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What is the meaning of ARPA

a.) Admission Requirement Policy Agency
b.) Advanced Robotic Process Automation
c.) Advance Research Project Agency*
d.) Administrative Promotion Radical Amber
2. Who is the founder of ARPANET
a.) Joven B. Villanueva
b.) J.C.R Licklider*
c.) James, Togupen
d.) Mha Lee boog
3. Who is the inventor of EMAIL
a.) Emilia Watson
b.) Andrew Silvia
c.) Harper Olive
d.) Ray Tomlinson*
4. Transmission Control Protocol does the following:
a.) Makes it possible for computer hardware to communicate with one another over a
b.) Creates a connection between a source and a destination
c.) Divides enormous data into smaller bits.
d.) All of the above*
5. Who are the developers of NSFNET
a.) US National Science Foundation*
b.) ISIS
c.) Jollibee
d.) US Department of Defense
6. What is "Sputnik"
a.) Orbit
b.) Earth
c.) Company
d.) Satellite*
7. What did Benjie Tan establish
a.) Strata Link
b.) Linux
c.) First connection to the Internet*
d.) Bolean function
8. How many computers are connected to the ARPANET
a.) 4*
b.) 9
c.) 3
d.) 0
9. What does WWW stands for
a.) World Wild Web
b.) World Wired Web
c.) Wide Wide World
d.) World Wide Web*
10. What does E-mail stand for

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