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Who Is a Filipino?
Cut out pictures or illustrations from magazines and newspapers that show what
being a Filipino is about. Paste them below.
Answer the questions below in relation to what you have posted in the previous
1. How do the pictures remind you of being a Filipino?
Filipinos are tough and resilient. They have a sense of Patriotism and they
always think of the safety and goodness for everyone. Even they are in amidst of
any circumstances and challenges, they still manage to stand and up and keep
on going.
2. Are you proud of being a Filipino? Why and why not?
Yes, I am. Filipinos are tough and resilient, and I am glad to be one of
them. Filipinos have proven to be resilient and loyal in the face of adversity.
Filipinos are fighters because they never give up a battle, and when they do,
they put up a strong fight.
3. Imagine that you were of a different nationality. What would change in you aside
from your citizenship and origin?
Apart from my citizenship and origin, many other things would have
altered if I had been born into a different nationality. My childhood, family, and
social environment, as well as my cultural and social perspectives, would have
changed. Overall, it can be concluded that changing one's nationality will result
in changes in all aspects of one's life.
4. How extensive are the effects of being Filipino in your selfhood?
Respect for others, dignity, honesty, confidence in a Supreme Being,
humility, moderation in pleasure or indulgence in temporal things, love of
family, devotion to friends, and strength in the face of adversity or persecution
are just a few of the Tagalog values and characteristics.


1. Make an acrostic below which will describe you in relation to being a Filipino.
F – For eighteen years of my existence.
I – I live, with my blood as a Filipino.
L – Living with the love of our God, and also by our country.
I – I am safe; I am homed.
P – Placing God at the center.
I – In everything I do.
N – Never underestimate, for being a Filipino – is being an overcomer.
O – Overcomer and a conqueror.

2. Discuss how being a Filipino affects your “self.” How can becoming a better Filipino
influence your duty to becoming a better version of yourself?
Friendly, outgoing, sensitive, easily offended, boisterous, garrulous, direct,
hospitable, feisty, irreverent, good natured, intelligent, witty, gregarious, joyful,
generous, easy to laugh, gracious, easy to befriend, casual, fun loving, sensitive, and
hospitable have all been used to characterize Filipinos. Being a Filipino is seen as a
blessing in my life. It gives me strength and drive to keep moving forward, even when life
is difficult. Because I'm pleased to be a Filipino, I appreciate my culture and ethnicity. The
Filipino family is at the heart of the community.

Three Facts, One Fiction

Construct four sentences that should start with “I am______________.” Three of the
four sentences should be true about yourself. You can talk about your characteristics,
strengths, weaknesses, accomplishments, personalities, and behavior. One statement
should be a lie—something that you just made up about yourself.

1. I am in a long distance relationship.

2. I am a pet lover, and I have a dogs, rabbits, hamsters and fishes.
3. I am an Athletic person.
4. I am an introvert type of person.


Applying the same activity in the virtual world or cyber world, how do people
portray themselves online? What are the things that you would want to post/share online?
What are the things you want others to share online?

There might be a two types of self-presentation on social networking sites: genuine

self-presentation and planned self-presentation. People present an honest portrayal of
themselves and their lives in the former. In the latter, people selectively provide only
positive material in order to project a more positive image of themselves. On the other side,
I wanted to post in social media about Knowledge. Sharing information about an interest,
ability, or skill allows others to benefit from it. And a feedback that is open and honest.
Giving and receiving honest feedback helps people develop trust and loyalty.

1. Creative work. Form groups with three to four members. In an illustration board, make
a slogan or a poster about becoming a responsible Internet user. Use coloring
materials to improve your output. Share your output in class and record the
comments/reactions of your classmates.

2. Research work. Search from the library (books, journals, or websites) for the guidelines
used in identifying fake news. Share in class the result of your research work and your
own insights about fake news.

In a world where false news abounds, you can't expect to meet solely the truth as a
passive consumer of information. Academics must be cautious of information biases and
inaccuracies, particularly in news sources that cover contentious or political themes.
Learning to critically evaluate material is an important element of academic work. By asking
questions, understanding the technological features of online news sources, and completing
contextual research, this section of the guide will assist you in identifying false news.
Fake news, particularly politically driven fake news, has a number of distinguishing
qualities that set it apart from other forms of deception, such as satire and propaganda. Ask
yourself the following questions to spot bogus news:
Is it manipulating your emotions? When presented with an emotive subject, even
the best among us are prone to ignoring rationality. New headlines vilifying political figures
we disagree with, for example, are sometimes so satisfying to read that we are ready to
ignore inaccuracy.
Is it willing to take a stand on a contentious issue? A headline that makes a strong
statement on a sensitive topic, such as abortion, is more likely to attract attention than one
that takes a balanced stance. The amount of clicks generated by online news sources is
commonly used to earn income, and contentious items are more likely to be clicked on.
Is it full of hyperbole? A grain of truth, such as a quotation or the results of a research,
may occasionally be found in skewed news reports, which is then magnified. Even if you are
able to verify the facts, keep an eye out for exaggeration and distortion.
Is it going viral? If that's the case, are individuals sharing the news without critically
scrutinizing it?
Is this brand-new information? It's safe to assume that if you obtain the news before
all of the information is accessible, the information will be incomplete. When events are still
happening, it is simpler to spin a tale through speculation.
Is this a case of clickbait? Clickbait ("Here's how I dropped 25 pounds in two days!
Doctors hate me!") is a phenomenon that combines some of the above qualities (it's typically
dramatic, topical, and bombastic). To entice clicks and hide the unverified nature of its
content, clickbait requires an enticing title.


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