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Sexualization -> women powerful

3rd wave
more recent
bridge 2ndwave-postfeminism
money/fame/sex okay as long as political message
politics = central element
the riot Grrrl movement in US female version of grunge
women don’t feel safe in punk concert
use pop cult economy always with political message
expanded ver of second wave that considers that capitalist economy is positive for women
so long as it has a political end

3rd vs 2nd -> different generation
3rd and post -> no lcear boundary -> both celebrate women power in public sphere
2 ndwave -> clear boundary: patriarchy

postfeminism is a movement, sensibility

women .sexuality and economic power have power to liberate women from men
money -> tool for liberation, freedom[\
money = freedom
week 11 consumerist body
 Aesthtetics
cult of the bpdy begin
 Everyday culture -> aestheticisized
 Life style -> through consumption
 Bourdieu -> disposition

 19 cent -> life style

 life style -> consuming choice

 Bourdieu: habitus

 Tastes are social -> to aquire cultural capital

 Ccwe do to project our life style

Consumer = victim (Marxist analysi)
Liberal theory -> consumer as a free agent ou capacity to choose what tobuy
Studies how ppl react to ad verts – we have power to switch the channel
balanced circuit of culture


 False consciousness: consumre have false idea what’s good for her (a bit
patrionizing; blame ppl of having false idea)
 Hegemony: (more balanced) how poer works in he modern world
ppl are brainwashed but they know that
we’re aware that its not real and yet we choose to buy those products
established a the ground level through peer pressure, commonsense everyday
culture we learn to enjoy products ideas that perhaps are not good for us in ad
whatever is trendy we learn that its trendy and we shoud own it but we want it any
way but we know its just a trend
pwer distributed among wveryone -> culture of consent -> we agree to buy them ->
we know adverts are not real but it works
 The culture identity:culture is no longer pure knowledge its industry, factoyry tyore
distributed to propaganda
very similar to political agenda (fascist)
 Frankfurt school: a Marxian group of philosophers
Focus on consumer

 Consumer ≠ brainwashed
 Agency
 Why do we consume
we find the use for them, certain need fulfill as we consume them
 From vertical to horizontal power
 Horizontal analysis -> consumer has his own motivation
fan sub culture
 Through internet age consumer can also be producer (prosumers)
e.g. harry potter, youtube

 Consumer passive
 Consumer active

Able Apply this theory to fashion item

Think of theory think of examples : false consciousness, hegemony

Circuit of culture

 Hat involve in all the stages

produced in factory bought in the shop
 Nike shoes
- design logo -> produce in factory
- consumption -> ppl who buy the shoes and use the shoe -> then throw away and
buy new
- identity: display yourself in public ม displaying our taste habitur who we arre in
terms of the user -> show that they workout
- representation: how they are presented in the media
- regulation: link between the company and government – hw many shops can nike
ca nopen, what kind of adverts can be shown and when
Week 13 postmodern bodies
 Traditional identities -> fixed for life
 Modernity -> fragmentation of identity , fluid, you can be wht=at you want, a
process always in the making
 Post modernity -> how we display our idenitiy through performsnce
 Walkng in the city Michel de certrau bodilty resistance, post modern body break the
rules of a bench
 Identification


Define post modernity

Erformance and identity, explain relation ship
How post modern body can move freely in the city – skateboarding
Week 14
Define the uncanny
The uncanny is the body that’s both familiar and strange
Create both fear and fascination
Sigmund Freud

Obsession with body that are not fully human

Freud -> the uncanny -> disgust + desire -> towrd things strangly familiar
Psychological aspect -

Uncanny developed into abject

The abject – the extreme version
Extreme disgust nd fear -> fear ist he most important part of it
Abject -> beyond fear
Fear a close encounter w bodily fluid primitive fear, not cultural
Beliefs based in universal distinction Purity and danger -> shared by everycult in the world
human brain object abnormal bodies e.g. snakes -> dangerous bodies strange shapeless
Week 15
 Humanism
 We’re just part of nature are we superior to animals
 We tend to prefer the designed reality > the organic reality
orenges in ads look more real

Important ideas

 The Cyborg Manifesto: elaborates women nature Donna harraway

 Mediatization: the body doesnot even count anymore completely virtual
body becomes dis embodied
experience life through mass media
Reality as a whole becomes increasingly hyperreal
we tend to prefer the designed > organic reality
7 questions choose 6
topics after midterm]but
should be able to talk abou the first

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