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NCERT Solutions for Class 8

Chapter 1 – Rational Numbers
Exercise 1.1

1. Using appropriate properties find:

2 3 5 3 1
i. - × + - ×
3 5 2 5 6
Ans: Given
2 3 5 3 1
- × + - ×
3 5 2 5 6
By using commutative property of rational numbers i.e a+b=b+a
2 3 3 1 5
=- × - × +
3 5 5 6 2
Now, by using distributive property of rational numbers i.e a×b+b×c=b× a+c 
 3  2 1 5
=  - × +  +
 5  3 6 2
 3   2×2+1  5
=  - × +
 5  6  2
 3  5 5
=  - ×   +
 5 6 2
 3 5
=- +
 6 2
 -3+5×3 
= 
 6 
 -3+15 
= 
 6 

2  3 1 3 1 2
ii. × -  - × + ×
5  7  6 2 14 5
Ans: Given

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2  3 1 3 1 2
× -  - × + ×
5  7  6 2 14 5
By using commutative property of rational numbers i.e a+b=b+a
2  3 1 2 1 3
= × -  + × - ×
5  7  14 5 6 2
Now, by using distributive property of rational numbers i.e a×b+b×c=b× a+c 
2  3 1 1
= × - +  -
5  7 14  4
2  -3×2+1  1
= × -
5  14  4
2  -5  1
= ×  -
5  14  4
1 1
=- -
7 4

2. Write the additive inverse of each of the following:

a -a
Ans: Since, additive inverse of =
b b
2 2
Therefore, additive inverse of is - .
8 8

ii. -
a a
Ans: Since, additive inverse of - =
b b
5 5
Therefore, additive inverse of - is .
9 9


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-a a
Ans: Since, additive inverse of =-
-b b
-6 6
Therefore, additive inverse of is - .
-5 5

a a
Ans: Since, additive inverse of =
-b b
2 2
Therefore, additive inverse of is .
-9 9

a a
Ans: Since, additive inverse of =
-b b
19 19
Therefore, additive inverse of is .
-6 6

3. Verify that -(-x)=x for.

i. x=
11 11
Ans: The additive inverse of x= is -x=-
15 15
11  11 
Now, +  -  =0
15  15 
11 11  11  11
Thus , it represents that the additive inverse of - is i.e., -  -  = .
15 15  15  15
Hence, -(-x)=x holds for x= .

ii. x=-
13 13
Ans: The additive inverse of x = - is -x=
17 17
13 13
Now, - + =0
17 17

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13 13  13  13
Thus , it represents that the additive inverse of is - i.e., -  -  = .
17 17  17  17
Hence, -(-x)=x holds for x=- .

4. Find the multiplicative inverse of the following.

i. -13
Ans: Since, multiplicative inverse of -a=- .
Therefore, multiplicative inverse of -13 is - .

ii. -
a b
Ans: Since, multiplicative inverse of - =- .
b a
13 19
Therefore, multiplicative inverse of - is - .
19 13

a b
Ans: Since, multiplicative inverse of = .
b a
Therefore, multiplicative inverse of is 5 .

5 3
iv. - ×-
8 7
5 3 15
Ans: It can be written as - ×- = .
8 7 56
a b
Since, multiplicative inverse of . = ..
b a
5 3 56
Therefore, multiplicative inverse of - ×- is .
8 7 15

v. -1×-

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2 2
Ans: It can be written as -1×- = .
5 5
a b
Since, multiplicative inverse of = .
b a
2 5
Therefore, multiplicative inverse of -1×- is .
5 2

vi. -1
a b
Ans: Since, multiplicative inverse of - =- .
b a
Therefore, multiplicative inverse of -1 is -1 .

5. Name the property under multiplication used in each of the following:

-4 -4 -4
i. ×1=1× =
5 5 5
Ans: Since, after multiplying by 1 , we are getting the same number.
Therefore, 1 is the multiplicative identity.

13 -2 -2 -13
ii. - × = ×
17 7 7 17
Ans: Since, a×b=b×a .
Therefore, its Commutative property.

19 29
iii. - ×- =1
29 19
Ans: Since, a×-a=1 .
Therefore, the property is Multiplicative inverse.

6 7
6. Multiply by the reciprocal of -
13 16
7 16
Ans: Reciprocal of - is - .
16 7
6 16
Thus, ×-
13 7
=- .

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1  4 1  4
7. Tell what property allows you to compute ×  6×  as  ×6  × .
3  3 3  3
Ans: Since, a×  b×c  =  a×b ×c .
Therefore, its associative property.

8 1
8. Is the multiplicative inverse of -1 ? Why or why not?
9 8
Ans: We know, If it is the multiplicative inverse, then the product should be 1 .
8  1 8  9
×  -1  = ×  - 
9  8 9  8
Since, the product is not 1 .
8 1
Therefore, is not the multiplicative inverse of -1 .
9 8

9. Is 0.3 the multiplicative inverse of 3 ? Why or why not?
Ans: We know, If it is the multiplicative inverse, then the product should be 1 .
1 10
0.3×3 =0.3×
3 3
3 10
= ×
10 3
Since, the product is 1 .
Therefore, 0.3 is the multiplicative inverse of 3 .

10. Write:
i. The rational number that does not have a reciprocal.
Ans: 0 is a rational number but its reciprocal is not defined.

ii. The rational numbers that are equal to their reciprocals.

Ans: 1 and -1 are the rational numbers that are equal to their reciprocals.

iii. The rational number that is equal to its negative.

Ans: 0 is the rational number that is equal to its negative.

Class VIII Maths 6

11. Fill in the blanks.
i. Zero has __________ reciprocal.
Ans: No

ii. The numbers __________ and __________ are their own reciprocals.
Ans: 1,-1

iii.The reciprocal of -5 is __________.

Ans: -

iv. Reciprocal of , where x  0 is __________.
Ans: x

v. The product of two rational numbers is always a __________.

Ans: Rational number

vi. The reciprocal of a positive rational number is __________.

Ans: Positive rational number

Exercise 1.2

1. Represent these numbers on the number line.

Ans: can be represented on the number line as follows:

ii. -
Ans: - can be represented on the number line as follows:

Class VIII Maths 7

2 5 9
2. Represent -,- ,- on the number line.
11 11 11
2 5 9
Ans: - ,- ,- can be represented on the number line as follows:
11 11 11

3. Write five rational numbers which are smaller than 2 .

Ans: Since, we have to write five rational numbers which are less than 2 .
Therefore, we can multiply and divide 2 by 7 .
Now, 2 becomes .
Thus, five rational numbers which are smaller than 2 are given as -
13 12 11 10 9
, , , , .
7 7 7 7 7

-2 1
4. Find ten rational numbers between and .
5 2
-2 1
Ans: We can make denominator of and same.
5 2
-2 1
Therefore, multiplying and dividing by 4 and by 10 .
5 2
-2 -8 1 10
Thus, now becomes and becomes .
5 20 2 20
-2 1
Hence, ten rational numbers between and are-
5 2
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1 2
- ,- ,- ,- ,- ,- ,- ,0, , .
20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20

5. Find five rational numbers between-

2 4
i. and
3 5
2 4
Ans: We can make denominator of and same.
3 5
2 4
Therefore, multiplying and dividing by 15 and by 9 .
3 5

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2 30 4 36
Thus, now becomes and becomes .
3 45 5 45
2 4
Hence, ten rational numbers between and are-
3 5
31 32 33 34 35
, , , , .
45 45 45 45 45

-3 5
ii. and .
2 3
3 5
Ans: We can make denominator of - and same.
2 3
3 5
Therefore, multiplying and dividing - by 3 and by 2 .
2 3
3 9 5 10
Thus, now - becomes - and becomes .
2 6 3 6
3 5
Hence, ten rational numbers between - and are-
2 3
8 7 5 4
- ,- ,-1,- ,- .
6 6 6 6

1 1
iii. and
4 2
1 1
Ans: We can make denominator of and same.
4 2
1 1
Therefore, multiplying and dividing by 8 and by 16 .
4 2
1 8 1 16
Thus, now becomes and becomes .
4 32 2 32
1 1
Hence, ten rational numbers between and are-
4 2
9 10 11 12 13
, , , , .
32 32 32 32 32

6. Write five rational numbers greater than -2 .

Ans: Since, we have to write five rational numbers which are greater than -2 .
Therefore, we can multiply and divide -2 by 7 .
Now, -2 become - .

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Thus, five rational numbers greater than -2 are given as-
13 12 11 10 9
- ,- ,- ,- ,- .
7 7 7 7 7

3 3
7. Find ten rational numbers between and .
5 4
3 3
Ans: We can make denominator of and same.
5 4
3 3
Therefore, multiplying and dividing by 16 and by 20 .
5 4
3 48 3 60
Thus, now becomes and becomes .
5 80 4 80
3 3
Hence, ten rational numbers between and are-
5 4
49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58
, , , , , , , , , .
80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80

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