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BASHAR: Channeled by Darryl Anka

"Predictions -- Scallion"

Q: I have an interest in the name Gordon Michael Scallion.

B: Yes.

Q: Rather dramatic geophysical changes....

B: Yes, we understand. Many of these original predictions have already

been transformed, to some degree, by the mass-consensus. And, in fact, the
service provided by the fact that certain individuals will pick up on these
energies and make those predictions is for the very service of giving the
collective consciousness a chance to alter that prediction, if it so
desires. Therefore, some, not all, some of those original predictions have
already been transformed in other ways by the collective consciousness.
So, at any moment, when you hear a prediction, allow yourself to understand
something right off, as you say, number one, the very fact that you're
hearing the prediction adds energy to the overall equation of the mass-
consensus reality. And the very fact that it's there changes the energy of
the consensus reality, and may, by the very fact that it's there,
automatically render the
prediction obsolete.

Saying it, in and of itself, may be for the purpose of diffusing it, you
understand? Because it gives the mass-consensus the awareness that the
potential energy is there to go in this direction, and if that's not what
you prefer, get in touch with what you would rather prefer and alter this
energy. So, by the very fact that the announcement has been made, it puts
it into the awareness of the collective consciousness for debate, and
allows the collective consciousness to decide, to vote, as you say, as to
how it is they really best believe they need to experience the
transformation that that prediction symbolizes and represents. In all
cases, the predictions are usually, usually, accurately representative of
the timing of a shift. But that does not necessarily mean it has to play
out in the way the actual prediction was made; some of them might, but not
all of them will. And many of them have already changed to a great degree.
Does this make some sense to you?

Q : Yes, thank you.

B : Does this answer your question sufficiently?

Q : You read my mind.

B : Is there some other idea you wish to discuss?

Q : Ah ... no.

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