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Unit one questions

Geology science
1. What is geology?
 It is the study of earth dynamics
 It is the study of earth material
 It is a science that study the structure of earth
2. State the braches of geology?
 Environmental geography
 Engineering geology
 Educational geology
 Petroleum and economic geology
3. Various parts of geologic times include ?
 Achaean ( Precambrian)
 Paleozoic ( ancient life)
 Mesozoic ( middle life period)
 Cenozoic era
4. Importance of studying geology?
 Concerns the study of application of geologic knowledge for many
 It is a stage where students of different levels are taught about
economic geography which concerns the natural resource in geology
 It is the study of soil and water
 It is a field that concerns exploration and searching for natural energy
like petroleum
5. Structure of geologic time in ascending
 10 (ten year) decades
 100 (hundred years) century
 1,000 (one thousand years) millennium
 10,000 (ten thousand years) decem-millennium
 100,000 (one hundred thousand year)mega anum
6. The age of geological time is classified into five. Name them?
 Precambrian eon
 Paleozoic eon
 Mesozoic eon
 Cenozoic eon
 Phaneozoic eon
7. The structure of geologic time in Somalia is?
 Somalia is part of Gondwanaland in the beginning of geological
8. Different soil types found in Somalia
 Coastal types of soil
 Sedimentary lime soil
 Lime soil
 Black soil
 Yellow soil
 Volcanic soil
9. Causes of soil problems in Somalia
 Soil erosion caused by water and air
 Decomposed soil by high salinity
10. What is Era?
 It is a long and distinct period of history or a system of chronology
dating from particular events.
11.What is eon?
 It is a very long period of time which is longer than era

Unit two questions

The biosphere
12.What is biosphere?
 Is the study of living organism in a geographic area
 Is an area of the planet earth where organism especially all living
things survive.
13.There are four structure of the earth?
 Atmosphere
 Hydrosphere
 Lithosphere
 Biosphere
14.State characteristics of biosphere?
 It represents the zone in which all organisms live
 A large amount of carbon dioxide is exchanged between biosphere
and atmosphere
 There is strong inter-dependence between living things and non-
living things
15.There are 4 elements of biosphere?
 Soil
 Plants
 Animals
 Human
16.What is soil?
 Is a natural resources which covers a large part of the earth’s surface
and life on the earth depend on it for being direct or indirect source
of food
 Is the loose surface material that covers most land
17.Name types of soil?
 Black soil
 Red soil
 Yellow soil
 Sand soil
18.Write the other names of the following structure of the earth?
 Atmosphere ________ Air
 Lithosphere __________Soil
 Hydrosphere _________Water
 Biosphere ____________ Living things
19.List down 4 importance of soil for living things?
 It holds plants roots firmly in the ground
 It provides plants with water and minerals nutrients to survive
 It stores the nutrients for living organisms and provides animals with
 It interacts with the micro-organisms that live in it to decompose
organic materials so as to cycle nutrients.
20.Soil composition consists of?
 Organic matters
 Minerals
 Air
 Gases
 Water
21.State factors affecting soil formation?
 Weathering rocks
 Erosion by abrasion
 Sedimentation
22.What is a biotic element of the biosphere?
 Are any chemical elements that is found in the molecule and
compounds that make up a living things.
23.Biotic elements include?
 Human
 Animals
 Plants
24.What is forest?
 These are large area covered with trees
25.The most important forests in the world are as follows
 Equatorial forests
 Seasonal tropical forests
 Temperate and cold forests
26.Types of temperate and cold forests
 Deciduous forests
 Coniferous forests
27.Name factors affecting the growth of natural plants?
 Soil
 Topographical relief
 Temperature and sunlight
 Amount of rainfall

28. List down the importance of the natural vegetation resources?

 It maintains soil moisture and ecological
 It contributes to the prevention of deforestation
 It is a source of timber for many countries that use fuel, furniture and
medicinal purposes
 Numerous types of plants are used as fodder for animals while many
others are used as food by human
 It is also used in recreational and reserve areas
29.What are some of the risk threatening natural vegetation?
 Human misuse of natural vegetation resources by cutting forests
 Forest fires
 Droughts
30.What is deforestation?
 It is the cutting down of forests without replacing them
31.Factors affecting the distribution of animals on earth’s surface?
 Natural vegetation
 Climate
 Landforms
32.What is fishing?
 It is the process and methods of catching fish
33. What is fishery?
 It is the place where fish are reared?
34.What is climate?
 It is an average weather condition of a place over a long period of
35.Write the main seasons of the year?
 Winter
 Summer
 Autumn
 Spring
36.What is natural vegetation?
 Refers a plant community which has grown naturally without human
aid and has been left by humans for a long time
37.The area of pasture land in Somalia covers
 28.85 million hectares
38.During the heavy rainy seasons the pasture land increases up to
 36 million hectares
39.The pasture land represents a bout __________ % of the total area of the
 57%
40.It is estimated that the country Somalia has _______ heads of livestock
 39.64 million heads of livestock
41.The most fertile soil is the/
 Black soil or loam soil
42.Name the natural regions in the world?
 Temperate regions
 Cold temperate regions
 Cold arctic regions
 Mountain regions
 Hot regions

Unit three questions

Man and the environment

43.What is environment?
 Is the surrounding or conditions in which living things or organism
can operate
44.Why do we need environmental conversation and mangement?
 Proper utilization
 Sustenance of human life
45.What is environmental conservation?
 It is the preservation from destruction, waste or loss of natural
resources by careful
46.What is environmental management?
 It is the planning and implementation of the plan to ensure proper
utilization towards the exploitation and environment
47.State types of environments
 Natural environment ( nature)
 Geographical environment ( land)
 Physical environment ( man and things)
 Cultural environment (taboos, beliefs, totem and customs)
48.Another name of hazard is called?
 Risks
49.What cause environmental hazard?
 Flood
 Windstorm
 Lightening
 Pollution
 Drought
 Earth quake
 Human activities
50.What is hazard?
 It means danger
51.What is pollution?
 It is the introduction into the environment of a substance which has
harmful or poisonous effects
52.Write types of pollution?
 Air pollution
 Water pollution
 Noise pollution
 Soil pollution
53.What is global warming?
 It is the burning of fossil fuels that emits gases that cause damage
and changes in world environmental fraternity
54.G.M.F stands for?
 Genetic Modification Food
55.What is mining?
 Is the process of extracting minerals from the earths
56.What is agriculture?
 It is the cultivation of crops and rearing of animals
57.What is urbanization?
 It is the growth of towns
58.Main factors causing air pollution are as follows?
 Soil particulate matters e.g. dust
 Gaseous substances and toxic e.g. chlorine
 Bacteria and germs e.g. animals
 Natural and atomic radiation
59.What is desertification?
 It is the process by which fertile land becomes desert
60.What is transpiration?
 It is the process by which water moves through a plant and
evaporates into the air.
61.The first UNO conference on the environment which was held in?
 It was held in Stockholm in Sweden
62.Which year was first environmental conference was held?
 It was held in 1972
63.U.N.O stands for?
 United Nation Organization
64.U.N.E.P stands for?
 United Nation Environmental Program
65.What are some of the causes of desertification
 Reduction in rainfall amounts
 Lack of vegetation cover
 Soil erosion by wind and floods
66.State ways to prevent desertification?
 Prevention of agricultural practices that cause damage to the
 Application of renewable energy sources instead of firewood to
conserve vegetation cover
 Improvement of soil productivity
 To use water resources
 To make use of weather forecast
 Conservation of vegetation cover
67.What are the causes of shifting soil?
 Corrosion and erosion factors caused by winds and rains
 Destruction of vegetation
 Unrestricted overgrazing
 Human misuse of surface soil
 Poor agricultural practices by farmers
68.What are the some of the main agents of soil erosion ( shifting)
 Wind
 Water
69.List down ways to minimize soil erosion?
 Conducting extensive research about the cause of soil erosion
 Preserving sand dunes stability by constructing wind barriers and
 Collecting running waters and floods from rains in tanks and dams in
order to use them for agricultural irrigation
 Prevention of exploiting the outer layer of soil to prevent soil erosion
 Intensive tree plantation and increasing vegetation cover
70.What is soil erosion?
 It is the process by which the top soil is carried away by either wind
or water
71.What is flooding?
 Floods are overflow of water that inundates land which is usually dry
72.What are some of disasters left by behind by floods
 Loss of human life and properties
 Landslide
 Destruction of agricultural resources houses
 Soil erosion
 Disruptions to normal lifestyle
73.State the causes of flooding?
 Lack of preventative measure to restrain and prevent floods flooding
from densely populated areas
 Inability of soil to absorb water accumulation
 Drainage pipes are not wide enough to cope with the rain water
 Accumulation of construction material and debris on the pavements
and streets
 Lack of maintaining natural waterways which are either backfilled or
 Lack of enough drainage pump stations in urban areas
74.What is a drought?
 Is defined as a prolonged period of rainfall shortages during which
rivers, wells, and tanks become dry.
75.The study of solar is called?
 Astronomy
76.A person who study solar system is called?
 Astronomist
Unit four questions
Somali geography

77.Describe the location of Somalia?

 Somalia is one of eastern African countries. It is located in the horn of
Africa. Somalia has a geographical land area of 637,657km2. it also
has long coastline of about 3333km long. Its capital city is
Mogadishu. It consists of 18 regions. Somalia got independence in
1960s. the first president of Somalia was Aden Osman Abdille
78.Why Somalia is referred as the horn of Africa?
 Because of its resemblance on the map to a rhinoceros horn
79.State some of the prominent Somali owned private air-line industry?
 Jubba airways
 Air Somali
 African air ways
 Dallo air ways
80.Some of the recent telecommunication firms now which offer cheapest and
clearest phone calls in Somalia are?
 Hormuud
 Nationlink
 Somafone
 Netco
 Somnet
 Somtel
 Amtell
81.What is telecommunications?
 It is the transfer of meaningful information from sender to receiver
over cable or wireless media
82.State importance of maritime border for a country?
 It is a means of communication for the country with the outside
world without obstruction.
 It helps the country to interact with other countries through inter-
civilization exchange
 It provides the country with the privilege to exploit the various
marine resources
83.The last administrative divisions of Somalia during the rule of the central
governments were 18 regions or provinces as illustrated on chart below
1. Awdal Borama 7. Nugal Garowe 13. Lower Marka
2. North west Hargeysa 8.Mudug Galka’yo 14. Bakol Hudur
3. Togdheer Bur’o 9. Galgadud Dusamareb 15. Bay Baydhabo
4. Sanag Eirgabo 10.Hiran Baladweyne 16. Gedo Garbaharrey

5.Sol Lasa’nod 11. Central Jowhar 17. Central jubba Kismayo

6. Bari Bosaso 12. Benadir Mogadishu 18.Lowerjubba
84.State two types of humidity?
 Absolute humidity
 Relative humidity
85.An instrument that is used to measure humidity is called
 Hygrometer
86.An instrument that is used to measure temperature is called?
 Thermometer
87.An instrument that is used to measure rainfall is called
 Rain gauge
88.State structures of population?
 Age structure
 Economic structure
 Urban structure
89.What is an economic resource?
 These are resources used to carry out to produce goods and services
which business cannot operate.
90.What is economic?
 It is the production distribution and consumption of goods and
91.Name the main sectors in economic resources in Somalia
 Grazing sector
 Agricultural sector
 Industrial sector
 Fishery sector
 Foreign trade sector
 Tourism sector
92.State some natural restraints on livestock productivity?
 Impact of fluctuating climate factors
 Droughts
 The widespread of excessive grazing which threatens the pasture
93.List down the human constrictions on livestock
 Inefficient methods of production
 Ignorance on the part of the herdsmen and breeders about the
principles of animals husbandry
 Lack of veterinary and preventive medical services
 Lack of basic services
 Lack of concentrated feed
94.State ways to revitalize or develop the livestock sector
 Traditional grazing practices must be transformed into the modern
 Basic services for the sector must be available
 Dry and green fodder should be made available
 Domestic and international marketing area should be developed
95.What is agriculture?
 It is the growing of crops and keeping of livestock
96.What are the some of the agricultural organization and agencies
 Agricultural development organization ( ADO)
 The national banana board ( NBB)
 Agency for agricultural emergency program (AEP)
 Desert locust control authority ( DLCA)
 Agricultural machines and equipment agency (AMEA)
 Agricultural projects management(APM)- sponsored by Somali
government in collaboration with some foreign countries
97.State agricultural crops in Somalia?
 Cereals e.g. rice, maize, sorghum, millet and corn
 Vegetables and fruits e.g. tomatoes, potatoes, cabbages, mango and
98.Name two types of crops?
 Cash crops or commercial crops
 Food crops or subsistence crops
99. Write examples of cash
 Cotton
 Sugar cane
 Banana
100. State three main fish communities?
 Pelagic fish-surface
 Anadromous fish- middle
 Demersal fish- bottom
101. Write some of the constraints on the exploitation of fishery resources
 There is traditional view or superstition among Somali rural
population about eating fish
 The abundance of livestock is another cause
of a version to eating fish
 The soil fertility and the abundance of water in the south region of
the country encouraged people to migrate to the agricultural lands
to grow grains
 Lack of capital investment in the economic sector reflected upon all
aspect of life in Somalia
 Shortage of labor force due to lack of skilled labour in general and
migration to overseas countries in quest for a better life
Unit five questions
Population geography
102. What is population

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