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QUESTION: What is the most appropriate strategy that Kentucky managers should employ in order
to eliminate the organizational problem and promote leadership? Explain your answer.

The organizational problem and promote leadership is the Participative leadership. This type of
leadership style is where the leaders allows the team members to develop strategies and solutions to
the problem of the organization. It is also the appropriate leadership style in a total quality setting
because it involves soliciting input from empowered employees, listening to the input, and acting on it.
Since Kentucky corporation already considers their employee’s recommendations and suggestions then
what Kentucky Manager’s next thing to do is to solve their problem which is all about just accepting
those recommendations easily even without evaluating it first on what could be the advantage and
disadvantage of it that could affect the whole organization. I think the best solution for that is they must
require to have control when it comes to decision making process. They should assess on what might be
the result of their decisions and they must not let only the employees itself to decide but the manager
should assess which recommendation could the corporation benefit the most. In participative
leadership, the leader or the manager exert little control in the decision making process. What they have
to deal with is also developing their strategies and solutions to the problem of the organization through
their decision’s output after they collect those inputs and try if it would work and if not then they need
to improve their recommendation, they must not be risking as easy as how the employees recommend
those because their goals is to develop solutions and promote leadership for better corporation.

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