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Social media platforms are increasingly replacing traditional media as our sources of news and
information. Compare and contrast the strengths of traditional news platforms (newspapers,
television, and radio) and social media platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter). Propose a way to
improve one of them. Being sure to clearly show your opinion.

Some people argued that the way of broadcasting news is changing, and traditional media like
newspaper, radio and television is less used as information and social media platforms such as
Facebook, YouTube or Instagram, gains more popularity between young and adults. This essay draws a
comparison both traditional and social media the advantages of disadvantages of this novel approach.

The term "news" refers to information regarding current occurrences and this can be delivered in a
variety of ways. People tend to believe what they read in the news because, well, it's the news, and that
suppose it's written by professional journalists. Although traditional and social media can bear some
superficial similarities, they have clear differences in its reliability. For instance, social media can deliver
"immediate" news and a variety of information; however, it is critical to check and assess the
authenticity of this data. In case of conventional media is more trustworthy, especially considering the
fact that journalists have more experience and go through more editing procedures than their new-
media colleagues, resulting in more accurate reporting. Traditional media platforms continue to be a
reliable source of information, because there is no replacement for an objective, precise and reliable

People are increasingly turning to mobile devices for news, and conventional or social media sites are
taking advantage of this popularity. The increased usage of tablets and smartphones has led to a rise in
the quantity of news individuals consume. The differences between traditional media and social media
are pronounced about to access information and the coverage. For example, traditional media operates
by providing a single message to as many people as possible through a single mode of communication
over general networks such as radio, television, and newspapers. This implies that only the sender or
source of the information chooses what to publish, telecast, or broadcast, whereas the user only obtains
it. On the other hand, communication is two-way; in fact, two-way interaction is at the core of social
media marketing. Social media allows for a lot of flexibility in both the creation and sharing of
information. Social media is a type of media in which users connect with friends, relatives, or other
people, therefore helping to disseminate news and information more quickly than traditional media.

To conclude, there is no question that social media is a powerful force in spread news and information,
and traditional media can be reliable for their users. One proposes for improve traditional media is
integrate it on social media. Integrating traditional media on existing social media is challenging; but,
without integration across platforms is possible than traditional media faces a risk of disappear.

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