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‘"BUT LOTH SUFFER”.................................. • Robert Bloch •. 4

"otoCf his bones arc coral made;
Those arc.pearls that vers his eyes,./'

Z,CMBIE.._.................................. .............. ........ James Blish 7

” there jump on them and bite them”

THE HILLS ANI TEE HEIGHTS.........................Judy Zissman 9

An editorial

NOTIONS............................. .. ............................... An S°F Feature 10

REVIEWS ANU SCIENCE NEWS........................................................ 11

ELECTRONICS................. Pan Zissman 12

Through George 0. Smith with
frammeter and altibob.

WPWW N0.„l: Plastic Banties**. ........Braitda Winn 14

'Horstef Gathers?

WHOIJUNIT................ ................. .. .An S°F Feature 15

And the Blue Pencil Blues

KNELL. ...................... • • • • .Arthur Lloyd Merlyn 16

An Atlantis legend.
* of the first earth,’
and the sea of flame in which it died.
HERE’S HOW: Silk Screening............ Larry Shaw 19

* GA LA TEA .............•••••••..•••••••••J ohn Michel 21

A science~poem

Copyright, 1945, by Judy Zissman

Edited and published by Larry Shaw‘and
pan and Judy Zissman. at 449 Wc. 19th St., N.Y.C.ll
• All rights +o material this
publication are hereby released to the authors -
Circulated through ‘ FM^cP«Ao and the VoA.P.A*

The first time I Lor- "Time to gO , darling," he

raine she was combing her hair said.
in front of a m i rr o r. The move*
ments of the comb . made little ”Hello, Matt. h She turned,
golden ripples against the "Hatt Collins, this is Don.
smooth white shores of her brow You’ve heard Sid speak of him,
I suppose?"
Sometimes the little things
like that hit you the hardest. Matt nodded, a bit curtly.
But wnat's the use of explain­ I e-eneed jealousy. — and some-
ing? I fell in love with her. thing else .

.Ve were introduced immedi- ' s quests disap-

Many of‘ Sid's
ately, of course . :It‘s never proved of his asking me, and I
hard to get acquainted at one knew it. But his parties are
of Sid's parties. Usually I always a bit unconventional,
felt like an outsider ti.ere, and Lid’s not the .sort to let
but 'with Lorraine present prejudice govern his friend- t

everything c nanged• ships.

Apparently, Sid had been Matt was obviously uncom-

talking, because she seemed to fortable ’•e had to force him-
know all about me, a d about .self to respond. "Oh yes, Don.
ti.e work Ifd been doing. She Sid’s always talking about your
was friendly, casual,' but with brilliant work. Dehydration,
a. certain intensity, I suppose isn't it? I ’ ve seen some of
that’s what rcailly
“ attracted me your graphs. /e use ihem in
--the vibrant quality, the en­ Transport.“
thusiasm and sheer vitality of
her personality. Again, L.ere.’s He didn't look at me. *He
no use attempting to analyze her looked at Lorraine — - at the
power. I was hopelessly infat­ golden waves cascading <own her
uated from ti.e start. back.
Lorraine had been assigned really must be going,
to a Rocket Sector in New City he said. Lorraine rose,
and she' was eager to talk about led, held out her hand.,,
her work. The party ebbed and ed it. lurely a gesture
flowed around us while we talked. se. But i.'att scowled.-
I don ' t think either of us was
Conscious of the passage of They left together. I stared
time. after them, and Sid drifted'
It as a shock when
darkhaired man tapped he "Borge-ous, isn’t she?” he
the shoulder murmured.
^FICTION ‘’but dO-at
_ ____ -Jl— j *

I nodded. use probe. They decided it

was all mechanical, and when
Cut not for you, Don consciousness flooded back they
knew no more than they had be­
I nodded eoae- fore.
thing inside Why
not for me? But I remembered Lorraine.
Back at quarters, I went It didn’t take me long to
through the routine mechanical- teleflash her. :.'e arranged to.
dll the next day I thought meet that evening. Sid was
her, doing my work in a daze giving another party and i t
would be less conspicuous that
Feld noticed it too. way. I had sense enough not
to want to attract any atten -
Ee was watohin_ me carefully tion, and she was tactful e-
day, and about four nough to leave the responsibil­
lock he made up his mind. ity up to me.
’’Better get a check-up, She came, anc without Matt.
Don..• • You’re not functioning, up That proved she was interested
to standard*” after all; it wasn’t hopeless.
Feld is probably the only •ye talked. ?/e walked, af­
man in the world who can order ter the affair was over. ' ■/©
me around, out I’ve never known planned to meet again, already
him to take advantage of it. Ee the conversation had assumed an
knew as well as I did that it intimacy. ?/e no longer spoke
was an order, but he was decent of our work, but of ourselves.
enough to make it sound like a
suggestion. Lorraine was wonderful. No
self-consciousness, no embar­
I had hoped to contact Lor­ rassment, nothing to mar the
raine that evenin^., but I knew com.uinion of minds.
it was useless arguing with
him. It’s his job, after all,
and he’s responsible. He took
me over right away in the giro.
It was just the usual rou­
tine. I hate it, the blackout
worst of all. Sometimes it
brings peace, but this time
I fought it. It robbed me of my
memories of Lorraine, robbed me
of my chance to think about her.
Terhaps I’m a little- bitter
about tae whole thing. Dr. Tai
and the whole lab staff have
done wonders for me. Certainly
I felt refreshed, invigorated,
afterwards, it had helped, you
”... the first time
Fortunately. they didn1t I jsaw Lorraine.... ”
It was the first of several I7hat mattered was the way
meetings/ I ear remember orc’" L?r:?aine turned to him instinct
det ski with a clarity "hat i.c ively, and. held out her arms*
at once precious :.nd p?.infT’.l&
Ko sense in going over the He led. her away. Neither
whole story . 0 probably dull e- of them looked, back. Neither
nough to an outsider. of them said, a word.
Only the climax is import­ I never saw Lorraine again.
ant. It came one afternoon They said she had been trans­
during Rest Day. It hacl to ferred the next dayP Matt went
ctme. with her. I don’t go te Sid’s
x parties any more. I’ve learned,
After all, she had encour­ my lesson; I just keep working*
aged me. I knew she did not
share the general prejudice; After all, I should-' have
knew she‘was generous, under­ known it was bopeleso.* What
standing, and kind, Sax like4 Lorraine did was natural inev­
me, wanted to be with ne.; and itable, and I don’t suppose I
I could hope for the rest. ever really expected it to turn
out any other way?
®f course ’I told, myself it
was impossible, fought against They can use all the high-
it. But it had to come. sounding phrases they like, but
so.. I told her that I loved admiration and respect don’t
her. Sid up to anything more’than
• • admiration and roipeG‘%,... They
$fe were sitting on a have gone te a giro at deal of
overlooking the Plight Ground, trouble to praise and honor my
high above the field. I remem­ brain, but they can never know
ber how she pulled away from me what it is to live in my body-
and stood up, turning her head
st I couldn’t see the look on I understand all that.1 .lit
her face. it doesn’t make any difference
in the way I fsei,o.u/k Lor­
The wind whipped the golden raine. I will always love he-,
cascade of curls across her always endure the torment of
shoulders as she faced me once that love*
mere, and I saw there were
tears * in her eyes* She coiildn’t Or perhaps not always. The
speak, but she was crying. brain they thought enough of to
seal it up in this perfect
I couldn’t cry. I could plastic body must sureLyV/some
only watch her as she moved her day tc control the glanes and
hards pitifully in ivory pat­ organs‘that, after a?.l; ocp .-.u
terns of bewilderment and fear. on Lt* Lven tually it murvs
learn to banish the emotions
‘ ’’No j. DonrT<‘ she whispered. that have lingered so unao-
"No, we can’t., don’t you see ? cuuntally long after *'hc fles’i*
We can’t o o ever- o"
3ut in the meantime there
Then Matt appeared, out 1 s moru r7, \ h. t -u rf ?:cr • < x,.a em« 1 y„
nowhere r He di on’ b speak, nor that made thl.g iraia too call­
did b Maybe he’d bueti spying able tv lose, tv keep me flora
on us. T didn-t imow9 and. / forgote?.ug oven a single moment
didn’t matter. Ox the rapture., or the pa^n.
—voCoo •

Semanticists^ are- prone to cists insist we must not call
leap up and down m controlled, "life" without possessing any­
but intense fury at t^e use of thing like its classical char­
the word. "life”. There is no acteristics. . Principle among .
life, according to t,.e ....eepers these are the filterable vir­
of the abstraction; only Living uses.
Discovery of the viruses -
There was a time when this called "filterable" because
was a useful’ concept for the they will pass through the por­
biologist. Surrounded by hypo­ celain pores of a Berkfield
theses as to the nature of filter, w. ich stops every known
"life", from the Mechanism of bacterial form - presented bio­
' T. E. Huxley and jrnst Haeckel logists with this stumper: is
* to the Vitalism of Descartes, an organism alive if it posses­
it was useful for him to remem­ ses nine out of the ten charac­
ber that, in his world, nothing teristics 7 Bight? Seven?
was "alive" unless it possessed Five? ; ere is the line to be
all of a list of ten character­ drawn?
istics; irritability, reproduc­
tion, growth - by - intesusscep- The viruses, causitive a-
tion*, contractility, and so gents of tobacco mosaic rust,
on. Several centuries of ob­ scarlet and (it is sus­
servation had failed to turn up pected) t-..e common cold, repro­
any substance except protoplasm duce like wildfire, and show a
which possessed all of these number of other ' characteristic
ten, and after a while it be­ "life" reactions. One of these
came convenient to use "living reactions is more highly devel­
substance" and protoplasm in­ oped in the virus than that of
terchangeably - in effect, an any other form: that of muta­
eleventh characteristic had tion. Tobacco plants have been
been added, the possession of bred to resist the mosaic vi­
the specific physicochemical rus; in six months a new virus
construction of protoplasm. strain has appeared, which will
attack the hardiest plants in-
Biology today has been suf­ discriminantly. This is a
fering from this eleventh as­ speed of mutation absolutely
sumption. *iside from the dis­ unmatched anywhere else in
covery that protoplasm has no pathology - and provides the
"specific" construction, but main evidence for assuming that
varies constantly from moment the serum-indifferent common
to moment, we have blundered cold is a virus disease.
into the country where indis­
putably non-protoplasmic crea­ The virus, until last year,
tures dwell, creatures which was invisible, and it was reas­
possess that thing the semanti- onable to assume that it was

* Intesussception in biology refers to a growth process in which

molecules are added to the organism by the process of digestion.
It is used in opposition to accretion, a process in which mole­
cules are simply piled on in layers on the outside, as in crystals.

just an especially tiny form of organic chemistry which govern

known protoplasmic life. This crystals and solutions, yet as
Elysium has been shattered by a molecule still retains many
the electron microscope, which of the characteristics of a
has shown conclusively what living thing.
chemists (not biologists) have
suspected for some time: name­ There is an opposition
ly, that there is no such thing school, as was inevitable in
as a virus, unless a molecule the present state of knowledge^-
is .an organism. Virus is a about virus* This group., begins
proteiry substance, unorganized, from the opposite extreme - it
non-individual - a thing that assumes that virus is not en­
should be, in any decently-or­ tirely alive - or, more accur­
ganized universe, non-living. ately, not yet entirely alive.
It can be isolated in crystal These boys are our present-day
I form; and crystals grow by ac­ Mechanists, of whom the late
cretion, not by intesusscep- Dr. I. L. I.errera of the Uni­
tion. It is the most definite­ versity of Mexico was the most
ly non-protoplasmic substance formidable theoretician and ex­
imaginable. it acts like an perimenter. They accept that
especially complicated series all life originally arose in a
of organic poisons; each one chain of increasing chemical
has a different formula, unlike complexity leading toward pro­
protoplasm which whatever its toplasm; a sort of preliminary
physical state is assumed to be inorganic evolution. Virus, in
chemically constant; but - their eyes, is one step in this
archeozoic chain, and as typica
YeeeeJ It’s aliveI they point to laboratory exper­
iments wherein forms with but
At the present writing, the one or two of the ten life­
study of virus has given rise characteristics can be produced
to a most fascinating theory, at will.
which does accept the indiv id-
ual molecule as the organism. Unfortunately, neither line
The school which propounds this of thought shows any signs of
idea describes virus as a de­ bringing ua much closer to a
generate parasite. Using the medically meaningful answer.
tapeworm and other animals At present virus experimenta­
which have lost most of their tion in both camps .has been, de*
innards in the course of devo­ voting itself to determining
lution, these biologists sug­ exactly what the physical shape
gest that .virus is the final and construction of the virus
product of the loss of struc­ molecules are, and how they be­
ture and function common to the have in an inorganic fashion; a
life-habits o f parasitism. research being carried on by
Through centuries of reduction means of the electron micro­
the ambiguous thing - perhaps a scope, polarized light, and
simple bacterial form - which other strictly physical meth­
the virus was at the beginning ods. It will probably be ten
has been cut down to a single years before any of. this infor­
complex molecule, wherein it mation begins to dovetail into
summarizes its entire life-pro­ tiLe general pattern of biolog­
cesses; so that in community it ical knowledge; and until that
is nothing more than a solu­ time, tho Question of whether
tion or a crystal, behaving in virus is half-dead or half-
accordance with the laws of in- alive must be held in abeyance.
Monday, .August 5th, 1945; some­ nuclear energy than wijfch^' the
thing' exploded in Japan#« Hiro­ elements of.electricity. 'They
shima, to be precise# Seismo­ had read all the stories, and
graphs all"over the world re­ they knew'just what was going
corded the disturbance. and to happen# They were scared,
scientists Wondered mildly what I
it might be> talked to some fans the night
Monday, AuguSu 6th, the news was known, and they
and the whole world knew# Pres­ said they‘were ready re run to
idents and Prime Ministers -pro­ the hills. They talked about
claimed it; radios bellowed it; world extermination and. at;oipid
newspapers headlined it. Atom­ explosion, mdnster mutations;
ic energy had been utilised as tyrrany., ruin, and destruction.
a weapon of war# Our cities were no longer safe;
People gasped urban life was outdated; it was
at the page-high headlines, and time to flee to the backwoods
expressed surprise, awe, or re­ . and hills# If they, were right,
lief# To some it meant the be­ then civilization itself is ob­
ginning of a glorious new era, solete.
to others the end of the world, I don’t believe it is.
and to most#* the end of the
war# If there is such a thing as a
There were some, however, "characteristic of life,” it is
.to whom the A-bomb did not come the will to go on living. Man­
as a shock* There were scient­ kind is no more likely to com­
ists, and some statesmen, who mit mass suicide, than to toss
had worked on the bomb, or who aside the gains of thousands of
had read and studied enou^i to years in 6 mass migration to
be aware of its imminent devel­ the hills,
opment. And there were the Nor do I believe that
science - fiction enthusiasts, the magic words, "Atomic ' Age,"
few of whom were accurately e- can of themselves initiate * the
ware of the gigantic strides millenium of peace, freedom, se­
that had been made in nuclear curity, and happiness for all#
fission, but almost all of whom It is the great misfortune of
had been awaiting the develop- the peoples of earth that their
.ment with a blind confidence in rulers today persist in regard­
its inevitability# ing nuclear fission ?as either
'Tho scient­ an incident of war, or an ex­
ists read the news, and prepar­ ceptionally promising patent#
ed themselves- for the struggle
to turn the bomb into usable a- That the era of the inaugura­
tomic power. tion of atomic power will be
Stefans had talked rough and shocking, undemocrat­
for years familiarly of atomic ic, violent, and totalitarian ,
space drives and power plants, I do not doubt,
Now, reacting to the bomb, John But It leads,
Campbell, good editor that he not back to the bills, but up
is, spoke for his readers in an to the heights,. the stars.
..article in PM, Most of thornwero
more familiar with- th-, idea of Judy zissman
notions science'

7—* ’c
O1 \ \ ■' QI
( , puzzles,
\ iscellany,
1 * and such...
<♦ A column of infantry was march­
ing down the highway to Berlin at
a constant rate of speed. A cour­
ier in a jeep started from the
rear of the column, took a message
in to the head of the column, and im-
the mediately returned to the rear.
tri­ His rate of speed, always con-
angle stant, was such that by the time
ABODE, he returned to the rear, the col-
(teelow) umn had advanced until the rear
how ma­ was at the point where the head
ny more was when the courier started out,
points has What distance did the courier cov—
the line CD er as compared to the distance
along its covered by the column?
surface than
the line BE— * Seems (take our word for it) you
and why? had twelve rolls of shiny new nic­
kels, and for some absurd reason
you opened them all and took a
couple out of each. But when you
went to the store, you found out
one roll was full of counterfeits.
The storekeeper was a wise charac­
ter who gave you a little portable
scale and told you if you could
find out in three weighings which
'<uiet please, puzzle­ roll contained the phonies, he'd
hounds.’ in could be that take ’email off your hands, Eow’d
there Ts somebody in the you make out? (Naturally the slugs
audience who .has never seen weighed—let’s see, was it more—
it before..., or less—than the good ones?)
* Descartes considered this a conclusive proof of the existence
o£ GOd;
”God is defined, according to the Christian religion, as
a perfect being, i.e., a being superior to any other. Let us
assume that God does not exist. Then we can conceive in our im­
aginations of a being who in all respects is like God, but who,
besides, exists. But obviously this imaginary being would be
superior to God, since he would have what God lacks, existence.
Since, however, nothing can be superior to a perfect being, our
assumption must be wrong, and God must exist.”
Shame on Des­
cartes.' pick it apart, pals!
We had a thought« Why doesn’t much as ruffle the, solar sys­
someone work out a theory from tem, let alone the universe,,
Ross Rocklynne’s ”A Matter of If
Length” in the current As hound- it were* Saturn now, or maybe
Jupiter, we might expect all
Let’s say we had pulsating sorts of grave' repercussions,
time here on earth: we’d never but earth— pah&
knew--it. would we? And just
think how easily we couHd ex- Sid . Partis ^ri^’^ests:
. plain all of the lefis ’easily- Wireless
understood- ‘phenomena, by just lighting for your home may be
assuming that extra te rrc,?trial a result of experimental work
visitors had done it while we on high frequency* electromag­
werQc pulsed way down, too low net!? rue. ria tie ns, the same
* -to know we had company. stuff radaiwen used to identi -
Like it fy enemy craft and guide air­
says right here in Amazing, you planes s'afe.i.y to their bases.
could throw out all the nonsen-
sic al ri^amarole of the so- A neon tube-, or similar gas-
called ’ scientific method and-,., filled bulb, in the presence*
anyhow, think of the competi­ of these very high frequencies,
tion it v^ouTcT'give Lemurial Will pick up enough .energy to
induce voltages that will cause
Reading the Smyth Report on the the‘necessary ionization of the
A-bomb, we are, and running in­ gasc Power vzould be derived
to all sorts of difficulties^ from a central unit ®f radiat­
If there’s someone who knows, ing antennae, in a manner anal-
perhaps he’d explain what hap­ agous -ho ?resent-day central
pens when a proton turns into a heating system.
neutron and positron after en­ Hie biggest prob­
tering the nucleus. Whore does lem is to construct a radiating
the extra mass come from? Is source that will supply enough
there a corresponding reduction for practical home use, A
of energy somowhcre? If it’s masking system of some sort
the velocity of* the proton that will also have to be devised to
accounts for it, then what hap­ prevent that practical joking
pens to all the extra mass when neighbor from turning on the
a neutron turns into a proton lights in your house at the pre­
and electron? WcTro confoozod. cise moment when it should be
most dark.
Wo ci to the answer given by
Columbia’s atom-export, Howard Flash stuff... A now amino-acid
to a student afflicted cure fra? ulcers is producing az­
with an acute attack of hill- mazing results. Palii stops in
itis. four to eight hours, • and com­
Ho pointed out, with what plete cures have boon effected
wo can only consider admirable in less than throe weeksNow
objectivity, that if the entire York stores aro_uidvort^ing an
earth wore to*go up in a pu_ff ” A t omic. _ Fly or p ” Yep: itYs a
of atomic fLrot it would no sn j sled >


>S yn t3OJ->5 ‘-'C* i

V'/Ww- /?£ S / $ ro/£


-/Trrrrru- Co I 4-

5 mj i TC. H i Circuit: The uninterrupted, flow of elec­

trons through a conductor frtm
G<5Ayef$/q ro/e the negative pole, which is’ said to have
an accumulation of electrons, to the posi­
rre& y
tive pole, which is assumed t< have a lack
of electrons.

1s (|Ron CopE) i
Resistance: A tendency on the part offthe
components of a circuit’ tt
resist current flow® Measured in ohms®(R)
Current: The number of electrons passing
a given point in a ’given amount
of time® Measured in amperes® (I)
Voltage: Electromotive force; the pressure
VA*?I A 0U.U with which electricity is forced
f?ui i sroK through a circuit,, Measured in volts® (E)
Ohm; The unit of resistance which permits
VA Rl A0l£
ene ampere of current to flow under
a pressure of one volt®
Ohn^s Law: A statement of the relations
between current, voltage, and
> — Pt? i resistance; expressed as E-IR®
Power; The product of the voltage and the’
Cal •->/£?/MW ; current (P=EI)® Measured in watts®
• 7? 7/ f hT, Pg u/yw _
The watt is the electrical unit of "work,"
or ‘ •_ ,.

A/oTofZ Polarity; The nature of the charges on the

opposing poles constitutes pol­
arity. and determines the direction of cur­
rent flow-®
Direct Current: DC has a constant polarity
so that current flows in
the same direction at all times®
Alternating Current; in AC, the poles’con­
tinually reverse as
^^‘C'r/e^c/?£- the positive builds up a negative charge
from accumulated electrons; frequency of al­
ternation determines the cyole® (Ordinary
house current, for instance, is 60-cycle®)
Technicians are wonderful people# Not
only do they make things which are beyond
undersuandingo# they also talk a language
which clef Aos' translation#
Readers follow Don Channihg through a
maze of electronic terminology^ and finish
the story still not quite sure of what hap­
pened.# why, or when# What seOms indicated
is a necessarily somewhat long, but possib­
ly painless course in the language of elec­
tronics while examining the innards of some
of the more familiar gadgets#
The simplest lash-up that can be used
to illustrate the pure resistive circuit is
the electric heater,. The conductors lead­
ing to the element are of such diameter and
material that the resistance inherent in
these is c on s i de re ’d to he nTl. The only
resistance in the is considered to
be in The heating element itself,, This is
made of s racial wire which ordinarily has a
high resistance (or in other wares, is a
poor conductor) , but is -able to crrry a
great deal of current without rupturing.
Let us assume that the intrinsic re-
< sistance of the element wire is one £hm per
foot. Using 25 feet\ of it in a ’tightly
wound coil (coiling, by the way, in heat­
ers, is used purely for space-saving; it
has no mysterious virtues.) would permit,
according to Ohm * s Lav;, 4.6 amperes of cur­
rent to flow if a normal house voltage of
120 volts is used. 3y a corollary of Qhm’s
Law, the power dissipated in wat is is equal
to the voltagd times tne current, dr in this
case, 576 watts.,

Since .860 watt-hours equals one kilo­

gram calory, our heater will yield 495.36
kilogram calories per hour, or enough heat
to raise 495.36 kilograms of water one deg­
ree centigrade..« or in more easily under­
standable units, 10 lbs. of water 100 de­
grees centigrade (from freezing to boiling,
• that is.
Other electrical devices-- toasters,
electric stoves and waffle- irons, flat­
irons, soldering irons, and therapeutic
heating pads-- are all variations of the
same circuit--' and their construction is
dependent on the particular heating reed.



When nylon caused Sunday able as draperies, and for in­

School teachers to rendezvous dustrial uses, but clothing made
with hose bootleggers, while from even the best glass fibers
their -husbands used the stuff has caused more skin irrita­
to parachute into Germany, tions than love in a haystack.
there was a sudden interest in
the synthetic textiles. •• Even the pet nylon, while it
G-rableizes the gams, won’t be
Chickenfeathers, glass, soy­ Lamouring anybody in dress form
beans, peanuts, and milk are until they find a way to make
only a few of the sources from dyes stick to it. It is also
which textiles are being ob­ subject to serious seam-slip­
tained. These new developments page, and weakens when exposed
make good magazine copy, and to strong sunlight.
they feed the patent lawyers
very well indeed, but they are So far it sounds like the
still in their thumb-sucking writer of this piece rides a
stage when compared to cotton, horse because automobiles don’t
wool, or silk for everyday ser­ let go on the whiffle-tree, but
vice* cynicism hasn't set in quite
that far.
After more than twenty years
of growing pains, viscose and In time all textiles will be
acetate are now adolescing into man-made, because all of the
serviceable fabrics, but the natural fibers have shortcom­
low tensile strength of these ings; even with centuries of
two rayons still inclines them breeding cotton plants, silk,
to seam slippage, the acquisi­ and sheep do it too*
tion of fanny creases, and pre­
mature holes from abrasion. Textile technology will be
Unless they have had an excep­ coming out with a really elas­
tionally good construction, or tic fabric — no plackets o r
have been processed for dimen- flies needed. There will be
tional stability, even mild clothing goods that can with­
soaps and cold water flats will stand polar temperatures, and
stretch or shrink them when still weigh only a few ounces,
washed. fabrics that will require no
sewing, on which seams will be
The synthetic protein' fab­ fused with a hot iron. And
rics -- arala.c, from milk casein* that will be the last time they
soy bean wools, and others — nood an iron, too, because the
drape well, look good, and feel crease-resistant fabrics won’t
good, but they are frequently ever need pressing.
damaged by dry cleaning, and
just can’t stand the gaff like But hang on to your jeans a
wool. while’ longer. This is now, so
don’t let the DuPont ads kid
G-lass fabrics, because they you on synthetics; they all
are fireproof, have been valu­ need gobes of improvement.
fiction YJWUiilT?-

4_ _ - 1 .
- 70/?5
_____________ ‘
Judy Zissman is about as close Could be a few pages aren’t
as .this ynblh.a • just the way we intended them
tion comes to having an editor'- to bev Could be too, we never
in-chief, The mag was her idaar dll get the reviews and science
after all. n^ws we desired,fl or the very
She claims to- make high-class photo - offset - com-
her living as a ’"ghostwriter bin~-d^wlth-silk-screen cover we
fer a ghostwriter,” hut it’s had in mind^ Could be practi­
really just lit’rary research. cally anything except that 'we
Has also published a couple of should turn shrinking violet,
detective pulps, and will hot <•. ’ ■; We
on her private cellection of like 8cienc6°Piction, 5}ven the
rejection slips against any first’v issue/ And the second
• struggling young etc, who wants
te try0 A member of Vanguard, We’ve already lined up a
on the PAPA waiting list, few articles that should be rf
Interest, Norm Stanley promis­
Larry Shaw is probably Our man­ es one on "cold light," If you
aging editor, List don’t know what that'is, read
chief mimeograph er;0 likewise S#F and find *ut (adv,), The
head stencil-cutter. and tech- "Hero7s’HowJ" will be fin book­
• nical advisor on fans tuff o binding, and ’Wit on papers
Shaw and paper supplies,
has been working as junior ed- ye’re hoping
< itor on a tardo journal, but is for more KLoch, and we’ll heck­
planning now to loa^e the"edit­ le Blish again and see what
orial field temporarily, and turns up,
try his hand at free-lance And the rest, pals, is
writing0 IIember ox PAPA and up to you. Most of all we noed
Vanguard both, reviews, items to make a’gexu-
ir o -science now s’ o o lumn, math
Dan Zissman would 'bo sc* -neo pussies^ letters, and all that
editor? if wo had therec
enough science besides his to About the reviews,, we’ll
edit, Also functions as chiof publish any’ review’ on a rfiaga-
s t ylus • ’0po ra tor and p suod o - a rt 55 inc. bookj movie, play, art
director. exhibit or what-havo-you that’s
Pan- works in'an elec­ wol?. done and scorns to us to
tronics lab right now; out .is havo diioot reference to sci­
planning to quit in the fall ence or stf0 Give please,
and let the 11 Bill take care Art­
of him. while he catches u.p on icles and stories are of course
what the Navy loft out ‘of ’he a .*' wu ys u o o 1 c > d; 1 Wo v ?. 1 r e tuxn
Hadar 'Technician course? Van­ any wo can’t usof promptly <?n.d
guard member o in good condition.,
dorry this
The Authors will got into this one had. to bo on yollow paper,
T ’"colyum next issue, but we couldn-t got any white
This time we figured everybody that was even this legxblo^ Wo
know moro about most ox' then hope things will have oos-hjVup.
thaa about most of us^ som f - j. a. jxl/xiuphc- -of. nfns c
My masters, it is a terrible prompt; and sentimentality did
- thins you have done. not weaken the will which was
toward the good of ’ the whole.
---You have lived so long in Hac iklaklc, you said, and this
' rthe smooth-polished caverns of was the best face you put upon
the Dron star that you have the matter.
forgotten the fields and cities
of your ancestors. You have Some of us know better.
forgotten, in your eternal ar- Doubtless, it is all but for­
tificial day, the mystery of gotten in the Dron star, except
night over Media, and the beau­ as an occasional subject for
ty of it. You have dwelt so self-congratulation; running a
long in the planet of the Coun­ star-cluster leaves little time
cil that you have forgotten for hindsight. Let me supply
your aeon-old home. that hindsight, in my capacity
as compurion.
Strange facts, no doubt, to
hear from the tongue of a com- It was the hideous irruption
pu-rion; an uncomfortable tone of the Black Mold which called
of voice from an android, born up this action. The Black Mold
in the life-vats of Draconis was deadly, but not absolutely
II, and shipped to Media in a inescapable: the light, trans­
crystal vacuum-case. It is not parent, flexible airsuits which
my duty to think on such ques­ you issued your doctors made
tions, but only to be a repos­ them immune, although their im­
itory o f certain facts not munity and their work alike
readily entrustable to writing were of little account, for
• or the machines. good reasons you doubtless re­
call. Automatically the cordon
But someone must think of of ships went up around the ra­
them, and if I cannot claim the vaged planet, and through it
common inheritance of the men came only such spacefliers as
who ordered me made, neither had been sterilized by your
have I so much to lose by the doctors, and only such Medians
asking. as were passed as safe - and
perhaps you did not bother
too much over the details of I am speaking as a compur­
the affair. Smug in your far- ion, am I not? I will pass
• off star you received the re­ over, then, the hatred with
ports, and you acted upon them which those same -sterilely-
mechanically, seeing that such- shoathed doctors walked when
and-such was possible and would they walked upon Media, and the
servo the purpose, You wore fists that wore shaken at ;,tho
SKy, U11U tix6 Uixo. J- X -U u. '.la- ’-j v^C—'c gSJUI 0x13 ^nese
and pleading that went up to- stations that might have flung
ward that silent steel sphere a mountain like a thistle. But
of patrol ships. Each day a Media was 600 x 10^1 tons of
thousand selected men were car­ mass - I apologize for the fig­
ried off to other worlds, but ures, but I mean only to show
what were thousands against the that no possible geotron or
millions who still waited, and chain of geotrons could ' have
were struck down into black li- affected its motion; no, the
quescence even while they effect was-to be, instead, a
stormed the docks? series of sledge-hammer blows,
momentary intensifications of
But it was better that mil­ the Sun’s gravity, striking and
lions die, you said, than that destroying each station as the
a hundred worlds, a million planet revolved. These blows
cities be reduced to charnel were timed to strike within 49
darkness. Hac iklakic - : f o r hours of each other, Media’s
the good of the whole. It was vibration period.
that same phrase - mother of
tears now, but father of the And a gong or bell struck
wrath to come! - that decreed once each vibration-period -
the destruction of Media; de­
creed it at a time when certain I was on Draconis IV when
curious coincidences - those mighty power plants began
to build up their gravitational
But I am stepping out of my web, but I am a compurion, and
role. Let us once more be im­ from the known facts I can de­
personal. The logic of the duce how it must have seemed to
plan was flawless. What was to those hapless millions left on
happen after all were transpor­ the doomed world. You have
ted who could be’ transported, travelled o n geotron-powered
and the rest of Media’s peoples ships, and have seen how the
were .oozing corpses? Was Media stars seem to be twisted a lit­
to remain, a festering, mortu­ tle through the field; it was
ary world, its cities crumb­ like that. The sleepless dying
ling, its aspect changing in ones on the night side saw
the skies from a blue star to a first only a small distortion;
black one, and then to disin­ but then, with ever-increasing
tegrative gray? Was it to re­ speed, the very sky began to
main a perpetual source of con­ flicker and waver as if it were
tagion? not the sky at all, but only a
gray, writhing, rippling chaos
No; Media must be fire- of dim light, limning the up­
swept, until no single fleck of turned faces of the Medians.
disease remained. The great
powerplants went up in a belt On the sunward side it was
about the planet at stated in­ less spectacular, but none the
tervals, built by engineers in less terrifying. The sun rose
sterile sheathes, engineers who normally that morning, but be­
were not supposed to know for fore it had climbed halfway to
what purpose they built. The the zenith it b< came obscurely
volume of the exodus was cut, flattened and elongated, as if
and cut again, as more md more splitting like some flaming a-
shipt wore transferred to their moeba; and then there were two
projecu■ apparent suns, connected by a

KNELL ■’_____ _____ __ __ _________ SCIENCE

flaring spindle. Before noon But it is over now. The
the - incredible fading effects Draconis system has a vast belt
began, so that shortly there of fragments between its fourth
was no sun at all, but only a and fifth planets, and of its
faint glowing haze, which had civilization, of which Media
already begun to ripple, like was the heart, little remains
disturbed Water - but helpless exiles like my­
self, and a few who managed to
Then the first blow struck. break through the cordon during
the last months of chaos.
Where • was all' :.your secrecy Those few, too, will die out,
then, my masters? For I was on for they carried the contagion
Draconis IV, but all about me With them. Draconis IV has
knew what was happening thirty been abandoned by its colon­
millions of miles away. The ists, most of whom were from
first stroke of that gravita­ other systems.
tional hammer sent waves of re­
action through the very fabric There remains now only this
of space, as you should have small group, the compurions,
guessed it would-,, and we heard hidden upon Draconis III, where
- I speak the truth - we heard we have concealed the last sur­
the first stroke of that gong viving Medians. And this story
which was a world, in the is as much for the eyes of
streets of Ardith. their descendants as it is for
you; and I shall sign it, Oni-
How can I describe that seau, thus, with a, flourish.
sound? The great bell of Fie-
ia, which shatters windows and Yes, I am Oniseau, that same
penetrates the heart - that compurion who was dispatched to
bell would have been unheard a- Media with the formula whi«h
midst this sonorous thunder. would have stopped the Black
But of what use to tell of it? Mold; that same compurion who
You did not hear it; though stood in the streets of Ardith
they heard it on Draconis IX, between two of your guards, who
it could not cross the inter­ abandoned m e with sardonic
stellar gulf to you. It was grins when the first gong­
the death-knell of a world, and stroke told them my information
an awful and noble sound. was become useless.
On Media itself the sound I am that same compurion who
had little beauty in it. There knows that you sowed .the Black
were too many screams from the Mold, and ripped, out the living
doomed millions, tottering heart of tho stars, in order
through streets which reeled that your . rule be forever un­
and shuddered crazily beneath questioned. Those men of Media
them; the roar of buildings will bo told; and though in the
cascading in rubbish to the coming centuries they will for­
ground; tho far-off roar of got, it will not be forever.,
continents grinding down’ into
the raging ocean. Of what hap­ 7hen they learn again tho
pened when the next blow’ secrot o f spaceflight,, thoy
struck, and the next, the heart will find you.
of a compurion is too small to
comprehend. Eac Iklakic.

I have soon examples of. silk
screen printing in v’liich as
many as eight different colors
were used, some o f then
opaque and some transparent so
that various combinations pro­ whibhlis rstr^tchdd* tightly-jwsr
duced an amazing variety of ef­ the frame. In the first (or
fects c The running of, say, "Tusche resistant") method, the
five' colors to produce eight in master drawing is registered
combination is fairly common. carefully in position under the
silk, through which it is visi­
It would be ridiculous to ble, to provide a guide in
claim that a newcomer to the drawing and lettering. Then
process could immediately, or the pattern is drawn on the
comparatively soon, turn out silk with Tusche (lithographic
works as fine as theseo But ink). Tusche comes in liquid
Silk screening is much simpler form and is about the same con­
than most people are inclined sistency as India ink, so that
to think, and the beauty of the it is easy to draw or letter
results that can be had by a with it. Crayon, dry-brush,
modicum of effort"are out of all spatter and other textures can
proportion when c empared to any be used.
other method of duplication.
In addit ion, it is possible to When the design is complet­
sot up your own outfit almost ed, the entire top surface of
anywhere at extremely low cost, the silk is given two coats of
and even if you buy the finest thinned-out glue, .After this
materials available, it is im­ is entirely dry, the under side
possible to spend any outrage­ of the screen is washed with
ous amount of money. turpentine, benzine, naptha or
kerosene. This dissolves the
The ’’machinery" used in the Tusche drawing and destroys the
?rocess consists of a wooden foundation for the glue in the
ramo, which* is hinged at one Bpets where the-'-'-TuscheW ap­
side to a flat work table or plied. The glue breaks away in
bench, and over which the sten­ those spots, but not on the
cil is stretched. The printing rest of the surface, and .an
paint is forced through the open stencil of the drawing re­
stonail with a rubber squeogeo, sults.
which is simply a rubber blade
with a woo don hnndlo, similar In printing,, commercially-
•to the squeegees used in window prepared color, or oil color,
washing. is used with commercially-pre­
pared mediums. The most com­
There are two commonly used monly used are transparent base
methods of preparing the sten­ (which makes the color print
cil. The base in each is silk, more transparently), and reduc­
or bolting cloth, of fine mesh, ing varnish (which makes the


color flow, but print opaque­ the drawing with a cutting

ly). The mixed, paint is laid, knife, using just enough pres­
across the edge of the screen sure to penetrate the lacquer,
inside the frame and the squee­ but not enough to cut the glas­
gee is run across the surface, sine paper. The lacquer i s
forcing the paint through onto then stripped out of the areas
the paper underneath. A small to be printed, and the film is
stack of ’ paper can be placed ready to be attached to the
beneath the screen, the number silk. Still taped to the draw­
of sheets, of course, depending ing, the film is placed in reg­
on the paper's thickness. One ister on the printing table,
sheet is fastened down with and the frame on which the silk
Scotch tape in the exact posi­ is stretched placed over it.
tion required, to act as a The film is then adhered to the
guide in placing further sup­ silk by rubbing over it care­
plies of paper. More paint can fully a rag soaked in lacquer
be applied to the stencil at thinner. This is quickly fol­
any time it is needed. lowed by a good stiff rubbing
with a dry rag. This makes the
The above explanation takes film an integral part of the
for granted that one color is screen, and the screen can be
to be used in the printing. turned over 1 and the glassine
However, additional colors can paper stripped off. Printing,
easily be used. The portion to of course, is accomplished in
be printed in each color is the same way described before.
drawn on the stencil separately
each time, When the required All the materials necessary
number- of sheets in one color can be obtained from any art
is printed, the entire screen supply store. The films used
is washed off, using benzine to in the second method are manu­
remove the paint and cold water factured, as far as I know, on­
to remove the glue. The master ly by the Nu-Film Products Co.,
drawing is then registered in 56 W. 22nd St., New York City
place under the screen again, 10, and they may be ordered di­
and the areas to be printed in rect if desired. The Nu-Film
the second color are drawn in people have published a manual
the same way.- The process is for silk screen preparation by
repeated for each color used. the film method, which they
will send on request, free of
The Film method of making charge. • I recommend it for
stencils is a more recent de­ anyone desiring to try the pro­
velopment, and is undoubtedly cess, no matter which method is
easier, especially for one ac­ to be used. Besides many val­
customed to cutting mimeograph uable illustrated tips on
stencils. The so-called "film" screen preparation, it (natu­
comes in rolls or sheets made rally. ) lists the various types
of glassine paper on which lac­ of films they make with their
quer (and sometimes shellac) uses and prices. Its cover is
has been sprayed. The f- Im, a beautiful example of what can
which is transparent., is placed be done with the process.
over the master drawing, lac­
quer side up, and is temporar­ Try silk screening. You'll
ily attached with Scotch tape. find it not only practical, but
The stencil is cut by outlining a lot of fun as well-.-

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