it

"Well, dinner should be ready shortly and your dad just called and said
he's on his way home from the hospital. Why don't you show Bella
around a bit while we wait for him to get here?" She asked, while patting
Edward's arm gently before walking over to the stove to tend to the

"Alright, just call for us when Dad gets here," Edward said while smiling
at his mom. He grabbed my hand again and pulled me out through the
kitchen and around the corner. When we were a few feet down the hall,
Edward stopped and leaned against the wall, feet shoulder width apart
before he pulled towards him to stand in between his legs.

"See, it's not so bad, right?" He asked as his hands gripped my hips.

I placed my hands on his chest lightly while I looked up at him and


"Not so far. Of course, you've only shown me a tiny nook in your home,
so I'm sure the nerves will bubble back up after we've seen our
seventeenth or eighteenth room," I teased.

He chuckled softly and leaned his head down to capture my lips with
his. He pushed himself off the wall and grabbed for my hand again while

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he continued to lead me around the house.

"So, which do you want to see first - one of the libraries or the home
theater?" He asked with a toothy grin.

Did he just say one of the libraries?

- - - l? - - -

Edward somehow managed to show me around the main level and

most of the upper level without me fainting. He wasn't lying when he
said there was more than one library - though Edward made sure to
point out that one was actually his dad's study.

Rich people and their rich people talk. I say potato, you say patahtoe.

Both libraries were stunning. The one on the upper level was filled more
thoroughly and it was stocked with the classics as well as new best
sellers. Even several first editions were located on the shelves. There
were collectibles scattered about, souvenirs from their travels around
the world, pictures of family and friends and even comfy, overstuffed
reading chairs. I could have spent hours there and never grown tired of
being submersed in the books.

Before I could get too wrapped up, we left there knowing there was
more of the home to see. Lots more. During our tour, I'd come to realize
this house had things in it I could never imagine needing. I mean, who
really needs three eating areas? Or four fireplaces on one level? As I
gaped about incredulously at the rooms Edward would lead me to, he
would shrug with nonchalance as if what he was showing me was
completely normal.

In his world, it is.

We had just about finished touring the entire upper level, save for two
rooms. He opened the door to one and when I walked in, I was

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immediately hit with the unmistakable scent of Edward. I smiled and

inhaled deeply, letting the comfort his scent brought wash over me.

Edward's mother had decorated the rest of the house impeccably, but
no doubt to her liking. However, this room - Edward's room - was all
him. It had a simple, contemporary style to it that the rest of the house
just didn't have.

His walls were a light tan color and a textured navy blue duvet covered
his large bed. There was a worn in, distressed looking brown leather
couch that sat in an alcove directly opposite a large flat screen TV that
hung on the wall. I noticed doors that led out to what looked like a
balcony right beyond where the couch sat. I continued to aimlessly
roam around his room while I heard Edward flop onto his bed. I looked
over at him, lying on his stomach with his feet dangling off the bed, as
he continued to watch me take in my surroundings.

As I made my way around, I noticed he had a large walk in closet and

en suite bathroom, as well. His bedroom here was beautiful, and very
large, but I realized it reminded me a great deal of the bedroom in his
apartment, albeit much smaller.

I stopped briefly in front of his dresser, noticing the pictures placed on

top. Several were family pictures - of he and his parents at what
appeared to be his high school graduation, the three of them at
Christmastime when he was much younger, and all of them on a sunny
beach somewhere. There were also several images of him with a friend
- Jasper, I assumed - ranging in age from him being a small boy until

I grabbed one and turned my upper body back to him while waving the
frame in his direction as I asked, "Is this you and Jasper?"

Edward lifted himself from the bed and came over to stand behind me
as he glanced at the picture I was referring to.

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"Yeah, Jasper's parents had taken us camping for the first time. We
were eight or nine there, I think."

I traced my finger along his face in the photo before I turned back to his
dresser and put the frame in its place.

"You were adorable. I bet you had all the ladies eating out of your
hands, even then."

Edward wrapped his arms around me and bent slightly to rest his chin
on my shoulder. "You're right. The lunch ladies always gave me two
desserts when I unleashed my dazzling powers on them."

I laughed a little at that and replied, "Mhmm, I'll bet. Those poor women
- what a cruel joke to play on them!"

Edward turned his head into my neck and I could feel him smile against
it before he placed a small kiss there as he tightened his grip around my

"Come on, one more room and then we're done with this floor."

"Thank God for that. I think I've aged three years since we started the

Edward chuckled and pulled me out of the room and across the hall to
the last room of the upper level. I walked in and felt my jaw drop at what
surrounded me. I knew it wasn't the master suite, as I'd already seen
Edward's parent's bedroom briefly downstairs. However, this had to be
another suite of some sort. It was quite a bit larger than Edward's room
and I noticed immediately the beautiful fireplace and large seating area
in the room. I continued walking around, mouth agape, as I took in the
beauty of the room. I made my way over to the bathroom and thought
I'd stepped into a Better Homes and Gardens magazine spread. It
looked like it was right out of a spa - tranquil whirlpool tub, separate self
enclosed stone shower, double vanity sinks and several skylights.

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I spun around to face Edward, who was leaning casually against the
door frame of the bathroom as I asked, "Why on earth isn't this your

I watched as he shrugged one of his shoulders while he answered, "I

don't know - never saw the need, really. When we moved in, Mom and
Dad were in here 'till I was a little older and they could move downstairs.
By that time, it was never a big enough deal for me to want to move to
the bigger room."

"So this big beautiful room went completely unused?" I asked, baffled -
and a little heartbroken.

My poor, poor beautiful, neglected room. I would have taken care of


"Well, when Jasper stayed over, this was usually where he crashed, so
it did get used pretty often. Plus, when we have company, this is where
they stay."

I couldn't believe how blasé he was about the whole thing. Like it was
no big deal to have all of this at his fingertips and not give it a second

That's because for him it isn't a big deal.

"Do you realize how much play you could have gotten if you'd taken this
room and brought girls here? I mean - a fireplace? Jacuzzi tub? You
were guaranteed to score with that shit."

"Bella. . . are you really trying to give me tips on how I could have
gotten more ass while I was in high school?"

I tossed one hand up in the air while I replied, "Well, it's the truth!"

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"Is that so?" Edward asked as he stalked his way over to me with a
mischievous gleam in his eyes.

Ruh roh. I know that gleam. . .

"Edward. . . " I said, attempting to put some warning in my tone.

"Bella," he drawled out while continuing to advance towards me. I was

walking backwards now, retreating from his predatory movements.

I realized I had nowhere left to go when my back came in contact with

the outside wall of the stone shower. Edward continued moving forward
until I felt his body barely press against mine. He grabbed my hips
tightly and pulled me to him as he leaned his head down to trace his
nose along my jaw.

"So, let me get this straight," he said, while skimming my skin lightly,
"this room means a guaranteed lay?"

I felt my mouth drop open, but no words would come out. Was he
seriously trying to get in my pants while his parents were downstairs?
The very parents I was already anxious about knowing we had sex - on
our own time; let alone in their house with them one floor away.

"Are you honestly suggesting we have sex right now?" I hissed my

voice low and accusatory.

"What do you expect when you tell me those things? Not to mention the
fact that it's been two whole days - that's like an eternity without you!"

I laughed at him then and playfully shoved against his chest to get him
to back away.

"Maybe you're forgetting the reason for the sex-bargo. You've been in
this," I said, while waving my hand in the general direction of my nether
regions as I continued, "more times in the last few days than I've had in

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a month under normal circumstances."

I watched as Edward scrunched up his face in an irritated scowl while

he replied, "Oh God, Bella - I do not want to hear about anything going
near there before me. You were a nun, got it?"

I threw my head back in laughter and fell against his chest as I

continued my giggles.

"Whatever you say, baby," I replied when I'd calmed myself enough to

"I don't see what's so funny about that," Edward said as he turned
around and squatted slightly. "Come on and hop on. Since I can't give
you a real ride, a piggy back ride will have to do."

I laughed once again and smacked his ass before I jumped up, hooking
my arms and legs around him. He reached his hands back and gave my
ass a little squeeze before he hooked his arms under my legs and took
off towards the stairs.

He was galloping his way down the staircase, me bouncing along in a fit
of giggles the entire time. I had my face buried in his neck while
laughter overtook my body. Once I felt Edward stop at the bottom, I
lifted my head, smile still spread across my face and looked to him, only
to notice his gaze directed at someone else. I turned my head to follow
his gaze and felt my breath catch and my cheeks warm.

Edward's eyes were locked on his mother, and who I assumed to be his
father, as they stood directly in front of us.

His incredibly hot, incredibly built, sexy as hell father.

No wonder Edward was the most beautiful man I'd ever seen. Between
the both of his parents, it was inevitable he would be stunning. As they
stood there, hands clasped together, they held an air of dignity and

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confidence that I'd noticed in Edward. I could tell by the way their eyes
danced in the light of the hallway that they were clearly amused by our
display of affection. I tried to extricate myself from Edward's grip, but he
held on tight as he spoke to his dad, "Hey dad - how was work?"

Oh for the love of God.

Edward seemed to be completely oblivious to the fact that I was still on

his back, beet-fucking-red while he addressed his dad as if it was the
most normal thing in the world.

"It was fine, thanks for asking. I was just going to change quickly before
dinner. Perhaps, though, you wouldn't mind letting Bella down so we
can be properly introduced first," he said, his tone playful and amused.

Edward chuckled as he let me slide down his back before he pulled me

to his side. I tried to smooth out the wrinkles I'm sure were all over my
clothes now and attempted to will the redness out of my face. . . without
much success.

"Dad, this is Bella; Bella, this is my dad, Carlisle," Edward said,

gesturing between us with his hands.

I stepped forward and offered my hand to him while saying, "It's nice to
meet you Dr. Cullen. Thank you for having me over for dinner."

He accepted my hand and shook it gently. "Bella, please call me

Carlisle. It's a pleasure to meet you, as well. Edward's been pretty tight
lipped regarding you, so I hope we'll be able to hear more about you
over dinner."

I felt my cheeks flush once again, and nodded my head minutely while I
plastered a smile on my face.

Great. . . Talking. About myself. That's fan-freakin-tastic.

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Carlisle excused himself to go change while Edward's mother led us

towards the kitchen before she casually said, "Edward, why don't you
go play Bella something on the piano while we wait for your father?"

Edward squeezed the hand he was holding while he leaned down to my

ear and spoke quietly, "Would you like me to play for you?"

I beamed up at him, a huge smile spread across my face and nodded

my head enthusiastically. Truth was I'd been anxious to hear him play
since the first time he mentioned it so long ago. Edward pulled me along
behind him to the room off the back of the kitchen which was obviously
the Great Room of the house. Edward's baby grand was nestled in
between the family room area - which housed an oversized, plush
couch and matching chairs surrounding the fireplace and flat screen TV
mounted to the wall - and the casual dining room that held a smaller
version of the table and chairs in their formal dining area.

Edward sat down at his piano bench and pulled me down next to him.
"What should I play?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders while replying, "Whatever you want. I just want

to hear you."

With that, I watched as he situated himself in front of the piano and then
at once, his fingers were flying over the keys with ease and beauty and
grace. I watched in complete awe as his fingers created this beautiful,
enchanting melody that erupted around us. Edward continued to play
for several minutes as I sat as close to him as I could, my body warm
not only from his presence next to me, but from the tranquil song he
played. After a short while, his fingers slowed as the notes trailed off,
the last one hanging in the air.

I was speechless once again as Edward turned to me, waiting for my

reaction. I opened and closed my mouth several times, willing my
tongue to work so I could express to him how utterly amazing the piece

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"Did I stun you?" He asked, playfully, while his hand found its way to rub
absentmindedly on my thigh.

I nodded and bit my lip, while I lifted my eyes to meet his. "That was so
beautiful, Edward. What was it?"

"Just something I wrote a few years ago for my mom," he replied, acting
like it was no big deal that he actually wrote that incredible piece of

"You wrote that?" I whispered, incredulously.

"Mhmm," he said softly as he leaned in for a light kiss.

"That was amazing, Edward. You are amazing. I can't believe you wrote
that! Have you written many others?" I asked, finally finding my voice.

"It's no big deal, Bella, but I'm glad you liked it. And, yeah, I've written a
few. I can play them for you whenever you'd like. I have a keyboard at
the apartment - it won't sound nearly as nice, but you can get the
general idea."

My large grin returned as I replied, "I would love that."

"Had you ever heard him play, Bella?" Esme asked from the edge of the

I jumped and turned, startled at the sound and felt the blush creep up
my cheeks.

Jumpy much, Bella?

"No, that was the first time. He's incredibly talented. Though, I'm finding
out that he's absolutely amazing at pretty much everything," I replied to
her question. I turned back to look at Edward who had his crooked grin
on his face.

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"Absolutely amazing at everything, huh?" He asked, innuendo laced in

his question. Before I could respond, he leaned in for a quick kiss and
then pulled me to my feet. I turned around and noticed Esme still
standing there, a slight smirk on her lips while she looked knowingly at

Oh my fucking hell. Please, Lord, I beg you. . . don't let her know what
he was talking about.

My eyes widened and I turned my head back to look at Edward who just
grinned at me and shrugged.

Smug bastard.

I could feel my face burning up and I dropped my gaze to the floor.

Edward brought his hand up and brushed his fingers lightly against my
cheekbone while he murmured, "Nothing to worry about, baby."

I internally rolled my eyes at his statement. It was easy for him to say -
they were his parents and he wasn't the hussy that was fucking their

You are an adult. You have an active sex life. There's nothing wrong
with that.

"Dinner's ready, kids," Esme said.

Edward smiled at his mother and quickly wrapped his arms around me
for a reassuring hug. I squeezed him back while willing myself to calm
the fuck down already. I didn't need to be blushing every thirty seconds
at the dinner table.

Edward grabbed my hand and led me to the table where he pulled out
my chair for me. I thanked him and took my seat as Edward sat down
next to me.

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Esme and Carlisle, who was now dressed in a casual sweater with
khakis, made their way to the table and took their seats across from us
while placing various platters and bowls on the table. I was right when I
smelled the makings of Tuscan fare earlier. Esme had prepared a fresh
Caesar salad and homemade calzones.

Not exactly beer and pizza, but way better than a five course meal.

"Edward said you liked most everything, Bella, I hope you don't mind
mushrooms. The calzones are Chicken Portobello," Esme said as she
passed the wine bottle to Edward so he could fill our glasses.

"Everything looks and smells wonderful, Esme. Thank you again for
inviting me over."

"It's our pleasure, honestly Bella. We're just so excited to meet

someone that Edward cares a great deal for."

I felt my damn cheeks blush again and peeked up at Edward from under
my lashes, only to find him grinning completely at me.

After we had our plates full and I had a few sips of wine, I finally began
to relax a bit.

"Your home is so beautiful," I said to Edward's parents in between bites

of my salad. "I think I could spend hours - days even - in the library

"You're welcome to it anytime, Bella," Carlisle said. "I know Esme

wouldn't mind seeing her son around here a little more and I have no
doubt he would follow wherever you went."

I felt Edward's hand reach over and lightly squeeze my knee. As our
conversation continued on, discussing various forms of literature and
what I found so fascinating about writing, Edward's hand stayed on my
leg. It didn't go without my notice that he continually moved it upwards,

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inching closer and closer to where I desperately wanted him, but where
he definitely should not have been.

I felt my chest start to flush and my breathing become slightly heavy. I

was trying very hard to focus on the conversation at the table, but I was
finding it incredibly difficult to wrap my mind around what everyone was
saying. My thoughts were wrapped up in fantasies of what might have
happened if I had let Edward fuck me in the bathroom upstairs.

You need to cool down, Bella!

I reached for my glass of wine and took a sip, attempting to regain some
composure. Just then, I felt Edward's fingers skim the seam of my
jeans, directly over my panties. Then, as if the Gods of cruelty were
looking down on me at that very moment, Esme spoke.

"So, tell me Bella; now that you've seen Edward in action, what do you
think of his penis skills?"

A/N: What the fuck did she just say? Did she honestly just ask Bella
about her man's junk? That Esme...can never be too sure about her.

Lu & Katie. You both complete me.

My reviewers. All of you deserve a huge fucking hug (or spank or

boobie shake or whatever the fuck floats your boat) for being so
super-dee-duper awesome about me having to cut out replying to all the
reviews. You have no idea how much of a weight that lifted off my
shoulders that A) I could actually stop doing it and 2) that you were all
okay with it. I just love the shit right outta ya.

Since this note is so short, I might as well pimp my fellow pervy bitches.
Check out The Perv Pack's Smut Shack (link on profile) for story recs,
toy recs, song recs, and a plethora of other fun and equally pervy shit.

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Next chapter is well underway! Not to fret my pretties. Now, how the shit
do you think Bella is gonna answer that question?

Oh! And, fresh boobies joined the Brigade! Shake 'em if ya got 'em.
Welcome to the cult: Hoots McButterballs, Gagas Jigglypuffs and Teats
McSugahplums. Wanna join? Shake yer way over to the thread and
give me the deets on yer teats.

**ETA** I forgot about the picture of the Cullen Estate! I'm updating my
profile with it now...should be there promptly.

Review for metaphorical spanks.

12. Two Worlds Collide 234

13. Life Father, Like Son
Extra spanks go out to sophie921 and coxie for reading and
reviewing all the chapters in one day! Cuz, even though it may not
seem like it, I'm a total review whore.

Also - a quick sorry for the several computers and/or monitors that
were apparently ruined from liquid spewing from your nose and/or
mouth at the last chapter. My bad. New warning going into effect:

Things I own: A red Crumpler bag, a 12-pack of diet coke, and a

box of Cocoa Pebbles.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.

"So, tell me Bella; now that you've seen Edward in action, what do you
think of his penis skills?"


I nearly choked on the sip of wine I was swallowing when she asked the
question. Edward had enough common sense to remove his fingers
from my crotch and brought that hand up to gently pat my back. After
several incredibly awkward moments of my coughing fit, I waved my
hand in the air to signal that I was fine.

I looked around the table at the others, sure I'd find smirks or something
of the order to signal that I had, in fact, heard Edward's mother ask
about his penis. However, all I found were concerned expressions, no
doubt caused by my current choking situation.

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Well, that's odd. Surely talking about ones baby making parts is not
common place. . . Even with rich folk.

I thought it would be best to clarify her question rather than just blurt out
how awesome I thought Edward's cock was. When I was sure I could
speak again without going into another round of coughs, I asked, "I'm
sorry, what was that, Esme?"

"Oh, I was just wondering, dear, what you thought of Edward's pianist
skills, now that you've heard him play?"

Pianist. Pianist, Bella. God, you're such a pervert.

The redness that seemed to take up permanent residence on my face

wasn't going anywhere any time soon. It was just like me to completely
misunderstand a simple question and turn it into something about sex.
Not only that, but to do so while having a nice dinner with my
boyfriend's parents.

Holy fuck - what the hell has Edward done to me?

I cleared my throat once again for good measure before responding, "I
was amazed, honestly. I mean, I knew he played, but he never
mentioned how well he played. I can't wait to hear the other songs he's

That launched Esme into stories from the time Edward began playing
piano - how cute he looked on the bench when he was little, how
nervous he had been for his first recital, how proud she was when he
wrote his first song - and that also allowed me to regain my composure
after basically losing my shit earlier.

"...and I told him, 'you just wait, one day you'll impress the girls with this
skill,' and I'd just like to say for the record how true that is right now,"
Esme recalled, reminding Edward of when he had wanted to quit piano

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"Right you are, Mom. That's how I got Bella to start talking to me - I
showed up with a keyboard and started playing," Edward teased his

"Oh, hush! You know what I mean," Esme said while smiling at Edward.
"So, how did you two meet?" she asked, while taking a sip of her wine.

Edward turned his head to me, this time the blush creeping up his
cheeks instead of mine.

Thank you Jesus!

While I did enjoy watching him squirm, I wasn't cruel enough to make
him suffer for long. I knew Edward and his parents were close, but there
were some details of our relationship that they didn't need to know.

Like about him 'stalking' me for weeks. Or, us fucking like bunnies.

"Well, it seems we're both big dorks who have nothing better to do than
hang out in the library on Saturday nights," I said, relieving Edward from
having to answer. He shot a grateful glance in my direction and I smiled
at him in return.

"Oh, a match made in a library! How endearing," his mother gushed.

"You'll have to excuse her - she's a bit of a romantic," Carlisle said while
smiling warmly at his wife. He may have been teasing her, but you
could feel the love he had for every aspect of her - even the diehard
romantic she clearly was.

"Mhmm. . . says the guy that stalked the restaurant I worked at for
weeks just to get a glimpse of me," Esme teased back.

If I hadn't been so cautious of my reactions since the whole

penis/pianist fiasco, my mouth would have dropped at that. It seemed
Edward and his father had more in common than met the eye. I

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chanced a sly glance in Edward's direction and noticed the blush

creeping up his cheeks.

Sneaky little stalker boys. . .

I had to get Esme talking about this - the opportunity was just too hard
to pass up. Not only would I get the focus off of us, and thus off of me, I
would also get to hear the story of a certain romance started by stalking
one generation before our own.

"Stalking you say? What's the story behind that?" I pressed on for more

"Oh, Bella, it was really quite romantic. I know how silly it sounds that
this boy was watching me from afar and I wasn't nervous or worried or
scared, but it was the truth. I just immediately felt this comfort with him,"
Esme started.

I smiled genuinely at her explanation. She could have plucked those

words right from my brain. That was exactly how I felt about Edward.

Carlisle wrapped his arm around the back of Esme's chair and looked
over at her with love and adoration. I felt as Edward's hand came back
to rest on my thigh, absentmindedly rubbing up and down while keeping
it at a respectable distance from my jean covered panties.

"I didn't get a chance to speak to him for a long time when he started
coming in," Esme continued. "He and his friends always sat in my best
friend's section. She would come back and swoon about this group of
boys that came in several times a week - always during her shifts, and
thus always during mine as we worked the same schedule. We would
laugh and giggle while she would tell stories about what they were
wearing or what she'd heard them talking about.

"Well, it was a few weeks or so after she started commenting about

them that I had to waitress their table. We got slammed with a busload

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of people and the huge group was in her section, so she was kept pretty
busy with them. She asked if I could take over some of her other
patrons - the table with the hunky boys just happening to be one of
them," she continued with a sly smile directed at Carlisle.

"Of course, I'd seen them before. Paige - that was my best friend's
name - would pull me over to peek at them from the kitchen from time to
time. Obviously, I was swooning like any normal eighteen year old girl
would. From the first time I saw him, I was smitten with Carlisle. I didn't
know his name at the time, of course, and had never really even spoken
to him. But, he had this beautifully warm smile and this unique mixture
of confidence and shyness that intrigued me.

"So, that night, I fumbled my way through their orders - I think I spilled
more food and broke more plates that one night than I had the entire
time I worked there - as I tried desperately not to be too blatant in my
staring at Carlisle.

"Well, the evening passed too quickly, and before I knew it I was
bringing the boys their check. Carlisle had been shooting me glances all
evening, but he had yet to say anything to me. I knew that my chance to
speak to him was coming to a close, but I still couldn't bring myself to
make the first move. I was so shy and. . . dazzled in his presence that I
didn't have the frame of mind to strike up any sort of intelligent

I smiled at her use of the term dazzled - I'd accused Edward of doing
that very thing to me a time or two.

"So, I couldn't do anything but hand them their check and walk away. I
was devastated - which was ridiculous, I know. That this boy - this boy I
hadn't even really met could affect me that way, but," she shrugged her
shoulders as she continued, "I felt what I felt. I was still only part way
through my shift, though, so I had to trudge on regardless. As I was
making my rounds, I noticed they had all left so I went back to their
table to pick up their payment. When I looked inside the folder there

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was a note there."

I could feel myself getting more and more wrapped up in the story as I
leaned towards her, my hand cradling my face as my elbow rested on
the table top. Edward moved to wrap an arm around my waist,
squeezing me gently before lightly resting it on my hip.

Esme was animated now, her whole face lighting up as she recounted
the story, "I couldn't get back to the kitchen fast enough to read it -
which I found out later had Carlisle a nervous wreck," she said smiling
and turned her head to look at him.

Carlisle interjected for the first time since the start of the story as he
said, "Well, I couldn't see your face any longer. I didn't know what you
would think. And, honestly, I was scared shitless."

Edward, Carlisle and I laughed at that while Esme attempted to cover

her chuckles with one of her hands and swatted his chest lightly with the

When our laughter died down, Esme continued, "Well, I for one am glad
you couldn't see my face. I must have been fifteen shades of red and
looked like a lovesick fool! I bet I read that note twenty times before I
moved one inch from the spot I was standing at in the kitchen." Esme
smiled and leaned back in her chair while bringing a hand up to rest on
her chest as a faraway look swept over her face.

"What did the note say?" I asked.

Esme leaned forward now, her eyes dancing with happiness, "It read,
'Esme, I have watched you from afar for too long and can no longer sit
idly by. I would very much love to buy you coffee after your shift, if you'd
allow me.' Of course, like any girl would have been, I was jumping up
and down at the romantic gesture. He ended the note with, 'P.S. Your
name tag provided me with your name, but since you don't have that
convenience, I'll introduce myself here. I'm Carlisle; it will be a pleasure

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to officially meet you.' As if I was going to say no to any of that." Esme

concluded, while shaking her head slightly at Carlisle.

"So, I take it you went out for coffee then?" I asked, completely wrapped
up in this real life love story.

"Oh, of course! How could I not? He sat out on the bench at the front of
the restaurant and waited for my shift to end. How he managed to flirt
with me when we were fifty feet apart is beyond me, but he did," Esme
said. "We did go out for coffee that night - closed the place down, even.
Then, we continued talking for several more hours after we left there,
just sitting in the parking lot.

"And, as they say, the rest is history," she said, ending the retelling of
their beginning romance.

I sighed and leaned back against Edward's arm as I said the only word
that came to mind, "Wow."

"I know," Esme sighed happily back.

Edward and his father laughed at our reactions before Carlisle said,
"Why don't we move this into family room? I'm sure there are dozens
and dozens of naked baby pictures of Edward that Esme is dying to
show you, Bella."

I heard Edward groan as he covered his face with the hand that wasn't
currently resting on my hip. His hand muffled his voice as he peeked out
through two fingers while saying, "Mom, for the love of all that is holy,
please do not take out the pictures."

Esme giggled softly at her son and replied, "Oh honey, but you were so
cute. . . Besides, I hardly think it's a big deal for Bella to see you naked,"
she teased.

And then she winked at me.

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Please God, strike me dead.

- - - l? - - -


Even after a solid five minutes, I still couldn't keep the laughter from
bubbling up my chest and erupting out of my mouth. I was on Bella's
bed, curled on my side while I clutched my stomach as my raucous
laughter overtook her bedroom.

Bella was sitting against her headboard, arms and legs crossed in
irritation while she looked at me with a scowl on her face.

"I knew I shouldn't have told you. . . " she mumbled under her breath.

I tried to control my laughter enough so that I could talk to her, but I was
finding even that was quite difficult. After another few minutes - and
even more scowls from Bella - I composed myself enough to speak.

"Aw, baby, I'm glad you told me," I said. And then, because I couldn't
help myself, I added, "Besides, I haven't laughed this hard in a long

That earned me a swift kick in the gut from one of her feet, thus causing
me to groan out a breath and clutch my stomach.

"That wasn't very nice!" I exclaimed.

She scoffed and replied, "Oh and laughing at me while I reflect on my

mortification with your mother is very nice?"

I grabbed her leg and pulled her to me, causing her to slide down the
bed to the middle where I lay. She was still scowling, her arms once
again crossed over her chest while she tried to turn her head away from
me in a show of aggravation.

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She's so hot when she's pissed.

"Alright, alright - I'm sorry for laughing at you," I said as I grabbed her
around the waist, pulling her closer to my chest. She turned her head
towards me and peeked at me out of the corner of her eye, seeing my
earnest expression.

"Apology accepted," she mumbled.

"Good. Now that we've got that out of the way, can you please tell me
why you thought my mom would talk about my dick at the dinner table?
Or at all for that matter?" I asked, my chuckles resuming once again.

She uncrossed her arms and shoved me hard against the chest. She
was pretending to be angry with me, but I could see the start of a smile
forming at the corner of her mouth.

"Actually, what I'd really like to know is what you were going to tell her. .
. " I said teasingly as I nudged her shoulder with my nose.

Her facade broke then and a small giggle escaped from her lips.

"You don't want to know the options that were flying through my head,"
she said while she laughed.

Oh, I'm pretty fucking sure I do.

"I can imagine," I replied. "Did any of them have to do with a certain
incredibly high number we discussed the other day?" I asked, still
bragging about my skills.

She rolled her eyes while laughing and said, "Good God, when are you
gonna let that go?"

"Never," I said, feigning outrage. "No, that's not true. I'll drop it when I
beat that record."

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Her eyes got wide and she shook her head frantically while she said,
"Please don't! I don't think my lady parts could take it again."

"Mmm. . . Speaking of your lady parts," I trailed off as I nuzzled my face

into her neck and reached around to grab her ass. "Please tell me the
sex-bargo can be lifted."

Bella wrapped her arms around my shoulders as she pulled me closer. I

could hear the smile in her voice when she replied.

"I don't know, you did just spend fifteen minutes laughing at my
expense. That doesn't put me in a very lustful place."

I won't have any problems getting you there, baby.

"I can help you with that, you know," I said as I began to kiss up and
down the length of her neck.

A light purr came from Bella before she said, "You sure do know how to
get your girlfriend worked up, don't you?"

Fuck. I knew that was going to come back and bite me in the ass.

I felt the blush rise on my cheeks and I was sure Bella could feel the
heat against her skin. I felt her body shake lightly with her silent giggles.

"Well, what was I supposed to say?" I mumbled into her neck.

"Oh, I'm glad you said it," Bella said, "I'm just surprised that you were
questioning it. Especially after the whole seventeen thing. . . "

I huffed and replied, "It was nineteen, thank you very much."

Her silent giggles turned into full-fledged laughter after that and I felt her
scoot down so her face was level with mine. Her eyes were shining and
her cheeks were flushed from her laughter.

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She is so beautiful.

"You are so beautiful," I whispered, as I brought my hand up to caress

the side of her face.

Her smile turned timid and she pulled her bottom lip in between her
teeth as she looked down, leaning her head into my hand. My fingers
went around the back of her head as my thumb continued to stroke
against her cheek. I pulled her head towards me and brought her lips to
mine, meeting in a slow, gentle kiss.

I felt Bella sigh into my mouth as I took her bottom lip and sucked
gently. Her tongue swept over my top lip before she opened her mouth
wide to me, our tongues meeting in a gentle pulse.

I continued to stroke her face while our tongues wrapped around each
other and Bella's hands left hot trails up and down the length of my
chest. Her touch was gentle at first, slow caresses that matched the
tempo of our kiss. However, after two days without sex and non-stop
teasing and taunting from both of us, I didn't want slow or gentle.

Just as the thought crossed my mind, I felt her fingernails scrape down
my chest directly over my nipples, eliciting a hiss from me. Her fingers
stopped at the waistband of my jeans and I felt her slip a fingertip in
ever so slightly while she ran it from side to side.

Fuck yes! Sex-bargo has been lifted!

I took the cue from her body language and increased the rhythm of my
mouth, our kiss becoming urgent now. I moved my hand from her cheek
down to her hip and pulled her forcefully to me, grinding our bodies

Bella moaned when she felt my erection press into her and her fingers
dipped lower in my jeans, barely making contact with the tip of my cock.
I groaned loudly when I felt it and I lost the little bit of control I was

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managing to hang on to. I grabbed both her hands and swiftly brought
them up and over her head while I rolled her over on her back, pinning
her down with my body.

I looked down and saw Bella's eyes darken at that move, lust clouding
over them.

Mhmm. . . I knew you liked it rough.

I gathered both her wrists in one of my hands, leaving my other free to

roam her body. I looked directly in her eyes as I trailed my fingertips
down her face, over her pouty lips, sloping down the curve of her neck
and to the buttons at her shirt. I slowly released each one, teasing the
skin that was exposed as I did so. When her shirt was open to me, my
fingers continued their slow journey down her body, sweeping across
her collarbones, tracing the curve at the seam of her tank top and barely
grazing down the valley in between her tits.

Bella's body was responding to my touch - I could see her nipples even
through the layers she still had on. She was rubbing her legs together,
attempting to create some sort of satisfying friction.

I'll give you friction, baby.

Without warning, I reached up and grabbed her tit roughly, pulling her
hard peak in between my thumb and forefinger. I rolled it between my
fingers and then tugged, causing Bella to moan loudly and arch her
back into my hand while her head pushed into the bed beneath her. I
could feel her arms tugging from my restraint - wanting so badly to
touch me. . . or herself.

Fuck me.

I pulled the top of her tank top down along with the cup of her bra and
dropped my head immediately, taking one of her nipples in my mouth.
My lips engulfed it and I sucked hard, lightly grazing my teeth against it

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and then flicking the tip with my tongue.

"Edward," Bella moaned, "please, I can't wait anymore."

I smiled against her skin and released her wrists so that I could make
quick work of her clothes. I wasted no time in stripping her, removing all
her clothing as well as her bra and panties. When she was completely
naked, she slid up to lay in the middle of the bed, her head up on the
pillows while she watched me shed my clothes. I kept my gaze locked
with hers as I worked as fast as I could against the buttons on my

Why the fuck did I wear so many damn buttons today?

Once I had my shirt off and had dropped my jeans and boxers to the
floor, I lifted my eyes and caught a glimpse of what Bella was doing
while she waited for me. I watched as she trailed one hand down her
chest, passing briefly over her nipple, before she continued on over the
expanse of her stomach and down to her pussy. My gaze was focused
solely on her hand and I stared as she stroked her slit up and down
before circling her clit, causing a moan to escape from her lips.

She just cannot possibly get any hotter.

My eyes flew up to her face and I saw the smirk on her lips as her eyes
filled with excitement.

Oh, she was good. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.

Well, two can play at that game.

I climbed up onto the bed and crawled my way up in between her legs,
placing open mouthed kisses and bites along the way. As I did this, I
could see Bella's movements growing faster and I knew she was getting
close. I moved further up and placed my hands at the very top of her
inner thighs, right below her pussy, gently pushing them open more for

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Once she was spread open and working furiously at her clit, her face
flushed and chest heaving with her excitement, I reached up and
swatted her hand away with the back of mine, pulling both her arms
above her head, once again trapping them in one of my hands. I then
trailed my free hand down her body and cupped her sex in my palm. I
leaned my face down to hers and spoke in a low voice.

"This is mine."

As I growled out the words, I slipped one of my fingers into her, followed
immediately by another. I watched as her eyes bulged out at what I said
before rolling back into her head, a low moan escaping from her lips.

Oh shit. She is so fucking wet.

"You got yourself all worked up for me, didn't you, baby?"

A whimper left Bella's lips as she lifted her hips up to meet my hand,
attempting to grind her clit into my palm. Every time she moved her hips
forward, I would move my hand back slightly, keeping a small distance
between it and her pussy. My fingers still pumped in and out of her, but
her clit was left untouched.

After several minutes of not allowing her to gain any friction on my

hand, she threw her head back and groaned loudly while snapping at

"God dammit Edward! Touch me."

While she said it, I could feel her arms jerk against my hands, trying to
free herself from my hold.

Seeing her like this - wet, ready, aching, begging for me - was more
than I could handle. I was hard as a fucking rock and I needed to be

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inside her now.

I removed my fingers from her pussy and moved my body up hers, my

dick coming in contact with her clit while I leaned over her on my knees.

I brought my lips to Bella's in a hard kiss, her mouth opening

immediately and her tongue seeking mine out. We ravaged each other's
mouths while our hips rocked together, loving the feel of our bodies
barely touching.

Pulling back from the kiss, I whispered roughly against her lips, "Where
are your manners, Bella? All you had to do was say please."

She groaned and tossed her head from side to side before she spoke.

"Please. Please, God, Edward. I need you. . . need to feel you. Please."

Fuck, I love it when she begs.

I pulled back from her lips and released her wrists before moving myself
to sit back in between her legs, my feet tucked underneath me. I
grabbed her by the hips and pulled her up my thighs, feeling as she
wrapped her legs around me, her shoulder blades and head now the
only part of her body touching the mattress.

I leaned forward slightly, positioning myself at her entrance before I

drove myself into her, hard and fast.

"Fuck," I hissed as I felt her walls surround me tightly.

Bella arched her back even more when I filled her and we both groaned
at the sensation it brought. My grip on her hips intensified as I started
thrusting into her.

Bella's gasps and moans filled the room and I watched as she rolled her
nipples in between her fingers before palming her tits roughly, then

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repeating the movements all over again.

The position we were in allowed me to see everything. I could watch

Bella's body move with mine; see as her tits bounced with my thrusts;
watch her face flush with excitement. I moved my eyes down to where
we were connected and watched as my cock slid in and out of her
pussy. Feeling it and seeing it were two very different things and there
was almost nothing better than watching my dick disappear into Bella.

"You like watching that, baby?" Bella asked, her voice low and throaty.

My eyes snapped up to hers and I found her staring at me, her eyelids
drooping and her lips parted with her desire.

Fuck yes I like to watch it.

I didn't say anything to her, but felt a smile creep up on one side of my
mouth. Bella smiled back at me and brought her lip in between her
teeth, only to release it a second later so she could speak.

"Mmm. . . you do like watching it, don't you? Like seeing your cock slide
in and out of me?"

Oh, shit. Don'tcumyetdon'tcumyetdon'tcumyet.

I groaned while my eyes rolled back into my head. Bella was on to me.
She knew I liked it when she said shit like that - while we were fucking
or not. It was sexy as hell and it was taking all of my willpower not to
cum right that very second.

I dropped my head back down, meeting her eyes briefly before I

lowered them back to her pussy. I removed one of my hands from her
hips and brought it to her clit, pressing my thumb firmly against it.

"God, yes," Bella hissed, her back arching once again. Her hands
dropped from her tits and I felt her gripping on my thighs as I pounded

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into her.

My thumb worked in frenzied circles around her clit. My orgasm was

closing in fast and I needed her to cum with me.

"Bella, baby, play with your tits," I ordered lowly, my voice rough with
need. "I want you to cum with me."

She moaned loudly and brought her hands back up, rubbing circles
against her nipples with the palms of her hands.

My movements against her clit became frenzied as I got closer and

closer to my release. Bella's head was thrashing from side to side while
her fingers pinched and pulled at her nipples.

"Fuck, baby, I'm so close."

"Oh God, me too, Edward," Bella said as I felt her walls begin to tighten
around me.

I continued thrusting into her while gritting my teeth to keep my

impending release at bay. One of my hands worked in frantic
movements against her pussy while the other gripped her hip tightly,
forcing her body closer to mine.

Just when I thought I couldn't hold it anymore, I felt Bella's pussy

clench, then spasm around my cock as she came.

"Yes! God, Edward, yes," Bella moaned.

I couldn't hold myself back any longer and thrust myself completely into
her, throwing my head back as I spilled inside her.

"Fuck, Bella."

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After I finished riding out my orgasm, I brought my head forward,

leaning my upper body down over Bella's and kissed her lips softly. I
dropped my head to her chest while I attempted to catch my breath from
our little romp. I felt her arms go around my shoulders as her hands
played with my hair softly.

"Edward?" Bella whispered.

"Hmm. . . " I mumbled into her chest.

"Edward," she said again as she nudged my shoulders slightly. "Baby,

this really isn't very comfortable."

I jerked my head up quickly, looking down at her and realizing she was
still in her position - half on my legs, half on the bed.

"Oh, shit, Bella," I said. "I'm sorry." I lifted my torso and unwrapped her
legs from around me before I pulled out of her, both of us groaning
softly at the loss of contact.

I moved to the top of the bed, laying my head on the pillow before I
pulled Bella to my chest and wrapped my arms around her. She
reached down and pulled the blanket up and over us before snuggling
herself into my body, our legs tangled together.

"Yeah, two days is definitely too long," I said as my face was buried in
her hair.

She tilted her head to look up at me before saying, "Really? If the sex is
always that good, I'm going to implement sex-bargos more frequently."

My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped.

No. Fucking. Way.

"No. Absolutely not," I said, firmly while shaking my head.

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She laughed at my reaction and replied, "Oh, relax. As long as you

refrain from once again making me walk around like I just spent six
hours riding a horse, then the sex-bargo will stay lifted."

I cringed at that. Even though I knew she was exaggerating, I also knew
she was sore Monday morning - she made certain to tell me that, thus
enforcing the hold on all things related to sexing.

"I'm sorry," I said, still feeling horrible that I was so completely

insatiable, I couldn't even give her a slight rest during our time together.

I felt her hand rub on my chest as she laughed a little before saying,
"Don't be sorry - I loved every minute of it. It was just the aftermath that
wasn't so fun."

We fell into a relaxed silence then, just listening to the other breathe.
Her hand ran slowly up and down my chest to my abdomen and back
again while my fingers trailed softly against her shoulder and down her

Bella's voice broke the silence as she asked, "You do know there will be
times when we have to go a couple of days, right?"

The fuck you say?

"Uh, no, I'm not aware of any such nonsense," I scoffed back at her.

She giggled and replied, "Well, we've been lucky this week with it being
Spring Break. I mean, I know I'm busy during the week with school so
you must be, too. Am I right?"

I sighed and turned to kiss her forehead before I answered, "Yeah, I

guess. But, that doesn't matter. We can study together - we did it for
how many months in the library, anyway."

Bella laughed loudly at that, turning her face up to look at me.

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"Oh, please. We flirted way more than we studied."

"Well, excellent, since you're mine now I don't need to flirt anymore and
we can just go straight to studying." I grinned down at her when I

"Great - don't tell me you're going to drop all effort now that you've got
me. . ."

I chuckled slightly and trailed my hand down her back, tracing along the
curve of her ass before I smacked it gently, startling Bella and causing
her to yelp.

"I'll always make an effort with you, baby."

I felt her smile against my chest and while she continued her light
caresses on my skin, I spoke again, "Well, even if we can't study, we
can at least spend the nights together, right?"

She tilted her head to look at me and said, "You mean like dinner and a
movie? Or like sleepovers?"

I shrugged my shoulders and answered, "Either. Both. I just want to be

with you, Bella. As much as I can."

She smiled and stretched her body up, kissing my lips gently before she
settled back in her place.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," she started. "I love staying the night with you;
I'm just not used to it."

I wondered if she meant she wasn't used to sharing a bed with me or in

general. We hadn't talked about the whole past relationships thing - not
that I had any 'relationships' to disclose - and I had no idea if Bella had
ever had a long term relationship before or if she merely dated around.

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I knew I shouldn't be asking the question, but I couldn't stop my lips

from forming it and my voice from speaking it out loud.

"Didn't you normally let the guys you dated crash at your place?" I
asked, still not really wanting to hear the answer.

"What guys? I was a nun, remember?" She teased, referring to my

comment from my parents' house.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Alright, you got me." It gave me a perfect out
to drop it, so I did. She was right; I didn't really want to know.

I felt Bella's arms tighten around me and she turned her head to place a
light kiss on my chest, directly over my heart.

"No, Edward," she spoke quietly. "Only you."

A smile broke out across my face, though I tried to compose myself

enough so I didn't look like a grinning idiot. I was not only thrilled to
learn that no other guys had stayed the night in this bed with her, but
also just in hearing her say those two little words. In the last few days, it
had become my crutch - the only way I knew how to tell her I loved her
without actually saying the words. I knew Bella didn't mean anything
more than just exactly what she said - that I was the only one she had
stay over. Still, I couldn't help my heart from beating a little faster at the
mention of them. To me, they meant love.

I was sure as soon as I could find my balls, I would tell her that I was in
love with her. But, it wasn't going to happen tonight. So, instead, I
responded the only way I could at the moment, reassuring her that it
was the same for me and silently voicing my love for her.

"Only you, too, Bella."

A/N: I got a surprising number of requests to see the Penis Skills

question play out a different way. So, I did up a tiny, itty-bitty outtake for

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it. I will post that shortly, so if you don't have me on an *author* alert,
be sure to add it so you're notified when it posts, or just go and check
my profile page.

Also, I did a O/S for DefinatelySpoilt's Birthday contest - Sweet, loving

Edward cracks. . . Hot, steamy, sexy times ensue. Go on my profile
page to read "Cracked." Voting for the contest started today, so go
here to vote:
www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/u/1818038/DefinatelySpoilt#, or if you're
lazy, go to my profile page for the link. Lu, mah gator, also submitted a
fucktastic ditty that is hot and steamy (The South Will Rise Again). Go
show us some love!

Once again, I hafta shout my love for Lu from the rooftops. Every
chapter (EVERY. SINGLE. FUCKING. CHAPTER.) she reassures me
with what I've written, with the direction I'm going with the story, and that
I have NOT overused a certain sentiment between our favorite couple. I
love you hard, bb. Thank you for all your encouragement and your help
and for being there when I need you. MWAH!

Katie - you are always, always, always there when I need you to
sprinkle yer Katie dust on the chapter and I LOVE you for it. Of course,
it does help that you're like two hours behind me since I normally send
them to you at ass o'clock in the morning my time. :D Regardless you
make it all purdy and tie it up with yer hot pink satin Katie bow. I love
you, bb!

Now, I unintentionally left some Brigaders out in the last two chapters
shout-outs, so I'm going to list the WHOLE FUCKING CLAN right now -
some are new, some have been there to the beginning, but every one of
ya will shake yer boobies, so yer all WIN with me. Busty St. Claire,
Luscious McNipples, Yayas Von Tatas, Chesty LaRue, Honeydew
Honkers, Perky McTeats, Juicy Everjubbly, Bouncy McGiblets,
Delectable McSugahtits, Lolo McFunbags, Bubbly McYabbos, Jigglers
Cherryhillz, Shimmy McMounds, Chi Chi Loblollies, Dolly McDumplings,
Tits McGee, Perty MacMellons, Puffy Marshmallows, Shakers

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Majumbas, Bitty Bazoombas, Baps Chichotas, Lollies McTitbits,

Cha-cha Titskis, Peaches McTitters, Babaloos Angelcakes, Hoots
McButterballs, Gagas Jigglypuffs, Teats McSugahplums, Peaker
Fuzzybunny, Stacks Von Sweaterpuffs, Twinkie Snugglepups, Nips
Kazongas, Jugs Von Spheres, Tatas McLovepillows, Mamacita

Review for metaphorical spanks.

13. Life Father, Like Son 257

14. Never Underestimate the Girls
Just a quick note to thank all the reviewers - you guys rock the
house. I know I can't respond to all the reviews, but if you leave
questions I try to answer those. My reviewers really are the best -
1500+ to date? And, I reached just short of 1100 people who have
LR listed as a favorite story. How fucking cool is that?

Things I own: Wii Fit, a pair of pink Crocs and a miniature Eiffel

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


It had been a little less than two weeks since spring break ended and
Edward and I were already feeling the effects of classes, homework and
studying. Unfortunately, I was right when I told him that there would be
days when we wouldn't get a chance to see each other. As it was now,
we were going on day three of not being able to connect. I was getting
cranky and irritated. . . as was Edward.

That's the biggest understatement of the century.

Edward had been a bit more than cranky and irritated. You'd think
someone shot his puppy with the way he was going on about not seeing
me. I understood, though. . . I did. It was odd how attached we'd grown
to each other in the short amount of time we'd been 'officially' dating.
We'd gone months with only seeing each other one night a week.
Perhaps that was our downfall. Since we'd gone so long seeing so little
of each other, we didn't want to repeat that.

Fortunately tonight we had plans to go out with everyone so we would

be putting an end to the three day drought. Alice decided shortly after
we went back to classes that we needed to get everyone together as a

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group. The new direction all of our love lives had taken was completely
uncharted territory for Alice, Rose and me. For the last almost four
years, it had been just the girls. None of us ever had anything long
lasting with the guys we dated. And, we had certainly never before been
so completely consumed by our love interests. I think it was starting to
wear on us a bit.

Not that we didn't love spending time with the guys, but a girl needs
some girl time, too. Besides the triple-date we were going on tonight,
we'd also decided we needed to plan a girl's night out to our favorite
restaurant for some good food, some good wine and some good gossip.

Where Demon Alice can pounce easiest. . .

It was mid-afternoon and I was on my way home from my last class.

The plan was to meet Rose and Alice back at the apartment so we
could get ready together and participate in some girl talk - which we had
sorely been lacking in - before we left.

I had just pulled into the parking lot and jumped out of my truck when
my phone rang. I peeked down at the caller id and smiled.


"Hey baby," Edward sighed.

"Hey yourself," I responded with a smile spread across my face.

"I miss you," Edward said on the other end. I could almost hear him
pouting out his bottom lip as he said it.

"I miss you, too, but we'll get to see each other in a couple of hours," I
said, trying to brighten his mood.

I heard him blow out a breath on the other end before he answered, "I
know. . ."

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Even as I rolled my eyes at him, nothing could repress the huge smile
from remaining on my face.

"Whatever did you do with yourself before we got together?" I teased.

"Well, I spent most of my time thinking about this hottie I met in the
library. When I wasn't fantasizing about her naked, I played video
games with Emmett."

I threw my head back in laughter and continued to giggle my way up the

front walkway.

"So, how do your fantasies compare to reality?" I asked when my

laughs had subsided.

"No comparison."

"Huh, sorry about that. Reality is a tough bitch, you know."

"Oh please, Bella, like I could dream up the perfection of your body."

"Hmm. . . sounds like someone's trying to get in my pants. And, flattery

will get you everywhere with me."

Edward laughed before responding, "Good, cause I want to flatter you

over and over and over again."

Even though he wasn't here and I was by myself walking up the steps to
my apartment, my face still flushed red at his innuendo. I didn't say
anything for a few moments, just nibbled on my bottom lip while the
slight embarrassment washed over me.

"You're blushing, aren't you?"

I stopped dead in my tracks, one foot hovering over the next step, as
my mouth dropped open at his guess. I composed myself as quickly as I

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could and scoffed into the phone. "No! I don't know what you're talking
about. . . " I said, trailing off.

Edward chuckled before responding, "Whatever you say, baby. Where

are you at - are you almost home?"

"Yeah, I'm just walking in the apartment," I said as I slid my key into the
lock. "Alice and Rose are meeting me here to get ready."

"Get ready? Just throw on some jeans and a t-shirt. We're going to ride
go-karts and play laser tag, not have dinner at a five star restaurant."

I giggled a little and responded, "I know. That's what I plan on doing, but
you have met my roommates before, right? They get dressed up to do
their laundry."

"I've never been more thankful for a completely gorgeous, completely

low-maintenance girlfriend as I am right now. You'd do your laundry with
me in your pajamas, wouldn't ya?"

"Yes, I would," I said through my light laughs while I walked into the
apartment, shutting the door behind me.


I groaned in the phone and hung my head while mumbling to Edward,

"She's coming for me. . . and I don't have the strength to fight."

I heard him laugh just as Alice came bounding out of her room like a 6
year old kid hyped up on pixie sticks washed down with some Mountain

Before I could prepare myself, she snatched the phone from my hand
and began speaking to Edward.

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"Alright, Edward, she'll see you tonight," Alice started. I could imagine
what Edward was saying to her on the other end.

I may not have had the strength to fight her off, but I certainly had the
power to get my phone back so I could say goodbye to my boyfriend.

"Alice - don't you dare hang up that phone. You will let me say goodbye
to Edward or I will go and pull out my track pants again. And, you will
not be getting me out of them."

Alice's face paled at my mention of the outfit I had attempted to wear to

my not-so-blind date with Edward. I held out my hand to her, waiting for
her to hand over my phone so I could end the call with Edward.

"You don't play fair," Alice said with a pout.

I scoffed at her and replied, "Oh, and stealing my phone away from me
before I could say goodbye is playing fair?"

She held up her hands in surrender before turning around to head back
to her room. As she was walking away, she tossed over her shoulder,
"I'll be in your room in five minutes. Be stripped and ready for me."

I rolled my eyes at her and headed into my bedroom, shutting the door
behind me.

"Sorry about her," I said as I flopped down on my bed.

"You're going to be stripped in five minutes?" Edward asked, his voice

low and gravely.

I knew it wasn't very nice, but I wanted to play with him a bit. I still had
to get him back for the stunt he pulled at his parents' house.

Who the fuck feels his girlfriend up under the table with his parents right

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"Mmm. . . yes, actually I'm getting undressed right now. The girls
usually come in and help me pick out my bra and panties - that is if I
can wear them with the outfit."

I heard Edward suck in a breath through his teeth and I couldn't stop the
giggle from erupting from my chest.

"Bella. . . "

"What?" I asked, oozing innocence.

"That was a naughty thing you just did."

"Well, then I guess I'll just have to be," I started before dropping my
voice to a throaty whisper as I said the last word, "spanked. . . "

"Ugh, Bella," Edward groaned. "Now, I'm gonna be going through the
whole night sporting wood."

I giggled and responded, "That's alright. I like being able to see. . . and
feel how I affect you."

"Dammit, Bella!"

I laughed loudly at that, happy my teasing got to him.

"Alright, I better go before Alice confiscates my phone for good. I'll see
you in a couple of hours, okay?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna go take a shower and . . . alleviate some pressure."

I giggled softly before responding, "I'll see you in a bit."

"Bye, baby."

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"Bye," I said softly before hanging up. I swear Alice was listening on the
other side of the door because as soon as I hit the end button, she
threw herself into my room and headed straight for my closet.

"Alright, let's get to work!" Alice said while clasping her hands together
and darting her eyes around to take in everything in my closet. "You've
got a lot you're going to have to try on here, Bella."

"No," I said firmly to Alice while shaking my head, "no, absolutely not. I
will be selecting my clothes for tonight and they will consist of a pair of
comfortable jeans and a t-shirt. We are going to a family amusement
park, for crying out loud! We're not going clubbing! We're not even
going to a restaurant for dinner - we're stopping off at the pizza joint on
the corner!"

Alice turned to me with her arms crossed against her chest and her hip
popped out to the side.

"Well, excuse me for wanting you to look nice for Edward, Bella," Alice
said to me with a little bite in her tone.

I rolled my eyes while getting up off the bed and made my way to stand
in front of her. I placed my hands on her shoulders and looked her in the
eye while I spoke.

"Alice, Edward would rather I be naked, so I don't think anything you

dress me in will score any brownie points with him," I said with a smile.
She was still pouting so I continued, "I appreciate your offer to help, but
I can take care of my clothes. . . Would you like to do my make-up?"

Her eyes lit up like a kid's at Christmas and I knew I had her. She pulled
herself out of her stance and clapped her hands together before
wrapping me up in a hug.

"I'll be back in fifteen, Bella!" she said as she hurriedly made her way
out of my room, slamming the door closed behind her.

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Thank fucking God I dodged that bullet.

Knowing Alice, she probably would have put me in a short skirt,

camisole and heels. I internally rolled my eyes at that and headed into
the bathroom so I could grab a quick shower before throwing my clothes

Gotta be freshly cleaned and freshly shaved for my Edward.

- - - l? - - -

"They're here," Rose yelled from the kitchen to Alice and me while we
were finishing up in the bathroom.

"There," Alice said as she swiped lip gloss once more across my bottom
lip, "you're perfect." She turned her head away from mine to put the
gloss back in its place as I heard her mumble, "Or you would be if you
weren't wearing those fucking chucks."

"Hey - you better watch it or you're gonna find these chucks up your
ass," I replied while laughing. I didn't see what the big deal was. I
certainly wasn't going to wear a dress and 4 inch heels to do the shit
that we were going to do. My snug jeans, fitted vintage long-sleeved
shirt and my good old Chuck Taylors would do me just fine.

I hopped off the counter by the sink and darted into my room to grab my
light-weight jacket and my purse before rushing towards my bedroom
door to greet Edward at the front entry.

I yanked open the door and before I could even step out of my room, I
collided with Edward as he scooped me up in his arms and squeezed
me tight. His head turned into me and I felt him take a deep breath, his
lips on my neck, before he spoke.

"It's really quite pathetic how much I missed you."

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I giggled softly while squeezing him tighter in my arms before I

responded, "We can be pathetic together, then."

I brought my fingers up to his hair and latched on, pulling his head back
a bit. He complied, moving himself so he could see my face and locked
his eyes with mine.

"Hi," he breathed.

"Hi," I responded just as softly.

He brought his lips to mine in a soft, slow kiss. I was still pressed tightly
to Edward, his arms encircling me completely, holding me up off the
floor. My hands were tangled in his hair and I continued to caress his
scalp with my hands. I felt Edward's small moan reverberate over my
lips at my ministrations.

"Alright you two, let's get a move on," Alice said as she came waltzing
out of my bathroom and smacked my ass on her way out of my room.

Edward groaned as I smiled against his lips before saying, "We've got
all night. . . "

"Mmm, I'm going to hold you to that," he said before coming in for
another quick kiss.

Edward set me back down on my feet and grabbed my hand as I led us

out to the front door.

"Fuck, let's go! I'm starving!"

"Emmett, you're always hungry. I bet you ate on your way here, didn't
you?" I asked him, my head cocked to the side.

He scowled at me before mumbling, "It was only a little sandwich."

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I tossed my head back in laughter and patted him on the back.

"Alright, let's boogie, people. We can't have Emmett withering away on


Emmett locked his arm around my neck and pulled me to him, ruffling
my hair in the process as he smashed my face to his chest.

"That's the Bella I know and love - always looking out for me."

I shoved my hands as hard as I could against his chest, trying to push

myself away from him. Obviously, I didn't have the strength to rid myself
of his grip, but Emmett got the picture and released me.

I pulled away from him and smoothed my hair down with my left hand
while I fisted my right and socked him in the gut. I laughed as I said,
"You douche! You know not to mess with the hair! I'll look like a fucking
poodle by the end of the night if you keep it up."

Emmett held his hands up in surrender while laughing at my now frizzy


Damn oaf of a man.

I turned away from Emmett as I heard a throat clear behind me and

looked to the four others looking on at our behavior. They all looked at
us with amused expressions at our exchange and I realized that this
was the first time Emmett and I had been together with all six of us.

"What?" Emmett and I said in unison.

That caused the four others to crack up, finally breaking their amused

"Seriously, dude, I feel like one of those kids in Ethiopia! Let's roll. . . "

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The six of us partnered off, each clasping the hands of our date, as we
made our way out of the apartment and to the pizza place.

Before Emmett withers to death.

- - - l? - - -

"I still can't believe you ate that entire pizza by yourself," Rose said in
astonishment while shaking her head. We were making our way through
the parking lot to the entrance of the family amusement park, while she
thought back to dinner at the pizza parlor.

I snorted and rolled my eyes - amazed that Emmett had apparently

managed to keep the eating machine part of himself hidden from Rose
in the few weeks they'd been dating.

"That's nothing - in high school he ate three medium pizzas by himself.

And a six pack of Dr. Pepper. And a dozen bread sticks. Need I go on?"

"Bella - do you really want to play the game of 'stupid shit done in high
school'? Cause I have a whole fucking lot of stories I could share on
your behalf."

My face paled and my jaw dropped. Emmett had been there through all
my awkward years - all the trips, spills, broken bones, emergency runs
to the ER, the first dates, the first kisses. . . Oh God.

I reached up and clamped my hand over his mouth before I said, "You
will keep all of that to yourself. Or I will be forced to recount the
infamous encounter of '02." I knew I had him when his eyes bugged out
at the mention of this little ditty and I smiled triumphantly as I dropped
my hand from his mouth.

"Well, I'm pretty sure we're just going to have to get you both drunk and
go back to our place for a game of 'Truth or Truth'," Rose said,
nonchalantly while she continued looking straight ahead towards the

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"Oh no - no, no, no," I said, emphatically shaking my head. "We are not
playing 'Truth or Truth' while I'm drunk. No fucking way."

Edward quirked one eyebrow at me and a smirk played at his lips.

Oh shit.

"Well, I for one, think it's a fabulous idea to play a little truth game," he
said while smiling at me. "And, what better way to play than while

I slapped my forehead with my hand, cursing my blasted luck.

Are we far enough into our relationship where mortifying shit like this
doesn't matter?

"Just one question, though," Edward started, "why is it called 'Truth or

Truth'? I mean, I know I'm not a chick and I didn't do the whole middle
school sleepover thing, but I believe the game is 'Truth or Dare'."

Alice scoffed at him before replying, "Oh please, Edward, we're adults,
thank you very much. We're too mature to play 'Truth or Dare'," Alice
said. "When we were sophomores we decided to create a more adult
version of the game."

"Uh huh, I see. And, drunk 'Truth or Truth' fits that bill?" Edward asked,
clearly poking fun at Alice.

"Well, if you'd prefer we can pull out the 'run through the apartment
hallway in your underwear' dares," Alice quipped back, cocking an
eyebrow at Edward.

He held his hands up in surrender and responded, "No, no. . . Your

adult version sounds just fine."

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Edward dropped his hands then and wrapped one arm around my waist
while he pulled me to him. He bent his head slightly and brought his lips
to my ear before he whispered, "So, am I going to get to see drunk
Bella tonight?"

I groaned and shook my head slightly. I recalled all too well what
happened the last time I got drunk. And, it had something to do with
dancing on bar tables and ending in a bad lay.

So, I'm not exactly reserved when I'm drunk. . . what of it?

Edward's quiet voice washed over my ear again as he said, "Damn, I

was hoping you were a horny drunk."

I chuckled and rolled my eyes before I turned my head to speak lowly to

him as he had to me, "Like you need to get me drunk to get me horny."

I felt Edward stiffen slightly at my bluntness before his hand tightened

on my hip.

"Bella," he growled lowly, "I told you I was already going to be sporting
wood the whole night. Must you torment me as well?"

I threw my head back in laughter and wrapped my arms around him,

squeezing him tightly against me.

"You love every minute of it," I said while looking up at him, my head
close to his chest.

Edward chuckled softly and responded, "Well, ya got me there. . . "

We continued the short walk to the front ticket stand, intent on getting
what we needed for the attractions we wanted to go on while we were

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"So, let's see," Em started, "we want to do the go karts, right? What
about mini-golf? Oh! Laser tag! Guys against girls - we would so kick
your asses!" He said, triumphantly as he pointed his finger at Rose,
Alice and me. I just rolled my eyes at him and turned my head away.
Rose, however, wasn't as passive as I was and grabbed the finger
Emmett just pointed in her chest, using some of her crazy defensive
skills on him, and almost brought him to his knees.

"Ow! Ow! Uncle!" Em cried at Rosalie. She dropped his finger and I
watched as a smirk played at her lips while she continued to look at the
board in front of us that listed the offerings of the park.

Emmett clutched his hand to his chest and turned to me wide eyed,
mouthing 'what the fuck?' to me. I just shrugged my shoulders and
mouthed back 'that's Rose' as if that explained everything.


Watching Emmett and Bella together was something entirely new for
me. It was. . . refreshing to see the banter between them - see how their
relationship unfolded with my own eyes. Because, I'm not going to lie, I
was jealous.

I am a man - how could I not be jealous?

Bella and Emmett both told me time and time again that there was
never anything romantic between the two of them - that they never, ever
felt that way about each other. I had my doubts, like any red-blooded
male would have. But, seeing them tonight in all their sibling rivalry
teasing made everything crystal clear for me.

They really didn't like each other romantically.

I realized that if we were in a slap-stick comedy of sorts, that's about the

point where I would smack myself hard in the forehead and exclaim a
loud 'duh!' at my final understanding of their relationship.

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I watched on as Emmett decided for the group what we would be doing,

while occasionally glancing at Bella and making a face or a small
comment. Seeing the two of them exchange little looks or smart ass
comments and remarks actually made my smile grow larger. For some
reason, it was refreshing for me to be with a girl that could comfortably
have guy friends. Bella wasn't like any other girl I'd been with. For one
thing, she wasn't the manufactured beauty. She didn't have an orange
face from her make-up or fake tits that were shoved up to her chin. She
didn't have those god awful long ass fake nails that could claw a dude's
eyes out. She was real and low-key and satisfied with herself. She was
as beautiful in a ratty old t-shirt with no make-up on as she was in an
evening gown done up to the nines. She was perfectly content in herself
- and that's what made her so stunning.

She was gorgeous.

She was captivating.

She was mine.

I smiled a little at that thought and, I'm not sure, but I believe I skipped a
little when we walked. Bella turned her head slightly and dropped her
eyes to my feet then brought them back up to my face. She gave a little
giggle and I couldn't help but join in her laughter. I felt incredibly light
and free - like finally our relationship was going smoothly. It was just her
and I and nothing could come between us again.

"Alright - go-karts first, bitches," Em said as we made our way to the

track entrance, "and I don't want to hear any complaining about unfair
driving or any of that bullshit. You're playing with the big boys tonight,

Bella once again rolled her eyes at Emmett, but didn't say anything,
which allowed Rosalie to speak up.

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"The girls are going with the guys, jackass," Rosalie said, calm as a
cucumber to Emmett. "They ride two - guys in the back, girls in between
their legs. Now let's get a move on."

Bella in between my legs, you say?

I smiled deviously at Bella and grabbed her hand before tossing my

tickets to the dude at the gate entrance. I spotted a blue go-kart near
the front and tugged Bella behind me as we made our way there. I
hopped in the seat and reached my hand out to her to help her in. She
stepped in cautiously, being careful not to fall flat on her face, I'm sure,
and settled down on the seat, directly in between my legs.

"So, uh, what do I do?" She asked, in a worried tone.

"You've never gone go-karting before?" I asked, shocked. I assumed it

was a rite of passage for teenagers to do this kind of shit.

"What the hell, Edward? Have you met me? Do I look like the kind of girl
that would do this for fun? I can barely walk straight and you think I've
operated one of these death traps before?"

I laughed at her before wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling
her back tight against my chest. She leaned her head back to rest on
my shoulder and turned her head slightly to face me.

Leaning down, I placed a small peck on her lips before I moved my

mouth back to talk lowly in her ear.

Grabbing her hands, I placed them on the steering wheel while I said,
"Keep your hands in this position, the steering is tight on this, so any
sudden move will jerk the go-kart."

Bella nodded her head in her understanding, so I dropped my hands

and rested them on her thighs, while taking my leg and hooking it under
hers, bringing her foot to the pedal.

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"The pedal sticks, so you're going to have to push hard - keep it floored
unless we go around a corner," I said in her ear, "then just let up a bit."

She nodded again, so I reached back and grabbed on the harness to

strap us in and then felt in between her legs for the buckle. Bella jerked
back, straight against my cock, as I brushed in between her legs.

"Jumpy, Bella?" I whispered in her ear.

She turned and scowled at me before responding, "What is it with you

and feeling up my crotch at inappropriate times?"

I laughed before responding, "I can't help it, it's like a magnet for my
hands," I teased.

"Mhmm," Bella said with pursed lips, "your hands and your dick."

I gripped her hips and pulled her back tightly against me as I said,
"Well, I certainly can't argue with you about that."

"Oh for fuck's sake - enough feeling Bella up while at the family
amusement park," Em shouted from a few go-karts away. "Are you
ready to get your ass handed to you, Cullen?"

"Fuck off McCarty," I retorted.

I finished getting us buckled in and couldn't help but notice how tense
Bella was in front of me. Her back was ram-rod straight, her knuckles
were white from gripping the steering wheel and her foot was tapping
impatiently against the pedal.

I rubbed my hands soothingly up and down her sides to try and calm
her down and leaned forward, resting my chin on her shoulder.

"Baby, you've gotta relax," I said calmly against her cheek.

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Bella pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth and began nibbling
incessantly on it as she stared straight ahead - as if she hadn't even
heard me. I brought my thumb up to her mouth, rubbing it against her lip
to get her to loosen the grip her teeth had against it.

"Bella," I said softly, "you need to loosen up. This is supposed to be


She stopped gnawing on her lip and nodded minutely to show she
heard what I said.

"It's just you and me out here, okay?" I reassured her. "I just want you to
have fun your first time, alright? It doesn't matter if we come in first or

I felt her relax slightly as she leaned back into my chest before she
breathed, "Thank you, Edward."

The guy running the track called us to attention then, giving us the
necessary speech on what we could and couldn't do, what parts of the
go-kart did what and how to operate it. Before I could say anything more
to Bella, I watched as the guy waved a flag signaling the start of the
race. I heard the screeching tires of the go-karts the rest of our group
were in as they sped away. While we sat there.

I did tell her the pedal meant 'go', didn't I?

"Bella? The race started, baby."

"Oh! Shit - I didn't know what that flag thingy meant!"

Before I could laugh at her, she slammed her foot down on the pedal
causing the go-kart to lurch forward and our heads to slam back - mine
against the headrest, hers against my chest.

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I knew she would be too worked up to remember everything I told her,

so I leaned forward to speak in her ear and quickly reminded her of the
gas and the steering.

We managed to make our way about half way around the track when I
could hear Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper hot on our tails. They'd
managed to almost loop us around the track, but we were holding
steady in front of them, not allowing them to pass. That didn't stop all of
them, however, from yelling and goading us with their heckling.

"Don't listen to them, baby," I said in Bella's ear, "you just keep doing
what you're doing."

Bella nodded her head and bit her lip again - in concentration this time
rather than nervousness.

She managed to keep up the distance we had from them, even

increasing it slightly, as she continued driving us around the track. I
noticed the operator waving the checkered flag signaling that we had
one more lap and made sure to tell Bella what that meant. The rest of
the group still had about a quarter track lead on us, but that didn't
matter. Bella was grinning ear to ear by the time we pulled up with the
rest of them, effectively ending the race.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her tight against me while I
leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"You did so well, Bella," I said in her ear. "Did you have fun?"

She was still grinning like a fool and nodded her head enthusiastically at
my question. I reached down and unbuckled us, holding on to Bella's
hips while I helped her stand and then step out of the go-kart. I followed
out close behind her and wrapped her up in a tight hug when we were
both on the ground.

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"I told you that you would get your ass handed to you, man!" Emmett
boomed with Rosalie at his side.

I opened my mouth, ready to retort some witty quip, but Bella spoke
before I got a chance.

"Shut it you big oaf. That was my first time and I don't care if we won or
not," Bella said while jutting her chin out slightly as she walked right
past him.

That's my girl.

"Yeah, so there," I replied lamely in Emmett's direction as I followed

Bella to the laser tag building.

"How are we doing this?" Bella asked. "Couples? Guys against girls?

Alice was bouncing in her place while clapping her hands excitedly.

I think she may have a suggestion. . .

"Guys against girls!" She squealed a little louder than necessary.

"Come on girls, you know we can kick their asses."

I rolled my eyes at her - if we were splitting up the teams that way, there
was no way in hell the girls were going to be victorious.

"Oh okay, Ali," Em said in a taunting voice, "you'll beat us - whatever

you say." He turned to me and scoffed while giving me the look that
clearly said 'do you believe these chicks?' while I responded with a clear
'tell me about it' roll of my eyes.

Bella turned around to face me and looked up at me with her doe eyes
while asking, "You don't think we're a lost cause, do you?"

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Do not answer honestly. Lie with everything you have.

"Of course not, baby," I said while rubbing my hands up and down her
back, "I'm sure it's going to be a really close game."

Bella's eyes darted back and forth between my own and I knew that she
knew that I was lying.

"Well, good, because I wouldn't want us to surprise you and come out of
nowhere or something. . . " She trailed off before turning around to join
with the other two girls.

What the hell was that about?

I shrugged it off and walked over to Emmett and Jasper, deciding how
we would work it once we got on the inside.

"Alright, since Jas has the best aim, he's going to be the one that's
shooting at their home base. Edward, you go on the offensive and try to
take out all the girls. I don't know their strategy, but I can't say I'm too
worried. I mean, Alice is so damn hyper we'll hear her a mile away and,
well, you've seen Bella walk - she can barely keep herself upright!" Em
said, chuckling.

He may have been right, but fuck if that wasn't my girlfriend he was
talking shit about.

"Shut the fuck up, Emmett," I snapped at him while shoving him hard
against his chest.

He held up his hands in surrender and replied, "Shit man, sorry!" He

rubbed his chest where I pushed him and then turned his head slightly
away from me while mumbling, "I was just stating the obvious."

"I heard that," I growled.

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Emmett boomed his loud laugh then and brought his arm around my
shoulder, yanking me to him. "I'm just kidding ya, man," he replied while
ruffling my hair.

I fucking hate it when he does that.

I ducked out from under his arm and swiftly ran my hands through my
hair to try and remedy the fuckery Emmett had managed with it.

We walked into the building, following behind where we saw the girls go
in, and found them inside already getting suited up with their vests.

Shit they work fast.

I noticed some douche bag that must have worked here helping the girls
get buckled into their vests. I watched as he moved from one to the
next, spending a great deal of time in ensuring the proper fit across the
chest. . . aka copping a feel of their tits. Mr. Douchebag finished helping
Alice and turned to Bella.

I don't fucking think so, asshat.

As fast as my legs could carry me, I made my way over to Bella and
grabbed her around the waist, pulling her back into me. She let out a
startled yelp and whipped her head around to me.

"Edward, what is the-"

"Sir, if you'll just let me make sure she's buckled in her vest properly,
you can get fitted in one yourself," Mr. Douchebag said in front of me.

"I can help her with her vest, thank you," I said, dismissively, while I
turned Bella to face me. She looked up at me perplexed at what I'm
sure seemed like dickhead behavior.

I'll be damned if he was going to get to touch my girlfriend's tits, though.

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I was still in a stare down with Mr. Douchebag, so I didn't answer Bella's
original question yet. However, after a few moments of me glaring at
him, he decided it would be better to scurry off like a little girl than to
mess with the crazy dude with the fucked up hair.

I dropped my gaze to Bella and practically hissed at her, "He was going
to feel up your tits! Didn't you notice what he did with Alice and

She threw her head back in laughter and slapped me lightly on the
chest before she said, "Oh please, Edward, he was just helping us get
into our gear. Besides, he was nice!"

I scoffed at her and spun her around, ready to show her exactly what I
meant. I pulled her tightly back against my chest and ran my hands
inward, over her stomach. I smoothed my hands over her body until I
landed on the buckle, clicking them together in place. I slid my hands up
slightly to just under her breasts, repeating the action on the middle
buckle. Finally, I moved my hands up until I was directly under her arms
and moved them across her chest, brushing over her nipples. I applied
firm, yet seemingly innocent pressure until I reached the final clasp,
hooking it into place.

I noticed Bella's breathing had accelerated and her cheeks were flushed
pink. I gripped her hips and pulled her back to my now semi-hard cock
and leaned forward to speak directly in her ear.

"Do you feel that? That's what that fucker would have had if I didn't
come over here. He was already sporting a tent from Alice and Rose.
You think I'm going to knowingly let some other guy get his jollies off on
my girl?"

"Jesus Edward! Can't you wait till we get home to start that shit?"
Emmett yelled, breaking us out of our little trance.

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Bella wiggled her ass in my crotch before she leaned her head back,
turning it slightly to look up at me.

"You think I can't take care of myself, Edward? Do you think for one
minute I would have let him feel my boobs, for crying out loud? I
appreciate your help when it's necessary, but I did manage to survive
for twenty-two whole years without getting mauled."

With that, she stood on her tip-toes to give me a light kiss on the chin
before she walked over to where Alice and Rose were standing.

"Dude, you gotta lighten up, man! So, he felt their tits - it's not like
they're going home with him, right?" Emmett said to me while patting
me on the back. "I mean, the way I figure it - might as well let that guy
get what he can. There's no way in hell he's ever going to have a chick
as hot as one of our three riding his cock - toss the guy a bone."
Emmett finished, being his tactful self, while he shrugged one of his

I just shook my head and mumbled a "whatever" in his direction while I

went to grab a vest for myself. Once we were all outfitted, we headed
into the "prep room" to wait for our turn in the laser tag area. We
watched a lame ass video on the object of the game and I noticed that
the girls were deep in conversation while paying close attention to the
stupid video.

We so have this in the bag.

The three of us guys exchanged knowing smirks while we

acknowledged what the girls were doing.

Jasper leaned close to me and said, "Em's going to cover me so I can

get as close to their base as possible. You just shoot anything that

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I nodded my head at him before Mr. Douchebag came in and gave us

all our guns for the game.

"Alright, you have a maximum of fifteen minutes in the game area. The
object of the game is to score as many points as you can by shooting at
the other team's home base, while also removing all opponents from the
game. Once a player is shot, please remove yourself from the game
area. There's a room off to the side that you can stay in to watch the
rest of the game, if you'd like. Have fun."

With that, he opened the door for us and faster than I thought possible,
the girls scurried off, already gaining their positions in the room. The
three of us looked at each other in astonishment before we snapped
ourselves out of our trance and got our asses in the game.

We each gave curt nods at each other and took our places in the room,
Jas and Em heading along the side walls to the opposite part of the
room where the girls' home base was. I had my gun in position,
scanning the perimeter for any movement, when I heard the sound of
the laser guns going off and then a loud "fuck" from one of the guys. I
immediately backed up to a wall, watching for any signs of the girls.

Emmett came around the corner with a pissed expression on his face.

Shit, they got Em out already.

"What the fuck, man?" I whispered to him.

"Watch out for Alice, she's quick," he whispered back as he made his
way out to finish watching the game.

I continued making my way further into the room, still attempting to

locate the girls, while I followed the sound of the guns. I only hoped Jas
had managed to get to their home base. We'd played this game enough
times from the time we were younger till now to be able to rock it out.
We knew the other almost as well as we knew ourselves, and knowing

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what he was doing in this game was no different.

I ducked behind one of the barricades and poked my head out, our
home base in my line of sight. I noticed Bella standing off to the side,
being covered by Rose who had her back to Bella while she moved her
gun in a semi-circle in the surrounding area.

Fuck, they are waiting for us to come to them.

I shook my head at that thought and continued to make my way over to

where they were. There was no way they were going to get anything
accomplished when they were sitting ducks.

The lasers continued to go off, and I could hear whispered voices, but I
still hadn't been able to locate Alice. Em said she was quick, so I knew I
needed to get her out before I worked on the two that were sitting in
plain sight. Before I could get very far in my attempt to find Alice, I heard
a muttered curse from Jas and a high pitched squeal from who I
assumed to be Alice. I waited for a few moments and then watched as
Jasper carried Alice out on his back - they obviously got each other out.

Just me and the sitting ducks - this is going to be so fucking easy.

I smirked at the simplicity of what I had to do. I made my way closer to

the girls, stopping briefly to shoot their home base while I passed it. I
could come back to that after I got the girls out.

When I was close enough to get a good shot at the girls, I stepped out
from behind a barricade, still crouching on the ground, and took aim at
Rosalie. She was moving quickly, so it took a few shots, but I finally
nailed her.

Then everything seemed to happen in super speed. I heard Rosalie say

a loud "I'm out Bella!" as she headed for the door and watched as
Bella's head snapped in my direction, turning right for me with her gun
pointed at my chest. She took her aim and before I could even think to

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move back behind the barricade, she took her shot.

One shot and I was out.

What. The. Fuck.

All I could do was fall back on my ass and stare at her with an open
mouth. Bella dropped her gun to her side and walked over to me,
holding her hand out for me to take.

"Not so easy to beat a bunch of girls, is it?" She asked, throwing our
assumptions back in my face.

"What. . . how. . . where did you. . ." I couldn't get my fucking brain to
work and just spit out a damn sentence after what I'd just witnessed.

"Well Edward, your tactical team didn't do a very good job of sizing up
your opponents," Bella said with a smirk on her face. "You didn't really
think the daughter of a Police Chief wouldn't know how to shoot a gun -
and shoot one properly at that - did you?" She asked, then winked at
me and walked out of the game room to meet the rest of our group.

I was too stunned to move for several minutes. I just got my ass handed
to me by my girlfriend and I was oddly. . . turned on by that.

Turned on? That shit was fucking hot as hell!

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and made my way to join the

others. The girls were squealing and doing some sort of group hug
thing, while Emmett and Jas sulked in the corner with their arms
crossed. I walked over to them, taking off my vest along the way and
dropping it and my gun off in the proper place.

"Emmett," I said, in an agitated tone, "why the fuck didn't you tell us
Bella had such good aim?"

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Emmett threw his hands up in the air and hissed at me, "I didn't fucking
know, man! Shit, like Bella and I ever talk about guns and shit. . ."

I turned my attention back to the girls and watched them end their little
kumbaya moment and head over towards us.

We are never going to live this down.

The three of them stood in front of us, smirks on their faces and their
arms crossed against their chests.

"Anything you boys would like to say to us measly little girls?" Alice
asked in a smug voice.

I glanced over at Emmett and Jasper and noticed the scowls on their
faces as they both rubbed the back of their necks. This was clearly
unchartered territory for us. Not only did we usually kick ass at this sort
of thing, but we'd never lost to girls.

We'd never played girls, either.

"We're sorry we doubted you guys," I said while looking at Bella.

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that," Emmett piped in.

"Same here," Jas lamely ended with.

We all stood their staring at our significant others, hoping that we

wouldn't have to grovel anymore for basically dismissing them in the
first place.

After a few moments, the girls dropped their arms and made their way
to each of us, Bella coming up to wrap her arms around my waist.

"I should have been the one teasing you about a fair game," Bella said
simply and stood on her tip-toes to give me a kiss. I kissed her back

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then wrapped my arm around her, sticking my hand in her back pocket
and pulled her to my side. We followed the others out of the building
and into the outdoor portion of the park.

I turned my head to Bella and asked, "Where did you learn to do that?"

Bella shrugged her shoulders and replied, "When I was old enough to
work a gun, my dad just always took me to the shooting range
whenever I'd visit. Once I moved there with him, we'd go every once in
a while. He said it was important that I knew how to handle one with
them being in the house."

I just continued to look down at her while she recounted this story as if it
was no big deal.

She looked up at me gawking at her and grew self conscious, fiddling

slightly with her fingers.


I leaned my head down to her ear and whispered, "Do you know how
hot that was?"

Bella looked up at me with wide eyes before breaking out in a fit of

giggles and responded, "Whatever, Edward."

I scoffed at her and said, "It's the truth! Like every guy in America
doesn't have a hard on for Lara Croft, Tomb Raider. That shit is hot."

I punctuated my statement with a squeeze of her ass and kissed her on

her head. Bella wrapped her arms around my waist, leaning into my
chest slightly as she walked.

"So, what's up next, guys?" Jasper asked the group.

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"Drunk 'Truth or Truth' at our place!" Alice responded happily while

skipping slightly next to Jasper.

Bella? Drunk? Having to answer whatever question I throw at her?

This was going to be a very fun evening.

A/N - I had to break up the date otherwise this would have been a
gargantuan chapter. So, part II of the triple date, coming up next.
Now...what in the world could come out in Truth or Truth? If you think
it's about Bella or Emmett you are incorrect, my dears... :wink:

Just a reminder that I put up links on my profile page that pertain to the
story. You'll find each of the characters (Esme & Carlisle newly added)
as well as pictures of the Cullen Estate and floor plans for the really
nerdy peeps like myself that like that shit.

Muchas gracias to Katie for taking over Mastah Betah duties for this
chapter while Lu drowns in real life craziness! Thank you so much bb - I
lurve you hard.

Now, come visit us on the thread. I'm a teaser whore. No, seriously, I
think I gave out three or four for this chapter alone. (link on my profile)

Review for metaphorical spanks.

14. Never Underestimate the Girls 287

15. Truth and Mantras
New caution in full effect, bitches.



Oh, and just a warning. . . If you thought they had potty mouths
before, turns out they really let the curses fly when they're wasted.

Things I own: A huge ass 27" monitor (all the better to read the
smut on), a pair of black stripped fuzzy socks and 17 tubes of Lip

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


How the fuck had I gotten here?

My memory wasn't that great right at the moment, but I distinctly

recalled telling everyone I was not playing 'Truth or Truth' while drunk.
Yet, here I was. Drunk. Or at least pretty damn tipsy. And that was
enough to get me to spill all my secrets.

God damn fucking cosmos and their truth revealing powers.

Fortunately for me, I wasn't the only one drinking. Everyone was well on
their way to being shitfaced, so I knew I was in good company.

We were all in the living room of our apartment, each of us hanging on

our significant others, while we were throwing question after vulgar
question to each other.

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"Em, your turn," Alice started, somehow managing to maintain some

composure even after she just admitted to having sexual thoughts about
both Rosalie and me. . . together. "When was the last time you
purchased a porn magazine?"

Emmett scoffed at her like his answer should be the most obvious thing
in the world. "Alice, my dear, sweet Alice. I do not buy porn. I have it
delivered to the apartment. Subscriptions, baby!"

Rosalie just shook her head and rolled her eyes. Her motto was always
'boys will be boys'. And, really, who could blame her?

If I had an ass and tits like Rose, I wouldn't be self conscious either.

"Alright. . . Bella," Emmett said, drawling out my name. I shot him a

warning scowl.

You better watch yourself or I will pull out the big guns.

Emmett darted his eyes away from mine and then continued down a
seemingly different path from his original intent, "What's the longest
you've gone without bumping uglies?"

I just stared at him and his gross man behavior. Em, however, took my
silence as lack of understanding and continued to spew words from his

"You know, bashing the beaver? Getting some beef in yo' taco?
Buttering the muffin? Have a pants party? Parking the old beef bus in
tuna town?"

"Fuck, Emmett! I get it. Shit, I'm drunk, not dense!"

As disgusting as he was in his question, I was just glad he stayed away

from embarrassing topics - and believe me, he could dig up a lot of

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"Um," I started as I thought back to before my one-night-stand with

Jacob. "A couple of months, I guess."

Emmett shook his head quickly before responding, "Nope, not specific
enough. Gotta give us a time frame."

I shot him a look of irritation.

That's right. You're in for it now, ass monkey.

I knew the longest time I had gone without sex and it was right before
my night of debauchery with Jacob. Hence why I was so eager to bed
the man.

Not that it was worth it.

I chanced a sly glance at Edward to see what he was thinking. His face
was smooth, with a small smile playing at his lips, as if he didn't have a
care in the world.

Looks like the alcohol is making him feel real good right about now.

We hadn't talked about our past lays yet and I knew that having it while
we were both drunk would not be a good idea. I could only hope
Edward was buzzed enough to let this tidbit roll off his back.

"Well, I guess it would be from," I paused, trying to mentally calculate

my last romp before Jacob, even while in my alcohol induced haze, "uh,
roughly June of last year till late-January."

Edward seemed to stiffen slightly when I mentioned the dates - no

doubt figuring out how long that had happened before we started
meeting in the library. If it bothered him, however, he didn't let on. He
just continued to rub my back while staring seemingly out into space.

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"Damn, Bella! Six months? I'd die," Emmett exclaimed loudly. "No,
seriously. I think my dick would fall right the fuck off!"

I just shook my head at him but stopped immediately as I felt the room
move slightly with the motion. I'm sure for Emmett even a week without
sex meant you might as well go into the priesthood.

He is such a manwhore.

For me, it wasn't unusual to go a length of several months in between

sex. Since I'd never had a serious relationship before Edward, I always
had to rely on just the dating around that I did. Which wasn't all that
great in quantity.

I was feeling vulnerable after that last question, so I attempted to steer

these perverts' minds out of the gutter.

"Jasper," I said, looking at him, "have you ever been arrested?"

I watched as Jasper shot a look at Edward before he answered, "Uh,

no. Fortunately I'm quick enough to never get caught."

I wonder what the fuck that was about?

"Rose, spit or swallow?" Jasper immediately shot out after answering.

"What are we talking about here? Diet coke or jizz?"

We all fell into a fit of giggles and boisterous laughter at Rose's

response. After I managed to almost piss my pants in my laughing,
Rose answered.

"It depends on the dude and my mood. Lately I've been doing a lot of
swallowing," she said with a completely straight face.

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Emmett reached over to grope her boob while he nuzzled his face in her
neck and responded, "Yeah you have, baby."

Oh gross.

I kicked Emmett in the shin to get his attention, not wanting them to
progress to just fucking right in front of us.

"Alright, Edward," Rose said while she looked up to the ceiling as she
thought of a question. "Oh, I got one. Have you ever worn lingerie and if
so, when?"

I turned to look at Edward's face and saw it pale, his eyes bugging out
at the question Rose just gave him. He shot a glare to Jasper who held
up his hands and shook his head.

That certainly had my curiosity piqued and I looked back to Edward with
questions in my eyes.

What. Did. You. Do?

He clearly did not want to answer this question, but I certainly wasn't
going to protect him from it. My interest got the best of me.

"Come on, Edward," Rose chided, her words slurring a bit, "unless you
want me to pull out a dare - and I do some fucking hard core dares -
answer the damn question."

Edward huffed out a breath, clearly agitated before he spoke.

"Yes," Edward started and glanced at me out of the corner of his eye. I
knew I was smiling like a fucking idiot, but I didn't care. This was going
to be hilarious - I could tell. Plus, it would hopefully give me some
cushion should he ever find out about any of my embarrassing

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Like the time Rose and Alice had to drag me home from a party after I
puked on Tommy Valducci - the guy I spent my entire first year of
college lusting after.

That thought made my stomach churn, so I tried refocusing my

attention, looking to Edward as he continued with his story.

"I was seventeen and Jas and I had gone to a party. It was the first time
we both got drunk - or even drank, really. Anyway, we got smashed - I
mean, completely fucking shitfaced," Edward said. I noticed all the
others in the group, with the exception of Jasper, were leaning forward
with wide eyes and shit-eating grins on their faces.

Oh yes, this is going to be fucking good.

Jas, however, just sat back while a small smile played at his lips, no
doubt remembering the incident Edward was reliving.

"Well, I hadn't known at the time - obviously since it was my first time
drinking - but I will apparently agree to just about anything if I'm drunk
enough." His declaration caused several eyebrows in the group to raise.

I shall remember that for future use, baby.

"I don't remember much, but I can only assume what happened. I woke
up, hungover, in someone else's house, with, uh, not my clothes on."
He shifted uncomfortably next to me and as much as I wanted to
comfort him and tell him he didn't have to say anymore, my curiosity got
the better of me and I realized that I really wanted to hear the rest of this
story. So, I did what I could to soothe him while I rubbed his knee
affectionately, yet still sat quietly waiting for him to continue.

You're not getting out of this one, sweet cheeks.

"Shit, I need another drink for this," Edward mumbled while he reached
for the bottle and poured himself another shot of Jack. I watched with

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rapt attention as he threw it back, noticing the bob of his Adam's apple
in the process.

God, I have the attention span of a three year old when I'm buzzed.

He finished it and sat the glass back on the coffee table before he
continued with his story. "I, well, I sort of, uh, had on, um," Edward
stuttered through the recount of that night. He swiftly choked out the
rest of the obviously painful sentence, squishing the words together so
as to help ease some of the blow of the tale,

There were several moments of silence where no one said anything, all
of us trying to decipher what Edward has just spat out.

A. . . what? Bra? And. . . panties?

My jaw dropped as my brain finally registered what Edward admitted.

The others must have realized what he said at the same time I did, as
we all erupted in loud, obnoxious laughter at the thought of Edward
dressed in drag.

I fell to the side, clutching my stomach and noticed the others trying to
hold each other up through their chortles. Jasper some how managed to
keep his laughter at bay as he looked on sympathetically at Edward.

Well, of course he doesn't need to laugh - he's had six fucking years to
get it out of his system!

I couldn't deny, though, that he was a good friend. That much was
clearly apparent, since he a) didn't laugh at his misfortune and b) kept
this a secret for six years.

After several long minutes, I pulled myself up into a sitting position and
crawled my way to Edward's lap, straddling him and clutched his face
between my hands. I leaned forward and slurred in my best baby voice,

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"I always knew you'd make such a purdy girl."

Edward cracked a slight smile at me and gripped my hips tightly.

"You," he rasped out while squeezing my hips, "are drunk."

I giggled at him and replied, "Not drunk enough to let someone cross
dress me."

That caused a whole other round of whoops and laughs to erupt around
the room.

"Oh my God," Alice gasped in between laughs, "Was it a thong

Edward? Please Jesus, tell me it was a thong!"

"Like I'll ever tell," Edward said.

"Thank fucking God I got rid of the evidence," Jasper said with a slight

All five heads in the room whipped to his, four of us looking on

expectantly and Edward looking pissed.

Jasper just shrugged and said, "Fuck Edward, it's not like it matters - I
burned the damn pictures already!"

I turned back to face Edward, my jaw hanging open as I studied his


"Wait," I said quietly to him, "was this how Jas got you to go on our blind
date?" I asked, stunned.

I remembered the conversation from the car while we sat outside my

apartment. We had both discussed how our roommates had coerced us
into going that evening. When Edward said that Jas knew something he
shouldn't to make him go, half naked cross-dressing didn't even enter

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my mind.

I watched as he nodded his head, his eyes downcast. "I need another
fucking shot."

Laughing at him, I gripped his face to bring his glassy eyes up to mine.
"Well, I'm glad you had those pictures taken - otherwise who knows how
our reconnection might have gone. Without those, Jasper never would
have been able to get you to go to dinner."

I saw a smile tug at his mouth and felt as he gripped my hips as he

leaned his face closer to mine, attempting to steal a kiss. Our lips
connected and before I could stop myself, we were in a heavy make-out
session, tongues battling in the space between our mouths, while the
four others looked on.

The things this man can do with his tongue.

Several loud calls of "get a fucking room" or "I don't want to see that
shit!" pulled us out of our little lust bubble, effectively ending our
make-out session. I felt my cheeks burn as I separated my mouth from
Edward's and rose to get off his lap, cuddling up to his side again.

All eyes were on me when I turned around and I glared at everyone

before exclaiming a loud, "What?"

"Christ Bella, calm the fuck down," Rose chided. "It's Edward's turn to
ask a question and he couldn't very well do that while your tongue
raped his mouth."

If it was even possible, I blushed another sixty or seventy shades of red

at Rose's statement. I felt Edward's arm squeeze me gently to his side
and allowed myself to mold to his body.

"Okay," he said, darting his eyes around the room to select his next
victim, "Alice, have you ever peed in the shower?"

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Alice got a disgusted look on her face and glared at Edward like he had
just asked her if she bought the shoes she was wearing at Payless.
"What the hell kind of question is that? No, I don't pee in the shower.
That's what a toilet is for!"

We all laughed at her offense to the question and waited for Alice to
take her turn.

"Alright, Round Robin this time," she said. "When did you lose your
virginity? Jas, baby, you're up first."

"Sixteen," he answered before looking to Rose.

"Same," she shrugged.

"Fifteen, bitches," Emmett boomed, clearly proud of his early sexual


It was my turn and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. It wasn't Edward

this time that I was worried about, but rather Emmett.

He is going to have a shit fit if he finds out it was James.

Angry not only that we'd fucked, but that he was the one I lost my
virginity to. Emmett hated James, though I wasn't ever sure exactly

"Um, it was the summer after senior year," I said quietly, while avoiding
eye contact with Emmett. Fortunately I think everyone else was too
drunk to notice my discomfort as Edward piped in to answer
immediately after me.

"Seventeen," he slurred.

Guess that last shot of Jack tipped the scales from buzzed to drunk,
huh baby?

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"Mine was over Christmas break junior year and it was a horrendous
experience," Alice said, disgust in her voice. "Jasper, you go next since
you answered first."

"Okay," he said with a gleam in his eye.

Uh-oh, some poor bastard is gonna get it.

"Bella," he said, directing his attention at me.

God dammit, why does everyone have to pick on me?

"If you walked in on two people having sex would you leave, watch or
join in?"

I turned my attention quickly to Edward, wondering if he had mentioned

to Jasper the time we came to the apartment and heard him and Alice
fucking. All I saw, however, was Edward's glassy eyes staring back at
me, curiosity and horniness front and center as he waited patiently for
my answer.

How the fuck am I supposed to answer that?

Well, fuck it I say. I was obviously way more intoxicated than I originally
thought if I was actually going to answer this and somehow manage to
not care about it coming out of my mouth.

"Watch," I said with my eyes locked on Edward's. I heard him curse a

low "fuck" under his breath while we were surrounded in various forms
of catcalls from our very mature friends. Edward's eyes darted from my
eyes to my lips, then to the people in the room before landing back on
my lips.

Mmm. . . looks like Edward is the horny drunk.

He got up quickly, almost knocking over the coffee table in his haste,

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before he reached down and pulled me to my feet. I felt the room spin
slightly at my sudden change of altitude and gripped Edward to steady
myself. Just when I had my bearings, I felt the floor go out from under
me as Edward swooped me up in his arms.

"Goodnight everyone," Edward yelled while rushing us to my room, "we

have some fucking to do."

Oh my God. I cannot believe he just said that.

"And, Em? Don't forget my warning from before."

Uh, nope, I'm pretty sure that right there was worse.

- - - l? - - -


I carried Bella into her room as fast as my legs would take me. Listening
to her confess that she'd watch two people fucking? I about jizzed in my
damn pants.

The need to get her naked as soon as humanly possible was all my
mind was focusing on. It was like a chant repeating over and over in my
head so I wouldn't forget.

Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck.

I had Bella in my arms now, so check one on the first part. Step two, get
her naked.

Roger that.

I made my way into her bedroom, slamming and locking the door
behind me. I walked closer to her bed and set her on her feet, my hands
immediately going to her shirt.

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Bella-Naked. Bella-Naked. Bella-Naked.

After peeling her shirt off, I reached for the button of her jeans, trying for
way too fucking long to get it through the damn hole.

"Baby," I whined, "help me please. Can't you shimmy your way out of

Bella just giggled and undid the button for me, before she grabbed my
hands and put them back on her jeans.

Oh, she likes me to strip her. Luckily for her, it's part of the master plan.

I yanked her jeans down her legs in one quick move, watching as they
pooled at her feet. Bella steadied herself against my body as she
stepped out of her them, wobbling slightly, before she freed herself

Wasting no time, I reached behind her to unhook her bra, taking only
two attempts - thank you very much - before unlatching it. I watched
with focused eyes as Bella's tits bounced free from her bra.

Bella's tits. Bella's tits. Bella's tits.

Briefly forgetting my master plan, I dove face-first into her chest, burying
my nose in the center. I moved my head from side to side, leaving
sloppy, open-mouthed kisses in my path. I felt Bella's hands tug on my
hair and heard her throaty moans vibrate off the walls of her room.

I moved my mouth to her right nipple, kissing and flicking and sucking
and biting while I was there. There was no rhythm in my tongue
thrusting, just frenzied movements as my mouth ravished her nipples.
My head moved from one boob to the next, soaking Bella's entire chest
in my spit, but I couldn't bring myself to care about that tiny detail.

Bella's tits. Bella's tits. Bella's tits.

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As I recited the mantra in my head, I couldn't help but hear the little blip
in the back of my mind that said I wasn't on the right path.

Wait - what was I supposed to be doing?

I moved my mouth from Bella's chest and looked down, trying to gain
my concentration, only to notice her panties still on her body.

Bella-Naked. Bella-Naked. Bella-Naked.

As quickly as I got distracted, I had my focus back. I dropped to my

knees in front of her and noticed the tiny strings holding up the sides of
her panties. They were so thin and small, I bet I could bite right through
them. Or rip them.

Ohhh, ripping Bella's panties.

Without thinking through my decision and taking time to wonder if Bella

would be pissed at what I was going to do, I turned her slightly to side,
and gripped the front and back of her panties before I gave a slight tug.

I felt my eyes bug out as the fabric gave away, the tiny string ripping
completely apart between my hands.

Holy shit. I just ripped her panties.

I stared up at Bella with wide-eyes, completely in awe of what I just did.

Her eyelids dropped as she stared at me, her mouth hanging open.

"So hot. . . " I heard Bella mumble above me.

That was all the encouragement I needed and I quickly shuffled to her
other side, repeating the action with the other tiny string.

Bella-Naked. Check. Next step, please. Bella-Naked-Bed.

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I allowed my focus to shift slightly with my new mantra. Bed. I needed a

bed next. Where's the bed?

I did a quick assessment of my placement in the room and made my

way off the floor. I needed to move Bella backwards a few steps to get
her to the bed.

Bella-Naked-Bed. Bella-Naked-Bed. Bella-Naked-Bed.

Not wanting to waste time with trying to re-direct her, I simply squatted
slightly and tossed Bella's naked ass over my shoulder and moved
quickly to the bed, before tossing her on the top.

I registered Bella's giggles as her body flopped on the bed. My

attention, however, was brought down to her tits, once again, as I
watched them bounce with the movement.

Bella's tits. Bella's tits. Bella's tits.

"Edward. . . "

Her raspy voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I brought my eyes

to hers. Her lids were drooping and her mouth was parted; her skin was
flushed - both from the alcohol and from her arousal. Bella kept my
attention as she brought one finger up to her lips and I watched as her
tongue darted out to lick it and guide it into her mouth. My cock twitched
as I watched her suck on her finger before it made an audible pop as
she released it.

Bella's mouth. My cock. Bella's mouth on my cock.

Before I could get too lost in my thoughts, I watched as she trailed her
fingers down her chin, to her neck; in between her tits, down to her belly
button where she made a quick circle around it. Continuing on her path,
she trailed it down her lower belly until she reached her pussy, where I
could actually see it glistening.

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I was locked in a trance while I watched her circle her clit with her finger
before she brought her hand down and moved two of her fingers into
her pussy. I couldn't look away as she pumped them slowly, gradually
increasing her pace.

"I thought you were gonna fuck me."

Yes! Thank you, baby.

Fuck Bella. Must. Fuck. Bella. I briefly recalled some sort of plan I had
and tried to focus on that for a minute.

Let's see. I needed to get her in her room. Check. I needed to get her
naked. Check. I needed to get her on the bed. Check. What's left?

Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck.

Sweet Jesus, just the fucking.

I think I may have done some form of a touchdown dance at that

realization. I didn't spend too much time on those stupid details,
however, since my girlfriend was naked, wet, and ready to be fucked.

I jumped on the bed, moving myself immediately in between her legs

and went to settle myself into her warm, tight pussy.

What the hell?

I was hard. That much I was sure of. I couldn't understand why I didn't
feel her tight walls surrounding me.

She was naked and on her bed still, wasn't she?

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I looked down, my eyes immediately falling to her bare tits and

confirmed that she was, in fact, still naked.

Before I could get any further in my questions, I felt Bella's hands snake
up my stomach to my chest and felt something tugging at my arms. I
looked down at the same time Bella's voice broke through the silence of
the room.

"You need to take your clothes off, Edward."

Shit. I never planned for me to get naked in my little plan.

Normally I would have laughed at my stupidity, but I still had some

major fucking to do, so I was all business. I sat back on my heels and
whipped my shirt off before reaching down to wrestle with the button of
my jeans, all the while praying mine was a hell of a lot easier than
Bella's was. Thank fucking God it was, as I was able to rid myself of
them rather quickly. I moved my body slightly so I could shove my jeans
and boxers down my legs.

Once I had that little detail remedied, my eyes found their way back to
Bella and noticed her fingers buried in her pussy again, rapidly
attempting to make herself cum.

"Edward. . . baby. . . need to fuck. . . unnggg. . . please. . . "

Bella's breathy moans were my complete undoing. I crawled my way

back up the bed and gripped Bella's hips while I brought my head down
to kiss her. My cock brushed in between her legs and I could feel one of
her hands working furiously at her clit while the other pumped in and out
of her pussy.

Our tongues assaulted each other while Bella worked her way to her
orgasm. I took one of my hands and moved it down to place next to
hers, adding another finger to her pussy when she pulled out and
pumped back in again.

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"Shit," I groaned out at the feel of her fingers against mine as her wet
walls wrapped around us both.

I didn't even have time to ask her if she was close before she screamed
and arched her back into me, her pussy clenching repeatedly around
our fingers.

I hissed out a low "fuck" as I felt Bella cum on my fingers, my resolve to

fuck her even more set now.

Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck.

I pulled my finger from her and leaned down to her ear, sucking her lobe
into my mouth and nibbled on it before I told Bella what I needed.

"I want you on your hands and knees, baby."

Bella's only response was a throaty moan and I watched as she flipped
herself over, quicker than I thought possible.

I moved my way behind her and my eyes zoned in on her ass as she
swayed it from side to side, taunting me. She dropped down onto her
forearms, causing her ass to jut out in my face even more.

Bella's ass. Bella's ass. Bella's ass.

I couldn't help it - it was sitting there looking all round and lickable. So, I
did. I licked it and then I sunk my teeth in and bit.

Juicy like an apple.

"God. . . "

Bella's raspy groan snapped me out of my ass-apple feeding frenzy and

I had to remind myself what I was here to do.

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Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck.

I had Bella. Step one - check.

Bella was naked. Step two - check.

Bella was in the bed naked. Step three - check.

Bella was in the bed naked, ready to be fucked. Step four. . .

I grabbed onto her hips and didn't even stop for a moment's breath
before I plunged myself into her pussy.

Our mixed groans, along with the sound of skin slapping against skin
were all that filled the room. My only thought at the moment was how
hot and wet and tight Bella felt around my dick.

I gripped her hips tightly, using them as leverage to pound her back
against myself while we worked at a fast, frenzied pace. As I was
looking down and watching my dick disappear inside Bella, I felt her
hand sneak down under her and brush against my balls.


After a few tugs and gentle squeezes, her fingers left me and she
settled them on her clit, helping herself to cum again.

I let my left hand move from her hip to rub over her ass and up the dip
in the small of her back. I leaned forward, still thrusting in and out of
Bella, and wrapped my arm around her upper body, letting my hand fall
on her tits. Taking the full weight in my palm, I squeezed and kneaded
before finding my way to her nipple, tugging on it with my thumb and

"Ung. . . Yes. . . Edwa-" Bella's moans of pleasure were cut off from my
ears as she turned her face into her pillow. I could only hear garbled

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words and curses as Bella continued to moan under me.

I knew if I had my hand on her tit, I didn't have the leverage I needed to
give her the proper hard fucking she deserved. So, I traced my hand
back up her back, righting myself slightly, and moved my hand to her
shoulder, gripping there to pull her back against my cock.

"Fuck!" Bella screamed at the new force I was driving into her with.

I think somewhere along the way I managed to grunt out a few

incoherent moans and curses, but I was too busy focusing - once again
- on the sight of my dick entering Bella.

"Edward. . . so close. . . gonna cummmm. . . "

As the words left Bella's mouth, I felt her walls clamp down on me, then
pulse over and over as her climax took her. It was all I needed to find
my release and I pushed myself as deep as I could and came inside
her, uttering a low "fuck" as I did so.

Bella collapsed on the bed, me falling next to her, both of us exhausted

from the workout.

I had enough sense in me to grab her blanket that we'd managed to

kick to the end of the bed and pull it up over us as Bella snuggled her
back into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my face
close to her head, breathing in the scent of her hair, while I let sleep
overtake me.

Bella-Naked-Bed-Fuck. Check, check, check and check.

A/N: Ah-ha! Now you have the answer to the coveted question from
"Compromises and Compromising Polaroids" - what our dear old Jasper
did for Eddie boy back in the day. So. . . not only did you get hilarity in
the form of drunk Truth or Truth, but you also got a smokin' lemon with
Drunkward. No cliffies, no angst, just happy, horny times. And, that

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makes what I'm about to do a lot easier. I'm abandoning the story. Yep,
this is the end of the road for these two...

KIDDING! I'm only kidding. hehe I'm with these two till the end (which
I have already mapped out in my mind...and it's swoon worthy). I just
like to pound you over the head so this next thing won't seem like such
a blow. I will be gone till May 3rd on vacation - which means no updates
and no writing during that time. wah, wah, wah... I don't think you guys
have had to wait more than 10 days for an update and I'm thinking this
next one will be like three weeks. :( Just don't forget about VixenBella
and while I'm away. And, seriously - someone come up with a name for
this Edward already. LBSSBBRDward is just a damn mouth full.

A big fat hairy thank you to Talullah Remitter for helping me get my
drunk on with this chapter. I appreciate having friends in high places
that can help me drunk it down. No, seriously, you rock the house and
thank you for pulling out the "cock-sucking bitch" talk to make me laugh
when I was feeling defeated and for being my loosey-goosey nut of a
friend. *smooches*

A thousand and one thanks and spanks to Katie for preventing me from
looking like a total douchenozzle every chapter. You are my
punctuation/grammar/stupid mistake catcher and I'd look like a
complete dumbass without your help. *grabs katie's boobies*

Alright - I planted little tiny seeds throughout this chapter for upcoming
events. Any guesses?

Review for metaphorical spanks.

15. Truth and Mantras 308

16. Awkward Encounters
A special shoutout to lovedwardalways who went through and
read and thoughtfully reviewed each and every chapter. You rock
my socks, bb.

The reviews that have come in are amazing. You guys are the best.
I love your insights and your funny stories and more often than not
you make me giggle to myself and cause my husband to look at
me like I'm insane. And, really there's nothing better than that.

Things I own: A brand new lime green purse, 19 new pairs of

panties and 7 new shirts. All purchased on my vacation. I have a
bit of a problem.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


I felt a little like a chicken with its head cut off. I was aimlessly
wandering around my room, going from my bed - which held my empty
suitcase - to my closet, to my dresser, then started the entire circuit all
over again.

I had no idea at all what to fill my suitcase with. I mean, what do you
pack to wear while staying a week at your boyfriend's parents' mansion
while they are in Italy?

Edward's mom had called him a couple of weeks after our dinner there
and asked if we would be willing to house-sit for them while they went
on a "quick trip to Italy" - her words, not mine.

Only rich people.

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Of course, I was thrilled - and nervous - but, really, more thrilled than
anything. I'd been dying to get back into that library ever since Edward
had shown it to me when I met his parents for the first time.
Unfortunately, our schedules just didn't allow for us to do much more
than drop by and say hello - and even that had only happened twice.
Fortunately, in those two short times, I'd grown more and more
comfortable with Carlisle and Esme. Their house. . . errr, mansion. . .
was another story all together. I still felt intimidated when we went there
- despite how down to earth his parents were and how Edward was so
nonchalant about the money his family had.

However, when you grew up in a modest home like I did, it was difficult
to accept that Edward and his parents were just people. The same kind
of people as my parents and I. Despite the fact that you could fit
Charlie's home inside the Cullen Estate. . . seventeen times over.

Thoughts like those weren't helping to calm my anxiety. Before I could

work myself up in a frenzy, I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples,
trying to sooth my frazzled nerves. There was nothing to get worked up

It was just Edward.

It was just Edward and I.

It was just Edward and I and a mansion.

It was just Edward and I and a mansion and a 'guaranteed to get laid'

Oh, hell.

Realizing that wasn't helping at all, I resigned myself to just grab the
first things I found and throw them in my suitcase.

Jeans? Got 'em.

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Shirts? Yep.

Socks, bras and panties? Right-o.

I made my way to my bathroom and grabbed the bag I use for my

toiletries and filled it with the necessities.

Thank God I wasn't going to have my period this week. Talk about a
mood killer.

After double and triple checking that I had my toothbrush, I grabbed the
full bag and went back into my bedroom, tossing it into my only
half-filled suitcase.

I wondered if I should bring some sort of sexy lingerie with me. Staying
the night with Edward wasn't anything new; we did it as often as our
schedules allowed us now, but I generally slept in his t-shirt and
panties. He never complained; in fact, more times than not, he'd pounce
on me before I even crawled under the covers. It was obvious he liked
how I looked in his clothes.

It doesn't hurt to spice things up a little, though.

With that thought, I grabbed the pink bag I had tossed in my closet last
week after a shopping trip to the mall with Alice and Rose. Even though
shopping wasn't my favorite, lingerie was a bit of a guilty pleasure of
mine. I didn't have many things, but that didn't mean that I didn't love
wearing them. There's just something that makes you feel sexy when
you have a matching bra and panty set on or a silky robe or nightgown.

Whether I enjoyed it before or not wasn't really the point. I'd splurged on
a few bra and panty sets, but I'd never really had any true lingerie -
garter belts and babydolls and chemises. As it was, I'd never really had
anyone to wear them for. I mean, the sex I'd had in the past wasn't ever
with any long term boyfriends and I'd never felt the urge or the need to
wear that stuff for them.

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But, Edward, on the other hand. . .

Yes, I was quite certain that he would enjoy the little nuggets of
goodness I purchased.

I pulled out the contents of the bag and tossed the whole lot - still
wrapped in the pink tissue paper - into my suitcase. I could decide what
I wanted to wear when the mood struck me.

I had just zipped up my suitcase when I felt arms wrap around my

stomach and I yelped in surprise.

"I'm sorry - did I scare you?" Edward asked, his mouth hovering over
my ear.

I relaxed and melted back into his chest, a small smile playing at my

"Yes you did," I said. "How did you get in?"

"Rose is home - she let me up."

I realized I was so lost in my. . . uhh. . . thoughts of what good things my

lingerie would bring that I hadn't even heard the buzzer sound.

"Sorry, I was. . . preoccupied," I said, feeling the blush creep up from

my neck to cover my cheeks.

"Mmm," Edward hummed in my ear, "what has you blushing?"

I ducked my head and pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth. I could

tell him what had me blushing, but I think I preferred the idea of
springing it on him unexpectedly.

And, in turn, watch him spring up unexpectedly.

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I just shook my head at him and responded, "You'll just have to wait to
find out."

I turned myself around in his arms so I was facing him, my hands

placed palm down on his chest, and stood on my tiptoes to greet him
properly with a kiss. Of course, one little kiss was never on Edward's
agenda, so several minutes - plus a flushed face and a hardened bulge
- later, we broke apart. Edward pecked my lips twice more quickly
before grabbing my suitcase and backpack off the bed.

"You ready?" he asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my


"As ready as I'll ever be," I answered, still uncertain as to what the week
ahead held for me.

After saying goodbye to Rose and Alice and promising to "not be a

stranger" and call them during the week, Edward and I made our way
out to the car and headed towards his parents' house.

"So, I thought we could just grill for dinner tonight since the weather is
so nice," Edward said, looking to me for confirmation that I would be
okay with that.

"That sounds great, actually," I said to him, squeezing the hand that
was intertwined with mine on the center console.

"Good," Edward said, smiling at me. "We need to swing by the store,
though. I don't think my mom left any perishables in the fridge when
they left."

I nodded and directed Edward to the grocery store that was just around
the corner from my apartment.

We pulled into the parking lot and Edward made his way over to my
side of the car, opening the door for me and offering me his hand. We

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walked in the front doors of the supermarket, hands clasped gently with
each other's, and grabbed a cart as we headed in the direction of the
fruits and vegetables.

"I could make a salad," I said, with a slight question in my voice. "And,
we could maybe have baked potatoes?" I peeked at Edward with my
head tilted to the side.

"Both sound fabulous," he said as he wrapped his hand around my

waist, resting it gently on my hip, before he pulled me to him and gave
me a light kiss on my temple.

Edward pushed the cart as I found all the ingredients I needed and
loaded the basket with the items. After getting the items for the salad
and the potatoes, I added some fresh fruit to the mix and we finished up
in that area and headed towards the meat section.

"Do you want chicken or steak, baby?" Edward asked while looking at
the selection enclosed behind the glass counter.

"Hmm," I started, contemplating what I was in the mood for tonight.

"Either one is fine; whatever you get is what I'll have. What are you in
the mood for?"

Edward turned his attention back to me and gripped me on my hips,

pulling me to him - my back to his chest. He moved one of his hands up
to brush the hair away from my shoulder, pushing it to the back, before
trailing his fingers softly down the slope of my newly exposed neck.

I closed my eyes and melted back into him, a contented sigh escaping
my lips. I felt his lips ghost over my neck, raising goose bumps in their
wake. He stopped just below my ear, his tongue flicking out at my lobe
before I heard him whisper, "What I'm in the mood for wouldn't exactly
be appropriate at the grocery store."

Oh. My. Fuck.

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I reached my hands behind me, sliding my fingers along Edward's

jeans, lightly brushing my fingers against the bulge I felt growing there. I
smiled as Edward groaned from my movements and giggled softly as I
felt his grip on my hips tighten.

I was pulled out of my happy little bubble of Edward yumminess by the

sound of a throat clearing from behind the counter. I snapped my eyes
open in surprise, a blush spreading over my face in my embarrassment
from being caught in our intimate moment. I was still wrapped in
Edward's arms, his face turned in to my neck; I could feel him breathing
in my scent and pressing soft kisses along my skin every so often.


My heart stopped cold and all the flush left my cheeks as I stood face to
face with the one person I never wanted to have in the same vicinity as
Edward. I felt Edward's head tilt up in surprise at the male voice calling
my name, his hands moving from my hips to wrap completely around
my waist.

Might as well piss on me, baby.

I had no idea how to approach this. I mean, how the fuck do you talk to
your previous one-night-stand while you are being held in the arms of
your current boyfriend, who also just happens to be the love of your life?

"Oh," I stuttered, failing horribly in my attempt to hide my discomfort,

"uh, hi Jacob. How are you?" I finished lamely.

I could practically feel Edward's scowl from behind me and I wondered

what he would have to be upset about. After all, it was his arms that
were wrapped around me at the moment.

Jacob looked from my eyes to Edward's arms wrapped around my

waist, to Edward's face then back to my eyes - hurt and anger written
on his face.

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I groaned internally and had to restrain myself from rolling my eyes.

We'd had one night. Months ago. While I was drunk. And, believe you
me, it was not earth-shattering. Hell, I didn't even feel a fucking quiver.
Not to mention that I didn't exactly hide the fact that he hadn't even
gotten me off. I just couldn't understand his infatuation with me. Since
our one hook-up, I'd somehow managed to run into him several times -
each instance politely declining any sort of advances from him. All those
times, however, were before Edward and I had gotten together. I hadn't
run into Jacob since we had started officially dating - and I was
surprised that I hadn't run into him here at the grocery store, though I
assumed maybe this was a new job for him. I was extremely happy that
if I did have to see him, Edward was here with me.

Jacob seemed to make some sort of resolve with himself and I watched
as his shoulders rolled back and his signature carefree look spread over
his face.

"I'm good, good," he said, nodding, before continuing. "I haven't seen
you at the club lately, everything alright?"

He had to bring up the club. Fucking men.

"Oh, yeah, well the girls and I aren't going out as much lately," I replied,
shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot. It wasn't that I was ashamed of
what happened with Jacob - though I wasn't exactly thrilled with it. And,
it wasn't that I was purposefully keeping it from Edward - though he
specifically said he didn't want to hear about any of my past. . .
encounters. It was just that I didn't like the situation I was presented
with. I mean - hello - a past fuck and a current fuck in the same room is
never a good combination.

"That's too bad, I miss seeing you," Jacob said, though he was looking
directly at Edward.

Cue eye roll.

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I felt Edward tense behind me and prepared myself for his wrath at
Jacob's not-so-subtle taunt. I was surprised when I felt him relax a little
and press an open mouthed kiss on my neck before he turned back to
face Jacob.

"Actually, I keep her quite busy in the evenings," Edward said, and I
didn't have to look at him to know he was smirking. "And during the
days. And in the middle of the night."

Well, it was pretty damn obvious he wasn't talking about watching


"Ahem," I started, clearing my throat uncomfortably, "well, anyhow, uh,

can we just have two of the eight ounce filet mignons, please?" My
voice was tight and my body was ram-rod straight. I was also certain
that my chest, neck and face were the color of a tomato by now.

Jacob just nodded at me and went to grab what I asked for. I turned
around to face Edward and placed my hand on his cheek, trailing my
fingers down to trace his lips lightly. I stood on my tiptoes and felt as
Edward helped to lift me slightly while bringing his head down to mine at
the same time. Our lips touched briefly, just enough to offer him the
reassurance I was certain he needed now, before he set me down and I
turned to collect our steaks from Jacob.

"Here you go, Bella," he said, handing over the package to me.

"Thanks, Jacob," I said quietly, "I'll see you around."

"Hopefully frequently," he said with a lilt to his voice. "I'll be working four
days a week, so I'm sure I'll see you in here often," he ended while
winking at me.

Seriously. What the hell?

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"Uh, yeah, sure," I said while turning away from him. I needed to get the
hell out of there.

Mental note: Make Alice and Rose scope out what days Jake works.
Then avoid those days at all costs.

I pushed the cart away as quickly and forcefully as I could, just about
taking out a little old lady in my haste.

"Hey," Edward said, practically jogging to catch up with me. "Where's

the fire?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing, I just want to finish up and get home. . . err. . . to
your parents' house I mean."

I heard Edward's feet shuffle up behind me, his chest pressing into my
back, as he rested his hands on either side of mine on the handle bar.
He nuzzled his face into my neck and spoke lowly in my ear.

"So, you wanna tell me what that was all about?"

"What 'what' was all about?"

"Bella, please, I'm not blind - that asshat has a major boner for you," he
said, agitation clear in his voice. "He was the guy from the club, right?
That first night?" I nodded at his question and Edward continued, "So,
who is he?"

I exhaled and tilted my head into his. I wanted to reassure him that
there was nothing to worry about - that Jacob was nothing more than a
nuisance to me. However, I did not want to get into the details of past
hook-ups in the cereal aisle of the grocery store. I also didn't know if
Edward was ready to - or even wanted to, for that matter - discuss our
past histories. And, until he asked, I was going to abide by his 'you were
a nun' thinking.

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"He's absolutely no one, Edward," I said, hoping that was all he needed
to hear. "No one of importance, anyhow. I only have one guy in my life
that's worth mentioning."

"Oh yeah?" he asked. "And, who's that?"

"Only you," I said, reaching back to caress his cheek while putting all
the love I had into those two little words. If I was too chicken shit to say
the big 'I love you', this was going to have to do.

Edward's hands left the handle bar and he wrapped his arms around my
waist, hugging me tightly from behind.

"Only you, Bella," he sighed.

I turned my head, kissing whatever I could reach of Edward, and said,

"Let's hurry up and get out of here."

"Alright, but this will go faster if we don't have the handicap of your
stubby little legs holding us back," he said, laughing while dodging a
slap from me. "Hop up," he finished, motioning to the bar at the bottom
of the cart.

I laughed and got up on the damn bar, shaking my head while

mumbling to Edward, "You are such a shit, you know that? Just 'cause
you're almost a foot taller than me. . . "

Edward just continued laughing and led us through the store, grabbing
the rest of the items on our list along the way.

And, the fucker was right. . . it was a lot faster without my 'stubby little
legs' getting in the way.

- - - l? - - -


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We finished up at the grocery store and made our way back to my

parents' home to get settled in. When my mom called asking if I'd - well,
if we'd - like to house-sit I knew Bella would be thrilled. I was well aware
of the fact that she was still intimidated by my family's property, but that
she'd love nothing more than to explore everything, not to mention
submerse herself in what the library had to offer. So, for one week, we
would have the house to ourselves. My parents planned these little
getaways several times a year, with a longer extended vacation
sometime in the winter months. I knew that we'd probably be asked
back again - I was usually the one that stayed and looked over things
for them, but since Bella was in the picture, it had become an "us" thing

I was actually looking forward to having Bella there with me - in my

childhood home. It was going to be odd to have a girl staying in my
room with me, considering I'd never let any of my past flings, I guess
you could call them, occupy space in my bedroom. It was too private of
a place and not where I wanted memories of past hook-ups to be held.

As excited as I was, however, my mood had been dampened slightly by

that shithead at the grocery store. Jacob. Beast Man, as I so
affectionately referred to him.

I could tell as soon as he spoke her name that there was something
going on there. He had it bad for her - that much was pretty fucking
obvious. And, Bella seemed. . . uncomfortable around him. Much like
she had when I interrupted their dance that first night at the club. It was
clear that there was more to the story than what was shown at face
value, but Bella didn't seem to want to talk about it.

No, dumbass, you told her not to talk about it.

It was true. I did tell her I didn't want to know about anything that
happened before me, but what the fuck did I know? I was new to this
whole relationship thing and it seemed like the smart thing to do would
be to keep shit like that from an overprotective, overreacting, jealous

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fuck like myself. Turns out, this whole not knowing thing was making my
stomach churn. The thoughts and conclusions I was coming up with on
my own were probably far fucking worse than what the truth was. I knew
now this was a talk we'd need to have. If I wanted things to progress
with Bella - and, I did, more than anything - I knew we needed to get
shit like this sorted out.

What I was not looking forward to, however, was telling her how many
girls I'd fucked and that, yes, they were all just fucks.

Always thinking with your dick, Cullen.

I shook my head to try to clear it as we pulled up to the garage. I shut

off the car and went around to help Bella out before heading to the trunk
to grab the groceries.

Opening the back door for her, I made a sweeping motion with my arm,
gesturing for Bella to go in ahead of me. She walked through and
stepped aside, allowing me to lead the way into the kitchen. I could tell
she was still intimidated by the house, but I hoped that would be
reconciled before too long. I didn't want her to spend a week too
uncomfortable to enjoy herself while we were here.

After getting the groceries put away, I checked the time, noticing it was
close to dinnertime.

"Are you hungry yet, baby?" I asked Bella.

"Um, yeah, I could eat," she replied, smiling at me. "Do you want me to
get the salad and potatoes ready while you unleash your man-skills on
the grill?"

"Sounds like a plan," I said, as I walked over to kiss her. "Think you can
find your way around in here?"

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Bella nibbled on her bottom lip and looked up at me with big eyes.
"Well, um, I guess I can just poke around to find stuff. I mean, if that's

I grabbed her by the hips and lifted her to sit on the counter she was
leaning against. Pushing her legs apart, I fit myself in between them and
gave her a quick kiss before I said, "We're going to be here a week, you
know. My mom told you to make yourself at home. I've told you to make
yourself at home. Why are you still so uncomfortable?" I squeezed her
hips as I finished, waiting for her answer.

She was looking down at her hands that rested on top of her knees, still
chewing on her bottom lip. She lifted her eyes to look at me and
dropped her lip from the confines of her teeth.

"I just, I don't know, I don't want to overstep my bounds. It's like when
you were a kid and used to stay the night at your friend's house, but it
took a while to be comfortable grabbing a bowl of cereal, you know?"
She asked, looking at me to confirm her thoughts.

"Well, actually, no I don't know," I said, with a small smile on my face.

"It's always just been me and Jas when I was little, so I've just kind of
always thought of his house as mine and vice versa. But, yes, I suppose
I can see what you are saying," I finished while looking into Bella's eyes.
"I want you to feel comfortable here, though. You can do whatever you
want while you're here - it's your home for the next week, okay? If you
want to walk around naked, don't let me stop you," I told her with a wink.

Bella's laughter filled the kitchen and she wrapped her arms around my
shoulders, squeezing me tightly to her.

"Thank you," she whispered. "I'll try, but I can't promise anything."

"Good," I said, turning my head to place a soft kiss on her neck. "And, I
wasn't kidding about the whole naked thing," I finished, reaching around
to squeeze her ass for emphasis.

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She threw her head back in laughter and slapped my chest before
replying, "You are such a pervert! We're not even here for ten minutes
and you're already trying to get me naked."

"Hey, I don't have to try very hard - remember the 'guaranteed to get
laid room?'" I asked, smirking at her. "Yeah, well, I plan to use that
sucker to my advantage the whole time we're here."

Bella's giggles continued to fill the room as she shook her head at me.

"Such an insatiable pervert," she mumbled.

I leaned in for a kiss and then swatted her ass as I headed for the fridge
to grab the steaks. "Alright, just dig around to find what you need and I'll
be out on the patio."

She nodded at me, biting that damn lip once again. "And baby?" I
waited till her eyes were focused on me before continuing, "Enjoy
yourself - I know you've been dying to cook in this kitchen."

Ah, there's the brilliant smile I love so damn much.

She nodded at me once again, only this time her lips were pulled into a
full smile. Despite her nerves and anxiety, I knew she was excited to be

- - - l? - - -

We'd just finished cleaning up the dishes from dinner and I could tell
Bella still wasn't feeling herself quite yet. I figured the best way to help
her relax was to get her into her element.

The library it is.

"What do you feel like doing?" I asked, hoping she would take the lead
and ask to poke around in the library like she's been anxious to do.

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"I dunno, whatever is fine," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, we could . . .," I started, pretending to think over our options,

"watch a movie? Or, go for a swim in the pool?" I watched as Bella's
face stayed contemplative, thinking over what I was asking, though I
knew she was really waiting for one thing in particular. "Or, you could
get your pajamas on and we could curl up in the library with some good

I was staring at her, waiting for her reaction and was rewarded with
wide, happy eyes and an elated smile.

Ah, how I love to make my girl happy.

"I take it that's the winner?" I asked teasingly.

Bella nodded her head emphatically, anxiously bouncing on the balls of

her feet.

"Alright, I'll run out and get our bags," I said, turning to head back to the
garage. "What room do you want to stay in?" I asked, unsure if she'd
rather sleep in the huge guest suite instead of my bedroom. I turned my
head around to look at her as I continued towards the mudroom.

Bella cocked her head to the side and looked at me like I had just asked
if the sky was blue. "Well, your room, of course. Where the crap did you
think I'd want to stay? I mean, I'm sure your parents' room is quite nice,
but that would skeeve me out," she finished with a shudder.

I laughed at her and replied, "I just wasn't sure if you'd rather stay in the
guest suite. My room is perfect. I'll be right back."

After grabbing the bags out of the trunk, I headed back inside and
ascended the stairs, Bella following right behind me. I tossed our things
on the bed while reminding Bella where the bathroom was and told her
to get ready while I started stripping off my clothes. Bella headed into

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the bathroom with her 'girly crap' bag and I got out of my jeans and
t-shirt, throwing on a pair of scrub pants, forgoing a shirt entirely.

Bella came out from the bathroom a couple minutes later with her hair
piled up on her head and all traces of makeup removed from her face.
Her skin was tinted pink at her cheeks and there were wisps of hair that
had escaped the confines of her ponytail holder, damp with the water
from washing up and falling haphazardly around her face.


I must have had a stupid smile on my face, because as Bella walked

towards the bed to grab her pajamas, she teasingly said, "Did I forget
my pants?" while she looked down, faking anxiety.

Briefly laughing at her, I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to
me before replying, "No, you just always look so beautiful when you're
ready for bed."

I felt the blush warm her cheeks and watched as she dropped her eyes
to her feet, a small smile overtaking her face. I squeezed her quickly
and kissed the top of her head before flopping back on the bed to watch
her get changed.

Yeah, I'm a dude. So fucking what?

Bella laughed at me and sorted through her bag, locating her tank top
and pajama pants. I watched as she stripped down, leaving herself in
only her bra and panties, and tried as hard as I could not to jump her
right there. She was too tempting for her own good. Bella pulled her
pants on and then reached for her top, only to drop it and reach behind
her to unhook her bra.

She's trying to kill me.

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I blatantly stared at her as her tits bounced free, before she brought the
tank top up and over her head, smoothing it down on the sides when
she had it in place. She was lost in her own world, folding up the clothes
she just took off, and was completely unaware of my open ogling. I,
however, was very aware of my eyes feasting on her, as was evident by
the massive bulge in my pants. I'm pretty sure my scrubs looked like a
fucking tent, my eyes were glazed over with lust and my mouth was
hanging open, probably looking much like a girl ready and waiting to
give head.

Oh hell, that didn't help.

"Ok, I think I'm ready," Bella said while still messing with her clothes in
her suitcase. When I didn't answer, she glanced at me out of the corner
of her eye and a nervous expression came over her face before she
said, "What?" and bit her lip, attempting to inconspicuously look down at
herself to see what I was staring at.

Shaking my head to try and clear my daze a little, I sat up on the bed
and pulled her to me, realizing too late that I was eye level with those
delicious round pillows of goodness and that her white tank top was
doing nothing to hide her pebbled nipples. I placed my head in the
middle of her chest and moved my head side to side, feeling the swell of
her breasts along the sides of my face.

Bella brought her hands up to my head, swirling her fingernails in a

random pattern on my scalp while I did some half-assed motorboating
on her boobs. Her giggles snapped me out of my tit-induced trance and
I pulled my head back, bringing my eyes up to meet hers. She was
staring down at me, a full smile stretched across her face.

"You're not going to make me give up time in the library so you can get
your rocks off, are you?"

I cracked a smile and replied, "First, when have I ever been the only
one to get my rocks off? And second, no, I won't deprive you of your

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beloved books," I finished while pushing her back slightly and getting off
the bed. "But, that doesn't mean I won't be begging you later tonight." I
finished with a slap on her ass while I grabbed her hand to lead her to
the library.

- - - l? - - -

We'd been trapped in the library for a couple of hours already, but Bella
didn't seem interested at all in leaving. She was currently curled up on
the overstuffed chair, her attention resting solely on the book in her lap,
while I laid on the floor with my feet on the chair, snuggled into her side.
I had been alternating between fucking around with my iPhone and just
staring at Bella as she lost herself in the world she was reading about.

She was so beautiful when she read. She would sit and twirl a strand of
hair around her fingers while a variety of emotions danced across her
face. Sometimes I could feel her body tense slightly against my legs
when she came to a suspenseful or awkward part in the book; her lip
would be in between her teeth and her eyes would work furiously across
the page trying to reach the resolution faster. Other times, a small smile
would play on her face and she would rest her fingers lightly on her
collarbone while a contended sigh would escape her lips.

I loved watching her get lost in herself - completely unaware of her

surroundings. It reminded me of the time we officially met in the library -
where she was singing softly to herself, totally oblivious to anything. . .
or anyone. . . around her.

As entertaining as it was to watch Bella, I had been doing it for over two
hours and I was fucking horny. Of course, it didn't help that her
collarbones and shoulders were completely exposed to me in her little
tank top. Or that I could see the outline of her nipples through the white
material. Or that her shirt didn't quite meet the waistband of her pants
and I was taunted by the sliver of skin exposed at her stomach.

I was dying over here.

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I slid my feet out from beside her and pulled myself upright, scooting
closer to her while on my knees. I placed myself directly in front of her
and moved her legs from out from under her, bringing her feet to rest on
the floor. Throughout all my ministrations, Bella continued to read, not
even noticing what I was doing to her body.

This could be fun.

I spread her legs apart slightly and settled my body in between them,
while I rested my head on her right thigh. I began tracing soft patterns
on her other with my fingers and felt as Bella moved one of her hands to
my hair, rubbing mindlessly while she was still absorbed in her book.

I began inching my fingers higher and higher with each pass, before I
brought them back down to her knee and then started the process all
over again. Every once in a while I would hear Bella sigh above me,
almost a light purr coming from the back of her throat, as my hand
continued to lightly caress her leg.

My face was resting gently on her thigh and I decided to have a little
more fun with her as I scooted further up her legs, my face moving
closer to her covered pussy. I deliberately let out a large gust of air,
hitting her right over her sex.

Bella started to shift under me and I could only hope I was beginning to
get to her a bit. The throbbing in my pants was only getting worse by the
second and I was certain that if I wasn't buried in her sweet little pussy
as soon as fucking possible, I was going to combust. Spontaneous jizz

I knew I had to up my game a little, so this time when my fingers made

their path up her thigh, I brought my fingers even higher, brushing lightly
against the outer seam of her panties.

Bella drew in a sharp breath and then exhaled while sighing softly,
"Edward. . . "

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I smirked against her leg, pleased with her reaction, and responded as
innocently as possible, "Yes, baby?"

She groaned out her irritation with my faux innocence and latched her
fingers in my hair, her book long forgotten. Her hands grasped tightly
and she jerked my head upwards, forcing me to meet her hungry stare.

The look of desire on her face had my ego flying and I couldn't help the
smirk from taking its rightful place on my lips.

"Edwarddddd," she whined, her lips going out in a pout as she crossed
her arms over her chest.

I was tempted to tease her for a while - pay her back for the taunting
she'd done for the last two hours. Whether she knew she'd done it or
not wasn't of any consequence. But, once I saw that lip jut out and her
arms cross against her chest, effectively pushing her tits even closer to
my eager and awaiting mouth, all previous plans of evilness flew out the
fucking window because I just had to have her. Right now.

Before Bella could register what I was doing, I'd jumped to my feet,
grabbing her hand along the way and pulling her out of the chair to
stand in front of me. I wasted no time at all and removed all traces of
clothing on her body as quickly as humanly possible and began to place
open mouth kisses over every inch of skin I could reach. When I
couldn't reach any further, I dropped to my knees and continued my
quest on the lower half of her body.

While my lips assaulted her warm skin, I fumbled with the drawstring on
my scrubs, yanking them down along with my boxers while I stood up
quickly and fell back into the chair, pulling Bella into my lap as I did so.
Her legs straddled me and I felt the heat emanating from her as she
hovered just over my hard dick.

Her breath was coming out in pants and her cheeks and chest were
both flushed with her excitement and arousal. She reached over and

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began to rub her hands over my bare chest, every once in a while
flicking a finger over one of my nipples, before moving upwards and
settling her hands in my hair.

I trailed one of my hands down the front of her as Bella ran her fingers
through my hair while placing kisses on my face, neck and shoulders. I
continued down her body until my fingers came in contact with her
wetness, feeling how aroused she was for me.

"Shit, Bella," I rasped out.

I plunged two fingers into her, testing her readiness, though it was a
completely unnecessary move to make. I could smell her from where I
sat - there was no question as to whether she was wet enough. My
fingers moved smoothly, yet forcefully inside her as she rocked her hips
into my movements.

"Now Edward," she whispered out. "I want you inside me."

You don't have to ask me twice.

I removed my fingers from her and grasped my cock with one hand,
guiding my head to her entrance. Once we were lined up, I moved my
hands to Bella's hips, attempting to guide her movements over me.

Of course, Bella decided to be a little vixen again and slammed herself

down on my dick in one forceful movement. Our combined groans filled
the air and my hold on her hips tightened, my fingers producing white
indentations on her creamy skin.

Bella lifted herself up and dropped back down on to me, impaling

herself with my cock again and again in fast, deep thrusts. My head fell
to the back of the chair while Bella rode my cock and I couldn't help the
moans, grunts and groans that left my lips as I felt her walls surrounding

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I felt Bella shift slightly as she leaned back, her hands going to rest on
my knees, and she continued to bounce up and down on my dick. I
brought my head up and watched her - her eyes closed in pleasure, her
head tossed back while her hair tickled my legs, her tits bouncing freely
to the rhythm she set.


I didn't know how this girl did it to me, but every time I was inside her, it
was like I was fucking seventeen again and I was trying my hardest to
last more than a few minutes. I could already feel my balls tighten as my
dick throbbed against her inner walls.

Gripping her hips tighter than I was before, I stopped her movements
above me, causing her to just sit on my cock, while I leaned forward and
brought one of her nipples into my mouth. I flicked it gently with my
tongue, swirling it around and around before my teeth made purchase
on the tightened bud and I pulled back gently, eliciting a low, deep
moan from Bella's throat.

Her hands went into my hair and she pulled my head back, crashing her
lips against my own as she started her movements again. Up and down
and swirls of her hips and rocking and leaning and I was lost in the feel
of her. Completely warm and wet and tight.

"Touch me, Edward."

I could only grunt my compliance as I brought one of my hands from her

hips to rest on her clit. Not wasting any time, I began to rub quick, tight
circles around her, pressing my fingers to her every so often before
running them along her slit and back again.

Bella was riding me with abandon, working furiously to reach her peak,
and she grabbed my hair to tug me to her chest, shoving one of her tits
in my face. I latched on immediately and began feasting on her, while
my fingers continued to rub against her clit.

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"Yes, oh God, Edward. . . " she said, in a breathless voice. "Right there,
baby. Oh God," she whimpered, "I'm so close."

I managed to moan out my agreement and continued with my

handiwork, trying hard as fuck to get her where she needed to be before
I lost all hold on my control.

Grasping her clit between my thumb and forefinger, I pinched lightly and
then flicked it with my fingernail, effectively sending Bella over the edge.

"Shit, fuck," she gasped out as she rode out her orgasm, her walls
clenching around me bringing forth my own.

"God Bella, fuck!" I threw my head back, once again resting it against
the back of the chair as I let the last tremors of my orgasm wash over

Bella collapsed forward on my chest, her breathing heavy, as she came

down from her high.

I brought my hands up from her hips and ghosted them lightly over the
contours of her back, bringing forth an eruption of goose bumps on her
skin. I nuzzled my face into her hair and breathed in her scent, before I
pressed my lips softly against her temple.

She sighed and burrowed her way further into my chest, tucking her
head under my chin while she made herself as comfortable as she
could while still straddling my lap.

"Come on," I murmured, lifting us both off the chair, Bella's legs moving
to wrap around me. "Let's get you to bed."

She nodded and wrapped her arms around me while I walked us to my

room. I set her down on her feet and she excused herself to the
bathroom to clean up while I settled into bed.

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I was just starting to doze off when I heard the bathroom door open and
felt as Bella climbed into bed, wrapping her limbs around my naked

"Mmm," I mumbled into her hair, "this is nice." I felt Bella nod against
my shoulder as her fingers drew lazy patterns on my chest.

Since spring break had ended and we were thrown back into the
craziness that was our lives pre-relationship, it seemed that the time we
got to spend together was lessening every week.

This time that we had while house-sitting would be a nice change of

pace for us. I knew that we would still need to do our own things and
actually study and get work done, but I was just looking forward to
seeing Bella's face every night before I drifted off into sleep and every
morning when I woke up.

And, honestly, there was no doubt in my mind that I wanted that for a
very, very long time to come.

A/N: I'm baaaaaaaack! I appreciate all the thoughts and warm wishes
for a fun and happy vacation. My first few days were, and then I just
wanted to get the fuck home. :)

So, let's see. . . This can't be all there is to the Jacob thing, right? I'm
thinking OnlyYouWard is going to be replaced with Jealousward veddy,
veddy soon. Does that mean trouble for our happy couple?

Tallulah Remiter. . . that sounds strange coming from my - uhh -

fingers. Lu, bb (there, that's better) thanks for your help, as always.
And, thanks for keeping me on track with my vision for the story.

KatieBelleCullen. . . Or, Sweet Tits as I like to call you. You're full of

awesome - even your tits sparkle with awesome dust.

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To the Boob Brigaders - you all are made up of WIN. Thanks for
making the thread a fun and hilarious place to go and talk about the
story, naked dudes and lots o' sexin.

Now...think we can make it to 2k? I'd piss myself.

Review for metaphorical spanks.

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17. Acceptance

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart - we made it to over 2k

reviews. I just... *sobs* I don't know what... *hiccups* I love the shit
outta you guys. *wails* Thank you for the support in the form of your
fucklarious reviews and your friendships on the board. It really does
mean the world to me that you like what I'm writing.

Just remember how much I love you when the shit hits the fan...

Things I own: A pair of pissed soaked pants, two 'promised' tickets

to Tori's upcoming concert, and a bag of Orieda extra crispy
french fries. Yum.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


The few days we'd been staying at the Cullen Estate were going by
much more smoothly than I had originally anticipated. It was mid-week
and I was finally getting into my groove - feeling slightly more relaxed
around the house. Of course, Edward and I still had school and our
other obligations, so he couldn't be here with me all the time, and vice
versa. Edward had brought me back to my apartment earlier in the
week so I could get my truck, since I would need it quite a bit when our
schedules didn't mesh.

Even without Edward being with me all the time, the time he was with
me was wonderful. It was almost surreal how well we got along with
each other. They say living with someone will tell you more than you
ever wanted to know about that person, and while we weren't exactly
living together, this was close enough; it gave us a glimpse into what
might be. I completely understood that saying now more than ever; I

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was now hyper-aware of all the intricacies of Edward's personality that I

wasn't privy to before.

Like the fact that he refused to pick up his dirty socks from the rug in the
bathroom after he showered. Or how he would always leave his wet
towel on the carpet rather than hanging it up on the towel bar. Or that it
was apparently impossible to throw away the caps to the beer bottles he

But, I also learned that he held me when I slept. That he allowed me to

shower first so that I was always certain to have hot water. That if he left
before me, there would be a little ripped off piece of scratch paper on
the counter with a small note or even just the two little words that meant
so much to me. He always helped in the kitchen. He always called if he
was stuck somewhere and couldn't get home. And, above all else - he
always made me feel wanted. The first thing he'd do when he walked in
the back door was call out for me, then sweep me up in a hug or melt
into me for a passionate kiss.

Cue the Bella girly sigh.

I was definitely swooning over him and our little episode of 'playing

Wednesday was my early day, and all my classes were done by one
o'clock in the afternoon. Edward's last class ended a bit later, so I was
just poking around the house - taking in all that the Cullen Estate had to
offer. It was clear that Esme took great pride in her home. Not only in
the items she filled it with, but also in the little touches that were
sprinkled throughout. It all made me feel at home. But, what really made
me feel comfortable were the small things I noticed throughout the
week. They were stupid, insignificant details, but they were what made
me finally see - finally get it. Esme used the same dish soap, laundry
detergent and hand soap as I did. She filled her pantry with a variety of
items - both name brand and the cheaper generic counterpart. Even the
candles she had set about the house weren't anything fancy - they were

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from Target of all places.

And, why the fuck were candles and soap and generic cereal so
important to me now? Well, apparently it was what I needed to smack
some sense into my brain. Edward and his parents had been nothing
but accepting of me - welcoming me into their home and their lives with
open arms. Yet, here I was - being a complete ass monkey - letting my
intimidation cloud my judgment. I was so concerned with how I would fit
into their "rich, fancy lives" when, in reality, I didn't need to worry about
it at all. They didn't lead a life like that, and even if they had, the truth
was that I would fit in as long as I had Edward by my side. It was as
simple as that. And, I would be standing along side him for however
long he allowed me to.


I rolled my eyes at my internal monologue. I couldn't even get up the

courage to tell him I loved him, yet I was already planning out forever in
my head.

After roaming around the house for a while and then curling up with a
good book in the library. . . again. . . I noticed it was about the time that
Edward would be getting home, so I made my way downstairs to start
on something for dinner.

Maybe Cajun Chicken Linguine tonight. . .

I walked into the kitchen and sighed with satisfaction at my

surroundings. In the past few days, I'd grown very fond of the gourmet
cooking environment here and I was going to be heart broken to go
back to my little galley kitchen in the apartment.

I grabbed the ingredients I'd need out of the refrigerator and snatched
the cutting board out of the cupboard before I spread everything out on
the blank space of the island.

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After placing the chicken in the skillet to cook, I moved back to the
island to get started on cutting up the vegetables. I had just begun to
julienne the carrots when I heard keys in the backdoor and listened
intently as Edward made his way into the house.

"Bella? I'm home," he called out in a sing-song voice. "Shit, it smells

good in here! What are you making, baby?" he continued to yell out
from the mudroom.

With a giggle escaping my lips, I kept up my work on the cutting board

while responding, "I'm in here. Come in and you can see what I'm
making - maybe I'll even give you a taste."

Edward walked around the corner, tossing his keys on the counter
before coming over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
Resting his head on my shoulder, he turned his face into the crook of
my neck and inhaled deeply while squeezing me slightly.

"Hey you," he breathed into my neck.

I set down the knife and carrots and reached my arms behind me,
gripping Edward's ass to bring him closer to me as I responded, "Hey
yourself. How was your day?"

Edward groaned and said, "It was horribly long, boring and exhausting.
I'm looking forward to a night of nothing. Homework can wait." He
squeezed me tighter to him once again before releasing me and asking,
"Is there anything I can help with?"

See. . . always helps in the kitchen.

- - - l? - - -

After dinner and cleaning up, we settled ourselves on the couch in the
family room. I was curled up in the corner against the arm as Edward's
head rested in my lap. I stroked his hair as he flipped through the

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channels while I occupied myself with my book from earlier. We were so

comfortable in moments like these - it was reassuring to know that we
didn't have to do anything to enjoy spending time together. We could
simply just be.

That was certainly nothing new when it came to our relationship. Even
as early back as our second meeting in the library, we were at ease with
each other. It didn't matter if we filled our time listening to music or
talking or studying; it seemed that just being in the presence of one
another was soothing. . . calming. I was certain that Edward felt this
way, too; it was obvious from the relaxed state he was in when we were
together. I knew he was being himself - completely and honestly. I only
hoped he could see the same in me.

"There's not anything on tonight," he whined, as he had yet to settle on

a channel. "Wanna go upstairs and. . . you know. . . " he finished while
looking up at me and waggling his eyebrows.

Giggling lightly at him, I responded, "I don't know - is there even a room
in this house we haven't christened yet?" I briefly thought back to our
sexcapades over the last few days and felt myself blush at the things
that were floating through my mind.

Library sex. Kitchen counter sex. Dining room table sex. Fireplace sex.
Home theater sex. Balcony sex. Fuck, we've even had plain old boring
regular bed sex.

"Yes, there is one room we haven't 'christened' yet," he stated with a

smirk before continuing, "and if I remember correctly, you told me I'd be
guaranteed to get laid in that room."

A look of confusion swept over my face and I looked into Edward's eyes
as I responded, "But, we already had sex in the guest suite.
Remember? Wine. . . chocolate covered strawberries. . . a crackling
fire. . . " I drawled out, teasing him now. "Hmm. . . I could have sworn
you were there. I didn't think my vibrator was that realistic," I said while I

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pretended to be seriously contemplating this.

"Oh, I was there, baby. Don't think I'd forget the sex or the how fucking
hot you looked before," he said, with lust clouded eyes. "Shit, promise
me you'll wear stuff like that more often."

"Don't worry, I only used one of the five or so I picked up last time the
girls and I went shopping."

I giggled as I watched his mouth drop open and I moved my hand from
his hair to his jaw and pushed up on it lightly to close it. A smile spread
across his face while he was still looking at me before it was suddenly
gone and a look of irritation and. . . desire was clouding his eyes.

What the hell? What does he have to be irritated about?

"Did you say 'vibrator?'" Edward asked in an almost growl. Nodding my

head, I pulled my bottom lip in between my teeth and felt my cheeks
warm once again with my blush.

Faster than I thought possible, Edward flew off the couch and pulled me
up with him, cradling me to his chest. I rested one hand over his heart
and looked up into his eyes, wondering why on earth he was reacting
like this to the little mention of a vibrator.

All girls had them, right?

I felt Edward's fingers play with the hem at the back of my shirt while he
was looking down, but not into my eyes. He looked almost bashful. I just
couldn't understand what his deal was.

"So, do you. . . uh. . . " he started, stealing a quick glance into my eyes
before darting away again and continuing, "you know. . . use it?"

A giggle bubbled up in my chest, but I held it down as I answered his

question, "Well, yeah. . . "

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Edward darted his eyes to mine once more before retracting again and
whispering the last part, "Do you, uh, well, umm," he stuttered out. I
squeezed around his waist, encouraging him to continue. "Do you, you
know, think about stuff when you use it?" This time, it was his face that
was blushing a nice shade of pink.

Ohhhh. . . he wants to know if I think about him fucking me while I use


Instead of making things easy on him and just telling him what I knew
he wanted to know, I decided to extend the torture a little and simply
nodded my head once again.

I could hear him swallow and watched as his Adam's apple bobbed with
the action. His next words came out in a hoarse whisper, "Do you think
about us when you use it?"

This time, I couldn't help the giggle from erupting in my chest and
escaping my lips. Edward's eyes snapped up at mine and I could see
the embarrassment there. Immediately, I felt bad for laughing at him
and reached my hands up to cup his face and pulled him to me for a
quick kiss.

Pulling back, I held his face just inches from mine as I finally told him
what I knew he wanted to know. "Yes, I did think about us. . . when I
used to use it. You honestly don't think my coochie can handle all the
lovin' you give it as well as that of the rabbit, do you?" I finished with a
smile and pecked his lips once more before I wrapped my arms around
his waist and tucked my head under his chin, hugging him lightly.

"Will you," he started in a soft voice, "I mean, would you ever. . . " he
trailed off and I could feel the tension in his body.

Maybe I need to get his ass drunk so he'll just spit it out already.

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I rubbed his back, encouraging him to continue. He cleared his throat

lightly before he finally got up the gumption to just ask what he'd wanted
to know. "Would you ever use it. . . with me?"

Pulling back, I looked up at him with confusion wiped across my

features and I responded before thinking, "But, why would I need to use
it with you? If you're there, I have you to use. I mean, unless you just
sat back and watched me use-" I cut off my rant mid thought when I
finally fucking got it.

Oh! He wants to watch me use it. Oh, holy hell.

"You want to. . . watch me use it?" I asked, astonished. "You'd really
like that?"

It was Edward's turn to laugh and I felt the heat rise on my neck and
face. He stopped laughing and gripped my face in between his hands
before answering me.

"You're kidding, right? That has to be the hottest fucking thing I've ever
thought about," he said while looking into my eyes. "Well, alright, not the
hottest, but one of. At least top five," he finished with a smirk.

I laughed at his perverted mind and let him know he'd get at least one of
his fantasies coming true. "If you'd like to, then yes, we can use it some
time. Poor thing's probably lonely anyway."

The grin that overtook Edward's face would have been comical if it
wasn't so fucking cute. He ducked his head to me and brought me into
a passionate kiss, tongues pulsing and hands roaming. It was his way
of thanking me.

I love it when he. . . 'thanks' me.

After several minutes of our heated exchange, Edward pulled back

slightly and asked, "How about a bath?"

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"Only if you join me," I replied.

The grin grew across his face once again and he leaned down to toss
me over his shoulder and took off at full speed to the stairs. As he
climbed them in rapid form - even with my body weighing him down - I
giggled the entire way.

"Alright - your job? Getting naked. That's it, I'll take care of the rest," he
said as he set me down in his bedroom, pecked my lips quickly and
took off towards the guest suite.

We'd already had sex in there twice, but hadn't bothered to venture into
the big, beautiful bathroom until now.

I stripped rapidly and threw my hair up in a messy bun before I left

Edward's bedroom, walking across the hall to find him. He was bent
over the tub, drizzling what I assumed to be bubble bath into the hot
water. He had already stripped off his shirt and his unbuttoned jeans
were hanging loosely off his hips.

So. Fucking. Hot.

I leaned against the door frame, just staring intently as his back muscles
flexed and relaxed with his movements. I may have let out a contended
sigh that alerted Edward to my presence. He turned his head to peek at
me over his shoulder and his eyes nearly bugged out of his head when
he noticed I was standing there completely naked.

I watched as he fumbled with the lid to the bubble bath and hastily
made his way in my direction, not stopping until his arms were wrapped
around my naked flesh and our bare chests were pressed up against
each other. I felt my nipples harden immediately at the contact - a
reaction that didn't go unnoticed by him.

Edward groaned and dipped his head to kiss along the column of my
neck before he lifted me slightly, bringing my feet just inches from the

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ground, and walked us over to the tub. He placed me back on my feet

and told me to get in before stripping off his jeans and underwear at

Stepping over the side of the tub, I slowly lowered myself into the
deliciously hot water, welcoming the slight burn on my skin. I relaxed
against the back of the tub and rested my shoulders and head against
the bath pillow Edward had placed there.

So thoughtful.

Once I was fully situated and completely comfortable, my eyes closed of

their own will as I waited for Edward to join me. I felt the movement of
the water as he climbed in opposite me and grabbed both of my legs to
place them in between his. His fingers started working their delicious
magic on my muscles and I hummed in contentment.

"That feels nice," I whispered, lolling my head to the side.


We sat in silence for several minutes, only listening to the sporadic

popping of the bubbles in the water. Edward's voice startled me out of
my trance and I opened my eyes to look at him while he spoke.

"Jas and Em want to get together on Friday night," he said quietly. "I
think we're gonna hang out for a couple of hours - maybe grab a beer
and go play some pool or something."

I hummed my approval with a slight nod of my head before adding,

"Yeah, Alice said something about getting together as well. Seems
we've all been neglecting each other in favor of getting some ass," I
ended with a smile playing on my lips.

"I don't spend time with you just so I can get a piece of ass, Bella,"
Edward said sincerely. "I love being with you, that's why I'm here and

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not with my douchebag friends."

Smiling at him, I nudged his stomach with my toe and replied, "I know it.
I just don't want us to get so wrapped up in each other that we forget
about the people that came before the couplings, you know?"

"I do." He nodded. "Didn't you girls used to go out once a week to that
Italian restaurant?"


"Why did you stop doing that?"

I shrugged my shoulders before responding, "I don't know - I guess we

all just got busy. It's hard balancing friendships and school anyhow, but
add on new relationships - three of them even - and things get tricky. I
do want to try harder, though. I miss my bitches."

Edward laughed loudly at that and nodded his head in agreement, both
of us deciding we would try and do the 'girls' night/boys' night' thing
more often.

After rubbing both my feet and my calves, Edward began tracing slow,
sensuous lines up my legs, trailing his fingers under my knees to my
thighs, and then looping back down. His tiny movements forced my
eyes closed again, and I welcomed the feeling of his hands on me.
From the time I closed my eyes, he had managed to scoot closer to me,
settling himself in the middle of the tub while my legs bent languidly
over the outside of his outstretched ones. He continued his feather light
touches, each time trailing higher and higher until he brushed the
insides of my thighs, just inches from the spot that had begun to throb
with need.

Cracking one eye open, I looked at him only to see his eyes half-lidded
and his mouth parted slightly.

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Hellooooo Horny Edward.

I smiled at him, showing him without words my consent and reached my

arms out, inviting Edward to lift me to him. He grabbed hold of me
gently, raising me to sit on his lap while he turned us in the water so that
his back rested on the pillow mine had just been on.

Pulling me in for a slow kiss, Edward's hands trailed up and down my

back, teasing my skin with his barely there touches. He moved his
fingers to grip my hips and lifted my weightless body easily under the
water. Bracing myself against his shoulders, I held myself up so he
could align his cock with my entrance. Once I felt his tip against me, I
locked eyes with Edward and slowly lowered myself on to him, groaning
as I felt the familiar fullness only he could give me.

"You feel so good, Bella," Edward rasped out before he brought his lips
to mine.

We moved slowly and deliberately, our hips rocking together in a

relaxed rhythm. The water swished quietly around us, the only other
sounds in the room were our breathless moans and our whispered
words of affection.

Eventually our movements increased in speed, both of us working

towards our release. Edward's head dropped to my breasts, taking one
nipple in his mouth to suckle gently before swirling his tongue slowly
around the hardened bud, then switching sides and repeating.

My hands were working smooth circles in his hair as I rocked my pelvis

against his, bringing my clit in contact with him. There was just enough
pressure between us that I knew if we could keep up this pace, I'd reach
my peak soon.

Edward dropped my nipple from his mouth and brought his lips to my
neck, sucking and licking along the most sensitive areas.

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"Are you close, baby?" Edward asked in a whisper.

"Mmmm." I was too close to be able to formulate words, so I let my

movements speak for me, working our bodies faster against each other
and rubbing myself more forcefully on him.

My panting grew more frantic, my movements becoming sporadic as I

ground myself on him, finally finding my release.

His name left my lips in a breathless moan as my body pulsed around

him. Edward dropped his head to my shoulder before spilling himself
inside me and whispering my name over and over again.

We sat in the cooling water for several minutes, connected as

completely as two people could be, while we came down from our high.
As much as I loved the sex with Edward, feeling his arms around me
while his breath floated over my heated skin and he softened inside me
was almost as good as the actual act. I felt so close to him in times like
these as I allowed my body to speak the words my heart was aching so
desperately to say.

I love you, Edward.

- - - l? - - -

I met Alice and Rose at our favorite restaurant Friday night at eight. Sal
was oozing with happiness to see his 'favorite girls' again. I felt a slight
twinge of guilt that we hadn't made an appearance at this place in so
long, especially given our weekly visits before. However, after our
greetings and brief embraces, it was as though we'd never missed a
week - let alone many. He led us to our usual table - one that was in the
far back corner of the restaurant, secluded slightly from all the other

"Thank you, Sal," Rosalie purred while placing her hand on his forearm
and flitting her eyelashes incessantly in his direction. That bitch was

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always flirting with the old man. Alice and I warned her that she was
going to give him a heart attack one of these times, but she just brushed
us off saying she was helping his wife get a proper fucking - her words,
not mine.

After blushing and smiling like a sailor on leave, Sal left us with our
menus and let us know that he'd grab a bottle of our favorite wine and
have it brought over right away.

"You know Nina's gonna get drilled tonight," Alice said quietly while
smirking at us.

"Oh sick, like I want to hear about two old people fucking!" I said, with a
disgusted look on my face.

"Christ Bella, they're not that old! Sal's a good looking guy and Nina is
one hot bitch," Rose replied.

"Rose, you are a sick fucker, you know that?" I asked. "Would you talk
about your parents that way?"

"Well, I wouldn't, no, but I could give a fuck if someone else said it. Shit,
I used to hear them go at it all the time," she finished with a shrug of her

After hearing some of the stories Rose would share with us regarding
her parents' extracurricular activities, I had never been more pleased to
have spent my teenage years with my sexually repressed, single father.

Thankfully, our usual waitress chose that moment to interrupt our

contemplations of Sal's sex life by bringing over our bottle of wine. She
stood and we chatted for a little while about the happenings in our life
since we were last there before she took our order and left.

"So Bella," Alice started with a glint in her eye, "how has it been livin'
large at the Cullen mansion?"

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Oh, I've been livin' large alright.

Alice had no idea how true her choice of words was, but she was -
unfortunately - clued in by my tell-tale blush.

Of course, my pink colored cheeks perked Alice and Rose right up.
Alice was the first to pounce with an interrogation.

"What has you blushing over what I said? Being at the Cullen
mansion?" I kept my eyes trained on my glass of wine, purposefully
avoiding Alice's stare. "Hmm...not that. Let's see - livin' large?" My eyes
darted to hers quickly and I felt the heat in my cheeks increase even
more. "Oh! Livin' large it is. . . Is Eddie packin' some heat?" Alice teased
while Rose cat-called like the thirteen year old boy that she was.

Clearing my throat, I attempted to compose myself as best I could

before addressing them both, "Yes, Edward is quite well endowed and
yes, we've been taking advantage of the mansion. But, I'm fairly certain
you don't want to hear about all the surfaces we've defiled while being

Alice and Rose just looked at me, each of them had one eyebrow
cocked as if to dare me not to continue.

Fucking perverted little sluts.

I huffed, but eventually conceded and spewed out my word vomit as

fast as I could expel it from my lips, "Fine. He's huge. . . huge!" I used
my hands to illustrate just how large Edward actually was. "He has the
largest dick I've ever seen in real life. I honestly don't know how the fuck
he fits it in me, to tell you the truth, but he does. God, does he," I
groaned and dropped my head back to my shoulders. "And, yes, we've
fucked this week. A lot. On every available surface of the house - save
for his parents' room, thank God - and we've even managed to double
over in a place or two. Now, unless you want specifics on the pattern
the veins make in his dick, I suggest you both back the fuck off and stop

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putting me on the spot." I finished my spiel and grabbed my glass of

wine, gulping a large amount in my haste.

I cannot believe I just said that. Have I really only had one glass of

After a few moments of silence, Rose finally piped in, "You know the
pattern of the veins on his cock, Bella? Shit, that's. . . really fucking

I rolled my eyes at her and responded, "I don't actually know that, I was
just trying to get you both to shut up."

"Oh come on, Bella! We haven't talked about this stuff at all since we all
got together with the guys. You know we dish details on this shit!"

Rose didn't bother to lower her voice at all, despite the fact that the
waitress was delivering our entrees to us. No matter, she had heard far
worse from our nights out in the past.

Ah, Rose and the infamous pierced penis guy, or 'Prince Albert' as we
took to calling him. Good times.

I poked at my tortellini, the food immediately reminding me of the most

romantic date of my life, before I spoke to the girls, my voice just above
a whisper, "I know that. . . It just feels different this time." I chanced a
glance up at them both while my head was still lowered to my plate and
saw matching contented smiles on their lips. "What?" I asked, not liking
how they were looking at me.

They exchanged looks with each other, both reaching for their wine
glasses to take a sip - it was really quite freaky how in tune they were -
before they set them back on the table. Alice was the one that finally
broke the silence. "You're in love," she stated simply as Rose nodded
her head in agreement.

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I couldn't deny it. I didn't want to try to deny it. My girls knew me better
than anyone and they could read me like a book. I was just surprised it
took them this long to notice - although our mutual time together had
been severely lacking.

"I am," I answered honestly with as much conviction as I could muster.

Alice and Rose didn't disappoint as they both squealed and launched
themselves at me. We were a mess of entwined arms and girlish
giggles for the next several minutes.

"Oh Bella," Alice said brightly in my ear. "I'm so happy for you!"

"So, when did all this come about - when did you guys say it?" Rose
asked, while she and Alice returned to their seats.

I brought my bottom lip in between my teeth and looked down at my

dinner, beginning to poke at it once again. I'd averted my eyes from
their penetrating gazes long enough, so I peeked at them through my
eyelashes, barely raising my head from its place.

They were both looking at me - Alice with irritation in her eyes and Rose
with sympathy.

"Why the hell haven't you said it yet?" Alice asked with a slight screech
to her voice.

"Alice, back the fuck off," Rose replied calmly, yet firmly, to Alice. She
turned to look at her with confusion written plainly across her face. Rose
shrugged and replied, "I may know what she's going through."

That, of course, set off another round of girlish giggles and embraces.
Once we had our bearings back and could once again start eating our
dinner, we all began to dish about the men in our life.

"I don't know," I started after finishing a bite of tortellini, "I'm just scared.
I mean, it's only been a couple of months - what if it's too soon for him?"

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I asked as Rose nodded her agreement while eating her dish. "I just. . .
" I sighed, trying to find the words to continue. "I just don't want to scare
him away," I finished in a whisper.

Reaching for my wine glass, I looked at my two best friends, Rose

nodding along solemnly with me and Alice looking at us both with
sadness in her eyes.

"Aw, sweeties," she started, moving her head back and forth to look at
us both as she reached for our hands that were placed on the table. "If
you feel it, you can't be afraid to say it. I told Jas I loved him after two
weeks." Rose and I both dropped our mouths open in shock. I had
known she was in love, but I hadn't realized that she had vocalized that
to Jasper. Alice held her hand up to stop the rant Rose and I were about
to go on and said, "I know, and I'm sorry I didn't tell you girls, but I didn't
know where you both were in your relationships. I didn't want to rub
anything in," she finished, looking at us pleadingly to understand her

Rose and I nodded our approval and waited as Alice finished. "It's just. .
. sometimes you have to follow your heart and not your head. I know it's
scary, but girls? It's so, so worth it."

Alice had a contented smile on her lips and her eyes were glistening as
she implored us to understand. She only wanted the happiness she had
found in Jasper for both Rose and me.

Soon. . . I hope soon.

After our touchy feely session of girl time, we dug into our dinners and
managed to finish off our bottle of wine. We were each nursing our last
glass while we continued our night of girl talk.

"So, you're in love with Em, huh Rose?" I finally asked. I had been
poking around the subject, but she always seemed to dodge the

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Might as well go balls out and just ask.

Rosalie immediately darted her eyes away from both Alice and me and
brought her wine glass to her lips, taking a slow sip of the red liquid. Her
eyes were downcast and I watched her in amazement as a light pink
blush colored her cheeks.

What the fuck?

"Rosalie Lillian Hale," I said in astonishment. "Are you blushing?"

She locked her eyes with me and I could see the reluctance there.
"Rose? What's the matter?" Alice asked, noticing her reaction.

"Like you said, it's just. . . scary, you know?" she said as her shoulders
slumped with her admittance. Alice and I scooted our chairs closer to
either side of Rose and leaned into her, encouraging her to continue.
"I've never felt this way before and I have no idea what Emmett feels."

"Rose, honey, you really are dense sometimes," I said with a huff.
"Emmett looks at you like you're the last woman on the face of the
earth. You listen to me, got it? I've known him for a long damn time and
I have never, ever seen him like this with anyone. In fact, I've never
seen him spend more than one night with any of the other girls he's
been with. So, that second night with you was a record for him - not to
mention you're still with him months later! He feels it - I'd bet money on
it," I finished with a hard look in Rose's direction. I wanted her to realize
that I was dead serious. She and Emmett just fit and it was so relieving
for me to hear that her heart was completely in it. I had originally
worried for both my friends - neither of them were known for their
longevity with the opposite sex - it was always 'fuck and run.' I was
thrilled that it seemed that wasn't the case now. Apparently, they had
met their match with each other.

After my rant, Rose locked eyes with me, looking as vulnerable as

Rosalie Hale ever would and asked quietly, "You really think so, Bella?"

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I threw my arm around her shoulder and pulled her tight to my side as I
responded, "I know so, Rose."

Her resulting smile could have blinded the people on the other side of
the restaurant and Alice and I relaxed and retreated back to our original
spots at the round table. Looking at the both of them, I realized how
much I'd missed spending time like this with them. For so long, it was
just the three of us - the guys in our lives were short lived and slight
distractions at best, so this was completely uncharted territory for us.
Our friendship was strong enough, I knew, to weather the neglect we
had inflicted on it since we started seeing the boys, but this night out
with them made me realize I didn't want to neglect it at all.

"We can't go so long again," I said pointedly to my best friends. They

both nodded their agreement to my demand and at that point, we all
agreed that we would meet for a girls' night at least every other week,
more if time allowed.

It was so good to have my girlfriends back.

- - - l? - - -

It was well after midnight when I arrived back at the Cullen Estate. Rose
and Alice had taken a cab to the restaurant, not sure how many glasses
of wine they'd both have. I was fine to drive since I stopped at two, and
then proceeded to stuff myself with a way too big piece of tiramisu to
top off the evening.

I noticed that Edward wasn't home yet, but I didn't expect him until
much later. They boys were going to some local bar they frequented, so
I assumed he'd come rolling in sometime after closing.

Making my way up the steps, I thought back to what Alice had said. I
was sure with my entire being that I loved Edward and I wanted nothing
more than to say that to him. I just wasn't so sure that I'd be able to find
the courage I'd need to pour my guts out to him.

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All in due time.

Once in Edward's bedroom, I grabbed my tank top and sleep pants and
went into the bathroom to complete my nightly routine. After I was
freshly washed and changed, I plopped myself in the bed and grabbed
the book that sat on the nightstand, deciding to read a bit since I wasn't
tired in the least. Talking with the girls always energized me.

I sat there for about an hour, absorbing myself into the world brought to
life from the paper, when I heard movement downstairs. I assumed
Edward was home and glanced at the clock, noticing it wasn't yet
closing time for the bars in the area.

Maybe he missed me.

That thought brought a smile to my lips and before I could get too
wrapped up in my thoughts, I heard Edward at the door to his bedroom.
I glanced up at him ready to tease him about being home so early when
the sight of him stopped me short. I gasped and jumped out of bed,
going over to him quickly.

"What the hell happened to you, Edward?"

A/N: Dun, dun, dun. I know - a cliffy. I'm evil, aren't I? Fortunately, you
guys have only had one BAD cliffy to deal with so far in the story. So,
please don't throw tomatoes in my direction or it will take all that much
longer to get the EPOV for the guys' night out and find out what the fuck
happened to him. I'm a sensitive soul, you know.

Now, I know a lot of you are impatient for the big ILYs (as you've made
perfectly clear in your reviews). But, just like with the unending
cockblocking I did at the beginning of this fic, I will not stray from my
original plan for the story. I've had these planned out for quite sometime
and the pivotal event is something that I've had written since the very
first second I decided to extend this story. There is a method to my
madness, I promise you. Watch for the catalyst coming up that will give

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you all what you're waiting for...

Exceptionally big thanks go out to Tallulah Remiter who managed to

get this back to me in a few hours, despite massive RL issues. Thank
you for your unending love and support for the story. I lurves mah
Gator. And, to KatieBelleCullen for 'spreading her special sauce all
over my chapter.' Take that however you want to people. She's got
some good damn sauce.

Thought I'd share what stories have me enthralled now... If you're not
reading these fics, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Brotherly Devotion ~ fanfiction(dot)net/s/5070346/1/ . . . Confessions
of a Nanny ~ fanfiction(dot)net/s/5051088/1/ . . . Just One of the Guys
~ fanfiction(dot)net/s/4861063/1/Just_One_of_the_Guys . . .
Poughkeepsie ~ fanfiction(dot)net/s/5027516/1/Poughkeepsie

And, finally, two of our very own Brigaders (Puffy Marshmallows and
Jugs Von Spheres) have started a hot little ditty. A recommendation
blog where they list their fave fics and why they like 'em. Go check it
out. fictionators(dot)blogspot(dot)com

Review for spanks. . . from Edward. (let's see what that does...)

17. Acceptance 356

18. Boiling Point
Holy shit - almost 200 reviews for the last chapter? You guys rock
my socks.

Several (alright - most) of you guessed the outcome of this

chapter. And, lots did but thought it was too obvious to be
plausible. Looks like LR took a turn for the obvious...

Things I own: A perpetually messy house, a hair straightener, and

a really old bottle of OPI 'Vamp' nail polish.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


This last week with Bella had been amazing. I was certain that I'd never
grow tired waking up next to her. Actually, I was certain that I'd never
grow tired of many things with Bella. The past several days had been
eye-opening, to say the least. There was complete calmness where I
thought there would be anxiety and unease. I realized that I was,
without a doubt, no longer 'that guy.' I knew with absolute certainty that I
wanted nothing more than to spend every waking - and non-waking, for
that matter - moment with Bella by my side.

Besides my self-realization, I was also pleased to see a change in

Bella's demeanor since we'd come to stay at my parents' place. When
we had arrived, she was hesitant at best. I knew she felt some sort of
awkwardness around my parents and in this home. I could understand it
- to an extent. I was sure all that was the Cullen Estate would be quite
intimidating to a person who wasn't accustomed to being immersed in
the upper class social circles. But, I noticed a visible shift in how she
acted around the house mid-week. Something must have clicked in her
mind. Whatever it was, I was thankful that she finally felt like she
belonged here with me. With me.

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Our week had been spent relaxing when we could. Mine and Bella's
schedules didn't mesh very well, so some days I'd be coming when she
was going and vice versa, but it was nice to have a home base we both
had to come back to. We were guaranteed that little bit of time to see
each other no matter how hectic the rest of our day was. What surprised
me the most about it was that I realized I wanted that for Bella and
myself every day. I knew, however, that it was too soon to ask her
something like that. I could just imagine it now - 'Hey Bella, I know
we've only been dating for a couple of months, but I'm madly in love
with you and want you to have my babies. . . but before that, move in
with me?' Yeah, pretty sure that wouldn't go over well.

However, after this last week, I knew our hit and miss schedules weren't
going to cut it anymore. I was growing accustomed to having her heat
surround me at night.

In more ways than one. . .

That was another thing that was certainly welcome from our constant
exposure to each other. I knew our sex life was anything but dry. Before
our week here, we managed to get it on several times a week. But, now
with Bella next to me every night, I couldn't hold back - it wasn't odd for
us to have sex multiple times in a day.

I'm one lucky bastard.

I didn't know how it was possible, but the sex only got better each and
every time. And, it wasn't like sex I'd ever had in the past. I had certainly
had my fair share of the opposite sex, but nothing could have prepared
me for all that was Bella. The women I had been with in the past were
one-dimensional. There was no flair - no spark - no variety. It was all the
same - they were all the same. After one night, or a few at most, they
lost their appeal to me. But, with Bella her appeal only grew. I was
mesmerized by her body and how it responded to my touch. And, the
sex was never, ever stale - it always changed and never grew stagnant.
It could be all out, down and dirty fucking or slow, romantic and

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sensuous love-making.

Ah, the night of sweet, sweet bath tub lovin'.

I'd never made love to a woman before. And, I knew that technically, I
probably couldn't consider what Bella and I were doing as making love,
since she had no idea that I loved her. But, in my mind that was exactly
what it was.

I knew what I needed to do - I needed to get my head out of my ass and

just come clean already. I had kept this love bottled up inside since our
very first night together. I was literally aching to tell her and had almost
slipped so many times. I felt my love radiate for her at the most inane
times - when she gets so lost in a book she forgets her surroundings, or
when she cries at her favorite parts of movies, or when she breathes my
name just before she falls asleep. It was always on the tip of my tongue.
I recited it in my head so many times it was almost laughable.

I'm such a pussy.

Sometime in the past couple of weeks, I'd started to pay more attention
to the affection that Bella showed me. Just being hyper-aware of
everything she said - both literally and through her actions. From what
I'd noticed, Bella seemed to feel the same for me. I saw the love
everywhere - from her subtle touches to her whispered "only you's" to
the way her body moved with mine. They all echoed the same thing.


Soon. I promised myself I would tell her soon. I didn't know when or
how, but I was sure that when the time came, I'd know it. I basically just
had to promise myself that I'd stop being such a scared little girl and just
do it already.

With Bella going out with Alice and Rose and me and the guys hanging
out, I knew I wouldn't have to think about it for at least one more night.

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Jasper had called me earlier in the week saying that he wanted to get
together with me and Em to hang out and do nothing but drink beer,
belch and scratch his balls if he wanted to. In all the time that I'd known
Jasper I didn't recall him doing much of the latter two, but I assumed he
was surrounded by too much estrogen and needed to get out of the
house and immerse himself in some manly business.

I was on my way to The Corner Pocket to meet both the guys. Bella left
before I did, saying she'd see me after the bar closed. I wasn't sure how
long the girls usually stayed out on their little nights, but she was right to
assume I wouldn't be home before closing time. We always seemed to
manage to close the place down wherever we went.

Pulling into the parking lot, I looked around for Emmett or Jasper's car. I
didn't spot either, but that didn't mean they weren't here. They probably
decided to catch a cab so they didn't have to worry about leaving a car
behind if (when. . . ) they had too much to drink.

I walked through the front door of the not-quite-busy bar and looked
around before spotting Jas and Em off in our usual corner. After we
moved back, the guys and I tried to come here once a week to relax
and wind down. The beer was cheap and the pool tables were generally

"Hey guys," I greeted as I grabbed the last seat at the high table.

"Whaddup, bro?" Emmett replied with a fist bump. Jasper tipped his
beer in greeting at me and nodded his head slightly, as per usual
Jasper fashion.

"Thanks for this," I said to them both as I grabbed the beer they ordered
for me and took a pull. "How's the apartment been since I left?"

Emmett snorted and Jasper just rolled his eyes. "Yeah man, 'cause
we'd notice you gone with the two girls we're banging every night,"
Emmett said with a scoff.

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I just laughed at him and shook my head. All Emmett ever thought
about was sex.

Not that I was really any different. . .

"How's it been over there? Bella getting any more comfortable?" Jasper
asked. I'd gone to Jasper at the beginning, shortly after I took Bella
home for the first time, to get his take on the situation. To see if Bella's
reaction had been normal and if I should have anticipated it. He
basically told me I was a 'fucking idiot' and that I should have prepped
her a little better for the situation. He'd been checking in periodically to
see how she was coming along - if she'd grown comfortable with my
parents yet.

"Better, actually," I replied before taking another swig of my beer. "A

couple of days ago, she really seemed to just kind of settle in. I'm not
sure what changed, but I'm not questioning it," I replied with a slight

"That's great, man. I knew she'd come around sooner or later," Jasper
said. "So, since she's more. . . relaxed, you been taking advantage of

I chuckled at him and ducked my head before nodding.

"Shit, don't leave me in the dark - I want all the dirty deets," Jasper said.

"Oh, fuck no! You can't talk about that shit when I'm around," Emmett
yelled at me. "Not when the chick you're fucking is Bella."

"Well, fuck off then, 'cause I wanna know if he's banged her on the pool
table and if she's played dress up for him yet," Jasper shot back at

Emmett reached over and smacked Jas upside the head and headed
towards the bar to get us another round. "Fucking bastards, talking

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about sweet, little Bells like that," he muttered to himself while he

rubbed his hands roughly over his face.

We both chuckled at Emmett's reaction - it was certainly a far cry from

how he usually was when faced with sex talk. I could understand it,
though. I mean, we had always talked shit about our conquests, but this
was different now that it was Bella. It was probably better that he
removed himself from the situation - I wasn't sure how he would react to
hearing some of the freaky ass shit we did. I knew I gave him grief over
it and fucked with him about it, but it was a completely different story to
go into detail about what she was wearing, what surfaces of the house
I'd fucked her on or if she went down on me.

Jasper brought me back from my thoughts. "Well? Hurry up and tell me

all the raunchy details before the pussy gets back."

"Raunchy? Well, I haven't fucked her in the ass if that's what you're
wondering," I replied with a smirk.

Jasper laughed at my retort and brought his beer bottle up for another
drink while he looked at me expectantly.

I shrugged my shoulders and replied, "Fuck man, it's like I can't get
enough of her, you know?" Jasper nodded his head in agreement and I
continued. "I thought we fucked a lot before, but being around her every
day and night? It's been ridiculous. We've had sex in every room of the
house - except my parents', of course," I said with a shudder. "And,
some of the rooms we've even doubled up on. It hasn't even been a
week! I just. . . " I shook my head, gathering my thoughts. "I just want to
feel connected to her all the time."

It wasn't unusual for Jasper and I to switch gears so easily. Being best
friends for most of our lives allowed us that ease.

Jasper nodded his head in understanding. "I know what you mean. It's
the same with Alice. I can't get close enough to her. Even if she wasn't

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completely all over my junk, I'd still be trying to get in her pants. Not that
I'd have to try very hard."

Emmett chose that time to come back to the table, setting our next
round on the table and looking at me with one eyebrow raised. I lifted
my hand to signal that I was done with that line of discussion and tilted
my head in Jasper's direction.

"I don't know, maybe there's something in the water at their place. I
don't think I've ever fucked this much in my life. Alice is a fucking
machine," he said while shaking his head.

"I hear that," Emmett piped in. "Rose is insatiable. I've fucked two
women. . . at the same damn time. . . who didn't get my cock as much
as Rose does."

Jas and I both nodded our heads in agreement. Not that we were
complaining, of course. Our conversation continued for a while - as I
safely stayed away from any detailed accounts as to what Emmett's
"sweet little Bells" liked to do to me - before we decided to head over
and play some pool.

"Alright bitches," Emmett taunted. "Who's ready to get schooled?"

"Oh please, I kicked your ass so hard last time, you owed me a hundred
bucks!" Jasper said. Of course, it helped that he and I had access to a
pool table at my house the entire time we were growing up. That didn't
stop Emmett from trying to kick our asses every week, though.

We each grabbed a pool cue and Emmett headed over to get the table
ready for us. Jasper and I were immersed in a conversation together, so
we were unaware of the guys that invaded our space.

"Eddie, my man," a loud voice boomed out before a hard slap

resounded on my shoulder. I winced slightly at the unexpected contact
and froze mid-sentence with Jasper to turn around and look at the

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owner of the obnoxious voice and heavy hands. "It is Eddie, isn't it? I
have to admit, I wasn't really paying attention to the words Bella was
saying as much as the way her lips looked while she spoke."

Fucking Jacob.

I felt a growl building in my chest as I glared at him with hard eyes and a
heavy set jaw. I noticed from the corner of my eye that Emmett had
straightened up into a tense posture at the mention of Bella's name.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I spat at him.

"Me? Oh, I'm just hanging out with my buddies," he said, gesturing to
his friends behind him. "How about you? If I had a sweet piece like
Bella, I sure as shit wouldn't leave her alone."

Emmett took that moment to come up and stand beside me and before I
could respond to Beast Man with the verbal assault I was planning, he
piped in, "You better watch yourself." He spoke in a low, even voice.
There was no question that Emmett wasn't fucking around.

Jacob held up his hands as a sign of surrender and smiled

condescendingly at the three of us. "Hey man, I didn't mean anything by
it. I just thought maybe you guys would be interested in a little game -
three against three?"

Emmett, Jasper and I stood still with hard looks on our faces and I was
sure Jacob could sense our hesitation. "Oh come on, just one friendly
little game of pool? Losers buy the winners a round of drinks."

None of us said anything and Jacob continued, "Fuck, dudes! What's

one little game gonna hurt?"

There were several moments of tense silence while Emmett and I stood
stone-still and watched the asshat in front of us. Jasper - always the
peacemaker - shifted slightly before he spoke up, "Yeah, why not? We

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wouldn't mind getting some free drinks." Jasper moved to stand directly
next to me and held out his hand to Beast Man. "I'm Jasper, and you

"Jacob. I'm a. . . friend. . . of Bella's," he said while smirking at me and

shaking Jasper's hand. There was a little too much insinuation in his
tone when he said how he was acquainted with Bella. It only worked to
further prove my thoughts that there was something more between
them than what she originally let on.

"This is Embry and Quil," he said, pointing out the guys standing behind
him. I immediately sized up each of them, mentally calculating how
much of a threat either would be should things not continue on friendly
terms. Embry looked to be about my height - and inch or so shorter than
Jacob - but I noticed he was fairly slender, not nearly as bulky as Jacob
was. Quil was the shortest out of all six of us - probably coming in
around 6 feet - but he was thicker than both Jacob and Embry.

I glanced over at Emmett and noticed him scrutinizing the appearance

of the three douchebags, as well. It was ridiculous to think we'd need to
be aware of our opponent's physical strengths and weaknesses, but it
was sort of branded in us from our early college days. Emmett knew his
way around a fight, and Jasper and I learned pretty fucking quickly by

Jasper, ever the voice of calm and reason, broke the tension filled air
first. "Coin toss to see who breaks?"

With nods of agreement, we started what would be the longest and

most uncomfortable game of pool of my entire life.

- - - l? - - -

Beast Man let out yet another obnoxious whistle, attempting to gain our
waitress' attention. When that didn't seem to work, he yelled out in her
direction, "Hey sweet cheeks! Get your fine ass over here and get us

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another round!"

I could feel the anger rolling off of me in waves. It had been like this the
entire game and I was fed the fuck up with his asinine, juvenile
behavior. Emmett, Jasper and I had tried to smooth over the situation
several times with our waitress, but she was getting pretty fucking pissy.
As well she should have been. Some dickhead getting handsy with me
and calling me every derogatory name under the sun would make me
mad as hell, too. I only hoped she didn't spit in my beer.

"Jacob, why don't you shut the fuck up and play already? Fuck man, all
you do is run that goddamn mouth of yours," Emmett said in agitation.
Ever since Beast Man had mentioned Bella's name early on, Emmett
had been on guard. He didn't like Jacob - that much was pretty fucking
clear. I didn't blame him, though. Even though Beast Man's words at the
beginning were used solely to goad me, Em took notice pretty fucking
quickly. Jacob had no way of knowing that he would be pissing of
Bella's 'big brother'. And, I sure as fuck wasn't going to let him in on that
little fact. Let the fucker dig his grave.

I was trying to reign myself in. I knew he was pushing buttons, seeing
how much it took for me to snap. I had managed to keep my cool up
until now, but honestly it was taking all my strength to not pounce on
him and pummel him into the ground. All I needed was one little thing -
just one tiny little thing - to set me off and his face was going to meet my

However, Beast Man had wised up since the introductions. Even though
I was sure he was no more intelligent than the pool cues we were all
holding, he seemed to be aware of the fact that Emmett didn't like
hearing Bella talked about at all and he knew that I certainly wouldn't
stand around and listen to it, either. He'd managed to put all his
obnoxious, crude behavior into his taunting of the waitress.

Yep, he is a fucking ass.

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Several times during the game, I noticed Emmett just observing, always
watching Beast Man and his two little shit head friends. They probably
weren't even aware he was doing it, but Jasper and I both were. We'd
caught each other's glances a few times and gave subtle nods in
acknowledgment. We'd both been friends with Emmett long enough to
know what to do in a fight situation with him. However, this time was
slightly different. If anything were to progress here, Em would just have
my back. It'd been years since I'd been in a fight, but I couldn't lie. . . my
fingers were tingling at the thought of being able to punch that smug
motherfucker in the face. Knock that fucking smirk right off his mouth.

Since I'd seen him with Bella that very first night at the club, I'd felt the
need to stake my claim over her - though at the time, I had no claim to
stake. She wasn't mine - though it was obvious she wasn't his, either.
However, now she was mine. And, I was going to make that fact
perfectly fucking clear by the end of the night.

I found myself stewing in my thoughts and was snapped back to the

present by Jacob once again, "Where the fuck did you go Eddie boy?
Thinking of that sweet piece of ass again?"

I tensed and stepped towards him, speaking lowly and calmly, "I
suggest you watch yourself, Jakey. I don't take well to assholes talking
shit about my girlfriend."

Jacob just chuckled at my reaction and responded with an aloof, "My


At that point, we were almost to the end of the game. It was Jasper's
shot and he only needed to land our last ball, then the eight ball, and
the game would be ours. The five of us watched in silence as Jasper
sunk the last stripe into a corner pocket, then made his way around the
table for the eight ball. It was a tough shot, but with his experience, I
knew we had the game in the bag. Jasper called it and took his shot,
connecting with the eight ball and sending it quickly into a side pocket.
Jasper, Emmett and I all set our pool cues down, signaling the end of

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the game.

"Not bad." Jacob smirked. "Why don't you guys go get them the round
we promised," he said, talking to his buddies while staring me down. I
was well aware it was now three against one, but Jacob didn't seem
bothered by that fact in the least.

He should be - cocky little shit.

"Well," he said calmly as he leaned against the pool table, crossing his
legs at the ankles and his arms across his chest, "looks like you three
pussies know your way around a pool table." We all nodded in
confirmation, none of us overly thrilled to have to provide conversation
for this fucker. "You teach Bella to play yet, Eddie boy?" I felt my
posture get tense and noticed Emmett moving forward slightly at Beast
Man's talk of Bella. "I mean, I'd be glad to show her around a stick if
you'd like."

With that I moved quickly to stand in front of him, our bodies only a foot
apart as I said lowly in his face, "I suggest you shut the fuck up, Jacob."

For the second time that evening, he held his hands up in surrender and
I relaxed slightly and stepped back, noticing Em and Jas off to the side,
allowing me to handle the situation on my own.

"It wouldn't be the first time, though, Eddie. The first time that I'd shown
her around a stick before you had, I mean." My nostrils flared and I took
a step closer to him and attempted to reign in my fury before I
pummeled him into the ground. "Well, it's the truth," he continued with a
shrug of his shoulders, completely unaware or uncaring of my anger. He
looked pointedly at me and stared hard into my eyes as he continued, "I
had my cock buried in that pussy before you could even dream about it,
Eddie boy. She was so nice and tight...she's a screamer, isn't she?"
Beast Man said, taunting me.

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Before I could even grasp what I was doing, I had lunged at him,
shoving him down on the pool table before my fist connected with his

"Don't you ever fucking talk about her like that again you piece of shit!" I
yelled as my fist punctuated each word with a punch. It seemed to take
Jacob a little while to realize that I had, in fact, pounced on him and was
quickly beating the shit out of him. However, he soon came around and
shoved me off of him, getting a quick punch to my face in along the
way. I could feel the warm blood trickle over my lip, but my mind wasn't
focusing on the pain I should be feeling, rather the fact that this shit
head had fucked my Bella. I let that thought fuel my fire as I went full
force at him once again, this time using all my strength to connect my
fist with his gut.

I could hear shouts and yelling in the background, but it all managed to
fade into a blur of loud noise as anger coursed through my body,
clouding all reasonable judgment. All I saw was red. All I could think
about was my Bella and this shithead together. Naked. Sweating.

While I was lost in my own waking nightmare of what went on between

the two of them, Jacob managed to get in another punch, this time to
my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. I was able to compose
myself and get in one more quick shot to the fucker's face before
Emmett finally grabbed me from behind, his arms locked around my
torso, effectively preventing me from moving. He was saying something
in my ear, though it only sounded like a low-pitched buzz in my anger
filled haze.

As Emmett was literally dragging my ass away, my eyes locked with

Jacob's while his friends surrounded him. As I took in his appearance, I
smugly noticed how beat up he looked - he already had a faint bruise
covering one side of his face as well as one of his eyes and his lip was
cracked and bleeding.

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Serves you right, motherfucker.

Before I lost sight of Jacob, I wanted to make sure he understood just

exactly what this whole thing was about. I needed to be certain that this
fight wasn't for nothing. While looking him dead in the eyes, I mouthed,
"She's mine."

- - - l? - - -

After Emmett pulled me outside and informed me that the usual bouncer
was 'looking the other way' while he dragged my ass out of the bar, I
shook off my anger and composed myself enough to drive. Em and Jas
both talked me down, relaxing me minutely, but I still had the same
thoughts running through the back of my mind.

She fucked him.

He's seen her naked.

Her ass. Her tits. Her pussy.

He's been inside her.

The thoughts were not helping my resolve and besides reigniting my

anger, they were causing my stomach to clench into a tight knot.
Though I could clearly see now that my earlier thoughts of not finding
out about Bella's past had their merit, there were definitely some things
we needed to talk about - to get out into the open.

If we had just discussed all of this, would what Jacob said have hit me
this hard? I had no way of knowing, but I imagined it would have taken
away a little of the sting.

I knew before I walked into the house that I needed to compose myself.
I wasn't mad at Bella - I had no right to be. And, I certainly didn't want
her to think I was. I just needed to know - needed to hear from her

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mouth - about any other guys or past relationships so that something

like this wouldn't blindside me again.

I was fairly certain I could handle hearing about it from her - it couldn't
be any worse than hearing it from a past hook-up, right? What I worried
about, however, was how she would take hearing of my past. I knew I
couldn't get away with questioning hers and not have her reciprocate
the question to me. Even though I hadn't been with anyone for over a
year before I was with Bella, I knew my early days at college may be a
source of unease for her. I was by no means a man-whore that fucked
anything with legs, but my number was high enough to cause me slight
discomfort in sharing with her.

Why didn't I think about shit like this when I was fucking random

Even though it did nothing to assuage my earlier indiscretions, I was

certain that I would give up all of my past hook-ups for a lifetime with
Bella. I just needed to make it perfectly clear to her how I felt.

By the time I pulled into the circular drive at my parents', I had calmed
enough so that I wouldn't scare Bella. Above all else, I needed to keep
my cool - needed to remain calm for her.

I walked in the back door and tossed my keys on the kitchen counter as
I passed, before making my way upstairs. I probably should have taken
into consideration how I looked, but the thought never even crossed my
mind. I was too focused on seeing Bella - holding her, kissing her - to
concern myself with insignificant details.

Once at the top of the stairs, I noticed a faint light coming from my
bedroom, so I made my way there, stopping to stand in the doorway. I
looked over to Bella, resting contentedly under the covers and against
the headboard, while she was reading a book. She must have heard my
approach because shortly after I made my way to the bedroom, she put
down her book and turned to look at me, a smile playing on her lips

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before a look of horror and worry crossed her face.

I could hear her asking me what happened as she made her way to
stand in front of me, reaching up one hand to touch my swollen lip, but
all I could concentrate on was getting her in my arms and holding her
close. I pulled her to me, wrapping my arms tightly around her as she
reciprocated, and rested my nose in her hair. As I breathed in her
familiar scent, I felt myself relax even further.

"Baby? Please talk to me," she pleaded against my chest. After a

moment of silence, she added, "Or at least let me clean you up."

I nodded my head and led us into the bathroom where I sat on the
closed toilet seat. Bella grabbed a clean washcloth and ran it under
warm water before bringing it up and gingerly cleaning my lip. I stared at
her face intently while she worked on me, so carefully and lovingly.

After my face was clean and Bella was satisfied with her work, she set
the washcloth down and reached up to smooth my hair back from my
face, searching my eyes for answers. I placed my hands on her hips
and held her tight, not wanting to ever let her go.


"Edward, can you please tell me what happened?" she asked as her
hands moved down to lightly caress my jaw.

I sighed and nodded my head as I stared into her eyes. "I think it's time
we talked about Jacob."

A/N: Crap, did I leave you with another cliffy? Well, at least you know
what happened to Edward. He didn't get drugged, assaulted by
ex-girlfriends, or forced to dress in drag again (though that would be a
really funny out-take), so you can rest easy.

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The past relationship talk - it's finally here. How do you think it's going to

Muchos Gracias to my two fabulous betas - Mastah Betah Gatah

Tallulah Remiter, and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta Extraordinaire

So, I get all sorts of people begging me in their reviews to let their
spanks come from Emmett or Jasper or Carlisle instead of Edward (I
know, it's a sin. . . ). And, because I'm a people pleaser (*snort*), just
tell me who you want 'em from and you got it.

Review for spanks from your fave Cullen man.

18. Boiling Point 373

19. No More Secrets
Many, many thanks go out to all the reviewers - especially the
regulars that review every chapter - you guys are the butter on my
toast. Special thanks to Sophia24 who read and thoughtfully
reviewed the whole thing. And, to ObsessingOverEdward who did
as well, but I forgot to thank her publicly because, well, I'm a

Thank you to all the twitter girls who took a poll and gave their

Things I own: An awesome laptop bag, a new pair of sandals, and

a shirt that says "I don't mind a dirty girl."

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


When I saw Edward standing in the doorway, my heart plummeted to

my feet. He was completely disheveled; his hair was in utter disarray,
his shirt was ripped at the seam and there was a trickle of dried blood
on his bottom lip. I didn't think; I just ran to him.

What in the fuck happened?

I tried to get him to open up - to tell me how this happened - but he

wouldn't say anything, he just held me tighter. I was able to talk him into
allowing me to clean him up a little and brought him into the bathroom to
prepare a warm washcloth. As I was gingerly cleaning his split lip, a
plethora of rampant thoughts were swarming through my mind. Had he
been mugged? Was he in a car accident? Had he gotten into a fight?

After his face was cleaned and I had relaxed somewhat seeing that the
damage wasn't extensive, I pleaded for Edward to tell me what went on

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this evening. I wasn't prepared, however, for his response.

Jacob? Did he do this? I'll kill the fucking bastard!

Edward stood up and removed his hands from my hips, instead

reaching to grab onto one of my hands to pull me back into his room,
towards his bed. He sat in the center and motioned for me to join him.
We both sat cross-legged, facing each other, while I waited for him to
expand on his question. He reached out to grab my hands, lacing our
fingers together and placing them to rest on his knees.

I stared into his eyes, searching for answers to my unasked questions.

Did he really want me to talk about this?

I had no problem opening up to him about my past. In fact, I'd wanted to

much earlier on, but Edward wanted nothing to do with it. I wasn't
entirely certain if it was because he didn't want to hear about me or
because he didn't want me to hear about him. Regardless, I realized by
the look on his face at this moment that we wouldn't be keeping
anything to ourselves any longer.

"What happened, Edward?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper.

I saw Edward's shoulders slump as he heaved out a sigh and dropped

his eyes to look at our intertwined fingers.

"Jacob was at The Corner Pocket tonight," he started, moving his eyes
to once again gaze into mine. "Emmett, Jasper and I were about to play
a game of pool and he came over with a couple of his friends and
suggested we play three on three. I didn't want to - Christ, Bella, I've
hated that guy since the first time I saw him with you," he said, irritation
and aggravation written plainly on his face. "We somehow got roped
into it and it was awful. He was such an ass the entire time - running his
fucking mouth, talking trash to our waitress. . . " he trailed off and I
somehow sensed that the true catalyst for the night was about to come.

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"And, he. . . " he started, frustrated as he pulled one of his hands from
mine and roughly rubbed it over his face. "Fuck!"

I watched as Edward shook his head, his eyes still closed as if he was
reliving whatever ordeal went on tonight. I reached my hand over and
gently pulled Edward's from his face before taking his fingers in
between mine and setting our hands back on his knee. My thumb made
constant, soothing circles on the smooth skin of his hand as I silently
encouraged him to continue.

"He started talking shit about you, Bella," he said while he stared at me
with pained eyes.

I felt my stomach drop and my throat constricted as I thought of all the

things Jacob could say about me. All the things that he could taunt
Edward with to provoke a fight.


Edward continued on, not sensing the panic building in me. "God, all
fucking night he was taunting me with little jabs here and there. Those I
could handle. But, when he stopped fucking around and just came out
and said it," he said in a pained whisper while shaking his head slightly.
"I just. . . I lost it, Bella. One minute I was ready to drink a beer with Jas
and Em and the next I was pounding on Jacob on the pool table."

I realized that Edward just confessed to beating the shit out of Jacob,
but all I could think about was what caused him to snap in the first
place. I pulled my lip in between my teeth and started chewing on it,
hoping to allow some of my unease to work itself out that way. I knew it
was a bad idea before the words even left my mouth, but I had to know
- the not knowing would drive me insane.

"What did he say, Edward?"

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Shaking his head lightly, he dropped his eyes from mine to stare down
at our hands once again. "I don't want to say it," he whispered.

"Hey," I said while nudging his knee with one of our connected hands.
"Look at me."

Edward reluctantly brought his eyes to mine and the sadness I saw
there nearly broke my heart.

"What happened with Jacob and I happened before we even met,

baby," I said, urging him to understand. "It was stupid and if I could take
it back, I would in a heartbeat."

I watched as he relaxed slightly with my confession, but the life wasn't

yet back in his eyes. I didn't know how to fix this - hell, I didn't even
know what was broken.

"Edward? Edward, talk to me," I pleaded. "I don't know what you want to

He seemed to be struggling with himself, as if he was deciding whether

or not he truly wanted to go down this path. Once the words left our
mouths, there was no taking them back - no going back in time to when
we were blissfully unaware. Everything would be bared out in the open.
And, while I didn't have a problem sharing that part of my past with
Edward, I struggled with him sharing his with me.

"What was he to you, Bella?" I was so lost in my thoughts that his

question jolted me slightly, both by breaking the silence of the air and
also in context.

I couldn't help it when my mouth opened slightly from my shock. I

wanted to burst out in a fit of giggles, but didn't think Edward would
react too well to that. However, the mere thought of Jacob being
anything to me was utterly laughable. I was being completely honest
with Edward earlier in the week when he asked who Jacob was. I could

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be no more sincere than I was when I assured him that Jacob was no
one. No one of consequence, no one to concern ourselves with, no one
to taint our conversations talking about. However, if we'd only had this
talk before, I wondered if we would be on this same path this evening -
were these events inevitable?

Looking into Edward's sad eyes, I knew that I needed to lighten the
moment a bit. "I don't know, Edward," I said, attempting to relax the
tense atmosphere around us. "I seem to remember you telling me I was
a nun before I met you. Are you sure you want to hear about this stuff?"

As his mouth pulled up slightly on one side, Edward quirked an eyebrow

up at me before he sighed and said, "I don't think I have a choice
anymore, Bella."

"No," I started, shaking my head. "Don't do this because you don't have
a choice. This is going to be unpleasant enough as it is."

He squeezed my hands while he nodded his head in agreement. "I

know. . . I guess that wasn't what I meant. I just. . . I want to be with
you, Bella. I need to be with you. And, I think we need to talk about all
this stuff so we can truly focus on what's in front of us, rather than
what's behind us."

I nodded my head in understanding and took a deep breath before

blowing it out slowly. "Jacob was a stupid mistake," I said with complete
honesty. "We were together one night," I explained and I noticed
Edward cringe minutely at that. "I was drunk and stupid. It was the
beginning of the semester - the girls had been begging me to go out
and I finally caved. Anyhow, they got me drunk; I did some things that
night that I wish I could take back. Dancing on the bar sans panties
comes in second."

I noticed Edward's nostrils flare, obviously not pleased with that little
detail, so I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, sorry." Then, elaborated with
the one thing that might help explain it better. "Alice."

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He quirked a small smile and nodded his head in understanding. Slowly,

his expression turned serious again and he practically whispered the
next question, "So, it was just one night, then?"

I knew I had to reassure him; I just needed to do so while sparing him

the not-so-hot details of my one-night-stand. "Yes, just once - if you
could even call it that." He looked at me questioningly, so I continued
on. "I was drunk - I don't remember much, but I do remember I. . . uh. . .
didn't have fun, if you catch my drift."

Edward's face looked perplexed for a moment until understanding

dawned on him and his jaw dropped open. "You mean to tell me," he
started before abruptly stopping himself and shaking his head. "You
know what? Never mind, I definitely do not want to know. Let's agree on
no specifics, okay?"

I heaved a sigh of relief and nodded my agreement. I was fine telling

Edward about the other men I'd been with, but I didn't exactly want to go
into details about the ins and outs - quite literally - of each of them. And
I certainly didn't want to hear about his past fucks.

Edward seemed to relax after that, albeit slightly, and then asked with a
smirk on his face, "So, are there any other crazy exes I should worry
about? Any others I need to prepare myself to get in a bar fight with?"

I threw my head back in laughter, glad he could at least find some

semblance of humor in the situation. "Um, no, I don't think so." I thought
back over the guys I'd been intimate with - which were really only a
handful - and didn't think any of them would pose a problem. In fact, I
was pretty sure most of them had long-term girlfriends at the present
time. "There haven't been that many, Edward," I said while looking at
him. His face registered a mixture of shock and relief.

Shit, do I look like a whore or what?

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"Do you find that hard to believe?" I asked, trying to decide if I was
offended or not.

"Yes," he replied immediately. When my face dropped, he amended his

statement quickly. "I mean, no. Shit, Bella. I don't mean it like that. I just
mean, well, you're you! You're funny, and intelligent, and laid back. . .
not to mention smokin' hot. I just assumed guys would have flocked to

"Well, maybe they did, but do I seem like the kind of girl who gets off on
stuff like that? You know how I hate being noticed and fawned over. I
tended to shy away from attention like that."

Nodding his understanding, Edward asked, "So, only a handful, huh?"

"Yes," I said simply, not elaborating any further. After a few minutes of
Edward looking at me expectantly and me maintaining a blank face, I
finally cracked. "And, did you want to know exactly what a 'handful'
classifies as?"

Edward breathed a sigh of relief and responded, "Yes. No. Yes?" I

watched as his face changed with each answer, clearly conflicted.

I laughed at him and moved my hands out of his before grabbing onto
his legs and encouraging him to stretch them out loosely in front of him.
I climbed into his lap, my legs bent over the top of his thighs, and
gripped his face in my hands. His hands went to my hips, harshly
gripping the flesh there. I didn't even think he was aware of his anxiety -
he was holding his breath and was stiff as a board, his back completely
rigid. I caressed his jaw, coaxing him to relax under my touch and
although it helped a little, he was still waiting for the blow.

"Edward, I told you it's only been a handful," I said quietly. "There have
been six, including you."

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I watched his face closely as the number left my mouth and saw his
features immediately soften and his grip on my hips loosen with my

"That's it?" he asked, almost disbelieving.

Laughing at him, I responded, "Isn't that enough? I could go out and

bag a few more for ya, if it'd make you happy," I teased.

"No!" he said, a little too loudly while gripping my hips a little tighter. "I
just mean, that's. . . " he trailed off and dropped his eyes to my lap. "It's
really low," he finished in a whisper.

"Hey," I said while pulling his head up to look at me. "What's the matter?
I thought guys liked it when girls didn't slut around?" I replied, hoping to
lighten the mood.

Edward continued to dart his eyes around, never meeting my gaze.

Uh-oh. Something tells me Edward's gotten around.

"Edward," I said, a little more firmly. Once his eyes met mine, I dropped
my hands to caress his chest and softened my tone as I spoke. "Are
you worried about your number? What I'll think?" I waited for his nod
before I continued. "You don't have to be ashamed, baby. As long as it's
not, like, fifty or something!" I said, with a laugh.

When Edward didn't say anything, my mouth dropped open and I

hissed, "It's not fifty, is it?"

Finally earning a small chuckle from him, he shook his head back and
forth and replied, "No, it's not fifty."

I let his statement hang in the air for a while before I started to grow
slightly impatient. "Edward, you're starting to freak me out here. Why
can't you just tell me?"

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Edward brought his pained eyes up to mine and whispered, "Because I

don't want you to think less of me. I was a different man before I moved
back, Bella. I hadn't been with anyone for more than a year before we
met, but prior to that? I, um, I had my share of. . . well, I had my share."

I tried to quickly mentally calculate how many partners Edward would

have had in the time he was sexually active. I knew he'd never had a
long-term girlfriend before, so there was nothing holding him back from
completely living up to the college guy stereotype. My mind was reeling
with numbers swirling in and out at random.

Twenty-seven. . . Thirty-nine . . . Thirty-two. . . Forty-three. . .

"Sixteen," he said in a defeated whisper. "Sixteen, including you."

I felt my shoulders slump as I let out the breath of air I had been
holding. Edward had taken my action to mean that I was disappointed
and immediately buried his head in my chest. "I'm sorry, Bella."

I snorted at him and asked, "For what?"

I knew that most women would probably be intimidated by a number

that was almost triple what theirs was, but in all honesty, I couldn't find
the anxiety or fear in me anywhere. Edward said he wasn't with anyone
for over a year before he met me. To me, that showed that I didn't
change him - that he didn't feel forced to begin a relationship with me
when he really wanted to go out and hook up with random girls. He
changed himself long before he met me.

Not only that, but in all the time I'd spent with Edward, it was blatantly
fucking obvious that he enjoyed himself with me.

Hello - I know my way around the bedroom, thank you very much.

I knew I was no slacker in that area - I had managed to pick up a trick. .

. or five. . . over the years. Truth of the matter was, he was with me now

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- he decided to settle down and do the whole relationship thing for me.
That had to count for something.

At my complete disregard for the reasoning behind his apology, his

head whipped up to mine, his eyes bulging out of his head as he darted
them back and forth between my own.

"You mean you're not mad?"

"Well, I'm not thrilled about it," I said while looking at him. "But honestly,
with the way you were acting, I had that number doubled."

Edward forced out a laugh - one that was completely filled with disbelief
- and continued to stare at me wide-eyed.

"Why do you find that so hard to believe?" I asked.

Shrugging his shoulders, he responded, "I don't know, I guess if the

situation was reversed, I would be a little anxious over the difference. . .

"But, why? Because you've had more experience than me? I think I've
kept up with you pretty well so far," I teased. "Besides, I can't really get
all that jealous of one-night stands and random girls, can I?"

I saw Edward dart his eyes away from mine and focus on anything he
could but my face.

The hell is this all about?


"They weren't all, um, completely random, Bella," he said while still
avoiding my gaze.

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"Oh? I thought you said you'd never seriously dated anyone before," I
replied, perplexed. Certainly if he had dated someone, he wouldn't have
felt the need to keep that from me, would he?

"No, I never have," he said. "But, there were a few women that I saw
frequently. . . just for, um, sex."


"How many?" I asked the question before my mind had a chance to

process it. Did I really want to get into details about this? Furthermore,
why did my reaction change so suddenly when it wasn't just nameless,
faceless women floating in and out of his bed, but instead several. . .

"Five or six," he responded quietly.

Five or six. Five or six other women had floated in and out of Edward's
bed as often as he'd wanted them to. Without my consent, my brain
started down the path of no return - subconsciously comparing them to
myself. Had they been pretty? Smart? Sexy? Were they blonde and
were they tall and did they manage to look like supermodels in a pair of
sweat pants?

It was beyond me how I had gone from completely uncaring when the
number involved no-name, random women to completely freaked out
and inadequate when the no-name women turned into frequent fuck
buddies of Edward's. I guessed it was easier to brush past the memory
of others when he may not have been able to even remember their
names. But, now there were actual people attached to his number. Girls
with faces and names and personalities.

But, beyond the superficial characteristics, I couldn't help but think of

the questions that pounded over and over in my brain, causing my
stomach to clench.

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Did he feel things for them? Did he love any of them?

I didn't think I could handle hearing that his heart had belonged to
someone before I even got the chance to embrace it with my own. It
was one thing to share purely physical pleasure with another person,
but to have shared himself - the Edward that I knew - with any one of
those girls, would break my heart. I wanted to be the only one that knew
that part of him - the only one he'd felt secure enough with to share
every single part of himself.

I wanted so badly for him to love me - only me - as I loved him.

While my mind processed my thoughts, I could sense Edward's gaze

locked on my face, while his hands rubbed soothingly against my own. I
knew this had been eating at him for quite some time - I assumed it was
one of the core reasons why he didn't want to have this talk with me.
Not only did he not want to hear of previous guys that I had been with,
but he was worried about my reaction to his past.

I steeled myself to hear the answer to the one and only question I was
wrestling with. I knew that if I kept it bottled up, it would only eat away at
me - my mind concocting ridiculous scenarios based on half-truths or
figments of my imagination. If the answer was no, I could relax -
completely and entirely - and we could move on as if nothing had
happened. We'd simply shared another part of ourselves - albeit a more
difficult part than usual - and could continue on with our fairly smooth

If, however, the answer was yes. . . I didn't know what I would do. It
would crush me. Plain and simple. But, I knew that for Edward - for us -
I'd have to find a way to get over it. Many people love more than one
person in their lifetimes - this didn't have to be any different.

Taking a deep breath, I held my eyes closed and asked, "Did you love
any of them?"

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I waited for what seemed like an eternity before Edward finally

answered, his voice low and calm.

"No, Bella," he stated. I didn't realize how tense I had become as I

waited for his answer until all the breath left my lungs and my entire
body slumped down in relaxation. A small smile played at my lips and I
was just about to open my eyes and show him my relief when he
continued. "I haven't ever been in love with anyone else. Only you."

My eyes snapped open and searched his out, trying to read the depths
of those green pools. Never breaking my gaze, Edward brought his
hands up to cup my face, running his thumbs along the expanse of my

"Bella," he breathed. "I love you. Only you, baby."

- - - l? - - -


Staring into Bella's eyes, I sat waiting with baited breath for her to
respond to my declaration.

I knew, without a doubt, that now was the perfect time to bare my heart
to her. I couldn't stand to see the worry there - the uncertainty that was
written plainly across her face. Why she felt threatened by the
meaningless women that came before her, I'd never know. And, how
she could go from being seemingly content in assuming that they were
all random girls or one-night-stands to unsure and threatened when she
found out they weren't, was a complete mystery to me.

However, when she questioned my feelings for them, I realized then

that she was threatened by the place they'd held in my life. What she
didn't know was how truly meaningless they were.

God, I sound like a fucking prick.

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I knew I couldn't tell Bella that in so many words, but if she knew how
little they actually meant to me, she would breathe a sigh of relief. There
weren't any dates - there was never pillow talk or cuddling or hand
holding. It was sex. Frequent and plentiful, but still just sex.

Obviously, I'd be a fucking idiot to say that to Bella. I only hoped that
letting her know she was the only woman to ever touch my heart would
quell her insecurities.

My eyes were still locked with hers, Bella's swimming in unshed tears.
With my fingers wrapped around the back of her head and my thumbs
still rubbing soothingly over her jaw, I waited for Bella to speak her

Her fingers grasped the shirt against my chest and she pulled me to
her, bringing her lips in contact with mine. I held her face close, moving
my lips against hers at the pace she set. She pulled back slightly, our
lips still barely touching. I felt, more than heard, the words I'd been
waiting so long to hear.

"Oh Edward," Bella whispered. "I love you, too. Only you."

A smile overtook my face, Bella's lips mirroring my own. Her eyes were
shining with happiness, her tears finally spilling out over her cheeks. My
thumbs moved softly against the skin on her cheeks, collecting the two
lone drops that trailed down her face.

"I've waited so long to tell you, Bella," I said. I wanted to tell her that I'd
loved her since the first night I'd held her in my arms - that I'd whispered
it to her in her sleep. I wanted to tell her how I'd struggled with showing
her my love and opening up to her - struggled with letting her in a place
where no one else had ever touched. I wanted to tell her that she meant
more to me than anything in my life - more than anything in the world. I
wanted to tell her I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. Instead,
I whispered what I thought would encompass it all, "I love you so much."

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"Show me, Edward," Bella whispered. "Show me how you love me."

Bella's hands trailed up my chest, wrapping around the back of my neck

as her fingers tangled in the hair there. I used my fingers to urge her
head forward, our lips meeting then in a slow, sensual kiss. Every
touch, every movement, was perfectly synchronized - as if we were one
person. Our kisses increased in their passion, becoming deeper and
more urgent as our hands began to roam. I trailed mine across Bella's
shoulders, my fingers lightly tickling the skin along the outside of her
arms, causing goosebumps to form on her flesh. Bella's hands moved
from my neck to my shoulders and then my back before she brought
them down to the hem of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head. I
reached immediately for the bottom of her tank top and pulled it off her,
her nipples hardening as the air hit them.

Poor, lonely nipples. . .

My mouth moved immediately to her breasts as I placed tiny kisses

down the valley between them, and then moved to the center of each,
my lips dancing around her hardened peaks. My mouth enclosed over
one, nipping and sucking gently and I noticed with smug satisfaction the
reaction I was bringing out in Bella. She moaned and arched into me,
my hands placed at the small of her back, supporting her body.

The feel of Bella in my hands was always amazing, but now - knowing
that she was responding to my love for her and reciprocating - it was
completely intoxicating. I wanted to take in everything she offered,
wanted my body to possess hers. I wanted to completely immerse
myself in her love.

In her love.

The thought was overwhelming and captivating. To think that I had

loved her for so long and to now know that she felt the same way had
me drunk with emotion.

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I shifted onto my knees, holding onto Bella's ass while she hooked her
ankles around my back, and moved the both of us up towards the top of
the bed. I settled Bella on her back, her head up against the pillows, as I
continued my kisses down her body. My lips trailed along the column of
her neck, my tongue brushing against her collarbones on either side.
My lips found purchase on the swell of her breasts, my mouth leaving
wet kisses in their wake. I reached my hands down, running them along
the smooth skin of her silky legs and pulled at her ankles, silently asking
her to loosen her hold on my hips. Once Bella complied, I made my way
down to her stomach, licking along the sweet expanse of skin there.

No matter how little my lips actually left her skin, I found that I wasn't
tasting enough of her. I always wanted to feel close to her - to be
engulfed by her - but this new urgency, this new need was exciting. . .
and a little startling. I felt this overwhelming desire to connect with her.
Just my lips on her body wasn't enough.

I made quick work of Bella's pajama bottoms and her panties, and then
fumbled with my jeans, dropping them on the floor along with my
boxers. Immediately going to Bella, I lay beside her, pulling her body
flush on top of mine. I could feel her readiness as her center met my
hardened cock and I groaned at the sensation.

Bella brought her hands to mine, lacing our fingers together before she
brought them up to rest beside my head. She angled her body, taking
me inside her in a slow, fluid movement as our lips touched, both of us
whispering our love as we connected.

As we moved together, eventually our fingers separated, allowing our

hands to roam and caress each other's bodies. Bella moved hers to my
chest, pushing against it to sit upright. My hands gripped her hips as
she rode me - slowly and sensually - while our eyes stayed locked

As I watched her above me, I wanted nothing more than to be close to

her again - she was too far away, though we were connected in the

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most intimate way possible. I lifted myself from the bed, going to a
sitting position, as Bella's legs made their way around my back, her
arms going around my shoulders. Our hips rocked together rhythmically
as we got ourselves as close together as we could - our lips and
tongues pulsing to the same slow dance our bodies were engaged in.
Even when our lips parted, I moved mine to the skin on her shoulders,
her neck, her chest, as I loved her the way she'd asked me to.

My hands trailed from her hips, moving lightly up and down the skin of
her back, running along her outer thighs then dipping into the crease
where her legs meet her hips. My fingers found her clit, circling it lightly
as I felt her movements get slightly sporadic above me.

"I'm close, Edward," she whispered.

I hummed my satisfaction as I agreed, "I'm with you, baby."

My pressure increased on her clit as my other hand pressed against the

middle of her back, holding her tightly to me. Our lips were resting
against each other, our breath mingling in the space around us. Bella's
eyes were locked on mine, heavy and lidded as she neared her release.

She whimpered against my mouth, and I sped up my movements, both

inside her and rubbing against her. Right before I felt my world explode
within me, Bella reached her peak, her nails digging in to the skin on my
back as she breathed my name, her name leaving my lips immediately

I continued to rock inside her, hesitant to lose this feeling of complete

bliss, as she held my face between her hands, pressing kisses on my
closed eyelids, my cheeks, my mouth. Our leisurely kisses continued for
a short while until I adjusted her legs and moved us to lay back in bed,
Bella curling up against my side, as I pulled the covers over us.

Every so often, she would press a kiss to my bare chest and I would
reciprocate, my lips going to her hair. After a long, comfortable silence,

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Bella spoke, "How long, Edward?"

"Hmm?" was my intelligent reply.

"You said you'd wanted to tell me for so long. How long?"

How do you tell the woman you loved that you'd done so for as long as
you'd been together? Longer, even.

No more secrets.

"Honestly?" I asked, feeling her nod against my shoulder. "Since our

first night together."

Bella whipped her head up to look at me, propping herself up on her

elbow. Her eyes were huge and wild and. . . excited?

"What about you?" I asked. "How long have you known how you felt?"

She blew out a long breath, a huge smile overtaking her face, as she
responded, "I haven't known for certain quite all that time, but close."
My mouth dropped open at her admission and I silently cursed the time
we'd wasted, waiting to be certain of the other's intent. "I was using the
'only yous' to tell you. . . when I couldn't quite bring myself to say I love
you, yet," she confessed, a light blush tinting her cheeks as she
dropped her eyes to the bed.

I brought my hands up to her face, cupping her cheeks in my palms,

and brought her closer to me, pecking her lips softly.

"Me too, baby. I couldn't find the balls to tell you," I said.

Truth was I used it as a crutch; still, I couldn't say I was completely sorry
about that. Our 'only yous' were us. We would have our whispered
words of love to share now, but in my heart I knew that those two words
meant just as much - if not more - to us than the specific declarations of

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love that millions of other people used.

Bella smiled and curled herself into my side again, her hand rested on
my chest as I felt her warm breath wash over my skin.

"I love you, Edward," she whispered. "Only you."

"Only you, baby," I replied. "Always."

A/N: So, was it everything you'd hoped it would be? I've had it planned
for a long, long time so I hope it lived up to everyone's expectations.
Now, for the love of all that is holy - now that they've said the ILYs, do
NOT pester me about them getting engaged. I will flip my lid. Seriously.
It's not happening...anytime in the near future. Or even distant future.

I got notified that LR has been nominated for it's very first award - Best
Romance in the Razzle Dazzle awards. Big fat thanks and spanks
from all the Cullen men for whoever nominated it! I srsly squeed at my
kid's preschool graduation when I found out. Nominations are going on
now, so go and nom your favorite stories. Voting won't happen till the
end of the month. Link in my profile.

Merci Beaucoup to my two fabulous betas - Mastah Betah Gatah

Tallulah Remiter, and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta Extraordinaire

Oh, and if you're not following me on Twitter - get on that shit (link on
my profile). I talk a lot about LR and what's going on with it, teasers, etc.
Ah, who am I kidding? That's a lie. I just talk about boobs, peen and
sex. Lots.

Tell me how you want it.

Review for spanks.

19. No More Secrets 392

20. Love Awakened
First things first - HOLY FUCKING HELL - TWO THOUSAND people
have faved LR. *thud* Thank you to everyone that loves this
enough to stick it in their box. Of favorites, I mean. Stick it in their
box of favorites... *shakes head* Sheesh - perverts...

The reactions to last chapter got me all warm and fuzzy inside. I
was paranoid and freaked the fuck out on what you guys had to
say on not only the ILYs, but on the whole number thing. Thank
you for not throwing rotten tomatoes at me and for accepting their
pasts just as they did.

Things I own: An extensively dirty vocabulary, a really funky - yet

girly - set of china, and a $150 gift card to Anthro.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


I woke to the feeling of Bella's fingers trailing softly up and down the
expanse of my torso, her head pressed into the crook of my shoulder.
My sleep last night had been completely peaceful - but, really, how
could it not? I had the woman I loved curled up in my arms - naked, no
less - and I was able to whisper my love to her before we fell asleep.

I stirred slightly, turning my face into her and took a deep breath, my
senses immediately filled with the essence of Bella.

"Morning, baby," I rasped into her hair as I trailed my fingers up and

down her spine.

So soft.

"Mmm, morning," she said before pressing a light kiss on my chest.

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"Did you sleep well?" I asked as she tilted her head up to look at me.

"Mhmm, I did. Though I didn't expect any less," she said as she lifted
herself slightly to kiss me.

I could hear the happiness in her voice and I imagined mine sounded
much the same. It was amazing what expressing your love could do for
your mood. It was freeing; to know that I didn't have to hold back any
longer - that I didn't have to watch my every word to make sure that a
simple 'love you' didn't slip out. I had thought it so many times during
the day, but in our time together it had become second nature to hold it
back. I just didn't realize how truly exhausting that was. The fact that I
had to no longer hold anything back was liberating.

Prior to last night, I tried to rein my feelings in - I didn't want her feeling
overwhelmed or uncomfortable, but I still tried with everything I had to
non-verbally show her how much I cared. Every touch, every look, every
smile echoed my love for Bella. Now, I could express it with words as

"I love you," I said against her lips, unable to keep it to myself any

I felt Bella's lips upturn into a smile and I couldn't hold back mine from
making its way onto my face.

"I love hearing that," she sighed contentedly. "Now, how about you
show me again?"

With that, she trailed her hand down under the sheet and felt my
readiness for her. Lifting herself up, she straddled my hips, before she
sunk down onto me.

I had realized somewhere around the twenty-second time Bella had

ridden me that there just wasn't any sight better than that. Watching her
bounce above me, every inch of her skin within reach of my fingertips,

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her tits swaying in my face - all those things, combined with being able
to watch my cock slide in and out of her, was pure heaven.

I paid close attention to the signals her body was giving off - her gasps
of breath, the tilt of her head, the quickness of her movements all told
me she was getting close to her release.

My hands moved from her hips, wrapping around her back to

encourage her to lean forward. The need to feel her closer was
overwhelming, much as it had been last night. She complied, resting her
hands on either side of my head, angling her body towards me. Our lips
met, while whispered words of love left our mouths, our bodies
continuing to rock together.

I trailed kisses across her jaw, sucking and nipping along her neck and
chest, until I reached a nipple - tight and ready for my mouth. My tongue
flicked out, licking at it before enveloping it in my mouth. Bella's cries of
pleasure, along with the pulsing of her pussy, were all I needed to push
me over the edge with her.

While we were coming down from our high, she continued her slow
torture, rocking softly on my very sensitive cock, until I gripped her hips
tightly to stop her movements.

She brought her lips to mine, kissing me sweetly, as her mouth curved
in a slight smile.

Talk about a fan-fucking-tastic wake-up call.

"It would be a very good thing if I could start off every day just like this,"
I said, returning her smile.

"Yes, I agree," Bella said as she rolled off of me and settled into my side
again. We lay there for a few moments, quietness surrounding us, until
Bella broke the silence, "When do your parents get back?"

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"Mmm, I think around noon," I responded.

"I'm going to miss staying here. I kind of got used to being with you
every night, no matter our schedules," she said quietly.

"Me too, baby," I said while I squeezed her closer to me. "Maybe we
can try harder to at least spend the evenings together."

Bella nodded against my skin and I kissed the top of her head.

"Well, we only have a couple of hours. We better get a move on if we

want to take advantage of that shower one more time," she said before
jumping out of bed. She turned to wink at me before strutting into my
bathroom, her ass on full display.

You don't have to ask me twice.

- - - l? - - -

Packing our bags and tying up the lose ends at the house had me
completely bummed. I didn't want to leave this little nest Bella and I had
grown accustomed to. It was almost unbelievable how much a week
could change a relationship, but the time we'd spent here had done so
much for us.

The 'past fucks' talk wasn't one I was ever looking forward to - and one I
certainly didn't anticipate having in my parents' house of all places - but
it needed to happen. To think that Jacob, piece of shit extraordinaire,
was actually the catalyst for Bella and I expressing our love for each
other was irony in its finest form.

Eat that cockhat.

We hadn't really had a chance to talk about the events of last night -
besides the almost constant reassurances of love we gave each other.

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Yeah, I've been pussified. What of it?

While Bella didn't seem upset that I got into the fight with Jacob, I
couldn't help but wonder what her thoughts on the matter were. If
anyone could fight her own battles, it was definitely Bella. Still, that was
hard to get through my thick skull when I was faced with a volatile
situation head-on. Thoughts of her being able to take care of herself
took a back seat to the overwhelming need I had to protect her.

Besides her feelings about me beating the shit out of him, I also
wondered how she was going to handle it if she ever ran into Jacob. I
mean, it was pretty fucking probable that they would cross paths again -
especially with Jacob working at the grocery store that was literally two
blocks from her apartment. I doubted I could talk her into going to the
one five miles away instead.

Maybe if I turn on my charm...

I was abruptly shaken out of my thoughts by the sound of keys in the

back door, followed by the familiar voice of my mom.

"Edward? Bella?" she called out.

Bella and I were in the kitchen preparing a Chinese Chicken Salad for
lunch. I looked up from the cutting board I was using to chop some
green onions and smiled to Bella. She enjoyed having my mom around,
especially with hers so far away, and I was anxious to see how much
more relaxed Bella would be around her after our week in the house.

I put down my knife and went to greet my mom, wrapping her up in a

tight bear hug while I lifted her off the ground. After setting her down,
she moved over to Bella, enveloping her in her arms while my dad and I
exchanged our manly back-pat hug.

"How was the flight?" I asked, after our greetings were all out of the

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My parents delved into details about their flight back, as well as what
they did on their trip, while we finished preparing lunch. Before long, we
were all sitting at the table, enjoying the salad Bella had made for us.

"How were things while we were gone?" my mom asked. "Bella, I hope
you were able to take advantage of all the estate has to offer."

Bella blushed five different shades of red while glancing at me out of the
corner of her eye.

Oh yes, we took advantage. Multiple times.

I smirked at her before averting my gaze. My eyes traveled to my mom,

then my dad and I had to stifle a laugh at the knowing look he had on
his face.

I might be pussy-whipped, but I still know how to get the pussy.

"Um, yes, everything was very nice, Esme," Bella said, attempting to
hide her embarrassment. "You have a beautiful home, I just loved
staying here."

"I'm glad, dear," my mom said, smiling. "Maybe you can stay with
Edward again when we leave in the winter," she ended with a smile on
her face.

Bella turned her attention to me, a small smile playing on her lips. That
was the first time anyone had acknowledged us being involved as a
couple a far distance in the future. I felt my grin get impossibly big and I
reached over and stroked Bella's thigh before giving her knee a light
squeeze. She placed her hand on mine and returned my reassuring
touch. I couldn't believe how happy something so simple made me. The
thought of being with Bella in several months - hell, in several years-
had me giddy like a school girl.

Yes, definitely a huge pussy. Just call me Pussyward.

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- - - l? - - -

After my mom's busy chatter finally came to a close, Bella and I were
able to pack up and head home. I knew, without a doubt, that I wasn't
ready to say goodbye to her yet. I was sure for most guys, spending a
week with their girlfriend would send them running for the hills once it
was over. But, for me, all it did was highlight the fact that we didn't live
together and we wouldn't get to spend all that time with each other. Our
schedules were both so crazy now - with us gearing up for year-end -
and I knew that if we hadn't had the same home-base to go back to, our
time connecting would have been few and far between.

Which is exactly what it's going to be like until June.

Fuck. I knew that it was something we'd have to get used to. There
would never be a time in our lives where we didn't have jobs, or friends,
or outside activities taking away the attention from one another. Even
so, I didn't enjoy sharing Bella at all, though I knew it had to be done.

I was absolutely dreading the real world coming to knock on my door

Monday morning. I only hoped we'd be able to hold true to what we both
agreed on - that we would try our hardest to end our days together.

Pulling up to Bella's apartment brought me out of my thoughts and I

went around to help her out of the car. After our roller coaster night the
previous evening, neither of us was ready to part ways, so we settled on
staying at her place together.

After we made our way up to her apartment and went inside, we noticed
that both girls were there, along with Jasper and Emmett. We all
decided that a chill evening full of cult movies and take-out was in order.
It was clear from the way the girls latched on to Bella that they had
missed her. The guys and I stood in the kitchen, sipping our beers and
bullshiting while we watched on as the girls chatted away in the living
room. Bella's laughter automatically caused me to smile - she always
looked so beautiful.

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Emmett's ribbing on me pulled me out of my Bella induced haze and I

halfheartedly punched him in the gut and told him to 'fuck off.'

After a few more chuckles at my expense, he asked, "So, what did Bella
say about the..." he trailed off, casually gesturing towards my split lip.

I took a swig of my beer and shrugged my shoulders before answering,

"She didn't really say much about it specifically. But, it sort of led us to
'the number talk.'" Both guys grimaced slightly and I did a half-nod in
acknowledgment. "I just came out and asked her about that shithead
and who he was to her."

"And?" Jasper inquired.

"Well, the talk went good, surprisingly," I said with a little chuckle. "I was
really worried about my... uh... less discriminating days." They both
nodded their understanding. "But, it went well. And, she and Jacob were
a one time thing - which she adamantly regrets - so, that turned out
alright, too, I guess. Or as good as it can with my girl... you know..." I
finished with a grimace while I gestured vaguely with my hand. The
guys' faces matched mine and both nodded their understanding.

"That guy was such a cocksucker - why the fuck did Bella go out with
him in the first place?" Emmett asked with irritation. "Fuck, I wanted to
rip his tongue out within the first five minutes. I can't imagine Bells
putting up with that shit."

I wasn't sure how much detail Emmett actually wanted to hear about
their night, so I kept it short and simple, hoping it would abate him. "She
was drunk."

"Ahh," Emmett said in understanding.

"And, he may be a cocksucker, but something good actually came from

all the shit he pulled." Em and Jas both raised their eyebrows, silently
asking me to continue. "I told her I loved her last night," I said quickly,

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but confidently.

"No shit?" Emmett boomed out as he slapped me on the back. "Fuck

man, that's great!"

"About time. Thank fuck I now have another pussy-whipped pansy to

join in my club," Jasper said with a smile.

I smiled over at him, happy with his admission. I knew he and Alice
were pretty serious about each other, but I didn't know for certain that
they were in love. It was so strange to me to think that the two of us
would be love-struck fools. I'd known Jas basically my whole life - we'd
shared all our firsts together. Now, we had a whole different set to share
- just a more grown-up version this time. This little step made it seem
like we were finally adults.

"Well, make room for me in the clubhouse, bitches, because I am head

over fucking heels for Rosie," Emmett declared matter-of-factly.

I was sure if the girls looked in on us now, we'd look like three damn
idiots grinning away like a bunch of fourteen year olds who just fucked a
senior cheerleader.

Thank fucking God I'm not the only one who's turned his balls in for a

"I never thought I'd see the day when the three of us turned into
love-sick pussies," I said.

"Speak for yourself, man - I'm all dick. Just ask Rosie," Emmett retorted.

Jasper and I snorted at him and Jas asked, "So, does she know then?"

Emmett darted his eyes away and I couldn't help my chuckle as I

teased him, "Nope, no pussy at all... "

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"Shut the fuck up," he said while shoving me lightly in the chest. "I
haven't told her yet, but I will tell her."

I patted him on the back in encouragement and tilted my head to the

living room, silently telling them I was going to head in there. I went over
to where Bella was situated on the couch and plopped down in front of
her, grabbing the leg that was hanging over the edge and brought it up
over my shoulder to rest against my chest. I sat with my beer in one
hand, lazily sipping at it, while my other hand ran mindless patterns on
Bella's smooth skin.

The girls were still chatting about something - I didn't care enough about
girl talk to force myself to listen - while Jasper and Emmett came in and
joined all of us. Once we were all settled in the living room, the couples
took their places together around the room.

We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening hanging out - just
watching movies and eating take-out. Conversation would bubble up
from time to time and we all shared some laughs. While we were
together with our best friends, I'd come to a realization. As much as I
loved the solitude of having Bella to myself for the past week, being
around our friends was a nice change of pace. We were still working to
find that perfect balance in our lives and I knew one day we would.

- - - l? - - -


The time Edward and I got to spend together was growing more and
more scarce with each day that passed. Even though we'd promised
that we would try to stay together each night, our schedules and
demanding work stopped us from making that happen. We were inching
our way closer to finals and the two of us were working our asses off.
That meant lots of studying and little to no sexing. But, it wasn't just the
sexin' I was missing.

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Ever since the night we'd both shared our feelings, the need to be near
him was even stronger than usual. I felt the ache in my bones when we
were apart. And, honestly, it frightened me a little. Was it really healthy
to be that attached to another person? I decided I didn't particularly care
at this point in time - I just wanted to be close to him.

It was late Thursday afternoon, and the last I saw of Edward was
Monday for a brief bit between classes. It was really starting to wear on
me that the time we got to spend together was reduced to brief
moments stolen from our days. But, short of moving in together and
having that home base to always go back to, I didn't see a way around

Whoa now... Did I just think what I thought I did?

Well, that was new. Of course, I'd thought about Edward and me
together at some point in the future. And, sure, maybe we also
happened to inhabit the same residence in those daydreams. And, yes,
we may have also always been fucking like bunnies at said residence.
But, I'd never thought of it in such a present tense sort of way. I
wondered what Edward would think of it? Would he argue that it was
too soon? Would he say that we could possibly ruin this beautiful thing
we had together by making that sort of commitment? Or...

Aaaand, insert 'fucking like bunnies' day dream here.

Or, would he say that it was the best idea I'd ever had? That he had
thought about nothing more than waking up next to me every morning
and cradling me in his arms as we fell asleep?

I shook my head to rid myself of those thoughts and decided I needed

to calm the fuck down. I was just getting excited because I was going to
see Edward tonight - that was all. That fact had obviously turned my
brain into mush. I wasn't thinking clearly. This was definitely something
that would need to be readdressed when I wasn't drunk on the
anticipation of seeing my hot, sexy boyfriend.

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Our Thursdays were usually pretty light, so earlier in the week, we'd
made a date for tonight. Nothing fancy, just pizza and a movie, but it
was one of Edward's favorite things to do and I couldn't deny him

I was so anxious for our time together that I'd even packed my bag the
night before and left it next to my backpack to take with me this
morning. I didn't want to have to waste time going home after classes
when all I wanted to do was go see Edward.

Making my way across the campus, I headed towards my truck. I told

Edward I would stop by the video store and rent something on my way
to his place since he got done a little later than I did on Thursdays.

Tossing my backpack across the seat, I jumped into the cab and started
up my beast. I made my way over to the video store closest to Edward's
and headed in to find what we should watch tonight.

Not like we'd ever get around to seeing it anyhow.

After browsing the new releases and settling on a selection, I left the
store and hopped back in my truck, my excitement almost palpable at
seeing Edward again. Before I could pull out of the parking lot, my
iPhone dinged, alerting me of a new text message. I grabbed my phone
and looked at the screen.

where r u? dying here. miss u & hurry.

love u ~E

I smiled in spite of myself, while butterflies fluttered up my stomach into

my chest. I still went completely insane whenever I heard Edward say
those words to me. His declaration had been so... amazing?
breathtaking? stunning? wonderful? surprising? Yes, all of that. It had
simply been like nothing else.

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Still smiling ridiculously, I texted him back, letting him know I was on my

almost there. miss u 2

only u ~B

I couldn't get to his place fast enough.

- - - l? - - -

It was a good thing I didn't pick up the pizza on the way to Edward's
apartment because it would have gotten cold. He didn't even allow me
to make it completely through the front door before he grabbed all my
things and tossed them aside so he could attack me. Thank Christ
Jasper and Emmett were gone - we didn't even make it past the front

After our impromptu entryway sweet, sweet lovin' session, Edward and I
grabbed a quick shower - well, as quickly as it could be with four
roaming hands - and changed into our pajamas before we ordered the
pizza. Even though Jas and Em were currently gone, Edward and I
decided to hole up in his bedroom; we needed uninterrupted time to
ourselves. Deciding to have a little impromptu picnic, we sat cross
legged on his bed while we chowed down on our dinner and started the

Once we had both finished our pizza, we snuggled in together, under

the covers, and attempted to finish the movie.

I don't even know why we try this shit...

We were propped up against the headboard, my back to Edward's

chest, while he trailed his fingers up and down my arms. The barely
there touches were like heaven and I was beyond relaxed.

"I've missed you this week," Edward said quietly, breaking the silence.

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Rubbing my hands over his thighs, I responded, "Me too."

"I hate not being able to see you every night."

"I know," I sighed. "But, it'll be over soon. The year's almost over and
then we can relax for the summer."

As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew they weren't true. I couldn't
relax all summer - I needed to figure out what I wanted to do with my
degree and start looking for a job. The stress of it all had been plaguing
me for the last several weeks and I'd been trying as hard as I could to
push it to the back of my mind. I didn't know what was going to happen
after graduation. My search for a job would be imminent, and I didn't
know where that search would lead. I knew that I couldn't be picky and
if a newspaper wanted me in Maine, I'd have to go.

I must have tensed while the thoughts were going through my mind
because Edward wrapped his arms around me and gave me a
comforting hug before he pressed a soft kiss on my neck.

"What's the matter, baby?" he asked.

I wasn't sure if it was something I wanted to get into right then and
there, but I couldn't stop the question from leaving my lips.

"What's going to happen after graduation, Edward?"

"What do you mean?"

I shifted and turned my head back to look at him. "I mean, what if I find
a job in Texas? Or Florida? Or D.C.?"

The corners of Edward's mouth turned down almost imperceptibly and

he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. He looked like he was
struggling with what he wanted to say and I wondered if he could see
the uncertainty lurking in my eyes.

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Edward leaned down and placed a quick kiss on my lips before he

pulled back and sighed, closing his eyes.

"Let's just..." he started before taking a deep breath and continuing,

"Let's just be us now and cross that bridge if we come to it, alright?"

Nodding my agreement, I leaned up to kiss him once more, needing the

reassurance of his love. Edward's arms tightened around me and I
melted into him, loving the feel of our lips moving with one another.

I didn't know what the summer would bring us or where my career

would take me, but I was certain about one thing.

I couldn't see myself living without Edward.

A/N: I got a lot of questions about what else I had planned for these two
since we've gotten over the ILY hurdle. Obviously I can't tell you (takes
all the fun out of the cliffies) but, I've got a few more things up my
sleeve. I'd guesstimate we have roughly 10 more chapters to go (give or
take one or two) and then we'll say goodbye to OnlyYouward and Vixen
Bella. *sheds tear*

We've also started a shitton of new things over at The Perv Pack's
Smut Shack (link on my profile), one of them being Pervy
Author/PPSS member Interviews. First up? Me and algonquinrt
(mastermind behind Mr. Horrible). *waves to algie* Interview will be
posted on Sunday and let me tell you - you're gonna wanna read.
Nothing was off limits...and I didn't hold back in my questions. *grin*

Nominations are now happening for the Eddies & Bellies

(www(dot)thecatt(dot)net/tw/Nomination(dot)aspx), as well as the
Razzle Dazzle Awards
(www(dot)razzledazzleawards(dot)webs(dot)com). Go check them out
and nominate your favorites!

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Grazie mille to my Mastah Betah Gatah Tallulah Remiter for doing solo
duty on this chappy. I think Katie is off sunning herself in someplace
tropical. Or, she's stuck at home with whiny kids.

Oh, and for those not hanging out on the twi thread - guess what you
missed? Pictures of OnlyYouWard's peen. That's right - naked in all his
God given glory. So, go on - go pop your twi cherry and if you ask
nicely, I just might repost OnlyYouWard's peen. (link to thread on my

I have also been toying with the idea of doing an outtake based on what
you guys have requested in your reviews and PMs. I decided that I
wanted to see it about as badly as you all did, so I'm going to do the
most requested one and will post it when LR gets to 3k reviews.
Hopefully that will give me time to write it! Now, what IS the most
requested one, you ask? Why, Balcony sex, of course.

Review for spanks.

20. Love Awakened 408

21. A True Library Rendezvous

Things I own: A pan of freshly made brownies, a new webcam, and

a red loofah that has seen better days.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


Studying for finals had been beyond brutal. We were in our last week of
classes and Edward and I were both spread as thin as we could get.
Our days consisted of classes and our evenings - and even into the wee
hours of the morning - consisted of studying. More times than I'd care to
admit, I fell asleep sitting at my desk, with my upper body curled around
my laptop. Needless to say, we were both having an awful time keeping
our promise to spend whatever time together that we could.

As if studying for finals wasn't worrisome enough, I was also constantly

bombarded with thoughts of what the summer would bring for Edward
and me. I'd planned to inquire with the Seattle Times, the Seattle Post,
as well as a smattering of lesser known newspapers around the area.
However, even with the plethora of papers in the Seattle metro, I wasn't
sure that there would be job openings for a fresh out of college

I knew, without a doubt, that I would have to extend my search to other

areas of the state, and even the country. In this economy, it wasn't
realistic to think that I could be picky in my job hunting.

Since I'd first brought up my concerns to Edward, we hadn't spoken

about it again, but it was something that was constantly weighing on my
mind. I could see it in his eyes, as well, that he was having the same
thoughts as I was. I wondered if it was too soon to consider what we

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would do if I did have to move? Was our relationship strong enough to

sustain a long-distance relationship? Had we been together long
enough that I could ask Edward to come with me? Would he even want

The thought made my stomach twist and my throat constrict.

What if he didn't want me?

I knew it was irrational - Edward had done everything in his power to

show me the love he felt for me, through both his actions and his words.
Even so, I couldn't stop my subconscious from conjuring up all these
possible outcomes - none of which had Edward and I together, living out
our happily ever after.

With a sigh, I tried to refocus my brain on the book in front of me. I was
currently in the library, studying my ass off again. I was starting to get
restless at the apartment and knew that I would get more work done in
the quiet of the library. Even with finals just around the corner, it was
peaceful here - all the inhabitants engrossed in their studies, iPods put
to full use to block out any background noise created in the

I was trying to focus on the words spread out on the page before me,
but my thoughts kept going back to Edward. He and I had talked several
times today, both of us regretful that we wouldn't get a chance to see
each other... once again.

What I wouldn't give to have the night of nineteen's back...

Soon. There were only mere days left in this semester and I was certain
that for an entire week after classes ended, Edward and I would do
nothing but wrap our bodies around one another. I would do everything
in my power to make sure we didn't emerge from our bedrooms, save
for a shower now and then and some food to keep up our energy.

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Mmm... Maybe I could combine the food in the bedroom with Edward's

I felt myself flush and knew I was a complete goner. My brain would be
absolutely no use to me for the rest of the evening. With a resigned
sigh, I decided to call it a night and started packing up my things,
silently wondering to myself if I would be able to catch Edward at his
apartment for a quickie.

God, I'm like a junkie with this shit.

I had just shoved my laptop in my bag when I felt a breath in my ear and
a voice that startled me enough to jump.

"Leaving already? I was hoping to... join you for a while here."

I felt goose bumps erupt on my skin and I couldn't help the visible shiver
from wracking my body. I turned my head slightly to take in the owner of
the voice and felt my breathing hitch. His eyes were dark and almost
feral looking. I could feel my heartbeat accelerate and noticed too late
that his arms were on either side of my body, resting against the edge
of the table, effectively trapping me in my seat.

His breath was hot on my ear and I could smell him from where he
stood. He made no move to retreat further from his position behind me
and I was growing more and more anxious by his proximity.

I managed to swallow thickly and get my throat lubricated enough to

whisper, "What are you doing here?"

He brought his nose to skim along the column of my neck, tracing an

unseen pattern there. Stopping his torture long enough to answer, he
chuckled menacingly and replied, "I thought that was pretty obvious."

Before I had time to blink, he had pulled me from my chair and was
tugging me behind him, towards the back corner of the library. My heart

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was now pounding in my ears, adrenaline making itself known in my

body. I darted my eyes around my surroundings and noticed that this
section of the library was deserted, save for the few people sitting at the
tables with their earplugs in.

No one to hear.

The thought caused a chill to run up my spine and I could feel the
adrenaline pumping through my body. Once we got to the far back wall,
he pushed me roughly against one of the bookcases before he pressed
his body against mine.

"I've wanted to fuck you in here since the first time I saw you."

I felt my eyes bulge out at his confession and couldn't stop my body
from responding to his words. I knew I should be scared that this was
happening, frightened that someone would walk by and catch us, fearful
that this man was going to devour me by the look in his eyes, but all I
could think about was him taking me here and now. I quickly turned my
head from side to side, making sure no one was around to see or hear

I can't believe I'm going to do this...

Without another thought, I grabbed the front of his t-shirt and pulled him
to me, my lips attacking his in a hungry kiss. He responded
immediately, plunging his tongue into my waiting mouth as he devoured
me. His hands were everywhere at once, yet not where I needed them
to be.

"I see you came prepared for me," he said in a throaty whisper. "Were
you hoping this would happen?"

I wasn't sure what he was talking about until I followed his gaze to the
sundress I had on. I felt the flush run up my chest to my face and
couldn't stop the small smile from playing on my lips. The honest to God

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truth was that it was laundry day - hell, it'd been laundry day for over a
fucking week. With finals and studying, I was scraping the bottom of the
barrel in terms of my wardrobe choices and though I didn't normally like
wearing dresses or skirts, this sundress was comfortable as fuck and all
I had left, save for the cocktail dress Alice bought me 'just for the hell of
it.' I could have simply told him that fact, but where would the fun be in

"Well, I was hoping someone would fuck me here," I replied with a


His eyes got impossibly darker and I heard a low growl emanating from
his chest. I bit my lip to hide my satisfied smile and waited for his next

Quicker than I thought possible, he had my panties off, lifting each leg
to remove them completely, before he stood up and cupped my pussy
in his hands.

"This," he said, while running his fingers over my wet slit, "is mine. Do
you understand me? Mine." With his final declaration, he plunged two
fingers into me simultaneously and I tried with all my might to stifle the
moan that threatened to erupt from my throat.

"Shh..." he taunted. "You wouldn't want anyone to come see what all
the noise is, would you?"

I whimpered and shook my head, biting my lip so hard I knew I was

close to drawing blood.

"Mmm, that's a good girl," he cooed. "Fuck, you're so wet for me. Does
this turn you on? Hmm? Me, fucking you in the library where anyone
could see?"

"Mmph," was all that managed to come out of my mouth as I rocked my

hips against his hand, encouraging him to work my body faster.

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He leaned in, his lips and tongue ravishing my throat before he rested
his lips directly over my ear and whispered, "Tell me what you want,
baby. What do you need?"

I reached for the button on his pants, my intentions set on getting them
down far enough so I could free him. Before I made any headway, he
swatted my wrists away with the hand that wasn't currently working my
body, and spoke lowly, "I said to tell me. Say it and I'll let you have it."

Fuck. He wants me to talk dirty.

"I need your cock," I said, desperately. "Please, let me feel you inside
me." I reached for his waist again, this time my hands were able to
release the buttons that held him in confines. My hand snaked its way
in, finding that he had no other barrier to work with.

My eyes immediately snapped to his and I quirked an eyebrow at him.

The side of his mouth uplifted in his crooked smile.

"I may have thought this through a little bit..."

I stifled my giggles and pulled him out of his jeans before I brought him
closer to me. He lifted me by the ass, allowing my legs to wrap around
his waist, as my dress draped around us, covering us partially from
exposure. He gave no warning before thrusting forcefully inside me, his
mouth covering mine to muffle the moan that escaped.

I was so worked up from the riskiness of what we were doing that he

slid effortlessly into me, over and over, until my body was being roughly
rocked against the bookcase behind me. I knew I would have bruises
tomorrow, but I couldn't find it in me to care. He felt so good inside me,
everywhere around me, that I didn't care about the slight pain I was
feeling. If anything, it only intensified the encounter and helped me get
that much closer to my release.

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His head dropped to my shoulder as his movements became more

frenzied. "Touch yourself," he rasped.

Immediately, I brought my hand down to where we were joined, rubbing

furious circles around my clit, attempting to get myself there faster. I
tossed my head back against the books and closed my eyes as I
concentrated on the feel of him all around me and the feelings he was
evoking in my body. His breath against my neck, his cock sliding in and
out of me, his hands gripping harshly on my ass as he thrust into me; all
of it got me closer to the edge of my peak.

I could feel his legs begin to shake from the exertion of holding me up
and thrusting into me with abandon. He wouldn't last much longer, I
knew, and I was trying desperately to get there myself. As I thought
about all the things he was doing to my body, I let my mind open up to
the fact that we were in a public place and could be discovered at any

That thought pushed me over the edge, as I dropped my head to his

shoulder, my mouth latching onto the skin there, while I whimpered
through my climax.

He needed no coercion to cum with me as I felt him pulse, releasing

himself into my body, while he stifled his moans in my neck. His
movements slowed, then eventually stopped, as he brought his head
back to look at me, capturing my lips in a soft kiss.

Such a contrast...

I smiled against his lips as I unwrapped my legs from his waist and he
lowered me to the ground.

"So, can I expect this kind of greeting every time we have to go a week
without sex?"

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Edward chuckled in front of me and said, "Well, I can't promise you that
our reunion sex will always be tender and sweet. My body craves yours
too much."

I smiled at his admission, knowing exactly what he meant. Our bodies

were like magnets - constantly pulled towards each other.

He patted his jeans pocket and said, "I'm keeping these by the way."

I looked to where he was referring to and saw the pink lace of my

panties poking out slightly. I hadn't even realized he'd stuffed them in
his pocket when he took them off of me.

I did have other things on my mind at the time...

Smoothing my dress down, I smiled at him and quipped, "I wouldn't

expect anything less... pervert."

He composed his face into one of mock irritation and reached around to
swat my ass with his hand. I gave a little yelp and jumped,
unintentionally bringing myself closer to him.

Grabbing me around the waist, he pulled me up flush against his body

and whispered in my ear, "Don't be a naughty girl, Isabella," he
murmured. "I will punish you."

I think I might have just come a little bit.

He pulled back from me and chuckled at my slack jaw before grabbing

my hand and pulling me back towards my table.

"Let's get the fuck out of here," he said. "I busted my ass all damn day
so we could spend tonight together. And I swear I'm going to have you
at least twice more before the night is over."

Well, alright then.

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I hightailed it in front of him and tugged at his hand, yanking him along
behind me.

"If you plan on having me twice more, you better quit yapping and start
moving," I chided playfully.

Edward chuckled at my enthusiasm and, in an unexpected move,

scooped me up and tossed me over his shoulder as he dashed towards
my table.

"Edward!" I gasped. "I don't have any fucking panties on!" I hissed.

I felt, more than heard, him laugh as he stopped at my table and

grabbed my backpack before heading towards the front door.

"Do you really think I'd let everyone see what I just marked as mine?"
he asked. "Don't worry, baby, I got you covered."

He got us quickly out to my truck, setting me back down on my feet as

he opened the door for me.

"Your place or mine?" he asked as I hopped in the cab.

I smiled at him, remembering the first time he'd asked me that - when
we were finishing up our very perfect and very swoon-worthy first date.

"Um," I started, chewing my lip as I thought. "I've seen nothing but the
inside of my room for the last three days - let's go to your place."

He nodded at me and leaned in for a kiss before saying a quick "see

you there" and shutting my door. I started up my engine and put the
truck in gear before a knock on my window startled me.

I looked over and saw Edward there, grinning like a fool. Rolling down
my window, I quirked an eyebrow at him, wondering what this was all

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"I just forgot something," he said as he leaned in through the open


"What's that?" I asked looking around the cab of the truck for something
he left behind.

"I love you," he finished with a kiss on my lips. His grin was infectious
and I found myself smiling hugely at him. I watched as he walked away
with his crooked smile on his face, peeking over his shoulder to me
every once in a while.

God, I love this man.


I knew without a doubt that I couldn't go one more day without seeing
Bella. It was my fifth year of finals, but it somehow never quite
registered just how much time I spent preparing for them. Of course,
before Bella, I'd never had someone I wanted to end my day with so it
didn't matter if I studied from morning until night.

When I woke up this morning, once again alone, I decided that I would
bust my ass to get done early enough to be with Bella tonight. Even if all
I could do was sit and watch her study, at least I'd be near her.

Once I was finally out of my classes and had gotten all the work done
that I'd needed to, I tried calling Bella a few times, but always got her
voicemail. I figured she was either conked out at her laptop again, or
she had turned her phone on silent so she could get some work done.
Deciding to surprise her, I got in my car and made my way over to her
place. Alice greeted me, only to let me know that Bella had fled the
apartment, needing a new environment to study in and was at the

I certainly didn't plan what happened between us in the library, but it

was always something that had been in the back of my mind. Ever since

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our very first library dates, I'd thought of what it would be like to have
sex somewhere there. So, while I hadn't explicitly thought about fucking
her tonight in the library, it had crossed my mind that in order to do so
discreetly, I should probably be commando. And, it would work best if
Bella was in a dress.

Imagine my great surprise and complete fucking elation at seeing her at

the study table - sexy as hell in a sundress, messy hair on top of her
head. I had never been more thankful for running out of underwear and
going commando than I was in that moment. Forget the fact that I hadn't
held her - hadn't allowed my fingers to caress the curves of her skin -
the entire week, but seeing her like that and knowing what we could do
was like an animal had been awakened and released from his cage.

Public sex was definitely a first for me, but I certainly hoped it wouldn't
be a last. Having Bella's legs wrapped around me, knowing that we
could be caught at any moment while I was buried deep inside her was
the biggest thrill I'd ever felt. And one I planned to recreate time and
time again.

After our impromptu fuck session, we were on our way over to my place
to spend the rest of the evening. I knew Bella had a few things she'd left
at my apartment over the last month or so, so she should have all she
needed to be able to stay the night. I couldn't wait to hold her and finally
have a peaceful night's sleep.

Well, actually, I can't wait to fuck her again, but we'll get to the sleeping
soon enough.

Pulling up to my building, I shut off my car and got out before making
my way over to Bella and helping her out of her truck. Grabbing her
hand, I yanked her to me and wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling
her closely into my side.

I felt her sigh against me before she wrapped her arms around me, one
going around my waist, the other resting on my chest.

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"I'm so glad you came to see me tonight," she said with a smile. "I've
missed you."

"Mmm," I hummed into her hair as I pulled her tighter against my side.
"Same here."

Keeping my arm around her waist, I bent slightly and swooped her up,
my other arm cradling her under her knees as I took off toward the

"You weren't moving fast enough," I said, grinning crookedly at her.

After what seemed like the longest elevator ride in the history of the
world, we finally made it to my floor and into my apartment, making a
beeline for the bedroom. I wasn't sure if Jas or Emmett were home, but
I didn't care enough to find out.

I brought her into my room, shutting and locking the door behind me
before I plopped her on the bed. She bounced in place and giggled at
my actions. Grabbing her feet, I pulled her sandals off, my fingers
tickling her ankles as I did so. Bella moved to the head of the bed as I
toed off my own shoes and socks, before crawling into bed next to her.
We laid on our sides, face to face, our hands intertwined between us.

"Tell me about your week," she said quietly.

Rolling my eyes, I responded, "I studied all fucking day and night.
Sometimes I managed to find time to grab dinner. Other times, I was
lucky enough to fall asleep in the living room and wake up to Emmett
putting shaving cream on my finger and tickling my nose with a feather."

She giggled loudly at that, her eyes dancing in the soft light of my room.

"He used to pull that crap with me, too," she remarked. "Just be glad he
didn't do the bowl of warm water thing."

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I groaned at that, remembering all too well the times - yes, plural - that
Emmett had pulled that shit on Jas and me when we lived together in
Boston. Looking at Bella's half-smirk and raised eyebrow, I answered
her unasked question, "Been there, done that. I swear to fuck, he's like
an overgrown toddler."

"Preaching to the choir, baby," she said while laughing. "So, are you
feeling alright about your finals next week? Think you've prepped
enough for them?"

I shrugged one shoulder and responded, "I hope so, but I'm not going to
stress about it anymore. It's not like I can cram anymore in my brain in
the next 72 hours." Bella nodded her head in agreement. "I'll just be so
glad when this year is over," I finished before squeezing her hand and
turning the question on her. "How about you? Are you ready for

Bella groaned and closed her eyes briefly as her head tilted back ever
so slightly. "I'm honestly not sure. I mean, I'm sure I will be fine, but I
still will push myself until the very last minute, you know? It's just
exhausting prepping for next week plus tying up all the loose ends
before graduation."

Hearing her talk about graduation automatically brought a knot to my

stomach, my nerves going into overdrive. I knew as soon as the end of
the school year came, Bella would be on the hunt for a job. That news
was nothing surprising. However, since Bella and I had been a couple,
all I could think about was her and us and being together. I hadn't
allowed myself to consider any other possibilities.

I knew that finding a job fresh out of college would be a difficult feat and
that Bella would, most likely, need to extend her search to other regions
besides the greater Seattle area. I wondered how soon she would begin
looking for something - if she'd take some time to relax a bit after
graduation or immediately delve into a job hunt? It was something I
wanted to ask her about, but I could tell she was already stressed to her

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breaking point as she prepped for the end of her college career and I
certainly didn't want to cause her any unnecessary stress. There would
be plenty of time to talk about the future once things settled down.

I hope.

I glanced at my clock, noticing it was just before nine. Wondering if

she'd had a chance to eat yet tonight, I asked, "Are you hungry, baby?"

"Mmm," she hummed, thinking. "Yeah, I could eat."

"You want to go out or see what we have here?"

"Nah, I don't want to go anywhere. I'm fine with a sandwich or cereal or

whatever," she said.

I smiled and leaned in to kiss her lips before rolling over and off the bed.
Extending my hand to help her up, I pulled her upright flush against my
body. I bent down slightly so my face was level with hers, then leaned in
to skim my nose along her jaw and up to her ear before placing an
open-mouthed kiss just below her ear.

God, I need her again.

"Let's hurry. I promised I'd have you twice more and I'm a man of my
word," I said in her ear, my voice gravelly with need. My hand reached
down to cup her ass. Her panty-less ass.


I groaned and gripped harder, pressing her into my ever growing cock,
eliciting a breathy moan from her. Her lips found their way to my neck,
where she nibbled and sucked a path to my ear, taking the lobe in
between her lips and sucking before scraping her teeth against it.

"Food can wait," she whispered in my ear. "My need for you can't."

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I wanted nothing more than to bend her over and fuck her like crazy,
especially when she spouted shit like that. The time apart from her
made it hard to control my urges. But, I'd just fucked her in the library -
taken her like a fucking animal against the bookcases with both our
clothes still on. She needed some lovemaking now.

Without a second thought, I reached down to the hem of her dress,

lifting it up and over her head before tossing it on the floor next to us. I
reached around and unhooked her bra, allowing it to join her sundress
at our feet. She reached to me, tugging on the bottom of my shirt,
before ridding me of it, her hands immediately going to the button of my
jeans. Our lips were connecting intermittently while our hands roamed
the newly exposed skin.

With my hands on her hips, I turned her slightly and walked her
backwards to the bed, helping to lower her once we reached our
destination. She sat at the edge of the bed, wrapping her arms around
me to rest on my ass and pulled me to stand in between her legs. Her
mouth immediately sought me out, enveloping my now fully hard cock in
between her lips.

Oh God, her fucking mouth is heaven.

I hissed, my hands going into her hair as I helped to guide her

movements over me. Her hands were massaging my ass as her tongue
stroked the head of my cock and I couldn't take anymore. Two minutes
in this girl's mouth and I was ready to jizz down her throat.

"Baby, you gotta stop," I said as I gently pushed her away.

She pulled back and pouted out her bottom lip as she looked up at me
from under her lashes. My hands went to cup her face as I leaned
down, unable to resist kissing that puffed out lip. My tongue swiped
along the surface, teasing in feather light touches while I urged her back
on the bed. I could spend all night worshiping her body.

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Bella slid up on the bed, resting in the middle with her head on the
pillows as I moved to hover over her. My lips descended on her neck as
I made my way down and across her chest, taking one, then the other
nipple in my mouth. My lips brushed against her stomach, her muscles
twitching as my mouth met her skin. Continuing down her body, I kissed
on her hipbones, loving the moan it elicited from Bella. I made my way
down to her pussy, spreading her legs open to give me access. My
tongue dove in immediately, directly seeking out her clit. I worked
rapidly against her, my fingers coming up to work in tandem with my
mouth. Bella's cries of pleasure were egging me on, urging me to
continue until she came.

Her hands dove into my hair, pulling me tighter against her pussy as
she neared her peak.

"More Edward, please," she gasped out.

I worked my tongue and fingers faster, my teeth gently scraping against

her sensitive flesh. I moved the hand that wasn't working furiously
inside her up to cup one of her tits, massaging it before pinching her
nipple in between my thumb and forefinger. The added sensation took
Bella over the edge as hushed moans left her mouth.

After she came down from her high, she looked to me, a stupid grin
spread across my face, and pulled me up to her. My body automatically
nestled itself in between Bella's legs, instinctively seeking out her
warmth and wetness. I slid easily into her, while the sounds of our
kisses and moans filled the room. Our bodies worked against each
other, rocking and weaving into one another seamlessly. My lips latched
onto her collarbone, then her neck, and ear, and mouth, my lips needing
the constant connection of her skin against them.

"Edward," she breathed. "Faster..." She punctuated her request as her

heels dug into my ass, pulling me into her deeper and faster.

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"Fuck Bella," I groaned, so close to where I was trying eagerly to get,

but desperately attempting to postpone. "I'm almost there, baby."

I continued to work faster inside her, our bodies pressed as closely

together as possible. She squeezed her inner muscles and latched her
mouth on my shoulder, her teeth scraping the skin there. The
unexpected sensation pushed me over the edge without warning and I
cried out as I came.

Fully aware that Bella hadn't cum yet, I continued rocking softly inside
her while my hand traveled down and found her clit, rubbing quick, tight
circles around it, my fingers pinching it intermittently. Bella's mewls
were growing in volume and I felt her tighten before wave after wave
pulsed against my softening cock, as her orgasm took her.

I leaned down and kissed her lips once more, our tongues languidly
seeking each other out. Our combined groans filled the room as I pulled
out and lay next to her, pulling her into my side to feel her heat once

Bella lay stroking my chest, her fingernails rubbing across my pecs,

then down to my abdomen and back up again. Her breath fanned over
my skin as I breathed in the smell of her.

"I've missed this," she whispered.

"I have too, baby," I responded. "One more week and then we can

Bella hummed against my chest and snuggled in closer to me, one leg
going over the top of mine.

One more week until we could enjoy each other again. One more week
until we could talk about what she wanted to do over the summer. One
more week until we figured out what our future held.

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One more week.

A/N: Guess what you guys got? Yep, library sex. You're welcome.

First things first... For those not following me on Twitter (shame on you!)
you probably aren't aware of the awesomeness that happened earlier in
the week. I somehow managed to land an interview with Benjamin
Godfre, OnlyYouWard in the flesh. If you've visited my profile page,
you've no doubt seen his pictures up for my Edward (tell me he's not
perfect?) and if you've visited the thread on Twi, you've seen him in all
his (naked) glory. Anyhow, the interview was posted on The Locker and
The Perv Pack's Smut Shack (both links on my profile). Go read to find
out his fave position, how he likes his kitties and how well endowed he

Second, it was brought to my attention that there are some ladies over
on the Disney boards chatting it up about LR. Yes, that's right - the
fucking DISNEY boards. I'm shocked - SHOCKED - that you would
defile the happiest place on earth with pervy smut. *shakes head in
disgust* You should be ashamed of yourselves. Aw, who am I kidding? I
fucking love it. *waves to all the pervy Disney fans* Now, where the fuck
else can we spread the smut FF bandwagon to? Is there a Noggin'
message board somewhere we can corrupt?

Vielen Dank to my two fabulous betas - Mastah Betah Gatah Tallulah

Remiter, and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta Extraordinaire

Now, remember what I said - 3k reviews gets you balcony sex. Who's
ready for it? Make sure you have me on your *author alerts* so you
know when I post. ;)

Review for spanks.

21. A True Library Rendezvous 426

22. A Day of Firsts
Holy mother of fuck - we got over 200 reviews for the last chapter!
*does naked conga* Many, many, many thanks to all those that
review religiously as well as to those that came out of the
woodwork to give me a little love. You all rock my world.

This chappy has the much anticipated fave position of a certain

hot model. If you're wondering wtf I'm talking about, go to my
profile and click on the link to read his interview. "My favorite
sexual position is when the girl is on her stomach and I am on top
of her while nibbling and caressing her neck with my tongue and
lips. Don't forget the hair pulling and naughty secrets as well."

Thanks to all the peeps on Twitter that helped with baseball talk &
stripper songs. And, a special shout out to Phoenix Rising for a
hilarious snippet that I used in this chappy.

Holy hell, is this the longest pre-story a/n in the history of the
world or what? One last thing - when you get to the part where
Bella is selecting a song, go here and listen: www . youtube .
com/watch?v=DD9DPjn74Nw ~ I promise it really does help.

And, I'm putting up the caution again - **DO NOT CONSUME


Things I own: 14 pairs of pink panties, all the Angel seasons on

DVD, and a Sonicare toothbrush.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


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It was Bella's big day and yet I was the one in a fit of nerves. I tried to
calm myself, but no matter what I did, I couldn't erase the feeling of
unease that had settled over me. I knew I should be focusing on her
and not worrying about myself, but I couldn't help it. I'd barely slept last
night thinking about how today was going to go; I could only imagine
how horrid I looked. Certainly not the first impression I wanted to make,
but I didn't really have much of a choice.

Because today, not only would Bella be graduating from college and
achieving a huge goal she set for herself, but I... I would be...

Fuck, I can't even think it without getting tongue tied. Quit being a
pussy. Deep breaths...

Today, I would be meeting her father.

Dun, dun, dun.

Of course, Bella couldn't understand why I was so nervous. She just

didn't get why I would be so freaked out, although she, of all people,
should understand. He may not have been some rich father with a huge
mansion or out of what I thought my social circle was, but the dude
carried a gun. A fucking gun! And I was the douchenozzle who was
fucking his daughter. Several times a week. Sometimes several times a
day. And, I was pretty sure dads had some sort of sixth sense about
those sorts of things. It was like they were dogs and could sniff out the
scent of lust coming off of the poor bastards that chose to date their

And, I'm one of those poor bastards!

I was grateful for a couple things, however. One was that I didn't have
to meet both Bella's parents at once. Apparently, Bella had contacted
Renee a while ago and told her of the graduation date, but her mother
completely flaked and forgot, instead scheduling a trip to Key West.

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I couldn't fathom that kind of relationship - or lack thereof - from either of

my parents and it broke my heart a little that Bella had to deal with that
most of her life. But it seemed that it didn't bother her - or she was just
so used to it that she no longer allowed it to.

The second was the fact that I wouldn't have to be alone with Charlie
and that we would be on my home turf for our meeting. Bella had
mentioned he was driving straight to the graduation from Forks and
would just find his own seat, then meet everyone back at my parents'
house. My mother had offered to host a barbecue at the estate for Bella,
Alice and Rosalie since none of their families had a place in Seattle.

I figured if nothing else, at least I would have the support of my parents

to back up my character. However, I'd also have my two asshat friends
that would think it was hilarious to get me in trouble with the fucking
Chief of Police.

Yep, I'm fucked.

I was currently at my parents' house helping them get the backyard

ready for after the commencement. We didn't have much to do in terms
of food prep, but I had helped my dad get the patio set up to hold the
different people that would be coming and made sure there was plenty
of seating.

My dad had headed over to the pool house to make sure the heaters
were available, should it get cool, and I was just setting up the final
chairs on the deck. Completely lost in my own worries over how the
meeting with Charlie would go, I didn't hear my mom approach.

"Sweetie?" my mom asked. "What's wrong?"

I never could hide how I was feeling from her. No matter how hard I
tried, she always seemed to have motherly intuition with that sort of

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Shrugging one of my shoulders I tried it play it off saying, "Just nervous

for Bella. It's a big day and I'm sure she's feeling jittery."

My mom chuckled and patted my back lovingly before responding,

"Well, that's a very nice thing for her boyfriend to be concerned with. But
I know that's not what's eating at you. Now, spill."

I gave up, my shoulders slumping as I sunk down in the chair I had just
placed at one of the tables. I ran my hand nervously through my hair,
purposefully avoiding eye contact with her.

"Come on, honey," she said quietly. "I know it isn't as bad as you're
making it out to be."

I scoffed at her and before I could stop myself, the words spewed from
my mouth, "I'm meeting Bella's dad today! The dad that taught her how
to shoot a gun. The dad that will probably be carrying around said gun.
The dad that told her no guy would ever be good enough for her. The
dad of the girl I'm fu-" I quickly cupped my hand over my mouth,
somehow managing to rein in my verbal diarrhea before saying
something incredibly inappropriate to my mom. My wide eyes darted
over to hers and my look was one of apology. While sex was never
something I felt awkward talking about with my parents, it also wasn't
something I discussed so crassly with my mother.

She grabbed the chair next to mine, scooting it close to me and sitting
down as she patted the hand that wasn't covering my mouth. "I know
you're worried, honey, but you have no need to be," she said with
complete sincerity. "You come from a nice family and have wonderful
ambition. You're intelligent and funny and pretty good looking, so we're
at least guaranteed cute grandbabies," she added with a wink. "Not to
mention that you are a wonderful, caring man who clearly loves Bella
very much. Charlie will see that. I'm sure of it."

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I couldn't help but crack a smile at my mom, allowing my hand to drop

from my face. I didn't know how she did it, but she always managed to
say the perfect thing while calming me down and infusing a little comic
relief into the situation.

The small smile still playing at my lips, I responded, "Thanks Mom." I

stood, offering my hand to her and helping her to her feet. I tugged her
to me, crushing her in a bear hug before I set her down and gave her a
quick kiss on the cheek. "I don't care what my friends say, I think you're
great," I teased.

She did a half scoff, half laugh and pushed against my chest. "Well,
thanks. I'll remember that. I can't wait to tell Jas and Em that you sold
them down the river. They're gonna love that, especially when Charlie's

When will I learn? Never mess with the master.

My face went white and my mom laughed, my dad walking over to stand
next to her. He chuckled, joining my mother in her laughter, obviously
having heard our banter.

"You should know better than to tease your mother," Dad said. "You'll
never win."

My mouth broke into a smile and I chuckled with them. "I'm a glutton for
punishment, I guess."

Dad's arm slid around to grip Mom at the waist and he turned her,
leading her into the house. Over his shoulder he said, "Everything looks
good out here. You'd better go change. We should leave shortly."

I glanced down at my t-shirt and cargo shorts, silently agreeing with my

dad that I'd need to get changed before we left. I jogged past them into
the house, tossing over my shoulder, "God, you two are old. Can't you
move any faster than that?"

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My dad took off the baseball hat he was wearing and chucked it at me,
narrowly missing my head. Still chuckling, I slipped into the house and
ran upstairs to my room where I'd set my clothes when I came over

As I changed into acceptable attire for the graduation, I couldn't help but
think of what the rest of the day would bring. Not only would I be
meeting Bella's father, but would tonight be when we'd discuss what
she planned to do for the summer? I had let it sit and simmer in the
back of my mind since the night Bella brought it up. I swore I wouldn't
make her discuss that while she was finishing up all the loose-ends of
the school year; I didn't want to stress her out more than she already
was. And, really, what was one more week to wait? But, I'd come to find
that the single week turned out to be excruciating. It was all my thoughts
centered around. Still, I knew without a doubt, that I loved her with my
whole heart. And I was certain she felt the same way. With that fact, I
knew we could handle any obstacle thrown at us.

- - - l? - - -

The graduation ceremony was un-fucking-believably boring. I didn't

want to sit through my own undergrad ceremony and Bella's was no
better. But, I was there, supporting her like a good boyfriend would.
And, I had to admit, my face lit up like a fucking Christmas tree when I
saw the look of accomplishment on her face while crossing the stage,
officially completing the last step of her college career. Even still, I was
incredibly relieved when we were finally headed back to my parents'
house, Bella riding along with me in my car.

Our hands were clasped over the center console and every once in a
while I'd glance at her out of the corner of my eye, noticing a contented
smile playing at her lips.

"I'm so proud of you, baby," I said as I brought our joined hands to my

mouth, kissing her knuckles softly.

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"Thank you, Edward," she said quietly while peeking over at me. "I'm
just so thrilled to be done." She rested her head against the headrest,
her eyes closing in her relief. I watched one corner of her mouth lift up
in a sort of sneer and I couldn't help my curiosity from piquing.

"What is it?" I prodded.

"Hmm?" she asked, rolling her head to the side to look at me.

"You looked like you thought of something that was bothering you," I
elaborated. "So, what's up?"

Her lip curled again and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. Her face was
like an open book.

She smiled at me, as if reading my thoughts, and said, "I'm just

wondering how much time I'm going to allow myself to relax before I
start hitting the pavement, looking for a job."

It was my turn to frown; now wasn't the time I wanted to talk about this.
Not when I was approximately seven minutes away from meeting her
father for the first time. Hoping to come back to it tomorrow, I said, "We
can talk about that later. Just try not to worry about it tonight and enjoy

Bella smiled and leaned over to kiss me lightly on my cheek. Her lips
trailed up my jaw to my ear and she whispered, "I'm hoping you can
keep my mind occupied tonight."

Fuck yeah.

As much as I loved the thought of pulling Bella over the console and
watching as she rode me in my car, the last thing I needed was to greet
her father with major wood. So with a groan, I moved my head away
from her devious lips.

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"Bella," I said firmly. "Baby, you can't do that until we get back to your
place. I'm nervous enough as it is, I don't want to have to worry about a
fucking hard-on while your dad sits next to us."

She giggled and moved to sit back in her seat. "Sorry, I just like to get
you all riled up. When I do, our evening activities tend to be a little
more... exuberant."

Oh, I would give her exuberant.

A plan had been forming in my head since I'd had my first glimpse of
her without her graduation gown on. She was wearing a tight, light
purple dress with these tiny fucking straps that held it up. I was sure
there was more to it than that, but all I could think about was the last
time I'd seen her in a dress and what we had filled our time with.

Fucking. Against a wall of books. In public.

I wondered if she had planned that - had decided to try and get me as
worked up as possible and she was doing so with her wardrobe
choices. It would be just like her to be covert and sneaky about
something like that. It would be subtle, that was for sure. I mean, it
looked like an innocent enough dress on the outside, but underneath?

She probably wasn't wearing a bra.

Or panties.

Dammit. And, I'd done so well taming the beast.

I knew as soon as I'd seen her walking towards me after the ceremony
that we would be having some fun tonight. I had been plotting
something since our very first "real" date and I couldn't wait to execute it
tonight. I was already wearing the most important part of the equation
for my plans with Bella. But first, I'd need to concentrate on pretending
like I was a fine, upstanding young man and not the perverted, horny

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fuck that I really was.

- - - l? - - -

As soon as we pulled up in front of my parents' house, Bella was out of

the car faster than I'd ever seen her move. I assumed she wanted to go
help my mother set up, although she would never allow Bella to help at
a party thrown for her. Besides that, though, I was sure Bella just
wanted to be around her - to thank her and see her. Without her own
mother there, I imagined Bella just wanted to be in the company of
someone maternal on her big day. My parents sat with me through the
ceremony, but weren't able to stick around and wait for Bella, as my
mother wanted to get home and finish the work that needed to be done.

Walking in through the backdoor, I heard voices from the kitchen and
turned the corner to see the two women that meant the most to me
huddled together. Their backs were to me, my mother's hand rubbing
up and down Bella's back as she spoke quietly to her while Bella looked
at my mother with a smile playing on her lips.

I had always been close to my parents, being an only child it was almost
a given. And seeing Bella be close to them as well, made my heart beat
just a little faster. I knew, without my parents even uttering a word to me
about it, that they both loved her as a daughter already. But, of course,
it was hard not to love Bella.

Continuing into the kitchen, I walked right up behind them, worming my

way in between them as I draped an arm around both of their shoulders.

"What are my two favorite girls talking about?" I asked.

My mom brought her hand to my chest and patted lightly while she
looked at me and said, "Oh honey. You should know by now not to
concern yourself with girl talk! Besides, we don't spill our secrets."

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I glanced over at Bella and noticed her smile gratefully at my mother.

My eyes darted quickly between the two of them, attempting in vain to
see what the deal was.

"Don't worry your pretty little head over it," my mother said as she
ducked under my arm and headed to the refrigerator.

I looked down at Bella and cocked an eyebrow, silently asking her what
that was all about.

"It was nothing, Edward," she said. Then with a smirk on her lips added,
"I was just asking her opinion on the new tampons that came out."

I snorted then and rolled my eyes. If she didn't want to tell me right then,
I wasn't going to push.

"Fine, fine... Don't tell me."

Bella's smile was one of relief and it made my curiosity increase even
further. Before I could dwell on it long, Bella stood on her tip-toes and
pulled my head down for a quick kiss.

After pulling away, Bella said quietly, "I tried to help, but your mom won't
let me." She jutted her bottom lip out in a pout, as if that would deter my
mom from her decision to kick Bella out of the kitchen.

"Baby, I know you're new around here," I started with a smile, "but, once
Mom tells you something, she doesn't change her mind." My mom
chuckled and nodded in our direction. "We might as well go out back
and wait for everyone to get here."

With my arm still around her, I started to guide Bella towards the french
doors leading out to the patio. Before I could get her out of the house,
Bella turned towards my mom once more, begging to let her help.

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"Please Esme," she said as I was still pulling her along side me. "I don't
mind a bit! Really, it's the least I could do for you offering to host this."

I knew she would go on and on if I would have let her, so with my arm
still guiding her along her back, I bent slightly and brought my other arm
under her knees, swooping her up before she knew what hit her. Bella
let out a short yelp at the suddenness of it, but otherwise didn't say
anything, still somewhat surprised by my action.

"Thank you honey," my mom called as I carried Bella out to the back.

"You're welcome, Mom!" I yelled over my shoulder as we headed out

the door.

I glanced down at Bella, a full smile on my face, and noticed her with
her arms crossed against her chest, pouting. I should have soothed
away her sullenness, but at the moment all I could do was stare at her
glorious tits, pushed up and out by her arms firmly crossed underneath

And I was right. No. Fucking. Bra.

Her melodic laugh brought me out of my trance and I looked at her face
in time to see her head dipping back in her laughter. She shook her
head back and forth mumbling something that sounded an awful lot like
"such a pervert" before she brought her arms up and around my neck,
her smile lighting up her face.

My dad was over by the grill getting everything ready, so I headed that
way, grabbing a chair nearby and sitting down with Bella in my lap.

"Edward, I can sit by myself," she said quietly. "I promise I won't take off
running for the kitchen to help again."

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "I know, baby, but I love to feel
your ass on me." With that I gave her earlobe a flick with my tongue and

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leaned against the back of the chair.

That's right. I can play, too.

With Bella stunned silent in my lap, I turned to my dad and asked,

"Need any help, Dad?"

He turned his head to look at us over his shoulder, unaware that we

were there. "Oh hey guys, I didn't hear you come out." He finished up
what he was doing and came over, grabbing the chair next to us to sit
down. "Congratulations, Bella."

A blush tinted her cheeks as she looked down to her lap briefly before
meeting my father's gaze. "Thank you Carlisle. I'm glad you could be

"We wouldn't have missed it for the world, Bella."

She smiled then, a full, brilliant smile that lit up her face, and ducked her
head. It was obvious that Bella wasn't used to getting parental attention
like this. With her mother gone and completely flighty, she had to rely on
her father to provide that for her. From what she'd told me, he was
always protective of her, but still very low-key and quiet.

The three of us sat for a while in comfortable conversation, discussing

nothing in particular, until I noticed my mom leading someone out to the
patio where we were. I didn't recognize him as one of my parents'
friends or colleagues and since the party didn't start for another hour, I
didn't think it would be friends of Rose or Alice's families. I continued to
watch as he walked out, with Bella perched in my lap still engrossed in
something my dad was saying, when it suddenly hit me.

Oh my fuck.

It was Bella's father. Her Police Chief father. And I was about to meet
him. With his daughter sitting in my lap, rubbing her - probably -

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pantiless ass all over my junk.

I couldn't think fast enough - how should I move? What should I do?
Should I shove Bella off of me? No, that probably wouldn't be a good
idea... having the Chief watch me shove his daughter on her ass.
Should I stand and hold her? Should I continue sitting with this Bella
deliciousness all over my lap?

My thoughts were fruitless however, as I didn't get the chance to select

the best option before my mother was standing in front of us with a
smile on her face as this very tall, very scary looking man was scowling
down at me. He cleared his throat loudly and Bella jumped slightly in my

Not. Helping. The. Junk. Sitch.

"Oh! Hey Dad!" she said, hopping up from my lap to give him a hug. "I
didn't hear you come out. You should have called my cell. I would have
met you out front." I could tell Bella was flustered - why, I wasn't
completely sure. I was the one meeting the scary man for the first time,
not her.

"Did you meet Esme already?" she continued, not taking a breath. "Oh,
yeah, you probably did since you walked out here with her. How about
Carlisle? Did you see him at the graduation? Oh, probably not - he was
sitting with Edward and you said you didn't see Edward, so obviously
you wouldn't have met him yet. Oh! And, Edward," she said, slapping
her forehead in the process. "I'm sorry; Dad, this is Edward. Edward,
this is my father, Charlie," she finally finished, sagging her shoulders in
her relief. My mom walked closer to her and pulled her into her side,
rubbing her arm comfortingly.

"Chief Swan," Charlie corrected in an authoritative voice as he stuck his

hand out for me to shake.

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"Dad!" Bella hissed. He just shot her a brief look, still holding his hand
out to me.

Alright Cullen. Game on.

I stood up extending my hand to him and said, "It's nice to meet you,
Chief Swan. I'm glad you could make it." I dropped his hand and kept
eye contact with him, before I turned towards my father to introduce
them. "Chief Swan, I'd like to introduce you to my father, Carlisle."

I noticed immediately that Charlie's demeanor relaxed tremendously as

he greeted my father, even telling him to call him by his first name
rather than the 'Chief Swan' he insisted with me. My dad just smirked at
that little detail and I couldn't help but glare in his direction. There was
no doubt he was enjoying this.

Charlie and my dad eased comfortably into conversation as I stood on

and watched, while Bella relaxed into my mother's side. After a while,
people started filing into the backyard. The crowd wasn't large - mostly
just immediate family and close friends of the three girls - but it was nice
to have our group of friends and their families in one place.

I had grown more relaxed as the afternoon passed on, loosening my tie
and rolling up my long-sleeves to get a bit more comfortable as I
mingled about in the yard. It was obvious that everyone got along well
as the conversations were flowing easily.

After a while, I went in to help my mother in the kitchen with the food
before I brought the chicken out to my dad to start on the grill. He was
still standing with Charlie, engrossed in a conversation as they each
sipped at their beers. I figured now was as good of a time as any to let
Bella's dad get to know me a little better, and what better way to do so
than with my father right there?

"Hey Dad," I said as I walked over to them. "Sorry to interrupt, but Mom
wants you to get the chicken started."

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"Well, what your mother wants," my dad said, patting me on the back,
"your mother gets," he finished with a smile. "Why don't you grab a beer
and chat with us for a while? Charlie and I were just discussing the

"Oh yeah?" I asked, walking over to grab a Corona from the cooler.
"What do you think of the lineup this year, Chief Swan?"

See? Fine, upstanding young man.

I took a sip of my beer, enjoying the cool, refreshing taste and looked to
Charlie for an answer. I was expecting something about how he couldn't
believe we had five injured pitchers this season. I certainly wasn't
expecting what came out of his mouth.

"You drink a lot, Edward?" he asked, completely straight faced.

I sputtered on my drink, coughing slightly as my eyes bugged out. I

stared at him, disbelieving, only to be met with a serious expression. I
turned to look at my dad who was smiling brightly while he got the
chicken started on the grill.


"Um," I said, clearing my throat. "Uh, no, not really. I enjoy a cold beer
every now and then, but I don't make it a habit to get drunk every
weekend, if that's what you're asking."

He nodded, crossing his arms against his chest while he continued to

stare me down.

I was beginning to feel very uncomfortable around him, but I didn't want
to be a pussy and leave. If Bella and I were going to be together as long
as I hoped, I needed to get used to being around her father. He was the
center stone in her family and who she went to for parental support. No,
I could stick around and weather the storm - I could, and would, do this

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for her.

Straightening my back a bit more, I stood my ground and attempted to

start up the conversation once again. "What do you think of Suzuki?
He's on fire this season," I said.

Charlie continued to stare me down, not uttering a word. I assumed this

was some sort of interrogation tactic he used for criminals. He was
obviously very good at his job.

"What is it you plan to do with your life, Edward?" he asked, in an even,

but hard voice. "I understand you don't have a job currently, is that

I shifted uncomfortably on my feet, but responded strongly, "No, sir I

don't at this time. Studying and maintaining my GPA requires too much
of my time at this point in my education," I said. "And, I just finished my
first year of medical school. I plan to be a pediatrician." Certain he
couldn't find anything bad to say about my career choice, I kept my
gaze focused directly on him, my posture still straight and confident.

"I see," he said. "Your schedule will be very hectic then. Not only in the
next few years as you complete school, but after that as well. Tell me,
Edward, do you hope to have a family one day?"

If I had taken another drink of my beer, I no doubt would have choked

again. These certainly were not the sorts of questions I had anticipated
getting from Charlie.

"Um, well, yes," I stuttered, "I do intend to have one someday. My plan
is to open a private practice once I'm out of school and have completed
my Residency," I finished. And, because I was definitely a glutton for
punishment, I added, "I have no doubt that I will be able to give Bella all
the time she needs as I finish school, and after."

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Charlie's eyes widened slightly, clearly taken off guard by my blunt


That's right, I want to be with your daughter. Always.

I glanced over at my dad again and noticed a different smile playing on

his face this time - he was proud of me. The thought brought a
contented smile to my face and I looked back at Charlie. He had
regained his composure and was still just staring at me blankly. I figured
he would come around when he wanted to and I wasn't going to force
him to make polite conversation with me.

With that realization, I excused myself and walked over to my dad and
began helping him with the chicken. It was comfortably silent for several
minutes until my dad asked me to run in and get a platter from my mom
to put the finished meat on.

I made my way back into the house, catching Bella's eye along the way
and giving her the smile I knew she loved the most. Grabbing the platter
from my mom, I headed back outside, her following closely behind me
with several dishes of food. She called everyone over to let them know
dinner was served and people started making their way through the line.

I hadn't seen nearly enough of Jas or Em since we arrived, but I figured

they were getting the same treatment as I was from the girls' respective
fathers. I noticed them both walking towards me, wary looks on their
faces. I nodded once in their direction, giving them the silent hello,
encouraging them to come over my way.

"Hey man," Emmett said when they made their way closer. "Is your
interrogation going any better than ours?"

"Uh, no," I said, barking out one humorless laugh. "He's asked me if I'm
a drunk and if I'll ever be around to spend time with his daughter. I'm
just waiting for him to ask me how much sex I like to have and then we'll
be all set."

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They both laughed next to me as we made our way in the line, finding
our girlfriends along the way. Pulling Bella to me, I wrapped my arms
around her and kissed her hair before settling my face next to hers and

Much better.

"How is he being?" Bella asked chewing her bottom lip, clearly nervous.

Wanting to reassure her, I said in my most confident voice, "It's fine,

baby. He's been fine."

"Mhmm," she said, not convinced. "I'll bet. I swear he wants me to me a

lonely old maid with 67 cats, instead of happily married with kids."

Even though I was knee deep in quite possibly the most uncomfortable
evening of my entire life, I couldn't help the huge, mega-watt smile from
taking over my face.

Bella had thought about marriage. And kids. With me.

Before I could comment on it, we were up to get our food, Em and Jas
completely piling their plates with way more food than was entirely
necessary. Bella and I dished up then headed over to the grill for the
main dish. Her father was there helping everyone get their chicken and
when we came up, he greeted Bella warmly.

"Hey Bells," he said with a smile, before turning to me, the smile
dropping from his face. "Edward," he said curtly. "What's your poison?
Breasts or thighs?"

The hell you say?

What the fuck just happened here? Had he really just asked me if I
preferred tits or legs?

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Tits. Always tits.

I shook my head almost imperceptibly, irritated that my internal

monologue couldn't go even five minutes without thinking of Bella's
body in some form sexually. However, in this instance, it wasn't entirely
my fault. No, it was her father's fault. What the shit kind of question was
that? I mean, who does something like that? Obviously Charlie Swan,
Chief of Police, does something like that to his daughter's perverted,
horny fuck of a boyfriend. While his daughter was standing at my side.


Certainly she could help me out of this horrid question. I looked at her
with almost wild eyes, and she was turned away, briefly looking at all
the other guests before she turned back to me and her smile dropped
off her face.

"Edward? What's the matter?" she asked. "Just tell my dad what you
like so we can sit down. I'm starving!"

What in the name of all that was holy was going on here? Was I being
punk'd? Were there TV cameras hidden somewhere capturing this right
now? I whipped my head around quickly, certain I would see Em and
Jas laughing at me from the sidelines. However, I was only met with
their panicked expressions as they each sat with Alice and Rose's
parents and no doubt answered questions much more tame than what I
was just asked.

My head shot back around to Charlie and I knew I had to have some
sort of wild panic showing in my eyes. How could I not? He was looking
at me expectantly with a small smirk play on his lips. It was the happiest
I'd seen him around me and that irritated the piss out of me. If he
thought I was stupid enough to tell him whether I liked sucking on
Bella's hard nipples or licking the sweet juices off her inner thighs, he
had another thing coming. He was the fucking Police Chief. And,
although I couldn't see a gun on him at the moment, I was absolutely

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certain there was one in his car - or hidden somewhere on him.

As I continued to flounder about, unsure of what the hell I should do,

Bella was getting restless next to me.

"Baby, seriously," she said, frustrated. "Which do you want? Chicken

breast or thigh?"

Say what now?

Chicken breast or thigh? Chicken?

My eyes immediately snapped to Charlie's and I noticed the bright smile

covering his face. As I peered down, he was holding up two sets of
tongs, one each with a different cut of meat on it.

That fucker.

He played me and he played me good. And, by the smug as shit smile

plastered on his face, I was certain he knew it, too.

"Breast, please," I mumbled, irritated that I'd been so flustered and he

had been able to rile me up completely.

Charlie placed the chicken breast on my plate and then turned to Bella
asking, "Chicken breast for you too, honey?"

She nodded and added, "Thanks, Dad," after Charlie had filled her plate
with what she requested. After we each got our dinner, Bella dragged
me away and over to one of the tables that was empty.

"What was that all about back there?" she finally asked in between

I shrugged, not at all wanting to get into this with her - now, or ever.

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"Oh, come on," she urged. "What's so hard about picking between a
breast and a thigh?" she asked.

As soon as the words left her mouth, realization dawned on her face
and she quickly brought her hand up to her face, slapping it lightly over
her mouth as her eyes bulged.

"Oh my God! Did you honestly think my dad was asking you that?" She
burst out in laughter then, and even though I was completely mortified
over the situation, I couldn't stop my own lips from curving up in
response to her.

"It was just a misunderstanding," I mumbled after she'd regained her

composure somewhat. "A horribly embarrassing misunderstanding.
Besides, I seem to remember something very similar regarding a pianist
as well."

Bella's laughter immediately ceased and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"See, I told you I was nervous, too," I said, honestly.

"Aw, baby," she cooed, pulling my head close to hers. "I'm sorry for
laughing. Will you forgive me?" she asked as she met my lips with hers.
The kiss was slow and sweet, just lips melding together, but I still
couldn't help but jump as soon as I heard Charlie come over.

"Mind if I join you kids?" he asked.

My jolt of movement caused our lips to part, but Bella wasn't done yet.
She gripped my face on either side and pulled my mouth to hers once
again. My eyes stayed open, staring wide-eyed at Charlie as he
watched with an unreadable expression on his face.

Bella finally let my face go and turned to her father before saying, "Oh
Dad, ease up on him! Edward is a wonderful man with a great future
and a caring, loving family. Besides, I love him and that's all you should

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be concerned with." She spoke with such confidence, not wavering in

the slightest.

That's my girl.

Charlie cracked a smile then, a real, genuine smile, and said, "I know,
honey, and I'm glad. But you can't blame an old man for having his fun,"
he finished with a smile and a wink in my direction.

Foiled by an old man. What the fuck is wrong with me?

- - - l? - - -

The rest of the night wore on quickly, the early strained conversation
between Charlie and I developed into merely awkward discussions.

Meh, at least it was progress.

With it being so late, Bella's dad had decided to stay the night and had
already booked a room at a local hotel. Bella protested, but he insisted
that he didn't mind and didn't want to intrude on all the girls. Little did he
know, I planned on doing just that.

After Charlie left for the evening and Bella spent way too much time
thanking my parents for what seemed like the hundredth time, we were
able to finally leave and head back to her place. We made it there
quickly, my mind spinning at all that I planned to do to her once I was
able to lock us in her bedroom.

What seemed like ages ago, on our very first date, I had made mention
to Bella - jokingly at the time - about tying her up. I didn't, however,
anticipate her highly aroused reaction to what I had suggested. I almost
came in my pants at the sight of her wide eyes and her parted lips.
Clearly, the suggestion turned her on.

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Since that moment, I had planned to do just that at some point, I just
didn't know how to whip out a set of handcuffs and go to town.
Fortunately, though, I wouldn't need to pull out any fancy props - I was
wearing everything I'd need. And Bella wouldn't know what hit her.

After parking and heading up to Bella's apartment, we were finally

settled in her bedroom, door securely locked behind us.

Bella sauntered over to me, a hungry look in her eyes. "You look so hot
like this," she said, tugging on my loosened tie to bring my face closer
to hers.

I allowed her to kiss me, our tongues pulsing together, before I pulled
back and held her at arms length in front of me. She pouted out her
bottom lip and huffed.

"Edward, why'd you stop?"

I leaned over, bringing my lips to her ear, and said lowly, "You are not
allowed to speak for the rest of the night unless I ask you a question. Do
you understand?"

Pulling back, I looked at her, noticing the confused expression she wore
on her face. "What? Edward, I don't underst-"

I reached around and slapped her ass lightly, interrupting her questions.
She yelped a response and I could barely stop myself from smiling at
her reaction.

"I said no more talking," I scolded. "Do you understand? Answer yes or

She got a gleam in her eye and brought her lower lip in between her
teeth while she looked up at me from under her lashes. Her chest and
neck had flushed a beautiful pink - not from embarrassment, but from
her arousal - and it took everything in me not to say 'screw the plan' and

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just fuck her where she was standing. But, I'd wanted this for too long.
Nothing was going to deter me.

"Yes, I understand," she whispered.

Yesssss. She is going to play with me.

"Good," I said, still trying to figure out what the fuck I was doing.

Going with my motto of 'everything is better when Bella is naked,' I

decided to start there and have her get undressed.

"Strip for me," I said. "Slowly..."

With a slight smirk on her face, she backed away, but grabbed my hand
and led me to the bed, pushing me to sit on the edge. She walked over
to her iHome and flipped through her playlists before locating what she
wanted. I sat completely still as I waited for the music to come over the
speakers. When it did, a small smile lit my face - she was using
something from the playlist I'd made for her.

I listened as the opening beats of Sade's "No Ordinary Love" drifted out
into the room. Bella's hips started moving slowly from side to side to the
tempo of the song as she brought her hand back to gently ease down
the zipper of her dress.

Holy hell I was right... No bra.

Once the zipper was down all the way, her hands moved up to her
shoulders to the tiny straps there and she eased them down the
expanse of her arms, allowing her dress to pool at her feet.

Alright, so I wasn't completely right.

Bella stood there with her back to me in only a tiny pair of lace trimmed
panties that barely contained her ass cheeks. Her movements were

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mesmerizing me as she slowly rolled her hips while she peeked at me

over her shoulder, a small smile on her lips. Still moving her body to the
rhythm of the song, she turned her head away from me as she reached
to take out the clips holding her hair up. I watched - completely
entranced - as her hair tumbled over her shoulders in soft waves.

This may have been a bad idea.

I realized too late that this whole forced strip tease was probably not in
my best interests. While I was enjoying it immensely, that was the
problem. This was the first time Bella had ever done this for me and I
didn't take into account how utterly fucking hot it would be. I was
supposed to be the one in charge tonight and it was clear she had me
wrapped around her little finger.

As soon as her hair was free of whatever the crap she used to hold it
up, she turned slightly to me, her finger in between those luscious, full
lips and peeked at me from under her lashes.

Holy mother of fuck.

I was about to explode out of my pants and I hadn't even seen any of
the good parts yet. I had yet to look at her rosy pink nipples, puckered
from her arousal. Or her perfectly round ass, begging for me to bite it.
Or her soft, smooth pussy.

Not helping.

As I had gotten myself even more worked up, Bella turned to me then,
removing her finger from her lips as she brought her hands up to tangle
in her hair, her steps to me perfectly synchronized with the beat of the
song. Her eyes were closed and her pouty bottom lip was tucked in
between her teeth - she was the picture of innocent seduction.

And I was fucked.

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She danced her way over to me, standing in between my legs as she
circled her hips in my face, her hands still playing in her hair. Her tits
were front and center - just right. fucking .there. - and it took all I had to
leave my hands at my side and not reach up to grope one or pull it into
my mouth.

Her hands left her hair then and she trailed them down her neck, over
her breasts, circling a nipple on each side, before she moved them
down the expanse of her stomach to where her panties were. Her
fingers played with the lace at the top, running back and forth just under
the hem from hipbone to hipbone. Finally, when my breath was coming
out in heavy pants and I didn't think I could take it any longer, her eyes
opened and locked on mine as she slowly eased the panties over her
hips and down her legs. She straightened and kicked them off to the
side before her hands reached out and gripped at my shoulders.

"Would you like me to strip you, too, Edward?" she asked in a low,
sultry voice.

I could only manage a nod as I swallowed thickly, still enthralled with

the show she was putting on. Her hands moved with barely there
touches to the loosened tie around my neck. Bella's body kept up with
the tempo of the music as she pulled the tie from my neck and tossed it
on the bed behind us. Our eyes were still connected while she
undressed me, unhooking each button on my shirt, then sliding her
hands under it and over my shoulders to remove it. She dumped it next
to her feet on the floor and reached to untuck the wife beater I had on
underneath. Once it was removed, she knelt in front of me.

Oh dear God, she's on her knees.

Her fingers worked smoothly on the button of my pants and she glided
the zipper down expertly before she urged my hips up so she could
remove my pants and boxers. After she had me completely naked as
well, she continued to kneel in front of me while she looked up at me
with a gaze of pure lust as she darted her eyes between my face and

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my cock.

Well, if you want to, baby.

I gave her a brief nod and watched as she licked her lips before bringing
her hands to my hips and gripping tightly. Her face hovered just over my
erection and I felt her warm breath hit me, causing me to twitch. I could
see the smile on her lips at my body's reaction to her and continued to
watch as she brought her lips to my cock, kissing it lightly up the entire
length before she darted her tongue out to lick at the slit.

"Fuck," I hissed quietly, as my hands automatically flew to her hair.

I urged her to take me in her mouth completely and she complied,

opening her mouth fully for me. Her movements on me were perfect - as
if she was reading my mind. She slowed when I needed her to slow,
sped up when I wanted it faster. She licked and nibbled and scraped
her teeth gently right when I needed her to. All too soon, I felt my balls
tightening and moments later, I exploded into her mouth, moaning out
my release. Bella swallowed around me, her hands running up and
down the length of my thighs as I came down from my high.

With my hands still buried in her hair, I pulled her mouth from my dick
and tipped her head back, forcing her to look up at me. Keeping my
eyes locked with hers, I leaned in for a kiss, our lips melding together
slowly as our tongues met in the middle.

After several minutes, I moved my hands to rest under her arms and
urged her to stand up in front of me. The kiss allowed me time to gain
back some of my resolve and I was ready once again to play the game.

"Do you remember the rules, Isabella?" Her eyes popped slightly at my
use of her full name and her mouth parted in arousal. She nodded her
head while she continued to stare hungrily into my eyes.

"Good," I said in a low voice. "I wouldn't want to have to punish you."

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She pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth and started to chew on it
as she waited for my instructions. I stood and started to move around
her, standing with my chest flush to her back. I moved her hair to go
over one of her shoulders and brought my lips to rest just above the
skin there.

"You looked so fucking hot stripping for me like that," I whispered as I

ghosted my mouth along her shoulders and up the column of her neck.
"Have you ever danced like that for anyone else?"

I hoped and prayed with everything I had that the answer was no,
because if it was yes and she had done this with other guys, I was
pretty sure that would ruin the whole night for me. But for some reason,
I didn't think she would have opened herself up like with anyone from
her past. She had told me when she was with me, I made her feel sexy,
confident, wanted. I did that to her, no one else.

"Never," she breathed. "Only for you, Edward. Always, only you."

I hummed against her skin as I brought my lips to fully rest on her neck,
licking and nibbling my way up and back down again.

"Good answer," I murmured as my lips continued to work against her


Moving around her once again, I reached onto the bed and retrieved my
discarded tie from earlier, holding it in between my hands as I held it up
to her face.

"Do you know what I'm going to do with this?" I asked, rhetorically. "I'm
going to tie you up so you can't touch me. So I can touch you anywhere
I like and you can't reciprocate. So you can only feel me against your
body as I take you."

She whimpered slightly and held out her arms for me immediately,
ready and willing to play my little game.

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"My, my," I teased. "You're so willing tonight. Is there anything you

wouldn't do if I asked?"

"I'd do whatever you asked of me," she whispered.

"Hmmm," I hummed. "That's very good to know," I finished as I reached

for her hands and bound them together with the tie.

Once I was satisfied with the knot at her wrists, I pushed gently against
her back, urging her forward to the bed. "Lie on your stomach with your
face turned to the side, hands over your head."

She immediately did as I asked and I watched as she crawled her way
up the bed, her ass and pussy on full display. And, oh my fucking God,
she was soaked. Her pussy was glistening from her arousal and I could
see it coating the tops of her inner thighs as well.

All I could do was thank my lucky stars that I had come not five minutes
before, giving me some much needed time to compose myself.

Bella rested her hands in front of her as she eased herself down on her
stomach, then stretched her arms above her. She rested her head in
between them and turned her face to one side, waiting silently to see
what I would do next.

Seeing Bella lying like that, spread out in all her naked glory with her
biteable ass on display ready to be - well, bitten - was almost too much
and it took all I had not to pounce on her and thrust in wildly. The music
that continued to play in the room was slow and sensual, and I wanted
our lovemaking to reflect that. Even if she was tied up.

Who says you can't have love with a little kink?

I moved to the side of the bed and leaned over her slightly, trailing my
fingers lightly from the bottom of her feet, up and along the length of her
smooth legs. I continued making my way up Bella's body, running over

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her ass and up her back, gently swooping her hair off to the side.
Crawling up onto the bed, I hovered over her body, my lips dancing
along her skin the same way my fingers had just done. Bella's skin was
so smooth under my mouth and I couldn't help but lick and nibble along
the way, eliciting tiny moans from her.

As soon as my mouth had journeyed down to her ass, I did what I had
been thinking about since her little strip tease earlier - I sunk my teeth
into her flesh, biting the full part of her ass. She yelped in surprise and
then moaned as I licked over the marks my teeth had just made. Being
this close to her pussy, I could smell how aroused she was and my cock
began to stir.

Urging Bella's legs apart slightly, I settled myself in between them on

my knees and ran my hands up the inside of her thighs, never quite
moving to where she wanted me. I watched as her ass lifted slightly
each time my fingers got close, silently urging me to go lower. Her
whimpered and breathy moans did me in and I finally gave in to her
silent pleading, grazing my fingers along her slit.

So. Fucking. Wet.

"Does this turn you on, baby?" I asked. "Me tying you up and teasing
you? Do you like it?"

"Yes, Edward," she said. "Please, more."

"Mmmm," I hummed in response. "Seems you've gotten all worked up,

your pussy is drenched. Who does this to you?" I asked as my finger
circled her clit before I moved to her entrance and slipped inside.

"Unng," she moaned as my finger moved in and out of her. "You,

Edward. You do this to me - only you."

I moved up slightly, my finger still playing in her pussy, as I hovered

over her back, my lips right next to her ear. "That's right, only I do that to

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you," I said. I brushed my now hard cock against her ass and said, "And
only you do this to me. Just you, baby, only you."

My words caused Bella to moan louder this time as her back arched
slightly, her ass going up in the air. I raised myself off of Bella and
looked down at her face. Her eyes were clenched shut and her teeth
were digging into her bottom lip forcefully - she was trying so hard to
obey my command for her to stay quiet.


Pulling my finger from Bella's pussy, I settled myself in between her

legs and gripped her hips, raising them up slightly to ease my entrance.
I lined my cock up with her and moved it up and down her slit, coating
myself in her wetness.

Bella's moans grew in their intensity and I could tell it was taking all her
willpower to remain silent as I had told her to. That didn't, however,
mean that I couldn't make some noise.

I pushed forward, burying myself in her pussy, and groaned loudly while
Bella whimpered underneath me. I brought my body down, flush against
hers, as my lips descended on the skin at her back, her shoulders, her

My movements were slow and precise; deep, fluid thrusts as I sheathed

myself in her before pulling almost all the way out and repeating. Bella
had moved so her open mouth was resting against her left arm, the skin
there blocking any sound coming from her mouth.

"Fuck, baby," I whispered against her ear. "I will never get tired of being
inside you."

Her upper arm muffled her whimper as I continued to move in her. My

tongue traced the shell of her ear before I brought her earlobe in
between my teeth, dragging them along the surface before my lips

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surrounded it and I sucked lightly.

"God, Bella," I rasped. "Do you know how good you feel? So tight and
warm around me..." I trailed off, briefly lost in the sensation of her pussy
squeezing my cock. My thrusts became slightly more forceful as we
moved together.

I reached one of my hands down and slipped it under her, bringing it

down to rest in between the bed and Bella. Setting my fingers directly
on her clit, I encouraged her to move her hips to the speed she needed
against me.

My movements increased slightly inside her as I inched my way closer

to my release. Bella's body felt so good around mine - she fit me like a

"Do you feel that?" I asked quietly against her ear. "We fit perfectly
together. Your body was made for mine. Only mine."

Bella continued to whimper against her arm, doing so good in

respecting what I'd told her about keeping quiet. However, I needed to
hear her breathy moans and her whispered words of love and her raspy
curses while she came.

"Bella, baby," I murmured. "I need to hear you. Let me hear you."

She immediately moved her mouth away from her arm and let out a
long, low moan. "God, Edward," she moaned. "So good, baby, so

The room was filled with the soft music coming out of the speakers, as
well as the sounds of our lovemaking - our bodies coming together, our
whispered words, our quiet moans - and all at once, I felt Bella tighten
and then pulse around me as she groaned through her climax. After I
felt her come down, I let myself go, falling off the edge and exploding in
throb after throb as my orgasm washed over me.

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I continued to cover her body with my own, my weight pressing against

her for a short while, as I peppered wet kisses along her shoulders and
back. After I had calmed slightly, I rolled off her and reached up to untie
her restraints, freeing her hands to move about.

As soon as her arms were free, she wrapped them around my neck,
pulling my body flush against hers, as her lips sought mine out. This
kiss was hungry, urgent, and I wondered briefly if I'd done something to
scare her during our little game.

I pulled back, holding her head in between my hands and asked,

"Bella? Are you alright, baby? I didn't hurt you did I?"

Shaking her head, she dropped her eyes and pulled her bottom lip in
between her teeth, once again worrying it as she contemplated what
she wanted to say.

Bringing her eyes up to mine, she said, "No, Edward, you didn't hurt
me." She paused briefly before continuing, "It was amazing and I love
that we can do that. I mean, not that, I know we can do that! What I
mean is I'm glad that we can... just... that we're comfortable doing..."
She sighed heavily while shaking her head, obviously irritated that she
couldn't articulate what she wanted to say. Taking a deep breath, she
continued, "I just love that I can be anything with you. Anything... and
know that you'll still love me."

I sighed a deep breath and answered immediately, "Me too, baby." I

pressed a kiss to her full lips before adding, "And, not still... Always."

A/N: *sigh* They are just so damn sweet together, aren't they? So,
we've got the "meet the dad" sitch out of the way. Now we need to
focus on finding a job for Bella!

Couple of reminders - first, voting begins for the Razzle Dazzle awards
TODAY, June 30, so please go show LR some love! www .
razzledazzleawards . webs . com/vote . htm Also, send me your

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questions for upcoming Pervy Author/PP member interviews that will be

going up on The Shack weekly on Sundays. The list for the upcoming
pairings can be found here: www . pervpackssmutshack .
com/2009/06/ppss-important-upcoming-events-post-and . html you
can e-mail me at bri(at)pervpackssmutshack(dot)com.

Finally, my Gator and I are putting together a little ditty of a contest. We

want to see your fuckhot Tattwards. Piercedwards are welcome, too.
We set up a separate profile for the contest - go have a looksee! www .
fanfiction . net/~tattwardandinkella

????????????? to my two fabulous betas - Mastah Betah Gatah

Tallulah Remiter, and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta Extraordinaire

Review for spanks.

22. A Day of Firsts 460

23. Fear and Punishment
Yep, took me long enough. Extended note regarding that on the

Thanks again to all the lovely reviewers - you all rock my socks.
And, in case you've been living under a rock, an outtake of not
only Balcony Sex, but also Bella's talk with Esme was posted in
the outtake story - Les Autres Rendezvous. Run and read, my

Things I own: A purple Rabbit, a bottle of Tend Skin (thanks Lola),

and a new haircut.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


I woke with a start, my heart beating wildly in my chest, as I batted my

eyelashes quickly to gain focus. I glanced over at the clock, noticing it
was only a few hours past midnight, and took a deep breath, attempting
to sooth my nerves.

I had been dreaming like this for a while now, finding myself in a
faceless office somewhere, drowning in work. And I just knew that I was
alone. Edward wasn't with me. I never knew where these dreams took
place - at what location I was working, or if I was living in Seattle or not -
but my heart was always heavy. And he was never there.

Turning my head, I looked over at his sleeping form, feeling the ache
leave my chest almost immediately. How, with only a look to confirm his
presence, he could completely relax me was amazing.

I moved into his side and tangled our legs together while my hands ran
up and down the planes of his chest. He stirred slightly and blinked a

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few times before locking eyes with me.

"Bella?" he asked, his voice thick with sleep. "Baby, what's wrong?"

And like that, all the walls that I had built up and all the defenses I had
surrounded myself in came tumbling down, and with it the tears
followed, spilling down my cheeks.

"Bella?" he asked, more alarmed. "Are you hurt?"

I could hear the panic in his voice, but I couldn't speak. Because I knew
if I did, I would spew on about my fears - about the dreams that had
been plaguing my sleep. About how I didn't think I could live without him
and would surely die if he ever left me.

So fucking dramatic.

Instead of answering him, I could only manage to shake my head and

bury my face in his chest, clinging to him as tightly as I could.

If I hadn't felt so consumed by my fears, I would have been

embarrassed by my reaction. But, with the current state my mind was
in, I couldn't bring myself to care. All I wanted was to feel Edward's lips
on my hair, his arms around my back and his hands caressing my skin.

Edward let me cry for some time without any more prodding on his part.
He just ran his hands up and down my back, pressing kisses to my hair,
my temple, my forehead, as I continued to cry silently into his skin.

After a long while, my tears had run dry, though I continued to cling to
his chest, my face pressed into his skin as I breathed him in.

Edward's hands trailed over my back, coming up to my face as he

cupped it in his hands. He gripped lightly and tilted my head back so he
could look me in the eyes. His thumbs ran over the almost dry streaks
that ran down my face as his eyes bore into mine.

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"Bella..." he whispered. I could tell he was afraid, unsure as to what the

fuck just happened, and I knew I needed to tell him what was going on.
Now that I finally didn't have anything looming over me - finals were out
of the way, graduation had been done - there were no more excuses to
keep this to myself any longer.

Before I could stop myself, I let the words spill from my mouth. "I keep
having these dreams. I'm working somewhere and it's busy and I'm so
overwhelmed and my heart is just heavy... and I know - I just know -
that you aren't there. And I don't mean that you aren't at work with me,
but that you aren't where I am. Anywhere close to me. And I don't even
know if I'm in Seattle in my dreams or if I'm in Tampa, or fucking
Timbuktu, but I can just feel that you aren't with me," I said in one
breath. I knew I probably wasn't making sense to him, but I couldn't
articulate it any better than that. "And I'm scared, Edward. I'm scared
that I won't know what to do with myself if we can't be together. And that
scares me even more - I used to be my own person and now I feel like
only a fraction of who I used to be unless you're by my side," I ended in
a whisper. Then, closing my eyes I admitted, "I need you. I need you so
much and it scares the shit out of me."

As the words flew out of my mouth like a flood, Edward kept his eyes
locked on my face, his thumbs rubbing soothingly over my skin as he let
me speak my fears. For a short while after I was done, Edward just held
me, continuing to caress my skin with his hands while he placed kisses
periodically on my face - my forehead, my cheeks, my lips.

When he was certain I had calmed down enough to speak, he said, "I
wish you had talked to me about this before. I've been worried, too, but
didn't want to say anything because you had so much other shit going
on," he finished with a sigh. He brought his lips to mine and kissed me
before speaking against them, "But nothing will take you away from me,
Bella. Nothing."

As much as his words offered me comfort, I also knew they weren't

realistic. And while I wanted to do nothing more than to surround myself

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in his promises and not face the facts, I knew I couldn't do that any

"Edward," I said, sighing. "I don't want anything to take me away from
you, either. But, it's just not realistic to think that nothing ever would. I
mean, as much as I would like to just bum around the apartment for the
next however long, I do have to go out and try to find a job. Of course,
I'm going to look in Seattle first, but that doesn't mean that I won't also
have to look in Vancouver and Spokane and Tacoma. Not to mention
places like Houston and Chicago and New York. I can't exactly be picky
with the location of my job - it's going to be hard enough to come by one
fresh out of college with absolutely no experience under my belt," I

"But, Bella-" Edward said, cutting in.

"No, Edward," I said shaking my head. "Let me finish." I took a deep

breath and locked eyes with him. "You can't just up and leave. You're in
school here - medical school. It's not like switching colleges in the
middle of undergrad; this is a whole different ballgame. And I would
never forgive myself if you came with me at the expense of your
education, of what you want to do with your life. I can't let you give that
up for me." By the time I had finished, my tears were present again,
silently rolling down my cheeks. I put on quite the mask, but deep down
I was aching at the possibility of what this all meant for us.

"Baby," Edward whispered, "please don't cry." His hands cupped my

face as he attempted to kiss away my tears, eventually stopping when
they were in a constant stream down my face, instead moving his lips to
cover mine in the sweetest of kisses.

My hands clutched Edward around his waist, attempting to get as close

to him as possible. After a short while, he pulled back and hovered his
lips just over mine, our faces as close together as they could get without

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"Bella," he started in a calm voice, "I want you to hear me out, alright?
Please don't say anything until I'm finished." He waited for my nod of
acceptance before he continued. "I know that transferring schools would
be a bit difficult, but it's not impossible." I started to open my mouth to
speak and Edward shushed me, moving his thumb to cover my lips and
giving me a stern look. "We still have all summer. You'll go out and
apply for everything you can and if you get an offer for an awesome job
that pays well and it's 3,000 miles away, then you take it. It's going to be
a lot easier to transfer when school is not in session, so we are doing
this at the perfect time." He stopped and kissed me sweetly before
pulling back and looking into my eyes. "We can figure this out together.
It doesn't have to be the end of anything, baby. I'll go with you.
Wherever you need to be, I'll go."

And, even though he said everything I had hoped he would say to me, I
couldn't keep the tears from coming out in full force once again. Edward
got a panicked look on his face as my blubbering continued on, and I
couldn't stop the giggle that bubbled up from my throat. I tightened my
arms around him, latching myself to his body as I smiled through my

As we embraced, Edward's lips leaving trails along my skin as my

cheeks hurt from smiling, I had only one thought on repeat in my mind.

He'll follow me.

It had only been a little over a week since graduation and I had already
been to every major - and minor - newspaper in the greater Seattle
area. Some had openings and others didn't, but I'd submitted my
resume along with a letter of recommendation from Ms. Goff, the
Assistant Dean in the Department of Communication and also my very
favorite professor, to each and every one, even going as far as to
actually hand deliver my information to the respective Human Resource

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I told myself that I would give it till the end of the month and if I didn't
hear anything, I would broaden my search to the surrounding metro
areas, then out across the U.S. Though I didn't want to, I knew it was a
very real possibility that I wouldn't have a choice.

Edward was thrilled with the progress I'd made and he was somehow
convinced that something would pan out with one of the papers here in

I wasn't so sure.

However, I didn't want to think about that anymore until it was

absolutely necessary. I'd been bogged down with it for too long and I
needed to free my mind from the constant worry that plagued it.

I'd busted my ass to get everything done before Edward's birthday so I

could just enjoy the time with him and our friends. I'd spoken to Esme at
my graduation party and asked if she thought it would be alright to hold
a small party for Edward at the estate. I thought it would be fun for the
six of us to lounge out by the pool all day, drink margaritas and
momentarily forget that the real world was encroaching on us.

To say that Esme was thrilled would be an understatement. Over the

past few months, we had bonded tremendously and I think she loved
our relationship almost as much as I did. She'd made mention several
times that she'd always wanted a daughter, but after she and Carlisle
had Edward, they weren't able to conceive again. Rather than go
through all the fertility treatments and such, she took it as a sign that
Edward was to be their one and only and they poured all their love into

I was the daughter she'd never had. And, ironically enough, she was the
mother that I had always wanted.

On Saturday, the day of Edward's birthday, we'd woken up, legs tangled
in each other's under the sheets, and I couldn't help the utter giddiness I

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felt at being so near him. Since our summer had started, we had been
practically inseparable. And, after my breakdown the week prior, it was
clear that Edward was trying even harder to reassure me of his
commitment to our relationship.

Peeling myself away from him - only after promising some naked time
after we got some sustenance - I made him french toast, his favorite,
and served it to him in bed. Once he had thoroughly inhaled his birthday
breakfast, he not-so-subtly reminded me of my promise from earlier in
the morning and I gave in, celebrating his birthday with a not-so-quick
blow job.

With Edward completely satiated, I readied myself and headed over to

his parents' house to help Esme get everything set up for the party. We
weren't having a huge gathering, just the six of us and Carlisle and
Esme, but things still needed to get done, and there was food to be
made. We did have Emmett to feed, after all.

Esme and I were working together in the kitchen, preparing several side
dishes and things to munch on while Carlisle prepped the pool area. It
was turning out to be a fairly warm summer in Seattle, so they had used
the pool a few times. Even still, he wanted to make sure the patio was
presentable and that the heater in the pool was set to a comfortable

Basically, he wanted to appear busy so he didn't have to help us in the


I had just finished mixing together the guacamole when I heard the back
door open and soon after, felt Edward's arms around my waist. He
leaned forward, placing a quick kiss on my neck before resting his chin
on my shoulder and quietly saying, "Whatcha makin'?"

I smiled and leaned back into his chest, loving the feel of him so close.

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"Homemade guacamole," I said as I pulled the spoon from the bowl and
swiped my finger across it before bringing it into my mouth and sucking.

Edward groaned quietly and whined, "Why do you do that to me?"

I pulled my finger out of my mouth and giggled, before I ran it across the
spoon once again, collecting all the guacamole that was there. I turned
slightly in Edward's arms and looked up at him, finger poised in front of
his mouth. "Open up," I whispered.

Keeping his eyes locked with mine, he parted his lips and leaned
forward slightly before engulfing my finger in his mouth. His tongue
swirled round and round the length of it before he hollowed his cheeks
and gently sucked my finger clean.

"Naughty," I said teasingly.

He released my finger and chuckled, before smacking his lips a little

and saying, "Damn, baby. That shit is good!"

I laughed and shrugged a little while replying, "Of course!"

I make some fucking awesome guacamole. I'm aware.

"Just because you're the birthday boy doesn't mean you can ignore
your mother," Esme chided from across the kitchen as she cut up
strawberries for the fruit salad. "You better get over here and give me a

I heard Edward chuckle behind me before he made his way around the
huge island to his mom and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Sorry, Mom," he said.

Esme brought up her hand and patted his cheek before saying, "Happy
Birthday, sweetie."

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"Thanks," he mumbled quietly, a blush tinting his face.

I chuckled at his sudden bashfulness.

"Edward?" I asked. "Do you know when the others are getting here?"

He quickly snatched a strawberry from the cutting board, and after

popping it in his mouth, he mumbled, "Jas and Em were heading to pick
up the girls when I left, so they should be here soon."

I heard Esme grumble something about a 'grown man talking with his
mouth full of food' while she shook her head at him and then turned to
smile at me.

I loved watching Edward interact with his parents. While Carlisle and
Esme both obviously treated him as an adult, every once in a while, I
would get a glimpse at what things must have been like when Edward
was younger, living under this roof.

"Edward, honey?" Esme asked. "Can you grab the kabobs from the
fridge and bring them outside? Bella and I can start bringing out the

He nodded his agreement and moved to do what she asked before

slipping out the back door.

"Thanks again for letting us get together here, Esme," I said. "You didn't
need to help with all the food, as well."

"Sweetie, you'll learn after time that there is almost nothing I like more
than entertaining. And it just so happens that what I do like more than
that is my family and friends." With that, she winked at me and grabbed
the bowl of fruit salad before she motioned for me to follow her out to
the patio.

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After the items had been brought out from the house and the kabobs
had been started on the grill, the four of us settled on the patio set and
immersed ourselves in comfortable conversation until we heard the
loud, unmistakable voice of Emmett.

"Where the hell is everyone?"

Esme just shook her head at his antics and called out, letting them
know where to find us.

The two couples made their way out to us, hands clasped together
between them both, and I smiled, completely content at how our little
group of three girls had somehow transformed into a family of six.


If there was one thing better than getting breakfast in bed on your
birthday, it was getting syrup licked off your cock after getting breakfast
in bed on your birthday. To say the day had started out well would be a
bit of an understatement.

After our little morning escapade, Bella had gotten ready and headed
over to my parents' house, giving me strict instructions to wait a couple
hours before I joined them.

Being away from her now for even that short amount of time was a bit
nerve wracking, which was completely fucking irrational. Still, I couldn't
help but feel that way, especially after Bella had woken up from that
nightmare, stripping down her walls and showing me her fears. They
were the same doubts I had been having and I hated that we - once
again - had waited so long to discuss something that had obviously
plagued us both.

Instead of dwelling on it, though, I could only take to heart what she had
said and attempt to show her - through actions and words - that she had
nothing to worry about. She was absolutely everything to me now - she

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was what made me me. Without her, I would be completely lost.

There was no way I was allowing something as inconsequential as a job

transfer to come between us. It just wasn't happening.

I was a good little boyfriend, and did as Bella asked, waiting a couple of
hours before making my way over to my parents' house. Soon after I
arrived, the rest of the crew did as well, and we got started on our day.

I knew that Bella was overly thankful that my parents hosted this little
birthday bash, but in all honesty, my mom loved every single minute of
it. In fact, if she could, she would have the six of us over every night of
the week, every week of the month. She enjoyed being involved in my
life, especially now that Bella was included in that, and she somehow
managed to love Emmett and Jasper, and subsequently Rose and
Alice, as well.

After we finished eating and sat around chatting for a bit, we decided to
split up, the girls getting their suits on while the guys decided on
shooting some hoops.

Jasper, Emmett and I, along with my father, made our way over to the
half-court while the girls and my mom sat around the pool, talking and
giggling like a bunch of twelve-year-olds at a slumber party.

Every once in a while, I would glance over at them and feel a smile
overtake my face, for a moment wondering what it was that had them in
a fit of giggles before I shook myself from my thoughts, knowing that I
probably didn't want to be aware of whatever it was that they were
discussing. But, no matter how many times I managed to do this, I still
didn't learn - always getting jolted out of my staring by a smack to the
head from Emmett or Jasper.

But, honestly, like that shit could be helped. They were all just as
distracted as I was, what with all the ladies out in their barely-there
swimwear choices.

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I about spunked all over myself when I saw the girls walk towards the
pool in next to nothing. Well, actually, I didn't know what the other girls
were wearing, as I couldn't drag my eyes away from Bella.

Thank you, oh amazing inventor of the string bikini.

When she came walking out of the house, flanked on either side by
Alice and Rose, I couldn't help my jaw from going slack - that shit was
just unavoidable. Even though I'd seen her naked time and time again,
she still managed to stun me even with all her fun parts covered. Her
hair was pulled up in a sloppy ponytail, exposing her neck and
collarbones (the fucking Achilles heel of my sexual resolve). A pair of
too-big sunglasses sat on her face, but they somehow managed to
make her look cute rather than ridiculous like they should have. She
was carrying a towel in one hand and a bottle of water in the other, but
all of those tiny details barely registered as I took in her minutely
covered, hot fucking body.

Her swimsuit was white - fucking white - and the top had those triangle
cups that attempted to cover her tits, but still left little to the imagination.
The tiny triangles were held up by these itty bitty strings, that I bet I
could fucking bite through if I became really desperate - which I was
pretty damn sure would happen if I had to just stare at her like that all
fucking day in her bikini.

Or, her in the pool in her bikini.

Or, her, in the pool, in her bikini, getting wet... allowing the thin, white
material to mold to her body, showing each and every curve and... uh...
peak that she had.

And, the bottoms... I was already trying to figure out how in the hell I
was going to discreetly adjust myself in my cargo shorts and I hadn't
even made it over half of her body yet. I allowed my eyes to trail down
over the skin of her stomach and down to the bikini bottoms that
covered the Promised Land. And, once again - thank you baby Jesus to

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the inventor of the tiny strings. They sat low on her hips, holding the
white fabric in place over her pussy and luscious ass and I about did
myself in when I realized that it was just a couple little strings that were
keeping her warmth from having my dick buried in it.

I groaned at the memory and quickly brought myself back into the
present time, once again needing a slight adjustment of my junk.
However, being surrounded by three guys didn't allow for discretion and
they gave me knowing smirks, chuckling at my reaction.

"Fuck off," I said, while laughing with them. "Why do they feel the need
to punish us like that?"

My father chuckled and came over to pat me on the back before he

said, "Son, you'll learn soon enough. Women will use whatever powers
they can to get us to be putty in their hands," he said before looking
over his shoulder at the four of them. "And, right now they are using all
their powers," he finished with a sigh and then chuckled.

I laughed with him, but watched - completely amused - as Emmett got a

mischievous look on his face while he rubbed his hands together and
grinned widely.

Cocking an eyebrow at him, I asked, "What's up, Em?"

"Payback's a bitch, is all..." he said, trailing off. He walked over to us,

motioning for Jasper to get a little closer and let us in on his little plan.

Half an hour, and buckets of sweat later, the four of us were still
shooting hoops, only now we were shirtless and doing everything in our
power to gain the girls' attention. Emmett had even gone as far as
taking a water bottle and pouring it over the top of his head to "cool
down." I could barely hide my amusement, but then noticed Rosalie's
open mouth and fixed gaze.

Huh, maybe he is on to something.

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I reluctantly grabbed a water bottle with the intention of doing the same
thing, but couldn't go through with it.

I mean, really, what kind of ass does that?

So instead, I took a long pull from it, realizing just how thirsty I was.
Once I was done, I poured some into my hand and ran it through my
hair and then to the back of my neck, needing to cool down a bit.

After I'd finished, I glanced over to Bella who was watching me with an
open mouth, her hand trailing lightly over her collarbones while she
enjoyed the show I attempted to not put on.

Since I had her attention anyhow, I figured I might as well work with it,
so I smiled the half smile she loved so much and winked at her. That
brought a blissful smile to her face and I noticed her chest flush the
tiniest bit.

Turning back to the guys, I said, "I think it's time to put phase two of the
plan into action."

The guys nodded and we each took off quickly directly towards the pool,
jumping over the low wrought iron fence that separated it from the
half-court. The girls were still dazed while they watched as we
advanced on them and I noticed my mom was sitting off to the side with
a knowing smirk on her face.

Thank God the girls are too preoccupied to be on to us.

We each made our way to our respective girls quickly, and before they
could utter a word, we had them hauled over our shoulders as we ran
straight for the pool. I slapped Bella's ass as I jumped over the edge,
directly into the water. Too late, I could hear Bella's yelp of surprise and
then scream just as the water hit my body and I took her under with me.

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As I came up out of the water, I shook my head, allowing the liquid to go

flying from my hair and looked to take in the scene around me.
Grinning, I noticed the other two guys laughing, along with my parents
still on the patio, and the girls each were sputtering messes. Once they
had collected themselves, I turned and found a pair of deep chocolate
eyes glaring at me and I knew I was in deep shit.

We may not have thought this through completely.

"That wasn't very nice, Edward," she said, in a low, even voice. It was
somehow even more intimidating than if she were to have yelled at the
top of her lungs.

I quickly darted my eyes around, locating Jas and Em both in the same
predicament as I was, while my parents were both doubled over in
laughter on the sidelines.


My eyes shot back to Bella's, watching as she slowly advanced on me.

It was ridiculous, but I was terrified of this tiny little girl that had the
power to make my life a living hell. If I knew Bella, and I knew Bella, she
would not do anything physical like Rose and Alice were currently doing
to the guys. Oh, no. She would work quietly - subtly - to give me my

She made her way to me, her body flush with mine as she inched her
hand up my chest. She wrapped her fingers around my neck and pulled
slightly, bringing my face closer to hers. I swallowed in my anxiety, and
Bella chuckled, obviously hearing my nervous gulp.

Once my head was level with hers, she leaned forward, bringing her lips
to my ear as she spoke lowly, "I don't know what on earth would
possess you to do that to me when all I was doing was eye-fucking you
from the sidelines. But, I want you to know, you've gone and ruined my
plans for this evening," she finished with a mock pout.

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Her hand loosened its grip on the back of my neck and trailed softly
down over my shoulders and chest, her fingernails scraping softly on
my nipple, which elicited a hiss from me. I could feel her smiling against
my cheek as her fingers continued their quest down my stomach,
stopping at the waistband of my shorts.

Tracing the top of them, she moved her fingers from hipbone to hipbone
as she spoke again, "I thought, with it being your birthday and all, that I
would give you what you asked for a while ago." She took my earlobe in
between her lips and sucked gently, flicking her tongue out to taste it.
"Do you remember what that was, baby?"

I thought back to all the things I had asked her for and couldn't come up
with anything.

"It's just too bad I'm not in the mood for an audience tonight," she
started speaking again. "Guess I'll have to play by myself while you and
your little friends behave like boys out here."

Oh my fucking hell.

Realization dawned on me as soon as she mentioned me watching her

and I grew rock fucking hard in my shorts. Her hands went down and
cupped my dick as she whispered, "And good luck with this. Cause
you're not getting any help from me."

With that, she swam away from me, pulling herself out of the water and
walking over to the towel she had brought out earlier.

All I could do was gape at her, my mouth hanging open and my eyes
popping out of my head. Emmett and Jasper had gotten slapped, or
punched in the gut or sprayed with water, or whatever the fuck Alice
and Rose decided to do to them, and were out of the pool, already
drying off from our little dip. And I was left staring slack-jawed at my
girlfriend, chest deep in the pool - which was the only thing keeping my
obnoxious hard-on from being on full display - while I watched her

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slowly dry off her body. The very body that I most certainly would not be
allowed to touch tonight.

Fuck my life.

After a few hours and several margaritas for each of us, the six of us sat
around the fire pit, laughing and talking. My parents had gone in for the
night a while ago, only after my mom demanded that we all stay the
night since we'd basically been drinking all damn day. The girls had
readily agreed; Bella had already thought ahead and packed a bag, just
in case, and Alice was positively bouncing with jubilation at staying the
night. I could only assume Bella had told her all about "Jasper's room"
and what she referred to it as.

Truth was there was plenty of room for the six of us to stay and not be
stepping over each other at all. Besides mine and Jasper's old room, we
had two other guest suites on the second floor, and Rose and Em would
feel comfortable in either of them.

A little while later and after another rousing game of Truth or Truth
(buzzed this time, not full on drunk), Bella was starting to nod off in my
lap, so I suggested we call it a night. We made sure to extinguish the
fire before we headed into the house. I pointed Emmett and Rose in the
direction of the guest rooms, letting them have their pick of the two and
then guided Bella into mine, sure that Jasper could show Alice around.

She dropped like a lead balloon onto my bed, apparently too tired to
even get ready for bed. I kissed her on the forehead before murmuring
to her that I'd be right back, and headed into the bathroom.

I quickly got ready, brushing my teeth and taking a leak, before I made
my way back out into my room.

And, then I stopped dead in my tracks.

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Bella, that little vixen, had apparently been faking her exhausted
demeanor. Either that or she had a sudden wake-up call, as she was no
longer lying half asleep on my bed. Nope, she was now spread out and
completely fucking naked, on my bed. And, that wasn't the most
arousing thing. Huh-uh. What was causing me to almost cum where I
stood was what she held in her hands.

ThankyouGod, ThankyouGod, ThankyouGod, ThankyouGod. And

praise baby Jesus, too.

I looked from the vibrator to her face, back to the vibrator, then to her
pussy - which was clearly wet - and finally back up to her face.

"What? I mean... I thought you said... What are you... Wait, am I

dreaming?" I asked lamely.

She chuckled lowly before replying, "I don't know... Does this sort of
thing happen in your dreams?"

"Uh huh," I said as I nodded dumbly at her.

I watched, completely awestruck, as she ran the curved tip up her slit
before pressing some buttons and turning it on.

Well, fuck me running. As if men need anymore competition from

fucking vibrators. Now, there is one with not only a curved head, but it
also fucking spins?

I felt my jaw go slack as I gaped at her, not quite sure if I should feel
completely turned on or completely emasculated as I watched Bella
prepare her pussy for a toy.

"I know I said I wasn't going to do this tonight," she said, her voice deep
and husky. "But that would be punishing more than just you."

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As she said it, she ran the vibrator down towards her entrance and
slipped only a tiny bit into herself.

Moaning softly, she closed her eyes briefly before opening them and
locking them with mine once again. "I was too horny to not do anything
about it, so it's your lucky night, birthday boy," she said with a wink.

She was definitely buzzed. I knew she would never attempt this in my
parents' house otherwise. Though the fact that she thought ahead
enough to bring her little friend with her said otherwise. I wondered, for
a moment, if she really was an exhibitionist, before I realized it didn't
fucking matter and I had more pressing issues to tend to.

Still looking at her, I whipped my shirt over my head and dropped my

pants to my ankles before I practically dove on the bed next to her. Just
as I leaned my head down to take a nipple in my mouth, her voice
stopped me.

"I don't think so," she said with a chuckle. I whipped my head up to look
at her, wondering what the fuck she was getting at. "This is still a
punishment for you."

I cocked my eyebrow at her, silently telling her this wasn't much of a

punishment at all.

Hello. Hot girlfriend. Naked. Playing with herself. Yep, pretty much
equals a great time.

Her returning smirk told me more than I'd ever need to hear in words. I
was fucked.

"No touching," she whispered. "You can watch, but you can't touch."
With that, she pushed the vibrator further into her pussy, closing her
eyes and letting out a long, low moan as she did so.

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Oh fuck. I'd have rather she just slapped me upside the head like Alice
and Rose did and gotten it over with. Instead, I was going to have to
watch my girlfriend do the hottest thing I'd ever seen and not even be
able to be an active participant.

I wonder if I can actively participate on myself...

Well, no time like the present to find out. With that thought in mind, I
reached down and firmly grasped my cock, giving it a few gentle tugs
before I heard the vibrator shut off and noticed Bella's movements still.

Oh no. No, no, no, no, no.

"I did say no touching, right?" she asked, cocking an eyebrow at me.

I felt like a kid who just got caught with fucking Playboys under his bed.
I felt the blush rise to my cheeks and awkwardly dropped my dick from
my hands, giving her an apologetic look at the same time.

Immediately, she started the vibrator up again and leaned further into
the pillows, closing her eyes and getting lost in the sensations.

I was aching to touch - her or myself, it didn't matter. My fingers

twitched against the mattress and I was lost in the sight of Bella
pleasuring herself.

One of her hands worked the vibrator slowly in and out of her pussy
while the other was tugging relentlessly at a nipple, her tit turning pink
from the rough handling it was receiving. After a short while, she
dropped the hand that was massaging her breast and moved it down to
the toy, pressing another button, and I watched - completely fucking
transfixed - as this little fucking critter started vibrating all over her clit.

Seriously... Where do people come up with this shit?

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That "critter," however, was working some sort of fucking magic mojo on
her because it was mere seconds before Bella's back was arching and
her moans were low and deep. I watched her face, completely blissed
out, as she rode her orgasm. Her body was still jerking slightly from the
aftershocks as she shut off the vibrator and pulled it from her before
collapsing limply on the bed.

I could only manage to continue just fucking ogling her as she was lost
in the aftermath of her high.

Quickly taking stock of my body, however, I realized that my cock was

hard as a rock and my balls ached for release. I wondered if she would
mind if I just hopped in the shower real quick and took care of this little
(read: big) problem. She certainly didn't expect me to actually sleep like
this, did she? I mean, I knew she was a chick and maybe didn't get just
how urgent a situation like this was, but she wasn't completely dense...
or vengeful. Certainly she would have pity on me and allow me a lonely
jack off in the shower, wouldn't she?

I must have made some sort of pathetic sound in my internal rambling

because she turned to look at me, first amusement, then sympathy as
she glanced down and took in the state of my junk.

Which happened to twitch at the attention she was showing it.

"Bella," I whispered. "Do you, um... Well, would you mind... I mean,
would it be alright if I just went into the bathroom for a minute?" I asked,
a skeptical look on my face.

She rolled on her side towards me and smiled slightly before she moved
her hands to my naked chest. Her fingers ghosted lightly over my skin
and I felt like I could combust at any moment.

"Edward?" she asked lowly.

"Hmm?" was the only sound I could push from my vocal chords.

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"Did you learn your lesson?" She continued her slow torture on my
chest, her fingers dancing on the skin there.


"Do you think you received an adequate punishment?" Her hand

continued lower and lower until it was tracing my hip bones.

I managed only a whimper that time, as I felt my dick throb as I tried

with all my might not to stare at her bare tits just sort of hanging out
there, waiting to be fondled while she teased me relentlessly with her

She giggled softly before moving her hands back up my chest and
pushing firmly against it. I allowed her to guide me onto my back, all the
while my brain was screaming at me to just fucking bolt to the damn
bathroom and take care of this nuisance that was my cock.

She really is going to make me sleep with this fucking rod between my

Not at all in control of my body at the moment, my bottom lip pouted out
and my eyes met hers, silently begging her to just let me handle this

Instead she just shook her head and before I knew what she was doing,
her hand - now wet, from what I could only assume was her fucking
pussy - was on my aching cock and all coherent thoughts fell right out of
my damn brain.

"You didn't think I'd let you go to bed like that on your birthday, did

It was obviously a rhetorical question as I was beyond any sort of

coherent verbalization. I could only manage grunts and groans as Bella
pumped me towards my release.

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Which, embarrassingly enough, took all of two fucking minutes.

Once she pulled out the "twist of the wrist over the head and stroke
back down" business combined with the massaging of the balls, I was a

I moaned her name in my release, the hot spurts landing in streams on

my stomach and chest. Bella slowed her movements as sensitivity took
over my dick before she stopped completely and hopped out of bed,
heading into the bathroom. She came back after a moment with a warm
washcloth and gingerly cleaned me off before she tossed the cloth in
the hamper and joined me in bed.

She snuggled right up to my side, whispering birthday wishes one last

time, along with her love for me, before she fell into an almost
immediate sleep.

And to think, I assumed getting syrup licked off my cock would be the
highlight of my day.

Happy birthday to me.

A/N: Couple of quick (but very important!) announcements. In case you

missed it in last chapter's a/n, my Gator - Tallulah Remiter - and I are
hosting the Tattward & Inkella One-Shot Contest. Entries are due by
the 31st, so get to writing if you want to enter! We've had some great
stories so far, but no one (NOT ONE PERSON!) has written my dream
Inked-up Piercedward (the whole reason I started this contest in the first
place). Each of the judges wrote up a little ditty on what they'd love to
see in a Tattward story (I posted it as a separate story), so if you want
to make us happy, take a looksie! And, if you're up for the challenge, let
those fingers fly and submit some entries. www . fanfiction .

And, on the subject of fuckhot Tattward's, I am pimping another story.

When I first jotted this in my a/n to rec when I posted my next chapter

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(yep, like 3 weeks ago), the story had like 250 reviews. It now has over
2k. If, on the odd chance you aren't reading this yet, get on it. Clipped
Wings & Inked Armor by hunterhunting ~ www . fanfiction .

[soapbox] A note on the updating schedule. There is absolutely no

updating schedule on this bitch. We fly by the seat of our pants here at
LR, though we generally do so with frequency. Perhaps this is my fault,
and if so - my bad - but you guys have been pretty spoiled with updates.
Most coming weekly with a couple even twice a week. So, if there
comes a time that I take a little longer in updating - roll with it. There
have been exactly two times that updates didn't come that fast - both
happening when I was out of town. I love that you guys enjoy this story
enough that you are clamoring for updates. But, for the love of Pete,
don't send me PM's and reviews saying how it's been
FOR-FUCKING-EVER since I updated and you are surely going to die if
you don't get another chapter PRONTO. I'll make you a deal. As soon
as I start getting a paycheck for this, my writing will come before things
like my real job, housework, and family vacations. Until then, just chill. I
do this for fun and getting reviews and PMs bossing me around does
not equal fun. It makes for a mad Bri and a mad Bri loses her mojo
(along with her shit). Hence why this update took longer than usual. She
also starts talking about herself in the third person, and let's face it - that
shit's just creepy. Now, for all those that didn't say a damn thing -
THANK YOU - honestly, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate the
space and votes of confidence that the chapter would be ready when it
was ready. You all will be getting extra spanks with your morning coffee.

*whew* I feel better. Oh! I almost forgot to tell you that I'm working on
something new! It's this awesome thing with a few other completely
amazing writers. We're going to be- *Mel rushes in and clamps hand
over Bri's mouth while hissing something quietly in her ear* Oh. *ahem*
Well, then. I guess "Top Secret" really I can't say anything.
Sheesh. Well, stay tuned - something big is a-brewin' and I'm bursting
at the seams to spill the beans.

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Fuck - one last thing... Melissa228 and I will be on Twigasm on

August 22nd. Tune in for hilarity, sexual innuendos, blatant flirting, and
some dirty secrets to be revealed.

Puno ti hvala to my two fabulous betas - Mastah Betah Gatah Tallulah

Remiter, and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta Extraordinaire

Review for spanks.

23. Fear and Punishment 485

24. Climbing the Ladder
Things I own: 1/4 of The Hills of Twilight Secret Notebook, a purple
couch, and awesome Google skills.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


June 29th. I had one day. One more day until I'd have to extend my
search for a job outside the Seattle market. I had always known this
was a possibility - in fact, I was sort of expecting that it wouldn't be just
a possibility, but a probability. I had come to terms with it, especially
after the talk that Edward and I had when I broke down like a pitiful little
girl. I was grateful that those events happened, though. Otherwise, who
knew when we would have discussed our fears?

Regardless of the fact that Edward had said he'd follow me anywhere, I
could tell that he was on edge about the fact that my self-imposed
deadline was looming over us. I knew he was all too aware of the date
and how many more days we would have in our little land of blissful

Even through his trepidation, he still reassured me - as often as he

could - of his commitment to me... to us... What could tear other couples
apart only served to propel us even closer. Our bond was seemingly
unbreakable now. We had survived misunderstandings, past hook-ups,
meeting the parents... I was certain we could survive possible
relocation, as well.

He didn't know I was aware, but I had seen him researching medical
schools in other states - larger cities that were more likely to have
openings in their newspapers. I'd noticed him looking in Chicago, New
York, Philadelphia, LA, San Fransisco... I'd lost count after that. Even
so, just those five showed me he was completely honest when he said

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he'd go wherever I needed to go.

I only hoped we wouldn't actually have to put that to the test.

- - - l? - - -

Even though we were both trying very hard to ignore the giant pink
elephant that was in the room, it was always there, crowding us at every
turn. Still, we were trying to go about our days as normally as possible.

The end of June came and went, and with it left all sense of calm that I
had coaxed myself into feeling. On the first of July, I did as I said I was
going to and started sending out my resumes and recommendation
letters to my prospective employers. Besides the five that I'd noticed
Edward looking at, I also sent letters to Boston, Washington, D.C., San
Diego, Baltimore, Denver, and a plethora of other locations - a total of
forty-six to be exact. While I had a fair amount of money in savings and
my dad was available for any financial help I might need, I knew I
couldn't live off of either for very long.

Edward was being supportive, as he said he was going to be. He

continued to research medical schools across the country, only he didn't
attempt to hide it from me anymore. He was compiling all the
information he could find, and would move forward with transfer papers
for whatever location I got a job offer in.

My father had always known my career aspirations and what that meant
in terms of relocation, so he was not at all surprised regarding my
possible move. Edward's parents, on the other hand, had no idea what
he was prepared to do. He thought it would be best to wait until he
could give them specifics on a location before dropping the bomb on
them. I honestly didn't know what I felt on that front, so I was just letting
Edward handle it.

- - - l? - - -

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It was a Tuesday night and Edward and I were together, as we usually

were in the evenings. If the six of us weren't doing something, we
generally broke into couples. We had also been continuing our weekly
girls/boys nights out. Even though our last one ended in my boyfriend
coming home a complete mess, it was a good thing for us to connect
with our friends.

Though I had tried very hard not to constantly think about the status of
my applications at the various newspaper offices across the country, it
was really all my mind focused on. We were already in mid-July and I
had gotten nothing but rejection letters in the mail. Thank you for your
application and although your qualifications are quite impressive, they
are not what we are looking for at this time. We'll keep your application
on file for future reference, should another position become available.
I'd gotten to the point where I didn't even need to open them anymore -
they were all the same. We regret to inform you, blah, blah, blah.

To say I was getting discouraged would be an understatement. I knew

the job market was horrible right now, but I assumed there would be
something that I could find. Besides worrying about relocation, I was
now contemplating what it would mean if I didn't hear from anyone. Can
you say McDonald's?

Edward and I were cuddled together in his bed, my back curled to his
chest, while we watched a movie. I figured I had better let him in on
what was happening this week on the job situation. While I had been
keeping Edward somewhat informed of my progress (or lack thereof) on
the job front, I hadn't let him know the extent of all the rejection letters I
was getting and how nervous I was that nothing would come about and
I'd have to use my hard earned degree to flip burgers or bag groceries.

"I got another rejection letter today," I said quietly, figuring I might as
well get this over with.

Edward's arms tightened briefly around me before he nuzzled his face

in my neck, breathing a deep sigh. He kissed my neck quickly and said,

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"It'll happen, baby. Just give it some time."

I rolled my eyes at his constant optimism and forced myself to bite back
the snotty retort that was burning my tongue. Instead, I replied, "What if
it doesn't? What if no newspaper wants to hire me and I have to work at
the fucking Gap folding sweaters or something ridiculous like that?"

God, this whole situation had me so unbelievably dramatic and...bitchy.

Like my life depended on finding something within my degree to survive.
The problem was that I didn't just want to be a journalist. My goal was to
eventually become an editor. And I knew to do so, I'd have to put in my
time working my way up the ranks. I just figured the sooner I started, the
sooner I'd reach my goal. Working at The Gap would do nothing to help
me gain my ultimate desire. And it fucking sucked to know that I could
be working toward nothing but a paycheck.

"Bella," Edward sighed. "You are getting worked up over nothing. You
need to just relax. You've done everything you can... you sent off
applications to dozens upon dozens of papers everywhere. Something
will happen - maybe not immediately, but eventually."

I had no rebuttal for him. I could only nod and snuggle my back further
into his chest, hoping that he was right.

- - - l? - - -

Twenty-seven rejection letters later, I finally got a call.

I had an interview for one of the smaller newspapers in Seattle in three

short days. It wasn't for the position that I had initially applied for, but
instead for an assistant in one of the departments. And it was only
temporary - or temp to hire, anyhow. Regardless, it was the first call I'd
gotten and it was in fucking Seattle.

Yes, please and thank you.

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Telling Edward had me both anxious and excited. He was thrilled, of

course, and I was as well. However, it'd been a long time since I'd been
on an interview - and an interview for a "real" job as opposed to a
summer position at a family friend's sporting goods store were two very
different things.

Edward calmed me, like he had to do so frequently, and Alice helped

me select a kick ass interview outfit, which she assured me would show
confidence and professionalism.

The time before the interview flew by and it was all I could do to stay out
of the bathroom and not puke up my lunch at every turn. I had done
everything I could think of to prepare - forcing Edward to grill me with
sample questions that I'd found on the internet, researching the
newspaper relentlessly so that I would have a firm grasp on everything
should they ask me questions regarding what they did or their focus.

The hour before my interview, I had finally managed to get my nerves

under control. I knew that I would be great for this job. I knew I could do
this job. I knew that they would be lucky to have an employee like me
working for them.

With those thoughts in mind, I kissed Edward goodbye, promising to call

him as soon as I was done, and made my way to the car. And hopefully
toward a new career as well.

- - - l? - - -


All those fucking rejection letters were killing me. I knew how many she
got - even when she didn't tell me about them. I could tell by the set of
her lips when I would greet her at the door or by the stiffness of her
shoulders as she walked around. I just couldn't understand why any of
those fuckers couldn't see what a great catch Bella would be for their
company. And I was about ready to make some trips to some of these

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bastards and tell them exactly that in person.

But before I could get myself arrested, it happened. She got a call. Not
only for an interview at a paper, but for a paper that was based in
Seattle. It wasn't the Seattle Times, but it was still fairly wide spread;
and it wasn't what she even applied for, but at least she could get her
foot in the door.

Leading up to the interview, Bella was a complete fucking wreck.

Forcing me to throw questions to her night after night so that she was
somewhat prepared for what they may or may not ask her. I didn't know
if it was going to help at all, but at that point in time, I would have done
whatever she asked of me just so that she felt a little better.

If I thought she was a nervous wreck before the interview, it was nothing
compared to her post-interview jitters. The week following the infamous
interview was pure fucking torture. Bella ran to the phone whenever it
rang, generally sinking her shoulders in defeat when it wasn't the
newspaper. And let me tell you, that really did wonders for a guy's self
esteem when his girlfriend would sigh something like "oh, it's just you"
when you called her.

I love you, too, baby.

I knew where she was coming from, though; I was feeling it too. As
much as I hated to admit it, we had sort of put all of our eggs in this
basket. It just had to work out.

About a week after her interview, Bella and I were at her place, Jas and
Alice hanging out with us in the living room as we all watched Old
School for the forty-seventh time. We'd found that comedies were
definitely helping in the whole "Bella-drama" action that we were all
immersed in.

The ringing of Bella's cell phone broke through the apartment and
briefly gained the attention of the four of us, before Jas, Alice and I

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focused back on the TV and Bella hopped up to answer. Though she

tried to hide it, I knew she still got jittery and anxious every time she
heard the phone ring.

Her voice was muffled from her bedroom, but from what I could gather,
she was talking with someone that wasn't a friend or someone she
knew. I perked up immediately and darted my eyes to Alice, who had a
huge smile on her face, and briefly wondered if she knew something I

Deciding not to sit and wait to find out, I got up off the couch and
headed toward her bedroom, slightly nervous as to what I would find

"Okay," I heard Bella say. "No, thank you so much. Bye-bye."

I peeked through the door just as she ended the call and watched as
she lowered the phone to her lap and stared. She didn't look up when
she heard me approach and I couldn't see her face, but I sensed that
this was somehow not good.

Fucking shit.

I knew I needed to tread carefully. If that was the newspaper and they
called to let her know she didn't get the position, I would most certainly
be in for a sobfest tonight. I was absolutely fine holding her while she
wept, but I sure as fuck didn't want to be the catalyst that pushed her
over the edge.

"Baby?" I asked quietly, tentatively.

She looked up from her phone, her eyes locking on mine and I could
see the unshed tears there.


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My shoulders sagged and I let out a whoosh of air as I prepped myself

for what I'd need to do to console her tonight. "It's okay, Bella. There will
be others."

Once the words left my mouth and she had time to process them, a
huge smile overtook her face. She shook her head almost imperceptibly
and whispered, "No, Edward. There doesn't need to be others."

Cocking my head to the side, I raised an eyebrow, silently encouraging

her to continue her line of thinking.

"I got the job."

Say what now?

"" I sputtered.

"I got the job," Bella repeated, giggling a little in her excitement. "I start
on Monday."

Faster than I thought possible, I was in front of her bed and had her
scooped in my arms, congratulating her the only way that felt right.

"Oh thank fucking Christ," I breathed in a sigh of relief. "I really, really
didn't want to move."

She giggled at that and kissed me full on the lips before wrapping her
arms tighter around my neck and squeezing.

"Don't get too excited there, mister," she said as she wiggled her way
from my arms. "It's only temporary. I have a ninety day trial period, so
come mid-October, they'll decide if they want to keep me on

I blew out some sort of ridiculous raspberry/snort combo at her and

rolled my eyes.

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"Oh please," I scoffed. "They are gonna love the shit outta you, baby!"

Of course, because I was a fucking caveman, I had to scoop her up

again and drag her back into her bed to commemorate the occasion.
But not before I locked her bedroom door. Didn't want any unexpected
guests barging in on us... We had some celebrating to do.

And by celebrating, I mean fucking.

- - - l? - - -

Bella had been at her new job for a little over a week. She had a
love/hate relationship with it, but she was forging through. Apparently
being an assistant in one of the departments was code for being
everyone's bitch. Bella told me she spent most of her day getting coffee,
answering phones and making copies. Not exactly her dream job, but
like I told her - at least she had her foot in the door. And on the bright
side, she could only go up from here.

On the down side, she had been working a lot of late nights this week,
trying to get her bearings at the place and attempting to feel like she
knew what she was doing. That meant a tired/cranky/irritable Bella. And
a T/C/I Bella didn't like to be kissed... or even touched, really. Which
made for an H/C/I (horny/cranky/irritable) Edward.

Damn blue balls keeping me down.

Tonight, however, I had begged and pleaded for Bella to go out with
me. I knew I had to dangle a carrot in front of her face to get her to
leave work early - or on time, actually - and I had done so with promises
of dinner at her favorite restaurant and then a walk around Pioneer
Square downtown. Bella loved to get lost in the history and the culture
and the chaos that was always present there.

It was just before seven and Bella was in her room getting ready while I
was hanging out in the living room with Alice. Jasper was out and Rose

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and Em were gone doing God knows what.

Alice and I had settled into a relaxed conversation about the benefits of
creamy vs. crunchy peanut butter when I heard Bella's door open and
she rushed into the living room, searching for her purse.

"Baby, I'm sorry I'm so late," she muttered quickly as she darted here
and there, tossing pillows around in her wake. "I just need to find my
purse and then we can go."

I looked at her in amusement as I sat with said purse already in my lap.

Holding it up slightly to catch her attention, I looked at her with a small

smile on my lips. "Got it, let's go."

Bella sighed in relief and made her way over to me, grabbing it from my
hands and helping me to stand.

"Are you staying here tonight, Alice, or going to the boys' place?" Bella
asked as she slipped on her shoes by the front door.

"Dunno," Alice said shrugging. "Depends on what time Jas gets done.
Don't worry, I won't wait up for you guys," she finished with a wink.

I grinned at Alice before placing my hand on the small of Bella's back

and guiding her out the door.

"Okay sweetie," Bella yelled around the door as I was trying to shut it.
"Have a good night!" She was barely able to get the last word out before
I clicked the door shut behind us and grabbed her hand, pulling her
downstairs and toward my car parked out front.

Bella blew her hair out of her face with a huff and looked at me out of
the corner of her eye.

Ruh roh. She looks irritated.

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"Was it really a big deal for me to say goodbye to my best friend before
we left?" she asked exasperated.

"I thought I was your best friend?" I countered with a mock pout.

Putty in my hands. Insert evil laugh here.

Bella sighed and relaxed into my side. "Fine. My best girlfriend," she
said. "Waiting five more minutes wouldn't have killed you, you know."

"Well," I said as carefully as I could. I could not anger the beast tonight.
I planned on getting laid. More than once. "We do have reservations in
ten minutes and since it takes twenty to get there, I needed to get that
cute ass of yours moving." And because I was an ass that knew how to
work his girlfriend, I added, "Besides, I know how much you hate
making Sal wait."

Bella slid into the car after I had opened the door for her and slumped
into her seat. "You're right. I'm sorry I'm being such a bitch lately.
Working sucks." She crossed her arms petulantly in front of her and
pouted out her bottom lip.

"S'okay, baby," I said as I leaned down to kiss her pouty lip. "I know it's
been rough on you." Bella smiled against my lips and relaxed her
stance, letting her arms drop to her sides.

Thank fucking God. Crisis averted.

I practically skipped over to my side, ridiculously excited at the thought

that Bella might actually relax enough tonight to give me some play.

- - - l? - - -

Dinner was fucking amazing, as usual. Sal hooked us up with a corner

table in the back, secluded from the hustle and bustle of the restaurant.
Of course, I had to put up with him flirting with my woman, but even I

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could admit that it was entertaining to watch.

Bella and I were walking, hand in hand, around Pioneer Square,

stopping every once in a while to look at something she was interested
in. Her demeanor had been off tonight - heavy sighs punctuated her
normally happy behavior. I could tell she was disheartened with her job
thus far and I didn't know what I could do to help.

I pulled her to me, dropping her hand only to encase her against my
body. With my arm around her waist, I tucked her into my side and bent
slightly to place a kiss on her head. She sighed again, though this time
in contentment rather than unease, and wrapped her arm around me,
placing her hand in the back pocket of my jeans.

"I'm sorry you're not happy, baby," I said quietly. "Tell me what I can do
to help... I'll do anything to help."

Bella chuckled softly and reached her other hand up to pat my chest
before looking up at me. "I'm not unhappy, it's just a lot to get used to. I
just had these huge, unrealistic dreams of what I would be doing after
college and it's hard getting slapped with reality.

"And reality is that I need to pay my dues and work my way up. I'm
alright with that. I just can't help hating it," she finished with a humorless
laugh. "You are doing everything I need you to do - just being there for
me and putting up with my horrid mood swings." She averted her eyes
and her mouth turned down slightly in the corners. "I really am sorry I've
been so crabby this past week."

I stopped us in the middle of the sidewalk and pulled her closer to me,
squeezing her little body tight against mine, before I dipped my head in
for a kiss. Because, really, she could say sorry all she wanted to, but it
wasn't necessary. I understood that the change she was going through
was incredibly difficult for her and that reflected in her normally carefree

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Bella relaxed into my body and into our kiss, sliding her tongue along
my lower lip, then moving it into my mouth. Bella's soft moans tingled
over my lips as her hands slid up and down the contours of my chest. It
had been far too long since we'd kissed - really kissed - and I couldn't
help the way my cock stirred in my jeans. The way she was moving her
tongue against mine... her fingers against my skin... her tight little body
pressed deliciously against mine...

Fuck. I need to be in that tight little body.

My hands gripped her waist firmly and it was taking all my will not to
reach down, cup her ass and take her against the brick wall behind us.
It had been so long - too fucking long - and though I wanted nothing
more than to fuck her right here, right now, I didn't need every Tom,
Dick and Harry seeing my girl's bits.

So with great resolve, I removed my lips from hers and trailed my kisses
along her face to her ear and whispered roughly, "Car. Now."

Bella nodded quickly against my face as I grabbed her hand and tugged
her along behind me. I sure as shit hoped she didn't expect this to be
slow and sweet. With over a week of built up sexual frustration - and no,
not even multiple wanks throughout the day helped - I was wound tight
and simply could not be held liable for my actions. Later tonight, I would
take her home and kiss every inch of her body, bring her to her high
over and over again and then make sweet love to her till all hours of the
morning if she'd let me.

However, now? Now we were about to have completely frenzied,

completely animalistic sex.

Fucking. Pure and simple.

When my car was in sight, I glanced behind me to look at Bella, finding

her staring at me with the biggest grin on her face. Her cheeks and neck
were flushed and she had this excitement in her eyes that had been

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lacking for far too long.

She wants this. Badly.

I almost jizzed right the fuck there in my pants at the thought of what we
were about to do. Ever since The Library Sex, I had been itching to do
something as risqué again. Glancing around the parking lot, I was
thankful that we had spent enough time at dinner and walking around
that it was now almost dark and fairly secluded where we had parked. I
quickly unlocked my car and opened the door, gesturing for Bella to get
in the backseat.

Looking at the jeans she was wearing, I silently cursed myself that I
didn't anticipate wanting to do this and think to ask her to wear a skirt
tonight. This would be more difficult than The Library Sex, but I wasn't
going to let that deter me. I was a man with a plan.

Wasting no time, I jumped in the backseat with her and slammed the
door behind me before diving for the button on her jeans. My fingers
fumbled to get them undone as Bella reached to do the same for me.
Our lips connected in a frantic kiss, tongues and teeth thumping against
each other. Her hands were in my jeans quicker than I thought possible
and before I knew it, she had pulled my cock out and was stroking it,
her thumb rubbing quickly over the head.

Why the fuck can't I get her goddamn jeans off?

A frustrated growl built in my chest and Bella giggled against my lips

before detaching herself from me - and thus from my dick as well - and
quickly shed her jeans, as well as her shoes. Wasting no time at all, she
climbed over me and straddled my lap while grabbing my face roughly.
Her lips were on mine before I could blink and I felt her cloth covered
pussy grind onto my very hard, very needful cock.

Bella's mewls and pants and groans were doing nothing to help me gain
the focus I needed so that I didn't pound her into the goddamn floor

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mats. All I could think about was the fact that we were in public and that
Bella was writhing on my dick and her lips were so wet and fucking
urgent on my mouth and why in the fuck didn't she take her damn
panties off?

I could feel how wet she was through the thin lace and it was driving me
absolutely insane. I needed to be buried inside her now. So, I did what
any normal, hormone driven man would have done.

I reached down, yanked her panties to the side and slammed her down
on my cock.

"Edward!" Bella gasped as her hands found their way to my hair and her
head fell back, effectively pushing her tits right in my face.

And, really, who was I to refuse this wonderful gift she was obviously
offering me?

Momentarily removing my hands from her hips, I roughly grabbed the

hem of her shirt and yanked it up, exposing her...covered tits?

What is this fuckery?

"What the hell is this?" I growled to Bella, really fucking irritated that I
didn't have one of her nipples in my mouth at this very moment.

Bella's head snapped up at the sound of my voice and she glanced

down before she breathed, "It's a... bra top... just pull down," she
finished while she yanked at the scoop neck of her shirt, revealing one
of her perfect breasts to me.

Hello nipple. My, how I've missed you.

I couldn't think about the fact that Bella had just spent the entire night
with me without a real bra on or I was sure that I would immediately
combust, especially since I was hanging on by a thread as it was. The

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absolute compulsion we had to feel each other - right here, right now -
combined with watching Bella writhe on top of me while I sucked her
nipple in my mouth was going to do me in far too fucking quickly

"Oh God," Bella gasped. "God, I missed you... missed feeling you..."
Her hands were in my hair, holding my mouth to her chest, while I
guided her hips up and down along my shaft.

I could only manage a grunt in response because, really, did we need to

do the dirty talking right now? Did she not notice how close I was to just
fucking losing it?

"Please, baby," she continued, obviously not paying attention to the

telepathic signals I was sending her, "don't let me go so long again... I
need to feel you... feel you inside me..."

Jesus fucking Christ!

Knowing that I wasn't going to last but approximately twenty-two more

seconds, I removed one of my hands from her hip and snaked it in
between us, immediately seeking out her clit. Wasting no time at all, I
flicked over it roughly and then pinched it, shoving Bella forcefully
towards her climax.

"Yes, baby," I groaned against her breast, "cum with me." My tongue
flicked out and lapped at her nipple before I engulfed it in my mouth and
nibbled it with my teeth. Bella's body began to shake and tighten before
she breathed out her relief as her body convulsed around mine.

"Fucking hell," I muttered, as I dropped my head back to rest against

the seat and my eyes closed through my own orgasm. My hands were
firm on Bella's hips, holding her to me as I released into her.

She collapsed against my chest, breathing heavily as her hands roamed

up and down my sides. After a few moments, Bella lifted her head and

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placed a kiss over my heart, murmuring her preferred sentiment of 'only

you' before placing several soft kisses on my lips.

My hands found their way to her neck, gently holding her face to mine
as I returned her kiss, and her words, and thought of how our frenzied
fuck turned into something soft and completely loving at the end. It was
comforting to know that no matter what, our connection was present in
everything we did.

A/N: Please refer to my soapbox from last chapter.

Thanks to Naughty Sparkle for the mundane debate question briefly

mentioned in the chappy. Many thanks to the wonderful reviewers - I
don't get to respond to all of them, but I read every one and smile or
laugh or giggle along with you.

It's pimpin' time up in here. Go read this now...I haven't been this thrilled
about finding a story since Clipped Wings. Living Backwards
www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/s/5074723/1/Living_Backwards and if you
haven't been here: www(dot)thehillsoftwilight(dot)blogspot(dot)com
then you don't know what you're missing. Secrets to be revealed...

Mange tak to my two smutterific beta h00rs - sweet, delectable sugah

tits sharing (and legs spreading) il_suo_cantante and Awesome Sauce
Spreading Beta Extraordinaire KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

24. Climbing the Ladder 502

25. The Calm Before the Storm
A/N: Brief note... James was mentioned several times in previous
chapters. To give you the quick lowdown, he was Bella's first high
school boyfriend and the guy she lost her virginity to. That info
*may* come in handy this chapter. :)

This chapter is dedicated to jadedandboring who went out and got

her fuck on with her man in the library because of this here little
ditty. Tell your hubs, you're welcome.

Things I own: A brand new Beef Bus, a pair of black ruffled

panties, and a new clit kisser. I'll let you know how it is.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


I hate my fucking job.

And I truly mean hate. Not dislike intensely. Not have an extreme
distaste for. Hate.

I had spent the last two months doing nothing but getting fucking coffee
and picking up dry cleaning and ordering office supplies for a bunch of
shitheads. It would be one thing if I even remotely liked some of my
co-workers, but if they weren't vengeful, hateful bitches, then they were
gross, skeevy old dudes leering at me at every turn.

Maybe I didn't truly think about all aspects of working in such a

cut-throat industry.

And, cue huge sigh here.

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Edward had been beyond amazing. If there was one good thing to come
from this horrendous job experience, it was how much closer Edward
and I had become. I didn't think it was possible, but somehow we
managed. His constant love and understanding for what I was going
through was pretty much the only thing that kept me sane. Well, that
and his awesome bedroom skills.

Over the last eight weeks, while I was living out the most God awful
working experience of my life, the rejection letters continued to pour in. I
had gotten a few calls from places sprinkled across the U.S., but after a
brief phone interview with each one, I would inevitably receive a letter
from them as well. I thought by now I had to be getting close to no
longer receiving them. I mean, I only sent out resumes to
forty-something newspapers. Surely the rejection would stop soon. I
wasn't sure if my poor ego could take much more.

However, the letters did serve an important purpose. If nothing else, it

showed me that I had no choice but to stick with my job - much to my
dismay - and hope that, in time, it would get better.

Our last few weeks had proven to be another adjustment period for
Edward and me. He was back in school, so just as we were getting
settled into my new schedule, our lives were uprooted once again with
the start of his. It still wasn't as bad as it was right before graduation, as
we had learned our lesson there and fought to find time to spend
together. As it was now, it was odd that we weren't in bed together each
and every night. We had even briefly touched on moving in together -
simply in passing - because it was really incredibly stupid for the six of
us to pay for the rent in our large apartments when we were just
spending our time in one location with our respective partners.

I knew that the time would come when we would all part and go our
separate ways. And even though I knew we'd all be in the same city, it
would still be the end of an era. While I would be incredibly happy to
share a home with Edward, I would still miss my girls.

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Thinking along those lines, I couldn't help but wonder what life would be
like if Edward and I lived together. While we had "played house" a time
or two, helping out at his parents' home when needed, we still wouldn't
know what to expect by being around each other night and day with no
escape. Regardless, I was certain that though he may irritate the piss
out of me from time to time, nothing would make me happier than to
know for a fact that all my nights would end with his long eyelashes
brushing lightly against the tops of his cheeks, and all my mornings
would start with his beautiful green eyes staring back at me.

Though Edward had hinted at us sharing the same address, he'd never
come out and specifically discussed his thoughts with me. Surprisingly, I
was fairly easy going about the entire situation. It was my feeling that if
it happened, it happened. I wasn't going to work myself up into a frenzy
thinking and worrying about it. What would come would come. I knew
without a doubt that Edward was by my side, and I his. Nothing else
mattered to me.

- - - l? - - -

"So, what are you going to do when they offer you the job?" Edward

"If," I reminded him, "if they offer me the job."

I had just completed day 82 out of my 90 day trial period for my

horrendous job. Edward and I had somehow gotten on this topic of
conversation - discussing our futures and what I was planning to do -
while snuggling in bed.

He rolled his eyes at me and sighed dramatically. "Fine Bella. If they

offer you the job, what are you planning to do?"

Rolling onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling. Edward moved to his

side and propped himself up on his elbow, his feet dangling off the end
of my too-small bed. It seemed that we always had our best

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heart-to-hearts while in bed. Seemed we had our best non-speaking

heart-to-hearts there, as well.

I began to gnaw at my lip, feeling the flutters in my stomach - reminding

me that this was not an outcome I had a plethora of options in.

"If they offer it to me, I have to take it," I said, my voice flat and lifeless.
"It's a paycheck and even though I hate it, I don't have a choice."

In the beginning, Edward had continued to encourage me, telling me

that things would get better and that maybe I would start to enjoy it
more. But after almost three months, it was clear that it was never going
to happen. I had yet to learn one facet of the industry, other than the
fact that the women were catty. I didn't need a dream job with a corner
office and a salary that allowed me to eat at five star restaurants rather
than slumming it with ramen noodles. My aspirations were high, but
realistic. All I really wanted was a job that allowed me into the trenches.
A job where I could do something - put my degree and my passion to
use. That, however, was not even remotely close to what I was actually

My boss had informed me that after the ninety day trial period, should I
be offered the job, I would be given a few more responsibilities, some of
which actually included working on parts of the newspaper.

It's something at least.

"Bella, I know they're going to offer you the job," Edward said while
rubbing soothing circles on my stomach. "They've given you so much
praise while you've been there, how can you doubt it?"

"Wishful thinking?"

Edward chuckled at me and leaned down to kiss me softly. "You know

you can still look for other jobs even after you accept this one. It's not
like this is the last job you'll ever have."

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I nodded my head and replied, "I know, and I will. It just makes this all
the more real...the permanence of it."

I knew I should be happy about a job that offered permanence. It would

mean that I would be in Seattle with Edward and we could go on with
our lives and plans as we wanted. Still, I couldn't help but think there
was something more out there that I should be doing. Something that I
enjoyed and that allowed me to explore the love I had for journalism.

Maybe I was living in a pipe dream. Maybe this was what all college
graduates had to go through. Maybe I should just suck it up and deal.

But maybe...maybe there was something more out there for me.

- - - l? - - -

"Bella, did you hear anything today?" Alice asked from the kitchen as
she finished grabbing the take-out containers to bring into the living

It was our weekly girls' night out - or in, rather - and we were all prepped
in our lounge pants, baggy sweatshirts and ponytails. It had been a long
week for all three of us, so instead of heading out, we decided some
Chinese take-out and chick flicks from the comfort of our couch was just
what we needed.

I grabbed some of the containers Alice carried in and opened one

before dumping some on my plate and passing it to Rose.

"Um," I said around a mouthful of food, "no, not really. I mean, no more
than usual," I finished with a shrug.

The days had been ticking by, more quickly with each one that passed it
seemed, and I was preparing myself for the inevitable future of: Bella
Swan, Assistant Bitch to the News Department. My boss had been
talking to me more and more about it. He was very upfront and candid

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about how much they enjoyed me there and that they were very much
interested in keeping me around on a permanent basis.

Probably because no one else puts up with this shit.

Though I hadn't officially been offered the job yet, I knew it was going to
happen. I had resigned myself to that fact, sure that I could get through
as much time there as needed. However, I would still do as I planned
and continue my job hunt while trudging through the daily grind, all the
while earning a meager paycheck.

"I bet Edward is happy that you found something here," Rose stated
after she swallowed her Chow Mein Noodles. "Lord knows the boy
would go insane if he didn't get in your cooter five times a week," she
finished with a snort.

Alice and I giggled at the truth of the statement, while I muttered, "You
have no idea..."

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I have an idea," Rose said. "Emmett is like a fucking
convict just released from jail. I swear, that boy feasts on me like a
starving kid from Ethiopia."

"Oh my God!" Alice and I gasped together before we burst out in

laughter. I definitely did not want to know about Emmett's oral skills - or
any other skills for that matter. Unfortunately, Rose had absolutely no
filter, so even though I'd rather pluck all my eyebrows out than hear of
"the night of five," I rarely had a choice in the matter.

After our giggles died down, we continued chatting about our week - our
jobs, our boys, our families - as we normally did. Our focus naturally
fixated on the guys. All three of us were in great places in our
relationships and that seemed to breed excited, girly conversations that
just couldn't be helped.

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"Has Jas talked anymore about finding an apartment?" I asked Alice.

Though we were all about the same place as far as our relationships
went, I knew Jasper and Alice would move in together - and maybe
even get married - in a heartbeat if the opportunity presented itself.

Alice shook her head, calling over her shoulder as she carried our
dishes into the kitchen, "Not really. I mean, we talk about it all the time,
but more as in the future." She walked back in and curled up in between
Rose and I on the couch, burrowing under the blanket with us. "Nothing
has changed - we are still in our lease until December, even though the
guys are going month-to-month now. But I do want it to happen as soon
as possible and I think Jas feels the same way."

Even though I knew it was inevitable that our lives would head in this
direction, it still hit my heart hard. All I had known for the last four years
were these girls. They were my support system - who I came to when I
needed to laugh or cry. All my ups and all my downs had been had
surrounded by the comfort of these two women. They were my family in
more ways than some - hell, even most - of my blood relatives. While I
was incredibly happy about what it would mean when we separated, I
couldn't help but feel the pang of remorse, as well.

We were growing up. And I was scared shitless by what that meant.

- - - l? - - -


"I'm going to ask Alice to move in with me."

Jasper's blunt statement caused Emmett and I to choke on the beers

we were consuming while we looked over at him with wide eyes. I
darted my gaze quickly to Emmett to take in the shocked expression on
his face, which I was sure was mirroring mine.

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While moving in with our respective girlfriends was always something

that I sort of had in the back of my mind, that was just where it stayed. It
was always a definite, but more of a someday sort of definite, rather
than an immediate future sort of definite. I knew Emmett wasn't in any
hurry to move out and I was content just sort of going with the flow.

That being said, the idea that this was something directly on the horizon
wasn't such a bad thing. Especially with the promise of seeing Bella
anytime I wanted.

Mmm... seeing and having Bella anytime I wanted.

Once I shook my head to clear my horny thoughts, I gained my

composure, coughing quickly to clear my throat and asked, "How

Emmett whipped his head to mine and then back to Jasper's while he
waited for the response. Clearly, he was still stunned speechless.

"I think their lease is up at the end of December, so probably the first of
January," he said as he sipped at his beer. "I've already started to look
around a bit. I know she would love to live in a loft downtown. I thought
it'd probably be a good idea to see what's out there."

I could feel my mouth go slack while I listened to him. He wasn't fucking


Shit. What does this mean for Em and me?

Emmett seemed to have the same shocked-slash-panicked look on his

face as before, while he registered what this meant for the two of us.

"Sorry guys," Jasper said softly. "I know we've talked about it briefly
before, but we never really had any definitive plans. I'm sure now. I can't
live without her...and I don't want to have to anymore."

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If I didn't feel the exact same way about Bella, I'd be ribbing him for
being such a pussy.

I nodded my understanding and turned my attention to Emmett, "Hey

man, are you ready to move in with Rose?"

I knew, without a doubt, that I was ready to take that step with Bella.
We'd talked about it nonchalantly before, but never said specifically
when we wanted to make that move. I didn't, however, know if Emmett
was in that place. And while I wanted nothing more than to share every
day with Bella, I didn't want to hang Em out to dry.

He looked from me to Jasper, this sort of baffled, dumbfounded look

across his face, before I noticed the corners of his mouth twitch, forming
a slow smile. Not three seconds later, he jumped from the couch and
pumped his fist in the air, shouting something about finally having pussy
whenever he wanted.

Fucking Emmett.

After Emmett's show of completely idiocy, we all settled back into the
couch with our beers in hand while we watched whatever was on tv, all
the while just wasting the time away until we could see the girls again.

Yes, it's official. We've turned into pussies. In fact, I'm pretty sure that I
can clearly see each of our vaginas.

- - - l? - - -

After I had finished my classes late the following afternoon, I headed

over to Bella's apartment to pick her up for the work thing we were
attending that evening.

Once I got buzzed in, I jogged up the flight of steps, taking the stairs two
at a time before I made it to Bella's door and knocked lightly.

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"Hey Edward," Alice said as she greeted me at the door and gestured
for me to come inside. "She's just in her room getting dressed."

I smirked a little and took off towards Bella's bedroom, saying, "Well, I
better hurry then, huh?"

Knocking briefly on Bella's door, I heard her yell from the inside for me
to come in at the same time I heard her phone ringing from the

"Hey baby!" she called out from the bathroom. "Can you grab that for
me? I'll be right out."

I reached for her phone, noticing a number I didn't recognize, and

pushed the button to answer.


"Oh," a male voice said, before I heard his throat clear. "I'm sorry, I
might have the wrong number. I was looking for Bella?"

"You've got the right number," I said as I walked towards the bathroom.
"Can I tell her who's calling?"

"Sure, this is James."

James...James...James... Why did his name sound so familiar?

"Hang on," I mumbled into the phone while I rapped lightly on the
partially opened door to the bathroom. I pushed it open fully and took a
moment to look at Bella. She was wearing a fitted dress, which looked
to be made out of the material of a sweater, that fell to just above her
knees. I wasn't used to seeing Bella in dresses or skirts, so I was sure I
was sporting a slightly shocked - though quite happy - expression on my

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Bella noticed my staring and glanced down before shrugging slightly

and mumbled, "These sweater dresses are comfortable." She leaned
against me, hands on my chest, while she stood on her tiptoes to kiss
me in greeting. "I missed you last night," she mumbled against my lips.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her tightly against me,
while we continued our greeting. With our tongues.

After a short while, she pulled away, pushing against my chest slightly
while she looked up at me and asked, "Who was on the phone?"

Oh shit!

"Oh shit!" I said, filter clearly gone. "Sorry baby, he's still there." She
raised her eyebrows at me in question and I gave a sheepish grin back
to her. "It's someone named James."

Bella's eyes widened in surprise while she held out her hand for the

"James?" Bella said excitedly into the phone. "It's been too long! How
are you? How's Forks?" she fired one question after another as she
walked back into her bedroom.

James? From Forks?

As in 'I was the first dick to ever be in your girlfriend's pussy' James?

Fuck my life.

While Bella was chatting away excitedly, I plopped down in her desk
chair, arms across my chest as I pouted about about the sharp turn this
evening had taken.

I had hoped we could have fucked by now. Or at least had my fingers

inside her. Or her mouth on me.

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But instead, I was sitting here like a fucking petulant two-year-old while
my girlfriend talked to the guy who had his dick in her before any other
motherfucker. Including me. I was wallowing in my own self-pity before I
realized that there was a prime opportunity available to me now.

Bella was chatting away with James, all animated and shit, while I was
here. In the same room.

I could listen.

I should listen.

So instead of listening to the blood pounding through my ears, I angled

my head toward Bella and zeroed in on their conversation.

"Oh, I remember," Bella said giggling, her face turning a light shade of
pink. "I was drenched - completely wet."

The fuck?

She paused for a moment before continuing, "Well, it was so hard! I

couldn't help it..." she giggled while trailing off. "You weren't any better!
You didn't help me at all, you just kept pounding away." Her face was
growing an increasingly dark shade of pink and I was sure mine was
completely fucking red by now.

Drenched - completely wet - because of something that was hard while

James pounded away. This is not awesome at all.

I was clearly in some sort of alternate universe where your girlfriend

talking about her past fucks right in front of you was considered
acceptable behavior.

After that bit of information that I absolutely did not want to fucking hear,
I decided it was probably better for my health - and for the life of James
- if I didn't listen as intently anymore. Instead, I sat and fumed, going

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over all the possible events that could have made sense in the context
Bella used those phrases, trying to remind myself that I was only
hearing one side of the conversation.

However, rather than coming up with plausible outcomes, all I could

think about was Bella, dripping wet, and some other douchebag fucking

I growled slightly and harshly rubbed the heels of my hands against my

eyes, attempting in vain to dispel those images from my mind.

"Edward?" Bella asked as she stepped in front of me. I heard her set
her phone down on the desk behind me before her hands were both
tugging on my wrists gently while she attempted to pull my hands from
my eyes. "Are you feeling alright?"

I snorted and responded, "Just fucking peachy." I mean, really, what

sort of mood did she think I was going to be in after having been
subjected to that?

Bella's fingers loosened on my wrists before I felt her give my skin a tiny
pinch. I yelped in response and removed my hands, looking at her with
what I assumed to be the 'what the fuck did you do that for?' stare.

"I thought you were okay taking me to this work thing tonight. Why are
you all of the sudden in a bad mood?"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes while I muttered, "Maybe because I had to

listen to you discussing how you were completely wet for James not five
minutes ago."

Bella looked at me quizzically for a short while before realization

dawned on her face and she burst into laughter.

Not exactly the response I was expecting.

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"You are ridiculous," she said between giggles. She shook her head
and grabbed my hands, placing them on her hips while she set her
hands against my shoulders, her thumbs rubbing circles on my neck.

"We were talking about our senior project in high school, which was
building a house for Habitat for Humanity." I continued to stare at her
blankly, not at all following where she was going with this or what in the
fuck it had to do with all the wetness and hardness and pounding she
was going on about.

She saw the still-confused look in my eyes and continued without my

prompting, "Our class built a house. In the rainiest place in the U.S.,"
she said slowly, as if I should know exactly what this meant. "Hello?
This is me we're talking about here! Holding a hammer and attempting
to pound on nails while everything - including myself - was completely
drenched from the constant rain." She shook her head, another giggle
escaping her lips. "I'm actually lucky I still have thumbs considering how
many times I slipped and hit them with the hammer."

My posture relaxed immediately as I processed what she just told me.

Then I felt my cheeks grow warm in embarrassment from my jumping to
conclusions. Again.

Well, at least you didn't hide out under a pillow this time.

Bella laughed at my expression and said, "I don't know why you were
worried. I already told you that I didn't have any other crazy exes
hanging around. James is included in the non-crazy ex category."

I sighed and nodded, squeezing her hips a little while I looked up into
her eyes. "I know... I just," I started before trailing off. "I can't help it.
When I even think about any other guys near you, my inner caveman
comes out and completely fucking takes over!" My voice had become
louder with each word that escaped my lips and I had to take a deep
breath and calm the fuck down before I continued. "Plus, hearing just
your side of the conversation, it sort of sounded like you were talking

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about..." I paused and cleared my throat, averting my eyes from her.

"Sex," I half groaned, half whispered. "Add that to the fact that you told
me before that Emmett didn't like him and my radar went up, I guess."

"Edward," she said while rubbing my cheek. "Em hated every guy I
dated... For absolutely no reason. You're just lucky you were friends
with him first, or you'd be on his shitlist, too," she finished with a
chuckle. "You know you don't have anything to worry about, right?" She
didn't pause for my answer before she continued, "I love you. No one
else. Only you." She brought her lips to mine in a quick kiss, her hands
cupping my cheeks. The moment was so tender that I wasn't at all
expecting what she did next.

Her lips turned up in a mischievous grin and she pulled her hand back
and then brought it down, playfully slapping my cheek. It didn't hurt - or
even sting, really - but I was so stunned at Bella doing that, I could only
manage to stare at her with wide eyes and a slack jaw. Her head fell
back and a loud laugh escaped her, effectively pulling me from my

"What the hell was that for?"

She brought her head back to look down at me, still giggling continually.
"Well, I've told you half a dozen times and you don't listen. I thought
maybe I could slap some sense into you. Literally." That brought on
another round of giggles and I couldn't help the smile from forming on
my face.

"Well," she said between laughs, "at least you didn't hide from me
behind a pillow this time. That shows progress," she finished with
another chuckle.

Even though I had just thought that very same thing not five minutes
ago, I couldn't let her get away with her teasing. Grabbing her by the
waist I stood up quickly, lifting her as I went, and tossed her on the bed,
following closely behind. I straddled her legs, trapping her under me

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before I started my tickle torture. After a solid five minutes - when

Bella's laughter had turned silent and she had tears streaming down her
face - I finally relented and hopped off of her, taking my place next to
her on the bed.

She attempted to regain her composure, taking deep, cleansing breaths

while she recovered.

Looking over at me she said, "Was that really necessary?"

I scoffed and said, "You're the one who chose to get physical. You have
only yourself to blame."

She made a shocked face and poked at my chest before saying, "That
was way worse than a little slap."

I grabbed the finger she was using to poke me and pulled it up to my

lips, kissing it softly. A smile crept up on her lips and she scooted closer
to me, hitching her leg up over my thigh.

"So, speaking of crazy exes..." Bella trailed off. "Why is it that we

haven't run into any of the 'frequent bed guests' of your pre-Bella

I cleared my throat and looked down at her, wondering if she really

wanted to know anything about my exes. I thought back over the few
women that had been in my life during my pre-Bella college career,
thankful that I didn't have the chance to run into them at all. "Well,
because all my exes - if you could even call them that - are
approximately 3,000 miles away. But, I'm sure we could arrange a little
trip if you wanted a little more excitement in our lives."

Bella barked out a laugh before she quickly responded, "Uh, no," she
said while shaking her head. "I'll be a happy woman if I never run into
any of your past conquests."

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I pulled her close, my lips placing a lingering kiss on her forehead,

before I said, "If you did, would you turn into crazy, jealous girlfriend?"

She stilled her movements and I felt my lips curve up into a smile
against her skin. "Mhmm," I said. "That's what I thought."

"Oh shut-up," she said while giggling, as she pushed her hands against
my chest. "Maybe I would be a little jealous. But, fortunately, we never
have to find that out," she finished with a satisfied smile. "Come on, we
need to get going." She jumped off her bed and headed to her closet,
grabbing a pair of what appeared to be knee-high boots.

Oh fuck.

I watched with rapt attention while she slipped one on, zipping the boot
over her shapely calf.

"...going to be late." Bella snapped her fingers in front of my face and

said, "Did you hear me?"

"Huh?" I asked still staring at her legs, while she moved to the other

She giggled at me before she slowed her movements on her leg,

teasingly running her fingers along the smooth skin there.

If only those were my fingers. Or, you know, my tongue.

"I said," she teased loudly, leaning over so her face was in my line of
sight, "that the thing starts at seven and we're going to be late. Let's
go." She got up from the chair and walked over to me, holding her hand
out to help me up.

Grabbing hold, I stood, yanking her to me slightly, before I wrapped my

arms around her waist. My hands trailed up her back into her hair
before they slid back down, making their path along the expanse of soft

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material that made up her dress. I bent at my knees slightly, allowing

my fingers to come in contact with the smooth skin of her leg, before
dragging them back up and under the skirt of her dress. Once my
fingers made purchase on the lace of her barely-there panties, I
squeezed her ass and pulled her into my body.

Leaning over, I kissed my way up her neck, stopping at her earlobe to

flick my tongue out before sucking it into my mouth. "Do you realize how
hard it's going to be for me to watch you tonight, in this dress with these
boots on, knowing exactly what you have on under here, and not be
able to do anything about it?" I whispered hoarsely into her ear.

Bella shivered against me, her body flush with mine while her fingers
played with the buttons of my shirt. She turned her head to the side, her
lips finding the sensitive skin of my ear before she said, "Who said you
can't do anything about it?"

Fuck. Yes. I have the best girlfriend in the world.

I looked up at her face, only to notice a smirk there, while she grabbed
her purse and reached back to take my hand.

This evening was either going to be a lesson in self-control, doing

everything I could not to fuck my girlfriend while her boss was 30 feet
away. Or, it was going to be a lesson in self-preservation, doing
everything I could not to get caught by her boss while I fucked my
girlfriend 30 feet away.

Decisions, decisions.

A/N: In regards to last chapter: I think you all have an awful lot of
"whoops" pregnancies in your lives. Sometimes crabby is just fucking
crabby. An excerpt from an earlier A/N: "First and foremost, I am not
running an afterschool special here. I didn't talk about birth
control, cuz I didn't wanna. You can imagine whatever the fuck you
want - she's on the pill, he's wrappin' the sausage, whatev - just

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know she's not gonna get preggers in this fic. And, just trust they
are being responsible adults and talking about it as they should."
So can we please stop with the pregnancy inquiries?

It's pimpin' time up in here! theladyingrey42 won me over with her

three (THREE!) entries for the T&I o/s contest so it came as no surprise
that I would love her multi-chaptered fic as well. Go read Love
Amongst the Ruins
www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/s/5219763/1/Love_Amongst_the_Ruins and
also check out The Lazy Yet Discerning Ficster
www(dot)discerningficster(dot)blogspot(dot)com/ on 9/20 when I give
my Guest Fic Recommendation for LAtR.

Guess what's debuting on Thursday, September 17th? The keeper to

the secrets will be revealed on The Hills of Twilight. Be sure to put me
on *author alert* so you know when it launches!

Hartelijk dank to my two smutterific beta h00rs - my one and only Kitty
Twin il_suo_cantante and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta
Extraordinaire KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

25. The Calm Before the Storm 521

26. The Storm Clouds Descend
So, after the reviews from last chapter...I don't...I feel like
you guys don't even KNOW me. *sniffle* After 25 chapters, you'd
think you'd be on to my ways. If the story says that James is a
non-crazy ex, he really is a non-crazy ex. If the story says that all
of Edward's exes are 3k miles away, they are all 3k miles away. I
do not mindfuck in LR. I save that for The Hills of Twilight. *evil

I am taking many liberties in this chapter. All I can say is this is

fiction. I know that the probability of certain aspects of this chapter
are extremely slim and possibly not even accurate, but it works for
the story. Please do not send me reviews or PMs saying that it
would never happen. Just go with the flow and enjoy the ride. :)

We have two wussperv ratings for this chapter: 64% from

KatieBelleCullen, 70% from ilsuocantante.

Things I own: Black framed librarian glasses, Night Blooming

Jasmine body wash from Bath & Bod and a red iPhone case.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly


It had been just over two weeks since the function with Bella's
colleagues. In that time, she had been offered the permanent position
as Assistant to the News Department, and though she wasn't thrilled
with it, she'd accepted it with open arms, knowing that she didn't need
to stay there forever. Her mood had brightened, albeit only slightly, with
the release of the added stress that not having a permanent position
created. While it was obvious she wasn't happy about where she was,
she was sucking it up and paying her dues, waiting for a better
opportunity to come along.

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School was back in full swing for me and this year was my hardest yet.
It meant long hours and unbelievable amounts of time spent studying,
but I was doing everything in my power to make sure I still had time for
my friends, my family, and most importantly, for Bella. We were holding
strong, spending most of our evenings together, and we continued
having dinner with my parents once or twice a month. The girls had also
put together a strict schedule of 'sex nights' as Alice referred to them.
Obviously, all the guys got excited, but Alice quickly shot down our
perverted plans when she explained that it was the splitting of the sexes
nights, she just decided to shorten the term.

And obviously fuck with us.

Emmett, Jasper and I tended to spend our guys' nights discussing our
plans with the girls regarding moving in together. We had turned into
such unbelievable pussies; it would have been embarrassing if we
weren't all in the same position. The three of us talked about everything
from where we would live to how we would ask them to when we would
ask them. None of us had broached the subject with our significant
others, although both Em and Jas were itching to do just that. It was my
begging and pleading that got them to relent - allowing me some time to
get my shit together.

Though I knew I was ready to move in with Bella, I couldn't discuss this
with her just yet. I wasn't ready to ask her to move in with me.

I was ready to ask her a different question altogether.

- - - l? - - -

I can't believe I'm in here.

I almost mentally argued with myself, knowing damn well that I wanted
to be here. I was ready to be here.

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After all that Bella and I had been through over the last several months,
it just cemented my belief that we were it. The one thing that so many
people wandered through their lives hopeless and searching for, we
had. I wanted nothing more than to share every day for the rest of my
life with Bella. I knew I could have with her exactly what my parents
had. Years of love and life and children and home and comfort. Years of
being whole...complete, but only with each other.

And that thought made me the happiest fucking man alive while
simultaneously scaring the shit out of me.

I anxiously took in my surroundings, frantic and excited and nervous as

fuck the entire time. I could feel Jasper on my heels, silently following
me as I searched. We'd been to twelve different locations thus far and I
still hadn't found exactly what I was looking for. But I knew, without a
doubt, that I would be certain once I did.

Jasper was being the ever-faithful friend, not saying a fucking word
about how long it was taking me, or how incredibly bored he must have
been, or about how I might as well have been carrying around a fucking
purse with my balls in it. I knew, though, in asking Jas to come with me
that he would support me silently, only giving his input when he felt I
needed it. That was the benefit of being best friends with someone for
almost twenty years.

After making my rounds, I shook my head and heaved a sigh while

saying, "Nope, not here, either."

Jasper came up behind me, clapping his hand on my shoulder. "We'll

find it, man."

I nodded, not completely believing what he said, almost sighing in


"Hey, what about that place down at Northgate Mall? Amanda's or

Angela's or something like that..." Jasper suggested, trailing off while he

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scratched the back of his neck, still trying to remember the name of the
store. "Oh! Alana's, I think. Alice keeps talking about the different pieces
they have there. Wouldn't hurt to try, right?"

I shrugged and replied, "Might as well. Maybe it'll be lucky number


If I didn't find what I wanted pretty fucking soon, I was about ready to
make the damn thing myself.

- - - l? - - -

I was in my room, sprawled out on my bed, as I carefully inspected the

tiny box in my hand.

I actually bought this.

Well, not so much bought as purchased on a shitton of credit.

I internally cringed at what my credit card bills were going to look like for
the next seven years or so while I paid this mother off. Still, it didn't
matter. It was worth it. She was worth it. And so much more, even.

The location Jasper suggested turned out to be the place. A mix of

brand new pieces, as well as estate jewelry, filled the contents of the
glass cases that adorned the outside perimeter of the store. It started
much like all the other places had. I walked, hands stuffed in the front
pockets of my jeans, while I scanned the inventory they offered. I was
so certain that the right piece would jump out at me that I didn't spend
much time scouring the cases, but merely glanced over what I could
see. Jasper hung back while I made my way carefully around the store.

And then I stopped.

My stomach clenched and my muscles got tense and my heart sort of

jumped into my fucking throat.

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I found it. I fucking found it!

Jasper immediately noticed my pause and came to stand next to me,

his forearms leaning against the top of the glass case.

"That it?" he asked, gesturing with his head toward the ring that caught
my eye. The ring that would be Bella's.

"Yep," I breathed, my voice a little shaky.

"You know you don't have to do anything," he said as he turned his

body toward mine. "You don't have to buy anything today. Or you can
buy it and keep it for a year. You don't have to do anything you're not
ready for."

My loud bark of a laugh startled us both and I quickly darted my eyes

around the room, slightly embarrassed for my outburst in our quiet

"That's just it, Jas," I said softly, still staring at the ring. "I'm ready.
Completely ready. And that's what scares the fuck out of me." I shook
my head before continuing, "I'm only twenty-four for fuck's sake! What
kind of guy is ready to get married at twenty-four?" I asked exasperated.

"Well, you, apparently," Jasper said. "And Emmett and myself, as well.
Look, Edward, who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks? If this is
right for you and it's right for her, that's all that matters."

And with that I'd decided he was right. I didn't give a shit what anyone
else thought or how society would look upon two people as young as
we were - one still in school no less - getting married now. I was ready.
And if she was ready, then our fate would be sealed.

My phone startled me out of my memories and I quickly shoved the box

in my nightstand drawer before grabbing my phone.

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"Hello?" I asked, not taking the time to check caller id.

"Edward," Bella breathed, relief and anxiety present in her voice.

"Baby? Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked, immediately concerned.

"Um, well," she stuttered. "I just got a phone call..." she trailed off. I sat,
not saying anything, while I waited for her to continue. With a deep
breath, she said, "I got this phone call about a job."

"What?" I shouted, flying upright in my bed with a huge grin on my face.

"Baby, that's great! What paper is it at? When is your interview? What's
the position for?" I shot question after question at her, too excited to
contain myself.

I knew Bella hated her job with a passion, so if there was an opportunity
for her to leave that hellhole, I would gladly support it.

"Edward," she whispered, the nervousness still there in her voice. "Can
you come over earlier than we planned? Maybe go grab dinner
somewhere? I really need to talk to you about this."

"Oh, sure, of course," I said glancing at my clock. "I can pick you up in
an hour, does seven-thirty work?"

"Yeah, that's perfect. I'll see you then," she said with a sigh.

"Okay," I said, still concerned about the tone of her voice. "It'll be fine,
baby. We'll talk it all out, alright?"

"Yeah, okay," she said. "I love you, Edward."

"I love you, too, baby. I'll see you soon."

Hanging up the phone, I jumped off the bed and headed toward the
shower. I didn't know why Bella was so anxious, but getting a job

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interview for something she wanted to do was a definite plus in my

book. And, of course, a cause for more celebratory fucking.

- - - l? - - -


Another hellish day at the office had just come to a close and I
practically ran from the building out to my truck, anxious to get home
and see Edward later tonight. Once I was in the seclusion of the cab of
my truck, I grabbed my phone from my bag and quickly checked my
missed calls.

312 area code?

I certainly didn't recognize that number. I pressed the button for my

voicemail, listening intently at the message left there.

"Hello Isabella. My name is Shelley Cope, Head of Human Resources

at the Chicago Tribune. I received your resume along with your
recommendation letter from Ms. Goff a while ago, but just recently
spoke with Ms. Goff personally. We are starting a new program here at
the paper and after getting in touch with some of my contacts in the
industry, I heard back from her. She gave nothing but rave reviews for
your talent and your work ethic. I would very much like to set up a time
for you to come interview with us. I understand that with you being in
Seattle, we will have special circumstances, so I would like to conduct a
brief phone interview to see if we would be a good fit for each other and
then we can move forward with a more formal interview if necessary.
Please give me a call back at your convenience. I will be in the office
until six this evening and all day tomorrow as well. I look forward to
speaking with you, Isabella."

This couldn't be happening.

No. Fucking. Way.

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With my mouth agape, I glanced at my watch. 5:13 pm. I still had plenty
of time to get in touch with her so I quickly went to my recent calls and
hit the button to do a call back, waiting anxiously while the phone rang.

"This is Shelley, how may I help you?"

I cleared my throat quietly and spoke, "Hello Shelley, this is Isabella

Swan. I received your voicemail about setting up an interview for the
new program you are starting."

"Oh, yes, Isabella!" she said brightly. I could hear her shuffling papers
around in the background while she paused briefly. "Ah, here we are.
Isabella Swan, graduated in May with honors. Also, an obvious favorite
of Ms. Goff." The smile in her voice was hard to miss and I couldn't help
but smile in return.

"Well, I don't know about favorite, but yes, I did spend a great deal of
time with her this past year. She's a wonderful professor."

"Mmm, yes I have no doubt about that," she replied. "Ms. Goff and I
graduated together from UW; we go way back. Which is why I trust her
recommendation implicitly. I was thrilled when I got your resume with a
letter of recommendation from her, however we didn't have anything
that would have been a good fit for you at the time. I do believe,
however, this new position may be just what you've been looking for.
Let's see here, I have a bit of time before I need to head out, would you
be able to answer a few questions now?"

Self-consciously, I sat up straighter and smoothed my hair down before

I realized she couldn't see me and I could be sitting in my pajamas with
spinach stuck in my teeth for all it mattered.

"Yes, of course," I answered immediately, anxious to hear more about

this 'perfect' position for me and what it would entail.

"Great! Let's get started..."

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- - - l? - - -

The phone interview lasted longer than either of us expected. We got

along beautifully and it was so easy to talk freely with Shelley about
what I wanted out of a career in the journalism field.

After hanging up with her, my heart felt both heavier and lighter all at
once. While this was an amazing opportunity - and probably a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity at that - it also meant making some
extremely difficult choices for my future.

Shelley was very vocal about her enthusiasm of me joining their team
and was excited to extend the offer she did regarding a more in depth
interview in person. Since I wasn't local and had extenuating
circumstances, they were prepared to fly me out to their offices for a
week long trial period. During which time, I would be able to begin
working immediately in the position that was open in the editorial
department. The entire situation was completely new to the Tribune -
from flying in a candidate for a week long interview, to the job itself - so
they were flying blind as to how to proceed. Shelley said she was
trusting her gut on most items concerning it and she was very pleased
to move forward with me as a candidate.

Of course, me being me, I told her that I would have to discuss the
situation with the people in my life and get back to her.

Because I'm a fucking idiot.

Fortunately, she was completely understanding, going on about how it

would be a huge change and was definitely worth considering in depth
before making any commitments.

After hanging up with her, I sat for a moment and thought about what
this would mean for me. Shelley had made it clear that they were
hoping to fill the position immediately and that if I accepted the invitation
for the week long trial period and all went well - as she said she

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anticipated it would - that they would want me to start within three


I quickly mentally calculated the timing of it all. Assuming I flew to

Chicago for the week long trial the beginning of next week and was
offered the job, I would be expected to start no later than November 9th.
Right in the middle of the semester for Edward.

Why couldn't I get this call two months ago?

Although we hadn't needed to discuss it in quite some time, I knew

Edward would follow me to Chicago in a heartbeat. Assuming school
didn't conflict. We never really planned for what might happen should I
get an offer once he had started back again. He obviously couldn't just
up and leave in the middle of the semester, and even if it was a
possibility to transfer, he would need to send in his application and get
accepted - both of which could take weeks, if not months.

I was doing nothing but working myself up into a panic and I knew I
needed to talk this out with Edward. Grabbing my phone, I dialed his
number and waited for an answer. I knew my voice wasn't steady and
my nerves were showing as brightly as fireworks in the sky on the
Fourth of July, but I couldn't help it.

With a time set for Edward to pick me up, I started my truck and headed
home to change. Thankfully, I had an hour to prep myself for what was
sure to be one of the most difficult conversations of my life.

- - - l? - - -

I hadn't said much to Edward when he came in to pick me up. Or on the

way to the restaurant. Or after we'd ordered and eaten our food. Or by
the time I'd finished those three glasses of wine...

"Bella?" Edward asked, leaning toward me over the table. He extended

his hand to mine, touching it lightly before squeezing it to get my

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attention. "You haven't said but ten words the whole night. You did have
something you wanted to talk about, right?"

I swallowed audibly and raised my eyes to meet his while I nodded my

head slowly.

"Well, tell me about this job," he said while relaxing back against the

"Okay, well," I started, my mouth dry and my hands damp and my heart
clenching almost painfully in my chest. "Um, I got a voicemail while I
was at work. I checked my phone when I was about to leave and got the
message from Shelley - the Human Resources person." Edward sat
there with a smile on his face and tipped his head slightly, encouraging
me to continue. "Well, there's this new program they're doing. They
want to reach a new market - a younger market - and they think they
can do that with editorial positions written by twenty-something adults."

"Wow, Bella! That's amazing," he said. "Does that mean you'd get to
choose your topic for the week? Or is it daily? How often would your
column run? Is that what it'd be called - a column?" He was shooting
questions at me left and right. I could see the excitement in his eyes,
hear it in his voice. More than anything he wanted me to be happy in my
career. He had told me time and time again that we spend too much
time at our jobs to do something we hate. Which was why he had
encouraged me to continue seeking employment - in Seattle and
beyond - even after I had a permanent position.

"Slow down, Edward," I said, holding up my hand to make him pause.

"I'm not sure on most of those things. Shelley just gave me a basic
overview of what the job was and what they were interested in hiring me
for. We did an interview over the phone but she wants me to come there
for a week and do a trial run."

"Why did you do an interview over the phone? And what do you mean
'go there for a week'? Where is there?"

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I reached for my glass of wine, swallowing the last bit of it before I set it
down and met Edward's eyes once again.

"It's for the Chicago Tribune."

Edward's face registered confusion then shock then sadness before he

put on a mask of serenity and spoke, "Wow. Chicago." He expelled a
deep breath and reached for my hand. "Baby, we knew this was a
possibility - a strong one at that. You'll go for the interview and if it's a
good fit and you think you'll enjoy it, you'll take the job."


He cut me off immediately, "No buts, Bella. We've already talked about
this and what it would mean. I'll come to Chicago..." he trailed off, his
eyes darting down to the table before connecting with mine once again.
"I'll get some applications ready right away and send them off to the
different schools there. It might take a bit before I can make it happen,
but worse case scenario is that I'd be able to come out in June."

I knew this was coming, knew it was a probability that Edward wouldn't
be able to join me until the end of the school year. Still, I couldn't help
the tears from forming in my eyes. Sucking in a deep breath, I bit the
inside of my cheek, attempting in vain to stop the silent streaks from
running down my face.

"Bella," Edward whispered as he moved to slide in the space next to me

in the booth. "Baby, please don't cry." His arms wrapped around me
and I clung to him, my hands gripping his shirt tightly while I cried my
heart out into his warm chest.

The comfort this man brought me would never cease. He was consoling
me when I'd just been the one to tell him of my possible plans to leave. I
was ruining this and he was supporting my decision if it meant my

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Could I ever really be happy without Edward by my side?

- - - l? - - -

"Chicago?" Alice asked in disbelief as she sunk down onto the couch.

"Wow," was all Rose could say.

I knew exactly what they were feeling - I was still feeling it myself. Last
night after I'd dropped the bomb on Edward, we came back to my place,
content to make love and have hushed conversations till the wee hours
of the morning. While I felt remotely better after being reassured -
multiple times - from Edward, my stomach was still in knots.

Even with Edward in the know, I knew I had to discuss this entire
situation with my girls. The sooner, the better. So I called an emergency
meeting immediately after work. Alice and Rose both rushed home, no
doubt thinking I was announcing our engagement or something else as
exciting. They were obviously in for a little shock.

"When?" Alice asked, once she could regain control of her thoughts.

"I'm not sure exactly," I said after releasing my lip from between my
teeth. "Shelley mentioned wanting to fill the position right away. I told
her I would let her know by tomorrow whether I was interested. If I go
and they decide to hire me, I think they'd want someone to start the first
or second week of November."

"Four weeks?" Rose asked, alarmed now. "All we get is four fucking

"Rosalie!" Alice hissed, slapping her hard on the knee. "I don't really
think Bella is in need of your temper tantrum right now!"

Not able to hold back the tears any longer, I felt them build on my
bottom lashes before spilling over and rolling down my cheeks. I shook

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my head and actually laughed at the situation. Above anything, it was

going to be things like this that I would miss the most from my two best
friends. The banter and the comfort we felt with each other was not
something I would ever be able to replicate no matter how many new
people I might meet.

In a heartbeat, they were surrounding me. All gentle hands and soft
sighs and silent comfort. My girls - my sisters for all intents and
purposes - were offering me love and reassurance in the face of one of
the hardest decisions of my life.

God, I will miss them.

- - - l? - - -

I was still staring at my phone, the number I was intending to dial having
been pulled up on the screen for nine minutes and thirty-two seconds.

Not like I am counting or anything...

"Baby," Edward sighed, his hand rubbing soothing circles on my back.

"We've been over this. And over it again. And again. It would be foolish
for you to not go for at least the interview." He leaned in and placed a
soft, comforting kiss on my lips. "Just call her already."

For the last day and a half, I felt like all I was doing was crying. My
stomach was a constant state of nervous energy, my heart in a
permanent ache. Even with all of that, I knew this was what was right for

And I felt like a fucking selfish bitch for admitting it.

"Don't," Edward said sternly. "Don't you fucking dare rethink this. It will
be fine. We will be fine," he emphasized. "You're not going to get rid of
me just by moving across the country - it's going to take a lot more than

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I snorted and rolled my eyes as I replied, "If I was trying to get rid of
you, I'd kick you in the ass and shove you out the door."

"Good to know," Edward said while laughing. He gestured to the phone

once again. "Now, call."

Sighing, I finally pressed the call button and waited for Shelley to
answer and for my fate to be sealed.

"This is Shelley, how can I help you?"

"Hi Shelley," I said, my voice raspy with unshed tears. I cleared my

throat and spoke again, "It's Isabella Swan."

"Oh, Isabella!" she said. "It's so good to hear from you. Did you have a
chance to think over the opportunity and discuss it with your family?"

"Yes, I did," I said, taking one last look at Edward for encouragement.
After a small smile and a nod of his head, I took a deep breath and
continued. "I did, and I would love to come out for the week and see if
we'd be a good fit for one another."

"That's wonderful news!" she exclaimed. "I'll make the arrangements

right away. Will you be able to get away next week or shall I make the
reservations for the following?" she asked.

"Next week should be fine," I replied, knowing full well I had already
cleared my leave for the following week.

And I may or may not have told a tiny white lie to get said leave...

"Fabulous, Isabella," she said. "I'll be in touch tomorrow and let you
know the final details."

"Thank you so much, Shelley. I'll talk to you soon."

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I sat for several moments just staring at the phone, not yet able to look
at Edward.

I'm really doing this.

"I can't believe I'm really doing this," I whispered. I turned my head and
looked to Edward who was giving me a small but reassuring smile.

"I can," he said before kissing me. "You're amazing. I'm just surprised
it's taken this long to get a call."

He was always my constant supporter; even when that meant our


It was going to work out alright.

It had to work out alright.

I didn't know what I'd do if it somehow didn't.

a/n: I'm sorry. Trust, trust, trust.

Once again. I am not a journalist. I did not attend med school, nor have
I ever tried to transfer mid-year from one to another. I have never flown
across the country for a job interview. Any and/or all of that information
contained in this chapter could very well have just been pulled
completely out of my ass. I honestly don't care. This is how I needed to
work it for the story, so this is how we're gonna play it. For those who
want to join me in my illusions, I have cookies and whips waiting.

Now, because I knew you'd need some cheering up after this chapter, I
wrote a special outtake since so many people assumed the office party
would be included. Ha. Tricked ya. No office party. We do, however,
have some office fucking. It'll be uploaded to Les Autres Rendezvous
shortly with that smutilicious piece. While you're over there, add it to
your alerts or add me to author alert so you know when all the

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wonderful snippets arrive.

It's pimpin' time up in here! I have two fabulous one-shots for you to
read and both these h00rs are going to be so embarrassed that I'm
doing this. *snicker* Hand in Glove by windycitywonder ~
www(dot)fanfiction(dot)net/s/5395548/1/Hand_in_Glove and Never
Think by my fabulous beta ilsuocantante ~

Spanks and gropes to my two smutterific beta h00rs - my one and only
Kitty Twin ilsuocantante and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta
Extraordinaire KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

26. The Storm Clouds Descend 538

27. Weathering the Storm
A/N: Many, many thanks to all the reviewers - you guys really are
beyond words. I'm pretty sure I have the best reviewers in the
fandom and...well...that's just really fucking awesome.

I've been told no wussperv rating is really needed on this chapter.

We're in the high 90s, so go forth and enjoy.

Things I own: Four wool coats, a new pair of contacts & a gift card
for Victoria's Secret

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly


She's leaving.

Granted, it was only for an interview and she didn't have the job as of
yet, but I knew - I just knew - she would be offered the position. She
was intelligent, hard working, and had incredible work ethic. She had a
presence about her that made people take notice. No doubt her
prospective employer would see all those things and would be tripping
over themselves to add her to their team.

As soon as she called to accept the interview, the wheels started

turning in my head. I started planning, thinking of all the things I needed
to do - and quickly - in order to move things along for a transfer. I knew
that transferring mid-year would be extremely difficult, but not
impossible. The main problem was going to be timing; I hadn't sent in
any applications to med schools across the country yet. And,
unfortunately, they all had deadlines for applications, all of which had
long since past. The best I could hope for would be a transfer at the
semester break, and even that was pushing it. If that was able to
happen, though, it would still leave about eight weeks for our

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separation. However, that was better than the six months it would be if I
couldn't transfer before year end. Which, unfortunately, was another
definite possibility.


I had just decided I was ready to spend the rest of my life with her. No,
scratch that. I had decided that long ago. What I had just decided
recently was that I wanted to ask her to spend the rest of her life with

And now? Now...I had to put those plans on hold. There was no way I
could propose during these circumstances. I didn't want Bella to think I
was doing this only because she was moving, and I certainly didn't want
her to think it was my way of persuading her to stay in Seattle. When I
proposed I needed to make sure she knew it had nothing to do with
outside influences - just her and me. Just our love as the catalyst for my

Sighing, I stashed the ring away in my nightstand drawer. I had taken to

getting it out whenever I was stressed - which was quite fucking often
over the last few days - and just looking at it. As lame as it sounded, it
was my reassurance. I was in this for the long haul, and I knew Bella
was as well.

If...when...she got this job in Chicago, we would make it through.

We had to.

- - - l? - - -

"Are you nervous?" I asked, watching her from my perch on her bed as
she scrambled around the room. Her suitcase was almost packed for
her flight that left in a few hours, but she was deciding on a suit to wear
for her first day, which would include her second interview.

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My arms were behind my head, propping myself up so I could watch her

as she held up option after option in front of the mirror.

She rolled her eyes before connecting them with mine as she looked
back at me in the reflection of the mirror. She arched one eyebrow and
asked, "What do you think?"

One side of my mouth turned up in a small grin, Bella's lips

automatically matching mine. "You have no reason to be nervous and
you know it," I said as I sat up and moved closer to her, taking a place
on the edge of her bed. "You're going to do fine. We've been over this a
dozen times. You know journalism; you're good at it. Not to mention that
you do very well in interviews. They are going to love you."

Her small smile faded and she began gnawing on her bottom lip, the
worry evident in her eyes. Reaching out, I grabbed her by the belt loops
of her jeans and pulled her toward me, her back still to me. Wrapping
my arms around her, I brought her flush against me, her ass pressing
into my chest as I placed my cheek against the slope of her waist. Her
arm went around my head, her hand holding me to her as she
mindlessly ran her fingers through my hair.

"I would go with you if I could, you know," I whispered, our eyes locked
in the mirror. I only hoped I wouldn't be saying those same words to her
again in the very near future.

"I know." She nodded. I could see the tears forming in her eyes before
she blinked them back and put on a brave mask. Turning in my arms,
she asked, "So, black or gray?" I pointed to the gray suit and she
nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, I think so, too."

Reaching for her garment bag, she loaded the suit inside, careful to
keep it as wrinkle-free as possible. She put it by the door, along with her
suitcase, and turned back to me while glancing at her watch.

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"Well," she said with a smirk, "it looks like we have a little over an hour
before we have to leave for the airport." She made a show of bringing
her hand up to her face, tapping her finger lightly against her lips as she
contemplated, "What ever should we do?" Her eyes darted to mine and
I could see the playfulness there.

Fuck yes. I'm getting laid.

Thank fucking Christ, too, because quite frankly, I was a little concerned
that my dick wasn't going to get any attention paid to it before she left. If
that happened, I would have no choice but to be left to my own devices.
And, well, her devices were so fucking much better.

"I can think of a few things," I said smiling as I reached for her,
beckoning her to come closer. She sauntered over to me with a smile
on her face, swaying her hips more than necessary until she was
standing in front of me. Her hands went to my shoulders while mine
gripped her hips. Resting my forehead against her stomach, I let myself
just feel her - her nearness, her softness, her warmth - while she lightly
trailed her fingers from my shoulders, up my neck and into my hair
before retreating again.

Pulling up the hem of her shirt, I placed soft kisses along the waist of
her jeans, my lips dancing around her stomach while her muscles
fluttered under my lips. Her deep sigh told me more than words could
have; despite her playful act before, she was aching and needful of a
reassurance of our connection.

I moved my fingers to the buttons of her jeans, releasing each of them

before pulling her pants down her legs. Moving her hands once again to
my shoulders, she braced herself as she stepped out of them, kicking
them unceremoniously to the side. I slid my hands up from her hips,
over the curve of her waist, her shirt bunching up as I went. Her arms
lifted as I stood, pulling her shirt up and over her head before allowing it
to join her jeans on the floor.

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My fingers trailed lightly down her back, stopping to unclasp her bra
before removing it from her body. My lips found her neck, her shoulders,
her collarbone, as my mouth devoured her sweet skin, soaking up as
much of her as I could. Sitting back down on the bed, I was eye-level
with her breasts and didn't waste anytime before swooping in and
claiming one with my mouth.

Bella's hands dove into my hair, lightly holding me to her as I sucked

gently on her nipple, my hands still roaming her soft skin. Her
breathless sighs filled the room as she reveled in the feel of my mouth
on her. She brought her hands down to my shirt, tugging on it as she
silently told me that I was wearing too many clothes. My hands left her
hips as I pulled back briefly, my fingers gripping the back of my shirt by
my neck before yanking it off. I tossed it to the side as I stood, watching
as Bella backed up slightly to allow me room to stand in front of her.

Her hands found their way to my pants, undoing the button fly before
she tucked her fingers into the waistband of my boxer briefs and slid
them down my legs, along with my jeans. Stepping out of them, I
gripped her by her upper arms, moving us so her knees were against
the bed before I pushed lightly, indicating that she should sit. As soon
as her ass was on the bed, her lips were perfectly aligned with my cock
and I looked down at her just as she looked up at me with a cocked

Before I could even register it, her tongue darted out and licked at my
head, swirling around the tip before dipping slightly into the slit. She
retreated, smirking, and fell back onto the bed, sliding herself up to
situate her body more comfortably in the middle. I crawled up her legs,
gripping the sides of her underwear once I could reach her, and pulled
them down and off her legs.

Once she was completely naked, I just looked at her, my eyes roaming
over the planes and valleys of her beautiful body. At one point in time,
she would have shied away from my appraising stare, but now she
indulged me this. Instead of attempting to block herself from my view,

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one of her arms was bent at the elbow, her hand resting next to her
head on the pillow, while her other one lightly trailed up and down her
stomach. Her cheeks still tinged pink, however, at my gaze, and I
couldn't help but notice the flush on her chest as well. My fingers traced
mindless patterns on her skin, my fingertips soaking up the intensity of
our connection.

Bending over her, I brought my lips to her neck, sucking lightly in the
exact spot that I knew would make her moan.

Ah, there it is.

My lips traveled up to her ear, whispering softly, "You are so beautiful,


She brought the hand that was caressing her stomach up my arm,
lightly tickling the skin there while she turned her head to me, seeking
out my lips. Our mouths connected, tongues sliding against each other
with ease and familiarity. Even though she was leaving in mere hours,
there was no incessant need to consume her as quickly and
savagely as possible. There was only us...our bodies loving each other
in the slowest and most sensual way we could.

Breaking the kiss, I traveled my lips down her skin, dusting kisses along
her chest and the swell of her breasts. I moved to the underside, my
tongue lightly tracing the crease where her breast protruded from her
ribs and smiled against her skin as her hands flew to my head and she
gasped at the sensation. Continuing my way down, I sucked and
nibbled at her skin, tasting her wherever I could, until I came to the apex
of her thighs and waited eagerly as she spread her legs wider for me.

I kissed her hipbones, her upper thighs, her pubic bone, never relenting
in my teasing to move where she wanted me, even as her hips moved
erratically, attempting to follow my lips and guide them to where she
needed me the most.

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Finally giving in, I used one of my hands to spread her with my thumb
and forefinger as I placed a kiss directly on her clit before taking a long
lick along her slit.

"Oh, God," Bella gasped, her words spewing from her mouth in a moan.

My free hand tickled along her thighs and danced at the sensitive skin
around her pussy before dipping down and feeling the wetness her
body had created. For me. I slipped first one, then a second finger
inside her and pumped in slow, deliberate movements. After our months
together, I could play her body as well as I could play my piano and I
knew exactly how to entice the orgasm from her.

Her moans grew louder, her hands clutching at my head as she kept me
exactly where she needed me to be, pressing slightly to get me to
increase the pressure of my tongue. I flicked it out quickly, fluttering it
against her clit and felt her body tense up as her soft moans cut off, her
entire self stilling as her orgasm hit her. Her grip on my hair tightened
and she lifted slightly off the bed before expelling a low "fuck," as I felt
her pussy pulse around my fingers and against my mouth. My tongue
continued to draw lazy circles around her clit as her body convulsed
sporadically at its sensitivity.

She tugged on my hair as she said softly, "Edward, please. Make love
to me."

Like I would ever say no to that.

My cock thumped against my stomach at Bella's words as I began to

make my way up her body, my lips not being able to resist kissing her
skin once more. Once I was close enough, her hands gripped my face,
her thumbs stroking my cheeks as she brought my face to hers, kissing
my lips sweetly.

"I love you, Edward," she said as I slid into her.

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So fucking warm.

"I love you, baby," I breathed, our foreheads resting against each
other's while our bodies rocked together.

We allowed ourselves to just be together, and although we were both

working toward our peaks, it wasn't the sole purpose of our
love-making. We both needed to feel; to be reassured and to be certain
of our connection. My lips didn't leave her skin, while hers paid mine the
same attention. The room was filled with the sounds of our bodies
connecting and with our breathless moans and with our whispered
words of reassurance.

It will be okay.

Bella's hand had found its place between us, stroking against her clit to
the rhythm of our love-making, so it came as no surprise that she was
ready when I nearly moaned, "I'm there, Bella."

Her nod against my shoulder was all I needed and I allowed myself to
pick up the pace slightly, feeling the hand that wasn't touching herself
gripping my ass tightly, flexing and guiding me in my movements.

"Yes, Edward," she moaned, and I allowed myself to finally fall over the
edge. My body spilled into hers before I found her lips once again, as I
allowed my mouth to say what I didn't trust my voice to.

- - - l? - - -


The trip to the airport had been awful. Not only was I nervous as fuck
about my impending interview, but I was nauseous - literally feeling the
need to spew my lunch - at having to leave Edward behind.

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Yes, I understood that it was only for a week and I didn't need to get all
flippin' emo about it, but the fact of the matter was, I couldn't help but
think about what very well could happen in a mere couple of weeks. I
could be doing this all over again. Only at that time, I'd be leaving for

Still, I forced myself to put on a brave face as I hugged and kissed

Edward goodbye before making my way through the security check and
to the plane. I swallowed back my tears, not allowing myself to shed
one yet. I was a big girl...I could handle this.

Landing in Chicago and then navigating my way through O'Hare had

been a lesson in patience, but I made it to the baggage claim mostly
unscathed. Save for the heinous bitch that felt it necessary to ram me in
the heels with her huge fucking suitcase; or the group of five people that
found it necessary to take up half the walkway, creating a traffic jam; or
the four-year-old that puked on the floor right in front of me that I didn't
have the speedy reflexes needed to dodge.

Yes, my day is turning out just fucking awesome.

After getting my suitcase, I looked for the car service that Shelley had
told me would be there to take me to my hotel, and after only a few
uncomfortable minutes, I was able to find what I was looking for. Once
the driver had taken my bags and gotten them loaded into the trunk, I
sunk into the plush, leather seats of the Town Car and allowed myself to
finally relax.

I promised I'd call Edward as soon as I landed, so I pulled out my phone

and pressed the button for his speed dial, then waited for him to

"Bella," he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Hey," I replied quietly, grasping what little privacy I could with another
person in the car.

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"How was your flight?"

"Long," I sighed. With the time change, it was already well past dinner
and I hoped the hotel would have some sort of restaurant or room
service so I could grab something to eat. The shit they passed off as
food on airplanes never sat well with me. "I'm in the car headed to the
hotel now. I'm not sure how long it will take, but it looks like traffic isn't
too bad," I remarked as I took in the interstate we were now cruising

"That's good," he said. "I know it'll be tough, but try to get some sleep
tonight. What time do you have to be in tomorrow?"

"I'm meeting Shelley at 8:30 in her office. We'll probably talk for a while
and go over the normal interview stuff before she shows me around the
Trib." I felt the all-too-familiar butterflies flutter up in my stomach as I
anticipated what was to come tomorrow. Shelley had already gone over
most things with me: that I would be meeting with her more in depth so
they could go over their standard interview, then I would be meeting
everyone that I would have contact with at the paper, including the head
of the Editorial Department.

"Okay, well I'll be in class until 2:30 tomorrow, so I won't get to talk to
you, but text me when you can," he said, "and definitely call me when
you are done for the day."

I nodded my head before I mentally cursed at myself, knowing full well

he couldn't see me through the damn phone. "I will. But, we'll talk more
tonight, right? After I get to the hotel I mean?"

"Of course, baby," he said. "I'll be here. I think Em and Jas and I are just
going to order pizza and watch some porn."

I couldn't stop the laugh from escaping - quite loudly, no less - at what
Edward had said.

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"Hey, don't laugh! Throbbin Hood, Prince of Beaves has all the potential
of a great romantic movie with lessons on intimacy."

I snorted again, my laughter full blown now, before I replied, "Well, you
guys enjoy that. All the better for me when I talk to you later, I guess." I
tried to make my voice casual enough for my words to go unnoticed by
the driver, yet seductive enough to get a rise out of Edward. The low
growl he gave in the phone showed me that I'd succeeded on that front.
The raised eyebrow and smirk I caught in the rearview mirror from the
driver, however, told me I failed on the former hope. It looked as though
I needed to hone my double-oh-seven skills if I ever had any hope of my
life as a spy taking off.

"Call me when you get to your hotel. And don't be wearing any panties."

My mouth dropped open at his command and I blushed seventeen

different shades of red. Between the driver and my relentless boyfriend,
I was sure my face was going to be permanently scarlet.

Edward chuckled on the other line before saying, "I was only joking,
baby. I didn't mean to get you all flustered."

I composed myself quickly and muttered into the phone, "You didn't.
And I won't be."

Double-oh-seven might be far out of my reach, but I definitely know how

to work the Vixen Bella.

I could hear Edward opening and closing his mouth several times on the
other and I giggled into the phone. "I was only joking, baby. I didn't
mean to get you all flustered," I repeated.

"You better fucking not be joking. You, me, two hours, no panties for
you. Got it?" he demanded.

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The smile overtook my face and I said, "Got it. I'll call you in a bit. I love

"Love you, too. Bye, baby."

Hanging up the phone, I rested my head against the headrest and

sighed while closing my eyes. My nerves were getting the better of me
and I knew that this was going to be a long night and an even longer
week. I figured I might as well get some rest while I could.

- - - l? - - -

I stood, staring slack jawed as I took in the surroundings of my hotel

room. When Shelley had told me they were putting me up in a hotel for
a week, I had assumed that I would be staying in someplace like the
Holiday Inn...or maybe a Ho Jo's or something. Not fucking Trump

I could only assume this was one of the hotel's studio suites, as I had a
full kitchen and a huge bathroom, as well as a shitton of living space. I
couldn't stop the nervous-slash-excited giggle from erupting out of my
throat as I dropped my bags by the bed.

Maybe this week won't be so bad after all.

Glancing at the clock, I noted that I had only a short amount of time until
the main restaurant downstairs closed for the evening, so I quickly
decided what I wanted and called in my order for room service before
taking a more in depth look around.

I walked into the bathroom and took in the wide expanse of counter,
complete with double sinks, as well as the separate glass shower and
garden tub. Once I saw that, the wheels started turning on what I could
do for my phone call with Edward later tonight. Smiling to myself, I
exited and moved to the living space and began unpacking my bags so
that my clothing options for the week stayed as wrinkle free as possible.

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In hardly any time, my room service was delivered and I made quick
work of my food, starving as I was. With a mere ten minutes to spare
before I had promised Edward I would call him, I made my way to the
bathroom and started the water, waiting for it to grow warm. I looked at
the toiletries provided and noticed some citrusy scented bubble bath,
and added that to the filling tub before I stripped quickly and settled in
the hot water.

I'd remembered to get my phone before I readied my bath, and I

grabbed it off the towel that I had placed on the stone side of the tub,
and navigated my way to the camera. Being careful not to drop my
too-expensive phone in the water, I stretched my arms out and took
several pictures before I was satisfied with one showing just enough to
get Edward to be putty in my hands. I quickly texted it to him with the
message of "Im ready 4 our date...r u?"

I set my phone down on the towel once again and leaned back with my
eyes closed. It couldn't have taken more than three minutes before my
phone was ringing and I smiled to myself as I wiped my hand and then
reached for the phone, immediately putting it on speaker.

Going for as casual as I could, I answered simply, "Hello?"

I could hear him flopping on his bed and heard the sound of rusting
clothes, assuming he was getting I was currently.

"Please tell me you're still in the fucking bath, Bella," he said a little
more forcefully than he probably intended to.

I couldn't help but giggle as I replied, "Oh, you wanted me to stay in? I
just took the picture and got right out again."

"Bella," he drawled, mocking irritation.

Laughing quietly, I responded, "Yes, Edward, I'm still in the bathtub." I

could hear his sigh on the other end and the sound brought a smile to

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my lips. "Where are you?"

"In bed. I flew out of the fucking room as soon as I got your text," he
snorted. "I'm pretty sure Jas and Em know exactly what I'm up to."

"Hmmm," I said thoughtfully. "You'd better put on some music to mask

your moans, then." Even though this was never anything we had
engaged in before, I found it surprisingly easy to be flirtatious and a little
more daring while we were over the phone. In the time we had been
together, I'd grown quite comfortable in anything we did - especially in
bed - and this was, fortunately, just another area I could add to the list.

I could hear Edward messing around with his iHome in the background,
obviously taking my advice to heart, before the sounds of one of our
playlists came on in the background.

"Can you hear it, too, baby?" he asked as I heard him settle himself on
the bed once again.

"Mhmm," I sighed, relaxing even further into the water. "Good choice," I

"Thank you." I knew if I could see him, he'd be flashing me his cocky,
little side smirk.

God I love that smile.

"Is the hotel okay where they put you up?" he asked.

"Oh my God, Edward," I said, getting excited once again. "You wouldn't
believe where I'm staying." Not waiting for him to get a word in, I
continued immediately, "The fucking Trump Tower! It's gorgeous. The
room itself is a studio, so there's no separate bedroom, but it's still
huge! And it has a full kitchen so I don't have to go out to eat the entire
week. Though I suppose I'll have to find out where there's a grocery
store around here so I can get a few things," I added as an afterthought

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before continuing, "Oh! And you should see this bathroom! Good Lord
it's amazing. The tub I'm in is huge! And there are two sinks...even
though I know I don't need them both, it's still nice, you know?" I finally
stopped to take a breath and heard Edward chuckling on the other end.

"So, I take it you like it?" he asked, still chuckling.

I giggled along with him and said, "Yeah, I do." Even though I was on
the high of my new environment, I couldn't help the loneliness from
creeping in. "I wish you were here," I sighed.

I heard Edward expel a soft sigh on the other end before he replied,
"Me too, baby."

It was like our mood had been doused with a bucket of ice water and I
was more than grateful for Edward's change of subject. "So, you said
something about soaking in the tub?"

"Yeah, I am," I said with a smile. "That means I'm naked, you know," I

"Oh, I know," he said. "Believe me, I know." He paused and I wondered

if he was nervous or just unsure of where to start like I was. Before I
could think anymore on that, he continued, "Will you touch yourself for
me?" His voice was steady, albeit quiet, and I couldn't help the shiver
from running through my body.

"Yes," I breathed as I trailed my fingers down my chest, both hands

circling my nipples before my fingers trailed softly, teasingly, over each.

"Tell me what you're doing. I want it to feel like I'm watching you, Bella."

The thought of him watching me while I got myself off was so

unbelievably hot. I couldn't help but think back to his birthday and the
night with my rabbit. Getting myself off while his eyes hungrily took in
my every move, every moan, was beyond exhilarating.

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"I'm touching my breasts," I said quietly, "Tracing circles around my

nipples, making them hard." I wanted to get him as involved as I could,
so I asked, "What do you want me to do, baby?"

His groan could be heard loud and clear and I knew he was getting into
this as much as I was. "Pinch them," he commanded.

I did as he asked and arched into my touch, the sensation sending

shock waves from my breasts straight down to my clit, igniting it with
desire. I couldn't stop the low moan from spilling forth from my lips and
heard Edward's voice match mine on the other line.

"Touch your pussy, Bella." His voice was low and rough, but he was still
calm and demanding. It was turning me the fuck on.

Doing as he said, I trailed my right hand down my belly and tickled my

fingers along the outside of my pussy, feeling the softness of my lips
and the smoothness the water provided against them. I took one finger
and traced the line of my slit, lightly grazing over my most sensitive

Bringing my other hand down, I spread myself open and searched out
my clit immediately, circling around it with two of my fingers. I couldn't
stop the moan from escaping my lips and heard Edward groan in
reaction to it.

"Are you rubbing your clit, baby?"

"Mmm," I whimpered. Without direction, I brought the fingers of my

other hand down and sunk one, then two inside, pumping slowly while I
continued playing with my clit. "Oh, God... I wish it was you inside me."

I could hear Edward's movements on the other end, his strokes growing
faster and faster, as I tried to match my fingers to the sounds.

"Fuck," Edward hissed. "God Bella, I'm close already."

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"Me...too..." How I managed to form words at a time like this was

beyond me, but it was all the encouragement he needed as I heard him
grunt softly into the phone.


Biting my lip roughly, my strokes became more insistent, my fingers

working rapidly against my clit as I worked to push myself over the
edge. My whimpers grew louder as my back arched.

"That's it baby," Edward whispered. "Can you cum for me? God, Bella, I
wish I was there to feel you cum around me."

Already perched precariously on the edge, his words sent me over and I
let out a long, low moan as I felt my insides clench and contract with my

Sinking down into the bath, I pulled my fingers from myself and relaxed
completely, my eyes closed while my body was completely sated.

"Bella?" Edward's voice startled me and I jumped slightly, then giggled.

"Good, I thought I'd lost you."

"Sorry," I said, turning my head toward the phone. "That wore me out."

He chuckled lightly. "Me, too..." he trailed off. Almost hesitantly, he said,

"I miss you, baby."

"I miss you, too, Edward." I could feel those damn tears prickling at the
corners of my eyes again and I willed them away, blinking rapidly so as
to not let even one fall.

It's just a week. It's just a week.

"Alright, I'll let you go so you can get some sleep. Will you call me
tomorrow when you can?" he asked.

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"Of course. If I can't break away to call during the day, I'll try to send
you a text. And I'll call you as soon as I get back to the hotel room
tomorrow night."

"Okay," he sighed. "Have a good day. And don't be too nervous, I know
you're going to do great."

"I'll try not to be."

"I love you, Bella," he said. "More than anything."

Damn these traitorous tears.

I gulped down the lump in my throat and responded as normally as I

could, "I love you, too, Edward. Only you."

"Only you always, Bella. Goodnight, baby."


Since they were already there, I gave into my emotions, allowing a few
tears to escape while I was submersed in water. When I was certain I
could keep my tears in check, I pulled the plug on the bathwater and got
out, quickly drying off and throwing on my pajamas.

After completing my nightly routine, I climbed into bed, determined to

get a good night's sleep so that I would be alert and ready for my first
day tomorrow.

- - - l? - - -

I overslept.

Of fucking course I overslept. Why would I expect anything different on

my first day at a new job in a new city?

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I rushed about my morning routine - which was always more difficult in

unfamiliar surroundings, anyway - and dashed toward the Tribune
Tower, completely grateful that I had at least already planned what I
would wear today so as to not waste more time in my already rushed

Shelley let me know that it was a short, maybe fifteen minute, walk to
the building, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I glanced at my
watched and noticed it was just before eight as I made my way down
the street. Figuring I'd have enough time, I stopped in a Starbucks on
the way and grabbed a coffee and muffin, not knowing what the rest of
my day would be like. I certainly didn't want to embarrass myself by
allowing my stomach to run rampant and show its irritation by growling.

With my muffin and coffee in hand, I continued on down the street,

finding myself enjoying the hustle and bustle around me. I wasn't used
to this in Seattle - I really had no need to be in the heart of downtown
during the morning rush to work. It felt good being a part of something
like this. It made me feel...important somehow. And I loved that feeling.

I found the Tribune Tower with ease, and made my way to the Human
Resources department as Shelley had directed. I was ten minutes early,
which was perfect, and I took a seat outside her door after I let the
receptionist know I was there.

It didn't take too long before Shelley came out, a bright, welcoming
smile on her face and a firm, yet comforting handshake greeting me
before she led me into her office.

"How are you enjoying Chicago so far, Isabella?"

"Please, call me Bella," I said, figuring if this went anywhere, I didn't

want everyone in the building calling me by my full name. She smiled in
response and I continued, "It's been lovely. I haven't had a chance to
see much since I got to the hotel late last night, but I'm looking forward
to doing some sightseeing in the evenings when I can."

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"Excellent," she said. "And the accommodations were fine?"

My eyes almost bugged out of my head.

Well, actually, I would have liked it if you could have gotten me a little
nicer place...I expect mints on my pillow and caviar and champagne
waiting for me in the evening.

"Oh, well, yes," I stuttered instead. "The hotel is really quite nice. Thank

"That's always good to hear," she said with a smile before she clasped
her hands together on her desk. "Well, I suppose we'd better get to the
main point of this whole week before I show you around, yes?" she

"That sounds great. I'm ready whenever you are."

"Good." She smiled as she adjusted some papers on her desk, bringing
over a sheet and glancing down at it. "What do you think you could
bring to this job?"

Here we go...

- - - l? - - -

My second interview with Shelley went extremely well. She was entirely
too easy to talk to and I sometimes had to remind myself that this wasn't
a girlfriend that I was chatting with. However, I think our ease only
helped my case. It definitely allowed me to show her my true self and I
always said if an employer didn't want me for me, it was a relationship
that would never work.

After we were done with the more in depth interview, Shelley took me
around and showed me where I'd be working for the next week. I met
more people than I would ever have the hope of remembering, but I was

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trying to soak it all in, and attempting not to gape too much.

Shelley went over what my responsibilities would be, should I be offered

the job; showed me around the floor where I would be working and took
me to my temporary workspace. It was quaint (tiny) and not overly
private (a cubicle with only three walls), but it was all mine. I wanted to
stand on top of the desk and do a little dance, though I figured that
probably would not make the best impression on my co-workers.
Instead I smiled gratefully and continued about my day, acclimating
myself with everything.

I was going to love it here.

- - - l? - - -

After the end of my work day and then dinner out with a few people from
the office, I was finally settled back into my hotel room, snuggled under
the covers and ready to call Edward. I hadn't been able to talk to him at
all today, save for the couple texts here and there, so I was anxious to
fill him in on my first day.

"Hey, baby," Edward said. I could hear the smile in his voice and it
immediately brought one to my face.

"Hey," I sighed.

"How was your first day? Did everything go okay?"

"After I actually got to work it was great. Of course, I overslept this

morning," I said while rolling my eyes, even though I knew he couldn't
see me. "But, my extended interview with Shelley went really well. We
talked for almost three hours. And, God Edward, this job sounds
amazing. It's a new marketing angle they're trying, attempting to get
some younger readers, so they are planning to bring in three new-hires
- all right around our age. Isn't that great?" I asked and didn't let him
answer, plowing right over and continuing with my word vomit. "Plus the

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three hires wouldn't be stuck in one specific genre, they're planning to

rotate weekly topics so everyone can have a chance at writing about
what's really important to them, you know?

"We didn't talk about pay specifically, but Shelley did say that it was a
salaried position, but I don't expect it to be starting off super high. I
mean I don't really have any experience or anything, but something is
better than the next to nothing I'm making now. Plus, it's what I really,
really want to do. Can you imagine writing about a topic you're
passionate about? Fuck, almost anything is better than the assistant
bitch position I'm in now," I sneered, thinking about my horrid job, but
stopped from continuing any further as I heard Edward chuckling on the
other line.

He took advantage of the pause and spoke, "Well, it sounds like you
might be interested in it a little. I think it's great, baby."

I sighed, feeling guilty for being so excited about a job that would take
me away from him - even if for only a short while. "I'm sorry," I said, the
emotion weighing heavily on my heart.

"No, don't you do that. I'm being honest when I say I think it's great. I
know how much you hate your job here, Bella. And I want you to be
happy. We can worry about the details later."

I didn't doubt his sincerity. Edward was always honest with me,
sometimes to a fault. It was the details he mentioned that had me
anxious. Besides his transfer, I also had to worry about finding a place
in Chicago and being able to afford living in this very expensive city. Not
to mention moving to a place where I knew absolutely no one.

Oh, and I had to think about actually getting the fucking job.

"You're right," I conceded. "I'm just nervous about all of it and I have
such conflicting emotions. I'm so happy about what this might mean, but
then I feel guilty for being happy."

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Edward sighed and said, "Bella... You can't feel guilty about this. You've
worked too fucking hard and have too much potential to feel anything
but thrilled about this job, okay?" When I didn't say anything in
response, he repeated once again, more forcefully this time, "Okay?"

"Okay," I sighed, my shoulders slumping in defeat.

He was absolutely right. I didn't know what I did to deserve him, to

deserve any of this really, but I was determined not to take any of it for

A/N: We've got, I *think*, three chapters and an epilogue left. Things
are winding down, folks. And these last chapters are a bitch to write, so
I thank you in advance for your patience while I make sure they are

If you haven't hopped on The Hills of Twilight bandwagon, why the

fuck not? My fellow h00rs - Melissa228, ScarletLetters and tarasueme
- and I are writing our little hearts out to give you a dramatic, gasp
worthy fic you've never had the pleasure of reading before in the
fandom. And last chapter we had our very first guest star, Ninapolitian
writing dear Esme. Trust me when I say you don't want to miss this.
Link is on my profile.

Spanks, gropes and kitty licks go out to my two smutterific beta h00rs -
my one and only Kitty Twin ilsuocantante and Awesome Sauce
Spreading Beta Extraordinaire KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

27. Weathering the Storm 561

28. Taking Shelter
I got the same question several times in the reviews, so I'm just
going to answer it here: No, there will not be a sequel to Library
Rendezvous. I think I've taken these characters as far as they want
me to and there's not much left to write. I *might* do some
outtakes, but that would be the extent of it. Plus, I have other
characters banging around in my head and I'm excited to write
something completely different. :)

Wussperv rating: 82% from ilsuocantante, 78% from


Things I own: About 7 pairs of black yoga pants, a bag of

Halloween candy, and lots of digital pictures but very few actual
photo albums.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly


Bella was coming home today.

Fucking finally.

We had talked at least once a day, every day that she was gone, but
none of the conversations went quite like the one we had this morning.
Something was off. She was hesitant and unsure, nervous even. I didn't
know if it was from the jitters of traveling - I knew she hated to fly - or if it
was something else entirely. Something on the job front, perhaps.

Her nerves throughout the week had abated somewhat, and each
evening I had listened to her retell the events, her excitement palpable
through the phone lines. I couldn't help but feel...proud at that. She was
getting a taste of what she truly wanted to do with her life and I was

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happy that she had this opportunity.

And so I'd spent my week going through the motions of the days,
waiting until the evenings when I could talk to her and listen to her
recount her accomplishments. The praise that she received from the
head of the Editorial Department had her practically fucking beaming,
the huge grin even noticeable through no visible connection to her at all.

With each day that passed, I became more set in my theory that they
would offer Bella the job, probably giving her a fucking six figure salary
while they were at it because they were going to be jizzing all over
themselves to get her on their team. Because my girl was just that

I could see it in her.

I knew they could as well.

The nights without Bella here, in my town or in my bed, had been lonely.
Sure, I'd had Emmett and Jasper to fill up some time, but they both had
their girlfriends and I didn't expect them to drop everything to keep me
company. Still, we'd hung out a few nights, just BS'ing and doing
whatever shit we normally did.

Jasper was still the only one that knew about the ring and we'd
managed to find some time to talk, just the two of us. It was nice to
discuss things with him without the prying ears of anyone else - letting
him in on my doubts, my uncertainties, my fears. He knew me inside
and out, almost better than anyone else, and always knew just the right
thing to say.

It would work out. And I was doing the right thing by not proposing this already fucked up and emotionally draining time. I just had
no idea when I was going to do it, and that was adding to the anxiety I
was feeling.

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Well, that and the fact that I'd found out that a transfer in January was
looking pretty fucking grim. I had managed to complete my application
and send it in this past week, but even so, it was submitted well over a
month past the deadline. Therefore, the possibility of me getting in at
the semester break was slim to none. I was doing everything I could
think of to make it happen, but I was still doubtful that it would help. I
was hoping my dad's contacts in the Chicago area, as well as my
recommendation letters from two of my professors - who happened to
be Northwestern alumni - would give me a slight edge, but I wasn't
holding my breath.

While Bella knew that I had been looking into all this, I hadn't told her
what I'd found out yet. I didn't want her to have to worry about it when
she needed to be on top of her game in Chicago. I knew I had to tell her
sooner rather than later, but I figured I could wait until she got back
home to do so. If she got offered the job in Chicago, she deserved to
know all the information when making a decision about a move. Part of
me wanted to keep it from her because I didn't want the extra time away
from each other to be a deciding factor. We could do it, of that I was
certain. I knew it would be the hardest thing we'd ever have to do, but it
could be done.

With my stomach still in knots from my earlier conversation with Bella, I

decided to head over to my parents' house before I went to pick her up
at the airport. I was hoping my mom would have some profound words
of wisdom to share with me, something to ease my nerves.

I pulled up and parked, using my key to get in the backdoor, and

headed toward the family room where I knew my mom would be. I
walked in and found her on the couch, magazines spread out around
her while a notebook sat perched on her lap, her pen hovering over the
paper as she jotted down notes or ideas the magazines sparked. I had
watched her do this for years while I was still living at home, her work
never really ceasing even as she spent her evenings with my dad and
me in the family room. She loved her job and it made her happy to do
things like this - relaxed her even. I found that I relaxed immediately, as

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well, witnessing once again the familiar act I'd seen her partake in
numerous times in my childhood.

"Hey mom," I said as I headed over to her.

"Edward?" she asked, confusion squinting her eyes. She moved the
items from her lap and the couch, setting them on the side table next to
her instead. "What are you doing here, sweetie?"

I knew my body language had to be just fucking oozing with my

emotional state. I was defeated, worried, anxious and a whole shitton of
other emotions I hadn't even put my finger on, but I knew my mom
would be able to tell that shit with just a glance.

She took one long look at me, really appraising my state and didn't say
another word; didn't even wait for me to answer her question. She just
scooted over to the corner of the couch and patted the space next to
her, silently encouraging me to go to her.

And I did, feeling like I was ten-years-old again and in need of my


Fuck, I'm such a pussy.

I went swiftly to the couch, laying down as I unceremoniously plopped

myself down on my back, my legs sprawled out over the opposite arm
from where my mom sat as I dumped my head in her lap.

She chuckled softly, recognizing the position we used to lay in when I

wasn't feeling well in my youth, or during our family movie nights. And,
yes, I may have been fucking twenty-four-years-old, but I was still just
scared and unsure of what to do and needed a little motherly guidance
to help me find my way.

"Would you like to tell me what's wrong or did you just want me to
scratch?" she asked as her hands automatically ran through my hair,

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scratching at my scalp; yet another thing that brought back memories of

my childhood.

I brought my hands up to my face and rubbed over it harshly, not quite

sure how to explain the mixed emotions I was feeling.

"I..." I started, my thoughts a jumbled mess in my head. "I don't know

what the hell to feel, Mom. I'm scared and nervous and anxious and yet
so happy for her. I just... I don't know what it's going to mean for us." I
hadn't told my mom about my plans for a proposal, but I had talked to
them both already regarding the prospect of a transfer, and of course
they knew of the application progress from this week. While they were
both sad, they were completely supportive, telling me they wanted
nothing more than for me to be happy. And if my happiness lies in
Chicago or New York or Miami, so be it.

I brought my hands away from my face and peeked up at my mom who

was looking down at me with a small smile.

I don't see what there is to fucking smile about.

I scowled at her, not quite understanding what she had to be happy

about and she just let out a small laugh at my irritation.

"Honey," she started, continuing to work her fingers over my head,

"everything you're feeling is perfectly normal. And, quite honestly, I'd be
worried if you weren't feeling any of it, and a lot of others." She moved
the hair off of my forehead and continued to look down at me. "I'm going
to tell you exactly what I told Bella at the beginning of the summer. You
have to have faith in your love. If you lose that, you'll lose everything.
And, conversely, if you have that, everything will fall into place."

I looked at her skeptically, not quite sure how "have faith" was all that I
needed to do to get through everything.

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Reading my unspoken thoughts, she smiled at me again. "Of course it

will be tough, sweetie. But, then again, nothing worth having is ever
easy. You should know that by now."

- - - l? - - -

I arrived at the airport a full forty minutes before Bella's plane was
scheduled to land, but I couldn't stand to be away from her any longer.
Besides, planes were sometimes early. I didn't want her waiting for me
if that happened.

Well, that was the excuse I was going with anyway.

I sat in one of the many uncomfortable chairs by baggage claim, hating

the fact that I couldn't be there as soon as she got off the plane. I
glanced at my watch for the seventh time in fifteen minutes and saw
that my wait was gradually getting shorter. With the decline in wait time,
there seemed to be an increase in anxiety, my leg bouncing at a
ridiculous pace now as I attempted to work my nerves out that way.

After my talk with my mom, my anxiety had settled somewhat; her

words providing a slight comfort, no matter how simple they were. She
wanted Bella and me to come over for dinner tomorrow night, thinking
that Bella may want to discuss things with her. With her own mother
completely MIA, I wouldn't doubt it. And I certainly wasn't going to say
no; I loved the relationship Bella shared with my mom.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out, noticing I had a new


Just landed, on my way. Put some chap stick on, I have plans 4 ur

I chuckled and typed out a quick reply before shoving my phone in my

pocket and moving closer to where she would enter from. I couldn't
believe the anxiety I was feeling in seeing her. It was as if she had been

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gone for a fucking year instead of a mere week.

I was sure I was driving the people around me crazy, what with my ADD
tendencies as I waited for Bella: feet tapping, arms crossing and
uncrossing, fingers running through my hair. I couldn't help it, though,
and when in the fuck was she going to get here already?

And then I saw her and I swear to fucking God, it was like the sun broke
through the goddamn clouds and the birds were singing and all the
other clichéd shit you saw or read about it those stupid romantic plots.
But, it was the truth. All I could see was her. Her flushed cheeks, her
eyes darting around frantically looking for me, her lip pulled between her
teeth, her hair bouncing lightly as she walked as fast as she could to
find me. And then our eyes connected and that was it. I was lost;
completely fucking lost in her.

I would do anything - anything - for this woman. I would give her the
clothes off my back. I would make any sacrifice needed of me. I would
give my life for her.

My cheeks were sore from smiling so hard and her face mirrored mine
and I just couldn't get to her fast enough.

Where did all these fucking people come from?

I wove my way through the bodies, trying desperately to get to her,

tripping over stupid ass people that left their fucking suitcases in the
middle of the aisle. And then I was there - right in front of her - and there
was nothing left to do but take her in my arms and squeeze the hell out
of her.

My arms wrapped tightly around her waist, lifting her up slightly,

attempting to get her as close to me as possible. Her arms immediately
wrapped around my neck, tight and locked in place as her face buried
itself in the crook of my neck. My nose found its way to her hair, just
breathing her in, the scent of Bella once again fresh in my mind.

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"Fuck, I missed you so much," I said quietly into her hair.

She removed her arms from around me and pulled back slightly, placing
her hands on either side of my face, just sort of soaking me in. Her eyes
darted all over my face as if she was trying to memorize my features,
and I couldn't help but smile because fuck she was just so goddamn
beautiful. And she was mine.

Still holding her off the ground, her face was aligned with mine and I
couldn't help my eyes from darting to her lips, the overwhelming urge to
taste her again propelling me forward. Our lips connected and I was
fucking home. Our mouths came together again and again, little kisses
left by the both of us; lips interlocking and tongues peeking out. Nothing
overwhelming or inappropriate, just love and affection and want shining

Finally pulling back, I set her on her feet once again, her hands placed
gently against my chest. "Hey," she said as she looked up at me.

"Hey," I repeated, not quite able to keep the huge fucking smile off my

Her arms went around my waist and she snuggled into my chest,
gripping me as though her life depended on it. Wrapping my arms
around her shoulders, I pressed my nose to her hair and inhaled her
scent before kissing her head softly. I moved her slightly, tucking her
into my side, as I walked over toward the baggage carousel.

"Let's get your bag and go home, hmm?"

She nodded against my chest, not bothering to move an inch away from
me as she shuffled her feet along side mine.

I knew we had a ton to talk about, but as of now, all I could think about
was getting her home and in my arms - and, alright, into my bed - and
loving on her.

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- - - l? - - -


I settled into my seat, the cramped space not offering me any comfort or
room for reflection, though I desperately needed both. I had a little
under five hours until I would see Edward and then would have no
choice but to tell him what had transpired while in Chicago. I knew the
second he laid eyes on me he would be able to tell something was
going on. I was barely able to hide it while we were on the phone,
three-thousand miles away from each other; I had absolutely no hope of
hiding it while face to face with him.

Letting out a deep sigh, I rested my head against the seat back and
closed my eyes, thinking back to my meeting earlier today with Shelley.

"Bella, please come in and have a seat," Shelley greeted me as I sat in

one of the chairs outside her office.

This week had gone better than I could have imagined. I was
overwhelmingly in love with this job, with my potential co-workers, and
from what I'd seen so far, Chicago itself. Of course, none of that did
anything to assuage the guilt that was creeping up in my throat, making
it almost unbearable to breathe.

Shelley settled herself behind her desk and I took a seat in one of the
provided chairs.

"I know we've kept in touch this week while you've been here, but I
would love to hear your final thoughts on how the week went," she

I answered without hesitation, "I've loved every minute of it. The people,
the duties, the environment...all of it have been wonderful. It's definitely
a position that I think I would thrive in and I would be completely thrilled
to get the opportunity to prove that."

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She smiled brightly. "That's what I was hoping you would say. I have to
tell you, Bella, your love for the work you've done this week has been
completely obvious. Garrett said it's been a long time since he's seen
the passion that you have for journalism." She paused, folding her
hands together and bracing her forearms against her desk. "You are
diligent and hard working, Bella. You have a knack for this line of work
and your love for it overflows into what you produce. We would love
nothing more than if you would join our team at The Tribune."

I was startled from my recollections by the flight attendants loud

commands over the speakers.

Four hours and counting.

- - - l? - - -

As soon as we landed, I sent a text to Edward, letting him know that I

was there and to prepare his lips for my greeting. It took all my restraint
not to run through the airport and find him as quickly as possible. Even
still, I managed to get to the baggage claim area relatively quickly and
sought him out immediately.

It didn't take long to find him, standing in the middle of the chaos around
him, his hair standing on end as he had obviously been abusing it with
his fingers while his eyes searched frantically through the mass of
people until they locked with mine. I swear to God, it was like in one of
those stupid, unrealistic romantic movies - our eyes locked and my
breathing sped and suddenly he was all I could see.

Our embrace relaxed me and miraculously all the anxiety I had earlier
evaporated and all I could think about was being in Edward's arms,
being comforted by his warmth and love. I wanted to get home...and

The trip to my apartment wasn't long, but I was still filled with nervous
energy and I was sure Edward could sense that. Our conversation in

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the car was normal - discussing trivial details about our week apart.
However, we didn't talk about the pink elephant in the room; we were
both avoiding the major situation we were faced with.

I knew Edward had went forward with contacting some of the med
schools in Chicago, but I wasn't sure what he'd found out - if transferring
mid-year would even be an option. If it wasn't, would that affect my
decision on whether or not to accept the job offer? I honestly didn't
know one way or another, I just knew I had a lot to think about and I
really needed to talk this out with someone. Obviously, I needed to
discuss it with Edward, but talking with someone outside of our little
bubble of love would be extremely beneficial - someone able to give an
objective perspective into the situation.

I needed to talk to Esme.

With my own mother nothing more than a glorified teenager, I knew she
wouldn't have the insight - or, if I was being honest with myself, concern
- to help in this situation. But, I knew without a doubt that Esme would
be able to give me some advice. Even though this was her son we were
discussing and the possibility of him moving half the continent away, I
knew she would be able to give me advice based on the situation, not
just the parties involved.

- - - l? - - -

Once we made it home, we immediately headed to my bedroom. I

noticed that Alice and Rosalie were both absent and I silently thanked
them, knowing they were giving Edward and me a little time to be
together before they welcomed me home.

My body ached to feel Edward next to me, over me, inside me, and it
didn't take long for that passion to weave into our movements. Fingers
removing clothes, brushing along skin, caressing...feeling...loving each
other. Our lips moved together as our hands explored and everything
felt right again.

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No matter how many times Edward and I made love, each time was like
a new experience. The way our bodies moved with one another was like
we had known each other our entire lives, rather than less than a year.
He knew how to touch me like no one else, drawing out reactions from
my body that no other man had ever been able to receive.

As he slipped inside me, I was reminded of how much this man owned
my heart and soul.

While we each whispered words of our love as our bodies slowly rocked
against one another, I was brought back to the weight of the situation
we were facing. I didn't know how I could possibly cope without feeling
his presence...his love...every day. I didn't know if I could.

- - - l? - - -

"My mom wants us to come over for dinner tomorrow night," Edward
said as he held me against his side. We had somehow managed to
make love twice since arriving home and I still wasn't completely

I tilted my head to look at him and smiled slightly, thankful that I

wouldn't have to find a way to get in touch with Esme regarding the job
situation. Hopefully we would get a chance to talk tomorrow night after

"Okay," I said while nodding my head. "That sounds nice. Does she
need me to bring anything?"

Edward chuckled a little and ran his hand up the middle of my back, his
light strokes causing a shiver to run through my body. "No, you know
she never lets you bring anything."

I sighed and shook my head slightly. "I know, but I still need to ask."

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Silence enveloped the room and I knew that we were coming to the
point where we needed to discuss what was going on. Our bodies could
only provide us distraction for so long, and that time was up.

"Edward?" I asked, my voice a little shaky. "Um, I talked with Shelley

this morning about the job and...well...there's something we should talk

He squeezed me tighter to his body and brought his lips to my hair.

"She offered it to you," he said matter-of-factly.

I lifted myself from his chest and rested myself up on my elbow while I
looked at him. He had a sad smile playing on his lips, and while I could
tell he was upset about me - us - possibly having to move, he was
genuinely happy, and not at all surprised, that I'd gotten offered the job.

Nodding my head slightly, I worried my lip, anxious at what this meant

for our relationship.

He leaned forward, bringing his face closer to mine, and gently coaxed
my lip from between my teeth with his thumb before kissing me softly.

"I'm not surprised, Bella," he said as he laid back down on the pillow. "I
knew you'd get it. Didn't have a doubt in my mind." I quirked my
eyebrow at him, silently sort of flattered that he had been so sure of the
job when I had been a nervous wreck.

"It's a good thing I've already sent in my applications then, huh?" he

added with a smile.

"You have?" I asked, my smile overtaking my face. It wasn't just the fact
that now we were that much closer to finding out if he would be
accepted and could transfer mid-year, but that he'd had complete faith
in me getting the job. "Well, I haven't decided if I am going to take it,
yet," I added quickly. "I mean, I wanted to discuss everything with you,
and...I'd...well, I'd really like to talk to your mom about it, actually."

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Nodding his head, he smiled as if he'd known all along that I would want
to do that. "Maybe we can go over a little early tomorrow and you two
can talk?"

Just when I didn't think I could love this man any more.

"I love you," I breathed as I leaned down to kiss him.

And one kiss led into round three, but I certainly wasn't complaining.

- - - l? - - -

Edward left shortly after our last love-making session, mindful of the fact
that I'd want to spend some time with Rose and Alice after my week
away. He promised me he'd be over in the morning and we could go
grab breakfast or just hang out - it didn't matter to him as long as we
were together.

After I finished unpacking my suitcase, I waited in the living room for the
girls to get home, trying to decide how best to approach the subject.
Telling them I had an interview in Chicago had been hard enough. Now
I was faced with the very real possibility that I could be moving in less
than three weeks.

I heard keys jingle in the lock just outside the front door and turned
slightly to see Rose and Alice walk through.

"Hey!" Alice squealed as she dumped her stuff by the door and ran over
to me, jumping on the couch and tackling me with a bear hug. "Okay -
no more stalling. Tell me everything about it! Did you love Chicago?
What about the Trib? How about the people there? Were your
co-workers nice? What about the guy who would be your boss, can you
stand him?"

While Alice rattled off her questions, Rose came over and kissed me on
the cheek, not saying a thing before sitting down on the chair across

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from us. I knew Rose well enough to know that she was having a hard
time with the possibility of me moving. Rose rarely let her emotions
show, but if she wasn't loud and boisterous, she was quiet and serene.
And that could only mean that she was putting on a front to hide
something deeper.

"Whoa, Ali, slow down," I said as I held up my hands in an attempt to

get her to back down. "I can only answer one at a time. Which first?"

"How was Chicago?" Her exuberant personality was coming out in

full-force now, her eyes shining with excitement at the prospect of a
move. Alice was never one that was scared or apprehensive about
change. She embraced it whole-heartedly. It could have been her
larger-than-life personality or maybe the fact that she had a sort of sixth
sense for seeing if things would work out. Whatever it was, I wished
some of it would rub off on me.

Taking a deep breath, I sighed and glanced at them both out of the
corner of my eyes before dropping my eyes to my lap. "It was..." I trailed
off, trying to find the right word to describe the city I grew to love in only
a week. A small smile curved at my lips and I finished, "Amazing."

Alice's squeal could have been mistaken for that of a dog's had I not
seen her mouth open with my own eyes. I glanced at Rose and gave
her the 'do you believe how insane our bestie is?' look and she gave me
a small smile and exaggerated eye-roll in response.

"Oh my God, Bella! I knew it - I knew it. This job is going to be perfect
for you," she said with complete confidence.

When I didn't correct her, Rose spoke up. "Did you already get offered
the position, Bella?" Her voice was steady and strong and her smile
would fool almost anyone, but I wasn't almost anyone and I could see
the sadness in her eyes. It broke my heart that she was putting on a
show so that her emotions wouldn't affect my decision.

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How can I leave these girls?

Nodding my head, I once again looked to my lap, watching my fingers

fidget with the hem on my t-shirt. Alice was bouncing on her knees on
the couch, talking a mile a minute about moving cross country and
finding a place there and would I want to live with roommates or by
myself and I'd need to get a place close to work, but it might be kind of
expensive so I'd need to look around, and ohmygod when was this all

"When?" Rose asked Alice's question again, though much more

pointedly than Ali did.

Clearing my throat, I replied, "Well, they'd want me to start in about

three weeks, I think." I saw Rose nod her head in understanding while
Alice continued with her ridiculous cheerleader impression. "But, I
haven't accepted the job yet," I added quickly.

"You what?" Alice said, her bouncing stopping completely while she
looked at me with a shocked expression.

Shrugging, I said, "I needed to talk to Edward, and you both, before I
gave an answer. And I'm going to talk to Esme tomorrow night." I looked
at them and saw the confused expressions there. They both obviously
thought I should have taken the job immediately, despite the sadness
they may have felt at my impending leave. Answering their unasked
question, I continued, "I just need to be sure. This is a big deal and I
absolutely wasn't going to make it without talking to the people I love.
Your opinions mean a lot to me and I wanted to get your take on it."

"Well," Rose cut Alice off before she could get a word in, "I think it's
pretty clear what Ali's stand is." We all snorted at that before she
continued, "And while I am going to hate you leaving, I can't deny that
this is a great opportunity for you Bella. One that may never come
again. I think you'd be foolish not to take it."

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I knew, without a doubt, that Rose was right. This sort of opportunity
may never come again and then I'd be stuck in shitty jobs with shitty
pay and hating every minute of it. While I couldn't imagine uprooting my
life and going to a different place than I'd ever known, I knew that it
wasn't freaking me out quite as much as it did in the beginning.

The idea of moving to Chicago was growing on me.

- - - l? - - -

Edward's hand was wrapped tightly around mine as it rested on the

console between us while we drove to his parents' house for dinner. He
had kept his word, showing up at ten o'clock this morning to take me for
breakfast and then a walk downtown. We had no real agenda, besides
just being together, and it was a nice change of pace from the previous
week I'd had.

"Did you talk to your dad?" he asked, breaking the comfortable silence
in the car.

Shaking my head I replied, "No, I'm not going to say anything until I
decide for sure. He hates change and I don't want to get him upset for
no reason." I paused for a moment, considering what it would mean for
my dad and me if I moved. "Plus, it's not like it'll be that big of a deal.
Yeah, he lives close now, but I still only see him about four times a year.
It wouldn't be that different if I lived in Chicago."

He nodded his understanding while he turned down the long drive that
led to his parents' home. I remembered the first time he'd taken me on
this road - it seemed like it was so long ago. I remembered being scared
and nervous and completely unsure of myself. And now I'd grown so
comfortable with both Carlisle and Esme that I couldn't wait to get their
advice on this major change in my life. It was refreshing to have their
support and parental guidance on something like this. Even if they
weren't technically my own parents.

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When we pulled up to the house, Edward put the car in park, then
leaned over and placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "I know you want to
talk to my mom, so I'll probably just go find my dad right away, okay?"

Nodding my understanding, I whispered, "Thank you, Edward."

He smiled and put his hand to the back of my neck so he could pull me
closer to him. Our lips locked and whether or not he knew it, he was
kissing away my fears. Much like he had done the first day we'd come,
but for very different reasons.

"Ready?" he asked.

I nodded once again and slipped out of the car, meeting Edward up at
the front. Our hands were like magnets, immediately seeking one
another out, and I took comfort in the familiar feel of his hand
surrounding mine.

Entering through the back, we slipped off our shoes and coats in the
mudroom before continuing on into the kitchen. Esme was there, stirring
something in a large pot, looking like the epitome of a put-together

"Hey sweetie; Bella," she greeted us both. "I think your father's in the
theater playing some stupid game on the Zbox - or whatever it's called -
if you want to go join him." A small chuckle came from Edward at his
mom's name for the Xbox before she continued, "I'll call you both up
when dinner's ready."

I didn't know if Edward had told her that I wanted to speak with her or if
she was just using her motherly intuition to sense out the situation.
Either way, I was grateful that I wouldn't have to broach the subject
completely out of left field.

"Okay," he said before he leaned over to give me a brief kiss. "I love
you," he whispered into my ear before he turned and headed to his

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mom, kissing her on the back of the head then heading downstairs to
where his father was.

"Can I help with anything, Esme?" I asked as I walked closer to her.

"Sure," she said smiling. "Do you want to get the salad ready?"

Nodding, I grabbed what I would need and got the salad spinner from
where I knew it was stored. While I worked, I was trying my hardest to
think of a way to say 'hey, so I'm thinking about moving to Chicago and
that would mean that I'd want to take your only son with me...what are
your thoughts on that?' though everything I came up with sounded

"How did the interview go?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder
at me, a small smile on her face.

Well, that solves that problem.

"It went really well," I said as I busied my hands with the salad.
" offered me the position."

"Well, that's great, Bella!" she exclaimed, moving over to me and

wrapping me in a warm hug. She pulled me back at arm's length and
looked at my face, probably seeing the anxiety and doubt written plainly

Damn open book.

"And you're nervous, scared, unsure, terrified, and yet completely elated
about it," she said with a knowing smirk. "Am I right?"

I couldn't stop my mouth from dropping open. She had summed up just
about every emotion I was feeling, completely hitting the nail on the
head. Nodding was all I could manage to do, still not sure how to
articulate politely what I wanted to say which was 'How in the fuck did

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you know I was feeling all that?'.

"Things are okay in here for a while," she said while grabbing my hand
and pulling me out of the kitchen. "Let's go talk in the family room."

We made our way in and sunk down in the lived-in cushions of the
leather couch, our postures mirroring each other as we both tucked a
leg under ourselves and turned toward the center of the couch. We
giggled at our similarities, helping to somewhat break the tension that I

"Did you know that I studied abroad my third year in college?"

"What?" I asked, surprised. Shaking my head, I continued, "No, I didn't."

Esme nodded and looked to me with a small smile. "Mhmm, I did. Nine
months in another country."

"Wow," was my brilliant reply.

"It was something that I had always wanted to do, but I had made those
plans well before I met Carlisle." She looked to me pointedly before
continuing, "When I was accepted for the program I applied for, Carlisle
and I had been dating for about a year and a half. And I was
heartbroken, Bella. So many emotions were bubbling under the surface,
I thought I might drown from them.

"I was, of course, utterly thrilled that I was accepted in this program. I'd
always wanted to see Europe - it had been a dream of mine since I was
a little girl. And all of a sudden when it was within my reach, I had other
things I needed to consider.

"Of course, Carlisle was completely supportive, telling me that he

wanted me to go and didn't want me to pass up the opportunity. And
while I didn't want to ever regret not going for it, my heart was breaking
because I didn't know if I even knew how to live without Carlisle

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anymore. Even though we were only together for a little over a year, it
seemed as if he'd always been there and I couldn't even remember
what my life was like before him."

I nodded, understanding completely what she was feeling and a bit

awestruck that she was managing to put all my feelings into the words I
didn't even have to express them.

"So, how did you make your decision?" I asked quietly.

She shrugged, lifting her eyes to the ceiling before settling them on
mine once again. "You know? I don't really think it was one thing that
helped solidify my decision. I think I just realized that if I didn't do it - if I
didn't allow myself the experience - I would regret it for the rest of my
life. And I absolutely did not want to harbor any resentment -
subconsciously or not - toward Carlisle since he would have been the
real reason I stayed behind.

"Your entire life is a long time, Bella, and if you plan to be with Edward
for the rest of it, it's a long time to hold quiet resentment whether you
mean to or not. You're young and you deserve to experience everything
you can, while you can. I don't want you to have any regrets, Bella.
Whether that means my son will move three-thousand miles away from
me or not. Because you know he will," she winked at me, "He'll follow
you anywhere, honey. You two belong together. Once you know that -
truly believe that with everything in your heart - all the other stuff will fall
into place."

- - - l? - - -

"Are you ready?" Edward asked me for what seemed like the
thousandth time.

Gnawing my lip, I looked from the phone in my hand to his eyes,

shaking my head slightly.

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"Baby," he groaned dropping his head back on a pillow. "We've gone

over this for the last three hours. None of the details are going to

"But what if you don't get the transfer in January? That's six months
apart, Edward. Do you have any idea how hard that will be?"

"Of course I do," he said as he lifted his head and reached to caress my
knee. "But there are ways we can make it work, Bella. We can visit
each other a couple times, plus we can get webcams. And I think we
both know how hot the phone sex can be," he finished with a smirk.

I couldn't help but let out a small giggle before my face grew somber
once again. "And you've called them about the application deadline?"

"I have," he said while nodding. "I'm doing everything I can to get out
there in January, but whether it's January or May, I don't want that to be
a deciding factor." He readjusted himself to a sitting position and placed
his hands on either side of my face, his thumbs rubbing softly against
my cheeks. "Bella, you know this is the right thing," he whispered
fiercely while looking directly into my eyes. "I love you more than
anything and nothing will take that away, do you understand?"

I nodded at him as I felt two silent tears roll down my cheeks, mingling
with the cocktail of tears already on my shirt.

"Baby, please don't cry anymore," he pleaded as he kissed away the

streaks on my face. "We'll be fine," he said. "We'll be fine."

I leaned in and captured his lips with my own, feeling immediate relief at
his closeness.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you," I whispered against his lips
with my eyes still closed. "I love you."

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He kissed me once again, this time being the sneaky shit that he was
and slipping a little tongue in.

Not that I was complaining.

Pulling away, he gestured to my hand and said, "Make the call."

Nodding, I took a few deep breaths to try and calm myself, before
dialing the familiar number.

"Hello, Shelley speaking."

"Hi Shelley, it's Bella Swan."

"Oh, hello Bella! Have you come to a decision regarding our offer?"

I looked to Edward once more who had a confident smile on his lips.

"I did," I answered. With my eyes locked on Edward's, I took a deep

breath and sealed my fate. "I would love to accept the position. When
do I start?"

A/N: I know I said three more chapters and an epi, but I'm now thinking
three more from this point. I dunno what Edward's plans are...he has yet
to completely fill me in, so we'll see how much the little (*cough big
cough*) shit is.

Are you wondering what the fuck this whole wussperv thing is? Take a
peek over on the Edwardville LJ page while I blog about it and answer
(hopefully) all your questions. Set to post the week of November 2-8.
Go have a peek if you wanna.

Also, ilsuocantante and I are doing an interview over on The Perv

Pack's Smut Shack. You may remember my last interview with
algonquinrt, and if so, you know that no question is too pervy or too
serious to ask. Got a burning question you're dying to know about me or

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T? PM me please, and do so quickly! Interview goes up the first week of


Whips, licks and tweaks to my two smutterific beta h00rs - my one and
only Kitty Twin ilsuocantante and Awesome Sauce Spreading Beta
Extraordinaire KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

28. Taking Shelter 585

29. Hurricane
I'm going to apologize ahead of time. Stick with me...happiness
awaits our couple soon.

Wussperv ratings: ilsuocantante 60%, KatieBelleCullen 53%

Things I own: An iPhone that actually plays Lovesong by The Cure

when I call my hubs, a green Tuna Town t-shirt and a 6 dozen
homemade cookies.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


The time leading up to Bella's departure went by faster than I'd hoped.
The morning after she'd accepted the position at The Tribune, she'd put
in her two weeks notice at the paper here in Seattle so that she could
have a couple extra days off before she had to leave. We had tried to
spend all our time together, me taking up semi-permanent residence in
her apartment, while we watched the calendar days flip too-quickly by.

Our time together was coming to an end sooner than either of us hoped.
Of course, it didn't make it any better that I'd received notice from
Northwestern that I had been accepted...for the fall 2010 semester. I
didn't get a whole lot of reasons for their denial of my mid-year transfer
request besides the basic 'your application was sent in past the
deadline,' but I honestly hadn't expected much more.

Bella obviously had.

When I told her that it would be the end of May before I could come out
and join her in Chicago, she was crushed. We had spent that night
curled in her bed, Bella's soft cries filling up the room as I held her and
tried to stay strong for her. She needed to know that the choice she

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made was the right one, regardless of how long we would be separated.
I never wanted her to doubt that.

As the days passed and her impending departure loomed in front of us,
her attitude had changed slightly. It seemed she realized that she was
wasting away the last bit of time we had to spend together crying. Since
her little epiphany, she had been all smiles - albeit sad smiles, but still
the effort was there - and we were able to enjoy each other's company
without the weight of her sadness bearing down on us.

Bella had a lot that she wanted to cram into the not-quite three weeks
she had before she was scheduled to leave. She'd already been to
Forks to visit her dad, telling me she thought it would be better to make
that trip by herself than to try to explain to Charlie that I was intent on
moving out to Chicago with her. She said we'd cross that bridge when
the time came...and not a day before.

Her dad had taken the news surprisingly well. I knew Charlie was never
an over-bearing father, and for that I was utterly fucking grateful. If not
for my peace of mind, then for Bella's. Knowing she had her dad's
support as she made this major life change was a relief for her. It
seemed like she was able to take a deep breath and refocus her

She had also tried to cram as much time in with Alice and Rose, not to
mention Emmett and Jasper, as she was able. We'd had a few group
nights out and still stuck with our weekly "sex" nights. I knew when the
girls attended the last one before Bella was scheduled to leave, she
would be a mess. Sure enough, I received a call a little before one in
the morning and she was crying softly, mumbling about how they were
her sisters and she didn't know how she was going to make it in a new
city without their love and guidance.

I'd left my apartment without another word and cradled her in my arms
as she fell into a fitful sleep.

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Her relationship with Emmett was always more brotherly in nature, and
even though they'd spent the previous three years without seeing each
other, I could tell Bella was unhappy to leave Em behind again. I tried to
step back as often as I could when the two of them were together,
allowing them their sibling-style banter back and forth as their way of
coping with the situation we were all facing.

And that was when it hit me.

It wasn't just me saying goodbye to Bella. It was all of these people -

every single person in her life that loved her. They would all be saying
goodbye to her, while she did the same.

- - - l? - - -

It was Bella's last night in town and the six of us were at the girls'
apartment, relaxing - or attempting to - with some pizza, some beer, and
some nineties cult classics. It was nice to get back to the chemistry the
six of us had together - the easy banter and the back and forth, give and
take, of everyone in the group. The utter ease we felt with one another
was comforting in a time that was anything but easy.

"So, where you staying at, Bells?" Em asked around a mouthful of pizza
before taking a pull from his beer.

"The Trib is paying for another week at Trump Tower, and after that I'm
on my own," Bella said as she nibbled on her pizza. "I'll start looking for
a place right away - maybe ask around to see if anyone knows of
anything available.

"It's going to be difficult since I don't know any of the areas. I don't want
to get stuck in a bad part of the city, but I obviously can't afford a super
nice place, either."

"I'm sure Shelley will be able to direct you," Alice said. "She can at least
tell you which areas to stay away from."

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Bella nodded her agreement and mumbled something about asking her
about it on Monday.

Monday. As in, two fucking days from now, Monday.

The room fell into an awkward silence, everyone somber at the

realization that this was really happening and that in a mere two days
Bella would be in another city, half-way across the country asking
someone about living arrangements.

"Jesus Christ, she's not moving to Afghanistan!" Emmett boomed,

startling most of us with his obnoxious voice. "Man the fuck up and deal
with it, bitches!"

That earned laughs all around; even Bella giggled while she slapped
him with a pillow from the couch and said, "Shut your damn mouth, Em.
Don't make them feel bad because they're gonna miss me. Face it, you
don't know what you're going to do when you can't have my double
fudge brownies whenever you want them."

The look of pure fucking panic on Emmett's face was priceless and the
rest of us broke out in loud cackles as Emmett tried to figure out how he
managed to forget that small - but obviously significant - detail.

"You'll send me some, Bells, won't you?" he pleaded quietly to her.

Bella continued to laugh at him, shaking her head at his look of worry.

"No, seriously, I'm pretty sure you can package that shit so that it can
be shipped. I think fucking UPS does that. I'll check into it." Emmett was
dead serious as he informed Bella of the services UPS offered, which
only made the rest of us guffaw even more.

After several minutes of laughter, we settled back and continued on with

our last movie of the evening. While the movie played, the girls all
migrated closer to each other, each of them now snuggled against one

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another on the floor in front of the couch. Their heads were close
together and I could hear their whispers every now and then, but tried to
ignore it and let them have their time together.

Once the movie ended, everyone reluctantly got up from their places
around the room, grabbing at the dishes and bottles strewn about. It
was obvious that we were all avoiding what was coming, no one
wanting to be the person that ended the evening.

"Are you sure you don't need any help, Bella?" Rose asked as she
loaded the plates Bella was handing her into the dishwasher.

Bella shook her head while responding, "No, I'll be fine. I only have a
couple more boxes to pack up and then I'll be done."

Her eyes were clouding over with moisture and I knew that she was
going to break at any moment. I looked over to Jasper, helpless as to
what I could do. Always being one to sense what I needed, he reached
for everyone's coats and handed them out.

"We should probably get going so Bella and Edward can have some
time," Jasper said quietly.

I shot him a thankful look and noticed the other three reluctantly putting
their coats on in preparation for leaving.

Jasper moved toward Bella first, giving her a hug and a kiss on the
head before saying, "Have fun out there...and be careful." Bella nodded
at him, not able to keep eye contact. "We'll see you in a few months,
okay?" Jasper finished, squeezing her hand before walking toward the

Emmett stepped in next, crushing Bella to his chest while he

surrounded her petite body with his massive one. He was speaking
directly into her ear, not allowing any of us to hear what he was telling
her. He smiled, though, his dimples on full display while he continued

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talking and I noticed Bella's lips curved up slightly before she pulled her
lip in between her teeth and her eyes welled up once again.

Emmett put her back on her feet, squeezing her slightly before finally
letting go. "And I really am gonna call about shipping those fucking
brownies. I can't live without them, Bells. Don't make me..."

She smiled and nodded, not trusting herself enough to speak, I was
sure. Her attention turned to her two roommates and best friends and
the three of them seemed to just naturally come together, all arms and
hair and whispers as they said goodbye. Jasper, Emmett and I looked
on uncomfortably, the three of us shifting awkwardly from foot to foot
while we watched our girls say goodbye to each other.

After almost ten minutes, they separated, the three of them looking
worse for wear with tears streaked down their faces, their eyes red and
blotchy from crying. Emmett and Jasper grabbed for Rose and Alice,
the four of them awkwardly saying goodbye again as they walked
toward the door.

I came up behind Bella, my right arm wrapping around her chest, my

hand cupping her shoulder as my left circled her waist, pulling her back
against me. I waved to the four others as they fled from the apartment,
the sound of the door latching shut providing a stark contrast to the
quiet that surrounded us.

Bella's hands latched at my forearm that was against her chest as she
leaned back into me. My mouth found her hair and I kissed her gently
before I lowered my face, my lips hovering over her ear as I swayed us
back and forth.

"It'll be okay, baby... It'll be okay," I repeated over and over as Bella's
silent cries still filled the room.

Eventually she turned in my arms, burying her face in my chest as I

trailed my fingers up and down the expanse of her back, attempting to

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sooth her in any way possible. Not long after, she calmed, pulling back
to look up at me. Her eyes were bloodshot and puffier than I'd ever
seen them. What little make-up Bella had on at the start of the night had
been washed away by her tears. Her lip was red and raw from her
teeth's constant worrying of it.

"Come on, baby, how about a hot shower?" I asked as I led her toward
her bedroom. I knew she had a couple of boxes she needed to finish
packing and get sealed up, but I figured we would have time to do that
in the morning before I had to take her to the airport. If nothing else, I
knew I could finish packing them for her and just ship them off once she
was settled in Chicago.

Chicago. Without me.

Knowing that I needed to keep it together or Bella would certainly

become even more of a mess, I shoved those thoughts aside, intent on
getting her to relax so we could attempt to enjoy our last night together
for a while.

She moved silently with me into her room and sat at the edge of her bed
to take off her socks as I continued on into her bathroom. I started the
shower, setting the temperature high, hoping the steam would help to
relax her body. By the time the water had warmed and I turned around,
Bella was standing in the doorway to the bathroom, completely naked.

Completely fucking naked.

Obviously that fact didn't get past me, but it turned out I wasn't the only
one that noticed. My cock jumped up from its place against my body
and took a good, long look at her as well.

She walked slowly over to me and started to unbutton my shirt, quickly

working through them before her arms glided up my chest and over my
shoulders, pushing the shirt from me so it could pool at my feet.

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"Join me," she whispered, as her fingers moved to the button-fly of my


Soon enough, we were both naked and engulfed in the warm mist of the
shower stall, Bella's body snuggled as close to mine as she could get.
Her naked breasts pressed against my chest and I had to bite back a
moan at the feel of her hardened nipples moving softly against my skin.

I shuffled us back toward the shower spray and gently tipped her head
back so that the stream of water could wash over her. Once her hair
was wet, I reached for her shampoo and soaped up my hands before
moving them to her hair, working my fingers against her scalp as the
suds grew more pronounced in her chocolate waves. She hummed her
approval and stroked her soft fingers up and down my chest while her
eyes closed at the sensation of my fingers in her hair.

Tilting her head back, I rinsed the remaining suds from her hair before I
reached for the conditioner, allowing my fingers to massage it into her
head once again. Once that was rinsed from her hair, I grabbed her
body wash and squirted some in my hand, even though her body puff
thingy was right there for me to use instead.

Pfft. Like I would use that over my hands.

Bella smiled knowingly as I glided my hands over her smooth skin.

Turning her and bringing her back to my chest, my hands continued
cleansing her, my palms rubbing circles against her breasts before
moving lower. My fingers traced nonsensical patterns on her stomach,
dipping into her belly button and earning a giggle from Bella. I gathered
more soap and continued down her body, squatting behind her so that I
could soap up her legs. Lifting each slightly, I placed one of her petite
feet on my knee, cleansing it before I switched sides and repeated with
the other.

Standing once again, I reached for the body wash one last time and
rubbed my hands together before sliding one down her stomach and to

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her sex, gently soaping her as Bella's head tilted back and rested
against my shoulder. My lips moved to her neck, placing a small kiss
there as I removed my hand and turned her body, my hands gliding
over the dip of her lower back before trailing down to her ass.

Fuck if I didn't want to take her right now, my iron-cock was proof
enough of that. But more than that, I needed Bella to feel at ease - or as
much at ease as she could knowing that her life was going to change
drastically in a mere twenty-four hours. So I would continue to take care
of her, hoping that I didn't poke out her eye or something with my
ridiculous hard-on.

Almost as if reading my mind, Bella lifted her face to mine as my hands

continued to glide over her, rinsing all the soapy residue from her body.
Her eyes locked with mine and she gave me a sad smile before
standing on her tip-toes to bring her lips to mine. Our kiss was slow and
sensuous, languorous licks with no other purpose than to taste one
another - to memorize the feel of our tongues moving against each

Bella's hands traced up my chest before cradling my face in her hands,

her thumbs moving soothingly against my stubbled jaw. My hands
continued tracing soft lines up and down the curves of her back, my
hands dipping lower at each pass downward.

"Edward," she whispered, her voice barely audible over the sound of the
water hitting the glass shower door. "Make love to me."

And, iron-cock just somehow got harder.

My hands pressed flat against her back and I moved our bodies flush
against each other before I reached one hand to turn off the water,
intent on getting her back into her bed as soon as possible and giving
her exactly what she'd asked for.

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Before my hand could connect with the dial, Bella shook her head
quickly and said, "No, here. Now. I need to feel you like this."

I realized then that she wanted the sanctuary of being surrounded by

water; feeling the safety of all the moisture as it sprayed around her,
thinking that I wouldn't be able to discern the droplets cascading down
her face from her tears as they mingled there. However, I could taste
the salt as I kissed against her cheeks, her eyes, her lips.

Her sorrowful eyes glanced down, trying so hard not to let our last
encounter be about the sadness, but instead about the love.

She didn't have to hide from me.

I tried to show her in the whispers of my hands and my lips and my

tongue that it didn't matter - none of it mattered as long as we were

My hands gripped her hips and I lifted her up against me, her legs
wrapping around my waist as my cock twitched against her pussy.
Bracing her against the wall, I brought one hand down, teasing her clit
before I slid it back, dipping one finger in her to test her readiness for


"Only you," I whispered as I sunk into her, my hardness engulfed by her

warmth. My words were echoed back to me, only coming from the
sweetest of lips as her forehead pressed against my shoulder while I
rocked into her.

Despite the fact that we weren't in the most ideal situation for making
love or taking our time, we still savored every minute, our eyes
connected as our bodies did the same. Bella held my face in between
her hands, not wanting to separate our lips at all. Even as loving words
and gasps tumbled from her mouth, her lips stayed locked on mine,

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never moving but a hair's breadth between us.

Her release came fast and strong, mine following directly after, and
even though I was sensitive as shit, I still couldn't help from continuing
to rock into her for as long as possible.

I leaned back slightly and took in the sight before me, gazing lovingly at
Bella, my eyes darting over her skin before my lips descended on to the
droplets that lay on her perfectly flushed cheeks. I could still see and
taste the tears as they mingled with the shower's spray.

I wondered if she could see mine.

- - - l? - - -

I woke to Bella's lips trailing softly over my chest, her warm body
pressed to mine as our legs tangled together under the covers.

"Mmm," I hummed, my nose burrowing itself in her hair as my arms

cradled her closely to my chest. While I had hoped to wake before Bella
so I would be able to take in her peaceful, sleeping form one last time, I
had to admit to myself that this wasn't a bad way to wake, either.

My hand trailed up and down her back, my fingers tickling the skin there
lightly as Bella continued her quest across my chest before moving her
body over mine, her legs going on either side of me.

"Good morning, baby," I rasped, my voice still thick with sleep.

Bella continued her path, her lips never leaving my skin even after I
greeted her. Her hair was covering most of her face, falling all around
her as it served to hide her from me. Moving my hands from her back, I
slipped them around her neck, my thumbs rubbing along her jaw as I
cradled her face. Putting gentle pressure on her head, I attempted to lift
her face so I could see into her eyes. However, while her head moved,
her eyes stayed downcast and even though I couldn't see into those

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beautiful brown spheres, I could see the red that rimmed her lashes and
my heart sank.

"Bella?" I asked.

"Please, Edward," she whispered, bringing her eyes up to finally meet

mine. "I need this. No questions, I just need to feel you. To be loved by

My heart clenched and my gut tightened, along with my hands around

her face. I pulled her to me, my lips working against hers softly, sweetly,
as she moved her hips lower.

"Always, Bella," I said quietly as my lips moved against hers. "You're

always loved by me."

She sighed into my mouth at the same time that I felt her rub against
me, working my cock to fulfill her needs. When we were both ready, she
lifted herself slightly before sinking back down, my length disappearing
deep inside her.

We rocked gently, Bella moving softly over me, though keeping as

much of our bodies in contact as possible. Her soft cries and my quiet
groans mixed with our whispers of love and our kisses as we confirmed
our connection with one another.

As much as I didn't want to think about it - didn't want to taint the feel of
her body around me with negative thoughts - I couldn't help them from
intruding. I couldn't stop myself from thinking that this was going to be
the last time we made love for, quite possibly, months. If not months,
then certainly weeks. And though that wasn't a terribly long time in the
grand scheme of things, when we'd only spent a mere couple of days
apart at most in the almost year we'd been together, this would be
incredibly difficult for us to face.

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So with those thoughts, I tried to memorize her as we moved together. I

took in the soft curve of her back as she arched slightly away from me.
The feel of her calf in my hand where it sat nestled my by thigh as she
rocked against me. How her soft hair fell like a curtain around us,
blocking out all the obstacles of the outside world, leaving only her and
me. I locked away the feel of her lips against my skin and the tickle of
her breasts grazing my chest and the feel of her heat surrounding me.

"Oh God, Bella," I whispered. "You feel so good around me, baby, so

Bella's whimpered response was all I received, though her body sped
up slightly, eagerly seeking its peak. Her hands were everywhere -
trailing over my chest, my arms, tangling in my hair and rubbing against
my jaw. My fingers traced paths over her smooth skin, eliciting
goosebumps in their wake.

She brought her lips to connect with mine; slow, sensual nips and sucks
taking the place of her quiet sighs. Bella's tongue tentatively touched
my lips, never pushing or intruding, just merely tasting. Regardless of
our lips' slow exploration, our bodies were on another path entirely. I
could fell Bella begin to clench around me, sporadic pulsing signaling
her impending orgasm, and I gripped her hips as I began to pump into
her faster and deeper.

"I love you, Edward," Bella mumbled against my lips, not wanting to
separate them even to make her declaration. "I love
much..." she chanted as I felt her tense and release around me, wave
after wave rocking through her body as her mouth continued to move
against mine while she whispered her love and that I was her only one.

Following her closely, I gripped her hips and sank deep, pulsing through
my release while I claimed her mouth with my own.

Once our bodies settled and calmed, our limbs weak with relaxation, I
rolled us to our sides and slid down slightly so that Bella and I were eye

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to eye. My hand rested on her hip while my thumb moved in soothing

circles, attempting to do something - anything - to help ease my girl's

I knew words were futile. Nothing I could say would help ease her mind
- all the words that could be spoken had already been said. Right now I
knew she just needed to be close, to feel she left.

I would give her what she needed. Whether that was my silence, my
body or my love, she would have it.

- - - l? - - -


The ride to the airport was stifled with a gloom that hung stagnant in the
air around us. There wasn't anything left to say. No words that could
make everything better. Nothing could be said or done now to ease the
ache I'd grown accustomed to in my heart.

I'd thought the goodbye with Alice and Rose had been difficult last night,
but that had nothing - nothing - on what this goodbye would be like.

And, yes, I fucking knew it wasn't going to be years on end before we

saw each other again and I wasn't moving to someplace like China, but
still... I was moving. Whether that was three-hundred or three-thousand
or ten-thousand miles away; the number was inconsequential because
any distance would feel the same.

He wouldn't be there.

He wouldn't be there to cuddle up with on the couch while I read. He

wouldn't be there to drag to see the latest chick flick playing in the
theater. He wouldn't be there to talk with me over coffee about how my
day was or what I wanted to do for the weekend. He wouldn't be there
to hold me when I fell asleep, or kiss me good morning, or take walks

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with me, or make love to me.

He wouldn't be there.

As I stared out the window, I tried to discreetly wipe at my eyes. Even

though I knew that Edward was feeling much of what I was, I didn't want
to rub in my obvious angst at my decision.

That was just it - this was my decision. How could I be so unhappy

about something I'd chosen for myself?

The truth was, I wasn't...not really. Sure, I was unbelievably

disheartened that Edward wouldn't be there with me, but I was
surprisingly optimistic about the move itself. And perhaps that was
where part of my tears were coming from...guilt.

Edward's hand continued to rub against my knee, gently squeezing

every once in a while as he navigated his way to the airport, my
suitcases and boxes packed tightly into the trunk.

Far too quickly, we were parked and Edward was hauling everything
out, attempting to find a way to carry it all and still be able to hold my
hand. Resigned, he agreed to allow me to carry some, at least until we
got into the airport where he would undoubtedly get one of those highly
over-priced carts to ease our load.

We traipsed through the parking garage and found our way into the
airport. And sure enough, as soon as we came across a cart, Edward
paid the money to get one and loaded it with my items, freeing our
hands so they could clasp and swing lightly between us.

Silently, we made our way to the check-in counter, waiting patiently for
my turn as I handed over my things. One suitcase and three small
boxes - which I had to pay extra for - was all that I was taking with me to
start my new life. It was so strange that my entire life could be packed
up so compactly.

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The attendant looked at me, no doubt taking in my red-rimmed eyes

and the scruffy looking man standing slightly behind me, and offered me
a sad smile, letting me know the information I would need to get to my
gate before sending me on my way.

I glanced at my watch, noticing I only had about ten minutes before I

would need to start making my way through the line at security in order
to make it to my flight on time.

"Do you want to sit for a minute?" Edward asked as he inclined his head
toward some seats along the wall.

Nodding, I walked with him over there, Edward leading the way as our
hands hung in the space between us. He sat down first, and
immediately tugged me into his lap, his arms locking like a vice grip
around my body. I tucked my head under his chin and snuggled into his
chest, breathing in deeply as I tried to lock away his scent in my

"You'll call me when you get in, right?" he asked, and I nodded against
him. "Do they have a car picking you up again?"

"Yeah, Shelley arranged that for me."

We sat silently for several minutes while his hands continued to caress
my back, neither of us able to find the words to express our feelings, or
perhaps no words were needed.

He squeezed me tightly and then whispered the words I had been


"It's time, baby."

Slowly, I pulled myself from his grip and stood up, silently holding my
hand out to him. Our fingers tangled together as we walked the short
distance to the security check-point. I knew he couldn't go any further -

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he would only be able to watch from a distance but not touch. We would
have to say our goodbyes now.

Edward hugged me to his chest, my hands clutching his shirt between

us as his hands ran up and down my back while his arms tightened
around me. He brought his face down to my head, his lips pressing a
constant kiss there.

"I'll see you soon, okay?" he said quietly.

Not trusting my voice to speak, I merely nodded and continued to grasp

at him, petrified of letting go. I could feel the tears build in my eyes
before they rolled down my cheeks, slowly wetting Edward's shirt.

He pulled away slightly, his hands moving to cradle my face as he tilted

my head back. Our eyes connected and my red-rimmed ones matched
his. Even with his sorrowful eyes, he was beautiful.

"We'll talk every day - five times a day if you want. We can e-mail and
text and we'll visit each other as often as we can." His thumbs rubbed
against my jaw, wiping away the now-constant stream of tears flowing
down my cheeks. "Remember what I said...we'll be fine."

He brought his mouth to mine, kissing me in earnest as his lips parted

and his tongue slid against mine. The desperation in his kiss completely
contradicted his calm and collected words and it gave me a bit of relief
to know that I wasn't the only one feeling completely out of control.

"I love you, Bella," he said when our lips parted. "Only you."

Nodding, I replied, "Only you, Edward. I love you so much."

With another kiss to my eyes, my cheeks, my nose, and finally my lips,

he squeezed me once again and then gave me a playful tap on my butt,
encouraging me to go.

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"We'll see each other soon."

It took everything in me to walk to the security point and weave my way

through the ropes that were set there. Never once did I look back at
Edward, though I could feel his presence behind me. I was afraid that if
I did look - if I allowed myself to get lost in those deep green eyes again
- I wouldn't leave. I would drop my carry-on and I would dodge all the
people in my way and I would cling to him and beg him to take me

Instead, I cried silently to myself, not paying attention to the people that
flanked me. I was dazed as I loaded my belongings in the plastic tubs
and resigned as I made my way through the metal detector before
finally collecting my items on the other side.

And though I knew it would hurt immeasurably, I had to see him once
more. I turned, my eyes searching for the shock of bronze hair and I
spotted him almost immediately - standing by himself with his hands in
his pockets, staring directly at me. I saw him mouth his words of love
and I let out a soft sob, bringing my hand to my mouth as the vision of
him blurred behind my tears.

He brought one arm up and gave a small wave, my silent reminder that
I needed to go.

I wanted to wave or blow him a kiss or mouth the words of love my body
was aching to say, but I simply couldn't. I knew he could see everything
in my eyes and sense my feelings in my body language.

We'd made it to a point in our relationship where we didn't need words

to express ourselves.

And so I gave him one last glance and turned to walk toward my new

Without him.

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- - - l? - - -

Somehow, I managed to find my way to the plane, the people and

discussions around me nothing but a blur as I passed them in my daze.
I could barely recall the flight or the ride to my hotel room, so wrapped
in my thoughts was I. I'd curled into myself, blocking out as much of the
outside world as I could as I attempted to keep my shit together long
enough to get alone.

Once I was in the solitude of my hotel room, I let myself go. The tears
fell once again, and though I'd had enough crying, I couldn't seem to
stop the reaction.

I missed him more than I imagined. And it had only been mere hours.

I wanted to call him, to be comforted by his voice and his words, but I
knew that I needed to get in control of my emotions before I did so. I
didn't want him to hear me like this. He didn't need that extra ache in his was hard enough on him without me adding to it.

Figuring I'd feel better after a hot shower, I unpacked my bag, setting
my toiletries out on the bathroom counter before starting the stream of
water. After stripping my clothes, I stepped in and allowed the hot water
to wash over my cool skin, the steam around me acting as a cocoon as
I attempted to rein in my emotions.

I thought back to the shower I'd shared with Edward. He had seen
through me entirely, through my need to have him in the confines of
those glass walls. Even without my need to hide my tears with the water
that sprayed around me, the act itself...taking each other without being
able to wait until we got to a bed...was so intense. Of course, our
relationship had always been intense, and it wasn't the first time we'd
had to have each other without waiting for more optimal circumstances.
Even still, it had been comforting.

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Feeling better, I turned off the shower and dried off, going quickly
through my nightly routine as I got ready for bed. It was early still, but I
couldn't think of anything else I wanted to do. I'd call in for room service
so I could eat some dinner, but other than that, I planned to just lay in

Once I was in my pajamas and settled against the pillows, the T.V. a
soft hum in the background, I grabbed my phone and pressed the
speedial as I waited for Edward to pick up.

"Bella?" he said, urgently though he tried to disguise his need.

"Hey," I breathed, sighing out in relief.

"I was getting worried," he said. "Wasn't your flight supposed to get in
like three hours ago?"

I glanced at the clock and realized that I had landed a little over three
hours ago and cursed my stupidity. I'd been so wrapped up in keeping
my emotions in check and getting to the solitude of my room that I
hadn't bothered to call Edward right away.

"Yeah," I said biting my lip. "I'm sorry, I wasn't really... I didn't... I just
wanted to get back to the room."

Edward sighed and replied, "It's okay, baby. I understand. Jas and Em
have been hovering and it's driving me fucking nuts. I just want to be left

Nodding, I voiced my agreement and snuggled further into the pillows,

loving how they wrapped around me.

"Are you ready for your day tomorrow?" he asked. I knew he was trying
to move the conversation to something other than the fact that we were
so far away with no end in sight to our separation.

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"Yeah, I think so," I stated softly. "I'm a little nervous even though I've
been there before. Last time it was just an interview - like not really real,
you know?" I asked, waiting for Edward's hum of confirmation before I
continued. "I'm just anxious about it."

"I know you are," he said. "I wish I could be there tomorrow."

I sighed, trying hard to keep my emotions under control. "Me too," I

replied softly, sinking myself further into the comforting abyss of the

We talked for a short while longer, trying hard to mask the pain we were
obviously both feeling, but neither wanting to taint our conversation with
it. After quiet goodbyes and words of love spoken, I shut off my phone
before wrapping myself in the cocoon of my blanket. I fell into a fitful
sleep, my dreams plagued with thoughts of strong arms surrounding me
but knowing in my heart they weren't real.

- - - l? - - -

I didn't know what I was expecting from my first day. Perhaps I thought
that I would be so bogged down with my emotions at not seeing Edward
that the time would drag by or that I wouldn't enjoy myself. However, I
realized as the day flew and I was actually smiling while I was
completely engrossed in my work, that while this had been incredibly
difficult, I had made the right decision. That even though I had left all my
friends behind...had left behind my family and the only home I had ever
really known...had left behind Edward...even with all those things,
making the decision to move here and pursue this opportunity was the
best one that I could have made.

After starting my morning off by getting acclimated with my work area

again, I was able to meet with Shelley and go over all the new hire
nonsense that needed to be taken care of. While filling out paperwork, I
shared with her my concerns over finding a place to live that was
reasonable in rent and also in a nice part of town, with easy access to

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The Trib. Shelley had let me know that while she wasn't completely
sure, she thought her nephew, Riley, was looking to sublet his condo
while he was out of the country on business.

Of course, it would be perfect; Shelley had let me know that his place
was within walking distance to work, and since he'd purchased it
several years back, she didn't think he'd be charging an arm and a leg
to cover his mortgage. While I was ecstatic that I may be able to get into
his place - hopefully fully furnished - I wasn't getting my hopes up just
yet. I figured I'd still better go hunting for something affordable that was
in one of the locations Shelley had suggested.

After a long, but extremely rewarding day at work, I made my way back
toward the hotel, stopping at one of the pubs along the way to grab
something to eat. I hadn't been able to talk to Edward all day. The time
difference was often times hard to work around and I knew it would take
some getting used to before we were able to get into a routine. With his
schedule and mine, I knew evenings would probably be our only chance
to talk, but we still managed to text throughout the day as we were able.

Once in my hotel room, I kicked off my shoes, silently groaning as my

feet adjusted to not being in those god-awful heels. I changed quickly,
swapping out my pencil skirt and blouse for some yoga pants and
Edward's track shirt. As silly as it was, even having a piece of him as
inconsequential as this surrounding me made my heart lighter.

I plopped down on the bed, inhaling my dinner while I absentmindedly

surfed through the channels, attempting to pass the time while I ate
before I called Edward.

As I got lost in the sea of mindless television, I thought back over my

last couple of weeks in Seattle, feeling the pang in my heart at the
thought of what I left behind. Though I was now certain, beyond a
shadow of a doubt, that I had made the right choice in coming to
Chicago, I was still overwhelmingly distraught at the thought of not
seeing my friends or family or Edward until sometime after the New

29. Hurricane 607

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With the abruptness of my job offer and almost immediate move, plans
within the group had already been made for Thanksgiving. Alice and
Rose were both accompanying Jasper and Emmett, respectively, to
their families to celebrate the holiday. Edward was going to be bogged
down with finals and though I would have loved to fly out there to visit
him and my dad, I just didn't have the money or the availability of time
away from work with just starting my position. While it wasn't my first
Thanksgiving away from family or friends, it was going to be my first one
by myself. I was now realizing those were two very different things.

I knew that Christmas would be another difficult time. I wouldn't have

any more than Christmas day off and the following weekend, so I knew
traveling back to Washington would be virtually impossible with the time
restraints. Not to mention the fact that my bank account was already
extremely low - between not making more than the bare minimum at my
last job and now trying to make ends meet in an incredibly expensive
city - I wouldn't be able to find the funds to travel even if I did have the
luxury of time.

I didn't want to get wrapped up in the 'what-ifs' before I talked with

Edward tonight, so I quickly shoved those thoughts aside and finished
my dinner. After eating all I could, I tossed the container into the trash
and grabbed my phone on the way back to the bed.

After getting situated under the covers, I pressed the button for Edward
and waited for him to answer. And that was when I heard it.

I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear, double checking to make
certain I had dialed the correct number, completely confused because
instead of hearing the normal ringing like I usually did, my ears were
filled with quiet notes and longing voices.

However far away, I will always love you. However long I stay, I will
always love you.

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I felt my eyes well up as the sounds of the familiar Cure song filled my
ears, my heart clenching and aching at the simplicity of this act, yet the
utter love I felt because of it. The song continued on as my lip quivered,
waiting for Edward to answer.

Just when I thought it would go to voicemail, Edward's smooth voice

came over the line. "Hey," he said quietly, expelling a breath.

"Hi," I squeaked out. I was trying so hard not to cry, but this was too
much after my first day away. This was exactly the reason I loved
Edward so much. He constantly did these little things that showed me
he was thinking of me - nothing necessarily over the top, but things that
were important to us; things that mattered to me.

"Well, fuck, I didn't want it to make you cry, baby," he said. "I wanted it
to make you smile!"

I laughed softly. "It did, I am smiling. But, it may have brought some
tears, too," I said honestly. "I do love it, though."

"Good, I'm glad," he said, relieved. "So tell me about your day. How was
it actually getting paid for a job you love to do?"

I took a deep breath, silently thanking him for getting the focus off of me
and my ridiculous tears and onto something that I was excited to talk

"God Edward, it was so good. I mean, I've been around the industry, of
course, but being surrounded by the people that work in it versus
actually being submersed in the world are two totally different things.

"I was still sort of getting my bearings today so I didn't do a whole lot in
regards to writing. Garrett said that he'll give us our first assignments
next week. He wants us to get acclimated with each other and the paper
first before diving in."

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"That makes sense," Edward said. "How many new people did they
bring on for this project?"

"Umm," I said, silently counting off the people on my team, "five

including me. They all seem really nice and I know they brought in a lot
of people from all over the country to interview. I really think they took
their time selecting a group that would work well together, as well as
being good assets for The Trib."

I continued on and on about all aspects of the job; what it would entail,
how everything would work in the team. I even gave him a detailed
description of my office, promising to send pictures tomorrow so he
could see where I worked without actually being able to see it.

"Oh, and I talked to Shelley today about finding a place to live," I

started. I heard Edward's hum on the other end, signaling me to
continue. "She thinks her nephew might be looking to sublet his place
for 6 months to a year. I guess he travels a lot for his job and will be out
of the country - Africa, I think she said - for a while. She's going to
check with him tonight and let me know tomorrow.

"God, it would be so nice if I could do that. She said it was close to work
and that he bought it several years back so she didn't think the rent
would be outrageous."

"That's great, baby," Edward said. "I just want to make sure it's in a safe
part of the city."

"I know you do," I replied. "I don't want to live in the slums either, you
know," I finished with a chuckle.

"Well, tell me what you find out. Hopefully you can go look at it in the
next few days."

"Yeah, I'm hoping Shelley will know something tomorrow," I said.

Glancing at the clock, I noticed we'd been talking for almost three hours.

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I knew I needed to get off the phone and get to bed if I wanted to be at
my best again in the morning. I sighed, not ready to hang up yet.

"You need to get to bed, baby," Edward said, as if reading my mind.

"I know," I sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you, too," he said. "Will you call me again tomorrow night?"

"You know I will," I said smiling. "And I'll text you the pictures of my
office so you can see how important I am."

He chuckled and replied, "Good, I can't wait to get them. Once I see
what I'm working with, I can pick out a plant to send you."

I smiled at that, knowing full well that it was something Edward would

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow," I said softly.

"Okay," he said. "I love you, Bella."

"I love you, too," I replied. "Goodnight."

Hanging up, I let myself just absorb what we'd talked about for the last
three hours. Edward was thrilled for me and how much I'd enjoyed The
Tribune. I knew he was fairly nervous - though he never said so - that I
wouldn't be happy at the job. It was just such a big gamble to make -
moving cross-country for a job I hadn't ever done before. I could
practically hear his sigh of relief when I voiced my excitement.

It was a bittersweet moment for both of us. Knowing that I was finally
able to do what I'd wanted to do, what I'd gotten my degree in, was
amazing. However, knowing that Edward wouldn't be able to join me in
Chicago for over six months was eating at the both of us. Of course,
there would be visits and there was always the phone, but it wouldn't be

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the same.

I lulled myself into a dream-like state, my eyes fluttering open and

closed as I continued to think about what the future held for the both of
us. The overwhelming thought that registered in my mind was the fact
that I didn't know when I would next feel his fingers in my hair, his
hands on my hips, or his lips against mine.

And with those thoughts, I drifted off to dream of a man that was no
longer by my side.

A/N: I know this chapter was hard...and I'm sure some of you are
pissed at Bella for taking this job and then being all emo about it. I
understand your aggravation and irritation with her, but please don't
send me reviews or PMs saying that she's a whiny brat who needs to
stop crying already - I've had enough of those to last a lifetime. *wink*
As someone who's lived a variation of this scenario, I can promise you
that her feelings are not only realistic, but are very true to form.

No, I haven't forgotten about the ring and neither has Edward. But, now
wasn't the right time to ask her...his reasoning still stands. Patience my
lovelies...I won't lead you astray.

I'm sure you've heard about the fabulousness that is The Fandom
Gives Back started by Lola, Nina and Christina. Though it freaks me
the fuck out, I will be auctioning off a piece of writing - either an original
o/s based on your prompts, a second chapter to Cracked, or an outtake
from LR. There are certain things that you may want to see written
which will not be included in this story. *cough wedding or pregnancy
cough* That's right. There will be no wedding written into LR. *gasp*
Well, if you want it, now's your chance to get it... Bidding runs from
November 15-20. You can find my thread here: www . digg .

Finally, for those wondering what the fuck all this nonsense is about a
Wussperv rating, I wrote up a blog post for Edwardville and have

29. Hurricane 612

11/15/10 23:30:12 antiaol - Library Rendezvous

cross-posted to The Locker for those that aren't members there. You
can find it here: www . digg . com/u1Fz1K

Many, many fondles and ass smacks to my two smutterific beta h00rs -
my one and only Kitty Twin ilsuocantante andAwesome Sauce
Spreading Beta Extraordinaire KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

29. Hurricane 613

30. Aftermath
Thanks for hanging in there with me, chickens. Not much longer

Wussperv ratings: ilsuocantante 79%, KatieBelleCullen 95!%,

theladyingrey (2 parter) first 3/4 -42%, last 1/4 - 95%

Things I own: Several pairs of flannel pjs, the best Christmas

movies on DVD, and a canister full of hot chocolate

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly


The drive back from the airport was a blur to me, my mind focused on a
girl that was quickly moving further and further away from me. My heart
actually ached at her not being here with me.

When I'd watched her go, when I'd watched her walk through the
security gate and toward her plane, it was as if she'd taken a huge
chunk of me with her. My heart was hers. My mind was hers. My soul
was hers. How was I supposed to cope without those when she left?

Once I arrived back at my apartment, I ignored the pitying stares of

Jasper and Emmett and went directly into my room. Before flopping
down on my bed, I grabbed for the tiny, velvet box that was safely
tucked away in my bedside table, longing for the comfort it always
seemed to provide. I allowed the soft texture against my thumb to calm
me, my eyes closing of their own accord as I buried my head in the
pillow that still smelled like her.


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I wasn't sure why this tiny, little, insignificant box brought me so much
relief. I hadn't even been able to give it to her yet - to let her know,
beyond words, that I was in this. For life.

Even still, it managed to soothe me, calming the uproar that was ever
present in my stomach now. The ache that had been there since she
told me she was leaving.

- - - l? - - -

I felt so...empty. Nothing was the same without Bella here. My bed felt
too large, her scent no longer surrounding me while I slept. Even during
the times when I wouldn't have normally seen her, I just felt off. My
entire demeanor had changed since she left. Jasper and Emmett were
both trying to be understanding, but I could sense their irritation. The
fact was, I just wanted to be left alone. There wasn't anything anyone
could do that would make me feel better. I was simply focused on
getting through these next several months as quickly and painlessly as

Even though I was frantically prepping for finals and filling my time
focusing on school, the weeks after Bella left crept by at a ridiculous
pace. We talked on the phone daily, sometimes more if we could
manage, and texted or e-mailed as frequently as we could. We'd both
gotten set up on webcams so we were able to actually see each other
when we talked - and see each other while we didn't do a whole lot of
talking, either - but even so, it wasn't the same.

Thanksgiving came and went and it killed me that she was spending it
in a new city filled with strangers and that I couldn't be there with her. I
wasn't very good company for my parents, constantly thinking of Bella
and sneaking off to call her, knowing her day was infinitely worse than
mine since she was all alone. Though we had yet to spend a holiday
together, I couldn't help but miss her. She was my everything...and now
she was gone.

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As difficult as Thanksgiving had been, I knew Christmas would be no

better. I didn't know how I was going to possibly manage not being with
her. She wouldn't be able to get the time away from work, and even if
she had been able to, I knew her budget wouldn't allow her to visit.
Regardless, even if she had the money and could get the time off, she
would come home to an empty apartment as I wouldn't be here.

Every year since I'd graduated from high school, my parents and I had
gone to a different location to celebrate Christmas. It was sort of a
family tradition now, and every year when we'd get to our destination,
we would spend that time talking about where we wanted to go the
following year. One year we went to Paris, one year to the Bahamas,
one year to New York. This year, we were going to Switzerland. It was
always an amazing experience and one I hoped to share with Bella
someday - maybe even next year.

With our plans made months upon months in advance, I knew that my
ticket had already been purchased and arrangements had been made
months prior. I didn't know how I could possibly get out of going with
them. Though my parents were very understanding people - especially
in regards to the long distance relationship Bella and I were nurturing - I
knew they would have a hard time eating almost a thousand dollars
because I simply had to spend that time with my girlfriend.

I had been putting off telling Bella about this, not sure how the hell I was
going to get through that conversation. I knew it would crush her,
spending another holiday by herself instead of with me, but I didn't
really see any way around it.

This whole distance thing was more difficult than I'd ever imagined it
would be. Though I tried hard to not dwell on the fact that Bella was
gone and that I was left behind, I couldn't help it. I trusted her implicitly,
yet I was anxious when she was away. Living a new life, meeting new
people, getting wrapped up in all that was new and exciting, while I was
here. With the same people in the same apartment in the same city
doing the same shit.

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She was experiencing everything new.

I wanted us to experience that newness together.

- - - l? - - -

Needing a break from the emptiness of my apartment, I grabbed my

books and headed to the library, hoping I would get a reprieve from the
too-quiet surroundings of my place and be able to get some shit done.
More than ever before, I knew I needed to work my ass off so that I
could make the transition as smooth as possible when I was able to
transfer to Northwestern. I'd been putting in a good extra fifteen hours a
week of studying, just trying to prep myself.

But, really, what the fuck else was I gonna fill my time with?

I made it into the library and automatically set out to find our table.
Apparently, I hadn't really been thinking all that clearly because of
course I would miss her more in this place than any other. Regardless
of the countless hours we'd spent in my apartment - in my room and in
my bed - this was where I'd first laid eyes on her. Where I'd been able to
get to know her; her smile, her voice, her subtle gestures that made up
who she was. How she would twirl her hair when she was thinking or
bite on the end of a pen when she was reading something of interest.
How her feet would rest perfectly in my lap underneath the table while
we studied, trying hard not to be distracted by each other, but failing

I slumped down in my seat, groaning a little at my stupidity, as I banged

my head on the desk repeatedly.

"You're so fucking stupid," I muttered to myself. I realized then that I'd

reached a whole new level of crazy since I was now talking to myself
out loud as well as berating myself in my head.

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I glanced at my watch and noticed it was about the time Bella would be
getting off work. Needing to talk to her, I dialed her number and waited
for her to pick up.

"Hey," she sighed into the phone.

Despite my foul mood, I couldn't stop the smile from spreading across
my face at the sound of her voice. "Hey, yourself. What are you doing?"

I heard some shuffling in the background while she answered, "I just got
home from work. Just getting comfy and out of these damn work

Groaning again, I once again slammed by head on the table, mumbling

into the phone, "Are you trying to kill me?"

She giggled and said, "Why don't you get on the webcam so I can really
kill you?"

"Fuck," I hissed, shaking my head at my stupidity for calling her from the
library and not from the comfort of my bed. Sighing, I replied, "I can't.
I'm in the library."

"You are?" she asked, surprised. "Why are you calling then? Don't you
need to study?"

"Yeah," I muttered. "I tried. I came to the library thinking it would be

better than my fucking apartment, but now all I can think about are our
Saturday night dates here." I chuckled darkly. "It's obviously not helping
very much."

"Aw, I'm sorry, baby," she said quietly. "I wish I was there with you."

"Me too, Bella," I said. Wanting to change the subject, I asked, "How
was your day?"

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She sighed heavily. "It was alright, just long. We just got our new
assignments and it's going to mean a lot of late nights, unfortunately.
But, there's not much else I would be doing, anyhow."

I hummed in response and asked, "Are you still getting along with
everyone you work with?"

"Yeah, they're all really great," she said. I could tell she was smiling and
that brought one to my face. "We've gone out a couple of times. They're
nothing like you guys back home, but they keep me occupied. Plus, it's
nice to work with people I don't hate for a change."

"I can imagine," I replied. "What are they all doing for the holidays?"

"Oh, well," she started, "we can't do much. I mean, I'm not the only one
who only gets Christmas and the weekend off, you know?

"And with them all starting the same time as me, they are in the same
boat as far as vacation time. I think most of their families live in the
suburbs, though, so they'll be able to be with them a little." I could hear
the sadness and longing in her voice and hated that I was only going to
make it worse. "But, it will be better next year. It's just a small price to
pay for my dream job, right?"

"Yeah..." I mumbled. "Um, Bella?" She hummed to let me know she was
listening and I continued, "I know that we never specifically talked about
seeing each other for Christmas, but-"

"Edward, I can't take time off, and I can't afford the trip even if I could."

"I know that, it wasn't what I meant. I was going to try to come out and
see you."

"You were?" Her voice sounded cautiously hopefully and that made my
heart ache all the more.

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"I was." I nodded, though I knew she couldn't see me, and continued,

She heaved a breath on the other end and I could just picture her
shoulders slumping in defeat.

"But?" she asked.

"But...I couldn't get out of going with my parents this year. My mom's
had it booked since like April. I'm sorry, baby. I tried, I really did."

"Edward, it's fine. I didn't think you'd be able to come anyhow. It's fine,
I'll be fine."

I had just stomped on her heart, though you would never know it from
her words. She took my news just as I thought she would - all quiet
understanding, though I knew her heart was breaking inside.

"I'm sorry," I breathed, again.

"Honestly, Edward, it's alright. We can still talk while you're gone, right?"

"Of course!" I said hurriedly. "As much as you want, whenever."

"Well, then, that's all I need."

I smiled at her words, just as a beep sounded on my phone. I pulled it

away from my ear and glanced down at the caller id.

My advisor...why the fuck is he calling me?

Starting to panic, I began to replay all the things he could be calling me

about. Did I fuck up on my finals? I was sure I'd done well, but now my
stomach was clenching like I'd just been sucker-punched. In the entire
year I'd been here, he'd never called me. This didn't sit well with me.

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"Bella? That's my advisor calling. I'm not sure what it's about, but I
better take it."

"Oh, okay, sure," she said. "Call me later tonight?"

"I will, baby. Love you."

"I love you, too."

With that, I clicked over to my advisor, anxiety on the forefront of my


"Hi Dr. Banner, what can I do for you?" I asked as calmly as I was able.

"Edward," he said. "There's something we need to discuss."

- - - l? - - -


Hanging up from Edward, I plopped back on the bed, arms splayed

above me while I sighed into my empty room. What Edward told me
hadn't surprised me. I honestly hadn't anticipated him coming to
Chicago for Christmas, anyhow. But when he'd started talking about
how he'd planned to visit, my stomach immediately did back flips and I
couldn't stop the smile from forming on my face.

I was such a fucking girl.

I should have known, though, that it was too good to be true. I'd heard
Esme mention their little tradition before, briefly, but it had completely
slipped my mind. I guess we hadn't really talked about holidays much
before the move. I had sort of assumed I'd be spending it in Forks with
my dad and Edward would be spending it with his family. I hadn't
figured we'd be spending Christmas day together, but assumed that
we'd see each other and be able to exchange gifts on one of the days

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surrounding it.

It was amazing how much more it hurt my heart now to know that I
wouldn't see him on Christmas, now that I was thousands of miles
away. It didn't seem so bad when I assumed I would have been with
family and friends. Of course, that probably had to do with how
incredibly lonely I was here, and how solitary I'd felt on Thanksgiving.

After the move, the weeks had passed in a blur and crawled along like a
snail, all at once. My job was amazing and it was beyond wonderful to
feel like I was actually doing something with my days rather than just
fetching coffee. I'd managed to make friends with the people that were
on my team, but while they were all very nice and we got along great, it
wasn't the same as the group of friends I was longing to see.

While most of my time outside of work was spent alone, Thanksgiving

had been the worst. It had been just me in my newly acquired
apartment, wishing I could have been surrounded by the people I was
thankful for. To keep myself busy, I'd filled my time with mundane tasks.
I'd watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV. I'd organized
my linen closet. I'd sorted my e-mail. When dinner time eventually came
around, I'd fixed myself a turkey sandwich and some potato chips - not
quite seeing the point in making a turkey with all the fixings just for
myself - and watched mindless television. It wasn't exactly a
picture-perfect holiday.

Of course, Edward and I spoke that day, as we did everyday, though it

just wasn't the same. Nothing was the same without him by my side.

It felt odd experiencing these new things without Edward here. I'd
moved into my new apartment only two weeks after arriving in Chicago.
Thankfully, Shelley's nephew, Riley, had been looking to sublet and I'd
been incredibly lucky that everything was a perfect fit. His apartment,
while a bit on the masculine side, was extremely nice; only half a dozen
blocks from The Tribune, and it was in a secure building so I was able
to breathe easy at night. And it managed to fit my budget.

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It did take some getting used to, roaming around this apartment by
myself. For one thing, I'd never lived on my own before. Between
moving from my dad's home to the dorms and then to the apartment
with Alice and Rose, my space had never been just my own. Some
days it was welcome, knowing that if I didn't want to pick up my socks in
the living room or wash the dirty dishes in the sink, no one else would
be bothered by them.

Other times, though, it was lonely; having no one to greet you when you
got home and no one to wish you a good morning after you'd rolled out
of bed was just as difficult as I'd thought it would be.

Besides that, it was awkward being in someone else's home. Feeling

comfortable touching and using some one else's things. Eating on
someone else's dishes. Sleeping in someone else's bed. Out of all the
things, that had been the most difficult. I'd spent so many nights tossing
and turning, trying to get settled in the strange, unfamiliar bed. Besides
Rose or Alice's every once in a while, Edward's was the only other bed
I'd ever slept in besides my own.

It made my heart ache all over again when I thought of that.

We still had almost six months before he would be able to move out
here, and probably at least three before we would see one another
again - hoping, at least, that he would be able to visit me during his
spring break from classes. I would still have to work, but at least we
could see each other again.

God, what it would be like just to be surrounded by his arms again; by

his warmth and his smell. To feel his morning stubble graze my cheek,
or to feel his warm breath over my neck, or to feel his fingers ghost the
expanse of my back.

Fuck, I missed him.

- - - l? - - -

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"Bella?" Alice squeaked into the phone.

"Hey, Ali," I said, smiling. We'd managed to get in a few phone calls a
week, but of course, they were never the same.

"Hey! Whatcha doin'?" she asked excitedly.

I leaned back against the arm of the couch and tossed my remote
control toward the other end. "Not much, actually. I'm just sort of
vegging out in front of the TV. It's been a long week."

"I bet," she said. "Are things still busy at work?"

"Mhmm," I confirmed. "I feel like we've been working non-stop. Plus with
it so close to Christmas, I think Garrett wants to get a little ahead of the
game so we're not scrambling when we get back on the 28th."

"Hmm, well that makes sense," she agreed. "Are you still loving it?"

"God, Alice, you have no idea," I started. "Well, actually you do have an
idea because you love your job." I heard her hum her agreement and
continued, "It's just...I don't even know, I can't really explain it. I feel like
such a grown-up, you know? To move to a new city for a job and not
know anyone. It's scary, but...awesome."

"How are you doing in that new city?"

Leave it to Alice to flesh out the nitty gritty details.

"Uhm, well, it's nice," I stumbled a little through my words, "I really love
Chicago. The city is beautiful and there's so much to do. And most of
the people are really friendly here. Plus it's nice that it doesn't rain every
frickin' day." I laughed a little at that and heard Alice do the same. "And
my apartment is great..." I trailed off.

"But Edward's not there," she finished softly.

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I felt my eyes well up and internally scoffed at myself for being so damn
predictable. Swallowing down the lump in my throat and composing my
voice as best I could, I replied, "No, he's not. But it won't be long, now.
With us not seeing each other at Christmas, he's planning on visiting
over his spring break, I think."

"Well, that's good. I know how much you two miss each other," she
replied. She paused for a moment and then added, "He hasn't been the
same since you left."

"Alice," I struggled to say. "Please, let's not talk about it."

Sensing that I was at my breaking point, she quickly changed the

subject. "Well, don't think just because you're half way across the
country that you're safe from my gift giving expertise. I got your box
packed up and shipped out today, so you should get it on Thursday,
hopefully. Does UPS run on Christmas Eve?" It sounded like she was
talking to herself more than me, and that was confirmed as she
continued without waiting for my response, "Dammit, I should have just
had-" she continued muttering something nonsensical into the phone
and I silently laughed a little at her antics. She was still my Alice. "No
matter," she continued louder this time. I could almost see her waving
her hands in the air. "You can just open it whenever it gets there."

I chuckled and said, "I'm sure it will get here in time, Alice. Plus, the
beauty of being by myself is that I can open gifts whenever I want to."
My voice was filled with false happiness and an unnatural lightness to it.

If Alice noticed, she didn't say anything.

"Alright, sweetie, well call me on Thursday, okay?"

"Alice, I don't want to interrupt. I know you and Jasper will be at your

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She scoffed and replied, "Bella Marie, you will call me, do you

I giggled and replied, "Yes, mother."

"Good," she said sternly. "Okay, honey, I'll talk to you later. Love you,

"Love you, too, Ali. Give Rose my love."

I clicked off the phone and was engulfed in the silence of the room.
Resting my head back on the arm of the couch, I closed my eyes and
felt this awful weight press down on my chest. While I'd always known
that I would be the only one out here while all my friends stayed in
Washington, it was so different to actually feel the separation. To know
that they were there, living their lives as they always had; finding
comfort in their practiced routines and in the familiar faces that
surrounded them.

I wanted nothing more than to feel that familiarity again.

- - - l? - - -

The work week ended later than I'd hoped, and I didn't get home on
Christmas Eve until almost seven o'clock. The doorman had given me a
package when I'd arrived in the lobby and I couldn't help but smile at the
address I knew all too well that was listed on the shipping label.

Looked like Alice's gift had gotten here on time.

I walked into my apartment, dropping my keys on the side table by the

door before I set the package down. Shrugging out of my coat, I hung it
in the hall closet and tugged off my shoes, grateful to allow my feet
some much needed reprieve from the heels I'd inflicted on them all day.
I crouched down and grabbed Alice's package and brought it over to the
breakfast bar in the kitchen. Knowing I had the patience of a

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four-year-old, I quickly snatched my letter opener and sliced through the

tape holding the package together, excitement bubbling up in me.

After I'd gotten into the box and pulled the flaps back, I dug through the
balls of tissue paper, coming across a metal tin and grinned as I pulled
it out. Opening it, I couldn't help my grin from widening. Alice, Rose and
I had a tradition every year of baking cookies all day long in our
pajamas, then curling up on the couch with hot chocolate - alright, so
they may have been spiked - and watching our favorite Christmas
movies. I'd felt such a loss this year when I didn't get to participate in

Smiling, I opened the tin and grabbed one of the decorated cookies and
bit in, savoring the familiar flavors. Setting the cookie down, I dug
further into the box and came across a wrapped package. My
excitement getting the better of me, I grabbed it immediately and tore off
the paper with no regard for it before lifting the lid off the box. Nestled
on top of the tissue paper was a simple note that read:

It wasn't the same.

All our love,

Ali & Rose

Pulling away the tissue paper, I got my first glimpse of the present they
had gotten me; a pair of flannel pajamas, a canister of hot cocoa mix,
and our three favorite Christmas movies on DVD.

I sat staring at the open box for a long while, my quiet sniffles the only
sound that filled the room. I was grateful that I'd already spoken to Alice
and Rose earlier in the day, as I wasn't sure how easily I would be able
actually converse with them without breaking into a fresh round of

Cradling the box to my chest, I made my way to my bedroom and

stripped out of my work clothes. Yanking the tags off my new pjs, I

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tugged them on and grabbed my hot chocolate mix and the movies
before heading back into the living room. I tossed the DVDs on the
couch and headed to the kitchen, intent on getting myself some dinner.
Opening the fridge, I sighed, knowing my only option was going to be a
Smart Ones from the freezer.

After my dinner was ready and my hot chocolate was warm, I headed
into the living room and put in one of my movies. Curling up on the
couch, I settled back for the evening, attempting to lose myself in the

Though I tried hard not to think about it, I couldn't stop my mind from
conjuring up memories of what I'd usually done at this time on
Christmas Eves prior. My dad and I celebrated quietly, nothing
boisterous or loud about our traditions - I'd had enough of that with Alice
and Rose, anyhow. Regardless, we did have our traditions. Hunting for
the perfect tree and decorating it together. Watching It's A Wonderful
Life after we ate on Christmas Eve. Opening one small gift before
heading to bed. Christmas Day was just as relaxed.

I hadn't kept up any of my usual traditions since being in Chicago; all of

them somehow feeling wrong without the people that made them
special. I'd barely managed to even decorate for the holidays. The only
evidence of it being Christmas at all was just a tiny tree that sat perched
on a side table, pitiful and pathetic with a single strand of lights and a
few ornaments.

I realized, though, that it didn't matter how much or how little I decorated
or baked or cooked or wrapped if the people I'd created the traditions
with weren't here.

Yes, everything looked the same...all the necessary things got


But all the happiness was gone.

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- - - l? - - -

I was jolted from my sleep by the sound of my phone ringing.

Attempting to shake off the confusion I felt at waking up on the couch
instead of my bed, I quickly reached for the phone on the end table,
glancing at the caller id before answering.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice raspy with sleep.

"Did I wake you up?" Edward asked.

"Mmm," I mumbled, sinking back down into the pillows on the couch.
"Yeah, I fell asleep watching a movie. What're you doing? Did you get
there okay?" I glanced at the clock, noticing it was almost midnight
which would make it not quite seven a.m. in Switzerland, where Edward
would be now.

"Uhm, what? Oh, uh, yeah, we just landed. Getting our bags now,"
Edward mumbled.

"What's the matter? You seem distracted," I replied.

"Huh? Oh, I'm just tired. Couldn't really get much rest on the plane," he
said. "How was your Christmas Eve?"

"Uneventful," I said. "Just heated up some dinner and watched - or tried

to watch, I guess - a movie. I'll probably head to bed when we hang up."

"Bella," he started, "I'm really sorry I couldn't be with you today. You
know if I could-"

"Edward," I said, cutting him off. "We've already talked about this. I
know you would be here if it were possible. It's fine, I promise. Now, go
get some rest and call me when you can."

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"Okay, I will. I'll talk to you soon. I love you," he said quietly. "Merry
Christmas, baby."

"Love you, too," I whispered. "Merry Christmas."

- - - l? - - -

I slept fitfully that night, tossing and turning the entire time, my sheets a
tangled mess around my body. My dreams were incoherent and
garbled, all focusing around me chasing someone, though never
catching them.

After resigning myself to the fact that I wasn't going to get anymore
sleep, I pulled myself out of bed and spent most of the day vegging out
on the couch, watching old Christmas movies that were on TV. I'd called
both my parents, leaving a message for my mom and speaking with my
dad. I wished him a Merry Christmas and told him how glad I was that
he had people in Forks to spend the holiday with.

Day turned to night, the pitiful string of lights on my Christmas tree the
only illumination in the room save for the TV. When the credits for A
Christmas Story finally came up - for the seventh time today - I decided
I should probably figure out what to eat for dinner. Heading into the
kitchen, I went directly for the drawer where I kept my take-out menus,
sorting till I found the one I was looking for.

Is it pathetic that I'm ordering Chinese take-out on Christmas?

Shrugging at myself, I grabbed the menu of my favorite place, not really

caring anymore if it was lame or not. I was hungry, and I wanted food
from my favorite Chinese place, damomit.

After calling in my order and ringing down to let the doorman know I
was expecting someone, I settled back against the couch, flipping
through the channels as I hunted for something other than A Christmas
Story to watch. I flitted past It's a Wonderful Life, not sure I could handle

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all the sap today, and instead settled on Elf. If anyone could cheer me
up, it was good old Will.

Just when I was getting into it, my phone rang and my stomach rumbled
as if on cue. I hopped off the couch and rushed to my room, snatching
the phone along the way.


"Hi Miss. Swan. I just wanted to let you know I sent the guy up."

"Okay, thank you," I said quickly as I grabbed for my purse and began
to dig through it in search of my wallet. I internally cursed Alice for
gifting me this monstrosity for my birthday; I could never find anything in
it. I finally found my wallet in the black abyss known as my purse, just
as I heard a knock at the door.

Quickly making my way to the front entry, I unlocked and opened the
door, greeting the delivery person waiting for me.

"Sucks to work Christmas, huh?" I asked, my focus on my wallet as I

dug for cash.

"Do you always open your door to just anyone?"

My head snapped up, my wallet dropping from my fingers as I stared

into the eyes of the one person I'd missed more than anything.


With my mouth agape, my eyes darted all over his face, down the
length of his body to the two suitcases surrounding him, then back up,
taking in the box he carried in his arms. My lips moved of their own
accord, my mouth forming mumbled words, but no sounds came out as
my voice wasn't cooperating.

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Was I dreaming? Did I fall asleep on the couch again? Hadn't I just
talked to Edward less than twenty-four hours ago when he'd just landed
in Switzerland? None of this made any sense to me.

I couldn't fathom how he could be here, and I willed my dream-self to

make contact with him. I wanted to throw myself in his arms. I wanted to
tell him how much I loved him and how I'd missed him. Instead, I
muttered, "I don't understand," and continued to stare slack jawed at

He smiled softly and said, "I'm home, baby."

A/N: What just happened there? Think she's dreaming?

KatieBelleCullen Beta Note: If it is a dream, I'm completely wiping out

the wussperv rating for next chapter.

I'm sure you're all aware of the awesomeness that was The Fandom
Gives Back. As a group, we managed to raise over $87,000 to benefit
childhood cancer research. That is just so amazing to me, and I'm so
thankful to be part of a fandom with such a big heart. Two lovely ladies
bought me like the h00r I am, and are forcing me against my will to write
dirty, naughty, completely pervy and smutty things involving these two
characters. You can thank colleen5182 and jessica0306 when that
outtake gets posted (about a week after they receive it. It'll be posted on
Les Autres Rendezvous). I can't say much, but I can tell you it will
contain these three things: Watching. Playing. Piano. It probably doesn't
sound dirty to the average person, but I know my readers aren't
average - they're a bunch of dirty h00rs like me. I'm sure you can come
up with something imaginative with those words. Thank you Colleen &
Jess for buying me so that I didn't have to create a sock account and
buy myself.

Special thanks this time around to theladyingrey for making a special

appearance to take a look at this chapter. And, as always, snuggles and
cuddles to my two smutterific beta h00rs: my one and only Kitty Twin,

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ilsuocantante and Awesomesauce Spreading Beta Extraordinaire


Review for spanks.

30. Aftermath 633

31. Daybreak
Well, color me flattered. Last chapter got just shy of 350 reviews.
(THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY! *jumps up and down like a
12-year-old girl*) I mean...I'm just speechless. I read and loved
each and every one of them - thank you, truly. And, most of you
knew it wasn't a dream. I would do that to you.

This chapter doesn't need wussperv ratings. Have fun. Also,

please join me in my land of delusions. Remember, cookies and
whips await you...

Things I own: A new pair of hot librarian glasses, way too many
rolls of Christmas wrapping paper and all the fixings for the xmas
cookies I'm about to bust my ass making.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


I got the transfer.

I got the fucking transfer!

I was all nerves and paranoia when I answered the call from Dr.
Banner, but my relief and shock was palpable at his news. I didn't
remember much else of the conversation, not knowing or caring why I'd
been granted my transfer early, only that I would get to see Bella. Soon.

As soon as I hung up the phone from him, I dialed my parents

immediately, giving them the news. I knew it was bittersweet for them,
seeing their one and only child grow up and move away, but such was
life. And while I would miss them incredibly, nothing could compare to
having Bella by my side.

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After explaining what I could to my parents, they were just as excited

and nervous as I was and promised to help out with whatever they
could. I begged and pleaded with my mom to try and find a way to get
my ticket refunded for Switzerland, more intent than ever before on
seeing Bella as soon as possible. My mom promised me she would do
what she could, and I hung up with her, a sense of optimism hanging
lightly in the air.

The week following Dr. Banner's phone call had been awkward to say
the least. I was still keeping this from Bella, knowing that if I could find a
way to get out there before Christmas Eve, that I wanted to surprise her.
I felt like a complete shit for not sharing this with her, for keeping this
huge secret, but I had to believe that it would be better if things
managed to work out how I hoped they would.

Jasper and Emmett were excited for me, and relieved that I would be
able to join Bella sooner rather than later. Emmett especially had shown
an actual physical reaction, heaving a huge breath, his shoulders
relaxing immediately. Apparently, he wasn't so sure about those
"fuckers" that lived in "that crazy, too-big city" and what they'd possibly
do to his "sweet, innocent Bells." I didn't want to burst his bubble and
tell him that his "Bells" wasn't so sweet and innocent. Mostly because I
didn't want to get my ass handed to me by his over-sized arms.

The closer we got to Christmas, the antsier I became. My nerves were

getting the better of me as I prepared and packed and studied and
readied myself for my first ever move alone. I was equal parts terrified
and elated and I couldn't quite reconcile them both in my brain.

My classes kept me busy, knowing without a doubt that I absolutely

could not fuck this up now. There was no possible way I could slack off
with the transfer so close I could taste it. I worked every bit as hard as I
had been - harder, even - and spent several extra hours studying just to
make sure my grades didn't drop.

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Every day I'd call my mom, inquiring if she had found anything out.
Every day the same thing would happen. She would be slightly evasive,
not telling me what she was doing to try and get the ticket refunded, yet
telling me enough to know that I was still technically going to
Switzerland with them. Figuring today would be no different, I picked up
the phone and dialed the familiar number, waiting two rings before she
picked up.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Hey Mom," I said. The first few times I'd called, I'd been excited and
hopeful, both emotions showing clearly in my voice. Now I was
apprehensive and pessimistic, and as hard as I tried not to show those
emotions in my voice, I knew my mom could read me like a book even
when I wasn't right in front of her.

"Hey sweetie," she said. "How was your day?"

Well, that was odd. Every day since I'd gotten the news of the transfer,
I'd call, we'd exchange 'hellos' and then my mother would crush my
heart and tell me she hadn't found anything out yet. Then we'd have a
ridiculous conversation where she'd tried to talk to me like normal and
I'd act like a petulant little brat who had just been told he couldn't have
ice cream. Again.

And now, she was asking me about my day? What the hell?

"Um, fine," I said, stretching out the word. My confusion was still getting
the best of me, blocking my brain from forming any sort of intelligent

"That's good," she said, her voice chipper and light. "I was thinking
you'd like to come over early next week for dinner."

"Uhhh, alright," I continued in my confused voice. The end of next week

was Christmas and I wasn't sure why they'd want to have me over only

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days before the holiday when we'd be spending it together anyhow.

"Well, your father and I just thought it might be a good time," she said. I
could hear the teasing in her voice, her words baiting me to question
her motives.

"Mom, what's going on? You and Dad thought it would be a good time
for what?" I was agitated now, just wanting to hear already that she
hadn't been able to do anything about the ticket so that I could go and
wallow in my room like a little bitch.

"To open your Christmas presents."

"What?" I asked, confused even more, though a small part of me was

hoping that Mom had finally come through.

"Well, since you won't be seeing us on Christmas, it only makes sense."

Um. What?

With my optimism at an all-time high and my patience at an all time low,

I needed to know what the crap she was talking about. "Mom, can you
please just tell me what the hell is going on?"

Instead of getting angry at me snapping at her, she just chuckled and

replied, "I got it all worked out, honey. We were able to get an extra
ticket and switch our hotel rooms, so that Carmen and Eleazar can join
us this year. We'll miss you, but I know you need to be with Bella now.
Besides, there's always next year."

"You . . . I . . . How did . . ." I couldn't form a coherent thought to save

my soul and just sputtered nonsense into the phone.

Chuckling once again, she replied, "You don't need to worry about it
anymore, sweetie. Just know that someone else is coming on the trip
with us and you're free to go and surprise your girlfriend."

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I could be with Bella on Christmas?

Despite being a twenty-four-year-old male, I actually had to physically

stop myself from getting up and dancing around the room like a
thirteen-year-old girl.

"Now, how about that dinner next week?" Mom asked.

"What? Oh! Yeah, whatever you guys want. Just tell me when and
where and I'll be there," I said. "Mom, I love you but I've gotta go. I have
so much shit to do, it's not even funny," I mumbled, more to myself than
to my mom.

"Okay," she said while laughing. "Just let me know if you need help
getting anything ready."

"Thanks, Mom. I appreciate that. I'll see what I can get done and give
you a call if I need some help."

"Sounds good, sweetie," she replied. "So, does Monday work for

"Yep, works perfect," I said, a little too eager to get off the phone and
start preparing.

She laughed into the phone and said, "Okay, I get it. I'll let you go. And
give me a call if you need help."

"Thank you, Mom," I said. "For everything."

"Anytime, sweetie."

After hanging up, I flopped back on my bed, my mind racing a hundred

miles per hour. I had so much to do, so much to prepare . . . and now I
only had a little over a week. More than packing and getting my shit
ready to leave, I was apprehensive about keeping this from Bella. I

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knew it was for the best; I wanted nothing more than to see her
surprised face when I showed up on her doorstep. I just had absolutely
no idea how I could listen to the longing in her voice for the next week
and not spill my guts to her.

- - - l? - - -

The next several days passed easier than I thought they would have.
Each time I'd talked to Bella, she was distracted; her boss had been
working them hard to get all their shit done before Christmas. If I hadn't
been planning my move to be with her, I would have been worried at
her demeanor. As it was, though, I was relieved beyond belief, thankful
that she hadn't been present enough in our conversations to notice
anything off about me and therefore I hadn't had to lie to her about what
was going on.

I'd spent my time organizing and purging, getting my shit down to as

little as I possibly could. I needed to make arrangements with my
parents to get my furniture out of the apartment as soon as possible,
knowing that Jasper and Emmett were moving in with Alice and Rosalie,
respectively, as soon as the lease was up.

It was Monday evening and I was on my way to my parents for my last

dinner with them before the move. I pulled into the driveway and walked
in through the backdoor, slipping off my shoes before heading into the

"Hey Mom," I said as I walked over to kiss her on the cheek.

"Hi, sweetie," she said while she continued chopping on the cutting
board. "Did you get everything done that you needed to?"

"Yeah," I said while nodding. "I'm pretty well packed, and I got the Volvo
in for a check-up, just to be safe."

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"That's good," she replied. "I'm nervous about you driving all that way,
so I'm glad you're being responsible about it."

I rolled my eyes a bit at her, though I didn't allow her to see it; even
though I was a grown man, the little things that I was supposed to do
anyway always seemed to impress her. I walked over and grabbed a
couple of carrots from what she was cutting and popped them into my

"So, what time will you get there on Christmas Eve, then?"

"Um," I mumbled around my food. "I'm not sure exactly. I'm going to try
and drive as much as I can Tuesday and Wednesday so I can get in
fairly early on Thursday. Hopefully the weather cooperates," I added as
an afterthought

"Well, just be careful. I'd rather have you get there a little late than push
it and end up in the ditch." I nodded at her while I continued to munch
on my carrots. "And Bella still doesn't know anything about it?"

"Nope," I said while grinning.

Yeah, I was pretty proud of myself.

"I'm just glad you'll be able to be there with her," she said. "It breaks my
heart that she's been all alone."

"I know, Mom. Mine, too."

She looked over at me and offered me a sad smile. It was the first time
I'd really looked directly at her face since I'd gotten here and while she
was smiling at me, I could see an underlying sadness in her eyes.

I frowned, leaning my hip against the counter next to her and asked,
"What's wrong?"

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"What? Oh, um, nothing," she said while diverting her attention back to
the vegetables in front of her. I simply raised an eyebrow at her and
waited until she looked at me again. She peeked at me out of the corner
of her eye and saw my expression. Smiling sadly, she finally relented
and said, "I'm going to miss you."

"Mom," I said while I moved behind her and wrapped my arms around
her shoulders. "We've done this before, you know. It's not the first time
I've lived away from home."

"I know," she sighed. "But, I was just getting used to having you back." I
squeezed her shoulders and kissed the back of her head. "I know it's for
the best. You and Bella need to live your lives and I'm so happy that it
all worked out. I just can't help but be a little sad about it."

"I know," I said quietly. "I'll miss you guys, too."

We stood there like that for a short while until my mom cleared her
throat and said, "Why don't you go get your dad and let him know
dinner's almost ready?"

I knew it was her way of getting me out of the kitchen so I wouldn't see
her cry and I hated that she was feeling this way, but I squeezed her
once more and turned before heading to find my dad like she'd asked.

I walked out of the kitchen and around the corner, heading straight for
my dad's office. The door was open only slightly and I knocked twice
before pushing through.

"Hey Dad," I said as I walked inside.

"Oh, Edward," he said as he shuffled the papers he was looking at

aside. "I didn't know you were here. Where's your mom?"

"She's getting dinner ready," I said with a sigh as I plopped down on the
chair in next to his desk. "Has she been like this since I called?"

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"Yeah, pretty much," he said and leaned back in his chair. "You know
how she is. She's just loved having you around this last year. It will be
hard for her to see you go again."

"I know, but she knows we'll be back to visit, right? I mean, Bella's dad
is here, too, not to mention all our friends."

He laughed at me and cocked an eyebrow while crossing his arms over

his chest. "I'm not sure what sort of dream world you're living in, Son,
but you won't have the time or money to come back to visit whenever
you want."

I slumped back into my chair, my shoulders drooping. "Yeah, I guess

you're right. Shit, I hadn't really thought about that."

"Just make sure she knows she's welcome there anytime and I think it
will put her mind at ease."

I nodded, making a mental note to tell her how much we wanted them to
visit before I left for Chicago. My dad stood and I followed him out,
ready to make the most of my last night with my parents.

- - - l? - - -

Saying goodbye to them was more difficult than I'd imagined. Well, if I
was being honest, I hadn't really thought about it all that much, actually.
I'd been so wrapped up in myself - in what I needed to get done before I
left - that it didn't even cross my mind that I'd be saying goodbye to
everyone just as Bella had done less than two months ago.

My mom cried, which I had expected, although it didn't make it any

easier to see. My dad hugged me and told me to remember what he
said. They both wished me luck and my mom made me promise to call
before I left on Tuesday, as well as sporadic check-ins as I made my
way across the country.

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I had so much shit I still needed to get done this evening. I had to finish
packing, program in my route on the GPS, and somehow manage to
say goodbye to Jasper and Emmett, as well.

Pulling into the parking lot of my apartment building, I quickly got out
and made my way to my apartment. After unlocking the door, I tossed
my keys on the counter and shrugged out of my coat before heading
into the living room.

"Hey man," Jasper said from the couch. "How'd it go?"

I groaned and fell back in the chair next to him, sighing loudly as I said,
"Awful. Mom was a fucking wreck."

"Yeah, I figured she would be," he replied. "I can go over there after
they get back from Switzerland if you want. You know I was really her
favorite, anyhow."

"Shut the fuck up," I said while laughing and tossed a pillow at his head.

"You bitches having a pillow fight in here? Gonna strip down to your
panties next?" Emmett asked with a huge ass grin on his face as he
sauntered into the living room and sat on the opposite side of the couch
from Jas.

"Maybe," Jasper replied. "Can we borrow some of yours?"

It didn't take long for our banter to have us howling in laughter. Though I
wouldn't want to be anywhere else than hanging out with them my last
night, it only increased my anxiety at leaving them behind. Jasper had
always been like my brother, for as long as I could remember. But
sometime between our freshman year of college and now, Emmett had
managed to take that place as well. I wasn't sure how I was going to get
along without them when I moved.

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After inhaling a pizza and downing several beers, we sat and watched
mindless television, each of us offering bits of conversation every now
and then. All too soon, midnight approached and I needed to get my ass
in bed so I could get up at a decent hour. I knew Em would be off to
work and Jasper would still be sleeping when I left in the morning, so
our goodbyes had to happen tonight.

"Alright," I said as I stood. "Let's get this shit over with."

Emmett laughed and came over to me, pulling me into an emasculating

bear hug. "Jesus Christ, Emmett. I'm not Bella, don't swing me around
like a rag doll. Try to let me hold on to some of my dignity."

He chuckled and replied, "Yeah, yeah . . . sorry." He put me down and

looked at me seriously while he clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Keep
her safe and happy, man."

I nodded in response, my throat feeling tight already.

Goddammit, he apparently squeezed my balls right the fuck off in that


He gripped my shoulder tightly before he dropped his hand. And then to

ease the heaviness of the moment, he reached up and slapped me
across the face before heading to his room. I could hear his quiet
chuckles the entire way.

"Fucking Emmett," I grumbled as I rubbed my cheek. I looked to Jasper

who was still sitting on the couch and noticed him staring at his hands
as his elbows rested on his knees. I knew, without a doubt, that saying
goodbye to Jasper would be the most difficult. I guess I just hadn't really
thought about it in depth and what it would mean when the time finally

"Well," he said as he stood up and grabbed his plate and beer bottles
off the coffee table. "Grab your shit and clean up after yourself . . . I'm

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not your maid."

I shoved him in the back as he walked away, but reached down and
picked up my garbage, following him into the kitchen. After cleaning up,
Jasper leaned against the countertop with his arms crossed against his
chest and stared down at his feet.

"So," he said as he glanced up at me. "This is going to be different."

I knew what he was referring to; that we hadn't ever been apart for more
than two weeks at a time since we were just kids. He truly was like my
brother and I was going to miss the shit out of him.

I could only manage to nod, not trusting myself to speak. He pushed off
the counter and reached for my hand, pulling me into our usual
man-hug and patted my back a few times before he let go.

"Drive safe," he said. "And, not to sound like your mom, but call me
once in a while, alright?"

I chuckled softly and said, "You know I will, Jas."

He nodded and turned to head out of the kitchen. I stood there for
several minutes, trying to get my bearings before I headed into my room
and finished packing what I would need.

As difficult as it was to say goodbye to everyone here, I couldn't help

the feeling of elation from bubbling up in my throat.

I was going to see her . . . my Bella. In two days.

- - - l? - - -

I woke up Tuesday morning and skipped out on my normal morning

routine, deciding that a hat and a scruffy face was just fine for my drive
alone. I didn't allow myself to linger long, quickly leaving the apartment

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before I had much chance to think about what - or who - I was leaving

My first day driving went smoothly and I was pleased with the amount of
distance I covered. By the time I stopped for the day, I was somewhere
in Montana. It was just before ten in the evening and I settled in to the
first hotel I came across, intent on getting a good night's sleep so I
could start fresh again the next morning.

Wednesday brought snow, lots of fucking snow. As I made my way

through Montana and then South Dakota, crawling along at no more
than fifty miles per hour, I cursed the day I thought it would be a good
idea to keep my fucking car instead of selling it, flying to Chicago and
just buying a new one there. I only managed to drive a little over
five-hundred miles before I decided I should call it a night. I'd lost more
than two-hundred miles because of the fucking snow and I would have
to haul ass tomorrow if I hoped to get to Bella at a decent time on
Christmas Eve.

Thursday morning came and along with it, a sheet of white covering
everywhere I looked. Checking the weather channel, I saw that a snow
storm was heading this way and if I didn't hurry up and get the fuck out
of here, I'd be stuck for who knew how long. I grabbed my shit and
checked out as quickly as I could, before getting gas and hitting the
interstate. The roads were covered in blowing and drifting snow; my
knuckles were turning white with the force I used to grip the steering
wheel and my teeth were sore from how hard I'd been clenching them.

I was making shit time and there was no way I was going to get to Bella
at a decent hour - if at all. I managed to make it into Podunk, Wisconsin
before I decided to pull over and see if the snow would let up and I
could continue.

Unfortunately, after three hours of nothing but white falling from the sky,
I knew I'd have to ride out the evening at another fucking hotel while
Bella spent the night alone.

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"Goddammit!" I yelled and slammed my palm against my steering

wheel. I glanced at the clock, noticing it was just after eleven, and set
off to find someplace to stay.

Once inside, I knew I had to call Bella. I hadn't talked to her all day and I
needed to hear her voice. I needed to tell her how sorry I was for not
being there.

She asked me about my flight to Switzerland and it was all I could do to

mumble out some sort of response, feeling shittier by the minute for
lying to her. I apologized with everything in me for not being there with
her, because even if she didn't know it was my plan, it hurt more than I
thought it would at the idea that Bella had sat alone watching lame ass
TV on Christmas Eve when she could have been in my arms.

- - - l? - - -

Waking on Christmas day, alone and in a hotel room, wasn't exactly

how I'd imagined it happening. However, I didn't have time to sit and
feel sorry for myself. Taking a quick peek outside, I noticed that while
there was still a great deal of snow covering the ground, it wasn't
coming down like it had been yesterday. Even with the piles of white
drifting into the streets, I hoped the lack of falling snow meant that
driving would be a bit easier and would allow me to get to Bella at a
decent time.

After a shower and shave, I checked out of the hotel, got gas and
quickly made my way to the interstate, intent on covering as much
ground as possible as quickly as I could. As I traveled, I spoke to both
my parents, telling them the change of plans and letting them know I
would call again once I made it to Chicago.

Driving was slow-going once again, black ice covering spots of the
interstate and making drivers more cautious, me included. What should
have taken just under five hours ended up taking more than double that
time. By the time I ventured into the outer suburbs of Chicago, it was

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just before five. It was already dark outside, making it even more difficult
to navigate the interstate, but after another hour and a half, I found my
exit and set out to find Bella's address.

I found public parking as close to her building as I could and grabbed

my two suitcases from my trunk, strapping them together to pull along
before I reached for the box containing the rest of my shit that wouldn't
fit in my bags. Wrapping my coat more securely around myself, I
trudged down the street to her building, anxious to feel the heat from the
lobby. Once inside, I headed toward the guy that was sitting behind a
half-circle desk, engrossed in what I assumed was a television behind
the counter.

Once in front of him, I cleared my throat to get his attention, watching as

he gave me just a brief acknowledgment with his eyes before training
them back on whatever the fuck he was watching.

"What can I do for you?" he asked me, though he was speaking directly
to the TV in front of him.

"Um, yeah, I'm here to see Bella Swan," I replied, uneasiness coating
my words. I didn't want this guy to let Bella know that I was on my way
up - that would ruin the entire fucking thing!

Before I could get too worked up trying to figure out how to bribe this
douche to just let me up without contacting her, he simply nodded and
said, "Yep, go ahead and go on up."

My mouth opened and closed several times while my eyebrows

furrowed, completely speechless that this guy was just going to let
anyone walk up to Bella. I didn't know what kind of show they were
running here, but I was going to talk to a fucking supervisor on Monday,
that was for damn sure.

Deciding I didn't want to press my luck and hang around waiting to see
if he changed his mind, I grabbed my bags and hustled for the

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elevators, waiting for the doors to open before shuffling my shit inside
once they did. The ride up to her floor seemed to take an exorbitant
amount of time and I couldn't stop my mind from wandering while I was

Was she expecting someone? Did she get guests often? Was that why
the doorman was so nonchalant with my arrival? Were her guests
friends from work or people she met while she was out in the city?

Before I could get myself too worked up thinking about who came to
visit Bella while I wasn't around, the elevator dinged and stopped on her
floor. Stepping out into the hallway, I headed toward her apartment
number, anxiety and nerves bubbling up in my throat. All too soon I
came to her place, I stared at the numbers in front of me, not quite
grasping that she was just beyond the door. After almost two months of
only phone calls and webcams to keep us company, I was within two
inches of being face to face with her. Snapping myself out of my trance,
I quickly knocked, swallowing the anxiousness I felt.

It couldn't have been more than thirty seconds before the door flung
open and there she was. Her hair was a mess on top of her head and
she was wearing sleep pants and one of my hoodies that she'd
borrowed from me when she still lived in Seattle. She was digging
around in her wallet and didn't even bother to look up to see who she'd
opened the door for when she said matter-of-factly that it sucked to
work on Christmas.

Brief confusion clouded my thoughts and I said the only thing I could
think of, wondering out loud if she always opened her door to just
anyone. The look in her eyes as she finally realized who was standing
in front of her shook me to my core, and I watched as her eyes drank
me in, darting to the two suitcases that set at my feet and the box in my
arms. Her confusion was written all over her face as her brows furrowed
while she took me in, and I stared at her expectantly, waiting for her to

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"I don't understand," she whispered, shaking her head slightly back and

And then I said the one thing I could think of, the only thing that
mattered anymore. "I'm home, baby."

- - - l? - - -


He was home? Home?

I reached out and touched his face, watching as his eyes closed and he
leaned into my palm, sighing a little at the contact.

"You're here," I said, my voice still full of disbelief as I continued to drink

him in with my eyes.

"Yes, Bella," he said smiling. "I'm here. For good."

The sound that came from my throat could only be described as a sort
of laughing-sob as my hands gripped at his shirt before I wrapped my
arms around his neck, squeezing him to me as tightly as I could. His
arms encircled my waist and he lifted me off the ground as he buried his
face in my neck. I felt more than heard him inhale and pulled back to
look at him, holding his face between my hands. I was still several
inches from the ground, our noses aligned perfectly.

"I've missed you," he said as his gaze moved between my lips and my

With those words, I couldn't wait any longer and pulled his face to mine,
our lips connecting immediately. It was soft at first, hesitant, but
gradually our comfort increased as did the urgency of our lips. I slipped
my tongue out and licked at his full bottom lip, wanting nothing more
than to taste him again - finally - after all this time. His mouth opened to

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me and I tasted his tongue - peppermint and coffee - and smiled against
his lips at the memory. He'd clearly had a rough day to still taste like
coffee this late.

Lost in our impromptu make-out session, we were startled from each

other by an awkward throat clearing just off to the side in the hallway.
Pulling apart abruptly, I looked sheepishly over Edward's shoulder and
saw the take-out guy for the Chinese I'd ordered.

"Um, yeah," he stuttered. "Sorry, but I have a delivery for that

apartment," he said as he pointed at my door.

I blushed as red as a fire hydrant and squeezed Edward once before I

wiggled out of his arms. "Sure, um, sorry about that," I mumbled as I
turned around and grabbed my wallet, shoving some money - and a
huge tip - in his direction.

"No problem," he said as he turned around and headed toward the


"I'm gonna bring this in," I said to Edward and hurried in to place the
take-out bag on the kitchen counter. By the time I'd gotten back to the
entry, Edward was settled inside my apartment, leaning against the
closed door with his suitcases around him.

"So, I take it you were expecting Chinese when I came up, huh?" he
asked as he moved toward me. I nodded in response, still smiling like a
fucking idiot. "I wondered why the doorman let me up so easily. I was
going to talk to a manager or something on Monday."

I couldn't help but laugh at him as he made it to me, wrapping his arms
around me while my hands sat against his chest. I stared at him,
confusion and shock still at the forefront of my mind and couldn't help
from asking, "How are you here?"

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He smiled down at me, leaning in for what I was sure was supposed to
have been a short kiss. After several minutes, he pulled away and said,
"I promise I'll tell you everything. But first, I need to get my girlfriend in a
bed and not leave for at least four hours."

I giggled and nodded my head, grabbing his hand as I dragged him

down the hall to my bedroom. Where we were shy and hesitant in our
initial kiss in the hallway, we were now confident and ravenous in the
quiet comfort of the bedroom. His fingers wasted no time as he pulled
the hoodie from my body, coming in contact with the thin tank top I'd
worn underneath.

"I've missed your skin, Bella," he said as his fingers ghosted over the
flesh at my shoulders and trailed down my arms. He moved his
attention to my pants then, his hands working quickly to push them
down my legs until I was standing before him in only my see-through
tank top and mis-matched panties. I couldn't bring myself to care that I
wasn't in his favorite satin and lace lined cheekies or that it had been
two days since I'd shaved my legs. All I could do was be thankful that
he was here. Well, that and also that he hadn't come last week when it'd
been three weeks since I'd last shaved and I had nothing but ugly, ratty
period undies to wear.

His lips took the place of his fingers against my skin while I tried to rid
him of all the ridiculous layers he had on. Laughing, I said, "Did you
walk here?" as I pulled off his sweatshirt and long-sleeved thermal he
had underneath, finding yet another undershirt still waiting for me.

"Less talking, more kissing," he said as his teeth nipped at my lips. I

couldn't find it in me to argue with him, so I gave in and enjoyed the feel
of his lips on mine as I worked to free the buttons on his jeans. He
stepped out of them quickly and pushed me backwards to the bed.

Once I felt the back of my legs hit the side of the mattress, I shifted
slightly and crawled onto the bed, resting on my knees as I reached out
to pull him closer to me. I gripped the hem of his undershirt and pulled it

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over his head, sighing in contentment at the bare skin finally exposed to
me. My fingers traced the lines of muscle on his chest that I'd almost
forgotten, before I leaned over and kissed along the expanse of his
broad shoulders.

"Need to feel you," he murmured as he climbed onto bed next to me

and pulled me down to lay against him. His arms engulfed me
completely, my entire body lined up perfectly against his as we
continued kissing, never getting enough of one another.

Before long, Edward reached down to pull my tank top from me, tossing
it behind him on the floor. His lips immediately sought out my breasts,
kissing in circles against my skin before taking a nipple in his mouth as
his tongue traced around the peak. My fingers tightened in his hair and I
held him to me, almost certain that after this long without his touch,
simply his tongue against my breast might actually make me orgasm.

"Missed you, baby," he whispered against my skin. "Missed you so


My mewl was the only response I could give him as his lips and tongue
continued to work wonders over my chest, his face moving from one
breast to the other seamlessly. I answered his declaration with urgency,
my fingers diving into the waistband at his boxers as I pushed them
over his hips and down his legs, allowing my feet to push them off
completely. He reciprocated, pushing my panties down at once before
he settled himself next to me once again.

His fingers traveled lower, grazing the soft skin of my sex. His groan
told me he found the warm wetness there and I felt as he circled his
fingers against my clit, rubbing along my slit before slipping two fingers
inside me.

It was then that I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled him to me, begging
with my hands that he cover me and fill me and love me like he hadn't
been able to do in so long.

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He immediately settled between my legs, his eyes locking with mine as

he slid his length along me, coating himself in my wetness.

"You, Bella," he said as I felt him slip slowly inside. "I love you, only

"Oh God," I whispered, the words almost choking in my throat. He

pushed into me, making me feel whole in a way I hadn't in so long and I
couldn't stop the tears from trailing out of the corners of my eyes.

As he rocked into me, he brought his face closer to mine, kissing away
the trail of tears as they ran silently down my temples.

"Shh," he said quietly. "I'm here, baby. I'm here now."

I gripped at his back, clutching him with everything I had as my legs

wrapped around his hips, wanting - needing - him to get as deep as

His thrusts became less controlled as he filled me over and over again,
working us both to our peaks. His hand slipped between us, working me
like he knew I enjoyed and it didn't take long before I fell over the edge,
softly whispering his name in my oblivion.

"Bella, my Bella," he said as he plunged in and stilled, his face buried in

my neck as he reached his own perfection while inside me.

His lips found mine as soon as he could catch his breath and he kissed
me with passion and comfort, his lips and tongue working my mouth as
only his had ever been able to. Before long he settled beside me, his
head resting on my chest as I stroked his hair.

I knew we had so much to talk about; I didn't know how or why Edward
was here. I didn't understand what he'd meant when he'd said he was
home . . . for good. He hadn't said anything about an early transfer or
visiting for an extended period of time. All the questions flitting around in

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my brain were going to drive me insane if we waited too long before we

talked about this.

However, Edward had said he wanted four hours in this bed with me.
And I planned on giving him at least that.

A/N: *sigh* This is definitely bittersweet for me. I know I've been telling
you for the last two chapters that there would only be one more, but I
really mean it this time. Next chapter will be the last chapter of LR and
then we just have the Epi. I'll save my sappy comments for next time,
but just know that I love each and everyone of you for sticking with me
through this ride. No idea when the next chapter will be out . . . I plan to
enjoy Christmas with my family and hope you all do, as well.

For those that don't have me on author alert, I posted a new one-shot (I
hate calling it that, btw, because it feels like so much more to me). It's
definitely different from LR, but give it a try if you want something new.
It's called Shadowy Corners of Me and can be found on my profile.
Also, remember to add me to author alert if you're interested in reading
the next multi-chaptered fic I'm planning and if you want to read the
perverted outtakes for LR.

The lovely Pervs and I are running a contest over at The Shack - "An
Officer and a Gentleman." We want hotties in uniform (*cough
CIAward cough*). Go take a peek and start writing your asses off.
Entries taken through Jan 9th. www . bit . ly/8Ue9n0

It's pimpin' time up in here! I have several I'm going to pimp because
I've been a reading h00r. With Teeth by TalulaBlue
(seriously...ah-may-zzzzzing) - www . bit . ly/8skgMZ . . . Elemental by
TallulahBelle (new supernatural universe for our, so good) -
www . bit . ly/1uKLhk . . . Maybe by 107yearoldvirgin (Rockward.
Need I say more?) - www . bit . ly/6CA5X1

Christmas cuddles and snuggle sessions to my two smutterific beta

h00rs: my one and only Kitty Twin, ilsuocantante and Awesomesauce

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Spreading Beta Extraordinaire KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

31. Daybreak 656

32. Velvet Embrace
Things I own: A diamond and sapphire wedding ring, 5 new pairs
of fuzzy socks courtesy of xmas, and a white fuzzy blanket that
keeps me snuggly while I write.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.


The past month in Chicago had been . . . amazing. Really, truly,

un-fucking-believably amazing. The two months that Bella and I were
separated only managed to strengthen our bond and it was surreal to
be surrounded by her again. We'd spent our time home doing nothing
more than just simply being together - whether that was watching a
movie, cooking dinner or making love. Besides school or work, we
never really did anything unless we were with each other.

I'd started at Northwestern about a week after I arrived at Bella's, and

while I could have used more time alone with her - in her bed, doing
nothing but kissing every inch of her fuckhot body - she had to get back
to work, so it was a good thing that my days were filled with school and
not mindless roaming while she was away.

The transition to the new school went smoothly. Of course, it may have
helped that I'd done it before when I transferred from Boston to Seattle,
so I sort of knew what to expect. I got along with all my professors and
while I obviously hadn't developed a strong relationship with any of
them yet, I was optimistic that once I'd been here a little longer, that
would happen naturally.

Bella and I spoke to everyone back home usually once a week, if not
more. My mom called frequently, and half the time I felt like she called
just to talk to Bella. They could spend an hour talking about absolutely
nothing, but the smile on Bella's face when she hung up was always

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palpable and I loved that the two most important women in my life got
along so well with each other.

Since we'd been here, lots of changes had taken place with the rest of
the group. Emmett and Rose, as well as Alice and Jasper had moved
out of our original apartments, each of them taking up residence in their
own, smaller, two-bedroom places. They may have been in separate
homes, but their apartment buildings were within walking distance to
each other, so they still spent a lot of time at one another's place. I
could see the longing in Bella's eyes as she listened to Rose and Alice
talk about their new apartments, wishing she could be there to hang out
with them - or even just to see where they now called home.

Another huge event had been when Alice called Bella, screaming into
the phone about her and Jasper being engaged. I swear, it was almost
like the girls were together, as Bella was screaming and jumping in
place, elation written all over her face. After Bella and Alice had finished
their squealing, Bella handed the phone over so that I could talk to
Jasper. To say I'd been shocked would have been an understatement.
Jas hadn't talked to me at all about it. At first, it hurt that I had entrusted
my secret with him, but he hadn't done the same with me.

That was until he'd explained that it was completely spur of the moment.
He hadn't planned one ounce of the proposal, just gotten the urge when
they were out to dinner one night. He hadn't even had a fucking ring yet.
He'd just felt it. He'd told me that it had just felt right and he couldn't wait
another second.

Meanwhile, I'd been sitting on this goddamn ring for months and
couldn't figure out a way to ask Bella. It was killing me that I hadn't been
able to ask her yet, but nothing had felt like it was right. Whenever we'd
gone out in the city, I would grab it and take it with me, tucking it into the
inner pocket on my winter coat and hoping beyond belief that something
would inspire me to drop down on one knee and ask Bella to be my

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So far, absolutely nothing had. Not walking around looking at the

Christmas lights still up in the city. Not eating at the restaurant Bella's
co-workers had been going on and on about - the one that overlooked
the entire Chicago skyline. Not after drinks or dancing. Not even after
we'd spent hours doing nothing but loving each other. Nothing -
abso-fucking-lutely nothing - had felt right. Jasper had reassured me,
telling me that it would happen when it was supposed to and that I
needed to just chill the fuck out about it. That I was putting too much
pressure on myself and I needed to just let things happen. He'd told me
that when the time came, I would just . . . know.

That, of course, did absolutely nothing to ease my anxiety. I'd tucked

the ring away in the back of my sock drawer, knowing that Bella would
have no reason to look in there. I still felt the need to have it close to
me, the soft texture soothing my nerves, and I would go and look at it
when she was in the shower or before she got home from work.

The ring was absolutely perfect for her and I needed to see it on her

I hoped beyond belief that the stupid feeling Jasper had told me about
would just come. I didn't want to wait another entire month before I
could ask her . . . I'd already waited long enough.

- - - l? - - -

"Edward?" Bella called out as she walked into the apartment.

"In here, baby," I replied from the kitchen.

I heard her toss her keys on the table by the front door before shuffling
out of her coat and shoes. She shrugged out of her suit jacket and slung
it over the back of the stool that sat at the breakfast bar and walked into
the kitchen, immediately wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey," she said as she snuggled into my chest.

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"Hi," I replied, squeezing her close to me before pulling back and

kissing her lightly. "How was your day?"

She shrugged. "It wasn't bad. I was busy all day, so that always helps it
go by fast. I am glad it's Friday, though." I murmured my agreement as
she unwrapped her arms from my waist before walking over to the
stove. She picked up the cover of the saucepan so she could see what I
was making and inhaled deeply. "Mmmm . . . spaghetti." She glanced at
me out of the corner of her eye with a small smirk on her lips. "Making
one of my favorites. Was someone hoping to get lucky tonight?"

"Pfft," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Like I need to make you dinner to
get in your pants."

She laughed and lightly slapped my chest before she stood on her
tip-toes and gave me another kiss. "Right you are."

I smiled against her lips and tugged her to me, opening my mouth and
brushing my tongue against hers. My hands trailed up her back before I
moved them down and settled them on her ass, giving her a little

With her mouth still attached to mine, she started giggling and pulled
away slightly. "Okay, Lover Boy. Let's eat first before you get any bright
ideas." She patted my chest gently before she turned to head out of the
kitchen. "I'm gonna go change real quick. I'll be right back."

Without me? I think not.

I replaced the lid on the sauce, turning it down to a low simmer before I
headed out of the kitchen toward our bedroom. Bella was there, already
stripped down to her bra and panties, as she hung her suit up in her
closet. She turned and looked at me over her shoulder, watching as I
walked into the room, before pointing toward the bed and shaking her
head. "Huh uh." She giggled. "You need to go lay over there or we'll
never eat dinner."

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Chuckling, I plopped down on the bed on my stomach, my chin resting

over my folded arms. So I may have been slightly insatiable since
moving in with her. Whatever. Any bastard lucky enough to live with
their hot ass girlfriend would have behaved the same way.

She moved to her dresser, rummaging through the drawer that had her
pajama pants in it and grabbed a pair of black, stretchy ones. Pulling
them on, she asked, "How was your day?"

Shrugging as best as I could in the position that I was in, I replied, "It
was okay. I'm still getting to know the residents, but everyone I've been
around is great. I did rounds for a bit. It was nice to have some patient
interaction," I said. Rolling over on my back, I pulled my arm back and
bent it at the elbow, resting my head on it. "I start the Ob/Gyn clerkship
next, so that should be interesting. I always like seeing firsthand the
different specialties."

"M'hmm," she replied as she pulled on a sweatshirt and came over to sit
next to me on the bed. Her hand reached up and stroked softly through
my hair. "I'm glad you like it here so much and that the transition is
going well." She leaned over and placed a kiss on my lips, moving her
body to hover over me.

My hands moved to grasp at her hips, pulling her to lay directly on top of
me. As our kiss got more intense, my hands slipped under the material
of her sweatshirt and caressed the bare skin along her back. Just as my
fingers trailed down to her ass, slipping under the fabric of her pants,
the kitchen timer buzzed.

"Goddammit," I grumbled into her mouth. "The noodles are done."

Bella chuckled and replied, "That's alright, we can finish up here later."

I am the luckiest bastard alive.

- - - l? - - -

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After dinner, Bella went to put in a load of laundry while I cleaned up the
kitchen before I went and sat in the living room, waiting for her to finish
up. While she was in our bedroom, I heard her cell phone ring and
listened as she answered.


That fucker had called her non-stop for the last week. I knew that Bella
was probably at her breaking point, but I couldn't help but smile a little
at the thought of the verbal lashing Emmett was sure to get if he kept up
with his pestering.

"Yes, Em," Bella said as she walked into the living room, rolling her
eyes. "I told you I would and I did. Now will you please stop with the five
times a day phone calls about it?"

I watched as she moved to sit on the couch, obviously listening to

whatever it was that Emmett was saying on the other line, a smile
growing larger on her face.

"I know, and I love you, too," she said. "But, I don't really think that you
need to call me that much just to tell me that. A text or e-mail would
suffice just fine."

Reaching down, I grabbed her feet from the floor and moved them to
my lap. Bella turned sideways on the couch and leaned her back
against the armrest opposite me while my hands worked her feet. She
was still smiling and whatever Emmett was saying was making her
shake her head in amusement.

After several minutes of her not replying, she finally snapped, "Emmett!
Dammit, I said that I took the fucking brownies to UPS today. They told
me they will get there on Tuesday, alright? Do you-" She must have
been cut off by something Emmett said because she huffed and her
hand clenched in her irritation.

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Finally, she spoke again, "Yes, Emmett. They packed them up so that
they won't get ruined or broken." Then she added in a whisper, "Not like
that would stop you anyway . . ."

I laughed and she smiled at me before snapping back to her

conversation. "I know you do," she sighed. He must have been pulling
the big brother card on her now, telling her how much he missed her
because Bella's mood went from irritated to sappy in a matter of

"I will," she said. "And I'll e-mail you the tracking number so you can
stalk the UPS dude, okay?" she asked with a laugh. "Okay, Em . . . me,
too. Bye."

Bella sighed and slouched further into the cushions, scooting down to
an almost lying position. I continued rubbing on her feet while she
relaxed with her eyes closed.

"He really is just a big kid," she said. She opened her eyes and looked
at me while laughing. "He wanted to make sure I dusted the powdered
sugar on top in the different designs because apparently without them,
they don't taste the same."

She rolled her eyes and laughed a bit while I nodded silently at her.
Truth be told, they didn't taste the same, but I didn't want to be juvenile
about it, so I kept my mouth shut.

I continued rubbing her feet for a while, moving my hands up the length
of her calves and massaging the muscles there. She always felt so
smooth, so soft under my fingers. I'd missed this - the feel of her body -
while we were apart.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" Her voice broke the silence in the
room and I was jerked out of my thoughts.

"Huh uh," I replied while shaking my head.

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She looked over at me and cocked an eyebrow, silently asking what it

was I wanted to do instead. My hands continued to work at her legs,
moving out from inside of her pants so that I could move up farther on
her legs to her thighs. With each knead of my hands, I worked my way
up, focusing on only one thing. Though Bella had gone back to relaxing
with her eyes closed, her breathing pattern changed and a flush went
across her chest and up her neck.

She was turned on.

I did a mental fist-pump and continued on my path, my fingers

eventually grazing the seam of her pants directly over her pussy.
Immediately, Bella's mouth opened and a soft moan fell out of her lips.
My fingers continued to press firmly into the material there, working the
hard fabric of the seam over her most sensitive spot. Bella's hips began
to move with me, jerking and thrusting in a rhythm she set. Her hands
went out and gripped at my forearms, her fingers harsh and tight on the
skin there. I knew she was getting there . . . getting close and almost to
the point of no return.

So, I stopped.

Her breath left her in a whoosh and her eyes flew open as her fingers
clawed into my skin.

"What the fuck, Edward?" she spat.

I simply smiled at her and scooted back over to my position on the other
end of the couch, watching her with hungry eyes. I hoped she knew
what I wanted. I wanted her to take charge . . . to be the aggressor
tonight. Bella didn't do it often, but when she did, it was hot as hell.

Without so much as a second thought, Bella was on her feet on the floor
in front of me, ripping my shirt from my body before doing the same with

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"Why do you tease me?" she asked in a growl. "You know that isn't

I just continued to smile at her, loving the side that was coming out now.
Bella's hands went to her pants and she yanked them off her quickly,
leaving her standing before me in just her bra and underwear. She knelt
on the floor in between my legs and went to the waistband of my lounge
pants, removing them - along with my boxers - in one fell swoop. As
soon as they were off, she dropped to her knees between my legs and
grabbed my cock, fisting it tightly in her hands.

"Maybe I should tease you?" she asked as she leaned toward me,
licking her lips along the way.

Ever so gently, I felt the soft pillows of her lips touch the tip of my dick,
her mouth just a whisper of what I wanted it to be.

"Oh, shit . . . " I breathed out, moving my hands to Bella's hair, pulling it
back from her face. I tried to show her with gentle pushes against her
head that I wanted her to take me into her warm, wet mouth, but she
held firm, not giving me more than just a soft touch with her lips.

"Say it," she said as she looked up at me from my cock. "Admit that
teasing isn't nice and I'll put you in my mouth."

Oh fucking hell.

How did she expect me to do anything but what she asked when she
talked to me like that?

"Yes, baby," I said quickly. "Whatever you say, m'hmm . . . "

She shook her head, the movement brushing her lips even more
against the sensitive spot on the underside of the head. Her tongue
peeked out and she flicked it against me, causing my hips to thrust
immediately toward her mouth.

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"Nope, that isn't what I said." She was relentless as one of her hands
went down to my balls, her fingers merely tickling the skin there, never
completely making full contact. "You need to say that teasing isn't nice.
Do you realize I was about to cum? Do you have any idea what it's like
for a woman to work up to that peak - to be right there - and not be able
to get that release?"

"No," I said while shaking my head vigorously. "No, baby, I don't and I'm
sorry. You're right, teasing isn't nice."

But that doesn't mean I won't do it again . . .

"Will you please put your lips around me now?" I asked. My eyes sought
hers out and I watched as she flicked her tongue out again. "Christ!" My
eyes clenched shut tightly and I gripped slightly at her hair. "Fuck, Bella,
stop teasing . . . Please, baby, let me fuck your mouth," I pleaded.

Her eyes grew hungry and she immediately pulled back, opening her
mouth wide and engulfing me fully inside. I groaned, my fingers
tightening even further on her hair and held her head between my
hands, gently guiding her along my length.

"Yes, baby, just like that." My words were just whispers in the quiet
room around us, my head having fallen back to rest on the back of the
couch. Bella's hands were working me over; one working at the base of
my cock, pumping what she didn't fit in her mouth, while the other
played with my sack, rolling and squeezing the skin there while her
fingers moved to stroke behind every so often.

Lifting my head, I looked down at her, watching as her mouth moved

over me. Her eyes were closed and her hips were gyrating behind her,
moving to the rhythm she'd set against my dick. Watching her, knowing
she was imagining me fucking her from behind her closed eyelids, was
just too much. I didn't think I could last much longer without spilling into
her mouth and I wanted to fuck the hell out of her right now.

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"Baby," I whispered while tugging on her hair. Her eyes flew open and
she moved off my cock with an audible pop before she looked up at me,
all swollen lips and flushed cheeks.

"I thought you wanted to fuck my mouth?" she asked, her face the
picture of confused innocence even as the filthy words spewed from her

"God," I groaned, her words just spurring me on more. I gripped her

face between my hands and pulled her to me, kissing her lips hungrily.
"I need to fuck you."

I moved my hands from her face, down to her hips and pulled her
panties off, waiting as she stepped out of them before gripping her hips
and guiding her to my lap. Her legs went on either side of mine, her tits
shoved in my face as my hands continued up her body to unclasp her
bra. She quickly shrugged out of it and I immediately attached my
mouth to one of her nipples, licking around the peak before sucking it
hard into my mouth. Bella moaned long and low as she reached in
between us and guided me to her entrance. She ran the head of my
cock along her slit just once before she sank down on me, both of us
groaning at the connection.

"God, Bella . . . you feel so good."

"Oh, mmmm," she whimpered, grabbing my hair and pulling my face to


Her kisses were frantic, insistent; our tongues pulsing and tasting as
she continued to ride me. My hands gripped her hips tightly, lifting her
off of me before slamming her back down on my cock. This wasn't
sweet or soft or romantic. This was purely about need . . . about want.

And I needed . . . wanted . . . to fuck the hell out of her.

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Soon, the movements became too fast for us to continue our kisses,
Bella's lips parting from mine as her head fell back, her hair brushing
my knees as she leaned back. Her hands had moved to my shoulders
and were gripping them as tightly as I was holding on to her hips and I
knew she was working toward her release.

I scooted down on the couch so I could get more leverage, and started
thrusting up into her while I removed one of my hands from her hips and
went immediately to her clit. My fingers were fast and demanding
against her, flicking her nerves as I continued to pound into her pussy.

"Oh, fuuuuuck," she groaned. "Yes, baby, just like . . . right there . . . so
close . . . " She was always incoherent right before she came, her
mouth simply releasing garbled sentences or just breathy moans.

Suddenly, she stilled, her fingernails digging into my skin almost

painfully as her legs clamped outside of mine. Her pussy tightened for
what seemed like forever before the throbbing pulse started and she
released her breath in a whoosh, riding through her orgasm almost
silently except for the whimpered moans she gave.

As soon as I had coaxed the last of her orgasm from her, I moved my
fingers from her clit and placed them back on her hips, gripping her as I
pounded into her quickly and found my own release. Bella collapsed on
me, her head going to rest on my shoulder as we came down from our
high. My fingers trailed up and down her naked back, softly tickling the
skin there as her lips ghosted over the bare skin of my shoulder. I
turned my face into her hair, kissing her head gently while I breathed in
deeply the smell of Bella.

"Don't sniff me, I'm all sweaty," she mumbled into my shoulder.

I chuckled and squeezed her tightly before I responded, "Why don't you
go get in the shower and I'll put the clothes in the dryer?"

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"Okay," she said softly. She moved her head back and kissed me gently
on the lips before she moved off me and shuffled toward the bathroom.

Quickly, I went and took care of the laundry before grabbing our clothes
that were strewn about in the living room and heading into the bedroom.
I heard the sound of the shower starting as I walked into the room and
tossed the dirty clothes into the hamper. Finding a pair of sleep pants in
my drawer, I put them on before I reached for my top drawer and felt for
the familiar velvet box.

Pulling it out, I quickly glanced once over my shoulder to make sure that
Bella was, in fact, in the bathroom before I opened it. The diamonds and
sapphires sparkled even in the dim light as I shifted it from side to side.

I wanted more than anything to give this to her. To show her that I was
serious about spending the rest of our lives together. That I wanted to
spend every evening with her, eating dinner together, talking about our
ridiculous friends together, making love together . . . I wanted everything
we had tonight, always. That was us. No fanfare, no elaborate plans.
Just the two of us and whatever we decided to do together.

And that was when it hit me.

Bella wouldn't care if I asked her to marry me while on a horse-drawn

carriage ride, or with a sign flown above in the sky. She wouldn't want
anything flashy or over the top - she'd want something sincere . . . she'd
want something us.

My stomach was a mess of nerves as I glanced at the clock, seeing that

only a few minutes had passed since she had started the shower. I
knew I still had a couple of minutes before she'd get out. Quickly, I
made it to the bathroom door connected to our bedroom and opened it
softly, attempting to sneak inside. I'd made it as far as the vanity before
Bella noticed my presence.

"Edward?" she asked.

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"Yeah?" I squeaked like a fucking thirteen-year-old boy.

"Oh, I thought I heard you come in but I wasn't sure," she called over
the spray of the shower.

"Um, yeah . . . I, uh," I stuttered, "umm, was just brushing my teeth."

God, I'm such an idiot.

"Okay, I'll be out in a couple of minutes."

"Alright, I'll be waiting in bed," I said way too fucking quickly.

I made my way out of the bathroom, closing, but not shutting the door
completely behind me.

Now all I had to do was wait. This was it . . . in just a couple of minutes,
I'd be asking Bella to be my wife.

- - - l? - - -


I felt a wave of cool air hit me as soon as I turned the shower off and
shivered; Edward must have left the door open a crack when he left. I
reached out of the shower, attempting to hold the curtain closed as
much as possible to keep the warm air inside and grabbed a towel,
quickly wrapping it around my hair before I grabbed the second one for
my body. I pulled back the shower curtain and stepped out of tub, drying
off quickly so I could try and warm up.

Once I'd removed most of the droplets of water from my skin, I walked
over to the vanity and reached for my face moisturizer before glancing
up at the fogged up mirror.

Only it wasn't completely fogged up.

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My heart stopped and I dropped the bottle of lotion in the sink, my

hands flying up to my mouth to cover up the gasp that had escaped.
Tears filled my eyes as I read the words written in the fog on the mirror
that Edward had left for me.

Marry me.

I couldn't believe this was happening. This was really happening. The
man that I loved more than anything in this world wanted to spend the
rest of his life with me; wanted to make me his . . . forever.

And all this was going on as I stood in our bathroom in a too-short

towel, with another one magically wrapped in my hair, and absolutely no
make-up on . . . just me. I looked over at the door and there he stood -
him - the one I'd give everything for, in just a pair of sleep pants with a
raging case of sex hair, holding a tiny velvet box with something sparkly

My lips were parted, my hand resting against my chest as I tried to

come up with something to say, but my brain wasn't working right now.

Edward. Mine. Always. Edward.

"Bella," he said and he smiled his heartbreaking smile; the one I'd fallen
in love with all that time ago. "I can't wait anymore." He shook his head
and walked toward me while he continued to speak, "I love you more
than anything. I want you forever . . . only you. Say you'll be mine, baby.
Please be my wife."

I'd thought about this moment . . . of course I had. I was a girl and I was
in love and knew I wanted to spend my life with this man. But thinking
about it - imagining what I'd feel like in this exact moment - had nothing
on the actual event. I couldn't form words; I was quite literally

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With my mouth still hanging open, I tentatively reached a hand out to

touch the beautiful ring that sat nestled in navy velvet.

So pretty.

It was perfect; of course it was perfect - Edward picked it out for me. My
fingers traced around the sapphires that surrounded a perfectly sized
diamond and I was pretty sure a sigh escaped my lips before a goofy
smile overtook them.

"I know I've never done this before," Edward teased, "but I think it's
probably customary for the girl to have answered by now."

"Oh!" My voice was a squeak and I yanked my hand back like the ring
would bite me if I touched it again. My eyes snapped up to Edward's
and all I saw was happiness and amusement shining through.

I must have stared a beat too long into his eyes because before long,
one of his eyebrows rose in question, his lips curving up on one side in
a smirk.

"So, what do you say? Wanna grow old and gray with me?"

A short, loud bark of a laugh escaped my mouth right before I threw

myself at him, my hands holding his face, bringing his lips to mine. I
peppered a dozen kisses on his lips, whispering yes between each one,
and soon our huge smiles made it difficult to actually kiss any longer.

"I can't believe you said yes," he whispered as if completely astonished

by this fact.

I laughed and kissed his lips quickly before replying, "I can't believe you
thought I wouldn't!"

"You don't understand," he scoffed, but laughed a little along with me.
His arms were still locked in a vice grip around my body, our faces just

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inches apart. "I wasn't really worried you'd say no, but fuck, that's a lot
to put on the line . . . a lot of pressure, you know? There's always a
chance . . . it's just nerve wracking," he finished with a shake of his

"Well, you can rest easy. I said yes." I smiled and pulled his face to
mine, my fingers tickling his cheeks as our lips connected. Soft and
slow, our mouths met over and over, tongues barely touching as we just
relished being close.

After our lips parted, Edward gently set me on my feet before he

removed his arms around me and I noticed he was still holding onto the
ring box. He noticed my stare and I heard him chuckle as he jiggled it in
his hand slightly.

"Did you want to wear it or would you prefer to stare at it in the box?"

I bit my lip and nodded, pink tinging the skin of my cheeks. My hands
were tugging nervously at the end of my towel as I stared at the shiny

It is like a fucking beacon for me or something.

Edward laughed lightly again and said, "Yes you want to wear it, or yes
you want to stare at it in the box?"

"What?" I asked confused as I looked up at his face finally. He was

smiling at me and it only just registered that he'd asked me two
questions and I'd simply nodded my answer, dazed as all get out. "Oh!"
I giggled nervously. "Yes, I want it. To wear it, I mean. I want it in my
hands . . . in my fingers . . . on my finger." I shook my head at how
frickin' ridiculous I was being.

Edward just smiled widely at me, I think enjoying the slight

embarrassment I was feeling. He reached for the ring, pulling it from its
velvet embrace and grabbed my left hand, easily sliding it into place on

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my finger.

Huh. It appears to be about two sizes too big.

"We'll, uh, we'll have to get it sized, I guess," he said quietly. "Sorry, I
didn't know how to get your ring size without causing suspicion."

"It's okay," I said while staring at the ring sitting on my finger. My right
hand held the band at the back of my left ring finger so that I could see
what it would look like when it fit properly. "It's amazing, Edward. I'd
never thought about what kind of ring I would like, but . . . this is it. This
is what I would have wanted if I'd had a thousand to choose from."

He smiled a stunningly beautiful smile and laughed before grabbing my

hand to hold it between us, looking down at how the ring looked on my

"Well, I did have a thousand to choose from - literally, I thought Jas was
gonna kill me - and when I saw it, I knew it was made for you."

"Jasper knew?" I asked. This shouldn't have surprised me, though; they
were like brothers. I wondered idly how many of the others knew. Had
everyone been in on this secret but me?

"Yeah, but he's the only one."

Well, that answers that question.

"It's been so hard not to tell you, or anyone else for that matter."

"How long?"

He knew I was asking how long ago he'd shopped for the ring . . . how
long he'd had this for . . . how long he'd intended to ask me to marry

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"Um," he mumbled, looking a little sheepish. "A little over three

months?" His voice rose at the end, indicating that he was asking a
question more than telling me the answer.

"Wow . . . wow." I couldn't believe he'd managed to keep quiet about it

all that time. "So, before Chicago?"

"Yeah," he said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck while I'd
moved to rest my hands on his hips. "I'd actually just bought it before
you got the phone call for the interview. I didn't . . . I just didn't want you
to think that I was proposing just because you were leaving. Or to get
you to stay. So," he said while shrugging his shoulders, "I just waited.
And I've been carrying that damn thing around everywhere since I got
here! No place was right, no place was perfect."

He sighed and moved his hands to my face, rubbing his thumb over my
bottom lip.

"I was just getting so frustrated about it - about not knowing when I
should do it - and then I called Jas and he told me to chill the fuck out
already and just let it happen. And, well, it did." He smiled and glanced
down at my hand still resting on his hip before he pulled my face to his
for a kiss.

Before long, his hands traveled down from my face to my ass, giving me
a little squeeze. He broke away and said, "Now hurry and get ready and
let's get into bed."

I nodded quickly, a bright smile lighting up my face as I watched him

turn and head out of the bathroom. As fast as humanly possible, I got
rid of the towel my hair was still wrapped in - oh, I must have been a
beautiful sight when he proposed - and brushed through my hair,
quickly slathering on some lotion on my body before I scurried into the
bedroom. I went to my dresser and pulled out some pajamas, rushing to
change into them while Edward watched from the bed.

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I shut the light off and practically dove into bed, my giggles taking up
residence in the otherwise quiet room. Edward immediately pulled me to
him and I snuggled to his side, my left hand resting on his bare chest. I
stared at the ring on my hand, knowing that I'd have to take it off before
I fell asleep, otherwise I was sure to lose it somewhere in the covers
with the fit of it being so off.

As I stared entranced at the ring, a million thoughts went through my

head. I had to plan a wedding now. I had to find a dress and pick
flowers and a location - oh shit, would we get married here or in
Seattle? - and I had to research photographers and videographers and
honeymoon locations and decide if we wanted to serve beef or chicken
at the reception and oh my fuck we were getting married.

"We're engaged." A giggle burst through my lips and I shook my head in

awe while looking from my ring to Edward and then back again. "Like,
we're gonna be married. Me. You. Husband and wife. That's . . . that's

Edward laughed along with me and squeezed me tighter to him before

he picked up my left hand and kissed where my ring sat.

"I know . . . and I can't fucking wait."

"Me neither," I replied like a lovesick teenager.

"I love you so much, Bella."

"I love you, too. . . only you." My smile took up what I was sure was
most of the entirety of my face, but I couldn't be embarrassed by it.

It wasn't lost on me that a mere month ago, I was basically in a

depression, lost without my friends and family while living by myself in a
strange city. Though I had a job I loved, it didn't replace the people in
my life that made it worth living.

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And now . . . now I was happy, ecstatic even. While I didn't have
everyone close by that mattered, I did have the man of my dreams here
in my arms . . . permanently. And not just permanently as in for the
foreseeable future because he'd moved here. I mean permanently as in
for the rest of my life.

The. Rest. Of. My. Life.

I didn't know where our lives would lead us, whether we'd stay in
Chicago for five or ten or fifteen more years. I knew that if it were
possible, we would eventually want to relocate back to Washington, to
be close to his family and my father, not to mention our own makeshift
family of Emmett, Rose, Alice and Jasper. What I did know was that for
now we were happy, here in our little bubble. We were away from the
people that meant the world to us, but we were together.

And in the end, that was all that really mattered.

A/N: *sigh* So, you got your proposal . . . it certainly wasn't another
perfect date in a parking lot of the library, but I think it was them. You
can see a picture of the ring on my profile if you're interested (which I
know you are).

I'm not a doctor, nor have I ever been to med school, but I am a
professional wikipedier. If something wasn't right in Edward's lingo, I
encourage you to send them your hate mail.

We are at a year exactly since I first posted LR and it's been a crazy
ride. I wanted to get the entire story finished by now, but I just couldn't
push out the epilogue as well. But, their current story has been told, so
that makes me uber happy. Epilogue will be out . . . maybe in a week,
maybe in a month. I dunno. In the meantime, I've posted the FGB
outtake that two of my readers purchased in Les Autres Rendezvous
(which, did you know, is NOT the french translation of LR?). If you
haven't been reading this, well, you've missed out on some pretty
fucking hilarious things and hot sexytimes. Go read.

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Thank you for all the fabulous reviews you've given while E & B
have been on this crazy adventure! My reviewers are the bees

Inappropriate massages and fondles to my two smutterific beta h00rs:

my one and only Kitty Twin, ilsuocantante and Awesomesauce
Spreading Beta Extraordinaire, KatieBelleCullen.

Review for spanks.

32. Velvet Embrace 678

33. Epilogue: Only You Always
Quite possibly the longest author note I've ever written (and let's
face it...that's pretty long) is posted at the end.

Things I own: A pair of fishnet tights, two bags full of valentines

from the boy's school and a newly completed blog.

Things I don't: Twilight or Edward, sadly.

One random night, approximately six years later. . .

After a long day at The Seattle Times, I trudged out of my office,

thankful that I was meeting Rose and Alice for dinner tonight. When
Edward and I had first moved back a few months ago, it had been
difficult to get back in the swing of things with our group of friends, as
well as with Edward's parents. We'd lived away from them for more than
five years, so our routines were sort of set in stone. We'd made a
handful of good friends in Chicago, but for the most part it was just
Edward and me . . . and we'd grown to like it that way. Fortunately, we'd
started making it a point to get together regularly again, much like we
had all those years ago when school was taking the majority of our
focus. Edward enjoyed his time with the guys as much as I liked getting
away with the girls - not to mention all the time we spent together as a
group - and the weekly Sunday night dinners we had with his parents
were comforting, reminding us of how it had been before we'd left.

As I slid into my car and started the engine, I couldn't help but think over
how much our lives had changed and exactly how lucky we were. Life in
Chicago had been . . . well, it'd been hard to get used to at first. It had
been a new city for both Edward and me, but besides that, I'd been
getting acclimated to a new job, Edward had been starting a new
school, and we were living together for the first time. I mean, sure we'd
spent most nights together anyhow, but it was still a huge leap to go
from staying the night at your boyfriend's house to having said boyfriend

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completely take over your space.

It had been a transition period, as I was sure it was for any couple when
they first moved in together, but we had made it through. The main thing
we'd had to learn was how to work around each other and how to let the
little things go.

But, for all the headaches we'd had in the beginning, I wouldn't have
changed anything for the world.

Passing through the familiar streets of Seattle, I smiled thinking back to

how ecstatic we had been when the pieces had finally fallen into place
and Edward and I were both able to relocate with our careers. We had
been trying for a little more than a year before everything worked in our
favor, and it had been a long year. Though we had both grown to love
Chicago and the friends we'd made there, the simple fact was that it just
wasn't home.

We'd missed our families - our blood and the ones of our choosing - and
I couldn't stand to miss anymore of what was happening while we were
so far away. Of course we'd traveled back for the weddings for both
Alice and Jasper and Rose and Emmett, but it wasn't the same. I'd
missed the time that my best friends and I would have shared together
shopping for wedding items or bitching over wine about what was going
wrong in the planning process. I'd missed the togetherness with them.

Besides that, Edward and I had managed to miss the second major
milestone for our group. Only two months after Emmett and Rose tied
the knot, they'd gotten a huge surprise. They were the last of the group
to get married, but they were going to be the first to bring a little rugrat
into the world. Little Lillian came into the picture almost two years ago,
and it broke my heart that I wasn't there in the hospital waiting with Alice
and Jasper, as well as Rose and Emmett's parents, while they awaited
the birth of the baby girl. Instead, I'd had to arrange vacation, book a
flight, and get out there when she was almost two weeks old.

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It was after I'd gotten home from that trip that I'd finally broken down to
Edward and told him I didn't want to miss any more. I wanted to move
and I wanted to do it right then. It had always been in the back of our
minds that we would eventually make it back to Seattle, but it was
always sort of a faraway thought. Once Edward and I had had the
conversation when I'd returned, we both agreed and decided we were
ready to put in motion the plan to relocate.

It had taken a long time, but we'd finally made it.

I pulled up to the familiar restaurant and noticed that Rose and Alice's
cars were already here. I made my way into the restaurant, smiled and
said hello to the hostess and walked through the restaurant to our usual

"Hey," I greeted as I tossed my bag over the back of my chair before

giving each of the girls a quick hug.

"Hi!" they both answered as I slid into my seat. I reached for the wine
already sitting in front of my place and gave my girls a grateful smile
before taking a long sip of the dark liquid.

"Rough day?" Alice asked.

"No, not rough, just long," I replied as I set my wine glass down. "We're
working against a tight deadline and things are getting a little frazzled in

The girls nodded their understanding just as our waitress came over to
take our orders. Before long, we were knee deep in conversation, as

After a lull in our raucous girl-talk, Alice said quietly, "Jasper told me he
was ready."

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Rose and I exchanged glances before I speared another bite. If Alice

was excited about something, she was exuberant and lively. Now, she
was hesitant and quiet.

"And what are your thoughts on it?" I asked gently.

Rose and I continued with our dinner while we watched Alice process
everything. It was incredibly unusual, not to mention completely out of
character for her to take her time in responding.

After several minutes, she finally said, "I want it so bad it hurts, but I'm
scared shitless."

"Ali," Rose said, "you don't have anything to worry about. You love kids
and you're so good with them. Look at Lily - she thinks the world of

I nodded my agreement and reached for her hand, squeezing it gently.

"I know it will be fine, but it's more than just that," she said. "I mean, this
is it. When I pop that kid out - BAM! - I'm a grown up."

Rose and I fell into a fit of giggles while Alice stared at us straight-faced.
Well, apparently she was serious.

"I hate to tell you this, sweetie," I said, "but you're already a grown up.
Your full-time job, your husband and your mortgage are sort of proof of
that. A baby is just going to be like the icing on the cake."

She nodded her head in understanding before she broke out into a
huge smile. "I'm gonna try and be a mommy!" she squealed.

Ahh, there's the Alice I know and love.

Rose and I laughed with her, our conversation naturally moving to all
things baby-related. Rose kept us entertained with hilarious tales of

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Emmett with Lily. Most recently, him playing tea-party with her - hat,
feather boa, and all - as well as some of the tales from when she was a

"So, I'm just sitting in the rocker, watching him and he's talking the baby
talk to Lily," she paused as Alice and I both cut in with our awww's here,
"and he picks her up so he can lay her jammies down on the changing
table and she pees right down the front of him," Rose said as she tried
to hold back the laughter. "Soaked his entire shirt and his jeans. You
should have seen the look on his face. Oh, my God, it was priceless."

As Alice, Rose and I fell into a fit of laughter, I was reminded again how
lucky I was to be back with them. These were the times I'd missed the
most. Just sitting around talking about inconsequential details over good
food and good wine. Sure, I'd missed the milestones, and those were
what made me finally get my ass in gear, but these. . . these day to day,
ordinary moments were the ones I had truly felt empty without.

- - - l? - - -

Walking into the house through the garage, I heard faint sounds coming
from the TV in the family room. I slipped out of my shoes and set my
purse on the counter before I headed in the direction of the noise.

Edward sat, sprawled out against the couch as he stared at the screen,
watching something on The Food Network. I noticed he was dressed in
scrubs rather than his standard dress pants, shirt and tie.

Huh. Must have gotten puked on again.

"Hard day with the kiddos?" I asked, walking in to sit down next to him. I
fit perfectly against his side, his arm curling around me to hold me close
as I tilted my head up to accept his kiss.

"Yeah," he said against my lips. "Another projectile vomit case . . . my

first patient."

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"Ouch," I responded as I snuggled further into his side. "At least you
had something to change into."

He nodded his agreement before I asked, "How were the rest of your
patients today?"

"Not bad," he said. "I had a lot of well-babies." I smiled, knowing how
much he loved the infant check-up appointments. "And only the one
puker, so all in all it was a good day."

"Any moms try to hit on you today?"

"No more than usual," he replied with a smirk.

I giggled and slapped his chest lightly. This was a constant point of
teasing for the both of us. When Edward had started as a Pediatrician,
he'd been shocked by how blatant some of the married women were in
their advances toward him - even with their kids in the room. I could
only laugh; it wasn't as if getting worked up about it would be
productive. After all, it was my ring he wore on his finger and my bed he
came home to every night.

He rubbed one of his hands up and down the expanse of my back as I

hooked one of my legs over his, tangling them together; I could feel his
nose go to the top of my head and my hand rose against his chest as
he took in a deep breath.

"I missed you today," he murmured.

"Me too," I answered. "I wish we'd have been able to do lunch. I could
have used a break in my day."

"Everyone running around because of the deadlines?"

"Yep," I said while nodding. "It would have been nice to see you."

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He hummed against my head and I could tell he was tired. Spending all
day with little kids definitely wore him out.

"How long have you been home?" I asked.

"Not long, maybe half an hour," he mumbled.

"Did you get something to eat?"

"Yeah," he said over a yawn, "I made a sandwich when I got in."

I ran my hand up and down his stomach and tilted my head to look at
him. "How about we go take a bath and then go to bed?"

"Mmm," he hummed. "You always know just what to say."

Laughing softly, I moved away from Edward and got up, offering my
hand to him. He clicked off the TV and tossed the remote back on the
couch before trailing behind me.

We walked into our bedroom and I left him to get out of his clothes while
I went into the en suite bathroom and ran the water, making it nice and
hot to help relax him even further. Leaning over the tub with my hand
swirling the water around, I didn't notice Edward had come into the
bathroom until I felt his hands on my hips, his lower half pressed against
mine. His hands pulled the back of my button up shirt from my dress
pants before I straightened, bringing my back to his chest. His fingers
found the buttons on the front of my shirt as his lips caressed the skin of
my neck, his tongue peeking out every once in a while to taste me.

Once he had undone all of the buttons, he pulled the shirt from my
shoulders, tossing it behind him in one of the corners of the bathroom.
Edward's hand brushed my hair over to one side, pushing it in front of
my shoulder as he reached down to undo the clasp of my bra, his lips at
the center of my back, tracing over one of my most sensitive spots. My
head lolled to the side as a sigh escaped my lips while his mouth

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continued to caress me.

He continued undressing me, slipping the bra from my body before his
hands came to the front of me. Undoing the button and zipper of my
pants, he slid them, as well as my underwear, over my hips, allowing
me to step out of them. As he tossed the pieces over with my shirt, I
grabbed a hair tie and wound my hair up in a loose knot on my head as
I walked over to the tub and shut off the faucet.

Climbing into the steamy water, I glanced over my shoulder at my

husband and smiled, silently encouraging him to join me. I slid forward,
allowing him space behind me as he stepped into the bath before
relaxing against the back of the tub. His hands immediately reached for
me, sliding my bottom back until I was flush with him, seated perfectly in
between his legs.

I let myself melt into his embrace, my back to his chest as his chin
rested on my shoulder, our cheeks pressed gently together. His hands
reached for mine, idly playing with one another until I held his firm in my
hands, my fingers tracing over the smooth, platinum band wrapped
around his finger.

"I love being with you like this," he whispered.

I hummed and nodded slightly, knowing exactly what he meant; it had

been a long time coming. Being with each other, unhurried and content,
was something altogether new again since there were many years
when our relationship was nothing more than passing hellos and fast,
frenzied encounters. His residency had been difficult on both of us, and
on our marriage, but we'd survived it and flourished in the end.

Quiet talk filled the space, our conversations weaving through random
topics as we touched and laughed. We talked about any major - or
minor, for that matter - happenings in our days, if there was anything
new with his parents, and what was going on with our friends. I retold
some of the stories Rose had shared with us over dinner and watched

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as Edward's ears perked up, like they always did at any mention of Lily.
His love for her was abundant; since the first time he'd held her in his
arms several months after she was born, she had him wrapped around
her little finger. His reaction to her reminded me what a wonderful father
he would be one day, and I couldn't wait to see it first hand.

Soon our words were replaced with whispered caresses of our mouths,
lips to skin as hot breath mingled with the steam still filling the space
above the water. I felt him hard and ready behind me as his hands
moved over my flesh, teasing and stroking as he went. His hands went
to my hips and he pushed me forward slightly, allowing him to stand
behind me and step out of the bath, grabbing an over-sized towel before
quickly drying off and then offering one to me.

I stood and carefully got out, accepting the warm, cotton embrace
Edward offered as he dried my skin with gentle rubbing motions. His lips
followed the curve on my neck, his nose gently brushing away the
random, stray hairs that had been matted down to my skin from the
wetness in the bath. Once I was dry, he let my towel fall to the floor and
bent down slightly to lift me to him, my sex coming in direct contact with
his covered by the towel as I wrapped my arms and legs around him
and allowed him to carry us back to our bed.

- - - l? - - -


My hands gripped Bella at the top of her thighs, rubbing and kneading
as I kissed her, heading directly for our bed. I needed to be with her. It
hadn't been long, in all actuality, but anytime we were apart was a
stretch. I loved connecting with her this way, feeling her body against
mine . . . around mine. It was like nothing else.

Once I made it to the bed, I gently set her on her back, her legs still
dangling over the side as I hovered over her, my lips brushing softly
against her skin. Her hands traced my shoulders, wrapping around my

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neck and playing with the hair there as I continued down my path, my
mouth eventually descending on her breasts. I enclosed my lips around
one nipple, then the other, as my hands gripped and kneaded the flesh

"Edward," she whispered, her voice a plea and one I'd come to know
well. She wanted - needed - more. Needed me. Needed everything.

I obliged her, moving my lips farther down her body until I reached her
sex, my tongue peeking out and gliding easily over the smooth skin
there. She was always so sweet. As my tongue continued teasing,
making long circuits around her lips before dipping inside every so
often, she eventually squeezed my head, hooking her fingers behind my
ears as she pulled me directly to her clit.

Chuckling against her skin, I finally placed my firm tongue on her,

swirling it tightly around her clit as she moaned and arched off the bed. I
moved one of my hands from where it sat on her hip, sliding to her
pussy as I stroked up and down and around, teasing her entrance with
small, gentle thrusts. Eventually, I pushed two fingers in while I
continued to stroke her with my tongue, working her like I knew she

Before long, she was throbbing, clutching, calling out through her
orgasm until she stilled, spent and relaxed. Pulling off the towel that was
wrapped around my hips, I quickly wiped my mouth before laying over
top of her, kissing her lips, her tongue stroking against mine softly.

"Why don't you lie down?" she asked as my lips brushed over her

Doing as she asked, I moved my way to the middle of the bed, laying
against the pillows as I watched her turn and crawl up the length of my
body, her lips kissing and teasing as she went. She stopped at my cock,
gripping and licking while she was there, the head disappearing in her
full lips as I felt her tongue encircle it inside her warm mouth.

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"Oh God," I groaned as she continued to stroke me, her mouth and
hand working in tandem to get me close.

It felt like her hands and tongue were everywhere, coaxing me toward
my release. Eventually she dropped me from her mouth, her hand
giving me a few quick pumps before she climbed up my body and
placed a heated kiss on my lips. Her fingers wrapped around my cock
again and led me to her entrance before she slowly slid down my

"Bella," I whispered as I was enveloped by her warmth.

My hands caressed the smooth skin of her hips and thighs as she rode
me slowly, her head hovering over mine as our breaths mingled in the
space between us. Bella's hands were grasping my face, her thumbs
rubbing against the stubble that had grown in since this morning.
Moving my hands up her back, I wrapped one arm completely around
her as the other gripped the back of her neck, holding her face to mine
as we kissed. Our tongues touched and teased, blending seamlessly
with one another as our bodies continued to rock against each other.

Eventually she pushed against my chest and sat up as I brought my

knees up for her to rest against. Her eyes were closed and her lips were
parted as she concentrated on the feel of our bodies connecting. I
rested my hands on her hips, rubbing up and down before I reached my
thumb over and traced against her clit.

"Yes, baby," she sighed. "There . . . don't stop . . . right there . . . "

I watched her breasts sway and bounce as she rode my cock, her head
tilted back as she reveled in the feel of us. Before long, I could feel her
pussy clenching, spasming, a sign of her impending release. I rubbed
her faster with my thumb as I reached my other hand up to tweak her
nipple, pulling it gently between my thumb and forefinger.

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Her moan filled the room as she came, her sex throbbing around me
before she collapsed against my chest, her breaths heavy and hard.
Wrapping my arms around Bella, I turned us, pulling her underneath me
before I filled her again and thrust at a steady pace, my face buried into
her neck as her hands ran up and down my back.

"Love you," I groaned, my lips against her shoulder as I found my


After a short while, I moved to her side, pulling myself from her as we
snuggled closer together. Her hand rested on my chest as my cheek sat
against the top of her head while we talked softly together.

Before we could both fall asleep, Bella excused herself to the bathroom
to get ready for bed, removing her wedding ring and gently placing it on
the side table before she went. She was always so careful with it,
removing it in the mornings and the evenings while she did whatever it
was that women did to get ready.

As I waited for her, I scooted myself over to her side of the bed, flopping
on my stomach and burying my face in her pillow as I inhaled her scent.
Shifting slightly, I turned my face to glance at the diamond and sapphire
ring set in platinum that rested against the dark wood of her nightstand.
My fingers traced the outline of the circle, thinking of all the searching
that I had done before I'd found this all those years ago.

It was amazing how far we had come since the night I had proposed. I
thought I knew everything there was to know about Bella when I'd
asked her to be my wife, but that couldn't have been further from the
truth. In all honesty, I was still learning things about her, and I probably
would be for the rest of our lives.

Moving in together and getting acclimated to one another had been a

process, and a difficult one at times. Fortunately the waves always
settled themselves, though sometimes the storm lasted longer than
either of us anticipated. My residency had been one of those long

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storms, proving to be a huge stress on our marriage. My dad had

warned me, offering advice on how to get through the years that could
potentially serve to tear us apart. I was thankful for his input and took it
greedily, putting it to use on several occasions.

We'd stuck through it, Bella by my side the entire time, until that part of
our lives was complete. And now, we were finally settled. I had never
felt like being in Chicago had been a permanent place for either of us. It
always felt like our lives were on hold somehow while we were there, so
far from our friends and family. It wasn't until we were finally able to
move back that we really started talking about the future, about buying a
house and having kids.

God, I couldn't wait to have kids.

I picked up her engagement ring, soldered together with the simple

platinum wedding band that matched, and slipped off my own band.
Holding them next to each other, it was amazing to see how small
Bella's actually was, my band completely eclipsing hers, the entire thing
fitting inside mine. I twisted it in my fingers, watching the soft light from
the bedside table play on the stones, remembering the day that I had
given her this set . . . remembering her walking toward me in her
beautiful white dress, all smiles and tears.

The day had been relatively stress-free. Bella hadn't wanted much
fanfare or anything overly elaborate; just an intimate ceremony with our
closest family and friends surrounding us. That had always been the
most important thing to her and I was more than happy to oblige. We'd
chosen to have it back in Seattle, which made sense since our whole
lives were back there. Even now I could still remember everything about
our wedding day; from my nerves while getting ready, to standing at the
altar waiting for her, to our first kiss and our first dance and our first
night as husband and wife. It had been perfect. Not because everything
went off without a hitch and there were no issues, but because at the
end of the day, she was my wife and would be until the day I died.

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Bringing myself out of my thoughts, my eyes immediately found the

words I'd had inscribed on the inside of her band as a surprise on the
day of our wedding. Little did I know she would do the exact same for

I heard the door open and placed Bella's ring back on the nightstand
before slipping mine back on my finger and peeking over at her as she
walked toward me, all naked grace. Her eyes were playful and danced
around as she came to the bed, stopping briefly to place her ring back
on her finger and shut off the light before turning back to me.

"You can't ever stay on your side, can you?" she asked as she got in to
the bed, attempting to scoot me over.

Gripping her hips, I pulled her flush against me and planted my face in
her neck, murmuring across her skin. "It smells better over here.
Besides, I was only keeping it warm for you."

Her laugh was light and airy as her hands went into my hair. "It's June,

"Well, excuse a guy for being nice," I said while scoffing, my tone

"Aww, I'm sorry," she said as she stroked through my hair. "Thank you
for keeping it toasty for me, it was just what I wanted."

I chuckled and turned my head, placing a kiss on the swell of her breast
before resting my cheek there - clearly a favorite spot of mine - and
grabbed for her left hand, settling it on her stomach along with mine.

I stared at her ring for a long time as my eyes started to droop, thinking
once again about the words that were etched in the metal that she wore
against her skin. The words that we had used as a crutch for so long;
the words that eventually grew to mean as much to us as any other
form of verbal love. I knew in my heart that they were just as true today

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as they were the first time we had spoken them to each other.

Before I drifted off to sleep as her fingers gently lulled me, I whispered
my words to her, listening for her soft voice to repeat them back to me.

Only you. Always.

A/N: *sniff sniff sniff* This is gonna be a long one (that's what she
said)... First and foremost, I want to thank all the people that went on
this journey with me and saw all the backstage craziness that were my
chapters before they got prettied up.

To my gator, who although she isn't in the fandom anymore, I still love
to pieces. Thank you for helping me out of almost every rut I had in the
beginning, for helping me plan my outline and keeping me from going
cliché or away from what I saw for these two. For talking with me
endlessly about OnlyYouWard and Vixen Bella, not to mention hand
jobs and whatever other random, perverted things we could think of.

To my Kitty Twin, Tonya, for stepping up when I was in the need for a
new Masta'Beta (and for masta'betaing the shit outta it...*giggle*) and
for being there for me, as well as being honest and helping me to grow
in my writing. Thank you for helping me think outside my head these
last few chapters when I was stuck... Not to mention working like a
fucking machine and getting chapters back to me in the blink of an eye.
I love you for being my beta and for being my friend. And for grabbing
my boob that one time.

To Katie for sprinkling her magic Katie dust on my chapters, for being
my there to catch all the things that slip through the cracks, for being
with me from the very get-go of this fic to the end and for helping me
along the way.

To the readers and the reviewers, you are all honestly so, so great
and I don't have enough words to show my love for you. I really, truly
feel like I have the best readers in the fandom (I know all authors say it,

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but I'm certain mine are the best). Your reviews and PMs were always
something that made me smile or laugh or cry, and I thank each and
every person that took the time to leave me them - whether it was one
or thirty-three.

With that, this is the end for these two. *sniffle* There will not be a
sequel. Their story is told and I don't feel there's enough to add another
full fic to these characters. I will, however, be participating again in The
Fandom Gives Back, and will offer outtakes from these two - as well as
other stories - so if you want more of OYW and VB, keep your eyes
open for the Eclipse edition of FGB.

Lastly, for those who care, a little of what I'm doing next: I've put up a
new blog (www . antiaol . blogspot . com), prettied up by the fabulous
Heather Dawn and Kassiah, where I plan to post teasers, pictures, and
character development goodies starting...well, pretty immediately. In
fact, you can go and get a glimpse of what's going on next for me,
which is a new fic called Somewhere Between Crimson and Blue.
The expanded summary and information on posting dates can be found
on the blog. If you're interested in reading it, don't forget to put me on
author alert - not just story alert - so you're notified when it posts.

I said lastly already, but I have to give one final shout-out to my Boob
Brigaders. It all started with three names and grew to be something
more entirely. I'm so proud *sniff* to say that we *wipes tears* are
ending LR with *sob* 69 members of the Brigade. It's just so fitting,
yeah? I was gonna list them all here, but that's a shitton of names and
would take up even more space that my ridiculous A/N is doing a good
job of already. Sooooo... if you wanna see my talent at naming women's
breasts first hand, hop over to the the new blog and check it out.

Again, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Review for spanks.

33. Epilogue: Only You Always 694

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