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Table of Contents

• Yoga
• Meaning And Importance of
• Ashtanga Yoga
• Yogic Kriyas (Shat Karma)
• Frequently Asked Questions
Meaning And
Importance of Yoga

The term Yoga comes from the

Sanskrit word 'Yuj', meaning 'union'
or 'to join'. It is the union of Atma
(soul) and Paramatma (super

Yoga brings physical harmony and

mental balance. It is the combination
of physical asanas, meditation, and
breathing techniques to strengthen
the muscles and relieve from stress.

The main purpose of Yoga is to

provide a sound body and a sound
mind. The aim of Yoga is 'self-
identification' and 'self-perfection'
which comes through 'self-
purification and self-realization'.

• Yoga improves the efficiency

of the cardiovascular system
• Organs get strengthened
• It prevents premature ageing
• It helps to maintain good
• Yoga Improves brain function
• It lowers stress levels
• Yoga increases flexibility
• Yoga lowers blood pressure
• Gives relieve from stress and
• It can gives relieves from
chronic back pain
• It lowers blood sugar level
• It improves the sense of
• It makes the bones stronger
• Helps to maintain a healthy
• Lowers risk of many diseases
Ashtanga Yoga
Elements of Yoga

Eight Elements Of

4. PRANAYAMA ,_,....,-...: 5 . PRATYAHARA



In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, the
eightfold path is called ashtanga,
which literally means eight limbs
(ashta = eight, anga = limb). These
eight steps are a guideline on how to
live a good life.

The focus is on moral and ethical

conduct and self-discipline. These
are designed to improve health and
benefit in spiritual areas of our lives.

The first four stages of Patanjali's

ashtanga Yoga concentrate on
refining our personalities, gaining
mastery over the body and
developing an energetic awareness
of ourselves, to prepare for the
second half of this process which
deals with the senses, the mind and
attaining a higher state of
Eight elements to attain highest
purification of body and mind are as

Varna (abstinence)

There are many morality guidelines

for good behaviour in society, which
must be followed by everyone. These
elements the basic principles for the
benefits of society.

These principles are:

• Ahimsa (Non-Harming)
• Satya (Truthfulness)
• Asteya ( Non-Stealing )
• Brahmacharya (Moderating
the Senses)
• Aparigraha (Non-
Possessiveness )
Niyam (observances)

Niyam are personal observances or

self-purification by discipline. It
makes the individual healthy.

• Saucha {Cleanliness)
• Santosh (Contentment)
• Tapa {Austerity)
• Swadhyaya {Study of good
• lshwar Paridhana {Surrender
to God)

Asanas (yoga postures)

Asanas are slow stretching activities

performed to improve the whole
body fitness. It can be done in all
three positions viz. Standing, sitting
and lying.
Pranayama (breathing control)

Pranayama is a systematic and

rhythmic control of breathing,
performed to improve the internal
functioning of the whole body.

Pranayam is based upon Purak

(Inhale) Rechak (Exhale) and
Kumbhak (holding breath)

Pratyahara (withdrawal of the


Pratyahara is conscious withdrawal

of energy from the senses. It is
performed to improve intellectual
capability. It develops inner mental
strength by controlling sense organs
Dharana (concentration)

Dharana is fixing the attention on a

single object for a long time to
improve concentration. This mental
fixation should be uninterrupted and
without any kind of mental activities.

Dhayana (meditation)

Dhayana is the process of controlling

the mind through meditation. It
develops a high level of

Samadhi (absorption)

Samadhi is the state of super-

consciousness where dhayana
reaches its final stage. It is also the
state of union with God, merging
consciousness and salvation
Yogic Kriya s (Shat
Yogic Kriyas are cleansing
techniques that cleanse various
internal organs of the body. They are
also called shat kriyas or
shatkarmas because they are six in

Shuddhi Kriya (Shatkanna):

Shatkarmas cleanse and activate all
vital organs of the body especially
the digestive, respiratory, circulatory
and nervous systems.
There are six major cleaning
processes in Yoga:

1. Kapalbhati

2. Neti (upper nasal track)

3. Trataka (eye exercises)

4. Nauli (abdominal muscle and


5. Dhouti (cleansing the intestine)

6. Vasti (cleaning of the rectum)


It is designed to stimulate the brain

cells and purify the brain.
'Kapalbhati' comes from the word
'Kapal' (forehead) and 'Bhati' which
means 'to shine'.


• Sit in any meditative posture.

• Close the eyes and relax the
whole body.
• Inhale deeply through both
nostrils, expand the chest.
• Exhale breath with forceful
contractions of the abdominal
muscles and relax.
• Continue active/forceful
exhalation and passive

• Kapalbhati generates heat in

the body, dissolving toxins
and other waste matter.
• It improves the functioning of
the kidneys and liver.
• It removes stress from the
eyes and erases dark circles.
• It enhances blood circulation
and digestion.
• It increases metabolic rate,
thus aiding weight loss.
• It stimulates abdominal
organs and is thus helpful for
diabetic patients.
• It rejuvenates the brain and
energizes nerves.
• The process has a calming
effect and uplifts the mind.
• It gives a sense of balance
and sensibility, makes one feel
pure and clutter-free.
Neti Kriyas

Neti Kriya is a type of Yogic nasal-

cleansing exercise. Neti Kriya is
designed to purify the nasal
passages and bathe the sinuses.

They are said to remove toxins and

anything blocking the flow of prana
or energy in the body. Neti is a
Sanskrit term derived from the roots
na and ti, which together translate
as "not so".
Types of Neti

Jala neti, which is practiced using a

neti pot filled with saline solution to
cleanse the nasal passages. In this
technique, the head is tilted to the
side and then salt water is poured
into a nostril and exits through the
other nostril.

Sutra neti, a thread is passed

through the nostrils and out of the
mouth. The yogi then holds both
ends of the string, pulling it back and
forth to cleanse the nose. The thread
should be rolled cotton and is often
dipped in beeswax for easier

Trataka, a technique used in a

meditation practice, is one of the six
purification techniques, called
shatkarmas, of Hatha Yoga.

Trataka is a Sanskrit word, which

means 'to look' or 'to gaze,' As such'
this meditation technique involves
staring at a single point of focus.

This is typically the flame of a

candle, but other objects that may
be used include a dot on the wall, an
object of worship, a deity, flower,
mountain, the rising sun or moon.
However, a flame is believed to work

• Light a candle and sit at least

one metre away from it with
the flame at eye level.
• Focus the gaze on the flame
and keep it there without
blinking for as long as
• As thoughts arise,
acknowledge them, then ret-
urn to focus on the flame.
• When the eyes start to water
and tears flow, close the eyes
and focus on the after-glow of
the flame, bnnging awareness
to the third eye point.
• Meditate here until ready to
come out of the practice.

Trataka is said to be most effective

when practiced consistently at
sunrise or midday. Its effects can be
Benefits of trataka include:

• Strengthens eye muscles

• Purifies the eyes

• Treats eye disorders

• Relieves insomnia

• Aids in treating depression oves


• Calms the mind

• Promotes emotional stability

• Boosts willpower

• Develops intuition and


Nauli is one of the Shatkarmas in

Yogic Kriyas, which is an integral
part of Hatha Yoga. This kriya uses
the abdominal muscles to massage
the organs in the abdomen and
stomach region.

It has Immense health benefits, but

is not easy to do, especially at the
beginning. This is an exercise that
Involves a rolling movement of the
abdominal muscles.

Nauli kriya is typically practiced on

an empty stomach and from a
standing position. Nauli kriya begins
with a complete breath out, then the
abdomen is brought in, contracting
the central muscles

This is for purification of the

esophagus and stomach. This
technique is also known as Gaj Karn.
Gaj means elephant. When an
elephant experiences nausea' it
reaches its trunk deep into its gullet

Dhouti is a method of washing up of

the entire tract starting from the
mouth to the digestive path at the
beginning of the small intestines,
that is the mouth' stomach. etc.

One can wash one··s mouth, but in

the daily routine one cannot wash
the Esophagus or the stomach. The
impurities residing there are carried
along with the food particles and are
mixed in some proportion with the

Medicated oil or ghee and herbal

decoction is given as enema to clean
the colon and increase the muscle
tone. After this, the previously-
lubricated nozzle is pushed into the
rectum for about 4 to 6 inches so as
to make the oil or decoction enter
and move through the colon.

The general idea is to clean from

inside. Ayurveda has favored this
method of treatment for various

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