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1. The oral cavity ends posteriorly at the ? 6.

Low fold of mucous membrane produced from the

a. Oropharyngeal Isthmus projection of sublingual gland into the mouth ?

b. Laryngo pharynx a. sublingual told

Nasopharynx b. plica fimbriata
C. Frenulum

2 . Where does the vestibule communicates when

the jaws are closed ?
7 .

triangular depression posterior to the 3rd mandibular

sublingual papilla molar tooth bet . the anterior border of the gramus &

b. Retro molar
temporal crest .

Retro molar Fossa
c. Retro molar Fossa a.

b. Piri form Recess

d. B & C
C. submandibular triangle

3. The duct of salivary parotid gland opens q .

Hard palate is formed by the

into the a. Palatine Process of maxilla & Horizontal Plate Of

on a small papilla vestibule
Palatine Bone
a. opposite the lower second molar tooth

opposite the upper 2nd molar
q .

The sensory nerves of the palate are

a. CN V3

b. CN V2
4- Roof of oral cavity proper
d. Tounge
b. Hard & soft Palate 10 .

supplies the gingivae

It ,
mucous membrane &
Isthmus glands of the most hard palate
c. oropharyngeal a. Naso Palatine N .

d. Teeth & alveolar arches b. Greater Palatine N .

g- submandibular duct opens on the 11 the free border of soft palate presents

a conical projection called

a. summit of a small
9. uvula
b Frenulum of tongue

b. Vallecula
c. plica Fimbriata
of the soft Palate innervated General sensation % Of tongue
2. All muscles ate
by 18 . for the anterior

Pharyngeal Plexus ; except :

a. trigeminal N .
through lingual Branch

Levator Veli palatini

a. b. Facial Nerve through Corda
b. tensor belipalatini N
c. Glossopharyngeal

c. Palatoglossus
Musculus uvulae is connected to the
1g . Ventral surface of the tongue
13 .
This muscle raises soft palate
floor of the mouth by
a. Levator Veli palatini a. Frenulum lingua
b. tensor belipalatini b. sulcus

c. Pala togloss us c. median fibrous septum

d. foramen cecum

e. Musculus uvulae

20 .
Major duct of sublingual gland
is a branch of a. Wharton 's Duct
14 .
Greater palatine artery Bartholin 's Duct
maxillary artery c. Duct of
b. Facial Artery
Ascending Pharyngeal Artery 21 .

The lingual & Ascending pharyngeal artery

is a branch of
a . t.CA
15 Which
part of the tongue is
Roughened by the

b. ECA
presence of numerous
papillae .
c. Facial
a. Dorsal
22 .
this muscle
divides the lingual artery
behind & lingual vein in
a. potato
gloss us
he This serves to divide the
tongue into anterior % &
b. Hyo gloss us

posterior 43
c. Genio gloss us
a. sulcus
d sty 1091055 US

b. median fibrous septum

c. foramen cecum

posterior third of the drains into

23 .
a. submental lymph .

duct that rise to

17 . Remnant of thyroglossal give b. submandibular & Deep cervical LN

thyroid gland c. Deep cervical LN

a. sulcus
b. Median fibrous septum
c. foramen cecum
zy .
Intrinsic & Extrinsic Muscles Of the tongue 30
This muscle is supplied by Inferior Alveolar Here
are Innervated by a.
Facial Lingual
a. b.

Hypoglossal g. Digastric M .

c. Glossopharyngeal d. Genio hyoid

muscle that divides the submandibular into 31 .
superior boundaries of Digastric Muscle

superficial deep parts Inferior border of mandible

& &
mastoid process
a. Mylohyoid ←
b. Sternohyoid b. posterior
belly of Digastric
style hyoid stylohyoid
c. Anterior
belly cervical
d. skin ,
platysma deep, fascias
26 Superior Boundary Of Submandibular Region

a. Anterior
belly of DM
" "
b. Posterior
32 .
Inferior boundary of submental triangle
Lower border of Mandible
c. Midline neck
a. of
d. Mylohyoid Hyoglossusi

Middle pharyngeal constrictor b. Hyoid bone

c. Anterior belly of DM
d. mylohyoid M .

27 .
Main blood supply of the tongue
Lingual Artery submandibular gland
b. facial Artery
33 .
Blood supply of
sub mental Facial
a artery

c- sublingual A-
b. sublingual A. Lingual

Both A RB
28 Where does
belly arises

d. Facial Nerve via ohorda

a. digastric Fossa

b. medial surface of mastoid process

c. .

posterior surface of styloid process

34 .

sensory branch of the posterior division of

mandibular division
of 6N 5 .

29 .
Pulls the Hyoid Bone upward &

resulting in elevation at the base of tongue a. Lingual Nerve

maxillary Nerve
a. stylohyoid c. submandibular
b. Mylohyoid
c. Genio hyoid
35 .

superior root of Ansa cervicalis and geniohyoid

is a branch of
Hypoglossal N .

b. Glossopharyngeal N .

c. Vagus N .

36 .
Inferno lateral boundary of the sublingual Region
a. Mandible
b. Midline genioglossus & hyoglossus
c. Mylohyoid
d. Mucosa of the floor
of month & Intrinsic
muscles of tongue

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