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‘Anews report gives factual important details, including A NEWS REPORT information about a current event. t contains the most the main events and the setting. tis written in a formal ‘and impersonal style and presents facts objectively. It should give the date and have A title. Loak at the topic below. Then study the plan and read the model. Write a news report about a current sue in the news. MODEL 1th September 2053 Fire in Umbria More than 400 firefighters worked to stop a fire in Umbria, Italy yesterday. It appears that the fire started in the hills near the Apennine Mountains, Firefighters are still not ‘sure what caused it. ‘There are often fires in this area during the summer because of the extreme heat. According to news sources, this fire has been particularly difficut to control. The fire has already destroyed several houses, and people in the ‘area have had to leave their homes. However, yesterday the firefighters were beginning to feel they could stop the fire within the next day or 30. ‘This has been one of the worst seasons for fires in the Tast decade and the experts say it will get worse. One expert said, “We're going to have a very busy fire season. This summer we've had temperatures of close to 40 degrees and we haven't had any rain since March.”

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