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Dear Respondent,
We, the researchers from Grade 12-Mars, are conducting a survey for our study entitled,
“The Impact of Excessive Social Media Usage on the Academic Performance of Grade -11 Lyra
Students of Eastern Pangasinan Agricutural College”.

In this regard, we respectfully request that you take the time to complete this form and
answer all of the questions. You can rest assured that any information you will provide will be kept

Thank you so much for giving up your valuable time and effort.
The Researchers

I. Respondent’s Demographic Profile

Name (Optional) __________________________________________________
Sex: ____ Male ______ Female
Age: _____
Average Grade for 1st Semester
____ 75 – 79 _____ 85 – 89 _____ 95 and above
____ 80 – 84 _____ 90 - 94

Direction: Kindly put a check mark (√) on the following information that applies to you.

1. How many hours per day, on average, do you spend using social media platforms?
A. Less than 1 hour
B. 1-2 hours
C. 2-3 hours
D. 3-4 hours
E. 4-5 hours
F. More than 5 hours

2. How often do you find yourself distracted from your academic tasks due to social media?
A. Never
B. Rarely
C. Occasionally
D. Sometimes
E. Often
F. Very often

3. Have you ever stayed up late at night using social media, which affected your sleep
schedule and subsequently your academic performance?
4. What do you think are factors that affect your academic performance due to social media
addictiveness? (Choose all that apply)
A. Distraction and reduced focus:
B. Time management
C. Sleep disruption
D. Reduced study time
E. Comparison and self-esteem
F. Social isolation
G. Mental health issues

5. Do you believe that excessive social media usage has affected your ability to concentrate
and focus on your studies?
A. Strongly Disagree - My social media usage has not affected my ability to
concentrate and focus on my studies.
B. Disagree - My social media usage has had minimal impact on my ability to
concentrate and focus on my studies.
C. Neutral - I'm unsure if my social media usage has affected my ability to concentrate
and focus on my studies.
D. Agree - My social media usage has somewhat affected my ability to concentrate
and focus on my studies.
E. Strongly Agree - My social media usage has significantly affected my ability to
concentrate and focus on my studies.

6. Have you noticed a decline in your grades or overall academic performance since
increasing your social media usage?":
A. Yes, my grades and overall academic performance have significantly declined.
B. Yes, I have noticed a noticeable decline in my grades and overall academic
C. Yes, there has been a slight decline in my grades and overall academic
D. No, I haven't noticed any decline in my grades or overall academic performance.
E. I'm not sure if there has been any impact on my grades or overall academic
F. N/A - I haven't increased my social media usage recently.

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