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Meet Our Team

Riska Aulia (11180625)

Indi Agnesti Reditha (111
Arno Sri Wibowo (111
1. History of the INTERNET 7. Implications for the future

2. How did the INTERNET developed 8. Tell about internet users & how does

9. What is the INTERNET
Implications for the future it affect for internet users

4. Basic services of INTERNET 9. The value of the INTERNET for

5. Uses of the INTERNET media institutions

6. Advantages and Disadvantages

Numb Year Incident
The United States forms a body within the United States Department of
1 1958 Defense, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which aims to
improve science and technology. One of the goals is computer technology.
2 1960’s ARPA developed the ARPANET to promote "Cooperative Networking of Time-
sharing Computers", with only four computer hosts that could be connected
until 1969, the Stanford Research Institute, the University of California, Los
Angeles, the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the University of
3 1971 Members of the ARPANET network increased to 23 computer nodes,
consisting of computers for research belonging to the United States
government and universities.
4 1974 Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn published detailed Transmission Control Protocol
(TCP) protocol specifications in the "A Protocol for Packet Network
Interconnection" article.
5 1977 There are already 111 computers connected to the ARPANET.
6 1978 The TCP protocol is divided into two parts, namely the Transmission Control
Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP / IP).
Numb Year Incident
7 1980’s Personal computers (PCs) are endemic, and are part of many human lives.
This year the ARPANET has a membership of up to 213 connected hosts.
BITNET services (Because It's Time Network) began, by providing e-mail
services, mailing lists, and also File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

8 1982 The term "Internet" was first used, and TCP / IP was adopted as a
universal protocol for the network. Name servers began to be developed,
allowing users to connect to a host without having to know the exact path
to the host. This year there are more than 1,000 hosts joined the Internet.
9 1986 Introduced a domain name system, which is now known as DNS (Domain
Name System) which serves to homogenize the system of address naming
on computer networks.

10 2004 The internet site has grown to 3000 page addresses.

11 This e-commerce, e-banking, blogging, and etc.
* Internet was born in late 1960’s.

* The internet has it’s root in the ARPANET system of the Advanced
Research Project Agency of U.S. Department of Defense which linked
together mainframe computers to form a communications networks.

* ARPANET is known as the forefather of internet.

The internet is a network of computers linking many different types of
computers all over the world. It’s a very large Wide Area Network
(WAN) connecting computers and networks around the world. It makes it
possible for millions of users to connect to one another via telephone
lines, cable lines and satellites
1. Electronic mail/E-mail
2. Mailing list or discussion group
3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
4. Tele Networking (Telnet)
5. Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
6. Newsgroups
7. Gopher
8. World Wide Web (WWW) or the Web
* It’s also known as e-mail in
* It enables to send and receive
a mail (message)
* It’s faster than paper mail
* Images, audio, video, can be
sent along with text
This service facility on the internet was built with
the same technique as the way to spread e-mail or
e-mail. This facility is used to spread a news or file
that is distributed to many users at once. Users
can hold discussions, seminars, lectures or
conferences electronically without being bound by
space and time. Discussions can take place every
day without stopping. The results obtained are far
more effective than holding conventional seminars
and conferences. This system uses one e-mail
address, where the person sends an e-mail to that
address, then the e-mail will be forwarded
automatically to all the e-mail addresses listed on
the mailing list.
•It enables users to move a file from
one computer to another computer.
• A file many contain:
-Text document
* Telnet service enables users to login to
another computer on internet from their
local computer for using:
-Computing power of remote computer
-Software on remote computer
-Database of remote computer
* This action called “remote login”
This IRC is a public chat facility that was
earlier than the current messenger system, for
example Yahoo!Messenger, MSN, Facebook Chat
and so on. IRC has a channel, where everyone
can communicate pubically. IRC can also make
you contact one particular person and have a
private text conversation with him called a
private message. You can also set up a
conversation with several people at a time at a
conference. Almost all of the features in
today's messenger are all here. It's just that
everything is done in text mode. There are no
images at all, even though it's just an emoticon.
Soal Teori :

1.Media apa saja yang biasa digunakan untuk menyambungkan sebuah

komputer ke Internet ?
2. Apa beda Hotspot dan Wifi ?
3. Sebutkan beberapa syarat untuk memilih sebuah Modem ?
4.Siapakah ISP pertama di Indonesia?
5.Jelaskan arti dari sebuah nama dan

Soal Praktek :

1.Dengan Search Engine Google carilah informasi tentang “antena

Wajanbolic e-goen dan antena Bazooka”, dan ceritakan dalam sebuah esssy
2.Dikumpulkan minggu depan dalam bentuk “print out”
Email kepanjangan dari Electronil mail, yaitu fasilitas
komunikasi dalam internet untuk mengirim surat secara
elektronik yang dapat menjangkau seluruh dunia.

Email dibedakan menjadi 2, yaitu :

1) Email berbasis POP (Post Office Protocol)
dapat mengirimkan email secara offline, dengan syarat
terdaftar pada komputer server dan menggunakan
software mail client (mis : MS Outlook, Pegasus) untuk
mengirim dan membuka email
2) Email berbasis Web
mendaftar account pada situs seperti google, yahoo,
hotmail, dsb secara gratis. Mengirim dan menerima
email harus online dan memerlukan web browser
1) Masuk ke
2) Klik Sign up ke Gmail
3) Muncul jendela baru yg harus diisi
identitas kita

4) Jika form sudah diisi maka klik tombol

dibawah ini
5) Jika email sudah berhasil dibuat maka akan muncul jendela seperti dibawah ini. Silahkan
cek email dan kirimlah sebuah pesan untuk teman-teman ke email mereka
ISP (internet Service Provider) merupakan
suatu badan / perusahaan yang
menyediakan layanan jasa internet.
Berikut langkah2 koneksi internet (dial up) :
1) Klik tombol Start, control panel. Lalu
pilih network and internet connections.
Jendela baru akan muncul

2) Pilih Set up or change your internet

3) Pilih next pada jendela baru yang muncul
4) Pilih connect to the internet. Lalu next
5) Pada jendela selanjutnya pilihlah Set up my
connection manually untuk koneksi
internet dengan dial up (menggunakan
telkomnet@instan). Lalu next
6) Pilih connect using a dial up modem. Lalu
7) Masukkan nama ISP, yaitu
telkomnet@instan. Karena kita akan
berkoneksi internet menggunakan kabel
telepon dari rumah kita. klik next
8) Masukkan nomor telepon untuk ISP telkom
080989999. klik next
9) Masukkan user namenya adalah
telkomnet@instan. Passwordnya adalah
telkom. Klik next
10) Jika langkah yang kita lakukan benar, maka
akan muncul jendela finish
11) Bukalah tombol start, lalu cari connect to.
Maka seharusnya telkomnet@instan akan
muncul. Pilihlah

12) Jendela baru akan muncul. Masukkan username dan

passwordnya. Lalu klik dial (Ingat, kabel telepon harus
ditancapkan dulu ke LAN card komputer)
13) Kemudian akan terjadi koneksi antara
komputer dengan ISP dari telkom. Jika
berhasil maka akan muncul tanda di
taskbar bagian bawah tanda koneksi
internet. Selamat !!
Download merupakan aktifitas mengambil
file, baik berupa dokumen, musik, film, dsb
dari situs internet untuk disimpan di
komputer. Berikut ini cara-cara untuk
download :
1) Buka web browser (pakai mozilla firefox)
2) Kemudian masukkanlah alamat situs
3) Ketikkan “komputer” pada jendela search
4) Bukalah salah satu filenya. Semisal yang
dibuka adalah
5) Isinya adalah tentang pengertian
komputer. Kalau ingin menyimpan
halaman web ini maka klik berkas (file),
simpan halaman dengan nama..
6) Jendela baru akan muncul. Pilih lokasi
penyimpanan dan beri nama, lalu klik
Fungsi logika IF berguna untuk menampilkan
dua kemungkinan hasil perhitungan dengan
mengacu pada syarat nilai tertentu

Fungsi logika IF memiliki operator

pembanding sebagai berikut :
= : sama dengan
< : lebih kecil dari
> : lebih besar dari
<= : lebih kecil atau sama
>= : lebih besar atau sama
Contoh Soal

Pada sel B11 ketikkan rumus logika IF


Maka :
1.Jika total nilai BUDI diatas atau sama dengan 65
hasilnya “LULUS”
2.Jika total nilai BUDI dibawah 65 hasilnya “TIDAK
3.Karena nilai rata-rata Budi adalah 74,28 maka
Sel B11 Budi “LULUS”

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