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Universidad La Salle Bajio, Perez Ramirez Maria Jose 75767.

Simulink 1

Simulink Practice
Perez Ramirez Maria Jose
Universidad La Salle Bajio

Abstract Laplace transforms are a powerful tool for solving differential equations and linear systems in the frequency domain.
The stability of a transformed Laplace function can be determined from the location of the poles in the complex plane. In the
MathLab program was used or one of the many tools that has and this is called Simulink this tool will serve us if different Laplace
transforms are stable, unstable or critically unstable based on the location of the poles of each function.

Index Terms—Laplace transforms, differential equations, frequency, poles, MathLab program, Simulink.

With the advancement of computer science, Laplace

I. INTRODUCTION1 transforms found new applications in the simulation and
modeling of dynamical systems. Today, Laplace transforms
I N MATHLAB AND SIMULINK, you can use the
"laplace" function to calculate the Laplace transform of a
given function and, in turn, use the Simulink tool to simulate
are a fundamental tool in control and systems theory, as well
as in other disciplines related to physics and engineering.
the behavior of the function in the time domain.
B. Applications
In Simulink, you can use the "Transfer Function" block to
Laplace transforms have numerous applications in various
model transformed Laplace functions, and you can use the
fields. The most common fields are in science, engineering
"Scope" block to visualize the response in the time domain.
and technology. Below is a list of some of the most common
In addition, Simulink also allows you to model complex
applications of Laplace transforms:
dynamical systems using specific blocks for the
representation of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, etc.
1. Analysis of electrical and electronic systems: How
electrical circuits, control systems and
communication systems.
The combination of Laplace and Simulink transforms is a
powerful tool for modeling and simulating complex
2. Solution of linear differential equations in physics,
dynamical systems in the time and frequency domain.
engineering and other disciplines.

3. Analysis of mechanical systems: How vibration

systems and motion control systems.
A. History
4. Modeling and analysis of hydraulic systems: Liquid
Laplace transforms were developed by the French
flow systems and pressure control systems.
mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1812, although the
idea of transforming a function of time into a complex
5. Study of wave propagation phenomena: such as
function of frequency had been explored by other
sound waves, electromagnetic waves and seismic
mathematicians before.
The Laplace transform became an important tool for
6. Analysis of biological systems: How to regulate
solving linear differential equations in physics and
body temperature and heart rhythm control systems.
engineering during the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries, especially for solving mechanical and electrical
7. Analysis of economic and financial systems: How
vibration problems.
models of economic growth and models of financial

in English, and refers to the software's ability to handle and
8. Simulation and modeling of complex systems in manipulate numerical matrices.
engineering, physics and other disciplines.
MathLab software is known for its strong ability to solve
mathematical and technical problems, as well as its ability to
C. Functions
visualize and analyze data. The program is used to perform a
In systems theory, a function of the Laplace transform can variety of tasks, such as:
be classified as stable, unstable, or critically stable based on
its response to perturbations. 1. Solving equations and systems of
A function is considered stable if its response attenuates
over time and tends to a constant long-term value when 2. Data analysis and visualization of results.
subjected to perturbations. A stable function can be
represented in the Laplace transform as a rational fraction of 3. Creation of graphics, 2D and 3D graphics.
polynomials, where the poles (roots of the denominator) are
all in the left half-plane of the complex plane. 4. Signal analysis and image processing.

On the other hand, a function is considered unstable if its 5. Implementation of numerical and control
response to perturbations is amplified over time, leading to algorithms.
divergence or exponential growth. An unstable function can
be represented in the Laplace transform as a rational fraction 6. Simulation of dynamical systems and
of polynomials where at least one pole is in the right half- discrete events.
plane of the complex plane.
The software has a large number of built-in features and
Finally, a function is considered critically stable if its tools that allow users to solve technical issues quickly and
response to perturbations remains constant over the long efficiently, and it is also compatible with other software and
term, but without attenuation or amplification. A critically hardware programs.
stable function can be represented in the Laplace transform
as a rational fraction of polynomials where all poles are on A. Simulink
the imaginary line of the complex plane. Simulink is a graphical modeling and simulation software
tool used in engineering and other scientific disciplines. It is
Stability is an important property in systems theory, as an extension of the Matlab software and is used to model,
unstable functions can generate unpredictable and unwanted simulate and analyze dynamic systems and processes.
responses in dynamical systems, while stable functions allow
for a better understanding and control of system behavior. Simulink is a graphical tool that allows users to create
system models using blocks and lines. Each block represents
a function or a process, and the lines indicate the flow of
information between them. Users can create custom models
by combining blocks and adjusting their parameters to
simulate system behavior.

The Simulink tool is used in a variety of applications,

including mechanical engineering, electronics, chemical
engineering, and systems engineering. Some examples of its
use include modeling and simulation of control systems,
analysis of electrical system dynamics, simulation of
chemical production processes, design and analysis of
transport systems, and simulation of biological systems.

Fig. 1. Plane of the waves howing the unstable, stable and critically stable Simulink is a powerful and versatile tool that gives users
an easy, visual way to model and simulate dynamic systems
and processes. Its integration with MathLab allows access to
a wide range of functions and tools for data analysis and
processing, making Simulink a popular tool in engineering
MathLab is a technical computing software that is used in and other scientific disciplines.
areas such as engineering, physics, mathematics and other
scientific disciplines. The name Matlab means "matrix lab"
Universidad La Salle Bajio, Perez Ramirez Maria Jose 75767. Simulink 3

B. Laplace transform
The Laplace transform can be used to analyze the behavior
of the system in the frequency domain, which can be useful
for determining the stability of the system. A system is stable
if the system's response to any finite input is finite and bound.
The Laplace transform can also be used to analyze the
system's response to different inputs and to design

Simulating dynamic systems in Simulink with Laplace

transforms can help simplify and accelerate the process of
designing complex systems. The tool allows users to model
and simulate systems with different types of inputs and
outputs, allowing evaluation of system stability and

Below are some examples of different Laplace transforms
within the Simulink Software to show how the function

Fig. 3.1. Exercise 2, graphics a) and b) (are stable)

Fig. 2. Exercise 1

Fig. 4. Exercise 3

Fig. 2.1. Exercise 1, graphics (is critically stable)

Fig. 4.1. Exercise 3, graphics (is critically stable)

Fig. 3. Exercise 2-part a) and b)

V. LIBRARY BROWSER of an input signal, which can be useful for change the level
Now there will be a breve explanation of each of the tools of a signal before it enters another block in the model.
that were used in Simulink for the graphs.
D. Sum
A. Step
The "Sum" block is one of the fundamental blocks in
The "Step" block is one of the most basic and common Simulink, found in the "Math Operations" library of the
blocks in Simulink. This block is located in the "Sources" block browser. This block is used to sum two or more input
library of the Simulink Library Navigator and is used to signals and provide an output that is the sum of the input
provide a constant step value input to a model. signals.

The "Step" block is used to simulate a step input in a In Simulink, the "Sum" block is used to implement
system, which means that the value of the input abruptly addition and subtraction operations in a dynamical system
changes from zero to a constant value at time t = 0. The block model. This block can also be used to combine different
allows the user to specify the value of the step and the time signals, such as input and feedback signals, and thus create
when the change occurs. In addition, the block can be an error signal that is used to adjust the output of the system.
configured to provide periodic step entry or with multiple
value changes in a given period of time. In addition, the "Sum" block can be used to implement
Boolean logic in a Simulink model, since adding or
subtracting two Boolean signals results in a Boolean signal.
B. Transfer Fnc El bloque "Scope" es un bloque de visualización que se
encuentra en la biblioteca "Sinks" de Simulink. Este bloque
The "Transfer Fnc" block is one of the fundamental se utiliza para visualizar señales de simulación en forma de
building blocks of Simulink, found in the "Continuous" gráficos de tiempo.
library of the library browser. This block is used to represent
the transfer function of a linear dynamical system and
E. Scope
essentially defines how the system responds to inputs.

The transfer function is an important mathematical tool in The "Scope" block is one of the most important blocks in
control theory, as it describes the relationship between the Simulink, as it allows the user to visualize the input and
input and output of a system. It is expressed as a polynomial output signals of the model and analyze the behavior of the
fraction representing the Laplace transform of the system's system. The "Scope" block can be used to see the amplitude
response to an impulse input. and frequency of a signal over time, as well as to detect any
problems or anomalies in the system.
In Simulink, the "Transfer Fnc" block is used to model
linear systems, that is, those in which the response of the The "Scope" block can be configured to display different
system is proportional to the input. The block allows the user types of charts, such as line, bar, area or histogram charts.
to specify the transfer function of the system in terms of The user can also scale the x and y axis, set the simulation
polynomial coefficients and gain constants. time, and add labels and titles to the charts.


Laplace transforms are a very useful mathematical tool for
The "Gain" block is one of the basic and useful blocks in analyzing dynamical systems in the frequency domain, and
Simulink found in the "Math Operations" library of the are widely used in engineering, physics, and other areas of
library browser. This block is used to multiply the input by a science. Laplace transforms allow a temporal function to be
constant value, allowing the user to adjust the gain of the represented in the frequency domain, which facilitates the
system. analysis of linear and nonlinear systems.

In Simulink, gain refers to the ratio of input to output of a Simulink is a real-time dynamical system modeling and
system. The profit can be adjusted using the "Gain" block, simulation environment that uses blocks to build models of
which allows the user to specify the value of the profit complex systems. Simulink blocks, such as "Step", "Transfer
constant. The "Gain" block is commonly used in controller Fnc", "Gain", "Sum", and "Scope", are essential elements in
design to adjust the sensitivity of the system and improve its the construction of dynamic system models and allow the
performance. user to simulate and analyze the behavior of systems in real
time. The "Scope" block is particularly useful for visualizing
The "Gain" block can also be used to adjust the amplitude
Universidad La Salle Bajio, Perez Ramirez Maria Jose 75767. Simulink 5

the input and output signals of the model and analyzing the
behavior of the system.

Together, the Laplace and Simulink transforms are

powerful tools for modeling, simulating, and analyzing
dynamical systems in engineering and other areas of science.
Simulink blocks allow the user to efficiently build models of
complex systems and analyze their behavior in real time,
while Laplace transforms allow time functions to be
represented in the frequency domain, facilitating the analysis
of linear and nonlinear systems.

[1] «Transformada de Laplace | Ecuaciones diferenciales | Khan
Academy», Khan Academy.
[2] «T. de Laplace».
[3] «T. de Laplace».
[4] Ruiz, L. M. S., & Fernández, M. P. L. (2002). Ecuaciones
diferenciales y transformadas de Laplace con aplicaciones. Editorial
de la UPV.
[5] E. Del Rosario, «4.3.3 H(s) – polos y Estabilidad del sistema con
Sympy-Python – Señales y Sistemas».
[6] H. Osborne, «¿Qué es Matlab y para qué sirve? »,, 1 de abril de 2023.
[7] «MATLAB - Simulink».
[8] «Lista de referencias - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks América

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