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Read the text and complete the sentences.

Do you go on the same kind of holiday year after year? If the answer to this question
is “yes”, it may be time for a change. Why not try one of these unusual holidays for an
experience you’ll never forget?
Sand-skiing Holidays
If you hate the cold but love skiing, you will enjoy a sand-skiing holiday. Instead of
skiing on snowy mountains, you can ski down hills of sand. Sand-skiing holidays are
becoming quite popular around the world. There are sand- skiing resorts in many countries,
including Qatar, Namibia and Nicaragua. Sand-skiing is a lot of fun and it’s also really good
exercise. If you decide to go sand-skiing, you’ll need skis and a good pair of sunglasses to
protect your eyes. You will also need to take light clothes with you so that you can stay
comfortable in the heat. Remember to pack a swimsuit. Many sand-skiers ski in these!
Riding Holidays
If you enjoy horse riding, you will probably like a castle riding tour in France. Ride
across the country from castle to castle like people did in the past. Get fit as you enjoy the
beautiful scenery and get to know the countryside. But before you book a riding holiday,
don’t forget to check the weather forecast. Riding is not much fun if it’s raining.
Working with Animals Holidays
If you love helping animals, this may be the holiday for you. Volunteers work with
animals in many countries around the world, such as helping elephants in Thailand, turtles
in Costa Rica or even injured lions and cheetahs in Africa! If you decide to go on this kind of
holiday, you can really make a difference.
These are just a few examples of the many exciting holiday ideas there are. So, if you
are planning a two-month holiday, or even if you are just going for a long weekend, it’s a
good idea to look for something a bit different to do. You won’t be sorry!

1.The purpose of this text is to

Advise you or whoever is talking to try different places to go on holidays if what you do is boring or always the
2.Three things you need for sand-skiing are
Light clothes, a pair of sunglasses and skis.
3.You won’t enjoy a riding holiday unless
You enjoy horse riding.
4.You will make a significant contribution if
You go work with animals on holidays.
5.You can go on an unusual holiday for two months or just
for a weekend
2 Answer the questions.
1. What can you do if you’re bored with the same kind of holidays?
Go on unusual holidays
2. How is sand-skiing different to skiing on snow?
Because sand-skiing is done on sand, the weather is hot while normal skiing is really cold because of the snow
and the place it is done (mountains)
3. Why don’t you need a warm jacket for sand-skiing?
Because it is done in places where the weather is hot
4. What are two advantages of a riding tour?
You get fit and at the same time you see the beautiful landscape
5. Why are Thailand, Costa Rica and Africa mentioned in the text?
Because those are places where you can go help animals like elephants, turtles or lions
3 Define the underlined words

The text is about places you could go if you are bored of going to the same places in holidays and it talks about
what you could do in those places, for example: sand-skiing, it’s the same as normal skiing (in the mountains)
but instead of snow it’s sand, and instead of cold weather it is hot. Another activity is a riding holiday, which
consists of riding all along a country riding a horse, so you would do exercise and also watch the landscape. Last
but not least would be helping animals, which consists of going to any country in the world and there you would
help animals that are hurt, in danger… That would be a big contribution to help the animals that are in risk of
5 You are going camping / on safari / on a trek with a friend and you are planning the itinerary.
Write to your friend and tell him / her about your plans. (120 WORDS)
Next week I’m going camping with my friend Jimena. We are going to camp in the middle of the forest for three
days, and we’ll do this because Jimena and I love extreme things like being almost eaten by a bear, almost dying
by starvation or the cold and rainy weather, etc. If we survived the three days and go back to our homes Maitena
Irene and Macuvi will give us fifty euros to each one of us, if we want the fifty euros we have to be sure that we
bring the next things:
A big and strong tent that can’t me moved easily by the wind, sleeping bags, obviously to sleep (at least with a
bit of comfort) food for two days and not three because in the 3rd day we’ll have to kill a bear and eat it, a
flashlight because Jimena is afraid of darkness and in the middle of the night in a forest it gets dark, a first aid
kit (or two), a backpack to keep all our clothes, toiletries and things in general safe and last but not least a big
bottle of insect repellent, actually, it doesn’t matter how big the bottle is, I’m sure that even if we use all of it
we’ll still be full of insects bites by the end of the activity.
Organise the text in three paragraphs:
1st: Introduction and explanation of what you are doing
2nd. Explain the itinerary, using the future tense (is it planned?)
3rd. Conclusion and farewell

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