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Fast fashion is a term used to describe a business model in which clothing

manufacturers produce new designs and collections at an incredibly fast pace, often at the
expense of the environment. The impact of fast fashion on the environment is significant
and far-reaching.

First of all, fast fashion can affect negatively the environment through the disposal of unsold
or unwanted clothing. Many fast fashion brands produce clothing in large quantities, which
can lead to overproduction and excessive waste. When this clothing is not sold, it often ends
up in landfills, where it can take decades or even centuries to decompose.

Furthermore, fast fashion has a negative impact on the environment because of the often
use of harmful chemicals and dyes. Many fast fashion brands use toxic chemicals and dyes in
the production process, which can pollute waterways and harm wildlife.

Last but not least, fast fashion contributes to the problem of greenhouse gas emissions. The
production and transportation of clothing require large amounts of energy, which can come
from fossil fuels such as coal and oil. That will cause air pollution and it will influence
people’s health.

In conclusion, it is evident that fast fashion has a serious impact on the environment.
That’s why we have to minimize it by starting and buying more sustainable and eco-friendly
clothing in order to save the whole planet.

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