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3. Does the media have too much power?

For me yes, the media has far too much power over
people's opinion. We live in a time and age that
people are daily bombarded with news of any kind
not only on TV, on the radio or in the press but also
on the internet. Numerous news bulletins on the
same subject is a common phenomenon whose
receivers do not have time to develop an opinion of
their own and they just repeat what they heard,
seen or read without processing it. People,
nowadays, have been leading a very demanding life,
especially when it comes to their professional one
and it is widely known that they very little time to
be personally informed about current affairs or
discuss various matters with colleagues and friends.
As a result, they hear or read whatever news there
is either on the radio or on tv and the internet
(without filtering what they take in) and they do not
feel that they have heard the whole story unless
they have double checked it with the media. It is as
if they will not believe what fellow people say but
they will believe the journalist who will make the
announcement on TV. A fair example can be one
that has to do with politics. The public seems to be
driven or even guided during election period and
the people tend to use quotes by their favorite
politicians in order to persuade their family and
friendly environment to vote in favor of them.
Nevertheless, it is a sad

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