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-This is true in our understanding of the objects, events, realities, and situations around us
-Reflection is the process that would aid in understanding the holistic point of view of what is going on around us
-Reflection is an activity that requires a person to examine his other thoughts, feelings and actions and learn from experience.
-Its trajectory is to see the bigger picture about everything

In research it is called methodological approach Moral theology

Two Types Philosophical Reflection
employs the STOP sign as guidepost of moral decision making.
Primary Reflection -which is the ability to think
logically. The ability of the mind construct and evaluate
Guide post of moral decision making.
S = Search out the facts. It is necessary
that all means should be exhausted to Secondary Reflection - It examines its object by
abstraction, by analytically breaking it down into its
better understand the issue
constituent parts. It is concerned with definitions,
T = Think, reflect and analyze the facts. essences, and technical solutions to problems.
Its negative or positive effects, All Quadrants All Levels (AQAL)
advantages or disadvantages
According to Wilber everything can be analyzed using
HOw it affects Others We should always a vertical line
consider others in every decision that we
The left side represents the interior, subjective, aspect
make Every action that we take has of everything. The right side represents the exterior,
always a social dimension. It affects objective, aspect of everything
ourselves, others and community where
Ken Wilber using a horizontal line that divides space
we belong, Lastly
into above and below.
P = stands for Pray. Above the line represents what is singular, individual,
one the space below represents what is plural
collective many

According to Gabriel Marcel, philosophical reflection is

the act of giving time to think about the meaning and
purpose of life

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