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General Instructions

When submitting your assignment, you must include:

1. A title page listing your course code, assignment number, and full name;
2. Your course code, assignment number and full name on each page of the

Communication and Formatting your assignment

It counts. If your answer (or recommendation) cannot be understood, with minimal reading
effort, it is not effective, and it will not be acted upon by management. Poor sentence structure
and grammatical errors tend to distract the reader from your analysis and recommendations, so
if writing is a developmental area for you, have a friend or colleague read over your work to
point out where your writing (and ideas) are unclear.
If paragraphs are too long, for example, it interferes with communication, since it is very easy for
the reader to „get lost‟ in a long paragraph (simple technique: if you can‟t read a paragraph in a
couple breaths, the paragraph is probably too long).
Paragraph structure and transition are also important. This is a bit trickier for many us, so a
useful technique is to use subtitles (for example, the subtitles used on this page). Subtitles tell
your reader the topic of the next paragraph or section. They also act as a good „check‟ on your
topic flow – look back over your subtitles in your assignment, and ask yourself if there is a
logical flow.
In terms of readability, single-space within paragraphs, and double-space between them.
Most students typically do a solid job of describing things. They often make very good
recommendations for the sellers or manufacturers of the products being discussed. However, in
many cases, students do not support their recommendations adequately.
Specifically, while personal opinions are valuable, the purpose of these assignments is to
develop and test your applications of course concepts. Thus you need to refer to course
concepts to support your recommendations. Once you‟ve demonstrated that you understand
the theory behind course concepts, your disagreements with the textbook perspective are more

Moreover, students often make recommendations, but then don‟t provide any support or
rationale for the recommendation. While your recommendation might be a good one, without
any support from course concepts, your recommendations are simply „opinion‟.

Late assignments will not be accepted, and will get a mark of ZERO


I am often asked, "How long should my answers be?" While „quantity‟ does not necessarily
equate to 'quality', it is true that some questions can be answered in 3 lines, or in 3 pages,
therefore, please make sure to tighten your answers to concepts/theories discussed in the
lectures, and to succinctly answer to questions.
Title: Assignment 2
Course: MKTG3126
Weight: 15%
Due: July 03rd, 2022

Assignment Questions
For the purposes of this assignment, you will assume you are working at the marketing
department of a major athletic shoes firm. Your supervisor wants to understand how
consumers view the top competitors in terms of brand personality.

Review the five dimensions of brand personality discussed in the textbook (page 169-
170) as you will use these as a framework.

1. Interview 5 friends who have purchased a pair of sport shoes about their
decision process: did they consider different brands? If so, how many
brands, and which brand names? If not, why not considering brands?

2. Ask them to write down the first several words that come to their mind
when they hear the following brand names (called one-by one): Nike,
Adidas and Reebok.

3. From these descriptions, summarize each of three brands ‘personalities.

Note: here we are making the assumption that these individuals (interviewed friends)
are representative of larger target groups. Therefore your findings from the
descriptions of brands personalities are related to these specific individuals and may
not be generalized to other individuals or brands.

4. Describe the possible differences in target markets based on your


5. Select one particular brand and design a magazine ad that reflects what
you learned from your research

Note: This is a critical aspect of this assignment, since the ad should be appealing to
the brand personality. Therefore, you need to craft, all elements: colors, logo,
picture, slogan, pictures, etc…in a way that reflects a brand personality, and also
“talks” to the target market).

6. Explain which magazine would be an appropriate media for your ad (you

should think about the fit between the target market in terms of audience, and the
magazine name).

Good luck.

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