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Nature Of Business: Bakery Shop
Date Of Interview: March 12,2023

1. Why did you decide to start your own business?
= As the mother, wife and a daughter all I have in mind is to help my family in terms of
finances I started having this motivation and inspiration. I started baking, cooking and
catering in special events of my close friends, because of positive feedback's I was
encourage to continue until today.
2. What have been some of your biggest learning experiences in running business?
= In this food business it is very crucial since one mistake that you accidentally do it will
ruin everything. Some are my learning's in this business:
= Costumers are always right, we cannot justify everything since we put up to meet their
= Time management should be properly observe…even though we are running business
we should know what to prioritize.
= Cook and bake based on our customers preference every single details that we will
change we should consult them to avoid cancellation.
= Make your family occasions special like our costumers. In this way they will support
every endeavors that we want to do.
3. What do you think are your biggest weaknesses?
= My weaknesses is negative feedback's every time I heard it all I want is to be alone and
review in my mind every step that I do why it turns out like that.
4. What is the the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
= The hardest part of is managing my time because sometimes even though we plan
everything ahead of time there is still lapses.
5.How did you get the financing or money to start business?what were the advantages or
advantages of that type of financing?
= I started my business by the encouragement of my husband and by providing
everything I need… I did not have a second thought in starting it because I know it is my
line and since we have a poultry business I have an access to one of the main ingredient
of cake so everything is provided all I have to do is to work it out. To make my capital
double, triple and eventually expand.

I expect that my output encourage me and also to my fellow students to learn and gain
more knowledge this output is interesting and encouraging us if we plan to make a
business. And also I want thankful to Mrs. Josephine S. Alboc she is business woman that
I've interviewed. She share to me their experience in her own business and I encouraging
and interested on her answer is truthfulness and inspiring me.
Interview: JOEY B. ANTONIO
Nature Of Business: Joey’s Bread and Momma
Date Of Interview: March 12,2023
Interviewer: PAUL SIMON M. BILAG

1. Why did you decide to start your own business?
= I decide to start my business to buy foods, things that needed in the house and
especially for my family and to the thing needed for the schools for my kids and
especially for their future.
2.What do you think are your biggest weaknesses?
= my biggest weaknesses is the people who want to destroy me to others.
= negative feedback to my costumers in front of me.
3.What are the thing you should do to manage your business?
= the thing that I should do to manage my business are having a good work and, preserver
and self-confidence especially no matter what happens don’t give up.
4.What is the the hardest part of being an entrepreneur?
= There a lot of competitors and sometimes the income is small or big but the most
important thing is the time and days that I will waste especially if the income is not
enough to spend on daily needs.
5. Being an entrepreneur what do you want to advice to others who wants to build a
= Being an entrepreneur I want to advice to those who wants to build a business I want to
say no matter happens don’t easily give up, be patient, be realistic, and having confidence
to yourself, having strategy, skills so that you will be successful in your business.

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