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True prayer acknowledges you will always work with whomever it is

appropriate that you work with, on whatever dimensional level. But first
and foremost, open yourself to those who are immediately in relationship
with, what you call, your guides and with your immediate reality. The
prayer idea is this -- prayer must always be in the present to be
effective, because All That Is exists only in the NOW. Thus, the true idea
of prayer is to envision and to feel and to radiate and to ask and express
gratitude for that which already exists. Instead of asking, "please give me
what I do not have," prayer is for the asking for assistance to be shown
what you already have, because you have already been given everything.
Everything has already been created, in that sense. And the manifestation
thereof is simply the process of being helped to be made aware that it is
already existing within the reality of your vibrational preference. So,
prayer is not asking for things that you don't have, but asking for
enlightenment to see what is already present, and thus, create or allow to
be created the manifestation of that which is already within you.

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