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Republic of the Philippines

Region VI-Western Visayas

Department of Education
Division of Iloilo
Aguiauan, Miagao, Iloilo
SY 2022-2023


Summative Test
Name: ________________________________ Grade/Section: _______________ Score: ___/60
Teacher: JONADHE C. MONDEJA Date: __________________


1. It is a group of people who participate in a show.

a. audience b. convention c. producer d. sponsors

2. These are systems of signs, which create meanings.

a. codes b. conventions c. symbolic d. technical

3. It shows what is beneath the surface of what we see.

a. codes b. message c. symbolic d. technical

4. It is communication sent by the media to its audience.

a. codes b. message c. symbolic d. technical

5. It is defined as a source of credible and current information.

a. data b. information c. internet d. media

6. These are the generally accepted ways of doing something.

a. codes b. conventions c. symbolic d. technical

7. It is the knowledge that you get about someone or something.

a. information b. media c. literate d. technology

8. It is the capacity to understand, analyze, and critique the media.

a. media b. media literacy c. information literacy d. media and information literacy

9. These are gadgets you wear but there are important distinctions.
a. 3D Environment b. MOOC c. Wearable technology d. Ubiquitous learning

10. It is a bunch of rights in certain creative works like texts and artistic works.
a. addiction b. copyright c. plagiarism d. virtual self

11. Its resources must be organized and should undergo with a review process.
a. indigenous b. internet c. library d. media

12. It is the most popular source of information and the preferred choice for news.
a. indigenous b. internet c. library d. media

13. It is an unusual great interest in something or a need to do or have something.

a. addiction b. bullying c. digital divide d. netiquette

14. Is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web.
a. indigenous b. internet c. library d. MOOC

15. These are all the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text.
a. codes b. conventions c. symbolic d. technical
16. It is a set of abilities to recognize when information is needed and use it effectively.
a. media literacy b. media convergence c. information literacy d. media and information literacy
17. It is the use of good manners in online communication like e-mails and social media.
a. addiction b. bullying c. digital divide d. netiquette
18. It is often referred to as virtual reality or interactive and have a figurative appearance.
a. 3D b. film c. movie d. music

19. It is the number of percentage in television given by the US adults in their survey polls.
a. 10% b. 12% c. 21% d. 30%`

20. It is the idea providing the individual with the opportunity of trying out different personality.
a. addiction b. copyright c. plagiarism d. virtual self

21. It is the act of taking another person’s writing, conversation and passing it off as your own.
a. addiction b. copyright c. plagiarism d. virtual self

22. It is a person who has the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.
a. computer literate b. information literacy c. information literate d. millennial

23. It is often simple defined as learning anywhere and anytime through the use mobile technologies.
a. internet b. library c. MOOC d. ubiquitous learning

24. It is the interpenetration of global media technologies to sustain the local culture rather than to replace it.
a. addiction b. copyright c. glocalization d. virtual self

25. It is copying of copyrighted material done for a limited and transformative purpose like book review and parody.
a. addiction b. fair use c. netiquette d. plagiarism

26. It is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance.
a. addiction b. bullying c. digital divide d. netiquette

27. It is defined as forms of media expression conceptualized, produced, and circulated by indigenous people around the globe.
a. indigenous media b. internet c. library d. MOOC

28. It is the tendency that as media and technology changes, different technological systems evolve toward performing similar task.
a. media literacy b. media convergence c. information literacy d. media and information literacy

29. It is a term that refers to the gap between demographics and regions that have access to internet and those who does not
a. addiction b. bullying c. digital divide d. netiquette

30. It is the collection of techniques, skills, methods and processes used in the production of goods or services or in the
accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation.
a. information b. literacy c. media d. technology

31. It is the ability of an individual, working independently and with others, to responsibly, appropriately and effectively use
technology tools to access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create and communicate information.
a. media b. media literacy c. information literacy d. technology literacy


A. Based on the BIG6 skills founded by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, match each skill by its definition.

_____32. It is to identify sources of information. a. locate

_____33. It is to arrange all the information logically. b. evaluate
_____34. It is to examine all the resources that were found. c. select and analyze
_____35. It answers the question, what information is needed? d. create and present
_____36. It is where all the information you gathered are presented. e. clarify and understand
_____37. It involves the critical checking of the completion of the task. f. organize and synthesize
B. Identify the effect that is being described by the given statement.

_____38. Workforce transformation. a. Improved quality of life

_____39. Fewer education budgets to be spent. b. More cohesive social units
_____40. Helps the community to build sense of unity. c. Greater political participation
_____41. Availability of quality healthcare, longer life. d. Better economic opportunities
_____42. Enhance the creation of knowledge driven, inclusive, e. Improved learning environment
pluralistic, democratic, and open societies.


A. Tell whether the statement given is under with Opportunities, Challenges, or Power of Media and Information. Write O for
Opportunities, C for Challenges and P for Power.

_____43. News Industry _____45. Information Is Free For All

_____44. Influential Celebrities _____46. Promotion Of Information Literacy

B. Identify the following sources of information whether it is Print Media, Broadcast Media, or Social Media. Write PM for Print
media, BM for Broadcast media and SM for Social Media.

_____47. Film _____49. Books _____51. Facebook

_____48. Radio _____50. Journals _____52. Magazines


Give the four ages in the development of media and information. Arrange it based on the sequence of events and give one (1)
example in each age on the tools they used in communication.

53-54. 59-60.

55-56. 57-58.
Prepared by: _______________________ Checked and Approved by: ______________________
Subject Teacher Principal II

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