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Clarence T.

11- Pyrite

Reaction Paper:
Flores fluorescent lamp and (our lack of) critical thinking which was written by Gideon Lasco
in March 2017 the article that focuses on the wrong information that is written and passed
down through school textbooks in the Philippines which causes people to bring it to their
adulthood and still unbothered whether the story was right or just a myth.

Agapito Flores was not the real inventor of the fluorescent lamp, not only Agapito we also
have Eduardo San Juan an Engineer who is known as the inventor of the Apollo in the said
textbook but the real thing is that he is just one of the team of inventor who built and design
the moon rover. While in Agapito case its just that because of his family name.

These are just some hoax or a myth that are passed down generation by generation this is
one of the article that will make us aware of the truth to avoid misinforming someone and to
be open-minded to certain things.

This story is still circulating through different textbook and through the internet. This prove that
we and some Filipino are really lack of analyzing skills and ignore the factual information that
is just in-front of them.

Also according to some writers like Queena Lee-Chua there is no scientific evidence and
there is no document that can prove that Agapito was the real inventor of the fluorescent

One of the best evidence that is given in this article is that when Peter Cooper invented the
fluorescent lamp in 1901 and Agapito is just 4 years old and still a little kid. That makes

I think they (Filipino) want their work to be recognized by other nationality around the world.
Filipinos are really "Likas na malikhain" or naturally creative on different level.

I feel so upset that this story is still up here and still no progress has happened why not
terminate the books with wrong information and make another one with the truth?. Or make a
clear statement that it was all a myth this things should be correct especially in school
textbook and explained by school teachers.

Maybe in the future people critical thinking is not the same with the current critical skills of the
Filipino and so that no more, or less misinformation and factual errors will prevail. I trust the
young generation because I am one of them.

Not just textbook but any other readable data should be verified first like Mulder said “For a
long period of time, and with considerable publicity, Go exposed the nonsensical material
and factual inaccuracies that are densely woven into current Philippine schoolbooks”  one
information can make a big impact to our lives like were brain wash from the hoax. I agree
to what Mulder said that he argues that factual errors are both effect of the lack of critical
thinking that we used in our society which is right that's what happened to Agapito story
and many other known Filipino tales.

There are some questions that been up to my mind right after reading this. Why do some
newspaper writers or journalist accepted this kind of information is it because they want to
be known? Or is it crab mentality?

I would recommend this article to people who kept spreading wrong information to others
and to young people to be aware and to make this thing mark in their mind.

And for people who don’t verify the truth and still not seek for facts. This article made me
realize that factualness is a must. Don’t settle for less seek for the truth we might left
something behind.
One thing makes difference make sure that every data you're gathering or absorbing
through your mind should be right and must be fact. Like this story of Agapito and Eduardo
search for proofs not for lies.]

I also seen that some Filipinos are still forcing themself because they have high pride.They

always think that they're right even though they know what the truth is they don't want to


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