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Name: ELLIOT, JOVELYN M. Section: BSAIS 121


SCENARIO 1: Leadership for Quality at Kentucky Corporation

Kentucky Corporation is a diversified technology company that operates in the highly competitive
electronics industry. Kentucky relies on its employees' dedication to outperform the competition
worldwide in the areas of quality and productivity. The focus of Kentucky's leaders is on individuals and
helping them achieve their peak performance levels. But there is a problem, the managers of Kentucky
Corporation seem to accept whatever recommendation of the employees without weighing its pros and

QUESTION: What is the most appropriate strategy the Kentucky managers should employ in order to
eliminate the organizational problem and promote leadership? Explain your answer.


In the technology industry, The Kentucky Corporation competes fiercely. The corporation is
confident in its workers' abilities to make proposals and outperform the competition on a global
scale in terms of quality and productivity. However, the leader doesn't seem to consider the
potential effects of what their members suggest on their business before accepting it. The
Kentucky Corporation should use the Democratic Leadership style as one of its primary
leadership philosophies in order to address organizational issues and foster leadership. The
Manager will be able to include the workers in suggesting ideas and plans by putting the
Democratic Leadership into practice. However, the manager will still make the final choice after
obtaining the information and suggestions from the team members. In addition, the Kentucky
Corporation should employ goal-oriented leadership, which is the second most suitable
leadership style. This leadership style will make it easier for the manager to remind the team to
fully focus on the company's objectives. This will assist the members in considering their
recommendations and in making judgments that are wholly in line with the company's goal or

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