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- Latin littera, “a letter of the alphabet” ALLAN BLOOM (The Closing of the American
- mankind’s entire body of writing Mind)
- body of writing belonging to a given
language or people Moral degradation results from ignorance
- individual pieces of writing of the great classics that shaped Western culture.
- the word writing when describing literature But one thing is for sure, wherever the Great
is itself misleading Books make up a central part of the curriculum,
o oral literature” or “the literature of the students are excited and satisfied.
preliterate peoples”
o art of literature is not reducible to the TODD COMPTON – American historian
words on the page
Canons are always communal in nature…
o literature is the organization of words
there is no such thing as one absolute canon of
to give pleasure
literature. Instead, there are many conflicting
o it elevates and transforms experience
canons. He regards Bloom’s “Western canon” as
o it functions in society as a continuing
a personal canon only.
symbolic criticism of values
JOHN SEARLE – philosopher
- living, belonging to, or occurring in the “In my experience, there never was, in
present fact, a fixed canon; there was rather a certain set
of tentative judgments about what had importance
CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE and quality. Such judgments are always subject
- literature that is being written in the now to revision, and in fact they were constantly being
about the now revised.”
- literature written after World War II through
the current day (horrors of war, genocide, WILLIAM BENNETT IS CORRECT:
corruption, injustice)
- writing completed after 1940 “The teaching of literature is the teaching
- Works of contemporary literature reflect a of values, is the teaching of an aesthetic and
society’s social and/or political viewpoints political order in which none of the members of
show realistic characters establish the black community, the minority community of
connections to current events and color or the women’s community, were ever able
socioeconomic messages illuminate to discover the reflection of representation of their
societal strengths and weaknesses images or hear the resonances of their cultural
- chef d’œuvre The notion of masterpiece is problematic:
- an outstanding achievement of one 1. AESTHETICALLY: because of the shifts
particular artist or writer in tastes and in social realities
- a work that deserves reverence or 2. HISTORICALLY: because works are
expects to be revered in a particular determined by historical moments which
cultural tradition also determine them
- lays claim to universality and is thereby a 3. IDEOLOGICALLY: because literature
lesson in humanity creates and weaves ideologies and is in
turn determined and woven by them
WESTERN CANON – works of art that represent 4. POLITICALLY: because it can serve as
high culture an instrument of cultural assertiveness,
even repressing other voices
CLASSIC – any work of art accepted as
exemplary or noteworthy, listed in a list of great
books, or through a reader’s personal opinion

For a literary piece to achieve greatness, it must BOOK TO MOVIE ADAPTATIONS

possess the following qualities: • Directors and authors work together to
1. ARTISTRY bring the pages of their books to life on the
3. INTELLECTUAL VALUE • These films are surrounded by lots of
4. SPIRITUAL VALUE hype, and are highly anticipated by lovers
5. UNIVERSALITY of the book which the movie is based on.
6. STYLE • Time and dedication play a key part in
7. PERMANENCE making sure that all details are to the
standards of the beloved book.
1. Reality-based stories
2. Believable storyline (sometimes portraying Like all historical eras, the era of
a harsher reality or degradation of society) contemporary literature has formed, and
3. Current, modern setting continues to form, the literature that is present
4. Well-defined, realistic, highly developed today. Events of this time period influence what is
and strong characters written and what is read. Important topics, issues,
5. Well-structured and current themes, all play a key role in what
6. Writing is more character-driven than plot- authors choose to write about, and what readers
driven choose to read. It greatly affects what is being
written and read today.
1. Subjects are taboo (aliens, abortion, - The term criticism derives from the term
terminal illness, apocalypse) kritikos, which was used in the 4th century
2. Point-of-view is flexible B.C. It means a “judge of literature”.
3. All voices are valid - In the 2nd century A.D., its place was taken
4. Structure knows no limits by the term criticus, aimed at the
5. Mixed media is all the rage interpretation of texts and words and
6. You might not get it (storyline) and it’s improvement of the works of writers in
okay. Greek or Latin.
7. Time is not linear - In English, Dryden used it in the modern
8. Slang is all good (“If thr r children, thr mst sense in his preface to The State of
b a fUtr, rt?” – Jennifer Egan Innocence (1677). He writes: “Criticism, as
9. Non-human perspectives – fairy tales, it was first instituted by Aristotle, was
dogs, rats meant a standard of judging well.”
10. Gender roles suck – females in Sidney - Today, the term literary criticism aims at
Sheldon the study of works of literature with
emphasis on their evaluation
GENRES OF CONTEMPORARY LITERATURE - Traditionally, literature was considered
- Genres of this time include novels and homogeneous
poetry. Flash fiction, short stories, slam - Criticism in modern times is classified in
poetry, plays, memoirs, and different ways
autobiographies are also popular. - mimetic theory – the critic views art in
- Authors find inspiration in the events of the terms of the universe or what is imitated
time period. They often write about the (classical)
realities and experiences that occur, no - pragmatic theory – the critic views art in
matter how brutal they may be.
terms of its effect on the audience (18th
“The literary innovations of this period were
- expressive theory – critic views art in
largely influenced by the surroundings and
terms of the artist (19th century)
the changes that were occurring in it…”

- objective theory – critic views art

basically in its own terms, seeing the work
as a self-contained entity (New Criticism,
20th century)

Studying literature

Literary criticism
M.H. Abrams:
1) Work
2) Artist
3) Universe
4) Audience

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