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21ST CENTURY TUNA CATHARCIS- refers to purgation, purification, clarification, or

LITERARY CRITICISM AND LITERARY THEORY structural kind of emotional cleansing. Aristotle’s view of
catharsis involves purging of negative emotions, like pity and
CRITICISM- the expression of disapproval of someone or fear.
something based on perceived faults or mistakes. CENSORSHIP- is an issue for Plato for literary works that
-the analysis and judgment of the merits and faults of a show bad mimesis.

literary or artistic work.

-The act of finding fault; censure; disapproval HISTORICAL-BIOGRAPHICAL THEORY- Reflection of its
-The act of criticizing, especially adversely author’s life and times or the life and times of the characters
LITERARY CRITICISM- the comparison, analysis, in the work.
larger THEORY- Emphasizes that the
interpretation, and/or evaluation of works of literature.
Why criticize? function of literature is to teach morality and to probe
-That criticism is secondary to literature itself and dependent philosophical issues.
on it and that critical interpretations or judgments seem to ROMANTIC THEORY- William Wordsworth explained his idea
assume that the literary text which they are addressing is on romanticism in his Preface to the Second Edition of the
unquestionably literature Lyrical Ballads.
He explained that poetry should:
Two Primary Questions in Literary Criticism
-have a subject matter that is ordinary and commonplace.
-why does a piece of literature have the precise -use simple language, even aspiring to the language of prose.
characteristics that it has? (How does it work?) make use of the imagination.
-what is the value of literature? -convey a primal (simple, uncomplicated) feeling.
TYPES OF LITERARY CRITICISM -present similitude in dissimilitude (similarities in differences).

1. PRACTICAL CRITICISM – I.A. Richards- one of the pioneers. PSYCHOANALYTICAL THEORY- It encourages the
-Started in 1920
-Focuses on the examination of individual text. reader/critic
-Isolation of the text from history and context. to be creative in speculating about the characters or author’s
2. THEORETICAL CRITICISM - Discusses the nature of motivations, drives, fears, or desires.
literature, and the relation between literature, critics and 3 COMPONENT PARTS OF THE PSYCHE
society. ID: directly related to the instinctual drives
3. DESCRIPTIVE CRITICISM - tends to explain the piece of EGO: an agency which regulates and opposes the drives
literature as it is, in its original form. SUPEREGO: another part of the ego with a critical judging
4. PRESCRIPTIVE CRITICISM - argues on how the piece of function
literature ought to be.


CLASSICAL LITERARY THEORY- This theory is premised on the
idea that literature is an imitation of life. MYTHOLOGICAL/ARCHETYPAL APPROACH- Based on Carl
MIMESIS- Greek word for “imitation”
Jung’s collective unconsciousness.
-Repeated or dominant images or patterns of human
-It talks about how literature imitates life.
experience are identified in the text: the changing of seasons,
FUNCTION- refers to whether a piece of literary work aims to
the cycle of birth, death and rebirth, the heroic quest, or
entertain (dulce) or to teach or to instruct (utile).
STYLE- refers to whether the literary work is written in a low, immortality.
middle, or high style. Longinus even suggested a fourth style RUSSIAN FORMALISM- Viktor Shklovsky- leader of the
which he called the sublime. Russian Formalists.
5 Sources of Sublimity -Goal is to establish a Science of Literature.
-Great thoughts -This theory stresses that art is artificial and that a great deal
-Strong emotion of acquired skill goes into it as opposed to the old classical
-Certain figures of thought and speech maxim that true art conceals its art
-Noble diction MARXIST LITERARY THEORY- This theory aims to explain
-Dignified word arrangement
literature in relation to society – that literature can only be
properly understood within a larger framework of social

FEMINIST THEORY- This is a specific kind of political LEOPOLD SE’NGHER- One of the prime thinkers of Negritude
discourse; a critical and theoretical practice committed to the movement that starts in 1920s to 1930s.
struggle against patriarchy and sexism. -Became the president of Senegal.
TWO KINDS OF FEMINIST CRITICISM KOFI OWOONOR- He collected and translated into English
-concerned with unearthing, rediscovering or re-evaluating much of African oral culture and art forms, preserving native
women’s writing culture.
-re-reading literature from the point of view of women. CHINUA ACHEBE- Provided a level deep cultural details
rarely found in European literature.
POSTCOLONIAL CRITICISM- Post colonialism refers to a

historical phase undergone by Third World countries after the TYPES OF AFRICAN LITERATURE
decline of colonialism: for example, when countries in Asia, PERIODS OF AFRICAN LITERATURE
Africa, Latin America, and the Caribbean separated from the PRE- COLONIAL
European empires and were left to rebuild themselves. - “Epic Sundiata” composed in medieval Mali
-Trickster story
AFRICAN LITERATURE -Utendi Wa Tambuka or "The story of Tambuka“: earliest
BACKGROUND OF AFRICAN LITERATURE piece of Swahili literature.
-African literature was main oral until the 20th century.
-Oral tradition of proverbs, myths and poetry influences
contemporary literatures. -Joseph Ephram, Casely Hayford of the Golden Coast (Ghana)
-Folktales often includes; animal hero, trickster- heroes, etc. in 1911 published the first novel written in English, Ethiopia
1ST AFRICAN LITERATURE (2300- 2100) BC - It started
-Herbert Isaac, Ernest Dhlomo of South Africa published the
first English language African play, The Girl Who Killed to
Save:Noggawuse the Liberator in 1935.
the ancient Egyptians began using burial text to accompany
their dead. Want to read all 22 pages? POST-COLONIAL
Earliest written sub- Saharan literature is heavily influenced There are seven conflict themes as used in African writings
by Islamic culture. Send any amount of GCash to 09277858023 mentioned by Ali AMazrui etl (Ch19, Vol iii, PP:564):
ABDUL -RAHMAN AL-SADI - The first writer of the first the clash between Africa's past and present
African history of Sudan in Arabic style. between tradition and modernity, indigenous and foreign,
GRIOTS- travelling performers that kept the oral traditionView full document
individualism and community, socialism and capitalism,
alive. development and self-reliance; and between Africanity and
-Europeans tried to destroy primitive culture of Africans to
make them more flexible slaves. LITERATURE
-1789 first slave narrative was published, ex. The Interesting EXPRESSION OF SOCIAL CHANGE - The effect of
Narrative of Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustava Vassa colonization
-The Swahili poetry also threw off the dominating influence of in cultural, political and social life of the people.
Islam and reverted back to Bantu forms.
UTENDI WA INKISHAH- (Souls awakening) was one example
challenges people to see the positive things about their
of the reaction against the European attack to destroy African
Thiongo HAS RICH HISTORY- In all his novels, Ayi wa
tries to uplift the cultural heritage of Africa by explaining the
-Europeans helped the development by bring journalism and colonial subjugation to the Kenyans.
government schools in Africa. -Africa is known for rich tradition
-Local newspaper featured local African poetry and short Place and experience of displacement are both important
story section. features of african literature - Soyinka’s Season of Anomy is
-Story of an African Farm (1883) by Oliver Schreiner- basically about processes of displacement, elimination and
considered the African classic analysis of radical and sexual substitution
Aime Cesair- The negritude movement established itself as Negritude movement which was characterized by the
one of the best literary movements of its time in the 1920s following features:
and 1930s. It was a French speaking African search for A rejection of white culture; A fresh and sympathetic look at
identity which took them back to their roots in Africa. the African culture; A cultural unity of all the black people;

EAST ASIAN LITERATURE -was one of the Buddha's closest disciples. Described as a

CHINESE CIVILIZATION - It is no surprise that China contemporary of disciples such as Subhuti, Śāriputra, and

Mahākāśyapa, he is considered the second of the Buddha's two

plays a large role in the cultural history of Asia, and this is foremost male disciples, together with Śāriputra.
in no small measure due to the kinds of creativity that the
Chinese dedicated to ‘letters’, as we may call them. -The originally Tibetan epic of King Gesar of Ling, recomposed in
- first dynasties ever recorded were in China, and the first dynasty
Mongolian, Turkic, Manchu and other languages, is found in sung
was called the Xia Dynasty. This was followed by the Shang Dynasty
of the Yellow River Valley. and written form in all in the lands surrounding China on three
-It is interesting to note that the Zhou Dynasty was the longest lasting sides, but is unknown in Chinese tradition itself.
dynasty in Chinese history. During ‘his dynasty, bronze ware was -Asian literary history before European influence is a series of world
developed into mass production, and written script became the orders, each hierarchical, each exalting some principle derived from
modern Chinese characters that you are familiar with today. debates that perturbed the communities of the so-called ‘Axial Age’.

-The term WEN or WENZHANG in Chinese, it is generally known, ARABIAN LITERATURE

refers not only to ‘literature’ but to principles of organization applied A written Arabic Literature began to be known with the
to family life, political order, visual artefacts, morals, ideas about the collection of the Koran.
natural world and so forth. Koran: the sacred book of Islam
-The emergence of China was a process contemporaneous with the Arabs possessed a highly developed poetry, composed of
diffusion of Chinese writing. recitation and transmitted orally from generation to
-To look at the situation without retrospective wisdom, we should say generation.
rather that in the pre-imperial period, the languages and writing
systems covering the Chinese cultural zone were not uniform.
-The unification of script by the First Emperor just after 221 BCE 1. Umayyad Period
caused Chinese to ‘enjoy’, as Field and Qin put it, the benefits of 2. Abbasid Empire
so regional modes of speech became ‘dialects’ of Chinese script.
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BUDDHISM-one of the main cultural binding agents of Asia,

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entered China through Central Asian contacts and long
1. Umayyad Period (AD 661–750)
Arabic prose literature was limited primarily to grammatical
appeared as a challenge to the language and values of the
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Chinese literate elite. treatises, commentaries, on the Koran, and the compiling of
-Through the establishment of monastic translation committees and stories about Muhammad and his companions.
the work of a few exceptional polyglot interpreters compiling a
• Umayyad poets: alAkhtal and al–Farazdaq, favored new
corpus of tens of thousands of texts, Chinese became the dominant
poetic forms such as love lyrics (called ghazals), wine songs,
medium of Buddhist teaching in Asia. and hunting poems.
• Many forms were invented for Arabic Literature, which then
SINOFICATION/SINIFICATION - is the process by which entered what is generally regarded its greatest period of
non- Chinese societies come under the influence of Chinese development and achievement.
culture, particularly the language, societal norms, culture, and
ethnic identity of the Han people. 2. Abbasid Empire (750–1258)
-One international ‘literary world’ that has received recent Ibn al–Muqaffa - The first masterpiece of Arabic Literary
attention is the ‘Sinosphere’ of ‘Sinophone’ or ‘Sinographic’ prose.
communication, designating China and those of its Folk Literature — The Thousand and One Night (The Arabian
neighbouring states that adopted and adapted Chinese- Nights)
character writing: Korea, Vietnam, Japan. • Rawis — Storytellers in Arabian Literatures


-Ji Xianlin has observed that the animal fables of the During the centuries of Ottoman Turksish domination, Arabic
Panchatantra are found migrating in the company of Buddhist literature fell into decline.
texts from India to China, where they encounter another line • Intellectual Movement — nahdah (” reawakening”)
of animal stories collected in the Zhuangzi (c. 340 BCE). NOT UNTIL THE MID 19TH CENTURY WAS IT REVIVED IN THE
VICTOR MAIR - has described how the Mahāmaudgalyāyana ORIGINATED IN SYRIA AND SPREAD TO EGYPT.
narrative – multiply adapted, from sutra to story to ritual
opera – uses the Buddhist tale of a descent into hell in order
to propose a reconciliation between monastic and familial-
piety systems of value.

• Prose and poetry have gradually freed itself from centuries

which left people feeling like foreigners in the world, but

of neglect and has assumed its former place among the sometime in the future this alienation would be overcome

world's great literatures. and humanity would again live in harmony with itself and

Tawfig al–Hakim - Outstanding among recent Arabic Nature.

novelists, dramatists, and essayists
• is the process whereby people become foreign to the world
INDIAN LITERATURE they are living in.
Sanskrit literature has'its origins in an oral tradition that TYPES OF ALIENATION
produced the Vedic holy texts, sometime after 1500 BC.
1. Worker is alienated from the productive process itself.
These homilies and hymns gave rise to many commentaries,
2. Worker is alienated from the product itself.
the most famous of which are the Upanishads.
3. Worker is alienated from society and other humans.
Oral history, legend, and moral tales were later fused into 4. Worker is alienated from the need of the human being for
creativity and community.
the two great books of Hindu tradition, the Mahabharata and
the Ramayana, which have since been used as the sources for Europe is one of the seven traditional continents of the Earth.
countless literary works. Other major additions to Sankskrit Physically and geologically, Europe is the westernmost
literature are the Pumnas (400 B.C-A.D. 1400) and the peninsula of Eurasia, west of Asia.
Panchatantra (c. AD. 450).
European literature has been known for its significant
1. Sanskrit
contribution to world literature. Many standards and
— the oldest extant Aryan Language
techniques that the rest of the world is using or innovating
2. Prakrit
right now started or developed in Europe.
— a small portion of literature
— a vernacular form of Sanskrit. Western Literature / European Literature

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Indo-European Languages and Literature
1. The Vedic Period
2. Sankrit Period Send any amount of GCash to 09277858023
-It was preserved, transformed, and spread
by Christianity and thus transmitted to the vernacular
1. The Vedic Period (1500 B.C – 200 B.C) languages of the European Continent, the Western
Hemisphere, and other regions that were settled by
• writings are made up principally of religious and lyric View full document
poetry and some prose attempts to establish. Europeans.
-To the present day, this body of writing displays a unity in its
2. Sanskrit Period (200 B.C – Present Day) main features that sets it apart from the literature of the rest
• many types of literature achieved distinction-epic, lyric, of the world.
and didactic poetry; drama, fairy tales; fables; romances; and -The languages may be varied due to geographical distances
philosophy. but they share a common sense of identity bound by a
common sense of ancestry.
MARXISM Greek Celtic
Founder: Karl Marx— concerns itself with class differences, Latin Romance languages are all members of the
economic and otherwise, as well as the implications and Indo-European family
complications of the capitalist system Germanic Finnish
Baltic Hungarian
Theories of Karl Marx and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Slavic Semitic languages of the eastern
1. The Material Dialectic (process of thinking, the cycle of Mediterranean, such as Hebrew, are not Indo-European.
contradiction, tension, and revolution in a society)
2. The Revolution (conflict between the classes led by the The common literary heritage is essentially that originating in
working class) ancient Greece and Rome.
3. The Division (struggle of the two social classes) The Divisions of European Literature: Ancient Literature
-The use of clay tablets and papyrus paper scrolls paved the
• concept of alienation is deeply embedded in all the great way for the writing of the Holy Scriptures which is very much
religions and social and political theories of the civilised influential in European literature.
epoch, namely, the idea that sometime in the past people
lived in harmony, and then there was some kind of rupture

-Likewise, songs, poems, fables, anecdotes, Martin Luther – initiated the Reformation in Europe

and parables were all invented during this period. Christopher Columbus – discovered the New World (the

The Epic of Gilgamesh – the world’s oldest epic Christopher Marlowe – wrote Doctor Faustus
The Code of Hammurabi – the world’s first codified law
The Book of the Dead – the compilation of the Egyptian 17th Century Literature
pantheon, rituals The great question of the century, which confronted serious
The Holy Bible – the sacred scriptures of Jews writers from John Donne to John Dryden, was Michel de
Iliad and Odyssey – the epics of Greece Montaigne’s What do I know?
Metamorphoses – the compilation of Roman mythology and This includes the ascertainment of the grounds and relations
of knowledge, faith, reason, and authority in religion,
Aeneid – the Epic of Rome
metaphysics, ethics, politics, economics, and natural science.
Medieval Literature Hence, this period is also known as Age of Reason.
Discourse on Methods – Rene Descartes
The use of vellum (goat skin paper), parchment (sheep skin Absalom – John Dryden
paper), and wooden tables covered in green or black wax to Pensees – Blaise Pascal
fashion books which are more durable than scrolls became The Tragedies – William Shakespeare
widespread. Complete Essays – Francis Bacon
The greatest number of books published during this era were Don Quixote – Miguel De Cervantes
Leviathan – Thomas Hobbes
bound with plain wooden boards, or with simple tooled Life is a Dream – Pedro Calderon
leather for more expensive volumes.
Iphigenie – Jean Racine
King Arthur – Geoffrey of Monmouth
Paradise Lost – John Milton
Beowulf – Anglo-Saxon tradition
18th Century Literature
Norse Mythology – Norse Tradition Want to read all
Canterbury Tales – Geoffrey Chaucer
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-The cultivation of the feelings stimulated philanthropy,
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History of British People – Venerable Bede
City of God – St. Augustine of Hippo
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of personal relationships, religious fervor, and the
cult of sentiment, or sensibility.
Divine Comedy – Alighieri Dante -In literature the rational impulse fostered satire, argument,
wit, plain prose. The other inspired the psychological novel
The Fall of the Roman Empire marked the beginning of theView full document
and the poetry of the sublime. Novel and satire were born in
Medieval or Middle Ages. Also known as Dark Ages, due to this period.
the prevailing conditions during this period, barbarian
Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe
invasion and Muslim conquests marked this era. Wars,
Candide – Voltaire
famine, plagues and decline in culture and learning.
A Tale of the Tub – Jonathan Swift
Renaissance Literature Social Contract Theory – Jean Jacques Rousseau
An Essay on Understanding – Alexander Pope
-The term Renaissance (rebirth or revival) is given to the
Poems of Scottish Dialect – Robert Burns
historical period in Europe that succeeded the Middle Ages. -
Encyclopedie – Denis Diderot
This period marked the reawakening of a new spirit of
The Sorrows of Young Werther – Johann Wolfgang von
intellectual and artistic inquiry, which was the dominant
feature of this political, religious, and philosophical
phenomenon, was essentially a revival of the spirit of ancient 19th Century Literature
Greece and Rome.
The 19th century was one of the most vital and interesting
In literature this meant a new interest in and analysis of the periods of all. This period has special interest as the formative
great classical writers. Scholars searched for and era from which many modern literary conditions and
translated lost ancient texts, whose dissemination was much tendencies derived.
helped by developments in printing in Europe from about
1450. Written short stories, novellas and tales were born in Influences that had their origins or were in development in
this period. this period – Romanticism, Symbolism, Realism.
Johannes Gutenberg – invented the movable type printing These literary movements are reflected in the current of
press modern literature, and many social and economic
Desiderius Erasmus – initiated the Humanism Movement

characteristics of the 20th century were determined in the


20th Century Literature

In the 1930s these qualities of 20th-century thought were not
abandoned but, rather, were expanded into a political
context, as writers divided into those supporting political
commitment in their writing and those reacting
conservatively against such a domination of art by politics.

The 20th century features an interest in the unconscious and

the irrational was reflected in their work and that of others of
about this time. This period marked an increasing sense of
crisis and urgency, doubts as to the 19th century’s faith in
the psychological stability of the individual personality, and
a deep questioning of all philosophical or religious solutions
to human problems.

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CONCEPT PAPER- is a brief paper outlining the key aspects of Ex. Unemployment leads to absence of income and deprive
a study before undertaking the study. It is meant to provide
an idea of the study. 8.HISTORICAL REFERENCES- showing how a word has
been defines throughout history.
TYPES OF DEFINITIONS Ex. To our colonial forefathers, freedom meant having a voice in
their government.
1.FORMAL DEFINITIONS- consists of three parts: the term,
class and distinguishing features.
o 1.TERM- a word or phrase to be defined
EXPLICATION- It is a method of explanation in which
o 2.CLASS- the group where the term belongs
sentences, verses, quotes or passages are taken from a
o 3.DISTINGUISHING FEATURES- the qualities or
different characteristics that distinguish it from its literary or academic work and then interpreted and explained
class. in a detailed way.
Ex. CLARIFICATION- is a method of explanation in which the
Term: freedom points are organized from a general abstract idea and
Part of speech: noun concrete examples.
Definition: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants Signaling words- after all, as an example, consider the ff, for
without hindrance or restraint. example, for instance
Term: Bicycle BODY- is the main section of the concept paper. In this part,
Class: is a mode of transportation
you will elaborate on the specific claims made in your thesis
Distinguishing Features: That has two wheels and is powered
through the pedaling effort of the rider statement.

1.Formal sentence definitions include the term, class, and

2.INFORMAL DEFINITIONS- we only have the term and class. distinguishing features.
In an informal definition, the writer uses known words or
2.Informal definitions, on the other hand, do not include the
examples to explain an unknown term. These definitions may
distinguishing features.
3.Extended definition are essay length texts that use different
or like.
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be synonyms or antonyms introduces by or, in other words,

rhetorical patters how to show meaning of a particular term or

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1.A chair is a piece of furniture.
3.EXTENDED DEFINITIONS- generally have componentsView of
POSITION PAPER - presents one side of an arguable opinion
full document
both informal and formal definitions. However, as the name
about an issue. The goal of a position paper is to convince the
suggests, the author uses a number of other techniques to
audience that your opinion is valid and defensible.
define a word, concept, or phrase, including the following:
-The position paper has essential parts such as the issue, the
TECHNIQUES OF EXTENDED DEFINITIONS argumentative thesis, the claims, and the evidence.
1.LISTING AND DESCRIBING THE PARTS- identifying smaller, -The issue of the position paper is similar to the topic
more familiar pieces of an idea to point to the definition of
sentence. It is the central concept up for contention.
the bigger concept. Ex. Topic- Dress code
Ex. Memory is today defined in psychology as the faculty of Issue- Implementing a dress code in school
encoding, storing, and retrieving information.
2.ETYMOLOGY- sharing a word’s origin. Claims- These are statements that support the author’s

Ex. The word philosophy is derived from the Greek words; philo stand.
meaning love and Sophia meaning wisdom Evidence- These are proofs to strengthen the author’s claim
3.EXAMPLES OR ANECDOTES- telling a story or example that 1. Evidence from surveys, library research, and experiments.

2. Evidence from informant interviews (those who have direct

illustrates the term.

experience related to the problem/issue)
4.NEGATION- defining a term by explaining what the concept 3. Evidence from expert interviews.
is not.
Ex. Family isn’t always blood, it’s the people in your life who want
you in theirs. In developing a position paper, remember that there are four
5.EVOKING THE SENSES- using a word that creates a picture essential parts; introduction, summary of counterclaims,
in the reader’s mind so that the reader might relate through
arguments, and conclusion.
memory of sound, sight, touch, hearing, or smell.

6.ENVIRONMENT OR SECTOR- pointing out how and where

The introduction contains background information
something is used. concerning the issue -WH (who, what, where, and why), a yes
Ex. Face masks are one tool utilized for preventing the spread of or no question containing the issue, and the argumentative
disease. thesis.
7.RAMIFICATIONS- showing how the term or concept -The yes or no question is the issue posed as an interrogative
affects people or objects. statement. This allows readers to see both sides of the issue.

It also allows you to weigh the evidence to support your claims for Ex. Kaufman, J. R., Jones, K., & Cochran, D. F. (1982). Kaufman, J. R.,
your essay. & Wong, D. F. (1978)
-The argumentative thesis is the sentence that takes a 4) References with the same authors in the same order are arranged
by year of publication, the earliest first:
stand on the issue and includes the claims to support your
Ex. Kaufman, J. R., Jones, K. (1977).
stand. Kaufman, J. R., Jones, K. (1980).
The summary of counterclaims will constitute the second paragraph 5) The order of several works by different authors with the same
of your position paper and is devoted to an enumeration of surname is arranged alphabetically by the first initial:
arguments opposing a stand. The summary counterclaims are a Ex. Eliot, A. L. (1983).
unique feature of argumentations as it highlights the author's Eliot, G. E. (1980).
opposite claims. This will allow you to refute these claims in the
body of your argument. In writing this, you need to be brief.
The conclusion contains a restatement of your thesis and EXAMPLES OF ITEMS IN A REFERENCE LIST
summarizes your main claims. Similar to the introduction, the
conclusion holds a powerful position as it contains the thesis Although the format for books, journal articles, magazine
statement and gives readers a strong sense of the author’s position. articles and other media is similar, there are some slight
differences. Items in a reference list should be double-spaced.
Also, use hanging indents: entries should begin flush left with
PRESENTING A POSITION PAPER subsequent lines indented.
-Remember that an important dimension to a position paper is a

clear thesis, which is your stand concerning an issue. The claims

should be clearly stated as this will guide you in preparing your

outline. -Author’s surname, Initials (year of publication). Title of work.
Place of Publication: Publisher.
REFERENCING - is a standardized way of acknowledging the
sources of information and ideas that you have used in your General Format: TWO-AUTHORED BOOKS
assignments and which allows the sources to be identified. -Author’s 1 surname, Initials & Author’s 2 surname, Initials
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-It is a method used to demonstrate to your readers that you pages?
of publication). Title of work. Place of Publication:
have conducted a thorough and appropriate literature search,
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and carried out appropriate reading.

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APA STYLE - uses the author/date method of citation in which
the author's last name and the year of the publication are General Format: BOOKS WITH AN EDITOR
inserted in the actual text of the paper.
-Author’s surname, Initials. (Ed.). (Year of publication). Title of
THE REFERENCE LIST work. Place of Publication: Publisher
APA style suggests using a reference list for references cited in the
text of a paper rather than a bibliography.
A REFERENCE LIST includes only those references which General Format: BOOKS WITH NO AUTHOR
were actually cited in the text of one's paper.
A BIBLIOGRAPHY includes all literature consulted which was -Title of work. (Year of publication). Place of Publication:
"immediately relevant" to the research process, even though Publisher
the material was not cited in the text of one's paper.
compiling a reference list, one needs to pay particular attention to

the following: 1) sequence; 2) punctuation and spacing; 3)

capitalization; and 4) underlining.


1) Arrange entries in alphabetical order by surname of the first General Format: JOURNAL
author. -Author’s surname, Initials (year of publication). Title of
2) Single-author entries precede multiple-author entries beginning
article. Title of journal., volume (issue numbers), page
with the same surname:
Ex. Kaufman, J. R. (1981).
Kaufman, J. R., & Cochran, D. C. (1978).

3) References with the same first author and different second or

third authors are arranged alphabetically by the surname of the
second author, and so on:

1.DIAGRAMS/FIGURES- illustrates concepts or processes.

General Format: MAGAZINES 2.TABLES- are used to present numerical information

-Author’s surname, Initials. (Year, month date). Title of article. 3.LINE GRAPHS- are used to present trends over time.
Title of magazine., volume (issue numbers), page numbers. 4.PIE CHART- are used to illustrate proportions
5.BAR GRAPH- are used compare two or more values with

certain variables

INFERENCES are made when two or more facts are combined

to come up with ideas.
3. ONLINE SOURCES (INTERNET) The CONCLUSION section presents the answers to the
-Author, Initials or Institution. (Date of retrieval). Title of research questions. An important aspect of this section is the
work. Retrieved from website/ link generalization made from the work.


A TECHNICAL REPORT is a document that needs different
approaches of data collection and treatment.

1.BACKGROUND STUDY- this section delves into the nature

of the problem, the circumstances that led to the problem,
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and the reasons why the writer is addressing the problem
through research.
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LITERATURE)- this section synthesizes studies that support
the investigation.
3. METHODS, MATERIALS, AND PARTICIPANTS- this section View full document
describes the different ways of collecting data and the
strategies to answer the research questions.
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION- this section expounds on the
answers to the research questions.
presents the generalizations drawn from the research results
and discussion.

Essential parts of introduction:

1.DEFINE ESSENTIAL CONCEPTS- Examining your title,
outline, and thesis statements are good reference points to
determine which concepts need to be defined at the outset.
CODE SWITCHING- is the juxtaposition within the same
speech exchange of passages belonging to two different
grammatical systems or subsystems (As cited in Valdez, 2008)

2. Describe problems observed by the researcher or those cited in

the students reviewed.
3. Present the research gap in previous studies
4. See a strong claim or end your background of the study by
restating the thesis statement of your work.

The presentation and interpretation of data may employ non-prose

texts (tables, charts, figure) to manage the data well. Inferences in the
discussion section is devoted to relating the findings to previous EMPTECH
studies on the investigation.

WEB DESIGN AND ICT 1. Wix - a cloud-based website builder that includes web
WEB PAGE- A web page is a document which is designed for
hosting and design services.
the World Wide Web and is accessible using a web browser
-is a pure WYSIWYG, free cloud-based web development platform
such as Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer,
that allows users to create HTML5 websites and mobile sites.
or Apple Safari. A web page may content text, graphics,
2. Weebly - a website for building websites. The online

sound, video, and animation. platform strips away the need for manual coding and replaces

-Basic Web Design Principles and Elements A web design is a concept

the process with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
of planning, creating, updating, and maintaining websites. A good
-is a free website builder, blog, and web-hosting service.
design allows the user to understand the message, contents, and
3. Drupal - Drupal represents an English rendering of the

ideas in the most convenient way. Dutch word druppel, which means "drop" (as in a water

WEB DESIGN ELEMENTS 4. Wordpress -WordPress is the easiest and most powerful

1. TEXT – font family and type must be chosen well, clear, and blogging and website builder in existence today.
in readable size.
2. GRAPHICS/ ILLUSTRATION – must be with good quality Other Ways to Create Website
and HTML (Hypertext MarkUp Language) – is the most basic
well arranged with the text and other elements. building block of the Web. It defines the meaning and
3. SHAPES – can be used to denote an enclosed boundary in structure of web content.
the overall design. – is a set of symbols codes inserted in a file intended for display on a
4. BACKGROUND – or texture can help provide your website World Wide Web browser page
with a feeling of a surface underneath. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – is a style sheet language used
5. COLOR – must blend well and complement the elements for describing the presentation of a document written in a

on the page. markup language such as HTML

6. VIDEO/AUDIO – will help viewers easily understand what -is a Web page derived from multiple resources with a defined order
you are teaching or selling. of precedence where the definitions of any style element conflict.
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7. LINKS – will allow users to connect to another site or page
that is related to the content of your page or site.
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WEB DESIGN PRINCIPLES USER EXPERIENCE - Rich user experiences are typically a

1. PORTABLE DESIGN – web design must be portable and combination of GUI -style (Graphical User Interface)
accessible by users who have different browsers, operating View full document
applications and multimedia content. The value of creating a

systems, and computer platforms. web-based software that works and gives the user a similar

2. DESIGN FOR LOW BANDWIDTH - website design must be experience to a computer-based software program is growing

accessible at a variety speeds. in the Web 2.0 paradigm.

3. DIRECTION – Identify the order of importance of the MULTIMEDIA AND ICT -ICT has impacted multimedia learning
various elements and place them in a sequence where the of language with its attractive and interactive strengths to

eye moves and perceives the things it sees. provide easy to reach multimedia language materials
4. ACCESSIBILITY – when a visitor enters the website, he/she
must be able to easily access the information. MULTIMEDIA AND ICONS
5. WHITE SPACES – use white space deliberately in your USES OF MULTIMEDIA
design and as a breathing space. EDUCATION media is used to create and produced computer-
6. SIMPLIFY – the more options you place in your site, the based training (CBT) materials and courses, including online
more difficult it is for a visitor to make a decision more time is and CD based encyclopedia.
required to browse through them. Edutainment is a term that pertains to the combination of
7. CONVENIENCE – to allow a visitor to make an action, the education and entertainment which also find acceptance to
click buttons should be conveniently located and accessible. children of today who are exposed to games and
8. REGULAR TESTING – the website should be regularly entertainment.
upgraded, updated, and tested so that problems will be
quickly resolved. ENTERTAINMENT - multimedia use is very much present in
many modern movies and animation to develop special
WYSIWYG is an acronym for “what you see is what you get” effects and virtual worlds.
A WYSIWYG editor is a system in which content (text and Interactive multimedia is a term applied to multimedia
graphics) can be edited in a form closely resembling its applications that allows users to take part, contribute and
appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product, participate in online games
such as a printed document, web page, or slide presentation. BUSINESS -PowerPoint presentation, that uses all kinds of all
media, are able to effectively convey information to clients,
Example of WYSIWYG platforms HTML editor: superiors, co-workers, owners, and the general public

MEDICINE - multimedia is very important in medicine to train future The two common types of digital cameras are:
doctors and medical practitioners, for example, in micro and virtual COMPACT DIGITAL CAMERA- is called “point and shoot”

camera. It is lightweight, simple and easy to use. Mobile

MATHEMATICS AND RESEARCH - multimedia is used to simulate

and model various situations that would otherwise be difficult to phones with camera are included in this category.
grasp in real time, as in the case of an erupting volcano or a tornado, DIGITAL SINGLE-LENS REFLEX (DSLR) CAMERA - is a preferred
wherein after effects can be presented to colleagues or to the by professional photographers because of its high-quality

learning public. photographs and interchangeable lenses.

GOVERNMENT - multimedia is used by governments around the
world to covey information, procedures, and regulations for their VIDEO CAMERAS
citizens and visitors.
The three common types of video cameras are:
PROFESSIONAL VIDEO CAMERA - is a high-end video
MULTIMEDIA AND INTERACTIVITY recording device that records high quality videos. It is usually
INTERACTIVE MEDIA- also called interactive multimedia, any
used for television and film production.
computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to
CAMCORDER - is a portable video camera and video recorder
control, combine, and manipulate different types of media,
in one that is why it is called a camcorder.
such as text, sound, video, computer graphics, and animation. DIGITAL CAMERA - can record video including those found on
mobile phones, PDAs, wen camera, and digital camera.
1. TEXT – content express specific information. SOURCES OF VIDEO
2. IMAGES – make the content more visually appealing. 1. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL VIDEOS are created using
Common image file format used are JPEG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF. your home video.
Image can also be interactive like buttons, navigational 2. ONLINE VIDEO CLIPS are videos available for purchase
menus, and backgrounds. from the internet.
3. VIDEO – adds more attraction to users. Common digital 3. COMPUTER-GENERATED VIDEOS are videos made with the
video formats are Flash, MPEG, AVI, WMV, and QuickTime. use of computers.
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4. AUDIO – aids interaction with the user, it can also be
AUDIO FILES - A codec is a computer program or device used
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added as a background. Common audio formats are MP3,
WMA, Wave, MIDI, and RealAudio. to encode and decode any digital data such as an audio file to
5. ANIMATION – can include interactives effects which allow its specific file format.
users to interact with the use of mouse or keyboard. VIDEO FILES - A video codec is used to contain the video for
View full document
6. ONLINE GAMES – are universal on modern gaming later playback and editing.
platforms, including PCs, consoles, and mobile devices.
teachers and students. Courseware can include can include DEVELOPING AN ICT PROJECT FOR SOCIAL CHANGE
materials for computer-based training, interactive tutorials, To be able to succeed in implementation of your ICT project, it is the team

distance learning, or home schooling. head or project manager’s responsibility to define the work and assign the

person responsible for the work of the problem to run smoothly, be finished

8. WEB-, GAME-, POD-, AND VOD-CASTING – a podcast is an

on time, and within the said budget.
episode of digital media files which users can set up. A
webcast is a media presentation distributed over the internet
PROJECT MANAGEMENT is the discipline of planning,

using streaming media technology. Vodcasting is the same

organizing, securing and managing resources for the
principle as Podcasting with the addition of video
successful completion of a task or project to meet specific

DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA goals and objective.

DIGITAL MEDIA - is any form of media that uses electronic
devices for distribution. This form of media can be created,
viewed, modified and distributed via electronic devices. INFOGRAPHICS
Digital media is commonly used software, video games, Infographics are visual presentations of information that use
videos, websites, social media, and online advertising. the elements of design to quickly communicate an idea.
Infographics can deliver a message more easily than long text
-is the field concerned with the computer-controlled integration of articles.
text, graphics, still and moving images, animation, sounds, and any Ways that infographics can be used:
other medium where every type of information can be presented, 1. PRESENTING SURVEY DATA – Survey infographics are a
stored, transmitted, and processed digitally. great way to summarize and visualize data.


Modern digital cameras have the capability to take both help people understand complex concepts by using visual aids
pictures and videos. such as charts, graphs, or diagrams. They can use both images

and text in a visual format to explain concepts.

3. EXPLAINING HOW THINGS WORK – Process infographics
usually make use of flowcharts, diagrams and even timelines
enables students to work and learn together to study and
to guide readers through a series of steps or to help simplify
explore a subject, to solve a problem, to complete a task or an
the decision-making process. assignment, or to create a project. Using ICT to support such
4. COMPARISON – Creating a comparison infographic can collaborative work has a number of advantages.
help you in your quest for several goals. It uses text and TEAM STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS FOR ICT CONTENT
images to convey information, highlighting differences and
Team structure refers to the composition of an individual
similarities between two or more items. team or of a multi-team system. Team structure is an integral
part of the teamwork process.

BE CREATIVE – you can use the combination of text, shapes, HOW TO DEVELOP ICT PROJECT CONTENTS
and images to present your message in a creative way. 1. PLANNING AND CONCEPTUALIZING THE CONTENT –
BE UNIQUE – your message must be something people can generate content ideas and identify content opportunities
relate to, but it must be presented in a unique way to attract based on the target audience. Have a clear plan of action,
the viewers’ attention. persons responsible, work required, timeframe and budget.
BE SIMPLE – presenting a simple, yet elegant design will 2. RESOURCES – find the online collaborative tools that you
attract more attention that cluttered elements that may bore will need for the development of the ICT content, especially if
the audience. the team is working from different places.
USE GRAPHICS AND VISUALS – you can illustrate your point 3. RESEARCH FOR CONTENT – identify the current trends,
with pictures, typography, and color. what competitors are doing, what formats are working,
USE THE FORWARDING TOOL – it is important that the popular authors, and popular topics.
viewer will be able to easily click “share” after reading your 4. AUDIENCE PROFILING – consider the demographics and
infographic so that your message can be forwarded and read psychographics of your intended audience.
as many people as possible. 5. COPYWRITING FOR ICT PROJECTS – to write the web
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of your website, you should be able to express yourself, write
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GRAPHS AND BARS - An infographic amount
a collection of imagery,of GCash to 09277858023
creatively and with passion to promote the advocacy you are
data visualizations like pie charts and bar graphs, and minimal 6. DESIGNING THE LAYOUT – layout is the arrangement of
text that gives an easy-to-understand overview of a topic. elements (type, art, and graphics). The layout should be easy
PIES AND ICONS -Each piece of text is highlighted by a
View full document
to read, functional, and organized.
corresponding icon, helping this infographic to become more 7. DEVELOPING AND CONSTRUCTING THE ICT PROJECT –
visually appealing and digestible. learn the skill of search engine optimization on how to rank
HUMAN INFOGRAPHICS - A people infographic is one in highly with search engines.
which human figures drive the storytelling. This is done 8. CURATING CONTENTS – Process of gathering information
through the use of photographs, icons, pictograms, relevant to a particular topic or area of interest.
illustrations or avatars.
TIMELINE INFOGRAPHICS - A timeline infographic is a type of SOCIAL MEDIA - another way of collaborating with the team
graphic that visually displays information in a time is by the use of social media.
progression context. 1. FACEBOOK – allows users to have access to messaging,
The idea is to highlight pieces of information
by associating them with periods but addressing the data to be
connect with different pages and groups within the site,
illustrated in detail. Timeline infographic is a very popular format,
respond to discussion, polls, and interactive presentations.
especially in presentations. 2. BLOG – allows user to produce daily information quickly or
PUZZLE PIECES - connection developed as content management system.
3. MICROBLOG – allows users to make short frequent posts,
link videos, photographs, leave comments and share post.
A NEWSLETTER is a regularly distributed publication that is
1. GOOGLE DRIVE – that allows you to create and edit
generally about a main topic off interest to its subscriber. A
documents, spreadsheet, presentation online while
newsletter may be hosted in different online platforms as
collaborating with other users in real-time.
2. ZOHO – a tool containing word processing, spreadsheets,
1. Presentation/visualization (e.g. Prezi, Mindmeister) presentations, databases, note-taking, wikis, web
2. Cloud computing (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox) conferencing, customer relationship management (CRM),
3. Social Media (e.g. Facebook Pages, Tumblr) project managing, invoicing, and others.
4. Web Page (e.g. Wix, Weebly) 3. PREZI – the product employs a zooming user interface
5. Blog sites (e.g. Blogger, Wordpress)

(ZUI), which allows users to zoom in and out of their THE SOCIAL POWER OF SOCIAL MEDIA -social media is
presentation media. relatively a newer technology; hence, it is a little difficult to

4. MICROSOFT OFFICE ONLINE – presents a suite of establish its long-term good and bad consequences.
applications that allows it to collaborate with others in Word,
Excel, or PowerPoint, as well as sharing files through Digital Citizenship and the Filipino People
SkyDrive, video chatting in Skype. Digital Citizenship is a very big help in every people that
5. ADOBE CREATIVE CLOUD – where all the Adobe products works, and visit online.
like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, InDesign are available. Digital citizens are “those who use the Internet regularly and

effectively” as defined by K. Mossberger, et al. digital citizen are

PROJECT MANAGEMENT FOR ICT CONTENT generally skillful and knowledgeable about the use of the internet

through mobile phones, web ready devices, an computers to

CONTENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (CMS) - CMS is a intermingle with the government, private, and public groups.
computer application that supports the creation and
modification of digital content using a common interface,
thus usually supporting multiple users working in a T.H Marshall’s online citizenship traditions:
collaborative environment. 1. LIBERALISM – is a political and moral philosophy based
Examples of CSM are: on the rights of the individual, liberty, consent of the
1. WORDPRESS – is a free and open-source content governed, political equality and equality before the law
management system (CMS) base on PHP and MySQL. -a political philosophy founded on the ideas of liberty and
2. DRUPAL – a free and open-source content-management equality.
framework written PHP and distributed under the GNU 2. REPUBLICAN – Republicanism is a political ideology
General Public License, provides a back-end framework for at centered on citizenship in a state organized as a republic. -
least 2.2% of all Web sites worldwide. ideology of being citizen and the people are the sovereign
3. JOOMLA – is a free and open-source content management power
system (CMS) for publishing web content. 3. ASCRIPTIVE HIERARCHY – in society is one based on the
ascribed characteristics that define a social group.
-no one pages?
or organization is in control over the internet.

Race, sex, age, class at birth, religion, ethnicity, species, and

CONTENT CURATION - is the process of gathering information

or content like blogs, news,Send any amount relevant of GCash to 09277858023
residence are all good examples of these qualities.
images, audio, or videos,
to a particular topic or area of interest from different sources.
Examples of Tools to Curate Content for social media or Internet access in the Philippines began in August 1986 when

Newsletters View full document

the first Philippine based public-access BBS (bulletin board

1. PINTEREST – is a web and mobile application company that system) went online operated by Dan Angeles and Ed

operates a photo sharing website. Uses pins to curate images, Castaneda.

items, moments, or quote.
2. TRAPIT – is a comprehensive content curation service for ELEMENTS OF DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP:
business that offers content discovery, curation, and DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP can be defined as the norms of
publishing to web, iPad, and social channels through its web appropriate, responsible behavior with regard to technology

application. use.
3. FEEDLY – is a news aggregator application for various web According to, the nine elements of digital
browser and mobile devices. It compiles news feeds from a citizenship are:
variety of online sources for the user to customize and share 1. DIGITAL ACCESS – is the ability to fully participate in
it with others. digital society. This includes access to tools and technologies,
ICT PLATFORMS as the Internet and computers, that allow for full
1.ICTS AS PLATFORM FOR CHANGE -ICT is a tool, medium, participation
and force in bringing about action and mobilize change in a 2. DIGITAL COMMERCE - is the process of buying things
population, society, or culture. online without human intervention.
-It is the fastest way to spread, share, and access information 3. Digital communication involves an organization's online
anywhere in the world. communication efforts.
2. ICT AS MEDIUM FOR ADVOCACY AND DEVELOPMENTAL 4. DIGITAL LITERACY - refers to an individual's ability to
COMMUNICATION -Advocacy is the process of supporting find, evaluate, and communicate information through typing
and enabling people to express, defend, and promote their and other media on various digital platforms.
rights, concerns and views. 5. DIGITAL ETIQUETTE - It is the electronic standards of
3. ICT is a helpful tool for human development and country. conduct or procedure. The proper. rules of behavior while
using technology devices and interacting with others.
6.DIGITAL LAW - is the electronic responsibility for actions,
deeds which is either ethical or unethical.

7. DIGITAL RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES - having the right USER FEEDBACK allows you to hear and see how many
and freedom to use all types of digital technology while using people are visiting your site, what they are saying and doing.
the technology in an acceptable and appropriate manner.
8. DIGITAL HEALTH & WELLNESS - also known as digital
wellbeing or digital health) is the pursuit of an intentional and
healthy relationship with technology, both in the workplace
and in personal life.
precautions to guarantee safety. In any society, there are
individuals who steal, deface, or disrupt other people. The
same is true for the digital community.


You can upload your files using the different platform like:
WORDPRESS –is an open-source Content Management
System (CMS), which allows the users to build dynamic
websites and blogs.
SharePoint as its foundation, and supports interface from
either Microsoft Project as a client application or by web
browser connecting to its Project Web App component.
FILE MANAGER – is a system software responsible for the
creation, deletion, modification of the files and
managing their access, security and the resources used by
them. Want to read all 22 pages?
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and maintaining your online web presence. We continuously
work with your organization one on one to maintain your
website. View full document

• Use multimedia
• Use various online tools
• Use images
• Use Blog
• Collaborate
• Update.
Tools for collecting validation and feedback for business to
business/enterprise products and ideas.
• LinkedIn
• Google Adwords
• Reddit.
• Facebook Ads
that PARTICIPATION in evaluation reflects a realization
exclusive participation of politicians, management, and
street-level bureaucrats in evaluations is insufficient, and that
users by a long way have something to contribute.

PAGFIL -Binabanggit ang degree o tinapos kung kinakailangan

PAGSULAT NG BIONOTE -Nakatuon lamang sa mga angkop na kasanayan o katangian

Ang BIONOTE ay tala sa buhay ng isang tao na naglalaman ng “Si Pedro ay guro, manunulat, negosyante, environmentalist
buod ng kaniyang academic career na madalas ay makikita o at chef.” Kung ibig pumasok bilang guro sa panitikan, hindi na

mababasa sa mga journal, aklat, abstrak ng mga sulating kailangan banggitin sa bionote ang pagiging negosyante at

papel, websites, at iba pa. (Duenas at Sanz (2012)) chef.

-Kung ihahambing sa isang talambuhay o awtobiyograpiya, -Maging matapat sa pagbabahagi ng impormasyon. Siguruhin
mas maiksi ang BIONOTE dahil sa mga pili at tiyak na lamang na lahat ng impormasyong ilalahad sa Bionote ay
impormasyong inilalahad. tama o totoo
-Kadalasan, ito ay ginagamit sa paggawa ng bio-data, resume,
o anumang kagaya ng mga ito upang IPAKILALA ang sarili ANG AKADEMIKONG PAGSULAT: PAGSULAT NG TALUMPATI
para sa isang propesyonal na layunin. Ang PAGTATALUMPATI ay isang proseso o paraan ng
pagpapahayag ng ideya o kaisipan sa paraang pasalitang
ALITUNTUNIN SA PAGSULAT NG BIONOTE tumatalakay sa isang partikular na paksa. Ang isang
1.Sikaping maisulat lamang ito nang MAIKLI. Kung ito ay talumpating isinulat ay hindi magiging ganap na talumpati
gagamitin sa resume, kailangang maisulat ito gamit ang 200 kung ito ay hindi mabibigkas sa harap ng madla.
salita. Kung ito naman ay gagamitin para sa networking site, MGA URI NG TALUMPATI
sikaping maisulat ito sa loob ng lima (5) hanggang anim (6) na
pangungusap. BIGLAANG TALUMPATI -Ito ay ibinibigay nang biglaan o
walang paghahanda, kaagad na ibinibigay ang paksa sa oras
2. Maglagay ng mga detalye tungkol sa iyong:
ng pagsasalita
MALUWAG NA TALUMPATI – Isinasagawa nang biglaan o
walang paghahanda. Nagbibigay ng ilang minuto para sa
pagbuo ng ipahahayag na kaisipan
gayunman, kung ito ay marami, piliin lamang ang mas
MANUSKRITO- Ang talumpating ito ay ginagamit sa mga
mahalaga at kailangan.
Want to read all 22 pages?
3.Isulat ito gamit ang IKATLONG PANAUHAN upang maging
kumbesyon seminar o programa sa pagsasaliksik kaya pinag-
aaralan itong mabuti at dapat na nakasulat.
litaw na obhetibo ang pagkakasulat nito.
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4. Gumamit ng mga PAYAK NA SALITA upang madali itong
ISINAULONG TALUMPATI- Ito ay kagaya rin ng manuskrito
sapagkat ito ay mahusay ding pinag-aralan at hinabi nang
maunawaan at makamit ang totoong layunin nitong
maayos bago bigkasin sa harap ng mga tagapakinig.
maipakilala ang iyong sarili sa iba sa maikli at tuwirang
paraan. View full document
5.May ibang gumagamit ng kaunting pagpapatawa para higit
1.KRONOLOHIKAL NA HUWARAN - ng pangyayari o panahon.
na maging kawiliwili ito sa mga babasa, gayunman IWASANG
ang mga detalye o nilalaman ng talumpati ay nakasalalay sa
MAGING LABIS sa paggamit nito. Tandaan na ito ang
mismong maglalarawan kung ano at sino ka. 2.TOPIKAL NA HUWARAN - ang paghahanay ng mga
6.Basahing muli at muling isulat ang pinal na sipi ng iyong materyales ng talumpati ay nakabatay sa panguanhing paksa.
bionote. Maaring ipabasa muna ito sa iba bago tuluyan itong 3.HUWARANG PROBLEMA-SOLUSYON - kalimitang nahahati
gamitin upang matiyak ang katumpakan at kaayusan nito. sa dalawang bahagi ang pagkakahabi ng talumpat gamit ang
huwarang ito.
-Gu INTRODUKSYON - ito ang pinakapanimula. Ito ay naghahanda
magamit ng Ikatlong Panauhang Pananaw sa mga nakikinig para sa nilalaman ng talumpati kaya naman
Hal.Si Juan dela Cruz ay nagtapos ng BA at MA Economics sa UP-

Diliman. Siya ay kasalukuyang nagtuturo ng Macroeconomic Theory

dapat angkop ang pambungad sa katawan ng talumpati.
sa parehong pamantasan .
-Kinikilala ang mga mambabasa o ang target market. Kung Ang mga sumusunod na katangian sa isang mahusay na panimula: -
ang target na mambabasa ay mga administrador ng paaralan ,
mapukaw ang kaisipan at damdamin ng mga makikinig.
kailangang hulmahin ang bionote ayon sa kung ano ang
-maihanda ang mga tagapakinig sa gaganaping pagtalakay sa paksa.
hinahanap nila. -maipaliwanag ang paksa
-Gumagamit ito ng baligtad na tatsulok
DISKUSYON- dito makikita ang pinakamahalagang bahagi ng

Pinakamahalagang Impormasyon
talumpati sapagkat dito tinatalakay ang mahahalgang punto o

Mahalagang Impormasyon kaisipang nais ibahagi sa mga nakikinig. Ito ang

pinakakaluluwa ng talumpati.
Di-gaanong mahalagang Impormasyon

KAWASTUHAN - tiyaking wasto at maayos ang nilalaman ng
katitikan ng pulong ngunit kung mayroon mang pabalita o

talumpati. Dapat na totoo at maliwanag nang mabisa ang patalastas mula sa mga dumalo ay tulad halimbawa ng mga

lahat ng detalye. suhestiyong agenda para sa susunod na pulong ay maaaring

KALINAWAN -kailangang maliwanag ang pagkakasulat at

ilagay sa bahaging ito .
pagkakabigkas ng talumpati upang maunawaan ng mga

nakikinig. bahaging ito kung kailan at saan gaganapin ang susunod na

KAAKIT-AKIT - gawing kawili-wili ang paglalahad ng mga

katwiran o paliwanag para sa paksa. PAGTATAPOS- Inilalagay sa bahaging ito kung anong oras

nagwakas ang pulong

KONKLUSYON - dito nakasaad ang pinaka kongklusyon mg
LAGDA- Mahalagang ilagay sa bahaging ito ang pangalan ng

talumpati. Dito kalimitang nilalagom ang mga patunay at

taong kumuha ng katitikan ng pulong at kung kailan ito
argumentong inilahad sa katawan ng talumpati. isinumite.

HABA NG TALUMPATI- nakasalalay kung ilang minuto o oras

ang inilaan para sa pagbigkas. Malaking tulong sa pagbuo ng
nilalaman nito ang pagtiyak sa nilaang oras. -Ayon kay Bargo (2014) dapat tandaan ng sinumang kumuha
ng katitikan ng pulong na hindi niya trabahong ipaliwanag o
PAGSULAT NG KATITIKAN NG PULONG bigyang -interpretasyon ang mga napag-usapan sa pulong. Sa
Ang PULONG ay mababalewala kung hindi maitala ang mga
halip, ang kanyang tanging gawain ay itala at iulat lamang ito.
napag-usapan o napagkasunduan . Ang opisyal na tala ng Napakahalaga na siya ay maging obhetibo at organisado sa
isang pulong ay tinatawag na katitikan ng pulong. Ito ay
pagsasagawa nito.
kalimitang isinasagawa nang pormal, obhetibo, organisado,
Ayon kay Sudaprasert sa kanyang aklat ng English for the
sistematiko at komprehensibo o nagtataglay ng lahat ng

mahahalagang detalyeng tinalakay sa pulong. Workplace 3 (2014), ang kumukuha ng katitikan ng pulong
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-Matapos itong maisulat at mapagtibay sa susunod na pagpupulong
22 pages?
ay kinakailangang :
1.Hangga’t maaari ay hindi participant sa nasabing pulong
,ito ay nagsisilbing opisyal at legal na kasulatan ng samahan
,kompanya , o organisasyon naSend any bilang
maaaring magamit amount
prima of GCash to 09277858023
2.Umupo malapit sa tagapanguna o presider ng pulong
facie evidence sa mga legal na usapin o sanggunian para sa susunod 3. May sipi ng mga pangalan ng mga taong dadalo sa pulong
na pagpaplano at pagkilos. 4.Handa sa mga sipi ng adyenda at katitikan ng nakaraang
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5.Nakapokus o natuon lamang sa nakatalang adyenda ng
-Naipapaalam sa mga sangkot ang mga nangyari sa pulong -
6.Tiyaking ang katitikang ng pulong na ginagawa ay
Nagsisilbing gabay upang matandaan ang lahat ng detalye ng
nagtataglay ng tumpak at kompletong heading
pinag-usapan o nangyari sa pulong
7.Gumamit ng recorder kung kinakailangan
8. Itala ang mga mosyon o pormal na suhestiyon nang
NG PULONG 9.Itala ang lahat ng paksa at isyung napagdesisyunan ng
HEADING -Ito ay naglalaman ng pangalan ng koponan
kompanya,samahan, organisasyon,o kagawaran. Makikita ang 10. Isulat o isaayos agad ang mga datos ng katitikan ng pulong
petsa ,lokasyon , at maging ang oras ng pagsisimula ng pagkatapos ng pulong
nanguna sa tagapagdaloy ng pulong gayundin ang pangalan ng
lahat ng mga dumalo kasama ang mga panauhin. Maging ang
ULAT NG KATITIKAN - ang lahat ng detalyeng napag-usapan
pangalan ng mga liban o hindi nakadalo ay nakatala rin dito.
sa pulong ay nakatala. Maging ang pangalan ng mga taong
PAGBASA AT PAGPAPATIBAY- Dito makikita kung ang
nagsalita o tumalakay sa paksa kasama ang pangalan ng mga
nakalipas na katitikan ng pulong ay napagtibay o may
taong sumang-ayon sa mosyong isinagawa.
pagbabagong isinagawa sa mga ito.
SALAYSAY NG KATITIKAN - isinalaysay lamang ang
ACTION ITEMS- Dito makikita ang mahahalagang tala hinggil
mahahalagang ng detalye ng pulong.Ang ganitong uri ay
sa mga paksang tinalakay . Inilalagay rin sa bahaging ito kung maituturing na isang legal na dokumento.
sino ang taong manguna sa pagtalakay ng isyu at maging ang RESOLUSYON NG KATITIKAN - Nakasaad lamang sa katitikan
desisyong nabuo ukol dito. na ito ang lahat ng isyung napagkasunduan ng samahan.Hindi
na itinatala ang pangalan ng mga taong tumalakay nito at

maging ang mga sumang-ayon dito .Kadalasan mababasa ang ng pagdalo sa isang pulong at pagsasagawa o pagsunod sa

mga katagang “ Napagkasunduan na … Napagtibay na..” bagong sistema ng produksyon ng kompanya.)

> Ito rin ay maaaring maglahad ng isang impormasyon

MGA DAPAT TANDAAN SA PAGSULAT NG KATITIKAN NG tungkol sa isang mahalagang balita o pangyayari at

PULONG pagbabago sa mga polisiya.

Ayon kay Dawn Rosenberg McKay, isang editor at may-akda ng “The
Everything Practice Interview Book at The Everything Get-a-job Dr. Darwin Bargo sa kaniyang aklat na Writing in The
Book,” sa pagkuha ng katitikan ng pulong mahalagang maunawaan
ang mga bagay na dapat gawin bago ang pulong, habang isinagawa Discipline (2014), kalimitang gumagamit ng mga colored
ang pulong at pagkatapos ng pulong . stationery ang mga organisasyon para sa kanilang mga memo
Ø Puti - ginagamit sa mga pangkalahatang kautusan,
direktiba, o impormasyon
BAGO ANG PULONG Ø Rosas – ginagamit naman para sa request o order na
>Tiyaking handa ang lahat ng mga kagamitan bago magsimula nanggagaling sa purchasing department
ang pagpupulong tulad notbuk, papel,bolpen,laptop,recorder Ø Dilaw o Luntian – ginagamit naman para sa mga memo na
>Gamitin ang adyenda para gawin nang mas maaga ang nanggagaling sa marketing at accounting department
outline o balangkas ng katitikan ng pulong. Maglaan ng sapat
na espasyo para sa bawat paksa. Ayon kay Bargo (2014) may tatlong uri ng memorandum ayon
sa layunin nito.
>Ipaikot ang listahan ng mga taong kasama sa pulong at
a. Memorandum para sa kahilingan
hayaang lagdaan ito ng bawat isa.
b. Memorandum para sa kabatiran
>Kilalanin ang bawat isa upang madaling matukoy kung sino
c. Memorandum para sa pagtugon
ang magsasalita sa pulong.
>Itala kung anong oras nagsimula ang pulong.
1.Makikita sa letterhead ang logo at pangalan ng kompanya,

>Itala ang mahalagang ideya o puntos. institusyon o organisasyon gayundin ang lugar kung saan

>Itala ang mga mosyon o suhestiyon, maging ang pangalan ng matatagpuan ito at minsan maging ang bilang numero ng telepono.

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taong nagbanggit nito, gayundin ang mga sumang-ayon, at 2.Ang bahaging ‘Para sa/Para kay/Kina ay naglalaman ng pangalan

ang naging resulta ng botohan. ng tao o mga tao, o kaya naman ay grupong pinag-uukulan ng

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>Itala at bigyang-pansin ang mga mosyon na pagbobotohan memo.
3.Ang bahaging ‘Mula kay’ ay naglalaman ng pangalan ng gumawa

at pagdedesisyunan pa sa susunod na pulong.

>Itala kung anong oras natapos ang pulong. ng memo. Isulat ang buong pangalan kung pormal. Gayundin,

mahalagang ilagay ang pangalan ng departamento kung ang memo

PAGKATAPOS NG PULONG View full document

ay galing sa ibang sekyon at tanggapan.
>Gawin kaagad ang katitikan ng pulong pagkatapos na 4.Sa bahaging Petsa, iwasan ang paggamit ng numero gaya ng

pagkatapos habang sariwa pa sa isip ang lahat ng mga 11/25/15 o 30/09/15. Sa halip, isulat ang buong pangalan ng buwan

tinalakay. o ang dinaglat na salita nito. (Nobyembre – Nob.)

>Huwag kalimutang itala ang pangalan ng samahan o 5. Ang bahaging Paksa ay mahalagang maisulat nang payak,
organisasyon, pangalan ng kometi , uri ng pulong (buwanan , malinaw at tuw
lingguhan), at maging ang layunin nito. 6. iran upang agad maunawaan ang nais ipabatid nito. Kadalasan ang Mensahe a
isang detalyadong memo maaari itong maglaman ng: sitwasyon,

>Itala kung anong oras ito nagsimula at natapos .

problema, solu
>Isama ang listahan ng mga dumalo at maging ang pangalan 7. syon, paggalang o pasasalamat Ang huling bahagi ay ang ‘Lagda’ ng nagpad
ng nanguna sa pagpapadaloy ng pulong. Lagyan ng “Isinumite inilalagay ito sa ibabaw ng kaniyang pangalan sa bahaging Mula kay

ni” kasunod ng iyong pangalan. …

>Basahing muli ang katitikan ng pulong bago tuluyang ipasa
sa kinauukulan pasa sa huling pagwawasto nito,
>Ipasa ang sipi ng katitikan ng pulong sa kinauukulan o sa
taong nanguna sa pagpapadaloy nito.

“Ang memorandum o memo ay isang kasulatang nagbibigay
kabatiran tungkol sa gagawing pulong o paalala tungkol sa
isang mahalagang impormasyon, gawain, tungkulin, o utos.”
“Ang pagsulat ng memo ay maituturing ding isang sining.
Dapat tandaan na ang memo ay hindi isang liham.”
Bakit kailangan ng Memorandum?
>Sa pamamagitan nito,nagiging malinaw sa mga dadalo ng
pulong kung ano ang inaasahan mula sa kanila. (halimbawa

The word Islam literally means “surrender” or “submission.”
In the context of the religious tradition of Islam, the word
specifically means “surrender or submission to God.” The
word Muslim or Moslem, on the other hand, means “one who
submits to God.” Thus, the followers of Islam are the Muslims
(or Moslems).
FOUNDER: MUHAMMAD - Islam began and developed in the
region of Arabia, particularly in the cities of Mecca and
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Yathrib (Medina-meaning,” the city of the Prophet”) in the
early seventh century CE. Muslims believe that the teachings
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of Islam all come from God or Allah through the revelations
Muhammad (also spelled as “Mohammad” or “Mohammed.”
literally means “the recitation” is the central religious text of
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-Muslims revere the Qur’an as Allah’s revelations. It is written
in Arabic wherein chapters are called suras and the verses are
called aryas.
- The Qur’an consists of 114 suras, which cover a wide variety
of topics which include origins of Islam in the persons of the
different prophets, values, and specific instructions on how to
live an ethical life.
The SURA AL-FATIHA is the first chapter of the Qur’an. Its
verses constitute the prayer for God’s guidance and stress the
Lordship and Mercy of Allah.

The Sura Al-Fatiha has a special role in a Muslim’s salat or

SHIA MUSLIMS - constitute around 10-20% of the believers
daily prayers since it is recited at the start of every rak’ah of Islam and are considered as the second largest
(unit of prayer). As opposed to the Sunni Muslims who believe that a caliph should
be elected by the Ummah, Shia Muslims believe that the prophet
DOCTRINES- Islam has five pillars which serve as the bastion Muhammad appointed Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor.

of their faith. They are Shahadah, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, and SUFI MUSLIMS - Adherents to Sufism believe in the
Hajj. These five pillars are acts that are mandatory among all “spiritual” aspect of Islam, Sufis dive love and knowledge
Muslims. They are summarized in the hadith of Gabriel as through a
narrated by the successor to Muhammad. direct personal experience of Allah. By focusing on the more
FIVE PILLARS OF ISLAM spiritual aspects of Islam, Sufi Muslims strive to experience
SHAHADAH: FAITH - The Shahadah or the Islamic testimony the divine.
of faith is the most important among the pillars for it serves
as the foundation for other pillars. SOME MAJOR ISSUES
-The Shahadah is a Muslim’s declaration of faith. A Muslim GENDER INEQUALITY - refers to the unequal treatment or
professes that “there is only one God (Allah) and that the perceptions of individuals based on their gender. There are
prophet Muhammad is God’s messenger.” The Shahadah is critics of Islam who argue that Islamic law and its societal
essential to be uttered by a person who wants to be a Muslim norms discriminate against women.
and convert to Islam. MILITANT
believer ISLAM - If Islam is a religion that compels a
SALAT: PRAYER - Salat is an Islamic prayer which consists of to totally submit himself or herself to Allah, and Muslims
five daily prayers. revere Allah as the “Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful,’
-Muslims pray at Fajr (dawn), Dhuhr (noon), Asr (afternoon), why is it that there are violent acts as murder, genocide, child
Maghrib (evening), and Isha (night) molestation and modern-day slavery are committed in the
ZAKAT: ALMS-GIVING - Muslims are obligated to give alms name of Islam?”
and pay religious tax.
- The act of alms-giving or Zakat is based on income and the HINDUISM
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value of a Muslim’s possessions. The practice of Zakat is also
BUMBAY - Indians in the Philippines are commonly referred
an act of purification and growth for Muslims because it
to as "Bumbay". Ajit Singh Rye (1981) in his paper entitled
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"The Indian Community in the Philippines.
SAWM: FASTING -Muslims are also required to perform a
ritual fasting called Sawm. On the month of Ramadan, View full document
Muslims must abstain from food and drink starting from
dawn to dusk during this month, and are to be especially ACCEPTANCE
mindful of their sins. BIGOTRY is defined as "intolerance toward those who hold
HAJJ: PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA -The Hajj is a pilgrimage that different opinions from oneself” while BIAS is the "prejudice
occurs during Islamic month of Dhu al-Hijjah to the city of in favor of or against one thing. person. or group compared
Mecca. with another usually in a way considered to be unfair”.
Despite our increasingly global culture, there are still
Every able-bodied Muslim (and those who can afford it) is incidents of bigotry and bias specially on people of different
obliged to make the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once. Upon

completion of the pilgrimage, Muslim is called a hajji (male pilgrim)

race or groups who have different beliefs or religion.

or hajjiyah (a female pilgrim).
SALT is indispensable to human life. It is used as seasoning,
God: Allah - “Allah” is the Arabic word for “God.” Muslims
preservative and cleaning agent. An appropriate amount of
believe that there is only One God and that is Allah. In Islam, salt is needed by the body for its proper function, water
Allah is the creator of the universe and the judge of the retention, muscle contraction, proper nutrients for our
humankind. stomach.
SUFI MUSLIMS Peace Prize laureate and the first president of South Africa
SUNNI MUSLIMS - who are also known as “Ahl as-Sunnah” or once said, "Let there be work, bread, water, and salt for all!”
“people of the tradition of Muhammad” are the largest -As a result, the SALT ACTS burdened the poor Indians who
denomination among the three. Sunni Muslims follows the needed salt in their diets. It is in this socio-political context
Qur’an as well as the hadith which are preserved in traditions that Mahatma Gandhi, an Indian lawyer and a devout Hindu
known as Al-Kutub Al-Sittah (six major books). launched his theme of “satyagraha” or “insistence on truth”.
-Sunni Muslims believe that the first four caliphs namely:
Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali were the rightful ROOTS OF HINDUISM
successors to Muhammad. -At around 1500 BCE, the ARYANS moved to the northwest of
the Indian subcontinent and brought with them their culture
and religious beliefs, The Aryans have priestly caste called

Brahmans who presided over prayers and sacrificial rites. As

• "KAMA" (pleasure, sensual gratification), and,
part of their worship service, the Aryans chanted ritual hymns
• "MOKSHA" (the pursuit of liberation).
from their religious text called Rig-Veda. (These four aims serve as the blueprint for hum fulfillment of

-The Aryans have various gods but the chief among them was
posts that lead us to a successful unifying and balanced

INDRA, the war god and slayer of demons’ animals. The two
existence in the world)
other main gods of the Roots of Hinduism Aryans were AGNI
DHARMA, in essence, is the fulfillment of a person duties or

(god of fire) and SOMA (a god associated with certain drink). responsibilities or living one's purpose in life. A devout Hindu,

conscious of his or her dharma asks the following questions:

However, two other gods mentioned in the Rigveda emerged ▪
What is my role in the world?
as the main Hindu gods: Hindu believe that MOKSHA or "liberation from the cycle of
Vishnu (god of creation) and Shiva (god of destruction). By death and rebirth" is the pinnacle of the purusharthas
the first century, the god Brahma emerged as the central and because it is also a PARAMARTHA or transcendental aim.
senior figure in the Hindu trinity For Hindus, Vishnu is "the Hillan Dowdle (2010) in Aim High mention the yogini Sally
preserver’ Shiva is ‘the destroyer’ while Brahma is considered Kempton who said, “You can be a good person who is living a
a "the creator”. Brahma has no popular cult in India since he dharmic life, taking care of yourself and your family, enjoying
is the godhead behind all the other gods. Vishnu and Shiva on your family life and your career, but all of that will be
the other hand, have been established as the two main ultimately unsatisfying unless you are also doing the practices
deities of popular Hinduism. that can lead to moksha."
The VEDAS are considered as the oldest sacred texts of Hindus believe in man or the "eternal self." It is man's spirit
Hinduism. Believed to be composed at around 1500 to 1000 which refers to his or her nonmaterial self that never change.
BCE, the Vedas include hymns, religious texts, mythological On the other hand, bar refers to a transcendent power that
accounts, poems, and prayers. Hindus believe the Vedas to be behind the diversity in all that exists in the universe Brahman
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"apaurusheyatva" or directly revealed by god since they were is the origin and end of all things and it as the consciousness
that pervades everything and everyone.
written by the sage Vyasa, the avatar of the god Vishnu.
There are four Vedas tamely:Send any amount of GCash to 09277858023
• RIG-VEDA- "Knowledge of the Hymns of Praise for recitation
• SAMA VEDA - "Knowledge of the Melodies for chanting THE FOUR YOGAS
• YAJUR VEDA - "Knowledge of the Sacrificial formulas" for
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YOGA in Hindu belief and religion, is a path that leads to the
liturgy. union of a person's atman with the Brahman. There are four
• ATHARVA VEDA - "Knowledge of the Magic formulas main paths of Yoga, tamely: KARMA YOGA, BHAKTI YOGA,
named after a kind of group of priests. RAJA YOGA, AND JNANA YOGA.
The UPANISHAD is a collection of texts which contain some of KARMA YOGA - is the Yoga of Action or Work. It is the path
the central philosophical concepts of Hinduism Unlike the chosen primarily by people who have an outgoing nature.
Vedas which are directly revealed by God. The Upanishads BHAKTI YOGA or the Yoga of Love - is a path chosen by
are considered as “smriti” or "that which is remembered by people who are emotional in nature, The Bhakti Yogi for
an author and committed to writing. yogini) is motivated chiefly by the power of love and sees God
as the embodiment of love
The BHAGAVAD-GITA (also called Gita) is a 700 verse Hindi RAJA YOGA or the Yoga of Psychological Exercises - offers a
scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the Hindu epic comprehensive method for controlling the waves of thought
MAHABARATA. The Gita in a dialogue between a prince by turning a person's mental and physical energy into
named Arjuna and his guide/charioteer Krishna (who was spiritual energy.
actually the incarnation or avatar of Vishnu. The The most challenging yoga is JNANA YOGA or the Yoga of
Gita scripture speaks of the prince receiving counsel from Knowledge - This path requires tremendous strength of will
Krishna regarding the fulfillment of his duty as a warrior and and intellect. The yogi or yogini aims to dissolve the veils of
his mission of establishing the “path of righteousness” or ignorance in order to search for realization and be one with
“dharma”. brahman.


Hindus believe that there are four aims of life or " Hindus revere MAHADEVAS, or “great angels” who were
purusharthas “namely: created by the Supreme Lord and who serve and adore Him.
• "DHARMA" (duty, ethics), Each denomination worships the Supreme God arid sun
• “ARTHA" (prosperity or wealth), pantheon of divine beings.

GANAPATI "the Remover of Obstacles” poetry, and stories) of the Buddha and his enlightened

RAMA “hera of the Hindu epic Ramayana” followers.

KRISHNA “the teacher of the sacred scripture Bhagavad 2.“VINATA PITAKA” OR DISCIPLINARY CODE. The second

Gita” SARASWATI “Goddess of Learning” section that contains the rules for monks and nuns, advice on

LAKSHMI “the goddess of good for wealth, and well-being” monastic administration and procedure, and the early history

DURGA DEVI “restorer of moral order” the monastic order.

INDRA “King of Heaven and lord of the gods” 3.“ABHIDHAMMA PITAKA” OR MORAL PSYCHOLOGY. The
SURYA “the Sun” last section that is an attempt to analyze and classify all the

AGNI “Fire God” constituents that makes up the individual person.

HANUMAN “monkey king”
A CASTE SYSTEM is hierarchical social system that assigns 1.DUKKHA- The truth of suffering
different privileges and value to human being on the basis of 2.SAMUDAYA- The truth of cause of suffering
exclusive notions of purity and impurity" (Rambachan, 2008). 3.NIRHODHA- The truth of the end of suffering
There are four principal classes or castes in Hindu namely.
4.MAGGA- the truth of the path that frees us from suffering
The four noble truths are the foundation of Buddhism and
essential teachings to a person who is “walking the path to
-The First Noble Truth is often translated as “Life is suffering.”
Buddhist believes that life is temporary and conditional.
-The Second Noble Truth teaches that the cause of suffering
THERAVADA BUDDHISM (TEACHINGS OF THE ELDERS) is craving of thirst (tanha).
-The Third Noble Truth provides hope for the human person
THE STORY OF KISA GAUTAMI and prescribes an answer to suffering. The Buddha taught
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The lore of Kisa Gautami began with her happy marriage with that through diligent practice, human person can end their
“craving” and attain enlightenment or “nirvana.”
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a successful merchant. Kisa was blest with wealth and a son.
However, her son suddenly died upon reaching the age of
one. Kisa was stricken with grief and went to everyone she
knew for help to bring her dead son back to life. A Buddhist THE EIGHT-FOLD PATH
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told her to seek the Buddha and so Kisa brought her dead son Buddhists believe that the Buddha is like a physician who
to the Buddha and told her story. discovered and prescribes the treatment for “man’s illness.” If
The FOUNDER OF BUDDHISM is SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA human parsons will live according to the Eight-fold Path, the
“illness of the human race” will be cured. Buddhists also
who is also known as the “BUDDHA.” Siddhartha Gautama believe that more aside from being faithful to the doctrine,
was a prince who was born in the sixth century B.C. in Nepal. human person should also “walk the path” of the Right View,
Despite the command of his father King Yasodhara not to Right Intention, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood,
leave the kingdom, Siddhartha decided to venture out into Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration.
the world and experienced the reality of man’s suffering. At
the age of 29, he left his kingdom to lead an ascetic life. THE IMPERMANENCE OF THINGS
Siddhartha was determined to find the answer to the Buddhist believes that impermanence is an undeniable and
universal suffering of man. inescapable fact of the human existence. Thus, nothing that
belongs to this earth is ever free. No human being can control
and ever change the process of growing old, of not falling
The sacred texts of Theravada Buddhists are called sick, of dying, of decay of things that perishable and of the
“Tripitaka” or “Three baskets.” The first part of the Buddhist passing away of that which is liable to pass. Buddhism
scriptures consists of three sections. however, suggests the escape from these (i.e. freedom) is
1.“SUTTA PITAKA” OR CONVENTIONAL TEACHING. The First possible through nirvana.
section that contains the discourses (i.e. sermons, dialogues,
The 14th Dalai Lama - According to the Buddhist faith, every
being is reborn over and over again in a cycle, in which most
people cannot remember their past lives. However, it is
possible that through meditative training, one's past life (i.e.
memories) can be accessed. The Dalai Lama is one of those
“special people” who was able to access his past life.” He is a

Bodhisattva or a person who was able to achieve

enlightenment but postponed it so as to teach other people
how to attain nirvana. Lao Tzu's book Tao Te Ching describes the nature of life, the

way to peace and how a ruler should lead his life.

-From the teachings of the Buddha arose two major Buddhist writer who lived at around 369-286 B.C.While very little is

schools, the THERAVADA AND MAHAYANA. The two schools known about his personal life, the book attributed to him as

share the same founder (SIDDHARTA GAUTAMA OR popular and revered among Taoists. The Book of Chuang Tze

BUDDHA) and accept the basic Buddhist teachings of Four consists of a large collection of humorous and irreverent

Noble Truths and Eight-fold Path. However, the two schools anecdotes, parables, and fables.
are also distinct in various ways.
While THERAVADA is considered as the "Teaching of the Tao as the Origin of all Beings, Unnamable and Eternal
Elders” since it is closer to the original Indian form of Central to the Taoist religion is the TAO. Cheng (2011) in his
Buddhism, MAHAYANA BUDDHISM is known as "The Great research entitled "Confucianism
Vehicle” because through it the teachings of the Buddha Versus Taoism" tells us that, "Tao can be roughly translated
spread, took root, and flourished in Tibet, China, Taiwan, into English as 'path' or 'the way. It is the power that
Japan, Korea, Mongolia, and some parts of Southeast Asia. envelops, surrounds and flows through all things, living and
nonliving. It is the oneness of everything"
is the entry way to the dharma. It is a virtue wherein the -The most explicit theory of practice, or praxiology, within
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person aspires for the enlightenment of all beings. Taoist thought is the WU WEI which, when translated
-Thus, Dana paramita is the "generosity of literally, means "nonaction."
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spirit“characterized by the sincere desire to benefit others, The scholar Denver Nale Nixo (2006) in his paper entitled The
without expectation of reward or recognition. There must be Environmental Resonance of Daoist Moving Meditations
no selfishness attached. explains that wu wei "possesses a cluster of meanings, but
may be best thought of as actions that appear or are felt as
literally means "able to withstand." Thus, a Mahayana almost nothing”. He added that "practicing wu wei means
Buddhist is patient and tolerant to other people. Also, he or minimizing force, interference and discordant intervention,
she has the ability to endure personal hardship and gladly and within the context of the Tao, harmonizing oneself with
accepts the truth. the patterns and pulses of the cosmos”.
Buddhist meditation is a discipline intended to cultivate the LAW OF REVERSION
mind. Thus, Dhyana entails great concentration to achieve According to Chinese beliefs, there are two forces in the
clarity and insight which are the foundations of wisdom. universe: the YIN AND THE YANG.
SILA PARAMITA: PERFECTION OF MORALITY - Mahayan YIN is the passive, negative force, and YANG the active,
Buddhists believe that an enlightened being can respond positive force.
correctly to all situations without having to consult a list of
VIRYA PARAMITA: PERFECTION OF ENERGY - Virya is energy From the concepts of Tao, wu wei and law of reversion, we
or zeal. It comes from an ancient Indian-Iranian word that can see that Taoism is intimately Linked with nature.
"hero," and it is also the root of the English word "virile."
Hence, virya paramita is about making a courageous, heroic
effort to realize enlightenment,
Buddhism, wisdom is the direct and intimate realization of
sunyata, or emptiness.

In the ancient historical book Shih chi (Records of the
Historian), the "Father of Chinese History" Ssu ma Ch'ien says
that Lao Tzu (the reputed founder of Taoism) was a
contemporary of Confucius who served as curator of the
dynastic archives until retiring to the mythical K'un-lun

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