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The challenges and Coping mechanism in online classes

Online classes offer flexibility, convenience, access to diverse courses, and opportunities for interactive learning,
making them a valuable alternative to traditional classroom-based education. Online classes provide the flexibility to
access educational materials and participate in learning activities at any time and from anywhere. With online classes,
students can avoid commuting and the associated time and expense. However, one major challenge is the lack of face-to-
face interaction, hindering personal connections and reducing opportunities for immediate clarification. Students may
struggle to ask questions or seek clarification, and teachers may find it challenging to gauge students’ understanding
without visual cues.

Additionally, technical issues such as poor internet connectivity or platform glitches can disrupt the learning
process. Unreliable internet connections, software glitches, or hardware problems can disrupt the flow of online classes
and impede learning. This can be frustrating for both students and teachers. Another hurdle is self-discipline, as the
absence of a physical classroom environment can lead to distractions and reduced motivation. Without the physical
presence of a teacher or classmates, some students may struggle with self-motivation and staying focused. Distractions
at home can make it challenging to maintain a consistent study routine. Online classes can limit social interaction and the
opportunity for students to develop social skills, form friendships, and collaborate with peers on projects.

2. The COVID-19: Disruption of my daily life

In 2019, people were able to freely gather, socialize, plan vacations, and visit friends and family. My school was
open, as were extracurricular activities, field trips, and school events. I can go to movie theaters, live concerts, theater
performances, and other cultural events regularly. Not until January 2020 was the first confirmed COVID-19 case
reported in the Philippines. As time goes on, the number of cases increases until there is a mandatory quarantine to
prevent its spread.

My school was closed to prevent the spread of the virus. This led to a shift to online learning, which presented
challenges for me because I lacked access to reliable internet or the necessary technology. Isolation, limited social
interactions, and the uncertainty surrounding the situation have led to increased levels of stress and anxiety. As a
teenager, I want to have fun, but many extracurricular activities such as sports, music, the arts, and clubs were put on
hold or canceled due to the pandemic. Social distancing measures, restrictions on gatherings, and my inability to hang
out with friends, attend parties, or participate in group activities sometimes made me feel lonely. After the pandemic, it
has presented an opportunity for me to develop resilience and adaptability. I had to cope with challenging
circumstances, develop problem-solving skills, and learn to navigate new technologies.

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