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Sanitary Engineering
Illness Prevention: Sanitation is critical in preventing illness transmission. Access to clean
water, effective waste management, and sanitary behaviors all contribute to decrease the spread
of waterborne, airborne, and vector-borne illnesses. Sanitation facilities such as toilets,
handwashing stations, and sewage systems help to keep the environment clean and healthy,
lowering the danger of illnesses such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, and other infections.
Environmental Protection: Sanitation is critical for environmental preservation and protection.
Proper waste management systems, such as wastewater treatment and solid waste disposal, aid in
the prevention of contamination of bodies of water, soil, and air. Sanitation procedures guarantee
that human waste, industrial effluents, and other hazardous pollutants are handled and disposed
of in an environmentally friendly way.
Improved Quality of Life: Sanitation facilities and practices significantly contribute to
improving the overall quality of life for individuals and communities. Access to clean and safe
drinking water, adequate sanitation facilities, and hygienic practices enhance personal hygiene,
reduce health risks, and promote well-being. Proper sanitation also fosters dignity, privacy, and
safety, particularly for vulnerable populations such as women, children, and people with
Economic Development: Sanitation has a profound impact on economic development.
Adequate sanitation facilities and practices positively influence productivity, workforce health,
and educational outcomes. Improved sanitation leads to reduced healthcare costs and increased
productivity due to decreased illness and absenteeism. Additionally, proper sanitation
infrastructure attracts investments, tourism, and business development by ensuring a healthy and
hygienic environment.
population growth rate per year:
Population in 2015 = 80,000 Population in 1985 = 23,330
Population growth rate per year = (Population in 2015 / Population in 1985)^(1/30) - 1
Calculating the growth rate: Growth rate = (80,000 / 23,330)^(1/30) - 1 ≈ 0.0449 or 4.49%
(rounded to 2 decimal places)
estimated population in 2045 using the geometric population estimation formula:
Population in 2045 = Population in 2015 * (1 + Growth rate)^(2045 - 2015)
Population in 2045 = 80,000 * (1 + 0.0449)^(2045 - 2015) Population in 2045 ≈ 80,000 *
(1.0449)^30 ≈ 80,000 * 1.5478 ≈ 123,824
total water demand for heavy industries:
Heavy industries land mass = 75 ha Daily water usage per hectare for heavy industries = 45,000
Total water demand for heavy industries = Heavy industries land mass * Daily water usage
per hectare Total water demand for heavy industries = 75 ha * 45,000 Litres/ha = 3,375,000
the total water demand for light industries: Light industries land mass = 40 ha Daily water
usage per hectare for light industries = 30,000 Litres
Total water demand for light industries = Light industries land mass * Daily water usage per
hectare Total water demand for light industries = 40 ha * 30,000 Litres/ha = 1,200,000 Litres
estimated average daily water demand in 2045 per capita: Daily water demand per capita in
2045 = 200 Litres
Estimated average daily water demand in 2045 = Total water demand for heavy industries +
Total water demand for light industries + (Population in 2045 * Daily water demand per capita in
Estimated average daily water demand in 2045 = 3,375,000 Litres + 1,200,000 Litres +
(123,824 * 200 Litres) Estimated average daily water demand in 2045 = 4,575,000 Litres +
24,764,800 Litres Estimated average daily water demand in 2045 ≈ 29,339,800 Litres
29,339,800 Litres.

Site 1:

Dissolved Oxygen (DO): The dissolved oxygen level at Site 1 is 2.5 mg/l. This value indicates a

relatively low concentration of oxygen in the water. Low dissolved oxygen levels can be an

indicator of poor water quality and may suggest reduced oxygen availability for aquatic

organisms. It could be a result of factors such as organic pollution, high nutrient levels, or low

water flow.
Ammonia (NH3): The ammonia concentration at Site 1 is 1.8 mg/l. This level suggests the

presence of ammonia in the water, which can be a sign of organic pollution or the decomposition

of organic matter. Elevated ammonia levels can be detrimental to aquatic life and indicate the

potential for nutrient imbalances.

Phosphorus (P): The phosphorus concentration at Site 1 is 18 mg/l. This high level of

phosphorus indicates a significant input of nutrients into the water, often associated with

pollution from sources such as agricultural runoff or wastewater discharges. Elevated phosphorus

levels can lead to eutrophication, which can result in excessive plant growth, oxygen depletion,

and ecosystem imbalances.

Based on these observations, Site 1 exhibits signs of poor water quality, potentially

indicating pollution and nutrient imbalances.

Site 2:

Dissolved Oxygen (DO): The dissolved oxygen level at Site 2 is 15.5 mg/l. This value indicates

a high concentration of oxygen in the water. Adequate dissolved oxygen levels are essential for

supporting healthy aquatic ecosystems and indicate good water quality and oxygen availability

for aquatic organisms.

Ammonia (NH3): The ammonia concentration at Site 2 is <0.01 mg/l. The value "<0.01"

suggests that the ammonia concentration is below the detection limit of the measurement method

used. This indicates a very low or negligible presence of ammonia in the water, indicating a lack

of organic pollution or decomposition of organic matter.

Phosphorus (P): The phosphorus concentration at Site 2 is <0.01 mg/l. Similarly, "<0.01"

indicates that the phosphorus concentration is below the detection limit of the measurement
method. This suggests a very low or negligible presence of phosphorus in the water, indicating

minimal nutrient input or pollution from phosphorus sources.

Site 2 exhibits signs of good water quality, with high dissolved oxygen levels and negligible

ammonia and phosphorus concentrations.


i. Population Growth: The projected population growth within the design period is a

critical parameter. It helps estimate the future wastewater flow and design capacity

requirements of the sewage system. Population projections should consider factors such

as urbanization rates, demographic changes, and development plans.

ii. Wastewater Generation Rates: The estimation of wastewater generation rates is crucial

in determining the sizing and capacity of the sewage system components. It involves

assessing factors such as water consumption patterns, per capita wastewater generation

rates, industrial contributions, and infiltration/inflow considerations.

iii. Land Use and Development Plans: The land use and development plans for the area

play a significant role in determining the design period of a sewage system. Assessing

current and future land use patterns helps identify areas with increased wastewater

generation, potential industrial zones, and the need for system expansions or


iv. Technology and Infrastructure Lifespan: The selection of sewage system technologies

and materials should align with the anticipated design period. Consideration should be
given to the lifespan and durability of infrastructure components to minimize the need for

frequent repairs or replacements during the design period.


Flow rate = 2000 m³/h = 2000 * 1000 = 2,000,000 L/h

Influent suspended solids concentration = 500 mg/L Influent flow rate = 2,000,000 L/h

Xo = Influent suspended solids concentration * Influent flow rate / 1000 (to convert mg to kg)

Xo = 500 mg/L * 2,000,000 L/h / 1000 = 1,000,000 kg/h

(influent suspended solids) is 1,000,000 kg/h.

the amount of raw sludge produced: Fraction of suspended solids removed in the primary

clarifier (k) = 0.7 Amount of raw sludge produced = k * Xo

Amount of raw sludge produced = 0.7 * 1,000,000 kg/h = 700,000 kg/h

Amount of raw sludge produced is 700,000 kg/h.


Grid Distribution Layout: The grid distribution layout is a common and widely used layout for

urban areas. It involves a network of interconnected pipelines forming a grid pattern, providing

multiple routes for water to flow. This layout ensures redundancy and reliability, as water can be

supplied from different directions in case of pipe breaks or maintenance.

a simplified grid distribution layout:

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Radial Distribution Layout: The radial distribution layout is typically employed in areas where

water is supplied from a centralized source, such as a water treatment plant or a pumping station.

It consists of a central point of supply with pipelines radiating outward, supplying water to

various branches and sub-branches.

a simplified radial distribution layout:


Loop Distribution Layout: The loop distribution layout is designed to minimize dead ends and

provide continuous circulation of water within the system. It involves the formation of

interconnected loops, ensuring multiple supply routes and balanced flow. This layout is

particularly suitable for areas with high water demand or critical facilities that require constant

water availability.
a simplified loop distribution layout: ┌───────┐

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