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Cue dependent forgetting

is one type of forgetting refers to a condition when a person is unable to

recall information because the environmental cues or content present during
learning are not present during other words the retrieval cues that
were present during encoding are not present during retrieval.Cue-
dependent forgetting is very common in our real-life conditions and can be
illustrated by the following examples:

Case 1

Abebe always washes his face after waking up in the morning. Then he picks
up a toothbrush from the bathroom mirror and brushes his teeth. The next
day, Abebe's mother picked up the toothbrush from its usual place (on the
bathroom mirror) and put it somewhere outside the bathroom when she
cleaned the mirror. The following morning, Abebe washes his face as usual.
But he forgot to brush his teeth. In this case, the toothbrush was used as a
cue because when Abebe sees the toothbrush, it gives Abebe a clue to brush
his teeth. But when the cue (a toothbrush) is taken from its usual location (on
the bathroom mirror) he forgets to brush his teeth. This case is the best
illustration of cue-dependent forgetting because his forgetting depends on
the absence of a cue (a toothbrush).

Case 2

Someone may have created a password for a website or app at the

workplace, but when he or she tries to log in from home, it may be difficult to
remember the password. This is because the cues and context of the work
environment (such as the computer and desk) were not present during the
second login attempt, making it more difficult to recall the password.

Case 3
selam is studying for an exam in a quiet room with no distractions. She is able
to recall all the information she studied when she takes the exam in the same
quiet room. However, if she takes the exam in a noisy room with lots of
distractions, she may not be able to recall all the information she studied
because the cues that were present when she studied are not present when
she takes the exam.
Here is a possible exercise report of 7 days:

Monday: I started the week with a 30-minute jog around the park. It was a sunny day and I enjoyed
the fresh air. I felt energized and ready for the day. I also did some stretching exercises to warm up
and cool down.

Tuesday: I did a HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workout at home. I followed a video that had 10
exercises, each for 40 seconds with 20 seconds rest. The exercises included burpees, squats, lunges,
push-ups, planks, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, etc. It was a challenging but fun workout that
made me sweat a lot.

Wednesday: I took a rest day to recover from the previous workouts. I did some light yoga and
meditation to relax my body and mind. I also drank plenty of water and ate healthy foods.

Thursday: I went to the gym and did a strength training session. I focused on my upper body and did
exercises such as bench press, shoulder press, lat pulldown, bicep curl, tricep extension, etc. I used
moderate weights and did 3 sets of 10 reps for each exercise. I felt strong and confident.

Friday: I did another HIIT workout at home, but this time with different exercises. I followed another
video that had 12 exercises, each for 30 seconds with 10 seconds rest. The exercises included skaters,
jump squats, side planks, bicycle crunches, spiderman push-ups, etc. It was another intense but
rewarding workout.

Saturday: I went for a hike with some friends. We chose a scenic trail that had some hills and views.
We walked for about 2 hours and enjoyed the nature and the company. It was a great way to socialize
and exercise at the same time.

Sunday: I ended the week with a relaxing swim at the pool. I swam for about 40 minutes and did
different strokes such as freestyle, breaststroke, backstroke, etc. Swimming is one of my favorite
activities because it works the whole body and is low-impact.
Overall, I had a productive and balanced week of exercise. I tried to vary my workouts and include
cardio, strength, flexibility, and recovery. I also listened to my body and adjusted the intensity and
duration accordingly. I feel proud of myself for sticking to my plan and achieving my goals.

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